Total Planet Cosmic Etna
from G.H.Rees.
Group Of Hellenic Reestablishment
Most Urgent National And Planetary
!!! Security Message !!!
25 December 2012
from G.H.Rees.
Group Of Hellenic Reestablishment
Most Urgent National And Planetary
!!! Security Message !!!
25 December 2012
All governments, all armed forces, all police corps, all national security services, all information + intelligence services of the planet, and all international organizations [O.N.U. Etc] of the planet except China 888 and Korea 777.
Theme: Attempt
of the English fleet to invade Syria through the English joint(air-sea)
combat exercise "cougar 12", December 8 2012 in the east Mediterranean
Sea, foiling by "G.H.Rees.".
To, The ambassadors, consul generals, and military attachés of all embassies and consulates of all countries in Athens, Greece: translate this text most urgently, and transmit it immediately to your governments, and to your military staffs.
To the Greeks of all planet: Translate this text in the language of the country you live, and send it to the receivers of the first page, in this country.-
To the internet-site owners: translate this text in the language of your country, suspend it on your internet sites, and send it as "e-mail" to all the internet sites of your country.-
Enter into the English-spoken site <> of "G.H.Rees. ".
Following text is a tranfer from the original:
Honorable sirs,
. Governors,
. Armed forces generals,
. Police agencies generals,
. Members of national security services,
. Members of intelligence agencies
. Generals of international commitees
From information handed by consciencious objector-dissident Hebrew and Saxon academics of the U.S.A. as members of "NSA national security agency", via Greek-American members of American intelligence and national security services of the U.S.A., it is derived that:
<<The English Admiral of the English war fleet in the eastern Mediterannean, and head of the English joint air naval combat exercise "cougar 12" conducted by the English navalry, in December 5 2012, had received "enclosed" codified orders on transforming the "cougar 12" military drill into an intrusion by British military aircraft, the English aircraft carrier "Illustrius" into the airspace of Syria in December 10, 2012 by the "tested Turkish method" ("tested under NATO orders") of breaching of the Syrian national above sea level airspace by English military aircraft, so that the Syrian air defense would have shot them down, and as a result the Syrian goverment would have been accused that "they shot down foreign military aircraft in international air space" and thus this blatant lie would be the cause to double the minimal required reasons for the NATO invasion of Syria, namely that:
1. On December 10, 2012, the publication of photographic material was scheduled by the American "Pentagon", through foreign agents who were placed illegaly in Syria, which would show hundreds of deceased Syrians by the neuro-toxic "sarin" gas which was carried by the American fleet (aircraft carrier "D.D.Eisenhower" and destroyer “Peleliu') which was instructed to bombard Syria together with American strategical high altitude bomber aircraft on December 8, 2012, in order to falsely accuse the Syrian government of having used the deadly "sarin" gas and so that "NATO" would have had available the first alibi of invading Syria. This false pretext was blown apart by G.H.Rees., having published on December 7, 2012, via the website "ellhnkaichaos", this criminal planning by the American Pentagon.-
2. On december 10, 2012, the breach of the above sea level air space of Syria was scheduled by the "English navalry", in coordination with the American “Pentagon”, by three military aircraft of the English aircraft-carrier "Illustrius" and their downing by the Syrian air-defense (!!!), by standards "of the tested downing" of the Turkish military aircraft "rf-4" before months, in order to burden fraudulently the Syrian government with the accusation of "shooting down NATO military aircraft in international air space">>, so that NATO would have been granted the second false pretext against Syria. This is stated in order that a similar provocation would not be tried, and so that governments and generals of the countries who are members of "NATO", will have complete foreknowledge on what geno-suicidal crimes of World War III were led by the criminal Hebrew-masonic goverments of U.S.A.-England-Turkey and the "Pentagon" of U.S.A. As leader of "NATO" so that they will immediately withdraw from the criminal pact of the pseudonymous nowadays "NATO" as supposedly "North Atlantic Treaty Organization" (because informaly, and out of any standards of establishment protocols and memorandum of association, it acts as "North Atlantic-Middle East-Africa-Asia Treaty Organization"), as is currently.
The criminal invocation from the two aforementioned provocations, foiled by O.E.A (G.H.Rees.) was that, in December 11 2012, the Hebrew-masonic controlled universal news agencies would have overflown media with two false news, namely that:
<<On account of the fact that the Syrian army bombarded the Syrian guerilla fighters with the deadly "sarin" gas, and since the Syrian army shot down NATO military aircraft over international waters, it was determined by the NATO headquarters that... The forces of NATO (!!!) would safeguard with assuming defense positions against the attack of Syria, and intervening on the the Syrian grounds with the intention of protecting the Syrian population from the deadly gases of the Syrian army>>>>.-
We have already proved in previous O.E.A. (G.H.Rees.) articles that the intention of the invasion of NATO, is obviously not the protection of the Syrian anti-regime fighters, but the opening of the geostrategic highway "Syria-Iraq-Iran-Afghanistan" that was planned to be used by the Hebrew-Saxon "NATO" so that the NATO forces would be forwarded unhidered up to China, up to the former Soviet social-democracies of Siberia, and up to the Russian Siberia, in order to invade these countries with the devious scheme of the deceitful adequate causes of <<world government 666 for the protection of ecology and international stability and peace>> and in an effort to bring about World War III counter-attack by the armies of "Shangai Pact" or strategical military axis R.I.C (Russia-Islamic States-China, as the counteravailing force of "NATO", with annual autumn military drills under the charge of the Chinese Ministry Of National Defense) against "NATO" and "SEATO" ("South East Asia Treaty Organization" or "Anzus").-
[NB As of February 2016, it seems Hong/Hung has abandoned its intention to establish New World Order 666. Ed.]
For the retaliation above of the R.I.C. Armies, planned for 2020-21 by the masonic hyperlodges "Hong" of China and "AOA" of London, the Hebrew-Saxon generals of the American "Pentagon" have drawn out final plans completely traitorous against the American army and against the European armies of "NATO", and in effect have insidiously planned: Incomplete logistical provisioning, more precisely of firearms-fuel-nourishment etc, and the crossing of the armies of NATO from the areas of Siberian-Mongolian-Chinese deserts under encirclement, geographic seclusion and entrapment from the opposing forces of R.I.C., so that the armies of NATO will be massacred in the above mentioned desert territories from the armies of R.I.C, and subsequently the R.I.C. Armies will genocide the unarmed non-combatants of the countries of "NATO", with the set up in collusion (NATO-R.I.C.) pretext of the anti-Christ microchip "bar-code 666">> as NATO’s subcutaneous implant, for the citizens of U.S.A.-Europe-rest of the West.
As far as it concerns us Hellenes, since in the current phase of NATO’s commiting of dishonorable acts against Syria, with the ultimate purpose of opening the geostrategic highway from "Syria to Afghanistan" for the waging of World War III, the Greek-American "James Stavrides" was appointed as Secretary General of "NATO" in Brussels, we call the Hellenes of Hellas and Diaspora, and citizens of Brussels, headquarters of "NATO", to assasinate now James Stavrides along with all his family members, according to the ancient Greek law of <<extermination of all the traitor’s family members>> since, leading the attack of "NATO" against Syria, James Stavrides attempts to open the geostrategic highway "Syria to Afghanistan" for the attack of N.A.T.O. against R.I.C. and for the counter-attack of R.I.C. in order to exterminate the Greek army of "NATO" in the Asian deserts, and for the genocide of the unarmed Hellenes, as supposedly "anti-Christs 666" by the armies of R.I.C..
We call upon the greek-americans and non-greek citizens of the U.S.A., to assasinate now, and up to the 3rd degree of relatedness, the family members of naval leader James Stavrides, "NATO" chief-general, in Greece and U.S.A., concerning reasons of treason also against the citizens of U.S.A. whom he condemns to genocide from the retaliating forces of R.I.C. "Shangai Pact", after the attack of "NATO" that he is in charge of, against the countries of R.I.C., with Syria firstly, secondly Iran, thirdly countries of former Soviet Islamic democracies of Siberia, fourthly Russia, and fifthly China - according to the programming of the Chinese Hong for World War III, as it was let to be known to us by dissidents of "NSA" of U.S.A., through Greek-Americans.
Closing the issue of the NATO sham and the Greek-American Chief-General (read: "ultimate suicidal fool") of "NATO" with the transformation of the English NATO military drill "cougar 12" to provocation and thereafter to aggresion against Syria, we inform you that, after the "announcement with the two lies", of the deception of the general opinion through the international Hebrew-masonic news agencies in 12.11.2012, the planes of the English plane carrier "Illustrius" would be among the first ordered by "NATO" to attack the Syrian air defence with anti-radar missiles, and in continuation against the airbase of the Syrian military aircraft 12.12.2012.
It's the umpteenth time that for six hundred consecutive years eternal whore Hebrew-Saxon England, does not commence war against her enemies honorably and by reasons of war agreed upon international rights of war, but strives to destroy her enemies through sly provocations and unmanly actions of war, that fit perfectly, her sly unmasculine mental makeup and character of dastard hyena of, literally and metaphorically, faggot-gay English prime ministers-ministers-members of parliament and Hebrew-Saxon White-Yellow Mongol lords of England, that have wrought Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian occupation in England of the White pelasgians: Irish-Scottish or Scyths-Welsh or Uells or Hellenes- and indigenous White British, initially oblitarating the White pelasgians above, coming from Asia and invading Denmark and England, nowadays dishonoring the above White pelasgian generals, and infantry of the English armed forces with devious tactics of the "cougar 12" type, and the following day provoking the counter-attack of 200,000,000 Chinese military personel and 50,000,000 armymen of common Russian and Islamic army of "Shangai pact" or "R.I.C. Axis" Russia-Islamic countries-China, for the genocide of all armed and unarmed White pelasgian Irish-Scottish-Welsh-and British of England.
We inform you that a similar perfidious-dishonorable tactic of undeclared war, through the transformation of a tactical military drill to unprovoked aggresion as commanded by the unmanly, since homosexual, Hebrew-Saxon politicians and generals-admirals-airforce marshals of England in 1974 against the soreveign state of the Republic of Cyprus. In this "crime of non announced and unprovoked war” took part, through the seat of "NATO" in Brussels, the "Pentagon" of the U.S.A. With the participation of the oversea Hebrew-Saxon war-criminals politician and generals.
During the commiting of this "crime of war" and "crime against mankind" on July 1974 it was when north of Cyprus “NATO” conducted the joint air naval combat exercise with the participation of English and Turkish armed forces. All of a sudden and without any warning or telegraph or announcement -whatsoever- of war, the English military aircrafts of the "military drill" commenced bombing of military targets in the grounds of the democracy of Cyprus in the northern coast, and simultaneously Turkish war landing ships in the same coast, invading the ground of the Cypriot democracy, where they remain until today, occupying illegaly half the ground of the Cypriot democracy, having first slaughtered-raped-and enslaved part of the Cypriot population, and having expatriated the rest of the Cypriot residents from the occupied territories of northern Cyprus.
1. The unmanly dishonorable act that the English armed forces commited in 1974 in collaboration with "NATO" and with the timelessly genocidal Mongol Turkey for the slaughter-rape-enslavement-expatriation of the native habitants of northern Cyprus, and the occupation of Cypriot ground from the turkish army and...
2. The unmanly dishonorable act that was almost commited by the English armed forces, in the coastline of Syria, inside the Syrian sea borders and inside Syrian grounds, were both dictated by the planetary Hebrew-Saxon White-Yellow Mongol witch Queen of England Elizabeth, and from the Hebrew-Saxon Mongol White-Yellow king husband-"jardiniere" Phillip, as the above supreme commanders, of the English armed forces, in terms of the English constitution.
Before we announce the sentence that has been brought forward by the judicial branch of O.E.A. (G.H.Rees.) against the above two Hebrew-Saxon Mongul "Royal" criminals of war and criminals against mankind, we think it is advisable to let you know the deeper cause of their despicable criminal behavior, since you, due to non-acknowledgement of prehistory but also of the occult European and world history, can’t even begin to suspect the mortal danger against your people that is "weaved" through the genocidal plot of the Royal Hebrew-Saxon "snake's nest" in London, together with the supreme Hebrew-Saxon masonic lodge of the West, "AOA" or "Adeptis Ordo Atlantis" as an instrument of the Chinese clandestine "Hong" society.
We will make it short and telegraphic, as the currect document is not a historical essay, but a geostrategic brake for the cancellation of the outbreak of World War III and it’s coordination and conduction, constructed by "Hong" of China, and executed on behalf of the Royal family of the Hebrew-Saxon pseudo-Windsor of England, and mainly by the Hebrew-Saxon humanoid Satanic channelers of "AOA" of London -supreme Hebrew-Saxon lodge of the West.
World War I
1. Between 1712 and 1901, England was not under the soreveign power of native English kings, but of Hebrew-Mongol Goth-Hittite kings descending from the dynasty of the germanic state-kingdom of Hannover, Germany. This house was titled: wolfenbüttel braunschweig welfen von hannover, oder over=über han (Mongolian khan, kings of mongols). This Germanic title can be translated as follows: <<wolf-ushers (leaders), grey-silent (cunning) wolves, hyper-khan, hyperkings-khans of the Mongolians, of Europe>>. These "wolf-Mongolian" Hebrew-Saxon kings of England, descending from the Hebrew-Saxon house of the "wolf-mongolians" of the kingdom (before 1918) of Hannover, Germany, were the following, after the English Royal "House of Stuart":
George I (1714-1727);
George II (1727-1760);
George III (1760-1820);
George IV (1820-1830);
William IV (1830-1837);
Victoria (1837-1901).
George II (1727-1760);
George III (1760-1820);
George IV (1820-1830);
William IV (1830-1837);
Victoria (1837-1901).
Daughter of Edward Duke of Kent and Victoria of the Hebrew-Mongol House Saxe-Coburg Saalfeld Of Germany. Historians should investigate the anti-Hellenic role of: George IV, William IV, and Victoria, an the Hellenic Revolution Of 1821, and In the neo-Hellenic state. Victoria, Queen of England, 1837-1901, was married to Prince Albert of German natural citizenship, stemming from the Hebrew-Mongolian house, of the German state (before 1918) of "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha" or "Sachsen-Koenburg-Goths (Hittites)", and her nine children received her husbands’s surname, thus "House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha", through her son Edward VII, starts in England the dynasty of kings of the Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian house of Germany, "Saxe-Coburg and Gotha", thus the White-Yellow Mongolian Goths=Hittites=Wethin=Wettin=Gotto=Gottorp of Germany. This German-Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian dynasty compromises five kings of England:
Edward VII (1901-1910);
George V (1910-1936);
[World War I (1914-1918)];
Edward VIII (1936);
George VI (1936-1952);
[World War II (1940-1945)];
Elizabeth II (1952...);
[World War III (2012-delayed)].
George V (1910-1936);
[World War I (1914-1918)];
Edward VIII (1936);
George VI (1936-1952);
[World War II (1940-1945)];
Elizabeth II (1952...);
[World War III (2012-delayed)].
Questions Calling For Judgement
1. Before and up to year 1914, as the year of World War I outbreak, the Emperor of Germany William II Hohenzollern had under total control all dukes of the Duchy of “Saxe-Goburg and Gotha”, founded in 1826 by Duke Ernest I. He, especially, had complete control over the last duke of the aforementioned Duchy of Charles Edward, from 1900 until it's abolishment in 1918 at the end of World War I. In addition, all the dukes of "Saxe-Coburg Gotha" (Ernest I, 1826, Ernest II, Alfred, and Charles Edward) showed absolute submission and conformity to the German Emperors William I 1871-1888, Frederick III 1888, and William II 1888-1918, and acted as German "patriot-nobility", serving as high officers of the German army, in World War I against England. The question is: how is it possible for the World War I to break out between Germany and England, and the dukes of "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha" of Germany to be members of the German faction as high commanders against England, when simultaneously the dukes of the same German state, as kings of England, to lead the English army against Germany??
Answer And Brief Summary
a. The founder of the dynasty of Emperors Hohenzollern, and father of the first active emperor William I, namely Frederick-William IV, King of Prussia and chairman of "German Erfurt Union" 1849-1850, was wedded to the White-Yellow Mongol Hebrew-Saxon Princess of Bavaria, Elizabeth Ludovika, daughter of King of Bavaria, Maximilian I. Bavarians’ mongolian origins are ensured by their national doctrine that << the Mongol Turks are a brotherly nation with the Bavarians >> (see, Prime Minister of Turkey Jelal Bayar or Jelal Bavarian), and by their Mongoloid anthropological features. They persist on the same ethnological doctrine of a "brotherly nation" going as far as claiming the same for the Turks and Hungarian Mongols, "Mayar=Bayar", the Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon lords of England. Given that the mother is responsible for the nursing of offspring, the son William I of the above Hebrew-Mongolian Queen was taught by his White-Yellow mother to abominate the White pelasgian Europeans, and to conspire for their genocide as a Mongolian "Wolf".
b. The son of prussian Frederick William IV and the Bavarian Hebrew-Mongolian Elizabeth Ludovika, William I, first active emperor of the Hohenzollern dynasty, 1781-1888, and chairman of the "North German Confederation" 1867-1871, abominating the White pelasgian race as a result of his mother’s decries, and in 1829 he wedded the also White-Yellow Hebrew-Saxon Augusta of the house "Saxe Weimar", which is a branch of the originative Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon house of the middle ages "Wettin=Hittite-Goths-Gotto-Gottorp etc", that bore Frederick III.
c. The son of William I and the White-Yellow Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon Augusta Of "Saxe Weimar", second Emperor of Germany of the House Hohenzollern, Frederick III 1888, trained in the same way from his Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon mother in order to abominate the White pelasgian race, wedded the Royal Princess of England Victoria (1840-1901), who was equally of Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon descent from the "by retrogression" English branch of the Hebrew-saxon House of Germany <<Saxe (Sachsen)-Coburg (Koen-Burg)-Saalfeld>>, equally a branch of the "House Of Wettin". Given the fact that the mother is responsible for the children's nursing, Princess Victoria as a Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon, “educated” her son William II, third active Emperor Hohenzollern of Germany 1888-1918, on abominating the White pelasgian race, and on processing her genocide. The proof as to the aforementioned is contained in the fact that William II or "Kaizer Wilhelm II", trained by the Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon mother, Victoria of "Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld" of England, to abominate the White race of the White European nations, in 1881, married Augusta-Victoria of the Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian House "Oldenburg-Sonderburg-Schleshwig-Holstein-Glücksburg-Gottorp", that is equally a branch of the medieval Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon Gothic-Hittite "House Of Wettin-Goths-Gotta-Hittites-Gotto-Gottorp", that is the ancient "snake's nest".
1 All historians recognize that the kings of Prussia, more precisely the "House of Hohenzollern", were the carriers of Germanic honor and German patriotism. However, the four last Hohenzollern kings of Prussia and emperors of Germany, by whom the first, Frederick William IV (Friedrich Wilhelm IV) as chairman of the "German Union" 1815-1866, and appointed Emperor of Germany, having refused this title, and the remaining three, Wilhelm-William I, Friedrich-Frederick III, and Wilhelm-William II, became trapped and corrupted from Mongol pseudo-German Hebrew-Saxon mothers and spouses, respectively as follows:
Emperor Hohenzollern;
Emperor’s wife;
Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon “House” of the wife;
Frederick William IV;
“House of Wittelsbach”, Bavaria (Scheyern);
William I;
“House of Saxe-Weimar” (Sachsen Weimar);
Frederick III;
“House of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld”, English Branch (Koen Burg);
William II;
Augusta Victoria;
“House of Wettin-Oldenburg-Schleswig-Holstein”.
Emperor’s wife;
Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon “House” of the wife;
Frederick William IV;
“House of Wittelsbach”, Bavaria (Scheyern);
William I;
“House of Saxe-Weimar” (Sachsen Weimar);
Frederick III;
“House of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld”, English Branch (Koen Burg);
William II;
Augusta Victoria;
“House of Wettin-Oldenburg-Schleswig-Holstein”.
The main subject of corruption and treason of the four last kings and emperors of Prussia Hohenzollern, and especially the last, William-wilhelm II, is that as leaders of the White German pelasgian nation and state, mingled genetically-intellectualy-and emotionally with White-Yellow mongolian Hebrew-Saxon houses, mentioned in the table above, and as a result they degenerated, and betrayed Germany, leading the German populace to the slaughterhouse of World War I.
The last Hohenzollern German emperor, Wilhelm-william II 1888-1918, under the influence of his Hebrew mother, Victoria, of the Hebrew House "Saxe-Koenburg-Saalfeld", and the influence of his Hebrew wife, Augusta Victoria descending from the Hebrew House "Wettin-Oldenburg-Schleswig-Holstein", both of whom trained him on abominating the peoples of the White-pelasgian nation-states of Europe, conspired with the Hebrew King of England George V 1910-1936, of the Hebrew House "Wettin-Saxe-Coburg(Koenburg)-Gotha-Goths-Gotto-Hittites" of England, in order to bring about the genocide of the nations of the White race, by the civil slaughtering of World War I, with first and foremost genocidal victims the White citizens of Germany and England.
The above Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian conspiracy for the total intraracial genocide of the White European nations failed, to the expense of tens of millions of dead White Europeans. We number through the official census of casualties of World War I:
1. Military fatalities of the "triple agreement" (entente), namely England-
France-Russia-USA: War casualties: 5.17 million.
2. Military fatalities of the "triple alliance" or "central powers", namely
Germany-Austrohungary-Ottoman Empire-Bulgaria: War casualties: 3.4 million, mainly German and Austrian.
3. On either side, parallel losses of unarmed civilians: 13.5 million.
4. On either side, civilian casualties due to disease-epidemics due to hunger (Spanish flu etc) 18 million.
Sum: Dead of World War I = 40.07, namely up to 40 (forty) million White pelasgians, which accounts for the 10% of the White European population, murdered by the Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon "Royal Houses" of Germany, England, Russia and USA, because:
1. The Czar of Russia Nicholas II 1894-1917, was not a native Russian, but a Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon, since the "House of Romanov of Russia" is a fictitious term created in order to cover up and conceal from the Russian pelasgian Scyths under genocide, that the founder of the pseudo-Romanov dynasty, Czar of Russia Michael I 1613-1645 , was not a Russian but a member of the Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian dynasty of "Wettin", and especially of the branch "Oldenburg-Sonderburg-Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp" of Germany. This Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian dynasty of pseudo-Romanov brought Russia into poverty and deprivation premeditatively and insidiously and with a very precise intention, to pave the way for the revolution of the Hebrews and Mongols of Russia against the White pelasgian Scyths of Russia, as the supposedly "communist revolution" of 1917. The last true Russian Emperor was Feodor I 1584-1598, Crown Prince of the
Russian Tsardom and heir to Czar Ivan IV The Terrible, 1533-1584, both members of the "Rurik" Dynasty of the Viking "Rus".
2. The Hebrew-Saxon Woodrow Wilson, President Of U.S.A. 1913-1921, and the Vice-President Thomas Marshall, violated the "Declaration of Neutrality" addressed by U.S.A. In 1914, and by April of 1917, had deployed American troops in the European slaughterhouse of World War I,- in Hebrew-Saxon collusion with the Hebrew kings of London "Saxe-Koen-Burg-Gotha" in charge of the English army and with the traitor "artificial Hebrew-Saxons" kaizers Hohenzollern of Germany, wedded to the Hebrew-Saxons of the house "Saxe-Coburg (Koen Burg)-Saalfeld" of England.
Under such circumstances of conspiracy, the only thing left was the spark to ignite the power keg of World War I, and this naturally was the assasination of the successor of Austria, Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo of Bosnia, then province of AustroHungaria, in 28 June 1914, from the Hebrew Serbian citizen Gabriel Princhip (Gavrilo Princip), Resident of Bosnia that personated the "fanatic nationalist of the pan-Slavist movement", since the Hebrews have founded political parties and movements throughout the entire political spectrum, even Nazi movements, for... Any needed in time provocative action, as for instance they have founded in all countries the Nazi movements "Golden Dawn", as annexes of "...S. ..G." or "Golden Dawn" of London, in German translation "Golden Morgenröte", part of the "negative polarity" "OTO" (Ordo Templis Occidentis) of London, part of the Hebrew-Saxon Masonic Lodge "AOA" (Adeptis Ordo Atlantis) of London. The ancient pelasgian law, in case that murder was not accidental but by wit and premeditated, demands quadruple acts of redemption, more precisely the death or the subjugation of four relatives of the murderer, to the relatives of the murdered, for a life.
According to this rule-ancient law, for the forty million deceased of the White race, murdered through Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian conspiracies of World War I, it is imperative that the White-Yellow: Hebrews-Saxons-Hittites of Germany-Hittite lords and kings of England, should hand in to the White European nations 40 x 4 = 160 million of their own kind, as hostages of death penalties or in order to be subjugated for life to the citizens of their victims, namely the White nations of Europe and U.S.A..
World War II
The “knot” of World War II is easier to be untied than the one of World War I. The "leaders" of opposing forces of World War II, were England and Germany. Leaders of England, leader of the State and army in England 1936-1952, was the Hebrew-saxon King of England George VI, of the Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon house "Wettin-Saxe-Coburg(Koen Burg)-Gotha" of Germany. Leaders of Germany, leaders of the German State and army of Wehrmacht and the Nazi army of "ss" were from 1933-1945 the, of Hebrew origin:
Ober-Reichs-Fuhrer, Heinrich Himmler as "Over-Fuhrer (Waypaver) of the kingdom";
Fuhrer Reichs-Kanzler, Adolf Hitler as "Fuhrer-Chancellor of the Kingdom".
The Hebrew origin of Heinrich Himmler was ensured irrevocably by Von Kanaris, of Greek origin, naval leader and head of the German intelligence service Abwehr. The Hebrew origin of Adolf Hitler as illegitimate son of the Hebrew international bankster Rothschild of Frankfurt with foster parents Alois Hitler and Klara Pölzl of the village Braunau-Am-Inn, of the German-Austrian borders, is equally ensured by Von Kanaris of Abwehr. The anthropological features of Hitler or Heidler Schicklgruber, and Himmler, point to Mongolian-Hebrew origins - not any relation with "Aryan origins" whatsoever.
Leaders of Russia, leader of the State and army of Russia in 1940, was Russian Hebrew Joseph Dju-Gashvili or "Stalin" (Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili or Dju-Gashvili), that had in mind to become "world king of the Hebrews" instead of the Arch-Rabbis Baruch of U.S.A., but at the time he pretended showing allegiance to them. He expressed his disobedience towards the Baruch of U.S.A. in 1946, and real war was about to be waged thereafter, between Russia and U.S.A., Russian-Hebrew Kruschev restored the Russian Soviet Union under the absolute governance of Baruch of U.S.A..
Leaders of U.S.A., President of U.S.A. in 1940 was American Hebrew Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945), descendant of the German Hebrew lineage Rosenvelt. No further commentary needed. The aforementioned Hebrew-Saxon scum, criminals of World War II, provoking and conducting World War II, exterminated 55.5 million men, according to official statistics concerning casualties, and it's quite evident and "crystal clear" that World War II was set up and programmed from the supreme Hebrew-Saxon governance of the West, namely from the masonic hyper-lodge "AOA" of London and from the Hebrew-Saxon court of the Hebrew Mongolian murderer-genociders "Saxe-Koen-Burg-Gotha-Goths" English kings of London. These Hebrew criminal scum and their offspring must offer 55.5 x 4 = 222,000,000 of their own kind, namely Hebrews, Saxons and the rest of Hittite Mongolians, as hostages of death penalties or lifetime servants, to the nations of the White race that they genocided in World War II, 1939-1945.
World War III
[Whistleblowing and the current Chinese recession have caused delay. At January 2016, China is considered incapable of waging world war and establishing its global dictatorship before 2023, New World Order 888 aka Jehovah's Kingdom.]
2012-2020 (Delayed)
Planned outcome of World War III, from "Hong" of China, "AOA" of London, 12.11.12, and Queen of England Elizabeth of the Hebrew house <<Saxe-Koen-Burg-Gotha>>:
...Five billion dead...
...2 / 3 of the global population...
...Five billion people dead...
...5,000,000,000 people dead....
...2 / 3 of the global population...
...Five billion people dead...
...5,000,000,000 people dead....
Pretext of World War III outbreak:
<<Transformation of the English air naval joint exercise "cougar 12" into a military invasion by land, coastline, and the air space of syria in 12.11.2012, dictated by the Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian Queen of England Elizabeth II, as true leader of the armed forces of England and foiled from the Greek paramilitary body O.E.A. (G.H.Rees.), through information leaked by dissident members of NSA-U.S.A.,-uploaded on the webpages "ellhnkaichaos" and "hellendandchaos" 7.12.2012 >>.
Earth population of today: 7.5 billion.
Proof as to the true intentions of the supreme planetary hyper-lodge "Hong" of China, the supreme Hebrew-Saxon hyperlodge of the West "AOA" (Adeptis Ordo Atlantis) of London, England, and the Hebrew Royal family of England pseudo-Windsor or <<Saxe(Sachsen)-Coburg(Koen Burg)-Gotha(Goths-Gotto-Gottorp-Hittites-Hettin or Wettin or "Witten" of Germany), to inflate the break of World War II 2012-2020, with 5 trillion dead, namely the (7.5 x . = 5 trillion) {I don't understand G.H.Rees here! Ed}.
Of the earth's population:
1. The "Talmud" or the "Holy Bible" of the Hebrews, where it is written that: <<in the last great war (WWIII) [half? Ed.] of the global population will disappear>>. Namely as far as this "prophecy" (read "ultimate planetary criminal genocidal planning-programming') is concerned, [see] the comments of arch-rabbi Abravanel, as referenced in the book with title "The Worst Opponents Of The Nations" of the French patriot writer-historian Jean Boyer.
2. The text of the "apocalypse" (Revelation) of the Christian <<"Holy (criminal) scripture>>, that in (direct references from Greek prototypal to this point):
O A. (? Ed.) [Revelation, Ed.] Chapter 6:3-8 states that: the (space criminal imprudent Draconian) god-father of the Christians Sin-Zion-Sion-Sina (see Genesis 11:31, NIV and study the collective memory of the principal worship of Moon God Sin in Ur, Chaldea and Haran where Abraham resided at a time) sends "four horsemen" to bring about the genocide of ¼ of souls (7.5 billion x 1.4 (0.25 Ed.!) = 1.875 billion) namely 1,875 million men, with war ("red horse"), hunger ("black horse"), and disease ("yellow horse"),-in the "last great war" or "armageddon".
O B. [Revelation, Ed.] Chapter 9:15-18 states that: <<two myriad (2 x 10,00) of myriads (x 10,000), that is 2 x 10,000,000=200,000,000 men under the "kings of the rising sun" (Chinese leaders) , coming "east from the river Euphrates" will genocide .(?? Ed.) Of ... (7.5 billion x .(?? Ed.) = 2.5 billion), namely 2.5 billion ..., through genocidal military onslaught, at the "final war" or World War III or "Armageddon".- for Chinese "kings from the rising sun" see "Revelation" chapter 16: proverbs 12-16. (the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east (or "..........Os ....." or "rising sun" in Greek prototypal).
O C. Chapter 19:14-28 states that: <<the last, white horseman (Jesus Christ or in Hebrew: "Jah-o-suva", namely "Jehova saves", genocides the rest of mankind>>, up 5 billion to be exterminated, namely (1,875 + 2,500 + 625) 625,000,000 or 625 million ..., adults and children, freemen and slaves, armed and unarmed, and calls out to the vultures to consume the flesh of the dead in <<the big dinner of God almighty>>, "God-father" of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, namely the space criminal intruder Sin-Sion-Zion-Sina-Jedi-Senti-Jade-Jed-Jude-Judas, Pseudo-sub-god of Moon, and "sandgrain" inside the real body of the true god "pan" (pan = everything in existence in Greek, denoting the sympan = universe in Greece) or "intelligent hyperanthropomorphic universal organism".
d. Cross-check New Testament, Hebrews 12:18-13:29 for a reference of "comparance of upper and lower Zion" (as titled) and upper and lower Jerusalem inside (or Ierusalim, Iera Selin(i), by direct vowel transfer by grammar rules from Hebrew to Greek and by nasal consonant transformation to the same type, meaning literally "Holy Moon", in the
Hellenic language) , and Jerusalem inhabitants and their respective physical properties, especially of their overlord, apart from that great importance is also given on: "...2 at that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "once more i will shake not only the earth but also the heavens." and compare to:
e. Psalms 18:6 (NIV): “In my distress i called to the lord, and cried to my god. He heard my voice out of his temple. My cry before him came into his ears. Then the earth shook and trembled. The foundations also of the mountains quaked and were shaken, because he was angry. Smoke went out of his nostrils. Consuming fire came out of his mouth. Coals were kindled by it. He bowed the heavens also, and came down. Thick darkness was under his feet. He rode on a cherub, and flew. Yes, he soared on the wings of the wind. He made darkness his hiding place, his pavillion around him, darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies. At the brightness before him his thick clouds passed, hailstones and coals of fire. Lord also thundered in the sky. The most high uttered his voice: hailstones and coals of fire.”
f. Who are the seraphim (.....) and cherubim (.....) - are they two different orders of angels? (references from NIV bible). Seraph (...) in hebrew simply means "burning", "a burning one", "a burned". This is clear from Num 21:6:
The lord sent burning serpents (............ Hanachashim haseraphim) among the people and they bit the people, so that many people of israel died. The "burning" serpents probably called thus because of their fiery red color or because of the burning inflammatory effect of their bite, or both. From num 21:8-9:
Then the lord said to Moses, "make a burner (... Seraph), and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he will live." Num 21:8:
And moses made a bronze serpent (....... Nachash nachashet) and set it on the standard; and it came about, that if a serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived.
Note that god commanded moses to make a seraph and so he made nachash--Moses certainly did not think God was asking him to make an angel..... The only use of (...Seraph) as referring to angels is in Isaiah 6:2:
Seraphim (.....) stood above him, each having six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. Then one of the seraphim (.....) flew to me with a hot coal in his hand, which he had taken from the altar with tongs. Isaiah 6:6.
However, the two uses should simply be translated "burning ones" or "burners". They are simply cherubim, the same as described in Ezekiel chapter 1 and 10. These cherubim are "burning" probably in the same sense that the angel of the
lord was in Exodus 3:2:
The angel of the lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed. [Holography! Ed.] In Heb 1:7 (which is a quotation of psalm 104:4):
And for the angel he says, "who makes his angels winds, and his ministers a flame of fire". The connection between a seraph (burning) cherub and a seraph (burning) serpent is of course Satan, who is both a cherub ("the annointed covering cherub" Ezekiel 28:14) and a serpent ("the serpent of old who is the devil and Satan" Rev. 12:9 and will be untied by god) – essentialy Tamiel, that takes on the role of the evil polarized entity (that through hyper-technological means appears in masonic gatherings, not metaphysically at any rate as introduced by the “lunatics” of old and modern ages) a concept that is non-existant inside the universe and breaks the Apollonian balance that our very own universe and we as microscopic representations of it are created with and have the shape of in certain aspects to start with. This exposes further and further the ultimate plans of the hoax that is Christianity and the rest of Abrahamic-monotheistic religions (and even other polytheistic in many aspects) that propose an “external logos” in contrast to the “internal logos” that derives from deductive reasoning, direct physical proof, astrophysics and astronomy that do never fail in contrast to modern rabbinic-pseudoscience that fails in all levels of logic and more specifically testing in all aspects and levels, and is represented in all ancient non-corrupted literature of yet non-corrupted minds throughout the world that followed more and more archetypal knowledge, depicted more precisely as the double diapason-double epsilon of Greeks, Dogon, Berbers among others, that is crossed in the middle by the Appolonian line, all that before the Abrahamic plague that has fully twisted and inverted in all levels, with having obvious foreknowledge of this truth, these basic principles that are also testified by the very existence of healthy thoughts, logical reasoning, healthy balanced non-polarized emotions and harmonious natural opposites. See further Heraclitus and his Aghivasien (.G....S...) and also Amphigonia (..F.G....) further, a concept that is also depicted as a real shape, and is present in the uppermost part of all Corinthian columns.
g. In Hebrews 10:15-17 (niv) (9:8-13 in Greek transcript) it is admitted straightforwardly that the lord is Yahweh, that drove Hebrews out of Egypt (ultimate historical fraud), made the Old Testament and is now making a new one, so that the Hebrews will be his people and him their lord. Besides he will be totally remorseful and forgetful to their actions (therefore giving them the green light to approach further on their orchestrated havoc).
h. In psalms 72:5 (to Solomon, NIV) it is clearly stated that “they shall fear you while the sun endures; and as long as the moon” and in the Greek edition on the same spot (71:7, to Solomon) it is stated more precisely that “the lord will govern till the moon departs”, a mystical dogma also supported by the Aghion Oros (or “Holy Mountain” in Greek), in Athos Peninsula, Greece.
3. The confessions and testimonies of Neil Armstrong, first astronaut to ever set foot on the moon (and later turned to muslim faith), and members of his crew as for instance Al Worden as to what they saw and heard this special day on their space trip, the improbable “natural creation” of the moon as a “natural satellite” of our planet, as supported by the likes of scientists such as George Darwin, William Pickering, Michael Vasin, Alexander Shcherbakov, Robin Brett, William Hartmann, Isaak Asimov, Hugh Percy Wilkings, Joseph Slovsky, Walter Sullivan and uncountable others, even much recent, as well as recent photos of holes in the moon published by NASA with nasa’s respective explanation of their very existence.
4. At the American academic meetings, the Hebrew and Saxon university "academics", just like the Hebrew humanoid reptilian Eric Pianka (http://uts.Cc.Utexas.Edu/~varanus/eric.html, email:pianka@mail.Utexas.Edu, erp@austin.Utexas.Edu), all agree as ordered by their rabbis that: <<we must genocide . Of the global population [?? Ed.], that is 5 billion souls, through the artificial ebola virus (aerobic ebola), in order to avoid the overpopulation of the planet>>.
5. O.E.A. (G.H.Rees.) was held information from Greek-Americans of American intelligence services exposing that:
a. The confederate states of america service "F.E.M.A." "federal emergency management agency", in their owned facilities, by up to 2010 had constructed up to 4 billion plastic black "destructions’ coffins" that had been stored in their depositories, failing to give a reason for this action. “let he who has eyes see, let he who has ears hear”.(...).
Mortality Rate 95%
In the American plane carriers-tankers of chem-bio-radio-trails spraying, are about to be added special spraying nozzles and special high security tankers including huge amounts of airborne "ebola virus", that is nine times more deadly than "aquatic ebola virus", which does not require body contact to be transferred, but is transmitted via the respiratory system through inhaling air from the contaminated atmosphere, by "chem-bio-radia-trail" tankers. Death occurs in about three days after the respiratory "infection of aerobic ebola" due to corrosion of bodily organs, and total internal bleeding.
The five elements above prove that: <<local dark forces, namely invisible entities-demonic spirits which, on the confessions of all councils of Christian - Judaist and Islamic religious herecies , are based on the moon, and have founded Judaism and it’s two heresies: Christianity and Islam, have programmed the genocide of all races of man and their intermarriages thousands of years ago, namely the genocide: of the White and Black race, the results of their intermarriage, and their intermarriage with the Yellow race of China, namely the genocide of White-Mongolian Hebrews-Saxons-Albanians-Bulgarians-Turks-Mongolians abroad and of Mongolia proper and of the Black-Mongolian: Indonesians-Indo-Chinese etc, as a genocide carried out by the armies of "the pure Yellow nations", Korea 777 and China 888, in WWIII, codename "Armageddon">>.
The judicial branch of O.E.A. (G.H.Rees.), Thessalonica, Greece, has adjudgedicated the appropriate sentences against the Royal family of England deriving from the ancient Greek penal code for “absolute war criminals", and "criminals against mankind". We are currently not confiding them to you.
What we as “planetary governmental judges” by right, inquire from you, is to introduce ex officio three-judge courts and bring the Royal family of England into justice under the charge of inciting the genocide of: 40,000,000 people on WWI, 55,500,000 people on WWII, and the genocidal attempt of the global population of 5 billion people in WWIII. The same principle applies to Hebrew-Saxon lords and members of "AOA" and "OTO".
For further research and citations as far as the validity of the present text’s elements is concerned, visit the respective websites, applying the following searches:
House of Hohenzollern
House of Wetttin
House of Oldenburg
House of Saxe Goburg and Gotha
House of Saxe Weimar
Duchy of Brunswick Wolfenbüttel
Electorate of Brunswick Lüneburg
House of Hannover
List of British Monarchs
Family tree of German Monarchs
British monarchs family tree
House of Welf
Family tree of Russian monarchs
Wolfenbüttel heraldry
Grand duchy of Saxe Weimar Eisenach
Woodrow Wilson
World War II casualties
Herzogtum Saghsen Goburg und Gotha
House of Hannover
House of Steward
House of Wetttin
House of Oldenburg
House of Saxe Goburg and Gotha
House of Saxe Weimar
Duchy of Brunswick Wolfenbüttel
Electorate of Brunswick Lüneburg
House of Hannover
List of British Monarchs
Family tree of German Monarchs
British monarchs family tree
House of Welf
Family tree of Russian monarchs
Wolfenbüttel heraldry
Grand duchy of Saxe Weimar Eisenach
Woodrow Wilson
World War II casualties
Herzogtum Saghsen Goburg und Gotha
House of Hannover
House of Steward
Non-party involved paramilitary autonomous body for Greek national and planetary security.
G.H.Rees. Official representative Karageorgiou chr. Chr. Giannis, Lieutenant General of G.H.Rees. Department of Geostrategics., Elpidos 12 New Ionia, Volos, Greece.
I.D. . 424419
NB Ed. = Editor comment.
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