Revelation 2:9... "...I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Rabbi Abe Finklestein (RF) talks with Pastor James Wickstrom (PW) about Jewry
Notes taken from Unimaginable Radio Conversation.
1934 World Encyclopeadia stated that there were then 3.5 million Jews
in the whole of Europe, so how could 6 million have been killed in the
Blacks have supported the Jewish Communist Party. What's going to be their end when all this is over?
RF: The schwartzers... came here with our father, Lucifer, 75,000 years ago, when he lost a battle - only temporarily, though - in the heavens... All the er, schwartzers...they've got a good timestep, they dance good, a couple of 'em can sing, they makes a nice barbecue and they're real good for selling drugs to, er 'cause they all love the drugs... You do know that we control all the drug roll(?) and have done since Rothschild er, got the er Opium Wars in China going? ...they (schwartzers) get arrested and they go of to jail for that. But we make the big money. We're the wholesalers, we're the wholesalers of everything in the world."
PW: Black Ethiopian Jews, what was the problem with them for the Israeli Jews? [50m51s]
RF: "Well, who wants a bunch of schwartzers in your land? You don't want the schwartzers in there. There are some rabbis who went down to Ethiopia and they (schwartzers) said, 'Oh, we'd like be Jews too'. We laughed and we said okay, pay us a few dollars and we'll teach you how to be a Jew. ...but every Jew knows that a schwartzer can never be a Jew. And we don't want 'em dirtying up the neighbourhood! Ah, in, over in ah Israel. Er, we give 'em neighbourhoods here in America. We give 'em ah white women to mate with ah, to destroy both races..." [51m34s]
PW: Whites, the children of Seth, are at war with the children of Cain, Jews.
RF: "...Our book, the Talmud, says... we're going to have a world of our own and we're gonna go out into space and we're going to have a war with your father and we're going to win this time."
RF: "...Our book, the Talmud, says... we're going to have a world of our own and we're gonna go out into space and we're going to have a war with your father and we're going to win this time."
Conflict is due, between two forces...
RF: "Our book says that we're going to take over the world."
PW: John 8:44 says your father is "...Satan and that you're the descendent of Cain, who was the first murderer and you know that's true because you teach it in your synagogues."
RF: "Well, that's true, but it's not for you goyim to know.'s over for you White race... Err, you've been teaching the people real good, but they don't wake up, do they?... They're scared of us Jews, because they don't want to be called anti-semites and they believe that we're the chosen people. And so, that's why err we can do whatever we want to do and we can get away with it..."
Jews are the chosen people, the destroyers (and insineraries?) of the world. Rabbi Finklestein [RF] agrees. Wars are set up by Jews for monetary gain. RF says it is the best game in the world and George Bush Jr is a good goyim who does what the Jews tell him to do.
War in Iraq
RF: "We own all the ammo., plane, gun, and supply companies... Bush the good goyim borrows from the Fed. and taxes the people to pay interest on the loan, which must keep going on. Iraq has earned us about 300 billion (dollars?) and will go on for another 30 years... War thins out the herd so they don't use up all the resources. We call it a theatre of war, because its amusing to us Jews to see our two biggest enemies, the White race and the Arab race... kill each other. And we make a lot of money of it... I've had a lot of laughs at the synagogue with that. [29 min.]
Ignorant Americans esp Whites and Jews are going to be cannon fodder when America destabilises...
RF: "At parties, we discuss it, you know how we're gonna wipe out the White race and wipe out the Arab race. Actually, let them wipe out each other, and make a lot of money... All the rest of the countries around the world, they'll wipe each other out because us Jews, we're special, we're the chosen people. And we're the smartest people in the world and we have always said down through the ages: We want a world of our own and we're going to get it and there's nothing any of the goyim cattle are gonna do to stop us."
RF says of killing Palestinians: "When you own the (goyim) herd, you've got to thin out the herd (of cattle). We've got the White goyim fighting the Arab goyim, and they're killing each other and we are making a lot of money and we get the oil and the interest on the sheckels that we loan both sides." Usuary!
The Bolschevic Revolution in Christian Russia was funded by Jews. (Murder of well over twenty million Whites; planned, funded, and executed by Zionists/Sionists.)
RF: The Rothschilds family got all the schekels. "When the old man died in 1812, he owned half of all the known wealth in the world... We started the Bolschevic Revolution because you might as well start with taking over the biggest country in the world, which was Russia. And, er, we had the help to murder the Czar from his cousins, the Kaiser, and er... the King and Queen of England... We've been doing real good here in America for a long time, but its time to do something else, so we're going to build up China and India and we'll just let America sink into the desert because (nobody?) cares about America any more..."
...the masses have a hard time believing anything...
RF: "Well, we've done a great brain-washing job on them, over the centuries. ...they believe anything we tell 'em. And, er you know, in the mean(time?), we have a lot of fun around passover, where we steal their children. ...I mean we steal a hundred to three hundred thousand children a year just here in this country. And we drain their blood and we mix it with a passover (bread?) and then we throw the bodies into the slaughterhouses that we own and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger. McDonalds is one of our favourite outlets and er the people, they eat it for breakfast. They (feed?) it their children for lunch and er, you know us Jews, you know, we gotta er we gotta do what we do."
PW: Eating children at Jewish passover... [45m56s]
RF: "Well, there was a goyim who wrote a book about it, back in the thirties. ...people didn't buy the book! People don't wanna listen. We've been doing this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to a, er Adam's time. Er we take the children of er our enemy, which is the white race, and er we bring 'em to the basement of the synagogues, where we er drain the blood and er watch 'em die there. ...And then ah we mix it with the Passover Bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies...we can make some shekels and we give 'em to the slaughterhouses. And those are pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger... And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children. And er even when we say this outright and tell you people, you don't believe us. So, that that's your problem."
[Curiously, no mention of world wars. Ed.]
Goyim are non-Jews, gentiles, cattle or animals. RF explains that "...goyim are the schleppers:
they do all the work.
They always want jobs, so we give them jobs. Jews don't work... The
goyim want to be our slaves, 'so we let them be that' while we party."
People are losing their jobs...
RF: " work for somebody else, you're a slave to that person.'re making him the rich guy, not you. So, all we let 'em do is make a subsistance(?) living, err they could never afford to buy a house on their own. We gotta give them a payment plan, of course, we do 'em a favour and so we collect a level of interest for that: About three houses for every one that we sell 'em. But, you have to be in business for yourself, if you're not in business for yourself, then you'll never have a chance to make any money. You're going to be a working stiff(?), a slave, a serf, you're a schlepper."
PW: You're telling the people your plans and they're brain dead to the messages!
RF: "...the public school system... The Jew doesn't put his children in there. They go to the Hebrew Academy, where we teach 'em the real things. And then they go to the synagogue and they learn the real important things. But, we send your kids to the public school.
We even have you tax yourselves on your property, so that you never own your property. And er, so if you don't make your property tax, we're going to take your property...
And we have you put your kids in the er er twelve year er baby-sitting... because you don't learn anything... they get to be teenagers and then er we give them the music...
And so we sell 'em drugs and er we make a lot of money of your children. Your children from cradle to grave, all we do is make money of've them. You're cattle, you're goyim, they're human cattle, muzzletuff. "
PW: Is there a big war within Jewry?
RF: "Well, we we fight a little bit and we argue a little bit... The bottom line though, is we have the goyim. The goyim does all the work, the goyim makes all the stuff, er he sells it to us for pennies. We're the wholesalers, we're the middlemen, We mark it way up and sell it to the other goyim on the retail side. There's an old saying in Yiddish that 'the reason that god made gentiles is because somebody has to pay retail'... The Jew doesn't pay retail, it's the goyim that pays retail. We buy wholesale."
RF: "Our book says that we're going to take over the world."
PW: John 8:44 says your father is "...Satan and that you're the descendent of Cain, who was the first murderer and you know that's true because you teach it in your synagogues."
RF: "Well, that's true, but it's not for you goyim to know.'s over for you White race... Err, you've been teaching the people real good, but they don't wake up, do they?... They're scared of us Jews, because they don't want to be called anti-semites and they believe that we're the chosen people. And so, that's why err we can do whatever we want to do and we can get away with it..."
Jews are the chosen people, the destroyers (and insineraries?) of the world. Rabbi Finklestein [RF] agrees. Wars are set up by Jews for monetary gain. RF says it is the best game in the world and George Bush Jr is a good goyim who does what the Jews tell him to do.
War in Iraq
RF: "We own all the ammo., plane, gun, and supply companies... Bush the good goyim borrows from the Fed. and taxes the people to pay interest on the loan, which must keep going on. Iraq has earned us about 300 billion (dollars?) and will go on for another 30 years... War thins out the herd so they don't use up all the resources. We call it a theatre of war, because its amusing to us Jews to see our two biggest enemies, the White race and the Arab race... kill each other. And we make a lot of money of it... I've had a lot of laughs at the synagogue with that. [29 min.]
Ignorant Americans esp Whites and Jews are going to be cannon fodder when America destabilises...
RF: "At parties, we discuss it, you know how we're gonna wipe out the White race and wipe out the Arab race. Actually, let them wipe out each other, and make a lot of money... All the rest of the countries around the world, they'll wipe each other out because us Jews, we're special, we're the chosen people. And we're the smartest people in the world and we have always said down through the ages: We want a world of our own and we're going to get it and there's nothing any of the goyim cattle are gonna do to stop us."
RF says of killing Palestinians: "When you own the (goyim) herd, you've got to thin out the herd (of cattle). We've got the White goyim fighting the Arab goyim, and they're killing each other and we are making a lot of money and we get the oil and the interest on the sheckels that we loan both sides." Usuary!
The Bolschevic Revolution in Christian Russia was funded by Jews. (Murder of well over twenty million Whites; planned, funded, and executed by Zionists/Sionists.)
RF: The Rothschilds family got all the schekels. "When the old man died in 1812, he owned half of all the known wealth in the world... We started the Bolschevic Revolution because you might as well start with taking over the biggest country in the world, which was Russia. And, er, we had the help to murder the Czar from his cousins, the Kaiser, and er... the King and Queen of England... We've been doing real good here in America for a long time, but its time to do something else, so we're going to build up China and India and we'll just let America sink into the desert because (nobody?) cares about America any more..."
RF: "Well, we've done a great brain-washing job on them, over the centuries. ...they believe anything we tell 'em. And, er you know, in the mean(time?), we have a lot of fun around passover, where we steal their children. ...I mean we steal a hundred to three hundred thousand children a year just here in this country. And we drain their blood and we mix it with a passover (bread?) and then we throw the bodies into the slaughterhouses that we own and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger. McDonalds is one of our favourite outlets and er the people, they eat it for breakfast. They (feed?) it their children for lunch and er, you know us Jews, you know, we gotta er we gotta do what we do."
PW: Eating children at Jewish passover... [45m56s]
RF: "Well, there was a goyim who wrote a book about it, back in the thirties. ...people didn't buy the book! People don't wanna listen. We've been doing this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to a, er Adam's time. Er we take the children of er our enemy, which is the white race, and er we bring 'em to the basement of the synagogues, where we er drain the blood and er watch 'em die there. ...And then ah we mix it with the Passover Bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies...we can make some shekels and we give 'em to the slaughterhouses. And those are pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger... And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children. And er even when we say this outright and tell you people, you don't believe us. So, that that's your problem."
[Curiously, no mention of world wars. Ed.]
People are losing their jobs...
RF: " work for somebody else, you're a slave to that person.'re making him the rich guy, not you. So, all we let 'em do is make a subsistance(?) living, err they could never afford to buy a house on their own. We gotta give them a payment plan, of course, we do 'em a favour and so we collect a level of interest for that: About three houses for every one that we sell 'em. But, you have to be in business for yourself, if you're not in business for yourself, then you'll never have a chance to make any money. You're going to be a working stiff(?), a slave, a serf, you're a schlepper."
PW: You're telling the people your plans and they're brain dead to the messages!
RF: "...the public school system... The Jew doesn't put his children in there. They go to the Hebrew Academy, where we teach 'em the real things. And then they go to the synagogue and they learn the real important things. But, we send your kids to the public school.
We even have you tax yourselves on your property, so that you never own your property. And er, so if you don't make your property tax, we're going to take your property...
And we have you put your kids in the er er twelve year er baby-sitting... because you don't learn anything... they get to be teenagers and then er we give them the music...
And so we sell 'em drugs and er we make a lot of money of your children. Your children from cradle to grave, all we do is make money of've them. You're cattle, you're goyim, they're human cattle, muzzletuff. "
PW: Is there a big war within Jewry?
RF: "Well, we we fight a little bit and we argue a little bit... The bottom line though, is we have the goyim. The goyim does all the work, the goyim makes all the stuff, er he sells it to us for pennies. We're the wholesalers, we're the middlemen, We mark it way up and sell it to the other goyim on the retail side. There's an old saying in Yiddish that 'the reason that god made gentiles is because somebody has to pay retail'... The Jew doesn't pay retail, it's the goyim that pays retail. We buy wholesale."
RF says Jews always control both sides, as in politics.
How did Jews gain control of Christian churches?
RF: "...we infiltrated the Catholic Church right from the very beginning. Why do you think the Pope and all the cardinals and the bishops wear yarmulke (skull caps, that Jewish men wear)? ...we took all your books that had all your scriptures in there and we burned them. And then we wrote them in latin, so that you couldn't understand them, but we understood latin 'cause we're Jews and we're smart and we're educated. But you er goyim out there, you never, you never teach yourself. You don't self teach. Er, you're always looking for somebody else to do it for you. ...a thousand years later when the er the bunch of the White race started to wake up in Europe and they started to leave the Catholic Church, it was a terrible time because we weren't making as many shekels as we used to... So the kings that we had in our hip pockets, just like the politicians at Washington DC today, we paid 'em off to to get you declared heretics so that they would crucify and kill yer. But there was too many of you...the Jews opened up New York and Rio and everybody started er going West er to the Americas. And so er we had to come up with a plan B...we formed the Jesuits. (A nice boy, an honest Loyola?). Loyola that er that he started the er Jesuits and so they decided to infiltrate all the protestant churches out there and as always, us Jews work our way to the top. And then we take over the money line, the shekel line, the most important line, the lifeline, the gold... And so, slowly but surely we teach the teachings, er changed them all a bit they were. It's all run by the Catholic Church again, the mother church... but the father church is the synagogues and Israel and in the synagogues in New York."
PW: It amazes me that you have so much control over white agencies and countries...
RF: "It's very easy to take over a government when you're a bank, because the government has to borrow money from the bank. ...he(?) who borrows is slave to the lender. And so this government here in America is slave to the Federal Reserve system, which is Rothschild's bank... And the politicians that we put in charge, they all take bribes, they're all a bunch of perverts; they like to eh drink and they like to take the drugs and they like to do the er (veigeler thing with the veigelers?).'s very easy to control the government. ...over time, er us Jews, we're so smart, we're the chosen people, we always infiltrate and take-over everything. And everything that there is out there today, we own it, we control it."
Seven (bankster) families took monetary control of America in 1913: Rothschilds; Israel Shipp(?); Kunan Loeb(?); Wahlberg's(?); Lehman Brothers; Goldman Sachs; Rockefellers.
RF says America has served its purpose; Jews have made a lot of money there, but now India and China offer cheaper labour.
Today, more than 6 million Jews are receiving compensation as holocaust survivors.
RF says they are entitled because of millenia of persecution (for murders, robberies, thefts and other crimes).
[According to the World Encyclopeadia, 1934, there were then only 3.5 million Jews in all of Europe.]
RF says Jewry began in Asia. [However, Hebrews and Israelites did not.] Jews are God's people but our god is Lucifer. We are interbreeding the White race out of existence; soon they will all be brown. [Jews are White-Yellow or Black-Yellow Mongols.]
9/11... No Jews in the twin towers! Three thousand Jews were not at work when they fell.
RF: "Ariel and some of the boys in the Mossad, they got together, wired up the buildings and took them down... The buildings were getting old and it was time to bring them down. This way, we make some shekels..."
No conscience among Jewry?!
RF: "We have always felt the guilt. We have a conscience".
PW: The only conscience you have is when you can't steal all the money from anyone or any country?
RF: "Correct."
All food labels carry a U and a K in the USA, does it signify a tax paid to Rabbis?
RF: "Yes, a lot of other Rabbi groups tax the food. The goyim, I mean, they're the cattle, the White race out there... If we wanna make money of feeding our cattle, who's to say that's wrong?"
The sexist homosexual agenda was created by Jewry?
RF: We started with women's rights. Now they have less kids because they've been chasing the dollar for years. They end up old maids and we take the good-looking ones to Hollywood.
The US is the land of milk and money?
RF: Jews set up in New York after being kicked out of Spain in 1492. Columbus was a Jew.
PW: Truth to a Jew is a lie to their enemies! That is how Jews claim to never lie.
Are Jews paranoid?
RF: "Well, they better not look at us too hard or accuse us, because that's anti-semitism. And... we can throw a book at you. Remember, we control the court system, all the Jew judges, the Jew lawyers, the Jew prosecutors, and we wrote most of the law."
PW: Is communism Jewish?
RF: "Of course, Karl Marx... He's the one who created it, along with Engels - he was another nice Jewish boy [Only if his mother was Jewish]. Hell, we implemented it and got that started in Russia. ...(poor Russians) thought they were gonna come up, but we brought the rich ones down to their level and we took all the money and we run it and they're all a bunch of schleppers and ah, we make the shekels and we're the masters of the world and all the goyim are just human cattle. "
PW: You've been listening to John 8:44, Pastor Bob's programme, I'm standing in for him. I'm James Wickstrom a teacher of Yahweh. Our programme tonight, 'The Lying Jew'.
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
John 8:44, King James Version (KJV)
Horrors of the Zionist Yellow-White Mongols
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