Sunday, 4 September 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 25 July 2013

Earth has been inhabited by the White pelasgian race for almost 3.5 million years.  They first came into contact with the indigenous Black race (4.5 billion yrs old, born together with the planet Earth).  An agreement  was signed  that granted the pelasgian race the northern countries in return for advanced technology and communication with the rest 70 billion planets inhabited by anthropoid people.  Our solar system came under siege in 11.500 b.C when the Draconian starfleet, under command of YHWH, reached our part of the solar system, following their defeat and destruction by the Galactic Government  in the star systems of Draconis and Bootes through  the “Perseus” mission.

The Intergalactic Government of Andromeda , a defensive race of exquisite intellect (the most advanced in our part of the universe) master-planned a mission called Perseus to strike directly at the heart of the Draconian rebellion, as depicted in reverse by the “Star Wars” motion picture.  Following the success of the mission, various star systems began to liberate themselves from Draconian influence.  However, in 11,500b.C. one last Draconian starfleet managed to escape to our solar system, consisting of 118 war planets and 2 flagship mega-starships named Levan (moon) and Lilith.  They literally pleaded for a permission to land their populations on Earth for survival reasons, which was granted by the headqaurters of Dias (Zeus), but only under certain terms and conditions.  They were to disembark only on the land of Poseidon, the continent of Atlantis. The entire process lasted from 11.000 b.C to 10.500 b.C.. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 14 July 2013

Lunatic James Grant:

…… the past I have endorsed G.H.Rees, they put out a lot of good information.....but it is the 1 percent that they hold back that fucks you over.  The point is they don't want you going anywhere.  So Zeus when you flip the Z you get sueN....well sueN is SIN.  Me and my friend decoded Zeus and Perseus as the same being and it comes back down to containers (bodies) where Medusa had the same body as Perseus or Zeus... it kind of makes sense that would be as a coup- DE-tat in body format, seeing as Zeus hijacked the moon from the builder Hephaestus.... now makes sense "G.H.Rees are LUNAr AGentS" bottom line, they are lying.... they lied about tungsten, ...I can back it up, a movie the "core" so they are lying they are lying... so I am officially calling you out G.H.Rees, lunar agents.  Their symbolism proves it, their "Andromeda Poster" I will be writing out an article putting this all together: Andromeda had chains on her, (picture of Andromeda star system) and if you look at Dark Sliders to Lilith, Lilith who is the second moon of course, she's got chains as well.... what we have here is a huge lunar deception, with lunar agents all around you.... no one will tell you what you need to know to save your soul. Because face it, they want you to burn in the fire..... in the soul ovens...... just to keep the cycle going.  Its like the perfect purpose, they say, no you can't blow up the moon, its better that souls are destroyed then go to the moon..... we need to do what we need to do..... these people (G.H.Rees) are liars....


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 22 December 2012

Neither carols nor birth of the god-man are Christian celebrations.  They had been in existence for at least a thousand years before the appearance of Christianity.  Carols were celebrated in remembrance of massive calling-up to arms to face invaders from the East, since the period of the Earthy Perseus and the birth of the god-man was about the birth of the God Dionysus or Bacchus or Iacchus or Jason.  After their enforcement, various religions replaced the Academies of Sciences with <<holy>> temples and ancient celebrations with new ones on approximately the same dates.  The worshipping of <<Gods>> and <<Saints>> was also enforced, using names similar to those of Gods and heroes (e.g. Jesus – Jason, Saint Achilleios – Achilles etc) so that the old celebrations, holy places and people would be equated with the new ones.  Also achieved was
  • control of the masses, 
  • establishment of a relationship of worship and 
  • subjugation of human beings by <<God>>, 
instead of the functional one which was according to the nature. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 06 December 2011

Persian-Iranian officers of the Iranian Intelligence Agencies, we consider you to be genetic descendants of Pelasgian Hellenic Arians or Aria of Persia.  The name Persia was taken from the mythological Andromedan Hellene hero Perseus, whom destroyed the yellow Draconian star fleet originating out of the constellation Draconis that later attacked the constellation of Andromeda.  Study the Hellenic mythology or coded Hellenic pre-history. 

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