Sagan, Carl
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 November 2012
A unique and discredited astronomer. He invites us to envision a world that never was, a world to be explored, with endless possibilities, abundance, interstellar travelers, true freedom. Carl Sagan explains with melancholy how the world could have been if the Ionian pre-socratic cosmologists had spread their knowledge to the world.
Carl Sagan was a foreign astronomer and lone rider of true knowledge. He knew, loved, and protected more about the Ionian visionaries of a past long forgotten than the dogmatic neo-Greek academic copycats of false science and knowledge, who betrayed and forgot their true ancestors.
Long live carl sagan.
You will be remembered.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 December 2012
Carl sagan was a true descendant [a true friend of knowledge = philo(friend)sopher(sophia=wisdom=knowledge)] of the long forgotten Ionian pre-socratic cosmologists.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 17 December 2009
Astronomer Dr.Sagan described five regular solids principle geometry and the "ether" or "dodecahedron" of Ancient Hellenic proto-scientists. These intellectual giants like Democretos, Plato, and the Pythagorians preserved universal, archetypal, pre-lunar knowledge of the structure and nature of the universe or cosmos or tauto-time-tauto-space-tauto-cosmic logos. (Meaning: Universe and God-Logos is the same and we are all parts of a Cosmic Organism.)
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 November 2012
A unique and discredited astronomer. He invites us to envision a world that never was, a world to be explored, with endless possibilities, abundance, interstellar travelers, true freedom. Carl Sagan explains with melancholy how the world could have been if the Ionian pre-socratic cosmologists had spread their knowledge to the world.
Carl Sagan was a foreign astronomer and lone rider of true knowledge. He knew, loved, and protected more about the Ionian visionaries of a past long forgotten than the dogmatic neo-Greek academic copycats of false science and knowledge, who betrayed and forgot their true ancestors.
Long live carl sagan.
You will be remembered.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 December 2012
Carl sagan was a true descendant [a true friend of knowledge = philo(friend)sopher(sophia=wisdom=knowledge)] of the long forgotten Ionian pre-socratic cosmologists.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 17 December 2009
Astronomer Dr.Sagan described five regular solids principle geometry and the "ether" or "dodecahedron" of Ancient Hellenic proto-scientists. These intellectual giants like Democretos, Plato, and the Pythagorians preserved universal, archetypal, pre-lunar knowledge of the structure and nature of the universe or cosmos or tauto-time-tauto-space-tauto-cosmic logos. (Meaning: Universe and God-Logos is the same and we are all parts of a Cosmic Organism.)
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