Monday, 5 September 2016

Phaethon aka Maldek

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 19 January 2011

How comes G.H.Rees knows that the Mayas originated from the lost planet Phaethon?

The claim was stated by Mayan Elders and written in books published in Greece.  They came of course from another constellation and star system, but in our solar system Phaethon was their home planet that lay between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.  Fragments of Phaethon form today’s Asteroid Belt, although Mayans had some other name for it.

[NOTE: The name “Phaethon” for the lost planet, originates from the known Hellenic myth.  It's translation was discovered in ancient Egyptian libraries, as a destroyed planet, described in the saved ancient Hellenic texts of Timaeus/Critias:

“… the tradition that is dominant in your country, namely that sometime Phaethon the son of the Sun, after he took the chariot of his father, because he didn’t have the capability to follow the same path with his father and he set fire over the Earth and he was struck by a thunder and died, this is said as a myth, but the reality is the “parallax” of the wandered around Earth celestial bodies and the destruction from the abundant of fire, during long period of time, of the over the Earth living beings.”
Plato – Timaeus 22d ]

Elders of the Mayas report that when their ancestors were asked by the Dragonian residents of Phaethon to participate to the mining of the titanium, which was the predominant metal Phaethon, they refused and created obstacles.  So, finally the Dragonians judged that would be easier to take the metal by blowing Phaethon to fragments, in order for their ships to capture the smaller fragments (asteroids) and cast them piece-by-piece as they rotated around the sun as the asteroid belt between the orbits of planets Mars and Jupiter.  Moreover many of these fragments from the destruction of Phaethon, from this planetary scale mega-crime of the cancerous Dragonians, fell into the Sun, other planets, and Earth as “Rain – Storm of big Asteroids”, causing great disasters to Earth's fauna and flora.

[Deciphering of the “Phaethon Myth” from the Egyptian Hieratic Files towards the Athenian lawmaker Solon was recorded to the saved text of “Timaeus/Critias”.  It must be studied urgently by all Hellenes, together with “Hesiod’s Theogony” and “Ogygia” of the Ancient and Prehistoric Hellenic Chronicles.  These are the remaining Hellenic Holy Scriptures saved from the fury of destruction of Hebrew-Mongol religious priesthoods.]

According to Mayan Elders, the Maya are former residents of the planet Phaethon that was destroyed by the Dragonians (forming today's asteroid belt).  Mayans originated from the Pleiades star cluster.  It was their star-child ancestors who gave them advanced star-aligned calendar knowledge and promised to return for the inspection of Earth on 12 baktun and 13 ahau. Read "The Maya Today". 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 20 November 2009

No scientist has ever written about a “10th Planet”.  Modern astronomy does not know, assume, or suspect a  “10th Planet” beyond the “9th planet” Pluto.  Speculations in books about such a planet were formed and signed, but not created by the Hebrew agent Zacharia Sitchin.  The ideas were artificially propagated by “theosophical” Hebrew-Saxon masonic lodges after 1976, concerning the “12th planet Nibiru”.  If we include the unofficial “Hephaistos” (known in Hebrew-Saxon astronomy as the "vulcan zone") and the exploded “Phaethon” (known as the "asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars") we have the “10th and 11th planets.  Not counting Hephaistos and Phaethon Makes Nibiru the “10th planet”. 

The “Astrophysics Department” of G.H.Rees has proven mathematically that the
  • planetary harmonics (orbits) for each solar system cannot be higher than 12 (isododecahedron etheric geometry principle), 
  • 12th planet, along with “Hephaistos” and “Phaethon”, lies close to the “internal” Mercury and not beyond Pluto. (Declared by G.H.Rees as planet “Hellas” 3rd Harmonic).

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 25 July 2016

Ancient continent of Atlantis:
Land of corrupted Bootes-Levanian-Lilithian populations and their priesthoods.
Kronos (Saturn) was the former star system commander who had joined the earlier revolution and been defeated by the forces of Zeus, joined forces with YHWH and attacked the Zeus-Uranus alliance.
The Andromedian starfleet, consisting mainly of transport ships and scientific laboratories was forced to retreat from a battle that would annihilate all life on planet Earth.  The Fleet broke up into three parts:
  • One part entered the poles of the planet (north and south), 
  • another withdrew to the outer planets of our solar system setting up a defense line at The planet Uranus, 
  • The third left our solar system to call for reinforcements.
The Draconian criminals then attacked each individual inner planet, demanding unconditional surrender.  Two planets refused, Hephaistos and Phaethon (Hephaistos was between the sun and Mercury while Phaethon was between Mars and Jupiter).  Both were destroyed……  Debris from blown-up Hephaistos was sucked into the sun, while Phaethon comprises today’s asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.  (Quite a bit of debris, including structures, fell down to Earth.  Old texts talk about a “sky crying tears of blood”.)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 19 August 2016

Four mutinous constellations in our local galaxy were led by four ‘’Gods’’, that is fifty-two solar systems with armed forces.  Saturn and its forces were their fifth ally.  Since 11,500 B.C. (Before Hebrew-Mongolian Christ Jah-o-souva, Jahweh) they have invaded our local solar system and planted nuclear bombs within the seven inner planets.  Planet Phaethon, the 8th planet, was blown up by the mutineers and turned into an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, with the latter being the outermost defence perimeter of the mutinous astrofleet.  Local Earth powers and their governments (Chinese, Hebrews and Saxons) have been collaborating and colluding with the five ‘’Gods’, carrying out ‘’underground nuclear testing‘’ to determine how much of an underground nuclear explosion is needed to destroy Earth, much like planet Phaethon.  

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 10 May 2013

Sin-Zion-Sina-Yahweh-Senti-Jendi-Jewd-Judah-Jed-Jade is the major criminal of our galaxy.  He and his hyper-technological Draconian-Cronian Alliance roleplays as “father god” of Hebrew-Christianity, “Elloch” of Judaism, and “Allaah” (“god of the moon”) of Hebrew-Islamism as symbolised by the crescent moon upon its flags. 

Sin's “Apocalypse” of the “New (Draconian) Testament” was written by the Hebrew lunar daemonical medium “John the revelator” on Patmos island.  It is anticipated that since at least ninety-eight years after Rabbi Yahosuva or Jesus (Christ) and based on chapter Θ’(nine), criminal Draconian space engineers of celestial mechanics were ordered to hit Earth with meteorites from the “meteorite-asteroid-zone”.  This is debris from planet Phaethon lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, which the “father god” of Christianity blew up for easier mining of titanium; a crime denounced today by Mayan Elders, descendants of its former inhabitants. 

Rabbi Yahosuva, “father god” of Hebrew-Christianity or Elloh Sin-Zion-Yahweh of Judaism or Allaah of Islamism and his Draconian reptilian lunar subordinates planned the deflection of a large asteroid from the orbits of the “asteroid zone”.  At his disposal is lunar hyper-technology capable of aiming this “star” or asteroid of the “Apocalypse” at Earth. 

Disciple of Jesus Christ or Rabbi Yahosuva and “father god” of Christianity, the Satanic criminal wizard-medium “John”, stated: "And I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels (of …good little “father” god and… good little Christ “son”): Go effuse (pour, spray from the sky) on Earth the flasks of God’s (father's) wrath (of Draconian lunar galactic major criminal destroyer of solar systems and genocidal criminal of planetary populations like Phaethon)".  Thus we have chemtrails, biotrails, and radiatrails that the stupid, brainwashed sleepy sheeple goyim victims wrongly believe are contrails. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 06 January 2011

If Andromedians reach the vicinity of planet Mars and become visible in optical telescopes, nobody will be able to prove they originated from around Saturn and are Andromedian ships.  Mars is nearer to Earth than Jupiter and is one of the seven inner planets, with the eighth being fragmented Phaethon aka Maldek (today's asteroid belt).  It lies inside the camp of the Dragonian Sin-Yahweh of the Moon. 

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