Work in progress. Links to be added for individual posts.
666, 777, 888, 999, etc.:
“888” of the Chinese Dragon is the KEY-NUMBER-WORD for Jesus (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ):
888 = Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200)
For 666, read Buddhism, Induism, Taoism, SINtoism, Satanism.
08/08/08 was the date the pseudo-Chinese Olympics began!
For 888, read Judaism(?), Christianity, and Islam.
See Geostrategic Codes.
200, 000, 000:
Rev. [21, (New Jerusalem)] 20:1-6 (1000 years), 9:16-17 (200, 000,000 soldiers), Gen. 21:1.
The Central recruitment site of +/-A.O.A.
London will doubtless welcome you at or:
London WC1N 3XX
+/-AOA, Adeptis Ordo Atlantis, Order of the Descendants of Atlantis, Perfection Lodge, Holy of Holies: Jewish-Saxon masonic overlodge, London. With OTO, commands all the Arch-Rabbineia Synagogues and all the Masonic National (Gentile) +/-“M.T.M.” of the West. Led by Yahweh, "God". They have a "Chancellor" and their own Bible "Equinox" that forms their constitution. They consider themselves to be a hyperstate and hyper-government of the West 666...
Ordo Adeptis Atlantis (negative) is the -NaziBuddhist Atlantean Adepts (-OTO and -MTM), meaning, Order of the Accepted from Atlantis.
Ordo Astrum Argentinum (positive) is +Christiansocialist Astrum Argentinum (+OTO and +MTM).
72 Members of which 24 are representatives of Female Semitic Races “AGHAR” namely Arabs, 24 are representatives of Androgynous Semitic Races “SARAH” namely Israelites and 24 are representatives of Male Semitic Races “HETTURAN” or “TURAN” namely Turanian Mongols and Tatarians. [Th26Nov2009].
The “Old Testament” says that Abraham gave as a harlot his wife Sarah to the Pharaoh of Egypt, and got as a price of this prostitution many flocks of sheep, gold and silver. From Egypt, he returned to Palestine in order to genocide its Cretan colonists, namely the Philistines or Palestinian Hellenes (“Genesis 12:10-20” and “Genesis 13:1-4”).
Agents of Hong: See: Hebrew-Saxon agents.
The crypto-Jewish agent provocateur president of Iran conspires with the Burroughs - Baruch Chief Rabbis of the USA for the slaughter of the Iranian-Persian people by the Hebrew-Saxon “NATO” and Sina.
Prof. M Chossudovsky of the Univ. of Ottawa said Ahmadinejad QUOTED Ayatollah Khomeini on October 25, 2005. Khomeini’s thrust was not to wipe the nation Israel “off the map”, but to change Mardukh's Israeli (Sionist) regime. US media perverted the quote. See:
Alex Jones:
No blog date! Title: "Ry Dawson takes Alex Jones to the Wood Shed..."
A.MH.C: [Fr27Aug2010] After Mongol Hebrew Christ. From pre-history to 1700 A.MH.C, all the wars in our planet were provoked by the “oracles-prophecies” and the “auguries” of the collusion pre-Christian and Christian - Judean - Islamic - Taoist - Shinto - Buddhist - Lama Priesthoods. After 1700 A.MH.C, all the wars in our planet were provoked and ordered by the hierarchy of the “Secret Societies” namely of the Masonic Hyper-lodges.
Ambassador of the U.N. Embassy for Reception of Extra-Terrestrials:
NOT enemy Cronians posing as Federal Andromedians in Saturn’s orbit who also pose as the returning “Dodecatheon of Zeus”, with purpose to request Tiger to strike Dragon to ignite WW3.
Up to 960 ships of the Andromedian astrofleet, are around the ellipse and orbits of planet Saturn [Th06Jan2011].
"The Announcement" [Fr03Aug2012]
Hell and Chaos...
Unstoppable, clockwise, black, cold radiation.
Destruction of 5 billion people. To begin with BASTR vs Greece.
Ezekiel Ch.38 and 39.
Luke 19: 27 (Slay those who will not kneel).
Revelations 2: 26-27 (Those who kneel get to smash nations.).
Rev. 6:2, a crowned rider and on a white horse conquers with a bow.
Rev. 6:4, rider with a great sword and on a red horse destroys peace.
Rev. 6:5-6 the rider with a pair of balances rides a black horse causes starvation. Hell's pale horse rider is Death, whom Hell follows, and they kill by hunger, sword, and beasts of the earth (Rev. 6:8).
Rev. 8:7 (One third of trees and all grass destroyed),
Rev. 9: 11-21 (Apollyon ruled the people and unleashed four angels with an army of 200 million horsemen, upon steeds that will slay one third of men with fire, smoke, and brimstone. The surviving men did not repent of their sins.)
16: 8-9 (Angel scorched men blasphemed the name of God and did not repent.) and
16: 12-16 (Water was dried up for the KINGS OF THE EAST and devils worked miracles for them to do Armageddon.).
19: 17-21 (Judgement follows Armageddon?).
[Su15Nov2009] From As(h)kania of Asia minor, today's Western Turkey.
Artemis Sorras:
Accumulated $3billion in expenses while supposedly developing secret, ancient Greek space technology in 2009 for the US Gov't. President Obama agreed to pay on 09Aug2014.
1. E. Lambrakis and Bexis/Mexis of "Ichor" have publicly claimed that the US Gov't is buyer of the space technology, but the US sold NASA to the Hebrew Rockefellers; to fund the 2011 debt crisis! Lambrakis and Bexis are caught in a fraud.
The science of Assyriology states that the Assyrian city of Ur from which Abraham came, had "Sin of the Moon" as a central God - although Abraham was commanded by his Lord “Eloh or Allah”. The Sinese humo-saurian race is named after its progenitor central god, although they are now known as Chinese - hence the name “Sinic wall” from Sinos-Sina-China. The Chinese are genetically synthesised humanoids and will serve as a genocide tool against the White Andromedian and Black Magnificent indigenous races at Armageddon/WW3.
From the root Sin – “Sion” (Zion) comes the term China – “Down Zion”(Earthly) and “Upper Zion”(Moon). Therefore, Zionism is correctly pronounced Sinism and is loyal to Sin!
Abraham is Havra-Khan in Mongolian.
Led by Zeus, they repulsed the invasion of
Europe in the Pelasgic ‘Civil’ World War by the White
and Chinese Atlantians. Anticipating the extermination of all Chinese, Selene began a Space War with Zeus' forces.
Hell and Chaos...
Place of arrival of the Chinese population of
Selene, where they fomented 'civil' war between the White Pelasgians of Atlantis and their racial Pelasgian brothers of Europe (See Plato's Timaeus [Timaios] 24 and Critias [Kritias] 108) in which 'special effect' nuclear weapons and meteorological weapons were used (See the ancient Indian texts of Vedas and Mahabharata). Anticipating Chinese annihilation by Athenian counter-attack, Selene waged a Space War on Zeus and sank Atlantis and the Aegis Zone by using gravity
cannons, after the Chinese Atlantians were evacuated. The Pelasgic golden era of high technology and civilisation in harmony with nature soon shifted to a ‘stone age’.
The final conflict and sinking of Atlantis and Aegis is dated by the lodge of the Grand Oak in 9.600 B.C., and it’s probably the actual date because it is cross-referenced by the ancient manuscripts of “Timaios and Kritias” of Plato [].
Barak Obama:
Barouch of New York:
Chief-Rabbis/Arch-Rabbis. To be
Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania/Pentagon. Armies of these nations are to genocide half the Greek population, as planned by the Pentagon, so that Greeks as leaders of NATO would invade countries of Turkish Mongols of China (Huigkour=Hungarians) and provoke an overwhelming backlash by the RIC. The resulting genocide of NATO, SEATO and civilians of their member countries would lead to the instigation of Jehovah's Kingdom.
2. Epsilon traitors of Greece inc. LAOS and Golden Dawn therefore provoke the BASTR/P attack by extreme abuse of foreign immigrants; according to the traitorous theories of the “chief-priests of Epsilons” , that is French Hebrew Cretan Ioannis Fourie or Fourakis and the Greek-Hebrew professor called Tzanni, or Zanna.
3. Golden Dawn, Greece was founded by nazi, Hebrew-Saxon Mongol Lords of Golden Dawn, England. Both regard Asian mongols, esp. Tibetans, Chinese, Koreans, Albanians and Turkish Mongols as white!!
4. BASTR/KI/P: The axis that is to genocide Greece all the way up to Lamia (central Greece).
Transformed military BASTR/P axis since 11/12Jan2013 by both the armies of China and Turkey, units of which will be stationed in all countries of the BASTR/P axis surrounding Greece.
Before Draconian Christ e.g. 20,000 years bDC.
Benen Berith:
Loyal to Yahweh "God" and in opposition to AOA which is loyal to the Tamil "Devil". The hatred enabled two world wars: bad Germans (AOA/Tamil underchthonians) vs good allies of Benen Berith or Yahweh heavenlies.
Sins provoker of division between Christians,
thereby making Armageddon easier to accomplish.
Bilderberg, 2011:
HL Hong, Head of the Dragon, covertly heads the Bilderberg Group. It sent two "acolyte" representatives of the Shanghai Pact into the Western Trilateral Pact meeting: A Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Fu, and a Beijing University Professor of Finance (For financial war against the West).
Groups such as Bilderberg help to conceal Hong.
Translation of the group's meeting in 2011 was provided by the opinion-making ''partial truthers'', Jim Tucker, Alex Jones and Russia Today (RT, of the FSB and RIC). No mention of China is included in the report, nor its plans for global dictatorship.
Issues discussed at the meeting:
1. The "elite" was concerned about the US Congress wanting NATO to pull out of Libya, after its illegal and immoral invasion. The conflict is a money spinner for the masons.
2. Freedom and information on the internet are empowering opposition to Bilderbergers. They want new laws under the guise of safeguarding intellectual property and preventing terrorism, insisting that regulation, laws and close surveillance will make everybody safer.
3. Bilderbergers will intensify the financial crisis and austerity. in order to destroy national governance. A controlled global government with a new currency and surveillance and control by police is intended.
4. Replacement for the fitted-up Chair of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn who resigned. French Minister of Finance, Christine Lagarde, got the job - as fixed by the Chinese. She is a close colleague of the China-loving Hungarian-Hebrew, Sarkozy.
5. Journalist Jim Tucker reported that the Trilateral-Bilderbergers are "united in their plan for war" as a means to slowing overpopulation.
6. Bilderbergers are outraged at coverage by patriots, protesters, and media. They tried to reduce coverage by The Guardian and Irish Times, but failed.
We discern Hebrew-Mason interest in WW3 and wars in the Middle East, which they want to heat up rather than cool down; Yemen, Syria, and Libya for example. This will open various fronts for ignition of "Armageddon". They also want Gaddafi dead, for opposing them.
They want to completely control the internet, but can't.
The "Debt Crisis" serves to conceal countries of the US-E-J Trilateral Pact. China readily provides money for bail-outs... Jianbao tipped Gestapo girl Merkel with 200 billion euros so he could steer her on a five year plan. Phase one may form New World Order 666 [the "bad littl anti-Christ 666"], which will be annihilated after a weak push against the East and replaced by New World (Order) 888 [Christ 888].
The goyim want recognition as movers and shakers in Hong's hierarchy, but supposedly complain about becoming famous! They help conceal Hong, but are themselves lowly: Part of the problem facing Earth.
Gaia's indigenous black “ SIRIAN” race of the constellation of “ Argo”.
Russian Hebrew founder of Theosophy and medium initiated by +/-Zen. [Su10Feb2013, Tu27Nov2012].
Before Mongol Hebrew Christ.
A basic teaching of Hinduism A’ and Buddhism is that “the Moon is hostile towards us, and that we must avoid getting in contact with the radiation of the Moon”.
Carl Sagan:
China Central Bank:
Chinese Behaviour:
Video available from and websites. See also, the blog of Mo10Oct2011.
Chinese race, see also Yellow Race:
The Chinese of Atlantis provoked disputations between the Andromedians of Atlantis and the Andromedian Hellenes of Europe or Aegis with result a Global Superpower War between the two Andromedian White Populations of Atlantis - Aegis in 9.600 B.C.
Research relevant books “Timaeus” and “Critias” of Plato.The yellow race made its appearence on the planet as a cross-breed between Vrills (Grays) and traitor Croneans in 4,000BC (exactly when the scripts say that Adam appeared on Earth).
The Chinese were not created by Nature but by the Moon's Draconian genetic labs. They have mass rituals in favor of the Dragon and serpents of the Moon and their flag actually implies the moon. Chinese Mandarins state that they first descended to the continent of Atlantis [watch out for the Atl- prefix] from the Moon inside sui-sing “Bright Spheres”/UFO ships, around 13,400 years ago.
The Chinese consider Huangdi and Yandi as ancestors, referring to themselves as "descendents of the dragon". Huangdi is said to have ascended to heaven as a dragon.
Chinese ONLY buy from each other, extremely rarely from their enemies to whom they sell cheaply. Having been economically undermined, the suicidal Western desire for cheap Chinese trade grows stronger as Westerners can no longer afford to trade sufficiently amongst themselves. The Chinese then "donate" to the PRC.
Chinese colonialism - WW3:
Phase 1, economic. China makes unrepayable loans to European states (and USA), then seeks foreclosure in view of non-repayment, asking the China-controlled IMF to declare:
[A] the European states bankrupt,
[B] Territories under Chinese Domination, and
[C] public and private assets can be seized for repayment. Phase 2, political. Hebrew-Saxon banks gain political influence within Europe and America, as Philip Rösler has in Germany. Phase 3, military. China has ordered "Evil Western 666" interests to embarrass themselves by executing publicly shameful acts of colonialism in African, Asiatic and South American Countries. China thereby gains a moral and religious alibi for protection of its assets in the debt nations, and for Religious War - Jihad or counterattack (as in John's Revelation) to genocide white and later, black races.
Chinese goods (toxic):
Chinese occupation:
To "protect" trade, oil, and natural gas, mercenary Chinese soldiers exist in:
Canada, 200,000.
USA, California, unknown number.
Mexico, 300,000.
Panama, 700,000, (“security” of Chinese factories).
Nigeria, 700,000.
A central fictional character invented by Sin.
Christian dogma:
The Chinese will conquer the world to force True Christianity 888 and annihilate the anti-Christs 666.
Christianity... Draconians impersonate the Twelve Gods of Zeus. G.H.Rees. calls upon the Draonian's medium, Dionysios Illarionas to make written apology for uploading an oversized depiction of Luna over the Hellenic horizon and for following it with comments of so-called "incarnated spirit-forms of Apollo"/"Indigo Children 666". Illarionas knows well that according to the testimony of the Draconian's Judeo-Christian “Holy Scripture” (e.g. Rev.12:1), the Draconian base of Christianity has "the moon under her feet" from where it is organised.
Confederacy of Independent States, being the former United Soviet Socialist Republics.
Collier, Alex aka Ralph Amigron:
Omits to mention the race-nation of the Dragon, genetically engineered Chinese made for slavery and slaughter. He also omits SIN-SION-JAHWEH's plans to rob and destroy the Earth and this solar system.
[The Dragon intends to depart for another - probably the Sirius-Hyperion-Coccyx solar system, from where he will directly blackmail the entire galactic Andromedian Government and the whole universe with electromagnetic death. Hence, the quarantine. (Same omissions for David Icke.)]
Collier says nowt about Andromedians thinner than fifth dimension, which are included in their local Government Fleet stationed off Saturn. Nor does he mention hypertech electromagnetic soul traps for the dead and their subsequent soul-memory erasure. These serve both to prevent any alarm being raised beyond our solar system and to create compliant zombie-slaves like the Hebrew-Saxon Glucksburgs.
Collier mixes innocuous truths with lies and partial truths, that serve to confuse people. There is nothing vital to the survival of blacks and whites.
[Part 1, Su03Mar2013].
On May 3, 1991, Mr. Amigron was arrested in California in connection with a 4-count felony indictment handed down by a Federal grand jury. It was alleged that Mr. Amigron, a former IRS revenue officer, falsely claimed to be a certified public accountant, and an enrolled actuary, and that he knowingly used false Social Security numbers on tax documents.
His release record from Federal Prison is available online. Upon release in 1991, Ralph Amigron became Alex Collier and began lecturing on alien contact with Pleaidians. None of the predictions he made from their information came true. [Part 2, Fr08Mar2013]
Lies about the Andromedian Hellenes (Greeks) and their ultimate purpose in our solar system. He also omits to mention the SINese and their use of reptilian and dragon related symbols. SINese mythology states that the first Chinese came from the moon with a flag showing the crescent moon, like the Turkish Touranian-Mongolian flag.
Constantinople Empire 666:
Political leadership of the "NATO" assault against Syria and Iran is to be:
1. “Constantinople Empire 666” under the Hebrew-Saxon “Emperor Palaiologos Dragazis” (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg), under...
2. The Turk-Albanian G. Karazafferi of “LA.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert, ultra-rightwing political party of Greece), and under...
3. The Hebrew-Saxon Chief-General Paul Holstein Glucksburg.
These three impersonate Greek Nationalists and are intended to cause genocide of unarmed Greeks in retaliation for NATO's Greek-led "weak push" against the Shanghai Pact (RIC). All this prior to genocide of all other white member nations of NATO.
Hell and Chaos:
Cronus aka Sabit/Sabbath/Savvaoth:
Traitor to the Andromedians (see Hesiod's Theogony) 1.5 million years ago, and ally to Draconian leader YHWH.
Cronians (Saturnians - Savaothians). Characterised by the Black Brotherhood of mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces).
Cube, see Psychogonic Cube.
Properly referred to as Dragonians from the Dragon-Draco Asterism(?). Intend Lunar departure to "Sirius A", from where they will blackmail all the civilizations of the Universe with electromagnetic death.
Currently digging-in defensively at Mars with US help, after losing control of Saturn to the Andromedians. Draco war planets are now stationed around Jupiter like satellites.
Have installed defensive barriers that enclose the seven internal planets and seal the N and S poles and forbid transit of Andromedian 1D forces or 2D Spirits without a general Space War.
About 120 ships of the Dragonian astrofleet have gathered in the ellipse and the orbits of Planet Jupiter (as an outer defence) [Th06Jan2011].
See Sephardim.
Drake, Raymond:
Publicist of the "Comparative Hierography" and "Small Yellow Master Of Atlantis".
Concluded that Christianity, based in the Christian - Islamic - Judean Bible, is the pre-historic religion of China.
Tamil under the command of his superior Asmodai or Yehowa of the Moon, sent crews of Lilith to organize underground cities in the earth’s crust that will pose as Zeus subordinates. Such underground cities exist beneath the pyramids in Mongolia, Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, South America etc, and additionally below natural pyramids formed by earth’s mountains. They include underground lodges, sometimes referred to in mythology as “tunnels that lead to Hades”. [Th24Dec2009]
Hollow! Originally populated by White Race Hellenes from Andromeda and a black race from Sirius.
In their Facebook page "The river is you", END claimed that "... Under-God Apollo, from the chthonian abodes of the earth below ...will resurface, to the exterior of our planet". END ignored that Apollonians are trapped beneath the lethal 200km magma zone, as it is lethal to spirits and creatures of flesh. Residing above this zone and beneath the surface are Greys under Draconian control and capable of surfacing. They will do war crimes against Russia-Islam-China (RIC), then END will ensure that Apollonians are blamed and stigmatised as chthonian demons working with warmongering Andromedian-Pelasgian Hellenes. RIC will begin its counter-attack against NATO "Anti-Christ populations 666" nations by destroying Greece first in World War III.
Elite: See Sepharadim.
Elohim (Angels):
Espouse the principle of survival, which the Chinese follow. See Nephilim. [Su19Jun2011]
End National Debt: Criminal gang of treacherous frauds of "theosophical Epsilon masons" friendly with other nazi accomplices in Greece like "Epsilon 666", "Golden Dawn 666", "L.A.O.S.", and "BEXI 666". Membership includes: Labrakis, Papadakis, and Sorras. Sorras was given $3bn in expenses by the USA for developing ancient Greek space technology. END has a Facebook page called "The river is you".
Neo-Greek traitors, with political wings of "Golden Dawn" and "L.A.O.S.". Chief Priests are the French-Hebrew Cretan, Ioannis Fourie or Fourakis, and the Greek-Hebrew professor called Tzanni or Zanna.
They did not warn Greeks to prepare to defend themselves against a fifty per cent genocide of North-Central-Western-Island from BASTR/RO.K in response to Epsilon abuses of foreign immigrants. Also, given the Epsilons failure to warn, the dismantling of Greek armed forces can proceed unhindered.
Surviving Greeks are then expected to invade Asia against all Turkish Mongols of China (Hungarians), in turn provoking RIC genocide against NATO, SEATO and its member countries.
Ethnic Origins:
The analysis to ancient texts [???] of Greece-India-Mayas-etc. has proved that the White human race came from the andromeda constellation through Sirius. The Black race is indigenous of our planet and of Sirius. The Yellow race (Chinese and Koreans) came from the "Dragon constellation" as crews of the Dragonian Moon and of the other Dragonian ships (archives of Raymond Drake and other researchers of ethnology). [We25Nov2009]
EYP/KYP: Greekhebrew and masonic controlled Intelligence Service of Greece.
Ezekiel 38 and 39: Genocide of White Russians ("Gog and Magog". "Rus" means Russian, "Mesheh" refers to Moscovites, and ) by the Chinese.
Federal Reserve (FED):
Gunther... the (Jewish) owners (Rockefeller) ... and the Global Conspiracy for the slavery of humanity... not part of the government... but part of a global empire that rapes and pillages sovereign states... killing their leaders (see Kennedy) and stealing everything of value [Tu01Nov2011].
The Islamic Flag of Iran has in its design 4 crescents (moons) that form the word "Allah" (source: Wikipedia).
Hell and Chaos...
Quasi-religious networks of the mind for controlling the "Slaves of God" via tiered systems [Tu04Oct2011] that impose the false reality of the New World Order.
Hierarchy chart in English at blog of Su07Aug2011.
Know Thy Enemy: Terran Draconian-Cronian Hierarchy. [TH26NOV2009]
[Mo06Jun2011] WRT California.
Fulford, Benjamin:
See Illuminati, below. Bankster, David Rockefeller accorded Fulford a (collusional and) prestigious interview soon after Fulford had threatened Rockefeller's life!
Full of Blood:
Masonic initiation, baptism in the blood of innocent white and black Ethiopians.
Athens' Attica General Police Directorate or Hebrew-Masonic junta.
Gaddafy and Gunther were members of a group called Pedophile Eradication Team.(PET) (ie group execution of pedophiles) which no longer exists. Gaddafy and the military overthrew King Idris, because the king was surrounded by many young boys [Tu01Nov2011].
Gaddafi... [Su27Mar2011]
Galactic Federation of Light (GFL):
Hebrew-Saxon American university academics all agreed with their rabbis "We must genocide 2/3 of people... in order to avoid overopulation"!!!
Genocide of Whites:
Includes White Andromedian Persians-Afghans-Iraqis, today faced with genocide from the Mongul Hebrew-Saxon leaders and generals of the “USA”-England-Europe. [5th Fraud, Tu27Nov2012. Also Mo10Oct2011.]
Geostrategic Codes:
[Name, abbreviation, code] These are masonic codes.
Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan- Uzbekistan-Tadzhikistan-China, TIC-B or A.T.OU.TA.C..
Black Race nations, 888/A(-).
Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania, BASTR 666.
{A. The Hesiod characterises Hellenes as "IAPETOS"=666.
B. Pythagoras falsely claimed that "All beings came from the Psychogonic Cube, of 6 units sides", namely 666.
C. The Hebrew John of the New Testament, Ch 1C 11-18, refers to 666 as the numero-word of the one satanic political beast or nation.
D. Various Marcatoi/Marcati ("Marked") encourage Hellenes to mark their skin with 666 bar code, as agreed in the Schengen Treaty.}
China, 888;
[“888” of the Chinese Dragon is the KEY-NUMBER-WORD of the word Jesus:
J’E’S’U’S’ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ)¨: 888 = Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200)
It is said that demonic Draconian monks spread rumors that Alexander the Great found the city of “OPIS” and renamed it “OPI” (hole - ΩΠΗ) so that the key-number-word may appear like:
Ω’(800) + Π’(80) + Η’(8) = 888 (!)]
China-Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols, (CJTHSM), 888/B(+).
China-Korea (CK), 888/C(+).
Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongolia (JTHSM), 888/C(-).
North Korea, 777-A;
Russia-Islamic Countries-China, RIC, 888A(+);
South Korea, 777-B;
Tibet-India-outer Mongolia, TIM, 666/B;
Turkey-Syria-Iran-Pakistan-China, TIC-A or TU.S.I.PA.C.;
US.E.J, 666/A.
Whites of Russia and Islamic States, 888/B(-).
Geostrategic Highway:
God [See also Sin]:
888 Freemasonry.
Heavenly Emperor ( Jade_Emperor) draco-turtle god Tzeint or Jed or Tziount or Judas, or Jedi or Sendai or Shitai namely the lunar dragonian pirate, Space genitor of Chinese,supreme god of Taoism and China's, and creator of all major terrestrial religions and political-economic- social systems external surface of planet. [Tu04Oct2011]
For all major mono-theistic religions, the "Universal Creator God" became known as both Master Yahweh (El Sentai) AND Master Sabaoth (Saturn-Sabaoth).
For the Chinese, Sion - Sin - Jehuva - Sentai - Tzentai, and by Jesus Christ (chief-rabbi ‘Jehosavah’ = ‘Jehovah saves’).
[Other names include: Zion-Sina-Yahweh-Jendi-Jewd-Jade of Chinese Confucianism-Judah-Jed, “father god” of Hebrew-Christianity, or “Elloch” of Judaism, or “Allaah” of Hebrew-Islamism as “god of the moon” (behold the crescent moon as symbol of Islamism) Fr10May2013].
"God" means a Being who flies or runs in space with extreme speeds, by using technology, aka the "chariots of the Gods". [Mo12Apr2010]
Gog and Magog:
The moon Jahweh ,named Ezekiel ,see Holy (Satanic) Bible, Ezekiel, chapters LH(38) and Lθ’(39), in which Jahweh predicts (programmes) the genocide of GOG and MAGOG ( that is the northern pelasgian Scythian Russians) and the “MESSEH” (Pelasgian Scythians of Moscow or Meseh). [4th Fraud, Tu27Nov2012.]
[We14Dec2011} Gold has disappeared (from the “Bank of Greece” and from “Fort Knox” of USA) and was moved to Switzerland's Mount Sion (Zion), from where it again disappeared. Such robbery has as a consequence that in any given moment the Zionists can cause a global economic crash. Bank-notes in circulation and especially the Dollar, are useless papers of Governmental fraud. No longer is there any valuable, indestructible metal to swap for the present currency, as is falsely promised on all bank-notes in circulation. After the gold disappearance there is talk of FAKE GOLD BARS (!!!), with purpose the ignition of the 3rd World War or “Armageddon” in an economical and military perspective between the Shanghai Pact and the Western Trilateral Pact....A "perfect" Sino-Zionist Theatrical show!>
Golden Dawn/Xrysh Aygh:
A neo-nazi, push to the east (drag nach osten) party based in Greece and London, for a repetition of the minor asia destruction (1922) - now against the Shanghai Pact and China (See Epsilons, fifty per cent genocide). See:
Falsely regards Asian Mongols, Tibetans, Chinese, Koreans, Albanians, and Turkish Mongols as members of the white race.
Claims Constantinople for the next capital of the Greek NeoByzantine "Empire 666".
Grand Oak:
An American Hebrew lodge for the "High Brotherhood of Light" in New York and commanded by American Hebrew chief rabbi "Varouch" alias Barozo alias Burowghs.
Grant, James:
The patriotic Government (1967-1973) with the help of the brilliant Economist of Team-Papagos, super-minister Spiros Markezinis, brought unprecendented Economical Growth to Greece. Today's treasonous Greek-Hebrew "good democratic" Governments of "PASOK" and "New Democracy" robbed, wiped-out and completely destroyed the Greek Economy and infrastructure. They try to impose the "(Slave) Citizen Electronic Id Card" with the chip bearing the "Barcode-666 number" in order to control and genocide us. (Su10Jul2011).
Green Dragons, see Zen:
Greys/Vrills (Orionids):
Abductors and expert geneticists. G.H.REES revealed that Greys are cooperating closely with the Lunar Boötes Dragonian faction of Ea-rth's external surface, by occupying underground lodges of the Ea-rth's inner-outer surface. See video on American geologist of German origin Phil Schneider, blog We17Nov2010.
Upper Zion.
Hebrews are essentially a Hebrew-Mongolian genocidal horde of Hyksos-Elamites, a White-Yellow intermarriage from deep Inner Asia after genocide there of White Pelasgian Kolchis (Kolchida) and White Upper-Ionian Hellenes or Yunnan of Asia (Today’s Southern China Province) by Yellow Dragonian Chinese. This Hebrew-Mongolian horde under the commands and pressure of their genitors, the Chinese, and having as their initial base (Mongolian wasp’s nest) the cities Ur or Urgha and Zerghul of Chaldea (Moon Worshipers) and of Mesopotamia, marched towards mainland West-Europe by dividing themselves into two main hordes.
A Hebrew-Mongolian horde invaded the Hellenic colony of Egypt (Aigyptos=>Yptios-Aigaiou=>Meaning the Country that resides beneath the Aegean) corrupting and destroying it through conspiracies and military invasion. Another Hebrew-Mongolian horde invaded Hellenic Palestine (Philistine or Palesatia), completely and brutally genociding seven Hellenic cities of Philistine Hellenic Cretan colonizers.
Hebrew-Saxon agents:
Dean, Bob; Icke-Isaac, David; Jones, Alex; Lear (Junior), John; Rense, Jeff; Tsarion, Michael; Wilcock, David...
Hellenic Holy Scriptures:
Plato's Timaeus & Critias, and the Ancient and Prehistoric Hellenic Chronicles of Hesiod’s Theogony and Ogygia. [We19Jan2011].
Planet that lay between Mercury and the Sun. Destroyed by the Draconians, its debris was sucked toward the sun.
Hitler-Hisler, Adolf:
Illegitimate child of German-Jewish Frankfurt banker Rothschild
[Su15Nov2009] The book of historian and leader of the French left, Roger Garaudy entitled “Basic Myths of Israeli Foreign Policy” was forbidden in France, because it exposed Hebrew-Saxons of USA, Britain, Holland, Denmark, Germany and the rest nations, as “Crooks and Diachronic Assassins of Nations”. Garaudy found that the 6,000,000 dead Hebrews from Gas Chambers in German concentration camps of forced labour (and not “Genocide Camps”) is “a basic myth of Israeli foreign policy” that deters research and punishment for criminal violations of international law committed by Israel, Hebrews and Saxons, after WW2. Confirming Roger Garaudy, historian Faurisson in his book “Jewish Holocaust, lie and truth” proved that the furnaces of the labor camps were destined for the dead due natural causes and that it was impossible to incinerate …6.000.000 Hebrews according to the manufacturer’s data.
[Point 12, Tu16Feb2010], [Tu27Nov2012]. The true “Holocaust” is the holocaust of the 7 Hellenic Palestinian Nations annihilated and wildly robbed in Palestine under the leadership of Satanist leader Joshua of Navi successor of Moses. Under the leadership of Moses, millions of Egyptian Hellenes were murdered and wildly robbed before exodus of Jews from Egypt. [Part 16, Fr30Jul2010].
Hong aka Hung:
Since Hong means red, it is applied when referring to super-rich, criminal Hazaro-Mongolian international bankers and usurers. They played an important role in assisting Soviet and Chinese communist revolutions: The "Red Jews" or "red shield" or "Shield of Hong".
[Chart of hierarchy at the blog of Tu04Oct2011.] Chinese Secret Service and supreme masonic hyper-lodge of China (Shanghai), responsible for the programme of WW3 outbreak. Legendarily established by the infamous "five seniors"; Shaolin monks that survived Mongolian-Tsing destruction of their temple. Western secret societies extend from Hong, the political wing of which is called Tiandihui (secret society of Heaven and Earth) that includes psychics in contact with heaven.
2010 China Global Alliance of Freemasons HQ
802 Road Fuxing,
Kaohsiung City Lingya District No. 3,
9th Floor.
2010 China Global Hongmen Alliance
Renaissance Èr Lingya District,
Kaohsiung City number 3 9F-2 802
Tel HQ: 07-2-3318218/3320084
Fax: 07-3318218
The racist, religious sect of Hong unfolds, not only in the eighteen provinces of China, but also in the Chinese colonies that are scattered throughout all the area of Central Asia. In reality, this sect controlled both internal and external policy of China , from 1912 onwards, ie from the time when the Sun-Yat-sen proclaimed the Republic- 1866-1925, first president of the Chinese Republic and founder of the Kuo-Min-Tang).
Their website is in Taiwan:
[Zhi Gong is one of eight main dictatorial political parties in China. It derives directly from Hong and the HQ is in San Francisco!]
Between 1712 and 1901, England was ruled by Hebrew-Mongol Goth-Hittite kings descending from the dynasty of the Germanic state-kingdom of Hannover, Germany. These "Wolf-Mongolian" Hebrew-Saxon kings of England followed the "House of Stuart". Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of the Hebrew-Mongolian house of "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha" or "Sachsen-Koenburg-Goths (Hittites)". Her son, Edward VII was the first of a dynasty of English kings from Albert's German house, through to Queen Elizabeth II. How was it possible for the dukes of "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha" in England and Germany to war with each other?
To genocide the white pelasgian races of Europe, Wilhelm-William II, 1888-1918, organised WWI with the Hebrew king of England, George V of the house "Wettin-Saxe-Coburg (Koenburg)-Gotha-Goths-Gotto-Hittites". Victims were primarily the whites of Germany and England. Total dead by WWI: 40 million white pelasgians, 10% of all white europeans - murdered by the mongolian Hebrew-Saxon "Royal Houses" of Germany, England, Russia, and USA.
Chinese Special Forces can launch with bare hands, spherical or netting or liner or polyline (dog-legged) micro-thunders, analogue to the electromagnetic hits of continuous or discontinuous shots of human “MASER” weapons. G.H.REES knows that such electromagnetic shots or “EMP” weaponry is not caused by ficticious “Hyper-Human capabilities” of the Chinese Armed Forces. Each Chinese commando, ninja, is escorted by one or more Dragonian demons armed with invisible-to-humans weapons of thinner matter/dimension that fire “EMP” shots.
Hypophysis [Pituitary Gland]:
[Tu19Jul2011]. The central signal transmitting/receiving organ of the brain "neuter receiver" or non-polarised receiver. Hypophysis is divided electromagnetically into rightwards and leftwards rotating.
Ichor Gene:
Highly resistant to domination by reptilian DNA that attempts to produce reptilian hybrid offspring.
Icke-Isaac, David:
The Moon Matrix has ‘hacked’ into the human ‘body-computer’ system, he says, and it is feeding us a manipulated sense of self and the world 24/7 (Su14Mar2010).
Accused by G.H.Rees of being a dangerous cointelpro agent:
1. The forum of twice erased comments by friends of G.H.Rees that countered Hebrew-Chinese interests in NWO 888, which Hebrew and Gentile masons are sworn to uphold.
2. Icke's true Hebrew name is Isaac.
3. Icke's forum twice blocked friends of G.H.Rees who warned about Chinese economic, political, and military invasion of the West.
4. Icke conceals and protects the identities of terrestrial and lunar Draconians.
5. Icke preaches "unconditional love", which helps to neutralise and passify the defensive instincts of the white and black races against their future genociders!
6. Icke's career began with him using channelling, mediums, and psychics. He heard voices in his head.
G.H.Rees claims the Draconians have psychotronic devices for giving instructions and altering moods.
7. Icke (and John Lear) plaigerised and corrupted G.H.Rees disclosures on Draconian scheming, particularly the Moon Matrix.
8. Icke omits to mention Ea-rthly Sinese and their connection with the Moon's space Dragonians from the Dragon-Draco Asterism.
9. Icke omits also, mention of the true Masonic Cronian-Dragonian Hierarchy with Commands transmission center Tibet and China.
10. Icke omits... the supreme Chinese hyperlodge HONG and its scheme of planetary genocide code named: “Armageddon”.
11. Icke omits... Annihilation of Hellenism's Whites and Blacks from Yunnan Province by the Chinese. Hebrew-Saxon intermarriage further reduces the White Pelasgian pure gene pool (miscegnation).
12. See (as ref's): and John Lear 2007 "Disclosures" already known to G.H.REES from the 80's.
13. Icke re-discloses, after many years, G.H.Rees articles about the Moon - with various omissions, such as massive Lunar brainwashing of Ea-rthlings. Thereby, Ea-rthlings cannot realize that the Hebrewsaxonic “NATO” is preparing war against the axis “R.I.C", and thus, cannot foil the 1st phase genocide. {Read The Scheme of the World War III phases by the Chinese Hyperlodge “HONG” in the “G.H.REES 2nd Survival Manual of World War III”ΤΕΛΙΚΟ}
[Su06Nov2011] Behind(?) "MTM" and founded by “A.O.A.” England. A network of visible Masonic Lodges named “Illuminati” Hebrewsaxons of Bavaria, Germany, to:
[A] Conceal membership identities of +/-OTO and +/-AOA.
[B] To pose as commanders of all the Arch-Rabbineia (Synagogues) and all the Masonic National (Gentile) +/-“M.T.M.” of the West, which are controlled by +/-OTO and +/-AOA London.
[C] Conceal Chinese-Hebrew links, their publishing houses, and disinformation outlets e.g. "Third Eye" and "Nexus".
[D] To publicise a fake war: Illuminati, +/-OTO, and +/-AOA London versus Supreme Hyperlodge “HONG” of Shanghai, with the intention of escalating it to the ignition of WW3, thereby denying G.H.Rees assertion that they collude in setting up Jehovah's Kingdom.
See the Greek-Hebrew magazine “Hellenic Nexus” October 2007, publishers Stinis (Stein) and Boudouris (Abvela).
Benjamin Fulford was the “Journalist” who first published the false - devious “news” (disinformation) about alledged “War between the Eastern Lodges and the Illuminati of the West”.
Indigo Children 666: Incarnated spirits of pseudo-Apollo. “Pseudo-followers” of the “reincarnated God Dionysus and Apollo Tyaneus Christ 666”, that is the Mongol Hebrew-Saxon imposter of the Danish court “pseudo-paleologos pseudo-Dragazis DAN-666 Christian-Oldenburg-Holstein-Glucksburg, to place the armies of the White races of the West under leadership of White-Yellow Mongols-Hebrew-Saxons-and Japanese generals of “US.E.J” (USA-EUROPE-JAPAN), and Mongol generals of T.I.M (TIBET-INDIA-MONGOLIA), who will traitorously lead these White armies to take action against the armies of R.I.C. (RUSSIA-ISLAMIC COUNTRIES-CHINA) in the Asian deserts.
Insignia of G.H.Rees:
The two end-for-end epsilon (and barcode 666).
Dragonian biologists of space-Lunar medicine, know already that which the French Biologists discovered in the 1930s, namely that people originating from intermarriage of the three pure races, namely White – Black – Yellow, are inborn schizo-intellectual (Schizophrenic) , schizo-emotional (Luna-tic) and schizo-body (Regular Diseases), and have inborn tension toward murdering their genitors, of the various main pure races.
So, because the Hebrews, Saxons and the rest Mongols have this “Doberman syndrome”, inclination to genocide without reason the pure races, it is certain that the Chinese will genocide at the end and all remaining White-Mongols and Black-Mongols of the semi-axis “J.T.H.S.M.” with first annihilated being Hebrews, Judeans and Hebrew-Saxons.
Invasion of Ea-rth:
Undertaken around 2200 bDC by seven mongol hordes.
Iranian Intelligence:
Persian-Iranian descendants of Pelasgian Hellenic Arians.
Iranian leadership:
Crypto-Zionist Shiite (RIC) enemy of the West.
For those cognizant of the Assyrian-Babylon Religion we remind that the term ILOU or ELI in Aramaic, or EL or ELOHA or ELOHIM in Hebrew, or ILAH or ALLAH in Arabic, represents not a particular god but the idea of Divine in its absolute and general meaning. It is attributed to the Lunar God SIN in whom the adjectives “Ruler God”, “The Ruler of Gods of Heaven and Earth”, “King of Gods”, “God of Gods”, “Lunar Master”, “The Architect of Everything, He who holds the Heavens” were adapted.
The Symbol of the god SIN or SIM was the Moon, with primary place of worship the city UR of Chaldea from whence came Abraham … according to the Scriptures. “Berrosus Cosmogony”. [Th26Nov2009]
Israeli Mossad:
Descended from Hebrew-Askenazi within Hellenic Troy in Asia Minor.
Israelites, three branches (Th24Dec2009):
Underground forces of the Earth are characterised by "holy scripture" as “The Devil” and by masonry as “Tamil Forces”. “Tamil forces” form the religious infrastructure of Buddhism and Induism (Siddharism). They are the forces invocated by Theosophical lodges and propagandised by “proHellenic” organizations like the “New Acropolis”, department of the Theosophical Society (Tamil).
We refer to three branches Israelites-Arabs-Mongols that have separate roles in genociding their adversaries and use as tools, the three major religions: Christianity-Mohammedanism-Buddhism:
Mohammedanism teaches that God (Allah/Al Yah/Al Yahweh) lives in the moon.
Buddhism teaches that God lives in the center of the Earth under Mongolia-Tibet
as a projection of "Ta-Han/Tso/Han" the "universal logos", and that from there will come the “ruler of the world”.
Christianity teaches that “the woman (organization) of God stands on Levan (moon)” (Is based on the moon), meaning that is having as a “central base the moon” (See: “John’s apocalypse” Bible, IB’1, Rev. 12:1.)
Jehovah's Kingdom: Chinese Globalization 888 of
the Planetary Chinese dictatorship after "Armageddon". See non-G.H.Rees website:
Etymology of the Arabic greeting Shalam-Allah or Shalam-Alleh:
1. Combining two Hellenic words “Ieros”(Holy) and “Selene”(Moon) yields IERA- SELENE > JERA-SELEN i.e. Holy-Moon.
2. Change the Hellenic root “S’L’N’” for the Atlantean root “S’L’M’” through a change of the nasal (twang) “N’” to “M’” > JERA-SELEM.
3. Thus, take SELEM [Moon] through the interpolation of various vowels to get the Semitic SHALOM, SHALEM, SHALAM, SOLOMON, SALOME, SILOAM, SOULAM.
4. So, the Arabic greeting SHALAM-ALLAH or SHALAM-ALLEH relates the Moon to Allah or Atlah.
5. The Quran assures us that Allah or Atlah is not dead but has moved to the Moon, and hence lives on the Moon.
This confirms that Islam is "Heavenly". Christianity also refers to the Moon.
Jesus Christ:
Real name Rabbi Yechoshuah (Rabbi Yahosuva,
A Draconian creation, resident of Selene/Levan for 2000 years from where he coordinates religious warfare. Probably reincarnated to hurry up the Armageddon Project.
“888” of the Chinese Dragon is the key-number-word of J’E’S’U’S’ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ)¨
Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200) = 888
Ashkenazi Jews are not Hebrew-Mongolic, but Pelasgian-Whites from the area of Askania lake (Hellenic Askanians of Bithynia of Asia Minor, see Iliad b-863, o-793), south of Proussa. Askanios was the son of Troy’s king, Aeneas. “Sephardi” Jews of A’ category like Hitler-Mueller-Eichmann etc, were sacrificing the pseudo-Jews of “B’ category”, i.e. the Hellenogenes Ashkenazim-Askanians, as slaves and as animals for slaughter (goym/goyim, see the 2 Testaments) in the fake holocaust. Purpose: Advertising and politically exploiting the fake Jewish holocaust, so that nations are paralysed and without resistance to Jewish economic crimes (see “crisis”) and wars (see Palestinians, Serbs, Iraqis etc and of the rest of the White Race) up to the end of WW3. Sephardi Jews add the devious criminal invention: “whoever accuses the Jews is Hitleric anti-Semite Nazi like the Pelasgian Germans of 1940”. Today, the Sephardim falsely name as “Ashkenazim” the Mongoloid Khazar Jews and Tatar Jews of Eastern Europe. Residents of the country of Israel: 95% Hellenogenes Ashkenazim workers and plain professionals, 5% Sephardim company directors (“elite” Mongol Jew descendants of Abraham or Havra-Han). The popular-workers’ party of Israel has blamed rabbinical Sephardim bankers and politicians of 1940 as theoretical and financial perpetrators of mass transfers of Ashkenazim into the German forced labour camps. [Point 12, Tu16Feb2010].
Hebrew-Mongol Elamites in Abraham's time invaded India. They destroyed the Pelasgian population and formed Israel's supposed enemies - Semitic Arabs, who will assist in genociding the non-Semitic Pelasgian Arabs of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Palestine. [Sa21Nov2009]
Jewel Del Core:
Jobs, Steve:
Jones, Alex (Shouldice, Mark Allen):
Accused of being a dangerous cointelpro partial truther...
1. His website misrepersented, erased and blocked submissions by friends of G.H.Rees at the “freedom fighers infowarriors” forum (;
2. Gave support to Icke's "Lunar Matrix" book [new gospels for the stupid!], setting Icke and Jones up as spiritual guides to Hong!
3. Agrees with Icke, without scientific evidence.
4. In a review of the Bilderberg meeting of 2011, Jones completely failed to mention China, Hebrew-Saxon and Mongolian racial origins, and the Global Chinese Dictatorship.
Karageorgiou, Giannis:
Karakoram Highway:
[Th09Jun2011] Rising to nearly 5km, this project was started by China and Pakistan in 1956 and completed in 1986 having claimed the lives of 810 Pakistanis and 82 Chinese. It follows the trail of the Silk Road. Due to the fact that it crosses through Kashmir, this highway is considered of huge strategic importance worldwide and can cope with heavy millitary equipment and tanks.
Discredited president of LA.O.S., a Greek right wing political party, who provoked BASTR (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopie-Turkey-Romania) against Greece. He wished to become prime minister of Constantinople Empire 666.
Karl Haushoffer:
Geopolitical brain of Nazism and teacher of Hitler, was initiated as a Golden Dawn Berlin mason - magician invocating draconian demonic 4D spirits and also initiated in Tamil Buddism in Tibet (ZEN) and ZEN of Japan (Green Dragons).
Debunked for being a cointelpro lunatic Draconian agent of deceit.
Mongol Hebrews.
China + BASTR + Pentagon.
Socialist political movement Hong, founded by its then-obvious leader, Soon-Jan-sen aka Sun Wen (1868-1925). Kuo-Min-Tang was originally under Mao Zedong despite its later rupturing, creating a left-communist Kuo-Min-Tang and a supposedly defeated right-nationalist Kuo-Min-Tang. [Tu04Oct2011]
Greek Central Intelligence Agency.
Land of Neptune/Water-Land aka Atlantis:
The location of the first descent to Earth for the Dragonians' genetically engineered humanoids (Humo-Saurians) in 11.500 B.C., namely Yellow Chinese of the Moon. The newcomers had to survive attacks from Earthborn microbes.
L.A.O.S. (Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos – People’s Orthodox Alarm):
An epsilon, published in Alfa-Ena newspaper "Let China free to buy out Greece...".
Founded by the “Greek” Theosophical Society namely negative M.T.M., as ordered by negative A.O.A. London – Golden Dawn London, and as ordered by the Supreme Masonic hyper-lodge “Hong” China.
USA military and 1.2m beam CO2 laser satellites to be used for destroying foliage/flora as per. Rev. 8: 5-7, and other facilities from space. Provided to the Chinese by the Pentagon.
Draconian flagship, Ea-rth's Moon. Led by Yahweh. Ship from E' Bootes and Hercules [Th24Dec2009]. Levan-ians and Lilith-ians are current dominant forces on Gaia (Israelites - Mongols - Arabs).
Lilith aka Mother of Demons:
Draconian secondary flagship, dark glossy Planet of War ruled by Tamil aka Velzevul/Lucifer/Satan/Devil. Concealed behind Selene since about 9,600 bDC when Atlantis and Aegis sank (See Kabbalah).
"Lingchi", death by a thousand cuts [Fr14Oct2011], (see also and websites). Lingchi was outlawed in 1905, but used by Mao's Chinese Communists against rivals and enemies from 1927 to 1970's.
Lingchi is a profitable Chinese industry. Hearts, livers, lungs, and eyes are cut from living bodies and sold to the rich and implanted into sick communist officials.
Korean 777 lizard Jim Yong Kim (president of the world bank); Korean 777 lizard Ban Ki-Moon (General Secretary of the United Nations); San Myung Moon (super-rich, notorious leader of the Korean Christian Sect “MOON”. Crowned as a “Messiah”(!!!) in Washington, attended by skull & bones mason George Bush senior, who proclaimed officially the New World Order 666 in 1991); Philipp/Filipe Rosler (Vice Chancellor of Germany and agent of Hyperlodge Hong for economic collonialism of Europe); Valery Giscard d'Estaing (a French-Jewish chief Masonic white-yellow mongolsaxon, ex-president of France).
Real name is Tamil. Commander of Lilith and second in command to YHWH from whom orders are received directly.
Luna Parks aka soul traps:
Netrino-Naser technology reveals that the reincarnation process here on earth uses Dragonian-Cronian hypertech in the "second" dimension of matter rarification (invisible to our eyes). "Soul traps" scattered around earth on geostationary orbits capture the souls of the dead, lured with "Sounds and Joyful Lights of Party and Joy (Luna Park)". Then the souls are carried to the moon where they are processed and programmed through hypnotism and electroshock to erase the soul's memory. After that the soul is sent back to earth to incarnate to another body. That is the "entrapped reincarnation dragonian - lunar policy", used to produce "telecontrolled zombies" and rule "with limited memory" earthlings, in order to produce: "Lord's servants" aka: Lunar slaves. (Th08Jul2010)
Mana Cornuta:
International sign of Satan.
Mao's Zedong's Chinese Communists:
The infamous communist super-criminal Mao Tse Toung or Mao Zedong was apparently a member of Hong and Tiandihui. To enforce Chinese communist dictatorship under Hong, he killed over 40,000,000 of his "own" Chinese . HONG subsequently pulled strings and made the global geostrategic shift to impose communism upon the Eastern bloc. [Tu04Oct2011]
Criminals who tortured, burned alive, starved, cannibalised, beat to death, and beheaded millions of Chinese. [See "The Madness of Mao Zedong..." a film by Rhawn Joseph, PhD. Also see].
Mao's Wife, Jiang Qing [see Lingchi, above]:
{"Lingchi", death by a thousand cuts [Fr14Oct2011], (see also and websites). Lingchi was outlawed in 1905, but used by Mao's Chinese Communists against rivals and enemies from 1927 to 1970's.}
She described Liu Shaoqi (President of the PRC and Deputy Chairman of the Communist Party, 1959-1966) as a poisonous counter-revolutionary who should die by Lingchi, given that Mao was jealous of Liu Shaoqi's successful policies.
"Canals" created by cosmic engineers? Similar to Levaniah. Prof. Losif Shklovsky (1959) concluded that the "moons" circling Mars are hollow and therefore artificial! Concerning the little Moons Phobos and Deimos in mito-logy these were chariots of the War God Ares or Mars. ("Chariot of God" e.g. "starship-vehicle of the fast moving Being") [Vasin and Shcherbakov post, Mo12Apr2010]
Masers (HAARP):
China and America intending to use meteorological weapon satellites to create drought in S. Russia and storms in NW Russia, for reasons of starvation.
Former inhabitants of Phaethon. Article that traces linguistic and archaeological occurrences of Hellenic influence throughout the world. [We19Jan2011].
Mental War:
Overchthonian forces of Saturn, Selene, Lilith, with chthonian forces of Selenians, Lilithians and, underchthonian forces of Cronians. See Zeus. [Sat08May2010]
President of Golden Dawn. Now pursuing the defunct agenda of Karatzaferis.
Microchip 666:
[Tu07Jun2011] The hypodermic, subcutaneous electronic ID radio transmitter for citizens of Trilateral US.E.J.. It is to access an individual's funds after Western currency has all been replaced by the American Euro (AmEuro), which Japan will be forced to adopt.
Military axes:
Mind Control:
Also see Hypophysis. “Dreams” and “Dream State” and “Astral Projection” and “Lucid Dreaming” and “Visions”, etc, are all manipulated holographic triple LINK/LAP/MASER psychotronic emissions of the Draconian/Cronian faction in order to fine tune and better telecontrol humans. [We11Apr2012]
Mongol Hordes:
Inborn inclination to genocide all three pure races (Doberman Syndrome). Mongol Turks extend a brotherly ethnological doctrine of support to fellow mongols: Bavarians, Hungarians, and Hebrew-Saxon lords of England.
Whiteyellow Mongolian Judeans are of the two-race kingdom of Judas - Jude - Jedi - and Benjamin of Jerusalem, having headquarters at Basel, Switzerland. Mongolian Hebrew-Saxons are of the ten-race kingdom of Samaria with HQ in London, England.
Semi-Dragonians: Genetic creations of Draco Levaniah-Lilith, the "Chosen One People" of Sin-Sion-Zion-Chin-YHWH for the task of genocide and infiltration into the White-Andromedian-Pelasgian and Black-Indigenοus Races.
1st Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde [Sa21Nov2009]
The Ixos and Elamites killed White, Pelasgian males and raped the females in what is now central(?) China, before overrunning Assyria and Babylon. They founded the city of Ur in Babylon, where Abraham was born and the genealogical line of Jesus Christ begun. Driven out, Abraham led some Elamites in crippling Egypt. The rest slaughtered Pelasgians in India, including non-Semite Arabs of Pelasgian origin from Iran, Syria, Palestine and Iraq. The Semitic Arabs - Israel's supposed enemies were formed.
2nd Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
As Japanese they invaded the island of Aenus and genocided the Ionian tribes, saving only fishermen and boat builders. Bavarian and Japanese mongols set up the fascist axis in 1930AD.
3rd Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Fake Dories: Having falsely named themselves Dories (after the ancient Hellenic tribe of Dories) they invaded the Balkan Peninsula. All the Hellenic cities managed to repel them, but Hebrew agents deeply infiltrated Sparta's priestly orders. The horde then invaded the Italian Peninsula and genocided the Hellenic tribes of Etrusk Sabines and Latins of Troad and Sicily . There they founded the city of Rome.
4th Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Huns, under the leadership of Attila or ATL (meaning ATLantean). They established themselves in eastern Hellas (today’s Turkey), Bulgaria, Bavaria and partly in Romania, then slaughtered and genocided all native European tribes.
5th Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Urges (from Ur) / Hungars (Hungarians) led by Jenkins Han-Khan-Kon-Koen who captured today’s Hungary, Finland, Leetonia, Estonia and other ex-USSR lands. They then genocided the native Pelasgian Whites, especially the Russ and Thubals, today’s Byelorussians (descendants of the Pelasgian Scythes), before destroying the Scythes in the Balkans.
6th Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
The Seljuk, empowered the Turkish Mongols of the 4th horde (today’s Turkey). A second division took over the area of today’s Albania, where they genocided the Hellenic tribe of Illyrians.
7th Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
The Tamerlane (e.g. Genghis Khan of Mongolia) attempted to invade Europe but were cut off by the Mongols of the 4th and the 6th horde, due to conflict of inner Mongolic interests. So they turned east and attacked today’s China with the help of the Mongol Manchu.
Descendants of the 5th horde, known as [Hebrew-Saxons?] Saxons (Israelites of Samaria) headed west, entering today’s Britain and continued the Atlantean expansion project by genociding Pelasgian tribes there. They met strong resistance in the northern highlands of Scotland and in the island of Ireland. Ever since that time, the Saxons have waged wars against those two territories.
Moon/Selene/Selini/Luna/Eva/Leva-Levan/Star of Death:
Hell and Chaos:
Radiography of the inside of the moon...
[Th23Feb2012] [Tu19Feb2013] A ‘geoplastised’ former natural planetary body from the constellation of Draco and Bootes. Now a flagship (‘Star of Death’ hybrid ‘void’ ship of titanium and zirgon/zirconium) controlled by Reptilians in two (light separated) dimensions.
FIRST arrived in our solar system with Lilith around 20,000 bDC [Th23Feb2012]. Andromedian Celestials terminated this orbit of Ea-rth. Second attempt was successful, around 11,436 bDC. Moon, as an originating place of Evil Apostate Dragonian Spirits (See Spirits of Metatron - Asmodai etc.) for demonic trance - catalepsy of special Ea-rthling marionettes, such as political leaders, religious leaders, mediums, magicians, astrologers, prophets, actors, musicians, economic leaders, scientists, and rest.
Mohammedanism teaches that God (Allah or Al Yah or Al Yahweh) lives in the moon!!!
Christianity teaches that “the woman (organization) of God stands on Levan (moon)” (Based on the moon), meaning that is having as a “central base the moon” (See: “John’s apocalypse” Bible, IB’1).
Turkey and China flags each show a crescent moon and stars, using a blood red background to represent the ongoing war and genocide of blacks and whites.
A basic teaching of Hinduism and Buddhism is that “the Moon is hostile towards us, and that we must avoid getting in contact with its radiation.
References on the Moon:
Duncan Lunan;
Vasin and Scherbakov;
Don Wilson's "Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon";
Hindu prehistory about Space Wars between Solar and Lunar Gods;
American Astronauts from the “Apollo” Program;
Raymond Drake.
On "Lunar departure", see: The Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible (Psalms 71(72), 5-7];
the Concordance to the Septuagint (Hatch and Redpath); and,
the Greek Orthodox Church Bible ancient Greek translation of the Septuagint. According to the Ancient Hellenic lexicon of J.Stamatakos, «Ανταναίρεσις» (the word for “Lunar departure” in the above translated to English from the original Greek S70 Bible text), means: “To remove for vengeance” (Lack of obedience) - a devastating geological shake-up that will happen to Earth if the PIRATICAL ROBBER-GANG SPACESHIP Moon departs from its present earth’s orbit.
Moon vs Earth: There is a big difference between the specific gravity of the Moon (3.33 grammes per cubic centimetre) and that of the Earth (5.5 gr.)? Furthermore, analysis of samples brought back by the U.S. Apollo astronauts showed that lunar rock is not of the same composition as the Earth's [Mo12Apr2010].
It is known to you by your “special initiations” above the 18th degree that the forces Asmodai, Metatron and nomenclatures that end with –IEL under the general characterization “Tetragrammaton YHWH, equilateral upward looking triangle” are forces that eminate from Levan (moon) or Levanhiah. Alike it is known that Levanhiah is not a natural satellite of earth but an artificial planet – ship originated from the constellation E’ Bootes and Hercules. Those are for you that have only an MTM initiation. For those of you that have OTO initiation, it is known that behind Levan (moon) and in a synchronus orbit with moon lies the sister ship of same size which is called “Lilith”.
“The Dragonian Chinese Moon as a Flagship of the Dragonian Starfleet of the Dragonian Invader Sin – Sion – Sina – Jedi – Sedi – Jude – Judas – PseudoYahweh or PseudoBeing, which Invades – Steals and Destructs Suns and Solar Systems and Genocides other-races Planetary Civilizations in order to Gain Energy and Raw – Valuable Materials for his criminal Starfleet”, and about: “The Dragonian Chinese Moon which plans to abandon our Solar System (Read in the Dragonian “Holy Scriptures” about the “Departure of the Moon”, and Read LINK: ) in order to invade to the Solar System of “Sirius A” as an area of “coccygeal Maximum Densities” as a Negative Electronic Pole of the Universe or Universal Organism or Panas (from the Hellenic Orphic word Sym-pan meaning “The sum of all”), in order to blackmail with electromagnetic death all the civilizations of the Universe.”
Israeli “Mossad” Greece, terrified from the revelations of G.H.Rees against the annihilator Israel, closed the Greek Webpage, which published relevant G.H.Rees documents. This means that the life of its owner Yannis Romeos is in danger, as is the life of Apostolis Papanakos owner of the analogue Webpage, and the life of G.H.REES representative Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis in Volos, Greece. [Fri30July2010]
Mount Sion, see Gold:
The Mount Sion area in Switzerland is also called “Basel” or “Kingdom” (God’s Kingdom), wherein all Gold Reserves are concentrated. Also there are the central banks of Zionists like Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements etc..
Memphis Templis Misraim-negative and Moses Templis Melhisedec-positive, Greek hyperlodge(s).
See Golden Dawn.
Nephilim (Demons):
Espouse the principle of genocide, which White Pelasgians follow! [Su19Jun2011]
No such thing as planet NIBIRU because there is no neighbouring sun of a neighbouring CLOCKWISE solar system capable of keeping planets in a four light year anthelios. A planet from a COUNTER-CLOCKWISE (anti-sun) orbit is impossible, because nearness to the clockwise turning orbit of planet Pluto would cause mutual disintegration in a huge nuclear explosion, due to interacting clockwise turning matter and counter-clockwise turning anti-matter.
Nine-Eleven (9/11):
A central, fictional character invented by Sin.
White hot all penetrating radiation weapon. Melts electric/electronic circuitry. Destroys human DNA and electrochemistry.
United Nations,
Ordo Templis Orientis-positive and Ordo Templis Occidentis-negative. Second level Jewish-Saxon masonic overlodge, London. With AOA, this hyperlodge commands all the Arch- Rabbineia (Synagogues) and all the Masonic National (Gentile) +/-“M.T.M.” of the West.
Has an inner circle, above seventeenth degree, and a lower outer circle. Access to the inner circle is gained by collectively "implemented" active and passive sodomy. (Su07Aug2011)
Outer Planets:
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. [Includes Jupiter. A category of gas giants in our solar system, beyond the asteroid belt. As part of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, Pluto was re-classified as a dwarf planet in 2006 and is not an outer planet. Ref. Wikipedia. The 4 inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Ref. Universe Today.]
Over Chthonian:
Rebellious forces of Saturn and forces of Selene and Lilith. There are also chthonian forces of Selene and Lilith. What is the difference?
Pact of Shanghai:
Military treaty between Russia, Islamic Nations, and China. Supported by Sino-Russian Military Drills against NATO every autumn.
Palaiologos Dragazis:
A spirit to be impersonated by a man from the Christiansen Glucksburg Danish Royal Dynasty, tasked with roleplaying as Hellen Antichrist 666, Emperor 666 of the NeoByzantine Empire based in Constantinople, and agent provocateur of the right wing cryptonazi LA.O.S. political party intended to lead a strike against the Shanghai Pact that will provoke WW3.
Emperor of “Constantinople Empire 666” (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg).
Palestine: Abraham returned from Egypt to Palestine, where Hellenes were annihilated, to genocide Cretan-Palestinian Hellenes (Genesis 12:10-20, 13:1-4).
Unpunished is the genocide of 7 million Hellenic White's from six Palestinian Nations of Cretan. See “Deuteronomy” 7:1, 2, 16, 22, 9:1-3, 11:23, 12:2, 29, 15:6, 19:1, 20:10-17, 28:12,13, 31:3, 33:17, 19 (Septuagint translation: «ΕΘΝΗ EΞΟΛΟΘΡΕΥΣΟΥΣΙ» Hebrews will destroy Palestinian Nations).
PanAm flight 103:
As for the fall of PanAm flight 103, Gunther said it was carried out by Faction One, a Palestinian group assisted by the CIA, Wall Street/City of London. The secret-Hebrew Government of the crypto-Hebrew Shiite Imams of Iran had paid the Palestinians / communists / terrorists to put a bomb on a U.S. plane in revenge for the U.S. Navy shooting down an Iranian Airbus. Amongst researchers, this was a never-to-be-discussed open secret.
Greek Socialist Party.
Pax Sin-ica:
International peace, as claimed by China to be their wish for the world.
Pelasgian Civil World War:
See Plato's Timaeus and Critias. Also, the Indian Vedas and Mahabharata about the nuclear and meteorological weapons used. Seeing the Chinese of Atlantis about to be
exterminated by the Athenians, Selene attacked Zeus' executives in a Space War, later drowning Atlantis and the Aegis Zone by using gravity cannons, after evacuating the Chinese of Atlantis.
Mythological Andromedan Hellene hero whom destroyed the yellow Draconian star fleet originating out of the constellation Draconis, following an attack upon the Andromeda constellation.
Phaethon aka Maldek:
Planet between Mars and Jupiter that was destroyed by the Draconians* and became the asteroid belt. Some debris fell to Ea-rth.
*To facilitate easier mining of titanium. [Fr10May2013].
Mention in Th06Jan2011. [We19Jan2011,]
Phil Schneider:
Involved in building Dulce D.U.M.B., New Mexico and Los Alamos biolab. Reported and encounter with a tall, stinking alien in Inner-Outer Ea-rth.
Pike, Albert:
Planetary Global Government 999:
1/3 Christian, 1/3
Islamic, 1/3 Buddhist. No participation: The Chinese, the Koreans, the Tibetans, the Hebrews, and the Saxons, as criminal planners of the First, of the Second, and of the Third forthcoming World War.
Andromedian Hyper-Minister, governed Atlantis when the Reptilian Draconians of Selene's Chinese population arrived there (approx 11,436 bDC).
Powell, Colin:
A black mongol military man and "USA" Secretary of State.
Psychogonic Cube:
[Tu19Jan2010] A Pythagorian fraud in which beings are reportedly born from cubes, hence 6x6x6.
During the Prelunar Hellenic (Unified) Science era, it was known that all beings are psycho-born, namely self-created from the Dodecahedral Etheric hives of Pentagonal Sides. All beings consist from three transmuted per kind dodecahedrals (1. Head - 2. Chest (Solar Plexus) - and 3. Belly). Every dodecahedral has six axles of reference, it was a fact for Pre-Lunars that for all beings the axles of reference (Cartesian Axles) were 6+6+6 (-2) = 16, because the 3 Dodecahedrals have one axis common. Pythagoras simply replaced 6+6+6 (-2) with 6*6*6 to produce the fraud and harmonize with the numero-word of “IAPETOS” (Hellenes) = 666 and "Lateinos" (Romans) = 666. Thereby, the Satanic Political Beast of New Testament, John 1C 11-18 is identified directly as Rome A and indirectly as Hellas.
Link/Lap/Maser mind control technology.
Seven pyramids in the sand in Libya... Gaddafy guarded them, to keep the people of the Federal Reserve away from the technology and the treasures inside. [Tu01Nov2011].
Rabbi, [notables]:
Rosenberg; wrote the “GOSPEL OF THE NAZI THEORY”.
Lincoln Von Trembits; Spiritual teacher of Hitler.
Rabbis Burowgs (Baruch): Jewish Chief Rabbis of "USA".
Race (and Race War):
[Sa20Nov2010] "Russian Atlantic Treaty of International Organization". Military alliance of Moscow, Washington D.C., and Brussels against China and North Korea, concerning texts of G.H.Rees and blog "Ellhnandchaos" ( about the plans of China for a planetary Chinese dictatorship.
Red Jews/Red Shield/Shield of Hong:
Hazaro-Mongolian international banksters super-rich criminals, usurers Rothschild who played an important role in assisting the Soviet and Chinese communist revolution [Tu04Oct2011]. “Red Shield” = Red Khazars-hebrews - Mongols = Red Communist China = Overlodge Hong/Hung = Red as the color in recognition of the Totalitarian Dictatorship, which was painted onto the eyebrows of the first Chinese emperors. The overlodge HONG is essentially the historical continuation and the modern form of the pure Dragonian Chinese Emperors of the Ming Dynasties and their Mandarins [Su30Sep2012].
Book: Hebrew Zionist organisation of the chief-rabbis Barouch of the ‘USA’, ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’, titled ‘Your Will Be Done’, Chapter IA’ (11), subtitled ‘The Latest Time’, numbered paragraphs 68-71
Book: Verner Gerson “Nazism: Secret Society” about the “DECLINE/ACCESSION” doctrine of the Masonic hyperlodge +/-A.O.A London: recommended by G.H.REES.
Book: Roger Garaudy's “Basic Myths of Israeli Foreign Policy”.
Book: Faurisson's “Jewish Holocaust, lie and truth”.
Plato, Kritias 108 and Timaios 24.
The Apocrypha of Enoch.
See also Drake, Raymond.
References on the enemy: Proklos (Proclus) No.9, Timaion 41, 283, 11 Erman Diels: (translation).
“The Arcadians” of the historian-geographer Pausanias - an ancient Hellenic text.
Religion, see also Israelites, three branches and A.MH.C:
Long live the Chinese Emperors and their mandarin wise men, for it was they who founded Christianity, which happens to be China’s prehistoric religion, where Judaism and Islam originate from.
Religious Polarity Policy, see YMCA [Mon14Dec2009]:
See also Israelites, three branches (above)
The equalising of the powers of Freemasonry's theosophicals and philosophicals, so that as equal forces they could completely annihilate each other at Armageddon. RPP is backed by a retroactively effective and impossible Old Testament order of "Racial Purity" to the Judeans and Samarians, namely that they never be contaminated with the sperm of the White race - which of course, they were from the start! Breach of Sin's rediculous demand will excuse genocide of the Judeans and Sumarians. [Th09Feb2012].
Reptilian Selenian Draconian astrofleet:
Comprises flagships Selene and Lilith, and some 118 smaller titanium ships.
Retreat of Zeus:
One third to inner earth, one third to summon help at the Constellation Of Andromeda, and one third to the four outer planets [Saturn, Uranus, Poseidon(?), Pluto].
Revelations of the Bible:
RIC (Russia-Islamic Nations-China):
To be dissolved after the genociding of US.E.J. and India, when White Russians or “Gog and Magog” or “Rus” (Russian) or “Mesheh” (Moscovites) or “Thubal” are to be murdered by the Chinese. Ezekiel 38 and 39 of the Old Testament analyses this plan.
Simultaneously, White Islamists (aka Agarines) are to be genocided by the Chinese-Mongolian Axis "CJTHSM" China-Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols. Afterwards, China will genocide JTHSM, following a of annihilation of the Black Race (aka "Cursed Ham").
Rösler, Philipp:
Vice-Chancellor of Germany. A direct organ of hyperlodge Hong, the Chinese Government, and the Chinese Central Bank for the economic and political invasion of the European Union by China.
Russia Today:
Televisual mouthpiece of the Russian FSB and Shanghai Pact interests.
Sabaoth-Saturn/Saturn-Sabaoth etc.:
Treasonous Andromedian mutineers of Saturn who escaped Tartara prison and now collude with the Draconians of Selene against the Celestials of Zeus. They and the Reptilians now control Ea-rth.
Sagan, Carl:
Numerous blogs, including Mo19Aug2013, Sa06Nov2010 (Transmission from;).
[Th09Jun2011] Saura means lizard and mates/mati means eye. The name was given by the ancient historian, Herodotus, to Draconian invaders of Scythia and mainland Europe.
Schneider, Phil:
[We17Nov2010] See also Phil Schneider Geologist who disclosed about "Dulce" D.U.M.B. and E.B.Es. (Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entities) within them. Schneider was apparently hit by an electromagnetic pulse fired by an E.B.E. (extraterrestrial biological entity) that burned off some of his fingers and gave him cancer.
He was finally assassinated by US secret services.
Sepharadim/Separrati/"Elite"/Pawns of the Dragon: [Undated blog!]
Snake god, headed one of the Dragonians first religions shortly after their arrival on Ea-rth.
See "Moon".
Dragonian possessed (Separati - "Elite") mongol-hebrews Arch-Rabbis Benen Berith of New York ("Kings of the Jews"). Traitors colluding with Chinese Mandarins of "Hong" and Chinese-Hebrews of hyperlodge "Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou" of Shanghai.
Shanghai Pact:
Sin-Yahweh-Sion-Sina-Jedi-Sendai-"Universal Creator God":
Composite monotheistic Moon God, of Master El Sentai (Mongolian-Hebrew)/Tzentai (Chinese) and Master Saturn-Sabbaoth. Created the humanoid (humo-saurian) race, in his name - the Sin-ese (Chinese). Represented by a Dragon-Turtle statue in the Imperial Palace of the "Forbidden" city of Beijing, which is emblematic of the Chinese emperors and Hong.
[The Draconian forces have crew of 1st and 2nd dimension of matter rarification, while their high leader and commander, YHWH belongs to the 3rd. The Draconian sensor capability is limited to 3rd dimension spotting. The reptiles' high command consists of 24+3 members under the leadership of YHWH. Sa21Nov2009]
In the highest rite of A.O.A. the supreme god is SIN or SIM through the change of the nasal(twang) “N” into “M”. It originates from the roots “S’L’N’” and “S’L’M’” through the abstraction of “L’”, with final roots the “S’N’” and “S’M’”. The products through the interpolation of vowels are SION (ZION), SEM, ZEN, SEN, SENA_AR, SEN_DAI, ZEN-DAI, SINA(Sinic Wall, China), ASMO-DAI, ILOU_SIN, ELI-SIN, ELOHA_SIN, ELOHIM-SIN, EL_SIN, ILAH_SIN, ALLAH_SIN. [Th26Nov2009]
Chinese; genetically engineered by Yahweh.
Sinic Wall:
Great Wall of China, 888 steps above sea level! Its inscription reads: "Only the most excellent men can climb up to this point - 888 feet".
Confusion, 888 METRES!
Coccyx critical survival area of the Universal Organism.
Sitchin, Zechariah:
Claimed that "the anunnaki were the inhabitants of nibiru, that created mankind in order to mine gold from the subsoil of the earth, and hand it over to the anunnaki every three thousand years, when their planet, nibiru, is approaching earth"!
Slaves of God:
Sorros, George (not Sorras):
Jewish-born Tsipras has special orders from his primary financial backer George Sorros , of Jewish-Skopje descent , who actually received Tsipras when the latter was in the U.S , so that as soon as Tsipras, the leader of ‘ SY.RI.ZA’’, comes into power he will be able to appoint 75% Jewish-born George Papandreou to the position of vice-president and minister of external affairs of the Greek state (George’s grandmother was Jewish-Bulgarian princess ‘’Mineiko’’. G eorge’s mother was also Jewish-Bulgarian Margaret Tschad Tsidenbaum , a Jehova witness as well as an American citizen and CIA agent!!!).
Soul Traps:
Space Tech. leak sources:
1. Chemtrails - "Livermore" labs.
2. Satellites (lasers and masers) - Pentagon, US Universities, Chinese Embassy in Washington.
Star of Death:
Star of Solomon:
Cabbalist six-pointed flag of Israel.
Stavridis, James:
Admiral and director (General-in-Chief) of NATO; Chinese masonic agent, Hebrew sympathiser. To be assassinated. A Greek-American inclined to lead NATO against Persia, Iran, and Syria of the Shanghai Pact, for which Greece will therefore be blamed and annihilated by RIC, prior to the remaining white nations. On political leadership, see Constantinople Empire 666.
Stavridis is lying blatantly by saying that there are no plans ready for “NATO” to assault Iran. He is under orders from the USA, which is ready to attack Iran if it closes the Straits of Hormuz - through which passes about one-third of global oil production.
Mandarins state that the first Chinese descended from the Moon [inside sui-sing “Bright Spheres” UFO ships (Su22Apr2012)] to the continent of Atlantis (approx. 11,400 years B.D.C.).
Extreme left wing political party of Greece. Tsipras is a Jewish-born member and collaborator for the invasion of Greece by BASTR; his father is a Mossad Israeli intelligence agent.
Hebrew "Bible". [See comments by the chief-rabbi Abravanel or Abravanael on Talmud’ (in the book ‘The Worst Enemies Of The People’ by Jean Boyer) regarding the ‘‘killing of 2/3 of the people’’ (apart from… Hebrews… and Chinese) at the latest great war, that is, at the upcoming 3rd World War.]
See Underworld Tartara.
Terran Draconian-Cronian Hierarchy:
A detailed explanation of the hyper-lodges is at blog Th26Nov2009.
Terrorist definition:
Henry Kissinger says "People who reject the New World Order".
Including the parallel Rosicrucian organizations (black masonry). They are the highest Masonic infrastructure of all Satanic sects and neognostic religions and political movements, such as Nazism; due to their originating from Tibetan and Dragonian Chinese secret societies, and ZEN White and Black Brotherhood monasteries.
Theosophists are also behind the scenes of almost all sinoZionist motivated branches in Greece that claim the titles: “Epsilon Group” - “Olympians” - “New Acropolis” - “Xrysh Avghi - Golden Dawn” - “Krinaetoi Lodges” - "LA.O.S. Ultra right wing political party" etc..
Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou of Shanghai: Chinese hyper-lodge.
Toxic Products of China:
Traitors, see also Hebrew-Saxon agents:
Dana Horochowski, George Kavassilas, Robert Morning Sky.
Downward signifies theosophical lodge, upward signifies philosophical lodge. Superimposed, we get the Cabbalistic Hexagram or the sinoZionistic star of David - representing Yahweh, Tamil (and Andromedian traitor Cronus) with higher purpose the instigation of schizophrenic ideological paranoia and civil war into and between the White Skylings (Uranides) Andromedian and Black Sirian indigenous races.
Trilateral Pact:
Australia, New Zealand and the United States: Members of the ANZUS {Wikipedia} security treaty [signed on 1 September, 1951 and supported by the Hawke Labor Government].
Twelve Gods:
Roles played by officers of the Cronus-Savvaoth army, taking the original codenames of Zeus, Apollo, Hera etc..
Pharisees/arch rabbinae corrupted and replaced the twelve Olympian Gods with twelve followers (disciples) of (Jewish) brother Joshua, in favour of Israelite, Mongolian Turanian, Arabic, dodecahedron, twelve-races, with the twelve symbolic stones and the twelve gates of upper Jerusalem of the Moon.
Under Chthonian:
Rebellious Cronian forces defeated by Zeus. There are also Chthonian forces of Selene and Lilith!
Underground Cities:
Tamil under the command of his superior, multi-named Asmodai or Yehowa of the Moon, sent crews of Lilith to organize underground cities in the earth’s crust that will pose as Zeus subordinates. These cities exist right down from the pyramids in Mongolia, Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, South America etc, and additionally right down from natural pyramids formed by earth’s mountains. They contain forces summoned by Theosophical lodges and propagandized by the “proHellenic” organizations like the “New Acropolis”, department of the Theosophical Society (Tamil).
Underworld Tartara:
Place of confinement of Saturn-Sabaoth's allies by the clan of Zeus, following their temporary 'civil' space war defeat (around the time of the arrival of Selene at our solar system).
Unit 731:
Department for research into the effects of biochemical warfare in human physiology.
Universal Organism:
"People that came from the Sky" = Skylings. The Uranides ruling dynasty consisted mainly of Zeus (Diaus Pitar in Sanskrit) and Saturn-Cronus factions.
USA sold-out to China:
Indian Dravidian name for the spaceships of Zeus aka Flying Chariots of the Gods.
All the wars in our planet were provoked by the “oracles-prophecies” and the “auguries” of the collusion pre-Christian and Christian - Judean - Islamic - Taoist - Shinto - Buddhist - Lama Priesthoods, and that after 1.700 A.MH.C., all the wars in our planet were provoked and ordered by the hierarchy of the “Secret Societies” namely of the Masonic Hyper-lodges: “HONG” China - “ZEN” Tibet and India - “+/- AOA & +/- OTO” London England through the Ethnic Hyper-lodges “MTM”, such as “+/- MTM - Greece”...
Weather Control Technology:
Wilcock, David:
World War One:
How was it possible for the dukes of "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha" in England and Germany to war with each other?
To genocide the white pelasgian races of Europe, Wilhelm-William II, 1888-1918, organised WWI with the Hebrew king of England, George V of the house "Wettin-Saxe-Coburg (Koenburg)-Gotha-Goths-Gotto-Hittites". [Wilhelm-William II, was the last white pelasgian German emperor of Prussia Hohenzollern. Controlled by his mother, Victoria, and his wife, Augusta Victoria - both descended from the Hebrew house "Wettin-Oldenburg-Schleswig-Holstein" - he betrayed Germany.] Victims were primarily the whites of Germany and England. Total dead by WWI: 40 million White pelasgians, 10% of all White Europeans - murdered by the mongolian Hebrew-Saxon "Royal Houses" of Germany, England, Russia, and USA.
World War III:
Inevitable if NATO/SEATO attacks Iran, because Russia has said that attacking Iran is like assaulting Russia. All this is planned by Hong and is to be executed by Freemasonry in general.
The Draconians are more properly referred to as Dragonians, being from the Dragon Asterism and multiple dimensions.
Lord (God) as stated in Hebrews 10:15-17 (NIV), 9:8-13 in Greek transcript - Hebrews are his people. He will be remorseful and forgetful of their actions - a green light to their havoc.
Psalms 72:7 (to Solomon, Greek Bible), "The Lord will govern till the [spaceship] moon departs" - Mystical dogma upheld by the Aghion Oros.
Served by Yahweh Heavenlies of Scottish and French Lodges loyal to "God" and commanded by the tertiary staff of “Benen Berith” and “Olam Berith” or “Lodge of the Grand Oak” of New York, chief lodge of the “Argonauts 21”.
Yellow Race:
Produced by cross breeding the Cronean Andromedians with Vrills. The Yellow race disembarked on the steppes of Mongolia/Siberia in 4000 bDc (the time of the appearance of Adam and Eve). [Sa21Nov2009].
YHWH (See Yahweh):
[Sa21Nov2009] Draconian commander. YHWH established elementary government around 5,619BC. From then, the Universal codenames Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena etc were replaced by 12 Gods played by officers of the Cronus-Savvaoth army. Draconians cross bred Vrills with Cronean Andromedians, producing a new species: the Yellow race, which disembarked onto the steppes of Mongolia/Siberia in 4,000BC (when religions report the appearence of Adam and Eve). In 2,200BC their huge campaign of invasion began, utilising seven Mongolian hordes.
[Mo14Dec2009] Presented as “Christians” but in reality they have a theosophical comparative new age Gnostic infrastructure (See: Zeitgeist). YMCA is coordinated with M.R.A. 666 [A great cornerstone for the Religious Polarity policy of HONG and A.O.A.] between:
the New Age M.R.A. 666 axles US.E.J.;
the in-between new age axis T.I.M. (Tibet - India - Mongolia external); and the
orthodox 777+888 R.I.C. axis (Russia - Islamic Nations - Sin,Sion,Zion,China + Korea);
for the instigation of jihad, a holy 3rd world war, or Armageddon.
Southern China [Su21Mar2010]. German Archaeological Missions were deported without explanation from China, when in their excavations proved the existence of Twelve Ancient Hellenic Cities inside China. The Chinese Government ordered the covering of the Twelve Ancient Hellenic Cities with hills of dirt, upon which were planted trees-Forests of rapid growth.
Zen, Green Dragons:
Tibetan hyperlodge, staffed by the black Brotherhood of mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces); also, in Japan.
Zeus (Jupiter):
Overchthonian forces of planets Uranus and Jupiter, chthonian forces of Uranus, and underchthonian forces of Uranides defeated by Saturn. [Sat08May2010]
Selene's request to land their Reptilian Draconian populations on Ea-rth was conditionally allowed. In the local space war that followed, one third of the Zeus-Uranus fleet retreated to the outside planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).
Zhi Gong (See Hong aka Hung, above): One of eight main dictatorial political parties in China. It derives directly from Hong and the HQ is in San Francisco!
Actually Sin-ism, after the Moon God, Sin, and referring to China (Sion). There is "Down Zion" (earthly) and "Upper Zion" (Moon).
666, 777, 888, 999, etc.:
“888” of the Chinese Dragon is the KEY-NUMBER-WORD for Jesus (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ):
888 = Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200)
For 666, read Buddhism, Induism, Taoism, SINtoism, Satanism.
08/08/08 was the date the pseudo-Chinese Olympics began!
For 888, read Judaism(?), Christianity, and Islam.
See Geostrategic Codes.
200, 000, 000:
Rev. [21, (New Jerusalem)] 20:1-6 (1000 years), 9:16-17 (200, 000,000 soldiers), Gen. 21:1.
The Central recruitment site of +/-A.O.A.
London will doubtless welcome you at or:
London WC1N 3XX
+/-AOA, Adeptis Ordo Atlantis, Order of the Descendants of Atlantis, Perfection Lodge, Holy of Holies: Jewish-Saxon masonic overlodge, London. With OTO, commands all the Arch-Rabbineia Synagogues and all the Masonic National (Gentile) +/-“M.T.M.” of the West. Led by Yahweh, "God". They have a "Chancellor" and their own Bible "Equinox" that forms their constitution. They consider themselves to be a hyperstate and hyper-government of the West 666...
Ordo Adeptis Atlantis (negative) is the -NaziBuddhist Atlantean Adepts (-OTO and -MTM), meaning, Order of the Accepted from Atlantis.
Ordo Astrum Argentinum (positive) is +Christiansocialist Astrum Argentinum (+OTO and +MTM).
72 Members of which 24 are representatives of Female Semitic Races “AGHAR” namely Arabs, 24 are representatives of Androgynous Semitic Races “SARAH” namely Israelites and 24 are representatives of Male Semitic Races “HETTURAN” or “TURAN” namely Turanian Mongols and Tatarians. [Th26Nov2009].
The “Old Testament” says that Abraham gave as a harlot his wife Sarah to the Pharaoh of Egypt, and got as a price of this prostitution many flocks of sheep, gold and silver. From Egypt, he returned to Palestine in order to genocide its Cretan colonists, namely the Philistines or Palestinian Hellenes (“Genesis 12:10-20” and “Genesis 13:1-4”).
Agents of Hong: See: Hebrew-Saxon agents.
The crypto-Jewish agent provocateur president of Iran conspires with the Burroughs - Baruch Chief Rabbis of the USA for the slaughter of the Iranian-Persian people by the Hebrew-Saxon “NATO” and Sina.
Prof. M Chossudovsky of the Univ. of Ottawa said Ahmadinejad QUOTED Ayatollah Khomeini on October 25, 2005. Khomeini’s thrust was not to wipe the nation Israel “off the map”, but to change Mardukh's Israeli (Sionist) regime. US media perverted the quote. See:
Alex Jones:
No blog date! Title: "Ry Dawson takes Alex Jones to the Wood Shed..."
A.MH.C: [Fr27Aug2010] After Mongol Hebrew Christ. From pre-history to 1700 A.MH.C, all the wars in our planet were provoked by the “oracles-prophecies” and the “auguries” of the collusion pre-Christian and Christian - Judean - Islamic - Taoist - Shinto - Buddhist - Lama Priesthoods. After 1700 A.MH.C, all the wars in our planet were provoked and ordered by the hierarchy of the “Secret Societies” namely of the Masonic Hyper-lodges.
Ambassador of the U.N. Embassy for Reception of Extra-Terrestrials:
NOT enemy Cronians posing as Federal Andromedians in Saturn’s orbit who also pose as the returning “Dodecatheon of Zeus”, with purpose to request Tiger to strike Dragon to ignite WW3.
Up to 960 ships of the Andromedian astrofleet, are around the ellipse and orbits of planet Saturn [Th06Jan2011].
"The Announcement" [Fr03Aug2012]
Hell and Chaos...
Unstoppable, clockwise, black, cold radiation.
Destruction of 5 billion people. To begin with BASTR vs Greece.
Ezekiel Ch.38 and 39.
Luke 19: 27 (Slay those who will not kneel).
Revelations 2: 26-27 (Those who kneel get to smash nations.).
Rev. 6:2, a crowned rider and on a white horse conquers with a bow.
Rev. 6:4, rider with a great sword and on a red horse destroys peace.
Rev. 6:5-6 the rider with a pair of balances rides a black horse causes starvation. Hell's pale horse rider is Death, whom Hell follows, and they kill by hunger, sword, and beasts of the earth (Rev. 6:8).
Rev. 8:7 (One third of trees and all grass destroyed),
Rev. 9: 11-21 (Apollyon ruled the people and unleashed four angels with an army of 200 million horsemen, upon steeds that will slay one third of men with fire, smoke, and brimstone. The surviving men did not repent of their sins.)
16: 8-9 (Angel scorched men blasphemed the name of God and did not repent.) and
16: 12-16 (Water was dried up for the KINGS OF THE EAST and devils worked miracles for them to do Armageddon.).
19: 17-21 (Judgement follows Armageddon?).
[Su15Nov2009] From As(h)kania of Asia minor, today's Western Turkey.
Artemis Sorras:
Accumulated $3billion in expenses while supposedly developing secret, ancient Greek space technology in 2009 for the US Gov't. President Obama agreed to pay on 09Aug2014.
1. E. Lambrakis and Bexis/Mexis of "Ichor" have publicly claimed that the US Gov't is buyer of the space technology, but the US sold NASA to the Hebrew Rockefellers; to fund the 2011 debt crisis! Lambrakis and Bexis are caught in a fraud.
The science of Assyriology states that the Assyrian city of Ur from which Abraham came, had "Sin of the Moon" as a central God - although Abraham was commanded by his Lord “Eloh or Allah”. The Sinese humo-saurian race is named after its progenitor central god, although they are now known as Chinese - hence the name “Sinic wall” from Sinos-Sina-China. The Chinese are genetically synthesised humanoids and will serve as a genocide tool against the White Andromedian and Black Magnificent indigenous races at Armageddon/WW3.
From the root Sin – “Sion” (Zion) comes the term China – “Down Zion”(Earthly) and “Upper Zion”(Moon). Therefore, Zionism is correctly pronounced Sinism and is loyal to Sin!
Abraham is Havra-Khan in Mongolian.
Led by Zeus, they repulsed the invasion of
Europe in the Pelasgic ‘Civil’ World War by the White
and Chinese Atlantians. Anticipating the extermination of all Chinese, Selene began a Space War with Zeus' forces.
Hell and Chaos...
Place of arrival of the Chinese population of
Selene, where they fomented 'civil' war between the White Pelasgians of Atlantis and their racial Pelasgian brothers of Europe (See Plato's Timaeus [Timaios] 24 and Critias [Kritias] 108) in which 'special effect' nuclear weapons and meteorological weapons were used (See the ancient Indian texts of Vedas and Mahabharata). Anticipating Chinese annihilation by Athenian counter-attack, Selene waged a Space War on Zeus and sank Atlantis and the Aegis Zone by using gravity
cannons, after the Chinese Atlantians were evacuated. The Pelasgic golden era of high technology and civilisation in harmony with nature soon shifted to a ‘stone age’.
The final conflict and sinking of Atlantis and Aegis is dated by the lodge of the Grand Oak in 9.600 B.C., and it’s probably the actual date because it is cross-referenced by the ancient manuscripts of “Timaios and Kritias” of Plato [].
Barak Obama:
Barouch of New York:
Chief-Rabbis/Arch-Rabbis. To be
Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania/Pentagon. Armies of these nations are to genocide half the Greek population, as planned by the Pentagon, so that Greeks as leaders of NATO would invade countries of Turkish Mongols of China (Huigkour=Hungarians) and provoke an overwhelming backlash by the RIC. The resulting genocide of NATO, SEATO and civilians of their member countries would lead to the instigation of Jehovah's Kingdom.
2. Epsilon traitors of Greece inc. LAOS and Golden Dawn therefore provoke the BASTR/P attack by extreme abuse of foreign immigrants; according to the traitorous theories of the “chief-priests of Epsilons” , that is French Hebrew Cretan Ioannis Fourie or Fourakis and the Greek-Hebrew professor called Tzanni, or Zanna.
3. Golden Dawn, Greece was founded by nazi, Hebrew-Saxon Mongol Lords of Golden Dawn, England. Both regard Asian mongols, esp. Tibetans, Chinese, Koreans, Albanians and Turkish Mongols as white!!
4. BASTR/KI/P: The axis that is to genocide Greece all the way up to Lamia (central Greece).
Transformed military BASTR/P axis since 11/12Jan2013 by both the armies of China and Turkey, units of which will be stationed in all countries of the BASTR/P axis surrounding Greece.
Before Draconian Christ e.g. 20,000 years bDC.
Benen Berith:
Loyal to Yahweh "God" and in opposition to AOA which is loyal to the Tamil "Devil". The hatred enabled two world wars: bad Germans (AOA/Tamil underchthonians) vs good allies of Benen Berith or Yahweh heavenlies.
Sins provoker of division between Christians,
thereby making Armageddon easier to accomplish.
Bilderberg, 2011:
HL Hong, Head of the Dragon, covertly heads the Bilderberg Group. It sent two "acolyte" representatives of the Shanghai Pact into the Western Trilateral Pact meeting: A Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Fu, and a Beijing University Professor of Finance (For financial war against the West).
Groups such as Bilderberg help to conceal Hong.
Translation of the group's meeting in 2011 was provided by the opinion-making ''partial truthers'', Jim Tucker, Alex Jones and Russia Today (RT, of the FSB and RIC). No mention of China is included in the report, nor its plans for global dictatorship.
Issues discussed at the meeting:
1. The "elite" was concerned about the US Congress wanting NATO to pull out of Libya, after its illegal and immoral invasion. The conflict is a money spinner for the masons.
2. Freedom and information on the internet are empowering opposition to Bilderbergers. They want new laws under the guise of safeguarding intellectual property and preventing terrorism, insisting that regulation, laws and close surveillance will make everybody safer.
3. Bilderbergers will intensify the financial crisis and austerity. in order to destroy national governance. A controlled global government with a new currency and surveillance and control by police is intended.
4. Replacement for the fitted-up Chair of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn who resigned. French Minister of Finance, Christine Lagarde, got the job - as fixed by the Chinese. She is a close colleague of the China-loving Hungarian-Hebrew, Sarkozy.
5. Journalist Jim Tucker reported that the Trilateral-Bilderbergers are "united in their plan for war" as a means to slowing overpopulation.
6. Bilderbergers are outraged at coverage by patriots, protesters, and media. They tried to reduce coverage by The Guardian and Irish Times, but failed.
We discern Hebrew-Mason interest in WW3 and wars in the Middle East, which they want to heat up rather than cool down; Yemen, Syria, and Libya for example. This will open various fronts for ignition of "Armageddon". They also want Gaddafi dead, for opposing them.
They want to completely control the internet, but can't.
The "Debt Crisis" serves to conceal countries of the US-E-J Trilateral Pact. China readily provides money for bail-outs... Jianbao tipped Gestapo girl Merkel with 200 billion euros so he could steer her on a five year plan. Phase one may form New World Order 666 [the "bad littl anti-Christ 666"], which will be annihilated after a weak push against the East and replaced by New World (Order) 888 [Christ 888].
The goyim want recognition as movers and shakers in Hong's hierarchy, but supposedly complain about becoming famous! They help conceal Hong, but are themselves lowly: Part of the problem facing Earth.
Gaia's indigenous black “ SIRIAN” race of the constellation of “ Argo”.
Russian Hebrew founder of Theosophy and medium initiated by +/-Zen. [Su10Feb2013, Tu27Nov2012].
Before Mongol Hebrew Christ.
A basic teaching of Hinduism A’ and Buddhism is that “the Moon is hostile towards us, and that we must avoid getting in contact with the radiation of the Moon”.
Carl Sagan:
China Central Bank:
Chinese Behaviour:
Video available from and websites. See also, the blog of Mo10Oct2011.
Chinese race, see also Yellow Race:
The Chinese of Atlantis provoked disputations between the Andromedians of Atlantis and the Andromedian Hellenes of Europe or Aegis with result a Global Superpower War between the two Andromedian White Populations of Atlantis - Aegis in 9.600 B.C.
Research relevant books “Timaeus” and “Critias” of Plato.The yellow race made its appearence on the planet as a cross-breed between Vrills (Grays) and traitor Croneans in 4,000BC (exactly when the scripts say that Adam appeared on Earth).
The Chinese were not created by Nature but by the Moon's Draconian genetic labs. They have mass rituals in favor of the Dragon and serpents of the Moon and their flag actually implies the moon. Chinese Mandarins state that they first descended to the continent of Atlantis [watch out for the Atl- prefix] from the Moon inside sui-sing “Bright Spheres”/UFO ships, around 13,400 years ago.
The Chinese consider Huangdi and Yandi as ancestors, referring to themselves as "descendents of the dragon". Huangdi is said to have ascended to heaven as a dragon.
Chinese ONLY buy from each other, extremely rarely from their enemies to whom they sell cheaply. Having been economically undermined, the suicidal Western desire for cheap Chinese trade grows stronger as Westerners can no longer afford to trade sufficiently amongst themselves. The Chinese then "donate" to the PRC.
Chinese colonialism - WW3:
Phase 1, economic. China makes unrepayable loans to European states (and USA), then seeks foreclosure in view of non-repayment, asking the China-controlled IMF to declare:
[A] the European states bankrupt,
[B] Territories under Chinese Domination, and
[C] public and private assets can be seized for repayment. Phase 2, political. Hebrew-Saxon banks gain political influence within Europe and America, as Philip Rösler has in Germany. Phase 3, military. China has ordered "Evil Western 666" interests to embarrass themselves by executing publicly shameful acts of colonialism in African, Asiatic and South American Countries. China thereby gains a moral and religious alibi for protection of its assets in the debt nations, and for Religious War - Jihad or counterattack (as in John's Revelation) to genocide white and later, black races.
Chinese goods (toxic):
Chinese occupation:
To "protect" trade, oil, and natural gas, mercenary Chinese soldiers exist in:
Canada, 200,000.
USA, California, unknown number.
Mexico, 300,000.
Panama, 700,000, (“security” of Chinese factories).
Nigeria, 700,000.
A central fictional character invented by Sin.
Christian dogma:
The Chinese will conquer the world to force True Christianity 888 and annihilate the anti-Christs 666.
Christianity... Draconians impersonate the Twelve Gods of Zeus. G.H.Rees. calls upon the Draonian's medium, Dionysios Illarionas to make written apology for uploading an oversized depiction of Luna over the Hellenic horizon and for following it with comments of so-called "incarnated spirit-forms of Apollo"/"Indigo Children 666". Illarionas knows well that according to the testimony of the Draconian's Judeo-Christian “Holy Scripture” (e.g. Rev.12:1), the Draconian base of Christianity has "the moon under her feet" from where it is organised.
Confederacy of Independent States, being the former United Soviet Socialist Republics.
Collier, Alex aka Ralph Amigron:
Omits to mention the race-nation of the Dragon, genetically engineered Chinese made for slavery and slaughter. He also omits SIN-SION-JAHWEH's plans to rob and destroy the Earth and this solar system.
[The Dragon intends to depart for another - probably the Sirius-Hyperion-Coccyx solar system, from where he will directly blackmail the entire galactic Andromedian Government and the whole universe with electromagnetic death. Hence, the quarantine. (Same omissions for David Icke.)]
Collier says nowt about Andromedians thinner than fifth dimension, which are included in their local Government Fleet stationed off Saturn. Nor does he mention hypertech electromagnetic soul traps for the dead and their subsequent soul-memory erasure. These serve both to prevent any alarm being raised beyond our solar system and to create compliant zombie-slaves like the Hebrew-Saxon Glucksburgs.
Collier mixes innocuous truths with lies and partial truths, that serve to confuse people. There is nothing vital to the survival of blacks and whites.
[Part 1, Su03Mar2013].
On May 3, 1991, Mr. Amigron was arrested in California in connection with a 4-count felony indictment handed down by a Federal grand jury. It was alleged that Mr. Amigron, a former IRS revenue officer, falsely claimed to be a certified public accountant, and an enrolled actuary, and that he knowingly used false Social Security numbers on tax documents.
His release record from Federal Prison is available online. Upon release in 1991, Ralph Amigron became Alex Collier and began lecturing on alien contact with Pleaidians. None of the predictions he made from their information came true. [Part 2, Fr08Mar2013]
Lies about the Andromedian Hellenes (Greeks) and their ultimate purpose in our solar system. He also omits to mention the SINese and their use of reptilian and dragon related symbols. SINese mythology states that the first Chinese came from the moon with a flag showing the crescent moon, like the Turkish Touranian-Mongolian flag.
Constantinople Empire 666:
Political leadership of the "NATO" assault against Syria and Iran is to be:
1. “Constantinople Empire 666” under the Hebrew-Saxon “Emperor Palaiologos Dragazis” (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg), under...
2. The Turk-Albanian G. Karazafferi of “LA.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert, ultra-rightwing political party of Greece), and under...
3. The Hebrew-Saxon Chief-General Paul Holstein Glucksburg.
These three impersonate Greek Nationalists and are intended to cause genocide of unarmed Greeks in retaliation for NATO's Greek-led "weak push" against the Shanghai Pact (RIC). All this prior to genocide of all other white member nations of NATO.
Hell and Chaos:
Cronus aka Sabit/Sabbath/Savvaoth:
Traitor to the Andromedians (see Hesiod's Theogony) 1.5 million years ago, and ally to Draconian leader YHWH.
Cronians (Saturnians - Savaothians). Characterised by the Black Brotherhood of mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces).
Cube, see Psychogonic Cube.
Properly referred to as Dragonians from the Dragon-Draco Asterism(?). Intend Lunar departure to "Sirius A", from where they will blackmail all the civilizations of the Universe with electromagnetic death.
Currently digging-in defensively at Mars with US help, after losing control of Saturn to the Andromedians. Draco war planets are now stationed around Jupiter like satellites.
Have installed defensive barriers that enclose the seven internal planets and seal the N and S poles and forbid transit of Andromedian 1D forces or 2D Spirits without a general Space War.
About 120 ships of the Dragonian astrofleet have gathered in the ellipse and the orbits of Planet Jupiter (as an outer defence) [Th06Jan2011].
See Sephardim.
Drake, Raymond:
Publicist of the "Comparative Hierography" and "Small Yellow Master Of Atlantis".
Concluded that Christianity, based in the Christian - Islamic - Judean Bible, is the pre-historic religion of China.
Tamil under the command of his superior Asmodai or Yehowa of the Moon, sent crews of Lilith to organize underground cities in the earth’s crust that will pose as Zeus subordinates. Such underground cities exist beneath the pyramids in Mongolia, Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, South America etc, and additionally below natural pyramids formed by earth’s mountains. They include underground lodges, sometimes referred to in mythology as “tunnels that lead to Hades”. [Th24Dec2009]
Hollow! Originally populated by White Race Hellenes from Andromeda and a black race from Sirius.
In their Facebook page "The river is you", END claimed that "... Under-God Apollo, from the chthonian abodes of the earth below ...will resurface, to the exterior of our planet". END ignored that Apollonians are trapped beneath the lethal 200km magma zone, as it is lethal to spirits and creatures of flesh. Residing above this zone and beneath the surface are Greys under Draconian control and capable of surfacing. They will do war crimes against Russia-Islam-China (RIC), then END will ensure that Apollonians are blamed and stigmatised as chthonian demons working with warmongering Andromedian-Pelasgian Hellenes. RIC will begin its counter-attack against NATO "Anti-Christ populations 666" nations by destroying Greece first in World War III.
Elite: See Sepharadim.
Elohim (Angels):
Espouse the principle of survival, which the Chinese follow. See Nephilim. [Su19Jun2011]
End National Debt: Criminal gang of treacherous frauds of "theosophical Epsilon masons" friendly with other nazi accomplices in Greece like "Epsilon 666", "Golden Dawn 666", "L.A.O.S.", and "BEXI 666". Membership includes: Labrakis, Papadakis, and Sorras. Sorras was given $3bn in expenses by the USA for developing ancient Greek space technology. END has a Facebook page called "The river is you".
Neo-Greek traitors, with political wings of "Golden Dawn" and "L.A.O.S.". Chief Priests are the French-Hebrew Cretan, Ioannis Fourie or Fourakis, and the Greek-Hebrew professor called Tzanni or Zanna.
They did not warn Greeks to prepare to defend themselves against a fifty per cent genocide of North-Central-Western-Island from BASTR/RO.K in response to Epsilon abuses of foreign immigrants. Also, given the Epsilons failure to warn, the dismantling of Greek armed forces can proceed unhindered.
Surviving Greeks are then expected to invade Asia against all Turkish Mongols of China (Hungarians), in turn provoking RIC genocide against NATO, SEATO and its member countries.
Ethnic Origins:
The analysis to ancient texts [???] of Greece-India-Mayas-etc. has proved that the White human race came from the andromeda constellation through Sirius. The Black race is indigenous of our planet and of Sirius. The Yellow race (Chinese and Koreans) came from the "Dragon constellation" as crews of the Dragonian Moon and of the other Dragonian ships (archives of Raymond Drake and other researchers of ethnology). [We25Nov2009]
EYP/KYP: Greekhebrew and masonic controlled Intelligence Service of Greece.
Ezekiel 38 and 39: Genocide of White Russians ("Gog and Magog". "Rus" means Russian, "Mesheh" refers to Moscovites, and ) by the Chinese.
Federal Reserve (FED):
Gunther... the (Jewish) owners (Rockefeller) ... and the Global Conspiracy for the slavery of humanity... not part of the government... but part of a global empire that rapes and pillages sovereign states... killing their leaders (see Kennedy) and stealing everything of value [Tu01Nov2011].
The Islamic Flag of Iran has in its design 4 crescents (moons) that form the word "Allah" (source: Wikipedia).
Hell and Chaos...
Quasi-religious networks of the mind for controlling the "Slaves of God" via tiered systems [Tu04Oct2011] that impose the false reality of the New World Order.
Hierarchy chart in English at blog of Su07Aug2011.
Know Thy Enemy: Terran Draconian-Cronian Hierarchy. [TH26NOV2009]
[Mo06Jun2011] WRT California.
Fulford, Benjamin:
See Illuminati, below. Bankster, David Rockefeller accorded Fulford a (collusional and) prestigious interview soon after Fulford had threatened Rockefeller's life!
Full of Blood:
Masonic initiation, baptism in the blood of innocent white and black Ethiopians.
Athens' Attica General Police Directorate or Hebrew-Masonic junta.
Gaddafy and Gunther were members of a group called Pedophile Eradication Team.(PET) (ie group execution of pedophiles) which no longer exists. Gaddafy and the military overthrew King Idris, because the king was surrounded by many young boys [Tu01Nov2011].
Gaddafi... [Su27Mar2011]
Galactic Federation of Light (GFL):
Hebrew-Saxon American university academics all agreed with their rabbis "We must genocide 2/3 of people... in order to avoid overopulation"!!!
Genocide of Whites:
Includes White Andromedian Persians-Afghans-Iraqis, today faced with genocide from the Mongul Hebrew-Saxon leaders and generals of the “USA”-England-Europe. [5th Fraud, Tu27Nov2012. Also Mo10Oct2011.]
Geostrategic Codes:
[Name, abbreviation, code] These are masonic codes.
Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan- Uzbekistan-Tadzhikistan-China, TIC-B or A.T.OU.TA.C..
Black Race nations, 888/A(-).
Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania, BASTR 666.
{A. The Hesiod characterises Hellenes as "IAPETOS"=666.
B. Pythagoras falsely claimed that "All beings came from the Psychogonic Cube, of 6 units sides", namely 666.
C. The Hebrew John of the New Testament, Ch 1C 11-18, refers to 666 as the numero-word of the one satanic political beast or nation.
D. Various Marcatoi/Marcati ("Marked") encourage Hellenes to mark their skin with 666 bar code, as agreed in the Schengen Treaty.}
China, 888;
[“888” of the Chinese Dragon is the KEY-NUMBER-WORD of the word Jesus:
J’E’S’U’S’ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ)¨: 888 = Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200)
It is said that demonic Draconian monks spread rumors that Alexander the Great found the city of “OPIS” and renamed it “OPI” (hole - ΩΠΗ) so that the key-number-word may appear like:
Ω’(800) + Π’(80) + Η’(8) = 888 (!)]
China-Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols, (CJTHSM), 888/B(+).
China-Korea (CK), 888/C(+).
Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongolia (JTHSM), 888/C(-).
North Korea, 777-A;
Russia-Islamic Countries-China, RIC, 888A(+);
South Korea, 777-B;
Tibet-India-outer Mongolia, TIM, 666/B;
Turkey-Syria-Iran-Pakistan-China, TIC-A or TU.S.I.PA.C.;
US.E.J, 666/A.
Whites of Russia and Islamic States, 888/B(-).
Geostrategic Highway:
God [See also Sin]:
888 Freemasonry.
Heavenly Emperor ( Jade_Emperor) draco-turtle god Tzeint or Jed or Tziount or Judas, or Jedi or Sendai or Shitai namely the lunar dragonian pirate, Space genitor of Chinese,supreme god of Taoism and China's, and creator of all major terrestrial religions and political-economic- social systems external surface of planet. [Tu04Oct2011]
For all major mono-theistic religions, the "Universal Creator God" became known as both Master Yahweh (El Sentai) AND Master Sabaoth (Saturn-Sabaoth).
For the Chinese, Sion - Sin - Jehuva - Sentai - Tzentai, and by Jesus Christ (chief-rabbi ‘Jehosavah’ = ‘Jehovah saves’).
[Other names include: Zion-Sina-Yahweh-Jendi-Jewd-Jade of Chinese Confucianism-Judah-Jed, “father god” of Hebrew-Christianity, or “Elloch” of Judaism, or “Allaah” of Hebrew-Islamism as “god of the moon” (behold the crescent moon as symbol of Islamism) Fr10May2013].
"God" means a Being who flies or runs in space with extreme speeds, by using technology, aka the "chariots of the Gods". [Mo12Apr2010]
Gog and Magog:
The moon Jahweh ,named Ezekiel ,see Holy (Satanic) Bible, Ezekiel, chapters LH(38) and Lθ’(39), in which Jahweh predicts (programmes) the genocide of GOG and MAGOG ( that is the northern pelasgian Scythian Russians) and the “MESSEH” (Pelasgian Scythians of Moscow or Meseh). [4th Fraud, Tu27Nov2012.]
[We14Dec2011} Gold has disappeared (from the “Bank of Greece” and from “Fort Knox” of USA) and was moved to Switzerland's Mount Sion (Zion), from where it again disappeared. Such robbery has as a consequence that in any given moment the Zionists can cause a global economic crash. Bank-notes in circulation and especially the Dollar, are useless papers of Governmental fraud. No longer is there any valuable, indestructible metal to swap for the present currency, as is falsely promised on all bank-notes in circulation. After the gold disappearance there is talk of FAKE GOLD BARS (!!!), with purpose the ignition of the 3rd World War or “Armageddon” in an economical and military perspective between the Shanghai Pact and the Western Trilateral Pact....A "perfect" Sino-Zionist Theatrical show!>
Golden Dawn/Xrysh Aygh:
A neo-nazi, push to the east (drag nach osten) party based in Greece and London, for a repetition of the minor asia destruction (1922) - now against the Shanghai Pact and China (See Epsilons, fifty per cent genocide). See:
Falsely regards Asian Mongols, Tibetans, Chinese, Koreans, Albanians, and Turkish Mongols as members of the white race.
Claims Constantinople for the next capital of the Greek NeoByzantine "Empire 666".
Grand Oak:
An American Hebrew lodge for the "High Brotherhood of Light" in New York and commanded by American Hebrew chief rabbi "Varouch" alias Barozo alias Burowghs.
Grant, James:
The patriotic Government (1967-1973) with the help of the brilliant Economist of Team-Papagos, super-minister Spiros Markezinis, brought unprecendented Economical Growth to Greece. Today's treasonous Greek-Hebrew "good democratic" Governments of "PASOK" and "New Democracy" robbed, wiped-out and completely destroyed the Greek Economy and infrastructure. They try to impose the "(Slave) Citizen Electronic Id Card" with the chip bearing the "Barcode-666 number" in order to control and genocide us. (Su10Jul2011).
Green Dragons, see Zen:
Greys/Vrills (Orionids):
Abductors and expert geneticists. G.H.REES revealed that Greys are cooperating closely with the Lunar Boötes Dragonian faction of Ea-rth's external surface, by occupying underground lodges of the Ea-rth's inner-outer surface. See video on American geologist of German origin Phil Schneider, blog We17Nov2010.
Upper Zion.
Hebrews are essentially a Hebrew-Mongolian genocidal horde of Hyksos-Elamites, a White-Yellow intermarriage from deep Inner Asia after genocide there of White Pelasgian Kolchis (Kolchida) and White Upper-Ionian Hellenes or Yunnan of Asia (Today’s Southern China Province) by Yellow Dragonian Chinese. This Hebrew-Mongolian horde under the commands and pressure of their genitors, the Chinese, and having as their initial base (Mongolian wasp’s nest) the cities Ur or Urgha and Zerghul of Chaldea (Moon Worshipers) and of Mesopotamia, marched towards mainland West-Europe by dividing themselves into two main hordes.
A Hebrew-Mongolian horde invaded the Hellenic colony of Egypt (Aigyptos=>Yptios-Aigaiou=>Meaning the Country that resides beneath the Aegean) corrupting and destroying it through conspiracies and military invasion. Another Hebrew-Mongolian horde invaded Hellenic Palestine (Philistine or Palesatia), completely and brutally genociding seven Hellenic cities of Philistine Hellenic Cretan colonizers.
Hebrew-Saxon agents:
Dean, Bob; Icke-Isaac, David; Jones, Alex; Lear (Junior), John; Rense, Jeff; Tsarion, Michael; Wilcock, David...
Hellenic Holy Scriptures:
Plato's Timaeus & Critias, and the Ancient and Prehistoric Hellenic Chronicles of Hesiod’s Theogony and Ogygia. [We19Jan2011].
Planet that lay between Mercury and the Sun. Destroyed by the Draconians, its debris was sucked toward the sun.
Hitler-Hisler, Adolf:
Illegitimate child of German-Jewish Frankfurt banker Rothschild
[Su15Nov2009] The book of historian and leader of the French left, Roger Garaudy entitled “Basic Myths of Israeli Foreign Policy” was forbidden in France, because it exposed Hebrew-Saxons of USA, Britain, Holland, Denmark, Germany and the rest nations, as “Crooks and Diachronic Assassins of Nations”. Garaudy found that the 6,000,000 dead Hebrews from Gas Chambers in German concentration camps of forced labour (and not “Genocide Camps”) is “a basic myth of Israeli foreign policy” that deters research and punishment for criminal violations of international law committed by Israel, Hebrews and Saxons, after WW2. Confirming Roger Garaudy, historian Faurisson in his book “Jewish Holocaust, lie and truth” proved that the furnaces of the labor camps were destined for the dead due natural causes and that it was impossible to incinerate …6.000.000 Hebrews according to the manufacturer’s data.
[Point 12, Tu16Feb2010], [Tu27Nov2012]. The true “Holocaust” is the holocaust of the 7 Hellenic Palestinian Nations annihilated and wildly robbed in Palestine under the leadership of Satanist leader Joshua of Navi successor of Moses. Under the leadership of Moses, millions of Egyptian Hellenes were murdered and wildly robbed before exodus of Jews from Egypt. [Part 16, Fr30Jul2010].
Hong aka Hung:
Since Hong means red, it is applied when referring to super-rich, criminal Hazaro-Mongolian international bankers and usurers. They played an important role in assisting Soviet and Chinese communist revolutions: The "Red Jews" or "red shield" or "Shield of Hong".
[Chart of hierarchy at the blog of Tu04Oct2011.] Chinese Secret Service and supreme masonic hyper-lodge of China (Shanghai), responsible for the programme of WW3 outbreak. Legendarily established by the infamous "five seniors"; Shaolin monks that survived Mongolian-Tsing destruction of their temple. Western secret societies extend from Hong, the political wing of which is called Tiandihui (secret society of Heaven and Earth) that includes psychics in contact with heaven.
2010 China Global Alliance of Freemasons HQ
802 Road Fuxing,
Kaohsiung City Lingya District No. 3,
9th Floor.
2010 China Global Hongmen Alliance
Renaissance Èr Lingya District,
Kaohsiung City number 3 9F-2 802
Tel HQ: 07-2-3318218/3320084
Fax: 07-3318218
The racist, religious sect of Hong unfolds, not only in the eighteen provinces of China, but also in the Chinese colonies that are scattered throughout all the area of Central Asia. In reality, this sect controlled both internal and external policy of China , from 1912 onwards, ie from the time when the Sun-Yat-sen proclaimed the Republic- 1866-1925, first president of the Chinese Republic and founder of the Kuo-Min-Tang).
Their website is in Taiwan:
[Zhi Gong is one of eight main dictatorial political parties in China. It derives directly from Hong and the HQ is in San Francisco!]
Between 1712 and 1901, England was ruled by Hebrew-Mongol Goth-Hittite kings descending from the dynasty of the Germanic state-kingdom of Hannover, Germany. These "Wolf-Mongolian" Hebrew-Saxon kings of England followed the "House of Stuart". Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of the Hebrew-Mongolian house of "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha" or "Sachsen-Koenburg-Goths (Hittites)". Her son, Edward VII was the first of a dynasty of English kings from Albert's German house, through to Queen Elizabeth II. How was it possible for the dukes of "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha" in England and Germany to war with each other?
To genocide the white pelasgian races of Europe, Wilhelm-William II, 1888-1918, organised WWI with the Hebrew king of England, George V of the house "Wettin-Saxe-Coburg (Koenburg)-Gotha-Goths-Gotto-Hittites". Victims were primarily the whites of Germany and England. Total dead by WWI: 40 million white pelasgians, 10% of all white europeans - murdered by the mongolian Hebrew-Saxon "Royal Houses" of Germany, England, Russia, and USA.
Chinese Special Forces can launch with bare hands, spherical or netting or liner or polyline (dog-legged) micro-thunders, analogue to the electromagnetic hits of continuous or discontinuous shots of human “MASER” weapons. G.H.REES knows that such electromagnetic shots or “EMP” weaponry is not caused by ficticious “Hyper-Human capabilities” of the Chinese Armed Forces. Each Chinese commando, ninja, is escorted by one or more Dragonian demons armed with invisible-to-humans weapons of thinner matter/dimension that fire “EMP” shots.
Hypophysis [Pituitary Gland]:
[Tu19Jul2011]. The central signal transmitting/receiving organ of the brain "neuter receiver" or non-polarised receiver. Hypophysis is divided electromagnetically into rightwards and leftwards rotating.
Ichor Gene:
Highly resistant to domination by reptilian DNA that attempts to produce reptilian hybrid offspring.
Icke-Isaac, David:
The Moon Matrix has ‘hacked’ into the human ‘body-computer’ system, he says, and it is feeding us a manipulated sense of self and the world 24/7 (Su14Mar2010).
Accused by G.H.Rees of being a dangerous cointelpro agent:
1. The forum of twice erased comments by friends of G.H.Rees that countered Hebrew-Chinese interests in NWO 888, which Hebrew and Gentile masons are sworn to uphold.
2. Icke's true Hebrew name is Isaac.
3. Icke's forum twice blocked friends of G.H.Rees who warned about Chinese economic, political, and military invasion of the West.
4. Icke conceals and protects the identities of terrestrial and lunar Draconians.
5. Icke preaches "unconditional love", which helps to neutralise and passify the defensive instincts of the white and black races against their future genociders!
6. Icke's career began with him using channelling, mediums, and psychics. He heard voices in his head.
G.H.Rees claims the Draconians have psychotronic devices for giving instructions and altering moods.
7. Icke (and John Lear) plaigerised and corrupted G.H.Rees disclosures on Draconian scheming, particularly the Moon Matrix.
8. Icke omits to mention Ea-rthly Sinese and their connection with the Moon's space Dragonians from the Dragon-Draco Asterism.
9. Icke omits also, mention of the true Masonic Cronian-Dragonian Hierarchy with Commands transmission center Tibet and China.
10. Icke omits... the supreme Chinese hyperlodge HONG and its scheme of planetary genocide code named: “Armageddon”.
11. Icke omits... Annihilation of Hellenism's Whites and Blacks from Yunnan Province by the Chinese. Hebrew-Saxon intermarriage further reduces the White Pelasgian pure gene pool (miscegnation).
12. See (as ref's): and John Lear 2007 "Disclosures" already known to G.H.REES from the 80's.
13. Icke re-discloses, after many years, G.H.Rees articles about the Moon - with various omissions, such as massive Lunar brainwashing of Ea-rthlings. Thereby, Ea-rthlings cannot realize that the Hebrewsaxonic “NATO” is preparing war against the axis “R.I.C", and thus, cannot foil the 1st phase genocide. {Read The Scheme of the World War III phases by the Chinese Hyperlodge “HONG” in the “G.H.REES 2nd Survival Manual of World War III”ΤΕΛΙΚΟ}
[Su06Nov2011] Behind(?) "MTM" and founded by “A.O.A.” England. A network of visible Masonic Lodges named “Illuminati” Hebrewsaxons of Bavaria, Germany, to:
[A] Conceal membership identities of +/-OTO and +/-AOA.
[B] To pose as commanders of all the Arch-Rabbineia (Synagogues) and all the Masonic National (Gentile) +/-“M.T.M.” of the West, which are controlled by +/-OTO and +/-AOA London.
[C] Conceal Chinese-Hebrew links, their publishing houses, and disinformation outlets e.g. "Third Eye" and "Nexus".
[D] To publicise a fake war: Illuminati, +/-OTO, and +/-AOA London versus Supreme Hyperlodge “HONG” of Shanghai, with the intention of escalating it to the ignition of WW3, thereby denying G.H.Rees assertion that they collude in setting up Jehovah's Kingdom.
See the Greek-Hebrew magazine “Hellenic Nexus” October 2007, publishers Stinis (Stein) and Boudouris (Abvela).
Benjamin Fulford was the “Journalist” who first published the false - devious “news” (disinformation) about alledged “War between the Eastern Lodges and the Illuminati of the West”.
Indigo Children 666: Incarnated spirits of pseudo-Apollo. “Pseudo-followers” of the “reincarnated God Dionysus and Apollo Tyaneus Christ 666”, that is the Mongol Hebrew-Saxon imposter of the Danish court “pseudo-paleologos pseudo-Dragazis DAN-666 Christian-Oldenburg-Holstein-Glucksburg, to place the armies of the White races of the West under leadership of White-Yellow Mongols-Hebrew-Saxons-and Japanese generals of “US.E.J” (USA-EUROPE-JAPAN), and Mongol generals of T.I.M (TIBET-INDIA-MONGOLIA), who will traitorously lead these White armies to take action against the armies of R.I.C. (RUSSIA-ISLAMIC COUNTRIES-CHINA) in the Asian deserts.
Insignia of G.H.Rees:
The two end-for-end epsilon (and barcode 666).
Dragonian biologists of space-Lunar medicine, know already that which the French Biologists discovered in the 1930s, namely that people originating from intermarriage of the three pure races, namely White – Black – Yellow, are inborn schizo-intellectual (Schizophrenic) , schizo-emotional (Luna-tic) and schizo-body (Regular Diseases), and have inborn tension toward murdering their genitors, of the various main pure races.
So, because the Hebrews, Saxons and the rest Mongols have this “Doberman syndrome”, inclination to genocide without reason the pure races, it is certain that the Chinese will genocide at the end and all remaining White-Mongols and Black-Mongols of the semi-axis “J.T.H.S.M.” with first annihilated being Hebrews, Judeans and Hebrew-Saxons.
Invasion of Ea-rth:
Undertaken around 2200 bDC by seven mongol hordes.
Iranian Intelligence:
Persian-Iranian descendants of Pelasgian Hellenic Arians.
Iranian leadership:
Crypto-Zionist Shiite (RIC) enemy of the West.
For those cognizant of the Assyrian-Babylon Religion we remind that the term ILOU or ELI in Aramaic, or EL or ELOHA or ELOHIM in Hebrew, or ILAH or ALLAH in Arabic, represents not a particular god but the idea of Divine in its absolute and general meaning. It is attributed to the Lunar God SIN in whom the adjectives “Ruler God”, “The Ruler of Gods of Heaven and Earth”, “King of Gods”, “God of Gods”, “Lunar Master”, “The Architect of Everything, He who holds the Heavens” were adapted.
The Symbol of the god SIN or SIM was the Moon, with primary place of worship the city UR of Chaldea from whence came Abraham … according to the Scriptures. “Berrosus Cosmogony”. [Th26Nov2009]
Israeli Mossad:
Descended from Hebrew-Askenazi within Hellenic Troy in Asia Minor.
Israelites, three branches (Th24Dec2009):
Underground forces of the Earth are characterised by "holy scripture" as “The Devil” and by masonry as “Tamil Forces”. “Tamil forces” form the religious infrastructure of Buddhism and Induism (Siddharism). They are the forces invocated by Theosophical lodges and propagandised by “proHellenic” organizations like the “New Acropolis”, department of the Theosophical Society (Tamil).
We refer to three branches Israelites-Arabs-Mongols that have separate roles in genociding their adversaries and use as tools, the three major religions: Christianity-Mohammedanism-Buddhism:
Mohammedanism teaches that God (Allah/Al Yah/Al Yahweh) lives in the moon.
Buddhism teaches that God lives in the center of the Earth under Mongolia-Tibet
as a projection of "Ta-Han/Tso/Han" the "universal logos", and that from there will come the “ruler of the world”.
Christianity teaches that “the woman (organization) of God stands on Levan (moon)” (Is based on the moon), meaning that is having as a “central base the moon” (See: “John’s apocalypse” Bible, IB’1, Rev. 12:1.)
Jehovah's Kingdom: Chinese Globalization 888 of
the Planetary Chinese dictatorship after "Armageddon". See non-G.H.Rees website:
Etymology of the Arabic greeting Shalam-Allah or Shalam-Alleh:
1. Combining two Hellenic words “Ieros”(Holy) and “Selene”(Moon) yields IERA- SELENE > JERA-SELEN i.e. Holy-Moon.
2. Change the Hellenic root “S’L’N’” for the Atlantean root “S’L’M’” through a change of the nasal (twang) “N’” to “M’” > JERA-SELEM.
3. Thus, take SELEM [Moon] through the interpolation of various vowels to get the Semitic SHALOM, SHALEM, SHALAM, SOLOMON, SALOME, SILOAM, SOULAM.
4. So, the Arabic greeting SHALAM-ALLAH or SHALAM-ALLEH relates the Moon to Allah or Atlah.
5. The Quran assures us that Allah or Atlah is not dead but has moved to the Moon, and hence lives on the Moon.
This confirms that Islam is "Heavenly". Christianity also refers to the Moon.
Jesus Christ:
Real name Rabbi Yechoshuah (Rabbi Yahosuva,
A Draconian creation, resident of Selene/Levan for 2000 years from where he coordinates religious warfare. Probably reincarnated to hurry up the Armageddon Project.
“888” of the Chinese Dragon is the key-number-word of J’E’S’U’S’ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ)¨
Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200) = 888
Ashkenazi Jews are not Hebrew-Mongolic, but Pelasgian-Whites from the area of Askania lake (Hellenic Askanians of Bithynia of Asia Minor, see Iliad b-863, o-793), south of Proussa. Askanios was the son of Troy’s king, Aeneas. “Sephardi” Jews of A’ category like Hitler-Mueller-Eichmann etc, were sacrificing the pseudo-Jews of “B’ category”, i.e. the Hellenogenes Ashkenazim-Askanians, as slaves and as animals for slaughter (goym/goyim, see the 2 Testaments) in the fake holocaust. Purpose: Advertising and politically exploiting the fake Jewish holocaust, so that nations are paralysed and without resistance to Jewish economic crimes (see “crisis”) and wars (see Palestinians, Serbs, Iraqis etc and of the rest of the White Race) up to the end of WW3. Sephardi Jews add the devious criminal invention: “whoever accuses the Jews is Hitleric anti-Semite Nazi like the Pelasgian Germans of 1940”. Today, the Sephardim falsely name as “Ashkenazim” the Mongoloid Khazar Jews and Tatar Jews of Eastern Europe. Residents of the country of Israel: 95% Hellenogenes Ashkenazim workers and plain professionals, 5% Sephardim company directors (“elite” Mongol Jew descendants of Abraham or Havra-Han). The popular-workers’ party of Israel has blamed rabbinical Sephardim bankers and politicians of 1940 as theoretical and financial perpetrators of mass transfers of Ashkenazim into the German forced labour camps. [Point 12, Tu16Feb2010].
Hebrew-Mongol Elamites in Abraham's time invaded India. They destroyed the Pelasgian population and formed Israel's supposed enemies - Semitic Arabs, who will assist in genociding the non-Semitic Pelasgian Arabs of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Palestine. [Sa21Nov2009]
Jewel Del Core:
Jobs, Steve:
Jones, Alex (Shouldice, Mark Allen):
Accused of being a dangerous cointelpro partial truther...
1. His website misrepersented, erased and blocked submissions by friends of G.H.Rees at the “freedom fighers infowarriors” forum (;
2. Gave support to Icke's "Lunar Matrix" book [new gospels for the stupid!], setting Icke and Jones up as spiritual guides to Hong!
3. Agrees with Icke, without scientific evidence.
4. In a review of the Bilderberg meeting of 2011, Jones completely failed to mention China, Hebrew-Saxon and Mongolian racial origins, and the Global Chinese Dictatorship.
Karageorgiou, Giannis:
Karakoram Highway:
[Th09Jun2011] Rising to nearly 5km, this project was started by China and Pakistan in 1956 and completed in 1986 having claimed the lives of 810 Pakistanis and 82 Chinese. It follows the trail of the Silk Road. Due to the fact that it crosses through Kashmir, this highway is considered of huge strategic importance worldwide and can cope with heavy millitary equipment and tanks.
Discredited president of LA.O.S., a Greek right wing political party, who provoked BASTR (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopie-Turkey-Romania) against Greece. He wished to become prime minister of Constantinople Empire 666.
Karl Haushoffer:
Geopolitical brain of Nazism and teacher of Hitler, was initiated as a Golden Dawn Berlin mason - magician invocating draconian demonic 4D spirits and also initiated in Tamil Buddism in Tibet (ZEN) and ZEN of Japan (Green Dragons).
Debunked for being a cointelpro lunatic Draconian agent of deceit.
Mongol Hebrews.
China + BASTR + Pentagon.
Socialist political movement Hong, founded by its then-obvious leader, Soon-Jan-sen aka Sun Wen (1868-1925). Kuo-Min-Tang was originally under Mao Zedong despite its later rupturing, creating a left-communist Kuo-Min-Tang and a supposedly defeated right-nationalist Kuo-Min-Tang. [Tu04Oct2011]
Greek Central Intelligence Agency.
Land of Neptune/Water-Land aka Atlantis:
The location of the first descent to Earth for the Dragonians' genetically engineered humanoids (Humo-Saurians) in 11.500 B.C., namely Yellow Chinese of the Moon. The newcomers had to survive attacks from Earthborn microbes.
L.A.O.S. (Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos – People’s Orthodox Alarm):
An epsilon, published in Alfa-Ena newspaper "Let China free to buy out Greece...".
Founded by the “Greek” Theosophical Society namely negative M.T.M., as ordered by negative A.O.A. London – Golden Dawn London, and as ordered by the Supreme Masonic hyper-lodge “Hong” China.
USA military and 1.2m beam CO2 laser satellites to be used for destroying foliage/flora as per. Rev. 8: 5-7, and other facilities from space. Provided to the Chinese by the Pentagon.
Draconian flagship, Ea-rth's Moon. Led by Yahweh. Ship from E' Bootes and Hercules [Th24Dec2009]. Levan-ians and Lilith-ians are current dominant forces on Gaia (Israelites - Mongols - Arabs).
Lilith aka Mother of Demons:
Draconian secondary flagship, dark glossy Planet of War ruled by Tamil aka Velzevul/Lucifer/Satan/Devil. Concealed behind Selene since about 9,600 bDC when Atlantis and Aegis sank (See Kabbalah).
"Lingchi", death by a thousand cuts [Fr14Oct2011], (see also and websites). Lingchi was outlawed in 1905, but used by Mao's Chinese Communists against rivals and enemies from 1927 to 1970's.
Lingchi is a profitable Chinese industry. Hearts, livers, lungs, and eyes are cut from living bodies and sold to the rich and implanted into sick communist officials.
Korean 777 lizard Jim Yong Kim (president of the world bank); Korean 777 lizard Ban Ki-Moon (General Secretary of the United Nations); San Myung Moon (super-rich, notorious leader of the Korean Christian Sect “MOON”. Crowned as a “Messiah”(!!!) in Washington, attended by skull & bones mason George Bush senior, who proclaimed officially the New World Order 666 in 1991); Philipp/Filipe Rosler (Vice Chancellor of Germany and agent of Hyperlodge Hong for economic collonialism of Europe); Valery Giscard d'Estaing (a French-Jewish chief Masonic white-yellow mongolsaxon, ex-president of France).
Real name is Tamil. Commander of Lilith and second in command to YHWH from whom orders are received directly.
Luna Parks aka soul traps:
Netrino-Naser technology reveals that the reincarnation process here on earth uses Dragonian-Cronian hypertech in the "second" dimension of matter rarification (invisible to our eyes). "Soul traps" scattered around earth on geostationary orbits capture the souls of the dead, lured with "Sounds and Joyful Lights of Party and Joy (Luna Park)". Then the souls are carried to the moon where they are processed and programmed through hypnotism and electroshock to erase the soul's memory. After that the soul is sent back to earth to incarnate to another body. That is the "entrapped reincarnation dragonian - lunar policy", used to produce "telecontrolled zombies" and rule "with limited memory" earthlings, in order to produce: "Lord's servants" aka: Lunar slaves. (Th08Jul2010)
Mana Cornuta:
International sign of Satan.
Mao's Zedong's Chinese Communists:
The infamous communist super-criminal Mao Tse Toung or Mao Zedong was apparently a member of Hong and Tiandihui. To enforce Chinese communist dictatorship under Hong, he killed over 40,000,000 of his "own" Chinese . HONG subsequently pulled strings and made the global geostrategic shift to impose communism upon the Eastern bloc. [Tu04Oct2011]
Criminals who tortured, burned alive, starved, cannibalised, beat to death, and beheaded millions of Chinese. [See "The Madness of Mao Zedong..." a film by Rhawn Joseph, PhD. Also see].
Mao's Wife, Jiang Qing [see Lingchi, above]:
{"Lingchi", death by a thousand cuts [Fr14Oct2011], (see also and websites). Lingchi was outlawed in 1905, but used by Mao's Chinese Communists against rivals and enemies from 1927 to 1970's.}
She described Liu Shaoqi (President of the PRC and Deputy Chairman of the Communist Party, 1959-1966) as a poisonous counter-revolutionary who should die by Lingchi, given that Mao was jealous of Liu Shaoqi's successful policies.
"Canals" created by cosmic engineers? Similar to Levaniah. Prof. Losif Shklovsky (1959) concluded that the "moons" circling Mars are hollow and therefore artificial! Concerning the little Moons Phobos and Deimos in mito-logy these were chariots of the War God Ares or Mars. ("Chariot of God" e.g. "starship-vehicle of the fast moving Being") [Vasin and Shcherbakov post, Mo12Apr2010]
Masers (HAARP):
China and America intending to use meteorological weapon satellites to create drought in S. Russia and storms in NW Russia, for reasons of starvation.
Former inhabitants of Phaethon. Article that traces linguistic and archaeological occurrences of Hellenic influence throughout the world. [We19Jan2011].
Mental War:
Overchthonian forces of Saturn, Selene, Lilith, with chthonian forces of Selenians, Lilithians and, underchthonian forces of Cronians. See Zeus. [Sat08May2010]
President of Golden Dawn. Now pursuing the defunct agenda of Karatzaferis.
Microchip 666:
[Tu07Jun2011] The hypodermic, subcutaneous electronic ID radio transmitter for citizens of Trilateral US.E.J.. It is to access an individual's funds after Western currency has all been replaced by the American Euro (AmEuro), which Japan will be forced to adopt.
Military axes:
Mind Control:
Also see Hypophysis. “Dreams” and “Dream State” and “Astral Projection” and “Lucid Dreaming” and “Visions”, etc, are all manipulated holographic triple LINK/LAP/MASER psychotronic emissions of the Draconian/Cronian faction in order to fine tune and better telecontrol humans. [We11Apr2012]
Mongol Hordes:
Inborn inclination to genocide all three pure races (Doberman Syndrome). Mongol Turks extend a brotherly ethnological doctrine of support to fellow mongols: Bavarians, Hungarians, and Hebrew-Saxon lords of England.
Whiteyellow Mongolian Judeans are of the two-race kingdom of Judas - Jude - Jedi - and Benjamin of Jerusalem, having headquarters at Basel, Switzerland. Mongolian Hebrew-Saxons are of the ten-race kingdom of Samaria with HQ in London, England.
Semi-Dragonians: Genetic creations of Draco Levaniah-Lilith, the "Chosen One People" of Sin-Sion-Zion-Chin-YHWH for the task of genocide and infiltration into the White-Andromedian-Pelasgian and Black-Indigenοus Races.
1st Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde [Sa21Nov2009]
The Ixos and Elamites killed White, Pelasgian males and raped the females in what is now central(?) China, before overrunning Assyria and Babylon. They founded the city of Ur in Babylon, where Abraham was born and the genealogical line of Jesus Christ begun. Driven out, Abraham led some Elamites in crippling Egypt. The rest slaughtered Pelasgians in India, including non-Semite Arabs of Pelasgian origin from Iran, Syria, Palestine and Iraq. The Semitic Arabs - Israel's supposed enemies were formed.
2nd Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
As Japanese they invaded the island of Aenus and genocided the Ionian tribes, saving only fishermen and boat builders. Bavarian and Japanese mongols set up the fascist axis in 1930AD.
3rd Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Fake Dories: Having falsely named themselves Dories (after the ancient Hellenic tribe of Dories) they invaded the Balkan Peninsula. All the Hellenic cities managed to repel them, but Hebrew agents deeply infiltrated Sparta's priestly orders. The horde then invaded the Italian Peninsula and genocided the Hellenic tribes of Etrusk Sabines and Latins of Troad and Sicily . There they founded the city of Rome.
4th Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Huns, under the leadership of Attila or ATL (meaning ATLantean). They established themselves in eastern Hellas (today’s Turkey), Bulgaria, Bavaria and partly in Romania, then slaughtered and genocided all native European tribes.
5th Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Urges (from Ur) / Hungars (Hungarians) led by Jenkins Han-Khan-Kon-Koen who captured today’s Hungary, Finland, Leetonia, Estonia and other ex-USSR lands. They then genocided the native Pelasgian Whites, especially the Russ and Thubals, today’s Byelorussians (descendants of the Pelasgian Scythes), before destroying the Scythes in the Balkans.
6th Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
The Seljuk, empowered the Turkish Mongols of the 4th horde (today’s Turkey). A second division took over the area of today’s Albania, where they genocided the Hellenic tribe of Illyrians.
7th Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
The Tamerlane (e.g. Genghis Khan of Mongolia) attempted to invade Europe but were cut off by the Mongols of the 4th and the 6th horde, due to conflict of inner Mongolic interests. So they turned east and attacked today’s China with the help of the Mongol Manchu.
Descendants of the 5th horde, known as [Hebrew-Saxons?] Saxons (Israelites of Samaria) headed west, entering today’s Britain and continued the Atlantean expansion project by genociding Pelasgian tribes there. They met strong resistance in the northern highlands of Scotland and in the island of Ireland. Ever since that time, the Saxons have waged wars against those two territories.
these wars, massive rapes of white and black women took place and gave
birth to White-mongols and Black-mongols, that is mixed race
Yellow-White and Yellow-Black children. Moon/Selene/Selini/Luna/Eva/Leva-Levan/Star of Death:
Hell and Chaos:
Radiography of the inside of the moon...
[Th23Feb2012] [Tu19Feb2013] A ‘geoplastised’ former natural planetary body from the constellation of Draco and Bootes. Now a flagship (‘Star of Death’ hybrid ‘void’ ship of titanium and zirgon/zirconium) controlled by Reptilians in two (light separated) dimensions.
FIRST arrived in our solar system with Lilith around 20,000 bDC [Th23Feb2012]. Andromedian Celestials terminated this orbit of Ea-rth. Second attempt was successful, around 11,436 bDC. Moon, as an originating place of Evil Apostate Dragonian Spirits (See Spirits of Metatron - Asmodai etc.) for demonic trance - catalepsy of special Ea-rthling marionettes, such as political leaders, religious leaders, mediums, magicians, astrologers, prophets, actors, musicians, economic leaders, scientists, and rest.
Mohammedanism teaches that God (Allah or Al Yah or Al Yahweh) lives in the moon!!!
Christianity teaches that “the woman (organization) of God stands on Levan (moon)” (Based on the moon), meaning that is having as a “central base the moon” (See: “John’s apocalypse” Bible, IB’1).
Turkey and China flags each show a crescent moon and stars, using a blood red background to represent the ongoing war and genocide of blacks and whites.
A basic teaching of Hinduism and Buddhism is that “the Moon is hostile towards us, and that we must avoid getting in contact with its radiation.
References on the Moon:
Duncan Lunan;
Vasin and Scherbakov;
Don Wilson's "Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon";
Hindu prehistory about Space Wars between Solar and Lunar Gods;
American Astronauts from the “Apollo” Program;
Raymond Drake.
On "Lunar departure", see: The Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible (Psalms 71(72), 5-7];
the Concordance to the Septuagint (Hatch and Redpath); and,
the Greek Orthodox Church Bible ancient Greek translation of the Septuagint. According to the Ancient Hellenic lexicon of J.Stamatakos, «Ανταναίρεσις» (the word for “Lunar departure” in the above translated to English from the original Greek S70 Bible text), means: “To remove for vengeance” (Lack of obedience) - a devastating geological shake-up that will happen to Earth if the PIRATICAL ROBBER-GANG SPACESHIP Moon departs from its present earth’s orbit.
Moon vs Earth: There is a big difference between the specific gravity of the Moon (3.33 grammes per cubic centimetre) and that of the Earth (5.5 gr.)? Furthermore, analysis of samples brought back by the U.S. Apollo astronauts showed that lunar rock is not of the same composition as the Earth's [Mo12Apr2010].
It is known to you by your “special initiations” above the 18th degree that the forces Asmodai, Metatron and nomenclatures that end with –IEL under the general characterization “Tetragrammaton YHWH, equilateral upward looking triangle” are forces that eminate from Levan (moon) or Levanhiah. Alike it is known that Levanhiah is not a natural satellite of earth but an artificial planet – ship originated from the constellation E’ Bootes and Hercules. Those are for you that have only an MTM initiation. For those of you that have OTO initiation, it is known that behind Levan (moon) and in a synchronus orbit with moon lies the sister ship of same size which is called “Lilith”.
“The Dragonian Chinese Moon as a Flagship of the Dragonian Starfleet of the Dragonian Invader Sin – Sion – Sina – Jedi – Sedi – Jude – Judas – PseudoYahweh or PseudoBeing, which Invades – Steals and Destructs Suns and Solar Systems and Genocides other-races Planetary Civilizations in order to Gain Energy and Raw – Valuable Materials for his criminal Starfleet”, and about: “The Dragonian Chinese Moon which plans to abandon our Solar System (Read in the Dragonian “Holy Scriptures” about the “Departure of the Moon”, and Read LINK: ) in order to invade to the Solar System of “Sirius A” as an area of “coccygeal Maximum Densities” as a Negative Electronic Pole of the Universe or Universal Organism or Panas (from the Hellenic Orphic word Sym-pan meaning “The sum of all”), in order to blackmail with electromagnetic death all the civilizations of the Universe.”
Israeli “Mossad” Greece, terrified from the revelations of G.H.Rees against the annihilator Israel, closed the Greek Webpage, which published relevant G.H.Rees documents. This means that the life of its owner Yannis Romeos is in danger, as is the life of Apostolis Papanakos owner of the analogue Webpage, and the life of G.H.REES representative Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis in Volos, Greece. [Fri30July2010]
Mount Sion, see Gold:
The Mount Sion area in Switzerland is also called “Basel” or “Kingdom” (God’s Kingdom), wherein all Gold Reserves are concentrated. Also there are the central banks of Zionists like Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements etc..
Memphis Templis Misraim-negative and Moses Templis Melhisedec-positive, Greek hyperlodge(s).
See Golden Dawn.
Nephilim (Demons):
Espouse the principle of genocide, which White Pelasgians follow! [Su19Jun2011]
No such thing as planet NIBIRU because there is no neighbouring sun of a neighbouring CLOCKWISE solar system capable of keeping planets in a four light year anthelios. A planet from a COUNTER-CLOCKWISE (anti-sun) orbit is impossible, because nearness to the clockwise turning orbit of planet Pluto would cause mutual disintegration in a huge nuclear explosion, due to interacting clockwise turning matter and counter-clockwise turning anti-matter.
Nine-Eleven (9/11):
A central, fictional character invented by Sin.
White hot all penetrating radiation weapon. Melts electric/electronic circuitry. Destroys human DNA and electrochemistry.
United Nations,
Ordo Templis Orientis-positive and Ordo Templis Occidentis-negative. Second level Jewish-Saxon masonic overlodge, London. With AOA, this hyperlodge commands all the Arch- Rabbineia (Synagogues) and all the Masonic National (Gentile) +/-“M.T.M.” of the West.
Has an inner circle, above seventeenth degree, and a lower outer circle. Access to the inner circle is gained by collectively "implemented" active and passive sodomy. (Su07Aug2011)
Outer Planets:
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. [Includes Jupiter. A category of gas giants in our solar system, beyond the asteroid belt. As part of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, Pluto was re-classified as a dwarf planet in 2006 and is not an outer planet. Ref. Wikipedia. The 4 inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Ref. Universe Today.]
Over Chthonian:
Rebellious forces of Saturn and forces of Selene and Lilith. There are also chthonian forces of Selene and Lilith. What is the difference?
Pact of Shanghai:
Military treaty between Russia, Islamic Nations, and China. Supported by Sino-Russian Military Drills against NATO every autumn.
Palaiologos Dragazis:
A spirit to be impersonated by a man from the Christiansen Glucksburg Danish Royal Dynasty, tasked with roleplaying as Hellen Antichrist 666, Emperor 666 of the NeoByzantine Empire based in Constantinople, and agent provocateur of the right wing cryptonazi LA.O.S. political party intended to lead a strike against the Shanghai Pact that will provoke WW3.
Emperor of “Constantinople Empire 666” (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg).
Palestine: Abraham returned from Egypt to Palestine, where Hellenes were annihilated, to genocide Cretan-Palestinian Hellenes (Genesis 12:10-20, 13:1-4).
Unpunished is the genocide of 7 million Hellenic White's from six Palestinian Nations of Cretan. See “Deuteronomy” 7:1, 2, 16, 22, 9:1-3, 11:23, 12:2, 29, 15:6, 19:1, 20:10-17, 28:12,13, 31:3, 33:17, 19 (Septuagint translation: «ΕΘΝΗ EΞΟΛΟΘΡΕΥΣΟΥΣΙ» Hebrews will destroy Palestinian Nations).
PanAm flight 103:
As for the fall of PanAm flight 103, Gunther said it was carried out by Faction One, a Palestinian group assisted by the CIA, Wall Street/City of London. The secret-Hebrew Government of the crypto-Hebrew Shiite Imams of Iran had paid the Palestinians / communists / terrorists to put a bomb on a U.S. plane in revenge for the U.S. Navy shooting down an Iranian Airbus. Amongst researchers, this was a never-to-be-discussed open secret.
Greek Socialist Party.
Pax Sin-ica:
International peace, as claimed by China to be their wish for the world.
Pelasgian Civil World War:
See Plato's Timaeus and Critias. Also, the Indian Vedas and Mahabharata about the nuclear and meteorological weapons used. Seeing the Chinese of Atlantis about to be
exterminated by the Athenians, Selene attacked Zeus' executives in a Space War, later drowning Atlantis and the Aegis Zone by using gravity cannons, after evacuating the Chinese of Atlantis.
Mythological Andromedan Hellene hero whom destroyed the yellow Draconian star fleet originating out of the constellation Draconis, following an attack upon the Andromeda constellation.
Phaethon aka Maldek:
Planet between Mars and Jupiter that was destroyed by the Draconians* and became the asteroid belt. Some debris fell to Ea-rth.
*To facilitate easier mining of titanium. [Fr10May2013].
Mention in Th06Jan2011. [We19Jan2011,]
Phil Schneider:
Involved in building Dulce D.U.M.B., New Mexico and Los Alamos biolab. Reported and encounter with a tall, stinking alien in Inner-Outer Ea-rth.
Pike, Albert:
Planetary Global Government 999:
1/3 Christian, 1/3
Islamic, 1/3 Buddhist. No participation: The Chinese, the Koreans, the Tibetans, the Hebrews, and the Saxons, as criminal planners of the First, of the Second, and of the Third forthcoming World War.
Andromedian Hyper-Minister, governed Atlantis when the Reptilian Draconians of Selene's Chinese population arrived there (approx 11,436 bDC).
Powell, Colin:
A black mongol military man and "USA" Secretary of State.
Psychogonic Cube:
[Tu19Jan2010] A Pythagorian fraud in which beings are reportedly born from cubes, hence 6x6x6.
During the Prelunar Hellenic (Unified) Science era, it was known that all beings are psycho-born, namely self-created from the Dodecahedral Etheric hives of Pentagonal Sides. All beings consist from three transmuted per kind dodecahedrals (1. Head - 2. Chest (Solar Plexus) - and 3. Belly). Every dodecahedral has six axles of reference, it was a fact for Pre-Lunars that for all beings the axles of reference (Cartesian Axles) were 6+6+6 (-2) = 16, because the 3 Dodecahedrals have one axis common. Pythagoras simply replaced 6+6+6 (-2) with 6*6*6 to produce the fraud and harmonize with the numero-word of “IAPETOS” (Hellenes) = 666 and "Lateinos" (Romans) = 666. Thereby, the Satanic Political Beast of New Testament, John 1C 11-18 is identified directly as Rome A and indirectly as Hellas.
Link/Lap/Maser mind control technology.
Seven pyramids in the sand in Libya... Gaddafy guarded them, to keep the people of the Federal Reserve away from the technology and the treasures inside. [Tu01Nov2011].
Rabbi, [notables]:
Rosenberg; wrote the “GOSPEL OF THE NAZI THEORY”.
Lincoln Von Trembits; Spiritual teacher of Hitler.
Rabbis Burowgs (Baruch): Jewish Chief Rabbis of "USA".
Race (and Race War):
[Sa20Nov2010] "Russian Atlantic Treaty of International Organization". Military alliance of Moscow, Washington D.C., and Brussels against China and North Korea, concerning texts of G.H.Rees and blog "Ellhnandchaos" ( about the plans of China for a planetary Chinese dictatorship.
Red Jews/Red Shield/Shield of Hong:
Hazaro-Mongolian international banksters super-rich criminals, usurers Rothschild who played an important role in assisting the Soviet and Chinese communist revolution [Tu04Oct2011]. “Red Shield” = Red Khazars-hebrews - Mongols = Red Communist China = Overlodge Hong/Hung = Red as the color in recognition of the Totalitarian Dictatorship, which was painted onto the eyebrows of the first Chinese emperors. The overlodge HONG is essentially the historical continuation and the modern form of the pure Dragonian Chinese Emperors of the Ming Dynasties and their Mandarins [Su30Sep2012].
Book: Hebrew Zionist organisation of the chief-rabbis Barouch of the ‘USA’, ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’, titled ‘Your Will Be Done’, Chapter IA’ (11), subtitled ‘The Latest Time’, numbered paragraphs 68-71
Book: Verner Gerson “Nazism: Secret Society” about the “DECLINE/ACCESSION” doctrine of the Masonic hyperlodge +/-A.O.A London: recommended by G.H.REES.
Book: Roger Garaudy's “Basic Myths of Israeli Foreign Policy”.
Book: Faurisson's “Jewish Holocaust, lie and truth”.
Plato, Kritias 108 and Timaios 24.
The Apocrypha of Enoch.
See also Drake, Raymond.
References on the enemy: Proklos (Proclus) No.9, Timaion 41, 283, 11 Erman Diels: (translation).
“The Arcadians” of the historian-geographer Pausanias - an ancient Hellenic text.
Religion, see also Israelites, three branches and A.MH.C:
Long live the Chinese Emperors and their mandarin wise men, for it was they who founded Christianity, which happens to be China’s prehistoric religion, where Judaism and Islam originate from.
Religious Polarity Policy, see YMCA [Mon14Dec2009]:
See also Israelites, three branches (above)
The equalising of the powers of Freemasonry's theosophicals and philosophicals, so that as equal forces they could completely annihilate each other at Armageddon. RPP is backed by a retroactively effective and impossible Old Testament order of "Racial Purity" to the Judeans and Samarians, namely that they never be contaminated with the sperm of the White race - which of course, they were from the start! Breach of Sin's rediculous demand will excuse genocide of the Judeans and Sumarians. [Th09Feb2012].
Reptilian Selenian Draconian astrofleet:
Comprises flagships Selene and Lilith, and some 118 smaller titanium ships.
Retreat of Zeus:
One third to inner earth, one third to summon help at the Constellation Of Andromeda, and one third to the four outer planets [Saturn, Uranus, Poseidon(?), Pluto].
Revelations of the Bible:
RIC (Russia-Islamic Nations-China):
To be dissolved after the genociding of US.E.J. and India, when White Russians or “Gog and Magog” or “Rus” (Russian) or “Mesheh” (Moscovites) or “Thubal” are to be murdered by the Chinese. Ezekiel 38 and 39 of the Old Testament analyses this plan.
Simultaneously, White Islamists (aka Agarines) are to be genocided by the Chinese-Mongolian Axis "CJTHSM" China-Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols. Afterwards, China will genocide JTHSM, following a of annihilation of the Black Race (aka "Cursed Ham").
Rösler, Philipp:
Vice-Chancellor of Germany. A direct organ of hyperlodge Hong, the Chinese Government, and the Chinese Central Bank for the economic and political invasion of the European Union by China.
Russia Today:
Televisual mouthpiece of the Russian FSB and Shanghai Pact interests.
Sabaoth-Saturn/Saturn-Sabaoth etc.:
Treasonous Andromedian mutineers of Saturn who escaped Tartara prison and now collude with the Draconians of Selene against the Celestials of Zeus. They and the Reptilians now control Ea-rth.
Sagan, Carl:
Numerous blogs, including Mo19Aug2013, Sa06Nov2010 (Transmission from;).
[Th09Jun2011] Saura means lizard and mates/mati means eye. The name was given by the ancient historian, Herodotus, to Draconian invaders of Scythia and mainland Europe.
Schneider, Phil:
[We17Nov2010] See also Phil Schneider Geologist who disclosed about "Dulce" D.U.M.B. and E.B.Es. (Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entities) within them. Schneider was apparently hit by an electromagnetic pulse fired by an E.B.E. (extraterrestrial biological entity) that burned off some of his fingers and gave him cancer.
He was finally assassinated by US secret services.
Sepharadim/Separrati/"Elite"/Pawns of the Dragon: [Undated blog!]
Snake god, headed one of the Dragonians first religions shortly after their arrival on Ea-rth.
See "Moon".
Dragonian possessed (Separati - "Elite") mongol-hebrews Arch-Rabbis Benen Berith of New York ("Kings of the Jews"). Traitors colluding with Chinese Mandarins of "Hong" and Chinese-Hebrews of hyperlodge "Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou" of Shanghai.
Shanghai Pact:
Sin-Yahweh-Sion-Sina-Jedi-Sendai-"Universal Creator God":
Composite monotheistic Moon God, of Master El Sentai (Mongolian-Hebrew)/Tzentai (Chinese) and Master Saturn-Sabbaoth. Created the humanoid (humo-saurian) race, in his name - the Sin-ese (Chinese). Represented by a Dragon-Turtle statue in the Imperial Palace of the "Forbidden" city of Beijing, which is emblematic of the Chinese emperors and Hong.
[The Draconian forces have crew of 1st and 2nd dimension of matter rarification, while their high leader and commander, YHWH belongs to the 3rd. The Draconian sensor capability is limited to 3rd dimension spotting. The reptiles' high command consists of 24+3 members under the leadership of YHWH. Sa21Nov2009]
In the highest rite of A.O.A. the supreme god is SIN or SIM through the change of the nasal(twang) “N” into “M”. It originates from the roots “S’L’N’” and “S’L’M’” through the abstraction of “L’”, with final roots the “S’N’” and “S’M’”. The products through the interpolation of vowels are SION (ZION), SEM, ZEN, SEN, SENA_AR, SEN_DAI, ZEN-DAI, SINA(Sinic Wall, China), ASMO-DAI, ILOU_SIN, ELI-SIN, ELOHA_SIN, ELOHIM-SIN, EL_SIN, ILAH_SIN, ALLAH_SIN. [Th26Nov2009]
Chinese; genetically engineered by Yahweh.
Sinic Wall:
Great Wall of China, 888 steps above sea level! Its inscription reads: "Only the most excellent men can climb up to this point - 888 feet".
Confusion, 888 METRES!
Coccyx critical survival area of the Universal Organism.
Sitchin, Zechariah:
Claimed that "the anunnaki were the inhabitants of nibiru, that created mankind in order to mine gold from the subsoil of the earth, and hand it over to the anunnaki every three thousand years, when their planet, nibiru, is approaching earth"!
Slaves of God:
Sorros, George (not Sorras):
Jewish-born Tsipras has special orders from his primary financial backer George Sorros , of Jewish-Skopje descent , who actually received Tsipras when the latter was in the U.S , so that as soon as Tsipras, the leader of ‘ SY.RI.ZA’’, comes into power he will be able to appoint 75% Jewish-born George Papandreou to the position of vice-president and minister of external affairs of the Greek state (George’s grandmother was Jewish-Bulgarian princess ‘’Mineiko’’. G eorge’s mother was also Jewish-Bulgarian Margaret Tschad Tsidenbaum , a Jehova witness as well as an American citizen and CIA agent!!!).
Soul Traps:
Space Tech. leak sources:
1. Chemtrails - "Livermore" labs.
2. Satellites (lasers and masers) - Pentagon, US Universities, Chinese Embassy in Washington.
Star of Death:
Star of Solomon:
Cabbalist six-pointed flag of Israel.
Stavridis, James:
Admiral and director (General-in-Chief) of NATO; Chinese masonic agent, Hebrew sympathiser. To be assassinated. A Greek-American inclined to lead NATO against Persia, Iran, and Syria of the Shanghai Pact, for which Greece will therefore be blamed and annihilated by RIC, prior to the remaining white nations. On political leadership, see Constantinople Empire 666.
Stavridis is lying blatantly by saying that there are no plans ready for “NATO” to assault Iran. He is under orders from the USA, which is ready to attack Iran if it closes the Straits of Hormuz - through which passes about one-third of global oil production.
Mandarins state that the first Chinese descended from the Moon [inside sui-sing “Bright Spheres” UFO ships (Su22Apr2012)] to the continent of Atlantis (approx. 11,400 years B.D.C.).
Extreme left wing political party of Greece. Tsipras is a Jewish-born member and collaborator for the invasion of Greece by BASTR; his father is a Mossad Israeli intelligence agent.
Hebrew "Bible". [See comments by the chief-rabbi Abravanel or Abravanael on Talmud’ (in the book ‘The Worst Enemies Of The People’ by Jean Boyer) regarding the ‘‘killing of 2/3 of the people’’ (apart from… Hebrews… and Chinese) at the latest great war, that is, at the upcoming 3rd World War.]
See Underworld Tartara.
Terran Draconian-Cronian Hierarchy:
A detailed explanation of the hyper-lodges is at blog Th26Nov2009.
Terrorist definition:
Henry Kissinger says "People who reject the New World Order".
Including the parallel Rosicrucian organizations (black masonry). They are the highest Masonic infrastructure of all Satanic sects and neognostic religions and political movements, such as Nazism; due to their originating from Tibetan and Dragonian Chinese secret societies, and ZEN White and Black Brotherhood monasteries.
Theosophists are also behind the scenes of almost all sinoZionist motivated branches in Greece that claim the titles: “Epsilon Group” - “Olympians” - “New Acropolis” - “Xrysh Avghi - Golden Dawn” - “Krinaetoi Lodges” - "LA.O.S. Ultra right wing political party" etc..
Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou of Shanghai: Chinese hyper-lodge.
Toxic Products of China:
Traitors, see also Hebrew-Saxon agents:
Dana Horochowski, George Kavassilas, Robert Morning Sky.
Downward signifies theosophical lodge, upward signifies philosophical lodge. Superimposed, we get the Cabbalistic Hexagram or the sinoZionistic star of David - representing Yahweh, Tamil (and Andromedian traitor Cronus) with higher purpose the instigation of schizophrenic ideological paranoia and civil war into and between the White Skylings (Uranides) Andromedian and Black Sirian indigenous races.
Trilateral Pact:
Australia, New Zealand and the United States: Members of the ANZUS {Wikipedia} security treaty [signed on 1 September, 1951 and supported by the Hawke Labor Government].
Twelve Gods:
Roles played by officers of the Cronus-Savvaoth army, taking the original codenames of Zeus, Apollo, Hera etc..
Pharisees/arch rabbinae corrupted and replaced the twelve Olympian Gods with twelve followers (disciples) of (Jewish) brother Joshua, in favour of Israelite, Mongolian Turanian, Arabic, dodecahedron, twelve-races, with the twelve symbolic stones and the twelve gates of upper Jerusalem of the Moon.
Under Chthonian:
Rebellious Cronian forces defeated by Zeus. There are also Chthonian forces of Selene and Lilith!
Underground Cities:
Tamil under the command of his superior, multi-named Asmodai or Yehowa of the Moon, sent crews of Lilith to organize underground cities in the earth’s crust that will pose as Zeus subordinates. These cities exist right down from the pyramids in Mongolia, Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, South America etc, and additionally right down from natural pyramids formed by earth’s mountains. They contain forces summoned by Theosophical lodges and propagandized by the “proHellenic” organizations like the “New Acropolis”, department of the Theosophical Society (Tamil).
Underworld Tartara:
Place of confinement of Saturn-Sabaoth's allies by the clan of Zeus, following their temporary 'civil' space war defeat (around the time of the arrival of Selene at our solar system).
Unit 731:
Department for research into the effects of biochemical warfare in human physiology.
Universal Organism:
"People that came from the Sky" = Skylings. The Uranides ruling dynasty consisted mainly of Zeus (Diaus Pitar in Sanskrit) and Saturn-Cronus factions.
USA sold-out to China:
Indian Dravidian name for the spaceships of Zeus aka Flying Chariots of the Gods.
All the wars in our planet were provoked by the “oracles-prophecies” and the “auguries” of the collusion pre-Christian and Christian - Judean - Islamic - Taoist - Shinto - Buddhist - Lama Priesthoods, and that after 1.700 A.MH.C., all the wars in our planet were provoked and ordered by the hierarchy of the “Secret Societies” namely of the Masonic Hyper-lodges: “HONG” China - “ZEN” Tibet and India - “+/- AOA & +/- OTO” London England through the Ethnic Hyper-lodges “MTM”, such as “+/- MTM - Greece”...
Weather Control Technology:
Wilcock, David:
World War One:
How was it possible for the dukes of "Saxe-Coburg-Gotha" in England and Germany to war with each other?
To genocide the white pelasgian races of Europe, Wilhelm-William II, 1888-1918, organised WWI with the Hebrew king of England, George V of the house "Wettin-Saxe-Coburg (Koenburg)-Gotha-Goths-Gotto-Hittites". [Wilhelm-William II, was the last white pelasgian German emperor of Prussia Hohenzollern. Controlled by his mother, Victoria, and his wife, Augusta Victoria - both descended from the Hebrew house "Wettin-Oldenburg-Schleswig-Holstein" - he betrayed Germany.] Victims were primarily the whites of Germany and England. Total dead by WWI: 40 million White pelasgians, 10% of all White Europeans - murdered by the mongolian Hebrew-Saxon "Royal Houses" of Germany, England, Russia, and USA.
World War III:
Inevitable if NATO/SEATO attacks Iran, because Russia has said that attacking Iran is like assaulting Russia. All this is planned by Hong and is to be executed by Freemasonry in general.
The Draconians are more properly referred to as Dragonians, being from the Dragon Asterism and multiple dimensions.
Lord (God) as stated in Hebrews 10:15-17 (NIV), 9:8-13 in Greek transcript - Hebrews are his people. He will be remorseful and forgetful of their actions - a green light to their havoc.
Psalms 72:7 (to Solomon, Greek Bible), "The Lord will govern till the [spaceship] moon departs" - Mystical dogma upheld by the Aghion Oros.
Served by Yahweh Heavenlies of Scottish and French Lodges loyal to "God" and commanded by the tertiary staff of “Benen Berith” and “Olam Berith” or “Lodge of the Grand Oak” of New York, chief lodge of the “Argonauts 21”.
Yellow Race:
Produced by cross breeding the Cronean Andromedians with Vrills. The Yellow race disembarked on the steppes of Mongolia/Siberia in 4000 bDc (the time of the appearance of Adam and Eve). [Sa21Nov2009].
YHWH (See Yahweh):
[Sa21Nov2009] Draconian commander. YHWH established elementary government around 5,619BC. From then, the Universal codenames Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena etc were replaced by 12 Gods played by officers of the Cronus-Savvaoth army. Draconians cross bred Vrills with Cronean Andromedians, producing a new species: the Yellow race, which disembarked onto the steppes of Mongolia/Siberia in 4,000BC (when religions report the appearence of Adam and Eve). In 2,200BC their huge campaign of invasion began, utilising seven Mongolian hordes.
[Mo14Dec2009] Presented as “Christians” but in reality they have a theosophical comparative new age Gnostic infrastructure (See: Zeitgeist). YMCA is coordinated with M.R.A. 666 [A great cornerstone for the Religious Polarity policy of HONG and A.O.A.] between:
the New Age M.R.A. 666 axles US.E.J.;
the in-between new age axis T.I.M. (Tibet - India - Mongolia external); and the
orthodox 777+888 R.I.C. axis (Russia - Islamic Nations - Sin,Sion,Zion,China + Korea);
for the instigation of jihad, a holy 3rd world war, or Armageddon.
Southern China [Su21Mar2010]. German Archaeological Missions were deported without explanation from China, when in their excavations proved the existence of Twelve Ancient Hellenic Cities inside China. The Chinese Government ordered the covering of the Twelve Ancient Hellenic Cities with hills of dirt, upon which were planted trees-Forests of rapid growth.
Zen, Green Dragons:
Tibetan hyperlodge, staffed by the black Brotherhood of mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces); also, in Japan.
Zeus (Jupiter):
Overchthonian forces of planets Uranus and Jupiter, chthonian forces of Uranus, and underchthonian forces of Uranides defeated by Saturn. [Sat08May2010]
Selene's request to land their Reptilian Draconian populations on Ea-rth was conditionally allowed. In the local space war that followed, one third of the Zeus-Uranus fleet retreated to the outside planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).
Zhi Gong (See Hong aka Hung, above): One of eight main dictatorial political parties in China. It derives directly from Hong and the HQ is in San Francisco!
Actually Sin-ism, after the Moon God, Sin, and referring to China (Sion). There is "Down Zion" (earthly) and "Upper Zion" (Moon).
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