Monday, 5 September 2016

Pike, Albert

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 22 April 2010

"(Albert Pike), speaking before the Supreme Council of Charleston, on October 20, 1884, he gave an account of his recent travels through the United States and some incidental experiences. One of these, he described as follows : — 'At Saint Louis, we operated the grand rites, and through Sister Ingersoll, who is a first class medium, received astonishing revelations during a solemn Palladian session at which I presided, assisted by Brother Friedman and Sister Warhnburn. Without putting Sister Ingersoll to sleep, we saturated her with the spirit of Ariel himself, but Ariel took possession of her with 329 more spirits of fire and the seance from then on was marvellous. Sister Ingersoll, lifted into space, floated over the assembly and her garments were suddenly devoured by a flame which enfolded, without burning her. We saw her thus in a state of nudity for over ten minutes. Flitting above our heads, as though borne by an invisible cloud, or upheld by beneficent spirits, she answered all questions put to her. We thus soon had the latest news of our very illustrious brother Adriano Lemmi. 
Then, Astaroth, in person, revealed himself, flying beside our medium and holding her hand.  He breathed upon her and her clothes, returning from nowhere, clothed her again. Finally Astaroth vanished and our sister fell gently on to a chair where, with her head thrown back she gave up Ariel and the 329 spirits who had accompanied him.
We counted 330 exhalations in all at the end of this most successful experiment. "

These are the words of the biggest Satanist of our era, the Luciferian American mason, Albert Pike.  All Americans, Greeks, and other nationality masons, today consider him as their "Holy Man" and mentor. 

"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbalah and return to it.  Everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabbalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols." - («Morals and Dogma», pages 744-745, Albert Pike 33*). 

“... He was, in truth, the Master-Genius of Masons.  Indeed he founded Scottish Rite masonry in a log cabin and left it in a temple....
...I leave you with the dying words of Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike, used in leaving his Brethren in 1891 as he expired within hallowed rooms of the then house of the Temple, here in our national capital city.  He said the Hebrew word “Shalom” three times.  So I, too say to you: Shalom, Shalom, Shalom” --- Albert Pike, by Mayard A. Morrison 33*, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in North Dakota. 

The Palladian Ritual:
... In 20 September 1879, Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini signed an agreement in which they created the charter of central command for International Masonry and a special, classified kabbalistic, Luciferian ritual for which the grand mass of the Masons must know absolutely nothing.  Only special chosen initiates of the higher masonic degrees must know about this secret ritual, which Pike named: "The Palladian Ritual...". 

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