Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Bilderberg 2011
Bilderberg meetings of the Trilateral Pact are covertly run by the Supreme Planetary Hyper-Lodge, Hong/Hung of the Shanghai Pact - so much treachery against the goyim!  Opinion forming "partial truthers" Jim Tucker, Alex Jones and Russia Today (RT, of the FSB and RIC) translated the meeting.  There was no mention of China in their report, nor plans for financial war against the West or global Chinese dictatorship.

1.  There was concern over NATO withdrawal from Libya after its illegal invasion there.
2.  Bilderbergers want to be safer from criticism via the internet.
3.  Austerity, policing, and global governance are to be strengthened.
4.  Replacement of the fitted-up Chair of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn who resigned.  The Chinese fixed it so that French Minister of Finance, Christine Lagarde, got the job - a close colleague of the China-loving Hungarian-Hebrew, Sarkozy.
5.  Journalist Jim Tucker reported that the Trilateral-Bilderbergers are "united in their plan for war" as a means to slowing overpopulation. 
6.  Outraged Bilderbergers failed to reduce coverage of their meeting by patriots, protesters, The Guardian, and Irish Times.
C1.  Bilderbergers wanted more Middle Eastern war and Gadaffi dead for opposing them.
C2.  So far, the internet is uncontrolled.
C3.  Jianbao bribed Merkel with 200 billion euros to steer a five year plan. 
Lowly Bilderbergers want recognition for helping conceal Hong and for being movers and shakers in its hierarchy, then moan about becoming famous!
Bilderberg 2011 (with lots of abuse)

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