Weapon Systems: “Netrino – Naser” and “Netrino – Nasar”, namely of concentrated absorption of clockwise black cold radiation. “ANTI-NETRINO”
are extemporary constructions of the Paramilitary Corp “G.H.REES” dispersed to patriotic groups of Greece and other countries.
Some countries have realised the danger of allowing establishment of the evil Chinese-Hebrew "New World Order 666", with purpose to
provoke its own suicidal destruction in WW3 and replacement by a global Chinese dictatorship, namely "New World Order 888" aka “Jehovah’s Kingdom”. It is intended that 5 billion people will die in the Chinese

JUDAISM: "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed" as "The best of snakes ought to have its head crushed" Simeon bar Yochai, pp 617, Jewish Encyclop., Funk and Wagnall. ***** "...we take the CHILDREN of our enemy, which is the white race, and we bring 'em to the basement of the synagogues, where we drain the blood and watch 'em die there." Rabbi Abe Finklestein. ***** "Goyim were born only to serve us... the people of Israel." Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Jewish News, 19 Oct. 2010.
Related Articles and References
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- Judaic racism against Gentiles
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- Rabbi Abe Finklestein
- Race War against Blacks and Whites
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- Thunderbolts of Truth (Transcript), part 2
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