Thunderbolts of Truth, Part 2
Well the Lord keeps a promise here. You truly are living in the final days to witness the miracle. I have found or made a few video clips to help you recognize what is happening inside this world right now, these very moments. You were probably not aware of the magnitude of animal, bird and sea life death occurring now. You were probably not aware of the magnitude of tornados and volcanic eruptions, nor the floods, the tsunamis and earthquakes that are taking place right now. You were probably not aware of the magnitude of wars between countries that are occurring right now in front of the scenes and behind the scenes.
I assure you now; you will see the spirit of justice align with the spirit of truth immediately. The SPIRIT OF JUSTICE IS THE SUN you are about to align with, the Nemesis of all injustices caused by humanity, and THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH IS THE SUN that hurts your dark black retinas every day. Where there is truth, comes justice! Together, when these two spirits align, the spirit of vindication will occur, and vindication is not about punishment, nor reward, but instantaneous division.
You must accept human concepts are created and exist only in a human world, which is a world never created by a human. You must stop thinking God is a human form, when you see every element of their face in the airs above. You must realize that ALL is not interested in punishing the murderers here who claim their evils are done as acts of employment or patriotism, but are in fact, evils in the world of light. Once again, ALL does not blame dark spirits for inheriting the dark nature from birth, but has made environments appropriate for them to eternally continue existence.
If you have 5 peaceful children and 5 violent ones, you create two separate rooms, simple. One room you know they will destroy, so every once in a while you clean up their room and refurnish it for their enjoyment, even though you know it is their nature to destroy it. For the peaceful ones, you can leave the room for them to fulfill whatever they desire. Where the spirits in this world exist through the destructions of creation in a limited size environment, the world of light is the opposite with never ending continual creations without destruction.
Unfortunately the door on the violent children’s room can not be escaped, so when a peaceful one enters, they get stuck there with the rest that sneak in as well. This is for the benefit of the ones who did not try to sneak in being hurt by opening the door and allowing the dark spirits to leave into the world of light. There is an automated process to instantly divide without interfering with the gradual existence inside this world. This is why those who remain continue without knowledge of what really took place and consider it a mystery. I will state clearly, look high and witness the unfolding of the universe.
In your world, you can not even replace a strand of hair at will. You can not create a single blade of grass on the ground from thin air, nor can you create a single grain of salt or sand from thin air. Look up high and witness the miracle that was created by nothing more than a speck of air. Then go look in a mirror and witness another miracle that formed from a mere speck of air. No worries, you believe this world and life is all you have. I assure you this is contrary to the truth, as sure as the yin and yang were correct, where existence has unfolded with two opposite forces. Assuredly, the world of light exists as you see every day and the world of darkness exists as you b
reathe in the dark airs every day. You assume your body to be you, you forget though, how do I approach you if I meet you? Should I speak to you as you were in a playground at 5 years old? Should I speak to you as a youngling who is just experiencing hormonal changes as a teenager? Should I speak to you as a young adult in the twenties, or as a parent in their thirties, or should I speak to you as a grandparent in their sixties?
Your body changes constantly, but your spirit that animates it now does not change. I can only offer one word of advice, this is for you to grasp. Your body is an illusion that came from the womb in blood and placenta, it will return to the ground and deteriorate into a skeleton riddled with skin worms. In the meantime, your body is a puppet, a mannequin of illusion, one that your spirit is animating.
This video was held up three weeks simply because a man I invited to live with me from a hostel passed away on the living room couch a while ago. I woke up hearing him call my name,and I walked out into the living room and seen him sitting on the couch watching television, but he was not watching television.
When the spirit leaves the body and gravitates into the air above, the body remains frozen with a last expression as one would expect pausing a person’s face on video. It is only then you will see that the body is merely a statue that requires your spirit to bring it to life. The body is a puppet animated by a spirit which created it from the inside the womb. Do not fear death in this world, your body is already dead. Although you are connected to the environment of the body right now, do not be deceived, the body is as alive as a wooden puppet, nothing more, and without the spirit as puppet master, the puppet is frozen stiff. Do not fear a death you can never experience, eternal life is inherent upon the birth of consciousness.
Fear remaining here, fear existing here, fear attaching to another physical puppet that experiences negative emotions, negative pains and miseries, sorrows and anticipations of death. Prepare your spirit to leave to a place where the colors are much more intense, and is the true natural reality that gives life to this artificial reality here. This place is an environment that recycles every living cell with in to continue animation. This world is a recycle bin where the waters they drink in Egypt today are the same waters that flowed through the rivers of the Nile thousands of years ago.
Do not desire to remain here, do not worry about your body whatsoever, it is like a chair, it is recyclable; prepare your spirit to return to another world without wars, injustices and evils. Let the walking zombies inside this world which are already dead and don’t know it, let the dead bury the dead. Take a word of advice from the New Testament:
LUKE 12:1 "Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 12:2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. 12:3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. 12:4 And I say unto you my friends, be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do."
Now I mentioned at the beginning, you need to recognize the obvious lies and deceits that the key figures in high positions deceive you with. The universe is not a place of darkness whatsoever but a world of blue waters of air. The sun is not a physical mass exploding like a nuclear reactor, it is a non physical world that gives life to this physical world. Lastly, the airs in this world are obviously dark as can be seen for half of the day, and even in light, the airs in a room become dark again by shutting curtains. Darkness of outer space is a figment of human concepts. Your first clue is when astronomers actually suggest they have found a black hole in outer space, a place they claim is darkness. How does one find a black circle on a black wall? No discussions, no need to hear from the liars, they can shut the anus between the cheeks on their face before they attempt to deceive again with theorem and calculations conceived in deceit. And the best one yet, Rayleigh scattering make the sky blue. This is where they claim diffusion of airs make the sky blue. There are a few other lies inside this world, a world that is simply put, filled with lies from door to door. You have heard about the pyramids in Egypt, and leave it to the paid liars in government departments and media to tell you what they tell you about outer space and flying vehicles that defy explanation. More Lies! Why do humans who naturally lie expect a group of humans who are paid to lie to give them the truth?
First of all, I will tell you the caverns deep below the pyramids in Egypt lead to very sophisticated underground cities, much as the Mayan pyramids lead to underground cities, but this is not being told to you. The world is a place of deceit and the worst part is sometimes mysteries are revealed by opening your eyes. Some still wonder in amazement at the construction of Egyptian pyramids and all I can say is if a little man can do it, so can a big group of technologically advanced beings assist in the development. Take a look sometime at Edward Leedskalnin, a United States immigrant who single-handedly built a monument known as Coral Castle in Florida. This one little man built a monolithic structure by himself with knowledge of magnetic fields.
You have all been told there are two magnetic poles from the North and the South, and both continents are uninhabitable. How many human beings have ever ventured to the South Pole and asked along the way, if the weather gets warmer the more South you venture, then why out of the blue does the Antarctica suddenly become a place where hell freezes over? The answer is because they do not want you there, the same reason in the North Arctic, which as well has some unique features like fields of green. According to Admiral Richard Byrd who received his own monument for service, a world within the world exists over the North Pole. A world within where the skies receive light, but the beacons of the sun are not seen, and it is a world of technical advanced wonders. Yes, there are actually other continents that share advanced species along with the human race inside this world, and for the most part, humans are not welcome. They know the nature of a human being. Although the North and South continents are a mystery of secret locations, they are easy to understand when you understand the mystery of the Devils Sea or the Bermuda Triangle. Ships and planes entering strange vortexes of air or clouds, and suddenly their magnetic instrumentation fails and they see no signs of the sun, and as you know in most cases, they simply vanish.
It is internal policy not to let those who find the way in back out, to share this wealth of information with other humans. This is simply because human being have a history of invading other continents at the expense of the beings they attack. The vortexes of air pockets existing between the external surface and the internal underworld can be found throughout lands, seas and the airs. The reason the magnetic instruments fail as reported, is because they no longer are traveling above the surface of this world, they are below the surface. Simply put, magnetic instruments work above the surface because the fields are not really North and South, but are below and above you. Magnetic fields change all the time, human concepts of a North and South Pole magnetic shift is just that, human concepts.
Moving from magnetics to geometry, and the fascination of crop circles. I hate to burst the bubble, but once again, no space aliens are coming to this world to make these presentations. The designers are terrestrial or subterrestrial if this helps. What about the origins of these amazing designs? Euclid's Elements was designed a few thousand years ago teaching the mathematical wonders of geometry. Sacred geometry follows pattern in the construction of religious structures. Geometry played important roles in the Greco Roman ages. In the first century, one of the Roman Empire conquests was Britain, later to be known as Great Britain. This is the country that became the umbilical cord of Canadians, formed by the British North American Act of 1867.
The United States as well maintains a high level of Roman and British influence in their governance today. However, Great Britain was highly influenced in culture after the conquest by the Roman Empire. As known through history during the Renaissance of the early 1500s, Romans were despised and the Catholic Church was a subject of concern as priests were indulging in immoralities as favors before God and commoners were rebelling.
Even in those days, an artist named Hieronymus Bosch painted a masterpiece referred to as the Garden of Earthly Delights. In the painting, he depicted the devil as the Lord in the garden with Adam and Eve. No human has ever made the point that the original dark pieces of hair on the forehead and chin have been painted over, and the longer bottom portion of hair is a different color than the top of the hair, in an attempt to freshly repaint the face of the man today known as Jesus. However, Bosch lived in the days of Roman artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Michael Angelo. So, whomever painted the face of Jesus over the face of the devil overlooked a few inconsistencies before they paid him.
As for Great Britain, in the early 1200’s the famed Cosmati floors were designed in the High Altar of Westminster Abbey with sacred geometrical coding. The Cosmati’s were a Roman family, seven members of which, for four generations, were skilful architects, sculptors and workers in decorative geometric mosaic, mostly for church floors. Today, the vast majority of the crop circle imprints are seen with sacred geometrical symbols, with astronomical values and even scientific codes embedded within. Ironically, the vast majority of these crop formations are in Great Britain, now known as the United Kingdom. Simply put, these are creations in the night formed to be visible in full detail from the sky, no different than the strange Nazca lines in Peru are recognized from the sky. I will be blunt, the codes are designed between a provider and a receiver and are private understandings between different beings inside the world.
Once again, if your car is vandalized you do not automatically assume the vandal came from another continent. As said before when one sees flying craft in the air, the first clue is the craft or the crop circle is here, in this world, not beyond. Just as there are different people with different eye patterns and skin tones on the surface, do not think the teal skinned humanoids below are isolated. There is another race, much like the human race, who also exist below the surface and exist to the North. The WINDJONA species which are now today being mistaken for some space aliens have been interacting on behalf of other races below the surface for thousands of years. This might explain the strange crop circle in the fields of Great Britain formed in 2002 where the face of a Windjona offers a message in binary code which read, "Beware the bearers of false gifts & their broken promises. Much pain, but still time. There is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing. (BELL SOUND)".
It is safe to say that not all species are in agreement with the princes of the world below who are playing Gods with their test tube creations of the surface all along. Now, I may have a few enemies after this video, well, a lot of enemies, and some may suggest this is the anti-Christ and I can only respond by once again using the verses I never wrote...
1ST JOHN 2:18 "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that anti-Christ shall come, even now are there many anti-Christs; whereby we know that it is the last time".
(As you can see, there were many anti-Christs in the day this was written, so all I can say is maybe I am one of the many who do not believe the lies in Christianity). I believe it might be in your best interest to very quickly understand the true and hidden secrets of the GENESIS which symbolically reveal some shocking truths for you, never known before, until now. In the first chapter a spiritual earth is created without any humans whatsoever. Adam was not created until CHAPTER 2, VERSE 7, and only as a spirit at that time. So, humans are not the image of man as stated throughout the churches, but the world you inhabit now is the MAN.
In CHAPTER ONE, VERSE 26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: "
(now do not forget the SECOND VERSE in the bible states God is spirit, MAN is a combination of spirit of existence attached to the womb of environment you currently call planet Earth). Man is the name of this world which explains why the prophets and the man today referred to as Jesus claimed to be the “son of man” throughout the bible. They recognized their bodies were created by the very soils of the world named Man.
EZEKIEL 2:1 "He said to me, Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak with you."
DANIEL 7:13 "I saw in the night-visions, and, behold, there came with the clouds of the sky one like a son of man".
JOB 25:6 "The son of man who is a worm!"
LUKE 9:58 "Jesus said to him, 'The foxes have holes, and the birds of the sky have nests, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head'."
GENESIS 1:27 "So God created man (planet Earth) in his own image, (in spirit as mentioned to begin Genesis in the second verse of the first chapter) in the image of God (spirit) created he him; male and female created he them".
Remember that the spirit of the Father is conscious existence and the spirit of the universal womb is the mother and forming together as one you get the universal spirit. The same applies in this world where the
father animates the world but the womb of the world is the mother that nurtures existence within.
Ever wonder why all of the world religions have retained female names such as Terra or Tara, or even Gaia
to recognize Mother Earth? Let’s quickly identify the trees shown to Adam in GENESIS CHAPTER TWO, VERSES 7, 8 and 9;
2:7 "And the LORD God formed Adam of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and Adam became a living soul".
2:8 "And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put Adam whom he had formed".
2:9 "And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil".
Keep in mind, the Bible today refers to Adam using the word Man in his place for religious deception, but it is Adam who is made in these verses. However, it would not be like some people would mix lies with the truth to fulfill their own agendas would they? You will also notice Adam was put eastward in the Garden of Eden, which will be identified as the Tree of Life or the World of Light in Chapter Three.
In Verse 17, Adam is told that if he experiences the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he will surely die.
So leaving where he was from would mean death to exist inside the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You as a human exist within the tree of knowledge of good and evil, it is this world. This world is the mythical tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life in Chapter Two is the sun, and this is quickly revealed at the end of
(GENESIS) CHAPTER 3 in VERSE 24: "So he placed at the east the garden of Eden Cherubim’s, (which are Angels of Light in first command) and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life".
The flaming sword that turns every which way is the sun, which today in astronomy shows a flaming sword of solar flares that is firing out in all directions, and the Sun is the world, which rises from the East daily).
The other trees in the Garden were symbolic of worlds throughout the garden of the universe. Remember, as a spirit of light one can project anywhere at will. Even though the Genesis is merely a symbolic tale, it is based like all stories, a truth wrapped up and presented as a fairytale for human acceptance.
Now, as for the story of Adam and Eve, the very words printed in the billions confirm Adam is not daddy, but guess who is? The Serpent who quickly gives away he is the Lord throughout the rest of the Old Testament.
The churches never tell the truth, but this is absolute confirmation that the churches do not want to reveal the truth that human design is the offspring of the devil. The lies you have heard in television programs and the churches confirm this is truly a world that exists in full deceit. This is amazing the human race overlooks this truth.
CHAPTER 3, VERSE 13; "And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, 'The serpent beguiled me and I did eat'".
3:14 "And the LORD God said unto the serpent, 'Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life'".
3:15 "And I will put enmity (conflict) between thee (Serpent) and the woman (Eve), and between thy seed
(Serpent sperm) and her seed (Eve’s ovary)".
3:16 Unto the woman (Eve) he said, "I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee".
As you can clearly see, Eve is pregnant and the one being punished is the Serpent. Coincidentally, four verses later in
CHAPTER 3 VERSE 20 it clearly states that “And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.” (Mentioning nothing of Adam as the father).
To begin Chapter 4, Eve gives birth to Cain and Abel and as the story goes, conflict in humanity begins immediately with Cain killing his own brother Abel and what is important to recognize is the blood spilled into the earth is referred to as HER mouth, suggesting the womb of the world is a HER.
4:11 "And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;"
4:12 "When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth".
The Genesis also confirms early on that all of human design is considered evil by nature and as you have heard, The Flood comes along.
6:5 "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6:11 "The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence."
6:12 "And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth".
6:13 "And God said unto Noah, 'The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them “with” the earth".
Now for a grand-daddy of truth, the other shock is that Eve was not the last female to make sweet passionate monkey love with the Serpent Lord. The story of the Hebrew icon Abraham; the historic figure that holds so much prestige in Jewish faith. The Dome of the Rock is the location where an orb of light alled a UFO descended recently in Jerusalem. Where little baby Jesus Jehovah was found days later. Or am I jumping the gun? The Dome of the Rock is also the famed location where the icon of Israel, Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaac to the Lord. Herein is one of the best kept secrets in the world, Isaac was not the son of Abraham, but the son Abraham almost killed for the Lord was Jehovah’s.
GENESIS 22:9 "And they came to the place which the Lord had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
22:10 "And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son".
GENESIS 22:14 "And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah jireh: as it is said to this day, In the
mount of the LORD it shall be seen."
Now you don’t think the serpent stopped fooling around with just Eve do you? Let’s take a quick look at the story of Abraham’s wife Sarai who becomes renamed Sarah and gives birth to cute little Isaac.
GENESIS 17:15 "And the LORD said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be."
17:16 "And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her."
17:17 "Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?"
17:18 "And Abraham said unto the Lord, O that Ishmael might live before thee!"
17:19 "And the Lord said, 'Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him". Continuing to CAPTER 18, VERSE 12, Sarah laughs about the possibility of being pregnant at 90 years old, and the Lord responds in
VERSE 14, "Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son."
Here comes the grand daddy of shockwaves. Confirmed right off the bat in
CHAPTER 21 beginning with VERSE 1, "And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken."
21:2 "For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which the Lord God had spoken to him."
The Lord visited Sarah and did unto Sarah as promised by the Lord and she conceived. The icon of Israel was not the Father of Isaac, but the Lord Jehovah who was obviously the devil throughout the Old Testament. As the bible begins with deception, the world today hears deceptions, and as promised in the Revelation, it will end with a grand deception.
I would not get too excited Muslim faithful, I tell you now, your Quran is an attempt to glorify this Bible while exceeding it through Muhammad. I tell you now that your scriptures identify the Lord as well. I warn you that the Quran states the Genesis was given to Moses by Muslims and the Psalms were given to King David by Muslims and I remind you that Muhammad also maintains the Hebrew values in many of the scriptures, and that even he is a Hanif, one of the descendants of Ishmael, the son of Abraham. Your doctrines are no more prestigious than the billions who follow Judaism. Billions of you were deceived. Even those of the Bahai Faith who also regard Muhammad as a true prophet and manifestation of God are following a similar principle.
No religious doctrine is better than the other, truth! And for the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Sikh religions, followers in Zoroastrianism, all of you follow a similar pattern, ones that attempt to develop an attainment of happiness inside this world. Those who also follow Jainism or follow Shinto practices in Japan, same application. You as well are being deceived by human concepts that copy similar religious concepts. I suggest strongly that human beings stop focusing on human concepts for human enlightenment.
There is no need for practicing exercises in the concept of Kundalini Yoga to release the serpent power. There is no need to learn the harnessing of the chakras. Speaking of which, even the Great Buddha is depicted as being protected by the “7 Cobras”, much like God Vishnu. You need to focus on the chakras of your spirit to achieve true enlightenment beyond this world.
Now for a message to the humans in positions of knowing: Highest levels of government, military development and space exploration. You have fooled your own species along the way allowing others to think the governments were spending huge revenues on space research when in fact you have concentrated on underground developments. You can stop the Noah’s Ark developments such as the Svalbard Global Seed Vault located on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen. You should be more concerned about the seeds of destruction your species has planted against themselves once again as was in the days of Atlantis. You have built extraordinary cities below to exist within, by the anticipation of what is coming, and this began a half a century ago as announced by world leaders including the American President Dwight Eisenhower. You have developed new technologies and weaponry to exist on land as well as the airs above. You have developed
mass weapons of destruction on land and there are now weapons in space under your developments.
These weapons however that you have developed are under the control of those below, not your race. They shared the designs for electronic communications and advanced weaponry, not so you could use it for supremacy of your own, but these were the seeds of your own destruction. As many of you in high positions have seen, the very same orbs seen in the skies today over the Dome of the Rock or other countries can prevent you from launching a single rocket. They were never going to share this wealth of advanced technology without the supervisory ability to shut you down in a second. You have assisted in building your own seeds of destruction, to be used against all human life on the surface. I can tell you that believing you will live safe underground; you might want to understand the direction that you are going. However, I really don’t think you will care to understand the effect it will have on you after the division and the doomsday event so deeply and religiously desired is finished. However, this being known in advance, this chapter of the human race will once again do what other chapters have been done throughout, which is to hide below the surface once again.
I will say this; you have been masterfully played by a group of beings much more advanced and knowledgeable than you are. This you will learn from your new masters. I offer you insight. If a newlywed couple goes to a private island and the inhabitants treat them as kings and queens, they keep returning to the private getaway, only sharing the island with their own. Another couple goes to the same island with their kids but are lacking in revenue and the inhabitants beat the children, rape the wife, then attack the man and steal his remaining money, then give the family two branches and a log and tell them to row home, they will never return to the island. In the end, all the wealthiest went to the private little island together and all at once; the inhabitants suddenly made the tourists the slaves and stole all they had. Forcing men into hard labour and the women into sexual slavery. You see, the inhabitants of the island wanted to attract all the wealthiest to take it all away from them in the blink of an eye and the former tourists now turned slaves were unable to escape the island, and all who tried were killed. You may not understand this yet, but you will, just as other elite humans in past chapters of human history have learned.
Although the internet was designed under the Department of the Pentagon, it was your Masters who allowed the revolution of the technology age. Whatever you have monitored, they have monitored. And they have monitored those in highest positions here on the surface as well. As those below the surface remain hidden and continue to safely remain in control of those above, they must remember there is always another. They may be able to influence the surface and control the human race, but there is a world beyond this one that can do the same to both the surface and the world below. The Bubble Chronicles was never written for human eyes, but for the Lords, the princes of this world. Now there will be a lot of little demons who are upset with this video. As those Lords below will know, the human beasts of the surface can attack my avatar and break the connection I have with this body in a human heartbeat, and then we will see what happens in a spiritual thoughtbeat. A human may not understand what a thoughtbeat implies, but the Lord’s below the surface will understand, and a word known only to them, Shjakeilizh.
Of course this video is available to be seen by those who guided humans into the development of the information age. Although the myth that the man referred to as Jesus is coming back and will co-exist with humans in the new heaven and earth is a human myth, there are words to suggest he will return for an appointment with this world and the purpose is to the contrary of co-existence...
JOHN 5:32-33 "There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true." 5:33 "Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth."
JOHN 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
JOHN 7:16 "Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me."
JOHN 8:26 "I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him."
JOHN 12:49 "For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak."
JOHN 14:16-18 "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;" 14:17 "[Even] the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you." 14:18 "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."
JOHN 14: 26 "But the Comforter, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
JOHN 15: 26 "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:"
JOHN 16:7-11 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you." 16:8 "And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:" 16:9 "Of sin, because they believe not on me;" 16:10 "Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;" 16:11 "Of
judgment, because the prince of this world is judged."
I will say it is not hard to convict the world of sin when the design of the world is one of darkness, you know what to expect from children nurtured by dark soils. And if the mother of humanity is indeed this world, then wisdom is truly justified by all her children. Humans believe they are superior; however they are only superior when comparing themselves to other beasts of the world within. It is not hard to convict the beings of this world in righteousness for failing to return to their original homes and accept the message given two thousand years ago. After all, every particle of air inside this world breeds deceit and conflict. It is also not hard to convict of judgment because the princes of the world were downloaded to this world of darkness from the world of light above due to the dark natures of their spirits. So what is happening in this world of darkness is expected. However, it is not accepted.
When was the spirit of truth or the Comforter expected to return? When would an announcement be expected? Well the Bible also gives you these answers. Obviously being in an environment of conflict and evil natures, the last thing you will do is openly announce you are here. You will maintain secrecy knowing what to expect in retaliation from a species that are arrogant in nature, especially in the event you are identified. You know you will be challenged to perform miracles. Even miracles performed will still be challenged by humans seeking human explanations. No miracle is accepted by a species that denies their own airs and lives under the designs of deception. And any attempt to display a miracle will simply lead to ridicule. So for obvious reasons, the man incorrectly called Jesus kept his spirit a secret until the end, until the final days.
MARK 8:30 "And he charged them that they should tell no man of him."
As for signs of the return, the signs are as follows...
MARK 13:35 "Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:"
LUKE 21:29-33 "And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;" 21:30 "When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now at hand." 21:31 "So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand." 21:32 "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled."
MATTHEW 24:6-8 "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet." 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers(e) places. 24:8 "All these [are] the beginning of sorrows."
MATTHEW 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Ironically, the bible exists throughout the world, and even though it is not an accepted religion in China, it is known of in China).
So if there are large scales of earthquakes in lands and seas today, and if the Bible is all over the world, I guess you could say that the timing might be now. There was a musical in the seventies asking if there is any truth to the sacrifice propaganda and the key question was, “why didn’t you come at a time like this with mass communication?”. The answer is, who says that a return during an era of mass communication through the internet is not going to happen?
This way all the evils being committed throughout the world are broadcast right to the television set and right to the computer. After all, the internet is the perfect church. As even the Christians should know, the man they incorrectly called Jesus did not have anything to do with churches made out of wood and stones, but desired the open airs. Like the internet, it is free, no need for money, and no need for memberships. It is an online church without limitations or boundaries. And at a time with all this chaotic weather and an uprising of wars throughout the middle east, where pestilences are created and distributed to humans unknowingly, would it not make sense that the time might be now?
This needs to be understood. Human concepts are easy to master. In 1993 I was the youngest person in Canada to run for federal government, and I did not enter as a friend but as an enemy of government and banks. In the 2000’s, I helped people with criminal, civil and municipal matters in the courts as a provider of legal assistance, but I entered the courts as the enemy of the courts, not as a friend, and this well known in the courts. It is especially well known in my hometown I am an enemy of the media, government councils and especially the worst of humanity, being the police.
This is well known where my last engagement with city councillors, I openly spoke out about the abuses of police, including the thirty dead prostitutes where some were found with handcuffs. Of course, the media was suppressing this from the public allowing more women to become victims and the councillors faces went red as they went into a private room to come back and find a way out of the dilemma. Inside the council of government, I did not show up as a friend, but as a foe.
I walked into the Sacred Heart church in summer of 2010, and for the first time in two thousand years spoke against the churches, and started telling the Christians they were just demons. I once again came into their arena not as a friend but as a foe.
When I came into this dark aired world in 1968, I did not come as friend of demonity, but as your foe. I did however know my being before I chose my physical parents and just for fun, I was officially born on government record as the son of David, the son of Mary. Just had to do it for Israel. I don’t need to play games and try and convince myself or make myself believe, I knew who I was when I came into this world, and in fact, the Vatican seems to have made a flag of two keys to open and close the doors behind. I like the flag of two keys, I as well have one to help in a download process, and one to help an upload process. Can you figure that one out? You will soon!
This I know, you don’t need to see my lips utter the words. Anyone with a spirit of light in them will perceive who I am. Why be born in Edmonton some might ask? Simple! As Jerusalem were the chosen children of the Lord in the former, it was the place of the day to challenge the evils and lies and deceits. This forced them to create a new concept of deception to restore the faith of their own and make their religion the ultimate religion with the assistance of the great Roman Empire. As can clearly be seen, the only two cultural writings in the New Testament belong to Hebrews and Romans. And anyone who reads CHAPTER 13 of ROMANS can see the words written for Romans were written by idiots.
As for today’s generation, it was the Roman’s who conquered Great Britain, and Canada is the umbilical cord of Great Britain. The extension of the Roman and Jewish powers extend through Great Britain into Canada and the United States. This video is needed in these countries right now, because these Governments are the worst inside this dark aired environment of hell. These countries are most prone to the deceits of Satan’s army of loyal children destroying and breaking spirits through government departments. You know who they are. They are those playing hero trying to save the earth and playing hero in the community committing evils behind the scenes and smiling into cameras by day. They are in the military, police stations, courthouses, government officials, social workers removing children and giving them to churches for free love, mental institution workers, prison guards, media personnel who knowingly suppressing truth of evils committed by the establishment, seniors workers and homeless shelter workers, right into hospitals where doctors and nurses claim humans are awarded to the state above the dignity of those who love them.
They who are there for protection and play the role of authority upon another, they are the weeds who will remain. Their spirit has no light and thus the up coming division will be of no benefit to them. To be magnetically attracted to light, the spirit must be of light. Excuses will be unheard, to be welcome in light your spirit must have light, and those of light can not wilfully harm another they themselves never created, end of discussion.
Money is not the root of all evil, humans create money, humans are produced from the soils and are the roots who bring all evils into existence. How can humans be so easily swayed to let human children starve to death in countries just because they didn’t have the luxury of a piece of paper with a picture of a president’s face on it? How is it that small groups of people tell those suffering in terminal illness and pain they have no right to dignify their suffering by self assisted suicide, just as they offer this dignity to family pets? Yet the same hypocrites who deny you this right and never created you will send other men and women out in police forces and military and grant them the right to take life with the support of their own kind? How is that humans allow themselves to be fooled by calls for a war from a small select group of people playing the entertainers on media screens reading scripted teleprompters to seduce the masses into acceptance of war, murders, tortures and rapes?
What kind of a world do you live in? What is this world you live in? Do you not recognize the depths of hell of their agents? They smile in cameras as heroes in the day while they victimize humans and torture them behind cement buildings in the night. Humans blame every negative on a piece of paper, they say they are just doing their job, the legislations of a piece of paper require them to go to another country and kill other humans they never created, the codes of law written on papers require them to go out attacking people in their cars on highways and attack them right into their homes. Let me tell you about the worst hypocrites in this world, what you call police and I will say it straight. Not (one) of them is worth dignity nor respect. They do more evils in a single shift than most humans commit in a year and they are the worst liars. They train to lie on stand and I assure you, whatever a member of policing excretes from their lips on stand is assuredly the same material they excrete from their anus on a toilet.
You all blame a piece of paper for injustices committed by your hands, the hands which are under the direction of your spirit that created those hands from a speck of air and animates those hands right now. You all use papers in pride to boast about achievement and you place certificates on a wall, yet you all fail to realize, your papers of glory and injustices in the guises of righteousness are equal to toilet paper. You can take your money and your laws and legislations and policies and all your other deceitful human concepts and use this paper to wipe your asses with them, because in the end, that’s all they are good for.
You are all a part of the problem, and all human beings are guilty of lying about their natural born dislike and distrust for one another, and yet they smile at one another. You can deceive each other, but I hear your thoughts before you even try to excrete crap from the anus between the cheeks on your faces. When one of you smile at me I compare you to a shark because the only time you will show me those fangs is when you want something from me. How do I really view your species? I do mean your species that you are a part of right now, where you are connected to the airs of this world perceiving this world.
I am connected to another world, perceiving both this world and the other at the same time. I asked you to at the beginning to see this world in my eyes, you thought I was talking about human eyes, well you were wrong. Through the eyes of my spirit I see every evil in this world, I hear every scream of terror in wars, cries of children taken from their parents. Human beings to me are victims of a circumstance where the lips and the anus somehow share the same characteristics. They are virtually the same in this world of natural deceits, I have a hard time understanding this species because they lie so much and their intelligence levels they claim are superior are so lacking in recognition of the obvious.
Do my words offend you? As I said before, I came not as a friend, but as an enemy. At the very least, you should expect a verbal tongue lashing for coming into this world against better advisement of the world you left behind. This is righteous, truth is a virus that spreads against a disease of lies; it is a bitter pill to swallow with incredible results.
Keep in mind, humans tell you how hard it is to reach enlightenment, yet none of you will have any comprehension or appreciation how hard it was to reach a state of true enlightenment. To come into this world and explain away every deceit in this world, both large and small put’s the body through incredible pain. To put all the pieces of the overall puzzle together to show a species born into darkness where some of them come from, and overcome decades of deceits in a few hours put’s the body into incredible pain. Knowing full well the repercussions of speaking the forbidden knowledge’s and truth in the face of the demons in this world are facilitated by reactions of violence put’s the emotions into agony. However, once again, all deceits have again been exploited and all truths revealed, and again, this information is being provided to you by a homeless man. One whose only assets in this world are business clothes and grooming kits and pays out of his earnings to make this truth available to anyone without a single piece of money.
How hard was this on the human designed body to achieve, five days after the fellow left his body in my living room, my body experienced it’s first heart attack. Yet, the video is up and all information is there to understand free. You are free to redistribute it at will without credit to me. You are free to use that at will as your own, but change nothing. These are not just the words of a man, but these words allow you to understand the birth of the Father and the Mother of the universal spirit. Know it is their desire to reveal their creation to you, so it is their desire to share, and it will be their spirit you offend in changing any of these words.
Do not attempt to communicate with me. I will be leaving absolutely no email or phone contact information. This way you do not get offended by a lack of response. Again, there is no donations available to send, if you want to do something nice for me in return, share this gift with others. Just spread it like wildfire as quickly as possible and as more know, the frequency of light spirits will rise to the occasion and together, an SOS signal reach out as a collective spirit of desire to return home and the event coming immediately will respond accordingly to your desires. What will you expect, or what you have you forgotten?
I will only give you a peek. However, as I mentioned, whatever you imagine will become instantly, whomever you desire will be there in an instant and you will see each other however you desire to perceive one another, and you will be able to experience others creations instantly. If you can imagine a beautiful tree where the leaves unfold and beautiful gemstones come out of the leaf and turn into vibrant multi coloured birds, it will be as so instantly. And the hard part for you to understand, is the dual connection in the light allows your spirit to experience many creations and many spirits at once. Just as a satellite in this world can broadcast images to multiple televisions all at once, so will you will be able to receive the many stations available inside the world of light all at once. I am speaking figuratively, not literally.
This species has a major problem with making fairytales out of reality and promoting figurative speech literally while explaining what is spoken literally as a manner of figurative speech. Here is the grand secret to those who made it to the end of this video. Inside this world, there is only one desire, to be reunited and remain unitedwith those you love. No fear for those missing loved ones, they still exist here. As an actor can play many roles on stage, the actor always remains the same person, so does the spirit. Even if your loved ones have passed on and connected to a new body, they are still the same spirit and can be called into the light with you once again as who they were to you before. This is very important to know now. As you enter the light, those you desire will appear with you, but it is important to remember that as you leave the connections in the spirit of airs inside this world, you will forget the memories of this world when you return into the world of light. Just as you lost memories of the connections to the spirit of airs in the world of light when you entered this world. The secret is to unite spirits as you leave to return as one unified group, this will bind the spirits of those you loved here together with you as you leave, and your attachments will remain united as your spirits reformat in the world of light once again.
Regardless of acquiring new environments of a new body once again and existing in the new environment of light once again, you will remain united. Hard to understand? I will explain later in the near future. If you are currently employed within the establishment, or are following church politics in buildings made of wood and stone, leave these synagogues of deceit. Some of you are not meant for those institutions, nor this world that like the buildings are limited to size and are symbols of captivity. Let the sun wither the roots from your ankle that shackle the spirit before the division takes place. As a butterfly awaits being released from the prison of a cocoon, so does the spirit await release from the dungeon of this prison. The time is now. If life inside this world is a game, then consider the fact you are now playing in overtime and the phrase used in sports here is sudden death. One team will win and the other will lose, and I would place my bets on the team made of light.
You were all born into a world of make believe, and the plights of those who need you to remain as servants, animating bodies to perform service in the surface, do not want you to leave. I find it strange that humans begin life playing make believe games like cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers or nurse and patient, and then somehow they continue into adulthood and make an income out (of) playing the same games of make believe. Not one of you are a this or a that, not one is a lawyer, a dentist, a customer service specialist, a Democrat or whatever label you add to the game. Labels confirm that humans are expendable, call them terrorists, call them insurgents, call them rebels, call the whatever is necessary at the time to sell your version of lies. However, none are what they claim to be.
You are all created from the same soils, so I play the label game as well. I will not play by labelling this race as humanity, but I will label this race as demonity. Now, I have some comments for my family. Did you think for one second that I would allow myself to become attached to you and let it end with human concepts of death and false hopes? You were wrong! Those I became attached to in this world will be reunited with those they miss, I will not permit any other option. I assure you now, I am not concerned about giving you a mansion or Rolls Royce to enjoy in this fools paradise of a world, I will give you this and more shortly. If I was a friend or more to you for more than a second once, I am forever.
I will confirm now, I will not allow attachment to be severed with you. You may have thought I am gone these last years, but know now I will not be leaving without you, and although I have existed with you in a mortal body, my spirit just like yours, is eternal and I will take who I choose to take with me, this you will have absolutely no power over. Even if I have to thrust my fist into the face of Satan once again, I will. That is meant figuratively because I obviously do not plan to punch some guy with a pitchfork in the forehead. The thrust of the fist is the desire of the spirit and the face of Satan is synonymous with hell and it is this world. So what I meant by that expression, is if I have to desire my spirit to come into these dark airs again to get you, know I will. This is unquestionable. As I already said, no miracle in this world is accepted.
I have hung upside down in mid air in front of my physical parents, I have read minds of my best friends, I healed a deaf man in front of his mother, I have even split the sky in a flash flood, but no miracle is accepted. The only miracle you will witness now will come as a flash of lightning. The power of darkness in this world will prevail here only, but their time has come as well, the light will always overcome darkness. I will match the gift of light against all the powers of darkness in or below the surface of this world any splinter of a second throughout eternity and know the results beforehand. My spirit may be nothing more than a speck of air, but never forget, the universe was created from a mere speck of air. This is power!
And for the record, and for the sake of argument, let’s say that the man was actually named Jesus the Christ in the former days past, in this event, I will say with absolute certainty, I am the spirit, the real being who was connected to the physical body of the man today called Jesus the Christ. I say spirit, because only the spirit can create and animate a body. This I know and could care less to convince others. I am not the lies made up by Christians and other faiths of Judaism, their Jesus already returned two decades ago. The being with outstretched arms saying I love you, and you love him is none other than Barney the Dinosaur. My name inside this world is irrelevant, but my purpose is contrary to my name.
As my dark retinas are symbols of a body that is already dead without the spirit, I know the true color of my retinas are not dark as seen in this world, but are retinas of light. Your eyes as well will lose darkness and become filled with light, sooner than you think. Then you will now life and what living is once again. You can thank the Father and Mother, the universal spirit of airs for this gift, the King and Queen of all creation in every atom of airs inside the universal womb. As expected in a world that suppresses truth and encourages violence, this video will be attacked by the darker spirits of the world who fear truth. Download as much as you can now and start sharing as much as you can now on your internet sites of choice, be fore they take it away from you. Know the enemy, and those who desire trouble are no trouble for those expecting them to cause trouble. Fear nothing of those who attack this video. There will be challengers who do not how to shut their anus.
Is it a coincidence that the lips and the anus are centered between a pair of cheeks? I say to those who will come out in mockery, “Start carrying a roll of toilet paper with you and wipe your lips clean after you speak”. Do this world a favour oh arrogant and ignorant assholes. SHUT YOUR ANUS! And in this video being completed, the fulfillments of desires from both worlds are complete. I would encourage the star seeds to fulfill their purpose of coming here. The explosion of human beings inside this world at a time when the race has once again achieved such knowledge is an event by no mere coincidence. Do what you are designed to do, spread the gift of light to the ones you came to return home with you. The time is ripe.
The harvest will begin immediately. Blast the trumpets, and get this message out to as many as you can as quickly as you can. The precise second of division is now close at hand. Do not look at this as the end, it is the beginning. And as an inspiration for those who need hope, I end this video with two verses that confirm, yes, even the worst Pharisee can change and enter the light...
EPHESIANS 6:12 (Paul writing) "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]."
1 THESSALONIANS 5:5 "Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness".
(Looks like Paul the Pharisee figured it out after all, maybe this is a sign of hope for others as well.)
“72” pages, the sacred harmonics of light.(?)
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