Religion (See also "Israelites, three branches" and "A.MH.C.")
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 02 July 2011
Hellen and Chaos decided to join pseudo-Greeks in mock praise of their genocidal false god, the Chinese Dragon - Jade of the Moon. The emperor god, Jade of Taoism 666, is the supreme god of the ancient Chinese emperors and China!
Hallelujah to the Chinese Emperors who genocided the Greeks - Yavanas - Yunan, as the Jewish-Mongol Giscard d’Estaing confessed. Long live the Hebrew-Mongols like d’Estaing who keep on genociding Greeks guided by the new “Chinese Emperors”.
Long live the Chinese Emperors and their mandarin wise men. They founded Christianity, China’s prehistoric religion from which Judaism and Islam originates, the weapon of mental annihilation and Greek population reduction.
Long live the pseudo-Greek Emperors of Byzantium, for it was they who applied d’Estaing’s Chinese imperial tool, Christianity, to genocide the Greeks of the mainland. They brought the Mongol hordes in and around the Greek mainland in return for their Christianizing.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 14 December 2009
Χ.Α.Ν. (YMCA) is a non-governmental organization, a Christian movement present in more than one-hundred-and-ten countries. It was founded in 1844 in London, England.
Although presented as “Christians”, the YMCA has a theosophical comparative new age gnostic infrastructure (See: Zeitgeist). It is coordinated with M.R.A. 666 (Mundana Religio Adunata or Global Unified Religion or Maitreya Religion of Gaia Worship), a great cornerstone for the religious polarity policy of Hong and A.O.A. between
Notice the emblem of X.A.N., the downward pointing equilateral triangle. The same emblem can be found in theosophical black magic rituals, in England!
Theosophy and parallel Rosicrucian organizations (black masonry) are the highest Masonic infrastructure of all Satanic sects and neo-gnostic religions and political movements such as Nazism. All originate from Dragonian Chinese secret societies and Zen's Tibetan-Indian White and Black Brotherhood monasteries.
The downward pointing equilateral triangle is emblematic of all theosophical lodges. When combined with the upward pointing equilateral triangle of philosophical lodges, the cabbalistic hexagram or Sino-Zionistic Star of David is produced (△+▽=✡), which represents the collusion of Yahweh – Tamil (and Andromedian traitor Cronus). Their higher purpose is the instigation of schizophrenic ideological paranoia and civil war within and between Andromedian Whites (Skyling Uranides) and indigenous Sirian Blacks.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 09 December 2009
Here explained are the etymologies of the Hellenic words “Theós” (god) and “Thriskeia” (religion). All today religions, without exception, corrupted and abused those two concepts under the instructions of Yahweh and Tamil.
The Hebrew-Mongolian establishment reduced the word to “therapwn” which means “a voluntary servant” of a King or a Priest. In Hellas of 30.000 B.C., “religion” meant “Saltation learning of the Sciences of the Gods”.
We override the falsified etymologies and give the true etymology, “thew” means “run”, “fly”, “cruise”. The word “Theós” in its first use, referred to “runners and flyers with ships-chariots of Gods”. “Theontes" being "Gods with extreme speeds” through technology.)
For the Hellenic Trwskein (religion) the “scientific examination of the higher” makes accepted the existence of “Gods” who “théoyn” or run without technology. Those natural theontes (Gods) are determined as “Logos” (Words) such as planetary, solar, galactic logos etc.. (By contrast, there are the Théontes (Gods) that use ship technology.) Natural Théontes cannot choose course, but move in orbits determined by natural laws.
The Universal Logos as a supreme intelligent being contains within its Organism or Universe, all the partial “Natural Théontes (Gods)” = planets – solar systems – galaxies – nebula etc. Although it is the Supreme Being, it is not a “God” because it doesn’t “Théei”, meaning it doesn’t run or move to any direction. Outside of its barriers exists only inert dodecahedral space without kinetic energy or pressure of radiation in any direction of the Universe.
The Hebrew-Mongolian establishment, by naming “God” as the Supreme Being, undermined God down to the level of “Gods” or “running” stellar inspissations, its body having organs for its functions. This explanation is analogous to naming a human “corpuscle” or “microbe”, by reducing the container down to the content.
The same humiliation of the Supreme Being was attempted by the Judean-Christian religion, which without shame teaches that the “only son of the One God, Christ, was incarnated into the womb of an earthling”. If the Supreme Being/Universe … had a Son, the Son would also be a Universe, with the same dimensions as the parent Universe. Anyway, the Son Universe must exist outside of the body/space of Father Universe So, the Son Universe must zero its Mass of Matter, scattered across trillions of light years, and reduce its size to that of a human spermatozoon before exiting from one opening of the Father Universe in order to reach the pudenda of miss Mary. Paranoid priesthoods have preached about Gods that enter and exit pudenda, which has undermined Hellenes into a people who worship pudenda and spermatozoan of Gods.
The crews of Yahweh Selene (Levaniah – Moon) and his colluding subordinate, Tamil of Lilith, were ordered by Yahweh to degenerate the Earth until the dissolution of its nations that left behind the “Gods”, after their departure in 16.000 B.C.. Devilish Tamil forces have ever since led the instigation of wars, ecological damage, prostitution, drugs, crime, illness, and economic dissolution, whereas the forces of Yahweh-Christ found organizations and religions that claim peace, restoration of morality, ecology, and eternal life with economic prosperity brought by the little Christ (socialist). Perfect theatrical entertainment for the goyim!
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 11 May 2012
Carriers of Williams syndrome exhibit the behaviour of countryless fanatical anti-racists and anti-nationalists. A result of DNA abnormalities and not a particular religion.
In order for crimes against Hellenism, humanity and in general the Universal Organism to take place, there are creeds of ‘’victims’’ who do not resist and who believe in their genociders. There are also established creeds of ‘’victimisers’’. Followers of these two creeds are entitled to ‘’inherit the Kingdom of God’’, conquering and annihilating infidel followers of other religions to the degree of genocide.
Of course, all the religions of the world are Satanic constructs. However, Satanism is more sincere than Christianity, which is the most insidious, dangerous, and crypto-Satanic of all. Ousting Satan through the door and allowing him to enter via the window. Christianity talks of ‘’godification’’ and ‘’resurrection’’, but actually leads to the demolition of individuals and societies.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 16 August 2010
All Earth's religions of the external surface were formed by tele-energy and Lunar emissions with Lilith's collusion. Since 10,000 B.C.. until today, these enemies have falsely impersonated the forces of Zeus. After this time, the “Religion of Zeus” of classical Greece was entirely mutated from the absolute original Throskein.
There is a principle of conduct for people to live by, the so-called Universal Criterion of Proposition - Denial, which says: "...Live until self-sacrifice in order to take care of the Universal Organism's physical functions, of which you are a micro-organism. Do not live in order to have as a supreme purpose your individual survival and the creation of your individual vital space".
We do not have to analyze why the Criterion is making useless the present dogmas of ALL religions. Exposing them as imperfect, unfinished, insufficient, contradictory, and completely contrariwise to the natural functions of the supreme God, namely of the Universal Intelligent Living Organism (Pan/Panas).
The above mentioned full Criterion of 60 neo-Greek (translated to English) Words, is the whole Holy Scripture for conscious humans, as Members or Micro-Organisms of the Universal Organism. They should therefore abolish and recant as useless and contrary, all the Terran Religions and “Holy Scriptures” of lunar influence.
The Criterion requires heroic self-sacrifice as a way of life in favor of the
Individuals of the Universal Organism can request assistance from within it. A non-justifiable request is that which has as a primary purpose some personal gain, such as enrichment, glory, satisfaction of passions etc.. For example, entities of the local Universal Hierarchy do not guard Mr. Toulatos, “Leader of (the fake) Christiano-Dodecatheist Religion of Zeus”.
Further reading:
Restored etymologies of the Hellenic words “Theós”(God) and “Thriskeia”(Religion)
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 19 June 2011
Concerning collusion between Elohim and Nephilim...
Between pages 225 – 235 of the book “Hollow Earth” (by Pantelis Yannoulakis) there are thirteen paragraphs. Only some of them are true. Where the name “Nephilim” is written, it should be replaced with a phrase: “In collusion Elohim and Nephilim of the Moon”, since above eighteenth degree in Freemasonry they collude.
Their purpose is the genocide of the Pelasgian (White) nations (and of the Black Race) under the diachronic accusation of thousand years that “While they have known God, they made an alliance with the Devil 666”, etc.. (Another lie is that Armageddon is a massive White+Black race genocide scheme of Christ vs Antichrist.) Lunarian Nephilim distorted pre-lunar Andromedian science into the completely paranoid “dodecatheon religion” of ancient Greece, wherein the pre-lunar science academies were distorted to holy oracles of spiritualism, channeling, and enchantment of stoned priests and priestess mediums.
Lunaroids decided to force their “Religion of Judeo-Christianity”, simply ordering the Lunaroid (2D) Nephelim to stop presenting to the Hellenic holy oracles [by role-playing and defaming the Zeus Dodecatheon]. Thus, the remains of the Hellenic galactic Andromedian civilization on Earth (external surface) collapsed, due to treason from the inside.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 19 August 2016
The city of ‘’Astana’’ in Kazakhstan was programmed by the five mutineers (Members of fifty-two solar systems of four constellations with forces from rebellious Cronian-Andromedian Saturn.) to become the second centre of “Anti-Christ 666” (Empire 666/New World Order 666) after Constantinople. The city of “Astana” will be the centre of the ‘’Touranian’’, that is Russian-Mongolian empire of suicidal idiot Dugin, counsellor of president Putin.
It has been programmed that in the third phase of WWIII, the ‘’Christian‘’ axis of Korea 777-China 888 will meet the pan-Touranian, pan-Mongolian axis of ‘’Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongolia" with its mixed religion of “Samanism 666’’ (white and black magic) and Christianity. The Touranian-Mongolian axis 666 of “J.T.H.S.M’’ will be genocided in this religious war.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 25 July 2016
The White race (pelasgians code named Hellenes; a therapeutic civilising Andromedian race) was present in the northern parts of Earth for 3.5 million years (as written in the chronicles of the Dogon race of Mali africa, who were the first to have established contact with them). Following reptilian disembarkation to Atlantis, the first signs of religion began to emerge, beginning with worship of Seth, the serpent god. The Draconians, along with their integrated allies, managed to convert the pelasgians against their own kind in Europe, Hesperia (modern day America), and Asia. In 9,700 B.C., they secretly started to assemble advanced technology and military troops, in order to massively invade neighbouring continents and enforce their new world order.
YHWH and his forces managed to set up a basic system of Planetary Government in 5,619 B.C.. Pelasgian memories of the universal functions of Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena etc., were impersonated from that moment on and converted into the dodecatheon by officers of the military troops of rebel-traitor Kronos (of Saturn)-Savvaoth. Following that, and after a number of extensive genetic experiments, the Draconians commenced their master plan of integrating remaining populations. By cross-breeding the Vrill (short, big-headed, big black-eyed, skinny aliens) with Cronian Andromedians, they created a completely new species: the Yellow race. This new species disembarked on the arid barren territories of Mongolia/Siberia in 4.000 B.C. (when religions speak of the coming of Adam and Eve).
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Pat Robertson praying, his hands in the familiar mana cornuta, international sign of Satan.
(Taken from Eustace Mullins)
Hellen and Chaos decided to join pseudo-Greeks in mock praise of their genocidal false god, the Chinese Dragon - Jade of the Moon. The emperor god, Jade of Taoism 666, is the supreme god of the ancient Chinese emperors and China!
Hallelujah to the Chinese Emperors who genocided the Greeks - Yavanas - Yunan, as the Jewish-Mongol Giscard d’Estaing confessed. Long live the Hebrew-Mongols like d’Estaing who keep on genociding Greeks guided by the new “Chinese Emperors”.
Long live the Chinese Emperors and their mandarin wise men. They founded Christianity, China’s prehistoric religion from which Judaism and Islam originates, the weapon of mental annihilation and Greek population reduction.
Long live the pseudo-Greek Emperors of Byzantium, for it was they who applied d’Estaing’s Chinese imperial tool, Christianity, to genocide the Greeks of the mainland. They brought the Mongol hordes in and around the Greek mainland in return for their Christianizing.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 14 December 2009
Χ.Α.Ν. (YMCA) is a non-governmental organization, a Christian movement present in more than one-hundred-and-ten countries. It was founded in 1844 in London, England.
Although presented as “Christians”, the YMCA has a theosophical comparative new age gnostic infrastructure (See: Zeitgeist). It is coordinated with M.R.A. 666 (Mundana Religio Adunata or Global Unified Religion or Maitreya Religion of Gaia Worship), a great cornerstone for the religious polarity policy of Hong and A.O.A. between
- New Age M.R.A. 666 axles US.E.J. (USA – Europe – Japan), the
- in-between new age axis T.I.M. (Tibet – India – Mongolia external) and the
- orthodox 777+888 R.I.C. axis (Russia – Islamic Nations – Sin/Sion/Zion/China + Korea)
Notice the emblem of X.A.N., the downward pointing equilateral triangle. The same emblem can be found in theosophical black magic rituals, in England!

Theosophy and parallel Rosicrucian organizations (black masonry) are the highest Masonic infrastructure of all Satanic sects and neo-gnostic religions and political movements such as Nazism. All originate from Dragonian Chinese secret societies and Zen's Tibetan-Indian White and Black Brotherhood monasteries.
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During a black theosophical ritual, an English priestess of black magic holds red candles between the symbols of a downward pointing equilateral triangle and the Egyptian ANKH “T” or the “Cross of Life”. |
The downward pointing equilateral triangle is emblematic of all theosophical lodges. When combined with the upward pointing equilateral triangle of philosophical lodges, the cabbalistic hexagram or Sino-Zionistic Star of David is produced (△+▽=✡), which represents the collusion of Yahweh – Tamil (and Andromedian traitor Cronus). Their higher purpose is the instigation of schizophrenic ideological paranoia and civil war within and between Andromedian Whites (Skyling Uranides) and indigenous Sirian Blacks.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 09 December 2009
Here explained are the etymologies of the Hellenic words “Theós” (god) and “Thriskeia” (religion). All today religions, without exception, corrupted and abused those two concepts under the instructions of Yahweh and Tamil.
The Hebrew-Mongolian establishment reduced the word to “therapwn” which means “a voluntary servant” of a King or a Priest. In Hellas of 30.000 B.C., “religion” meant “Saltation learning of the Sciences of the Gods”.
We override the falsified etymologies and give the true etymology, “thew” means “run”, “fly”, “cruise”. The word “Theós” in its first use, referred to “runners and flyers with ships-chariots of Gods”. “Theontes" being "Gods with extreme speeds” through technology.)
For the Hellenic Trwskein (religion) the “scientific examination of the higher” makes accepted the existence of “Gods” who “théoyn” or run without technology. Those natural theontes (Gods) are determined as “Logos” (Words) such as planetary, solar, galactic logos etc.. (By contrast, there are the Théontes (Gods) that use ship technology.) Natural Théontes cannot choose course, but move in orbits determined by natural laws.
The Universal Logos as a supreme intelligent being contains within its Organism or Universe, all the partial “Natural Théontes (Gods)” = planets – solar systems – galaxies – nebula etc. Although it is the Supreme Being, it is not a “God” because it doesn’t “Théei”, meaning it doesn’t run or move to any direction. Outside of its barriers exists only inert dodecahedral space without kinetic energy or pressure of radiation in any direction of the Universe.
The Hebrew-Mongolian establishment, by naming “God” as the Supreme Being, undermined God down to the level of “Gods” or “running” stellar inspissations, its body having organs for its functions. This explanation is analogous to naming a human “corpuscle” or “microbe”, by reducing the container down to the content.
The same humiliation of the Supreme Being was attempted by the Judean-Christian religion, which without shame teaches that the “only son of the One God, Christ, was incarnated into the womb of an earthling”. If the Supreme Being/Universe … had a Son, the Son would also be a Universe, with the same dimensions as the parent Universe. Anyway, the Son Universe must exist outside of the body/space of Father Universe So, the Son Universe must zero its Mass of Matter, scattered across trillions of light years, and reduce its size to that of a human spermatozoon before exiting from one opening of the Father Universe in order to reach the pudenda of miss Mary. Paranoid priesthoods have preached about Gods that enter and exit pudenda, which has undermined Hellenes into a people who worship pudenda and spermatozoan of Gods.
The crews of Yahweh Selene (Levaniah – Moon) and his colluding subordinate, Tamil of Lilith, were ordered by Yahweh to degenerate the Earth until the dissolution of its nations that left behind the “Gods”, after their departure in 16.000 B.C.. Devilish Tamil forces have ever since led the instigation of wars, ecological damage, prostitution, drugs, crime, illness, and economic dissolution, whereas the forces of Yahweh-Christ found organizations and religions that claim peace, restoration of morality, ecology, and eternal life with economic prosperity brought by the little Christ (socialist). Perfect theatrical entertainment for the goyim!
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 11 May 2012
Carriers of Williams syndrome exhibit the behaviour of countryless fanatical anti-racists and anti-nationalists. A result of DNA abnormalities and not a particular religion.
In order for crimes against Hellenism, humanity and in general the Universal Organism to take place, there are creeds of ‘’victims’’ who do not resist and who believe in their genociders. There are also established creeds of ‘’victimisers’’. Followers of these two creeds are entitled to ‘’inherit the Kingdom of God’’, conquering and annihilating infidel followers of other religions to the degree of genocide.
Of course, all the religions of the world are Satanic constructs. However, Satanism is more sincere than Christianity, which is the most insidious, dangerous, and crypto-Satanic of all. Ousting Satan through the door and allowing him to enter via the window. Christianity talks of ‘’godification’’ and ‘’resurrection’’, but actually leads to the demolition of individuals and societies.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 16 August 2010
All Earth's religions of the external surface were formed by tele-energy and Lunar emissions with Lilith's collusion. Since 10,000 B.C.. until today, these enemies have falsely impersonated the forces of Zeus. After this time, the “Religion of Zeus” of classical Greece was entirely mutated from the absolute original Throskein.
There is a principle of conduct for people to live by, the so-called Universal Criterion of Proposition - Denial, which says: "...Live until self-sacrifice in order to take care of the Universal Organism's physical functions, of which you are a micro-organism. Do not live in order to have as a supreme purpose your individual survival and the creation of your individual vital space".
We do not have to analyze why the Criterion is making useless the present dogmas of ALL religions. Exposing them as imperfect, unfinished, insufficient, contradictory, and completely contrariwise to the natural functions of the supreme God, namely of the Universal Intelligent Living Organism (Pan/Panas).
The above mentioned full Criterion of 60 neo-Greek (translated to English) Words, is the whole Holy Scripture for conscious humans, as Members or Micro-Organisms of the Universal Organism. They should therefore abolish and recant as useless and contrary, all the Terran Religions and “Holy Scriptures” of lunar influence.
The Criterion requires heroic self-sacrifice as a way of life in favor of the
- family of the house,
- family of the city,
- family of the race,
- family of fauna and flora, namely Zoology and Phytology of the Planet,
- integrity of the Intelligent Cell Gaia of our Planet from criminal
actions, such as
- mining of raw materials,
- nuclear explosions,
- poison of the surface and underground water resources,
- burning and destruction of forests as skin of the planet,
- the honor of the Supreme Zenos or Zeus, namely of the Supreme Universal Living (Zen) Universal Organism. This honour is brutalized by the counterfeiters, the false impersonator “gods” of all religions, who without exception appear as annihilators, flesh eaters, blood drinkers, and bandits. As false “universal gods”, they have brought lies, injustice, and blame to the honour and way of conduct of the true Universal God.
Individuals of the Universal Organism can request assistance from within it. A non-justifiable request is that which has as a primary purpose some personal gain, such as enrichment, glory, satisfaction of passions etc.. For example, entities of the local Universal Hierarchy do not guard Mr. Toulatos, “Leader of (the fake) Christiano-Dodecatheist Religion of Zeus”.
Further reading:
Restored etymologies of the Hellenic words “Theós”(God) and “Thriskeia”(Religion)
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 19 June 2011
Concerning collusion between Elohim and Nephilim...
Between pages 225 – 235 of the book “Hollow Earth” (by Pantelis Yannoulakis) there are thirteen paragraphs. Only some of them are true. Where the name “Nephilim” is written, it should be replaced with a phrase: “In collusion Elohim and Nephilim of the Moon”, since above eighteenth degree in Freemasonry they collude.
Their purpose is the genocide of the Pelasgian (White) nations (and of the Black Race) under the diachronic accusation of thousand years that “While they have known God, they made an alliance with the Devil 666”, etc.. (Another lie is that Armageddon is a massive White+Black race genocide scheme of Christ vs Antichrist.) Lunarian Nephilim distorted pre-lunar Andromedian science into the completely paranoid “dodecatheon religion” of ancient Greece, wherein the pre-lunar science academies were distorted to holy oracles of spiritualism, channeling, and enchantment of stoned priests and priestess mediums.
Lunaroids decided to force their “Religion of Judeo-Christianity”, simply ordering the Lunaroid (2D) Nephelim to stop presenting to the Hellenic holy oracles [by role-playing and defaming the Zeus Dodecatheon]. Thus, the remains of the Hellenic galactic Andromedian civilization on Earth (external surface) collapsed, due to treason from the inside.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 19 August 2016
The city of ‘’Astana’’ in Kazakhstan was programmed by the five mutineers (Members of fifty-two solar systems of four constellations with forces from rebellious Cronian-Andromedian Saturn.) to become the second centre of “Anti-Christ 666” (Empire 666/New World Order 666) after Constantinople. The city of “Astana” will be the centre of the ‘’Touranian’’, that is Russian-Mongolian empire of suicidal idiot Dugin, counsellor of president Putin.
It has been programmed that in the third phase of WWIII, the ‘’Christian‘’ axis of Korea 777-China 888 will meet the pan-Touranian, pan-Mongolian axis of ‘’Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongolia" with its mixed religion of “Samanism 666’’ (white and black magic) and Christianity. The Touranian-Mongolian axis 666 of “J.T.H.S.M’’ will be genocided in this religious war.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 25 July 2016
The White race (pelasgians code named Hellenes; a therapeutic civilising Andromedian race) was present in the northern parts of Earth for 3.5 million years (as written in the chronicles of the Dogon race of Mali africa, who were the first to have established contact with them). Following reptilian disembarkation to Atlantis, the first signs of religion began to emerge, beginning with worship of Seth, the serpent god. The Draconians, along with their integrated allies, managed to convert the pelasgians against their own kind in Europe, Hesperia (modern day America), and Asia. In 9,700 B.C., they secretly started to assemble advanced technology and military troops, in order to massively invade neighbouring continents and enforce their new world order.
YHWH and his forces managed to set up a basic system of Planetary Government in 5,619 B.C.. Pelasgian memories of the universal functions of Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena etc., were impersonated from that moment on and converted into the dodecatheon by officers of the military troops of rebel-traitor Kronos (of Saturn)-Savvaoth. Following that, and after a number of extensive genetic experiments, the Draconians commenced their master plan of integrating remaining populations. By cross-breeding the Vrill (short, big-headed, big black-eyed, skinny aliens) with Cronian Andromedians, they created a completely new species: the Yellow race. This new species disembarked on the arid barren territories of Mongolia/Siberia in 4.000 B.C. (when religions speak of the coming of Adam and Eve).
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