Tuesday, 27 September 2016

RIC (Russia-Islamic Nations-China)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 28 October 2016

China owns sixty percent of Manhattan, New York. 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 28 August 2015

Declaration of the Emperor of Constantinople as “New Christ 666” and  Global Messiah – Global King is to come about.  Constantinople - Istanbul is also to be declared “World Capital”.  (As recently proposed by the Chinese-Korean controlled United Nations!)  In collusion and denial, the Shanghai Pact (Russia – Islam – China) refused to submit to “King Ioannis” or “New Christ 666”.  In due course, “King Ioannis” would declare World War against the Shanghai Pact or R.I.C. axis (Russia – Islam – China 888).  The defending armies and populations of R.I.C. (Russia – Islam – China) characterise him as an anti-Christ Hitler-adoring dictator criminal and provocateur of world war, at the end of which China will butcher Russia and Islam.  [This concerns the structure of doomed New World Order 666, an essential masonic component toward WWIII.  Ed..] 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 18 June 2010

Estimable Sirs of the Russian Government,

Danger to Russian national security
Ultra-urgent need for solving engagement over the critical geostrategic node – cross: north-eastern Pakistan – eastern nape of Afghanistan – Tajikistan – Kirgizstan – Uzbekistan.

G.H.Rees Department of Geostrategic Analysis has determined that this geostrategic node is the most crucial of the planet, because borders meet:
  • “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) Russia through Kazakhstan, 
  • member of “R.I.C.” China, 
  • leader of “T.I.M.” (Tibet – India – Mongolia) and ally of “NATO” India through northeastern Pakistan and through the eastern nape of Afghanistan, and finally 
  • leader of “US.E.J.” (USA – Europe – Japan) and leader of “NATO” United States of America “USA” through American military bases in Northern Kirgizstan.
Should Russia push the forthcoming Chinese army invasion back militarily in Kirgizstan, it would violate conventional military obligations towards the “Pact of Shanghai” or “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China).  That would provoke the armed revolution of Islamic and Chinese populations in Russia against the Central Government of Moscow.  Turkey and of China would be incited, leading to the break-up of Russia from inside and the genocide of Russian Whites and Mongols by the geostrategic axles “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongolia) and “R.I.C.” under Chinese leadership. 

Russian national security must ultra-urgently and immediately proclaim the expulsion of China from “R.I.C.”,  breaking-up the “Pact of Shanghai”.  A new axis “R.I.” must be founded, namely only of Russia and Islamic States. 

Another ultra-urgent action for Russian national security, is for foundation of “Geopolitical Pact 999” in opposition to the coalition of the axis “China 888 – Korea 777”. 
To this end, Russia must initiate talks between the Governments of Russia, USA, Europe, Latin America, Islamic nations, India, Hindu nations, Africa, and countries of the Pacific Ocean. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 03 December 2011

Provocateur Russian-Hebrew Medvedev of the “Shanghai Pact” wishes to burn and blow up the planet under the deceptive pretext that his colluding Hebrew “opponents”s of NATO have not “played fair” in anti-ballistic shield matters.  Consequently, he put his strategic nuclear and ballistic forces and radars of Russia on full alert and wishes to put offensive missiles in the borders of Russia with NATO.  Moreover, Russians are announcing hypocritically that “big buddies” Russia and China of the R.I.C. Axis (Russia – Islam – China) will not allow the West to repeat in Syria what they did in Libya. 

Libya was attacked with assault orders coming also from Russia, as the monkey governors of Russia were ordered by China to not
  • issue a “veto” in the United Nations against the “NATO” assault on Libya, and 
  • put the Russian Navy between Libya and the NATO fleet in order to stop the aggression, as G.H.Rees advised the Russians to do. 
They committed all these back-stabs in collusion because Gaddafi was a great obstacle to the imperialistic plans of the Chinese Draconians in Africa and Islamic States.

Read the Draconian prophecy-program of Chinese Mongols in Ezekiel of the Old Testament, about China's final genocide of “Gog and Magog”, namely:
  • Northern Pelasgians Scythes of Russia,
  • “Rus” (Russians),
  • “Mesheh” (Muscovites) and finally the 
  • “King of the North” (Russia – located “North” of China).  
This is to follow genocide of the “King of the South” (USA – NATO as allies of “South” Korea 777) by the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China).  It is imperative that Whites, Blacks, and Mongols awaken their survival instincts and act accordingly for national and planetary security.  Greeks of Russia, translate asap all G.H.Rees documents into the Russian language.  Also, wake and shake up your fellow Pelasgian Scythe Russian citizens. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 09 August 2010

Already the treasonous government of the “NATO” agent Hebrew homosexual George Papandreou – Mineiko – Tsad – Tsiden Baum, has been ordered by “NATO” to deny the establishment of a Russian naval base in the island of Syros.  This refusal exposes Greece to annihilation by “B.A.S.T.R.” and “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) axles, and subsequent destruction of Russia by the “C.J.T.H.S.M.” and “C.K.” (China and Korea) axles.

There is urgent need for the treasonous Hebrew Government of Papandreou Tsad in Greece to be overthrown.  Its collusion with the “LA.O.S.” party (People’s Orthodox Alert) of the Turk-Albanian agent provocateur of “Intelligence Service” Karatzaferis, and “PA.SO.K.” is provoking
  • ignition of the Balkan War of “B.A.S.T.R.” against Greece and
  • a global war between “US.E.J.” (USA – Europe – Japan) and “T.I.M.” (Tibet – India – Mongolia) against “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) or “Shanghai Pact”, 
with purpose the annihilation of Greece and Russia.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 31 October 2010

Subject: National, and biological, and geostrategic security of “USA”, European countries, Canada, India, Israel, Buddhist countries of Asia, Sunni Islamic countries, and countries of South America.  Excepting the philo-Chinese, the philo-Shiite and the philo-Iranian countries, Slovenia and countries of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania). 

Given that both China and Pakistan have nuclear weapons.  Therefore, military union of “TU.S.I.PA.C.” (Turkey – Syria – Iran – Pakistan – China) with the existing “B.A.S.T.R.” axis up to Islamic Slovenia and the philo-Turkish Turkgenic Azerbaijan, will mean the end of Russia, Greece, Balkan and European countries. 

Please inform yourself by the previous geostrategic documents of G.H.Rees, published in the webpage “Hellen and Chaos” (http://ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com/ and http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.com/), concerning geostrategic axles:
  • “US.E.J. – 666” (Western Trilateral: USA – Europe – Japan), 
  • “R.I.C. – 888” (Eastern Trilateral: Russia – Islam - China), 
  • “T.I.M. – 666” (Tibet – India - Mongolia), 
  • “B.A.S.T.R.” (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania), 
  • “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongols), 
  • “C.K. 888 – 777” (China – Korea). 
The stupid, criminal, and obsolete pacts of “NATO” and “SEATO” should immediately be broken up and replaced on the same day by a coalition pact between USA, Europe, Russia, India, Israel, Buddhist countries of Asia, and Sunni Islamic Countries.  Of course, the countries of “B.A.S.T.R.” and Islamic Slovenia should be excluded.


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 03 December 2010

Circles of impenitent Hebrew-Saxon Republican members of parliament and senators, in collaboration with other impenitent Hebrew-Saxons of the American ‘’NSA’’, are stalwart supporters at the primary Hebrew-rabbi and Chinese plan for provocation of the third world war through attack of the armies of ‘’NATO’’ and ‘’US.E.J.’’ (USA – Europe – Japan) against the armies of ‘’R.I.C.’’ (Russia – Islam – China).  The result is a final genocide of five billion people of all races and nations by the armies of China and North Korea, with purpose the establishment of the Chinese planetary dictatorship ‘’Kingdom of Jehovah’’.  These same circles of impenitent Hebrew-Saxons have plans to murder the American president Obama, because of the openings of peace which he did towards Russia. 

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