Retreat of Zeus
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 13 March 2010
G.H.Rees proved that after the sinking of Atlantis and Aegis in 9,600 B.M.C (Before Mongol Christ), all the Andromedian Gods, Demigods, and Heroes of the Hellenic Dodecatheon tactically retreated from the external surface of Earth into the internal surface of inner Earth, and to the four external planets of our solar system, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Retreat followed both the World War between Pelasgian Hellenes and Pelasgian Atlanteans corrupted by lunar Dragonian Chinese and the parallel space war between Dragonians and Andromedians in local space. [Here, G.H.Rees states that the Andromedians were defeated by superior Dragonian fire-power from Moon and Lilith war planets. Elsewhere in Hellen and Chaos, it is stated that the Andromedians were winning the local space war and surprised the Draconians by retreating. Ed..]
G.H.Rees proved that from those tactical retreat positions, the Andromedians of 1st Dimension of Matter Rarification with flesh just like our own, and those of 2nd Dimension of Matter Rarification namely the Spirits of Gods – Demigods – and Heroes, no longer has access to the external surface of Earth. There are only two entries into Inner Earth and they are at the north and south poles. The seven internal planets (with the eighth being Phaethon between Mars and Jupiter, already destroyed by the Dragonians) have Dragonian defensive barriers that forbid entry and exit of Andromedian forces or spirits. Forcing entry would require a general space war between Andromedians of Saturn and Dragonians at the entrenchment outer limit of the Lunar Starfleet (Jupiter) with flagship Levanhiah/Eva/Leva/Levan/Levaniah/Selene/Selini/Star of Death, satellite of planet Earth.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 25 July 2016
The ancient continent of Atlantis was home to corrupted Bootes-Levanian-Lilithian populations and priesthoods.
Kronos was the former commander of the star system, based at Saturn, who had earlier joined the revolution against the Andromedians and been defeated by the forces of Zeus. He later joined forces with YHWH (YaHWeH) and attacked the Andromedian Zeus-Uranus alliance whose starfleet consisted mainly of transport ships and scientific laboratories. Zeus was forced to retreat in an attempt to avoid a battle that would annihilate all life on planet earth, his fleet breaking-up into three parts:
- One part entered the poles of the planet (north and south);
- A second part withdrew to the outer planets of our solar system setting up a defense line at the planet Uranus;
- The third part left our solar system to call for reinforcements.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 November 2009
A huge rebellion took place in one-third of our galaxy about 1.5 million years ago, led by the treasonous system commander, Cronus/Kronos (see Hesiod's Theogony). Remnants of the Alpha Draconis and E-Bootus systems entered Earth's solar system around 11,500 B.C. [I understand that entry and first attempted Earth orbit was actually near 20,000 B.C. and successful Earth orbit was put at 11,434 B.C.. Ed..]. The battle between Zeus-Uranus and Levan-Saturn(Moon/Selene-Cronus) ended with the retreat of Zeus, to avoid total destruction of life on Earth.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 15 February 2013
Revelation 12:4, refers to the landing of Anunnaki and the "Hyperborean" or Saturnian mutineers onto our planet. They are imposters, crews of Sin/Sion/Jedai, pseudo-Zeus, and the pseudo-Dodecatheon. This set up was arranged by the supreme luna(r)tic con artist of the moon, so that without resistance, White Andromedian nations of the planet will hand over all ammunition to the Earthly Draconian Chinese and Koreans.
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