From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 November 2009
The top of the pyramidal hierarchy of occupying reptilian forces is located in Levan (the original Draconian name of our moon), the flagship of the Draconian fleet. It's headquarters is operated by a 24+3 council, of which YHWH (Yahweh) is the ultimate leader. Hidden behind Levan is Lilith (legends speak of that name as "the mother of demons"), the secondary flagship, ruled by Tamil, known to the scripts as Velzevul, Lucifer, Satan, and Devil. Two sides of the same coin: The NWO logo is a pyramid with its topcut-off, the lower pyramid is the rule structure down here on Earth (Gaia) and the top part is the hierarchy council in Levan that sees all of us down here.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 06 December 2012
All but a few "alternative researchers" have shown the Illuminati at the top of the pyramid. Only G.H.Rees pointed out that the infamous Hong hyper-lodge is at the top of the hierarchy.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 23 February 2012
The Reptilians are a clan of mutineers and thieves who act as a cancer against the Universal Organism. Initially, millions of years ago, they rebelled against the Universal Law and Order and the Galactic Government/Federation. Ever since, they have been wandering the Universe like pirates, using initial populations as slave miners (‘Slaves of God’) to remove raw materials and crystals onto the surface of each planet from where they are stolen. Then, the reptilians genocide their slaves, destroy the planet [translator’s addition: by exploding them], and finally head off to another solar system in order to repeat their hideous crimes and to spread their cancer.
The reptilian modus operandi is to establish religions and then masonic networks of the mind, false reality, and new world order pyramid-like systems for overmastering the mass people and control the ‘Slaves of God’. Where populations are loyal to the Galactic Government (e.g. the White Andromedian race), reptilians usually manufacture hybrid beings by means of genetically engineering their DNA. The results are similar in appearance to the current Draconian Chinese who live on our planet nowadays. The Draconian hybrids are then integrated into the disobedient populations, gradually genociding and overriding them.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 October 2011
The highest emblem of HONG is the red pyramidal triangular imperial seal. Here it is shown with five flags representing the five elder monks, Shaolin 'psychics'. According to legend they were the original founders of hyper-lodge Hong in the form we know of it today.
The "triads" have been in charge of Earth since antiquity. Western Freemasonry has its pyramidal management and the triangle of lunar Yahweh ('the eye in triangle') in all masonic lodges, Christian churches, and Jewish synagogues.
So here is what the "three" means and what the triangle of Western Freemasonry and the Christian churches and rabbinical means... Put bluntly, it means that Western masons and rabbis give their asses to Chinese Han and Ming emperors and the triangular, pyramidal imperial seal. They also give their asses to the successors, modern Chinese Ming emperors of the highest Draconian hyper-lodge, Hong, with its highest emblem - the triangular Chinese imperial seal .... or ... Chinese imperial eye in triangle.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 01 November 2011
Excerpt from an article written in February, Raelyan Allan of Rumor Mill News entitled Libya - The Faction Two - The Monarchy - The pedophile Trade New Order Things (666-888-777/1-777/2) - Ancient technology...
Gunther Russbacher, before he was actually killed indirectly by the government, said that Gaddafi wasn't as he was made to appear by the West for not playing along with the FED (Federal Reserve of USA), its Jewish owners (Rockefeller), and the global conspiracy for the enslavement of humanity. The Federal Reserve is not part of the government, but part of a global empire that rapes and pillages sovereign states (beginning with the USA), kills their leaders (e.g. Kennedy) and steals everything of value.
Colonel Gaddafy (according to Gunther that is the correct way to name him.) said there are seven pyramids in the sand in Libya. Gaddafy placed Faction Two to guard the pyramids and keep the people of the Federal Reserve away from the technology and the treasures located inside. Things beyond our comprehension.
Agents of the Crown of England worked overtime to make impossible the economic/political/social change that Faction Two prepares for in April/March 2011. They believe that secrets of the objects in the buried pyramids will help them defeat the team that destroys them. We believe that
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 November 2009
The top of the pyramidal hierarchy of occupying reptilian forces is located in Levan (the original Draconian name of our moon), the flagship of the Draconian fleet. It's headquarters is operated by a 24+3 council, of which YHWH (Yahweh) is the ultimate leader. Hidden behind Levan is Lilith (legends speak of that name as "the mother of demons"), the secondary flagship, ruled by Tamil, known to the scripts as Velzevul, Lucifer, Satan, and Devil. Two sides of the same coin: The NWO logo is a pyramid with its topcut-off, the lower pyramid is the rule structure down here on Earth (Gaia) and the top part is the hierarchy council in Levan that sees all of us down here.
![]() |
N.W.O. dragonian logo: (the original has a reptilian eye) |
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 06 December 2012
All but a few "alternative researchers" have shown the Illuminati at the top of the pyramid. Only G.H.Rees pointed out that the infamous Hong hyper-lodge is at the top of the hierarchy.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 23 February 2012
The Reptilians are a clan of mutineers and thieves who act as a cancer against the Universal Organism. Initially, millions of years ago, they rebelled against the Universal Law and Order and the Galactic Government/Federation. Ever since, they have been wandering the Universe like pirates, using initial populations as slave miners (‘Slaves of God’) to remove raw materials and crystals onto the surface of each planet from where they are stolen. Then, the reptilians genocide their slaves, destroy the planet [translator’s addition: by exploding them], and finally head off to another solar system in order to repeat their hideous crimes and to spread their cancer.
The reptilian modus operandi is to establish religions and then masonic networks of the mind, false reality, and new world order pyramid-like systems for overmastering the mass people and control the ‘Slaves of God’. Where populations are loyal to the Galactic Government (e.g. the White Andromedian race), reptilians usually manufacture hybrid beings by means of genetically engineering their DNA. The results are similar in appearance to the current Draconian Chinese who live on our planet nowadays. The Draconian hybrids are then integrated into the disobedient populations, gradually genociding and overriding them.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 October 2011
The highest emblem of HONG is the red pyramidal triangular imperial seal. Here it is shown with five flags representing the five elder monks, Shaolin 'psychics'. According to legend they were the original founders of hyper-lodge Hong in the form we know of it today.

So here is what the "three" means and what the triangle of Western Freemasonry and the Christian churches and rabbinical means... Put bluntly, it means that Western masons and rabbis give their asses to Chinese Han and Ming emperors and the triangular, pyramidal imperial seal. They also give their asses to the successors, modern Chinese Ming emperors of the highest Draconian hyper-lodge, Hong, with its highest emblem - the triangular Chinese imperial seal .... or ... Chinese imperial eye in triangle.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 01 November 2011
Excerpt from an article written in February, Raelyan Allan of Rumor Mill News entitled Libya - The Faction Two - The Monarchy - The pedophile Trade New Order Things (666-888-777/1-777/2) - Ancient technology...
Gunther Russbacher, before he was actually killed indirectly by the government, said that Gaddafi wasn't as he was made to appear by the West for not playing along with the FED (Federal Reserve of USA), its Jewish owners (Rockefeller), and the global conspiracy for the enslavement of humanity. The Federal Reserve is not part of the government, but part of a global empire that rapes and pillages sovereign states (beginning with the USA), kills their leaders (e.g. Kennedy) and steals everything of value.
Colonel Gaddafy (according to Gunther that is the correct way to name him.) said there are seven pyramids in the sand in Libya. Gaddafy placed Faction Two to guard the pyramids and keep the people of the Federal Reserve away from the technology and the treasures located inside. Things beyond our comprehension.
Agents of the Crown of England worked overtime to make impossible the economic/political/social change that Faction Two prepares for in April/March 2011. They believe that secrets of the objects in the buried pyramids will help them defeat the team that destroys them. We believe that
- Mainstream media will never tell us the truth about Gaddafy.
- The City of London is behind the riots.
- Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood both work for the City of London.
- The City of London is about to collapse.
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