Monday, 19 September 2016

Red Jews/Red Shield/Shield of Hong

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 October 2011

Member of Hong and apparently Tiandihui was the infamous communist super-criminal Mao Tse Toung or Mao Zedong, who killed without over forty million of his "own" Chinese to enforce the Red «Hong» Chinese communist dictatorship.  The socialist Kuo-Min-Tang (political movement Hong) was founded by the then obvious leader of Hong, Soon-Jan-sen, or Sun Wen (1868-1925).  Kuo-Min-Tang supposedly ruptured, creating a left-communist Kuo-Min-Tang and a defeated right-nationalist Kuo-Min-Tang.  In fact Hong drove the global geostrategic shift to impose communism in the Eastern block and throughout communist rule in China, where the dictatorial central "communists" have held an official position until today.

This party is called the China Zhi Gong Party,, with strong international connections in the U.S. and around the world!  Since then the Chinese are called "Red Chinese" i.e. the Chinese of Hong.  Hence, the flag of China (hides a hidden crescent moon and) is mainly red, like the flag of the communist Soviet Union and China's ally, Mongolian Turkey (with a crescent moon)!  Also, "Red Jews" constitute a "red shield" or "Shield of Hong".  They are Hazaro-Mongolian international bankers, super-rich criminal usurers, like Rothschild, who played an important role in assisting the Soviet and Chinese communist revolutions.  Ask yourself, Dear Reader, what the Chinese would do to you if they do not even care for their own race or the planet they destroy ecologically in the name of 'development'.  The Chinese care about nothing but establishing their planetary dictatorship! 

But why is the flag of "Red Jew" Mongol Rothschild Israel two interlaced triangles?  In summary, this is alludes to the collusion of right and left hand paths or Ankara and Sambala (Zen hyper-lodge's White & Black brotherhoods of Tibet-India)  For Hong to effectively run Western Freemasonry and dismantle White and Black Western nations, existing lodges are divided:
  • Positive, 888, philosophical lodges following the right hand path or point-up triangle of "good god".  
  • Negative, 666, theosophical Nazi lodges following the left hand path or point-down triangle of "evil satan".  
Of course, these are two sides of the same Draconian coin administered by hyper-lodge Hong, which is capable of reversing the colluding "opposite" poles: Inherently good to bad and evil to good.  Hence, the opposites of Hong are notionally different arms of the same body, directed by the head that is Draconian Hong under the ultimate Draconian Moon.  As Heracletus said, "the opposites are the same". 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 30 September 2012

Some limited infotainment for my reader:
The American Dream, Part 1,
The American Dream, Part 2

The entertaining video is at first glance good enough to painfully awaken Americans, Greek-Americans, and neo-Greeks from their sleep in which they consider the “FED” and “Bank of Greece” to be state-owned!  On deeper analysis, the video shows only the international banking cartel: The Rothschild octopus (Red Shield) as allegedly the hyper-dominator of the planet.

In fact, China is encircling the entire planet without major obstacles and unfortunately, the activists do not mention this.  The Mongol-hebrew Rothschild (Khazars) are just goons, lackey's of China 888.  With their Mongol Hebrew-Saxon accomplices who are also obedient to China, they conquered the White nations of the West.  Now, this Hebrew-Mongol collective “son” plans to gradually deliver the baton of power, wealth and global authority to the genocidal Dragonian Chinese “Fathers”.  [Currently, China pressures the Mongolian hordes against the West for denudation, assimilation and finally enslavement of the White Andromedian race “Tiger” the Black Sirian Race.]  The Chinese will then finally annihilate all non pure-Yellow races, especially because Mongols potentially threaten the Central Command of Chinese overlodge Hong over the entire Planet and China.  For example study the reason for construction of the Sinic Great Wall. 


“Red Shield” refers to red Khazar-Hebrew Mongols that serve red communist China and overlodge Hong/Hung.  Hong/Hung translates as red, the color for recognition of totalitarian dictatorship power and the blood of the goyim.  Overlodge Hong is essentially the historical continuation and modern form of the first pure Dragonian Chinese emperors and their Mandarins of the Ming Dynasties who painted their eyebrows red. 

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