Thursday, 8 September 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 16 January 2013

Mind Control

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 11 April 2012

The article info is allegedly coming from Andromedean contactees that communicate with medium like methods such as “automatic writing” (mind control), but these are not communication methods that true Federal Andromedian forces use.  Instead, ruthless methods of mind control are used by the Draconian/Cronian faction, through Link/Lap/MASER (Microwave Amplification by Stimulation Emission of Radiation) psychotronic technology. 

Humans on Earth have “Dreams”.  G.H.Rees asserts that this is a clear indication of Draconian imprisonment.  “Dreams”, “dream states”, “astral projection”, “lucid dreaming”, and “visions”, etc, all result from manipulated holographic triple link/lap/MASER psychotronic emissions.  The Draconian-Cronian Alliance uses this technology for remotely controlling "zombiefied" terrestrial humans as “Lord’s servants” / “Lunar servants”, with the purpose of serving of lunar geostrategics that will end with (blackmail against the Federal Andromedians) and annihilation of all
  • White Andromedian, 
  • Black indigenous Sirians, and 
  • Mongolians (including Hebrews).  
In other words, annihilation of two-thirds of all people in the Sino-Zionistic motivated Armageddon (See: John’s genocidal Revelations telling of the Draco program).  Afterwards, Earth’s valuable raw materials will be completely removed to the Draconian flagship, the Moon, for use by space bandit pseudo-god Sin-Sion-Zion-Sedi-Jedi-YHWH, the Draco overlord

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 22 April 2012

Information is allegedly coming from Andromedean contactees that communicate with “medium” like methods such as “automatic writing” or “dream states” (mind control).  True Federal Andromedian forces now stationed in Saturn’s orbits have transmitted to G.H.Rees via pure technological methods* that they do NOT use such methods.  The Draconian-Cronian faction does, employing extremely advanced ruthless “mind – mood – body control” manipulators for technological magic: Lunar supercomputers and link/lap/MASER psychotronics. 
*Amplified netrino-NASER beam, namely neutrino telecommunications.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 06 November 2011

David Icke-Isaac started his career by hearing voices in his head which ordered him to do certain actions.  He initially consultied mediums and psychics, all of whom use demonic possession, channeling. As G.H.Rees has revealed, the Draconians are using psychotronic methods which can cause voices inside a victim’s head.  This includes mind control technology that controls the pituitary gland of mediums and psychics, all Draconian agents of the Moon. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 22 February 2013

There is a rabble of pseudo-Andromedians abroad, all fakes like:
  • “The Galactic Federation of Light” with branches in Greece under Greek-Hebrew Koemtzopoulos, 
  • pseudo-Apollonian “Ilarions” of E.N.D. and 
  • others who also continue to receive and transmit hypnotizing and provocative Draconian messages whilst in a zombie-medium state, possessed by Draconian psychotronic technology and invisible reptilian demons of B’ dimension. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 14 March 2010

After the Draconians (more properly referred as Dragonians from the Dragon Asterism) and multiple dimensions, Icke speaks clearly about a “Moon Matrix” as their base for the manipulation of humanity and of the hybrid ship Moon-Levan-Selene being a planet of psychotronic and space war.  Just like G.H.Rees post with John Lear and his so-called “disclosures” of 2007 (copy-pasted from the G.H.Rees disclosures over the past 30 years), we now have Icke acting likewise. The rabbis have been defeated in multiple fronts and are now forced to gradually reveal truths to the broad public and so they use their Hebrew agent-writer-“prophet” of theirs to continue the game of distortion, disorientation, and disinformation towards his thousands faithful followers across the globe.  Icke-Isaac spread disinformation on the alleged change-transition of entities between dimensions (a thing that is physically impossible as has been proved scientifically by G.H.Rees).  Now, although he correctly writes about a “MOON MATRIX”, he mixes it with various useless cracked-barrel furry philosophies to avoid certain other disclosures. 

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