Monday, 5 September 2016

Phil Schneider

Involved in building Dulce D.U.M.B., New Mexico and Los Alamos biolab.  Reported an encounter with a tall, stinking alien in inner-outer Earth.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 16 November 2010

American geologist of German origin Phil Schneider revealed in his lectures to the world, his involvement in the expansion of Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s).  Consider the tunnels of the huge American underground base, “Dulce” in New Mexico.  Authority personnel of the ultra secret base were using Schneider's professional skills and experience to find easier and faster ways of opening subterranean tunnels – deep underground cities at depths of 1 mile or even deeper, by using highly advanced laser drills and rest advanced equipment.  Schneider reported in 1979 that his team encountered “Tall Greys” (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, E.B.E.s) working at the same time in some “Dulce” Departments.  In the ensuing panic there was an exchange of fire, with two Greys being dropped dead by Schneider’s Team.  He reported that one of the Greys made a “cyclic motion” with his hands, launching from them and from his chest, a beam – a so-called thunder (Read: Electromagnetic Pulse) that hit Schneider in the chest and on one hand, breaking and burning fingers.  As the electricity pulse grounded, his shoes were damaged!  Years later, Schneider has cancer, along with marks of this assault in his chest and hands. 

Due to these and other compelling revelations Schneider made, he was murdered with a piano cord.  He had managed to report that eleven of his friends and colleagues had been murdered.  Eight of these cases were reported as alleged “suicide”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 06 October 2013

UNDERGROUND, is a great documentary based on the revelations of the (murdered) brave truther Phil Schneider, with exclusive new material about his extraordinary life and his death. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 10 May 2013

And grasshoppers/locusts came out of the smoke (Rev. 9:3).  These are alien flying craft from outer space and from the hollow earth 666, operated by “Deros” or pseudo-Apollonian “Grays” of “Epsilon” and “E.N.D.” led by Art. Sorras.  The craft are arrayed in the external earthy spherical mantle, that is outside the earthy flaming zone.  See videos of Phil Schneider, classified geologist of underground American bases.  He was assassinated for revealing the existence of underground bases of lunar “Deros—Gray” aliens on Earth.


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 15 February 2013

The "incarnated epsilon indigo" of E.N.D. are to ascend from their chthonian-subterranean dwellings of Apollo, beneath the Earth.  These are Draconian "greys", the now-subterranean former extra-terrestrials assembled as described by Phil Schneider.  Schneider was a geologist with supreme level security clearance to subterranean bases staffed with mixed personnel, including "grey" extra-intraterrestrials.  He directly witnessed frictions and facilitations between the "greys" and the American government.  Phil Schneider was assassinated by the American secret services.


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