Thursday, 29 September 2016


(Another enemy of the goyim.  Doing nothing to improve human life.)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 10 February 2013

Foreign Sino-mongol centres of Theosophical Masonry act as cryptic Draconian agents under the "distinguished" "Hellenic" nickname "Aristandros Andromedios".  They promote disorienting articles for speading further confusion and thus trapping neo-Greeks; such as "Message from Sirian Salusa".... comment_id=470093753039310&ref=notif¬if_t=group_comment_reply
in Greek. 

Concerning impostors with the "Salusa" message:
As far as it concerns Kavasillas... if you visit his page, he mentions that he has no relation whatsoever with the Galactic Federation of Light, but with the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Council of Light.  They are going to drive everyone crazy.  There is another "lunatic" Greek: Koemtzopoulos.....

If my reader is interested in reptilian's communications with their mediums, they can go here.  Vasiliki is praised for translations of SaLuSa (who is apparently a member of the Galactic Federation), etc. into various languages for the website.  [But it still seems like spiritual gobledygook to me.  Ed.!  It should be remembered that channelling is not used by the Andromedian Government, currently orbiting Saturn.]

Indigo Children 666 are under demonic possession.  They are the "enlightened children-angels on earth-blue ray" laugh!!).  Koemtzopoulos is head of the Greek Department of this Epsilonist Salusa bullcrap.  His name resounds in the Hebrew Mongol Koen->Coon->Khan->Han and posts are entered under it. 

"Indigo Children", SaLuSa, and Koemtzopoulos' team are identified with the Theosophical Buddhist-Nazi Society.  Koemtzopoulos and SaLuSa are of their <<Galactic Federation of Light>>, mentioning extraterrestrials, olympians, and ascended masters.  The term  <<ascended masters>> comes directly from the terminology of the global "Theosophical Society".  As proof, we have:

To what <<olympians>> do the impostors SaLuSa and Hebrew Mongol Koemtzopoulos refer??  Some devious Sino Mongolian, masonic psychological operation under the pretense of a phil-Hellenic and Hellenic mask?? 

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Sagan, Carl

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 November 2012

A unique and discredited astronomer.  He invites us to envision a world that never was, a world to be explored, with endless possibilities, abundance, interstellar travelers, true freedom. Carl Sagan explains with melancholy how the world could have been if the Ionian pre-socratic cosmologists had spread their knowledge to the world.

Carl Sagan was a foreign astronomer and lone rider of true knowledge.  He knew, loved, and protected more about the Ionian visionaries of a past long forgotten than the dogmatic neo-Greek academic copycats of false science and knowledge, who betrayed and forgot their true ancestors. 

Long live carl sagan.
You will be remembered.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog,  Tuesday 04 December 2012

Carl sagan was a true descendant [a true friend of knowledge = philo(friend)sopher(sophia=wisdom=knowledge)] of the long forgotten Ionian pre-socratic cosmologists. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 17 December 2009

Astronomer Dr.Sagan described five regular solids principle geometry and the "ether" or "dodecahedron" of Ancient Hellenic proto-scientists.  These intellectual giants like Democretos, Plato, and the Pythagorians preserved universal, archetypal, pre-lunar knowledge of the structure and nature of the universe or cosmos or tauto-time-tauto-space-tauto-cosmic logos.  (Meaning: Universe and God-Logos is the same and we are all parts of a Cosmic Organism.) 

Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 23 February 2012

Mutinous Andromedians of Saturn, initially imprisoned in Tartara by forces of Zeus, but who escaped to form an unholy collusion with the Draconians of Selene against the celestials of Zeus.  Subsequently in monotheistic religions, El Sentai was mentioned together with Saturn-Sabbaoth [Note spelling.  Ed..] as a single ‘Universal Creator God’ (Big Draconian hoax in Selenian religious contol), as Master Yahweh (Sentai in Mongolian-Hebrew or Tzentai-Tzent-Jade in Chinese) and as Master Sabaoth (Saturn).  After that point, the Earth came under complete control of reptilian Draconian criminals and their allies, the treasonous Andromedians of Saturn (Sabaoth/Sabbaoth). 

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

RIC (Russia-Islamic Nations-China)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 28 October 2016

China owns sixty percent of Manhattan, New York. 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 28 August 2015

Declaration of the Emperor of Constantinople as “New Christ 666” and  Global Messiah – Global King is to come about.  Constantinople - Istanbul is also to be declared “World Capital”.  (As recently proposed by the Chinese-Korean controlled United Nations!)  In collusion and denial, the Shanghai Pact (Russia – Islam – China) refused to submit to “King Ioannis” or “New Christ 666”.  In due course, “King Ioannis” would declare World War against the Shanghai Pact or R.I.C. axis (Russia – Islam – China 888).  The defending armies and populations of R.I.C. (Russia – Islam – China) characterise him as an anti-Christ Hitler-adoring dictator criminal and provocateur of world war, at the end of which China will butcher Russia and Islam.  [This concerns the structure of doomed New World Order 666, an essential masonic component toward WWIII.  Ed..] 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 18 June 2010

Estimable Sirs of the Russian Government,

Danger to Russian national security
Ultra-urgent need for solving engagement over the critical geostrategic node – cross: north-eastern Pakistan – eastern nape of Afghanistan – Tajikistan – Kirgizstan – Uzbekistan.

G.H.Rees Department of Geostrategic Analysis has determined that this geostrategic node is the most crucial of the planet, because borders meet:
  • “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) Russia through Kazakhstan, 
  • member of “R.I.C.” China, 
  • leader of “T.I.M.” (Tibet – India – Mongolia) and ally of “NATO” India through northeastern Pakistan and through the eastern nape of Afghanistan, and finally 
  • leader of “US.E.J.” (USA – Europe – Japan) and leader of “NATO” United States of America “USA” through American military bases in Northern Kirgizstan.
Should Russia push the forthcoming Chinese army invasion back militarily in Kirgizstan, it would violate conventional military obligations towards the “Pact of Shanghai” or “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China).  That would provoke the armed revolution of Islamic and Chinese populations in Russia against the Central Government of Moscow.  Turkey and of China would be incited, leading to the break-up of Russia from inside and the genocide of Russian Whites and Mongols by the geostrategic axles “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongolia) and “R.I.C.” under Chinese leadership. 

Russian national security must ultra-urgently and immediately proclaim the expulsion of China from “R.I.C.”,  breaking-up the “Pact of Shanghai”.  A new axis “R.I.” must be founded, namely only of Russia and Islamic States. 

Another ultra-urgent action for Russian national security, is for foundation of “Geopolitical Pact 999” in opposition to the coalition of the axis “China 888 – Korea 777”. 
To this end, Russia must initiate talks between the Governments of Russia, USA, Europe, Latin America, Islamic nations, India, Hindu nations, Africa, and countries of the Pacific Ocean. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 03 December 2011

Provocateur Russian-Hebrew Medvedev of the “Shanghai Pact” wishes to burn and blow up the planet under the deceptive pretext that his colluding Hebrew “opponents”s of NATO have not “played fair” in anti-ballistic shield matters.  Consequently, he put his strategic nuclear and ballistic forces and radars of Russia on full alert and wishes to put offensive missiles in the borders of Russia with NATO.  Moreover, Russians are announcing hypocritically that “big buddies” Russia and China of the R.I.C. Axis (Russia – Islam – China) will not allow the West to repeat in Syria what they did in Libya. 

Libya was attacked with assault orders coming also from Russia, as the monkey governors of Russia were ordered by China to not
  • issue a “veto” in the United Nations against the “NATO” assault on Libya, and 
  • put the Russian Navy between Libya and the NATO fleet in order to stop the aggression, as G.H.Rees advised the Russians to do. 
They committed all these back-stabs in collusion because Gaddafi was a great obstacle to the imperialistic plans of the Chinese Draconians in Africa and Islamic States.

Read the Draconian prophecy-program of Chinese Mongols in Ezekiel of the Old Testament, about China's final genocide of “Gog and Magog”, namely:
  • Northern Pelasgians Scythes of Russia,
  • “Rus” (Russians),
  • “Mesheh” (Muscovites) and finally the 
  • “King of the North” (Russia – located “North” of China).  
This is to follow genocide of the “King of the South” (USA – NATO as allies of “South” Korea 777) by the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China).  It is imperative that Whites, Blacks, and Mongols awaken their survival instincts and act accordingly for national and planetary security.  Greeks of Russia, translate asap all G.H.Rees documents into the Russian language.  Also, wake and shake up your fellow Pelasgian Scythe Russian citizens. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 09 August 2010

Already the treasonous government of the “NATO” agent Hebrew homosexual George Papandreou – Mineiko – Tsad – Tsiden Baum, has been ordered by “NATO” to deny the establishment of a Russian naval base in the island of Syros.  This refusal exposes Greece to annihilation by “B.A.S.T.R.” and “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) axles, and subsequent destruction of Russia by the “C.J.T.H.S.M.” and “C.K.” (China and Korea) axles.

There is urgent need for the treasonous Hebrew Government of Papandreou Tsad in Greece to be overthrown.  Its collusion with the “LA.O.S.” party (People’s Orthodox Alert) of the Turk-Albanian agent provocateur of “Intelligence Service” Karatzaferis, and “PA.SO.K.” is provoking
  • ignition of the Balkan War of “B.A.S.T.R.” against Greece and
  • a global war between “US.E.J.” (USA – Europe – Japan) and “T.I.M.” (Tibet – India – Mongolia) against “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) or “Shanghai Pact”, 
with purpose the annihilation of Greece and Russia.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 31 October 2010

Subject: National, and biological, and geostrategic security of “USA”, European countries, Canada, India, Israel, Buddhist countries of Asia, Sunni Islamic countries, and countries of South America.  Excepting the philo-Chinese, the philo-Shiite and the philo-Iranian countries, Slovenia and countries of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania). 

Given that both China and Pakistan have nuclear weapons.  Therefore, military union of “TU.S.I.PA.C.” (Turkey – Syria – Iran – Pakistan – China) with the existing “B.A.S.T.R.” axis up to Islamic Slovenia and the philo-Turkish Turkgenic Azerbaijan, will mean the end of Russia, Greece, Balkan and European countries. 

Please inform yourself by the previous geostrategic documents of G.H.Rees, published in the webpage “Hellen and Chaos” ( and, concerning geostrategic axles:
  • “US.E.J. – 666” (Western Trilateral: USA – Europe – Japan), 
  • “R.I.C. – 888” (Eastern Trilateral: Russia – Islam - China), 
  • “T.I.M. – 666” (Tibet – India - Mongolia), 
  • “B.A.S.T.R.” (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania), 
  • “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongols), 
  • “C.K. 888 – 777” (China – Korea). 
The stupid, criminal, and obsolete pacts of “NATO” and “SEATO” should immediately be broken up and replaced on the same day by a coalition pact between USA, Europe, Russia, India, Israel, Buddhist countries of Asia, and Sunni Islamic Countries.  Of course, the countries of “B.A.S.T.R.” and Islamic Slovenia should be excluded.


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 03 December 2010

Circles of impenitent Hebrew-Saxon Republican members of parliament and senators, in collaboration with other impenitent Hebrew-Saxons of the American ‘’NSA’’, are stalwart supporters at the primary Hebrew-rabbi and Chinese plan for provocation of the third world war through attack of the armies of ‘’NATO’’ and ‘’US.E.J.’’ (USA – Europe – Japan) against the armies of ‘’R.I.C.’’ (Russia – Islam – China).  The result is a final genocide of five billion people of all races and nations by the armies of China and North Korea, with purpose the establishment of the Chinese planetary dictatorship ‘’Kingdom of Jehovah’’.  These same circles of impenitent Hebrew-Saxons have plans to murder the American president Obama, because of the openings of peace which he did towards Russia. 

Monday, 26 September 2016

Retreat of Zeus

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 13 March 2010

G.H.Rees proved that after the sinking of Atlantis and Aegis in 9,600 B.M.C (Before Mongol Christ), all the Andromedian Gods, Demigods, and Heroes of the Hellenic Dodecatheon tactically retreated from the external surface of Earth into the internal surface of inner Earth, and to the four external planets of our solar system, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.  Retreat followed both the World War between Pelasgian Hellenes and Pelasgian Atlanteans corrupted by lunar Dragonian Chinese and the parallel space war between Dragonians and Andromedians in local space.  [Here, G.H.Rees states that the Andromedians were defeated by superior Dragonian fire-power from Moon and Lilith war planets.  Elsewhere in Hellen and Chaos, it is stated that the Andromedians were winning the local space war and surprised the Draconians by retreating.  Ed..]

G.H.Rees proved that from those tactical retreat positions, the Andromedians of 1st Dimension of Matter Rarification with flesh just like our own, and those of 2nd Dimension of Matter Rarification namely the Spirits of Gods – Demigods – and Heroes, no longer has access to the external surface of Earth.  There are only two entries into Inner Earth and they are at the north and south poles.  The seven internal planets (with the eighth being Phaethon between Mars and Jupiter, already destroyed by the Dragonians) have Dragonian defensive barriers that forbid entry and exit of Andromedian forces or spirits.  Forcing entry would require a general space war between Andromedians of Saturn and Dragonians at the entrenchment outer limit of the Lunar Starfleet (Jupiter) with flagship Levanhiah/Eva/Leva/Levan/Levaniah/Selene/Selini/Star of Death, satellite of planet Earth. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 25 July 2016

The ancient continent of Atlantis was home to corrupted Bootes-Levanian-Lilithian populations and priesthoods. 

Kronos was the former commander of the star system, based at Saturn, who had earlier joined the revolution against the Andromedians and been defeated by the forces of Zeus.  He later joined forces with YHWH (YaHWeH) and attacked the Andromedian Zeus-Uranus alliance whose starfleet consisted mainly of transport ships and scientific laboratories.  Zeus was forced to retreat in an attempt to avoid a battle that would annihilate all life on planet earth, his fleet breaking-up into three parts:
  • One part entered the poles of the planet (north and south);
  • A second part withdrew to the outer planets of our solar system setting up a defense line at the planet Uranus; 
  • The third part left our solar system to call for reinforcements.
Draconian criminals then attacked each individual inner planet, demanding unconditional surrender. Two planets refused, Hephaistos, situated between the sun and mercury and Phaethon between Mars and Jupiter.  Both were destroyed.  Debris from blown up Hephaistos was sucked into the sun, while Phaethon formed today’s asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.  Some debris, including structures, fell down to earth; old texts talk about a “ sky crying tears of blood”.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 November 2009

A huge rebellion took place in one-third of our galaxy about 1.5 million years ago, led by the treasonous system commander, Cronus/Kronos (see Hesiod's Theogony).  Remnants of the Alpha Draconis and E-Bootus systems entered Earth's solar system around 11,500 B.C. [I understand that entry and first attempted Earth orbit was actually near 20,000 B.C. and successful Earth orbit was put at 11,434 B.C..  Ed..].  The battle between Zeus-Uranus and Levan-Saturn(Moon/Selene-Cronus) ended with the retreat of Zeus, to avoid total destruction of life on Earth.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 15 February 2013

Revelation 12:4, refers to the landing of Anunnaki and the "Hyperborean" or Saturnian mutineers onto our planet.  They are imposters, crews of Sin/Sion/Jedai, pseudo-Zeus, and the pseudo-Dodecatheon.  This set up was arranged by the supreme luna(r)tic con artist of the moon, so that without resistance, White Andromedian nations of the planet will hand over all ammunition to the Earthly Draconian Chinese and Koreans. 

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Reptilian Selenian Draconian astrofleet

From Hellen and Chaos' blog,Thursday 23 February 2012

(See the research of the Scottish astronomer Duncan Lunan (Luna!), the findings of the Russian Academies Vasin and Serbakov, the leakes of officers of NASA/JPL in the book of Don Wilson ‘Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon’, the research of G.H.Rees, and the books and research of Raymond Drake, etc).

The spaceships of Zeus (‘Flying Chariots of Gods’) are called ‘Vimanas’ by the Indian Dravidians and had mainly scientific responsibilities.  They were prevailing in their local space war with the reptilians, despite being outnumbered by the larger pirate attackers of the Selenian astrofleet that comprised mainly:
A) The flagship Selene (‘Star of Death’ hybrid ‘void’ ship of titanium and zirgon).
B) The flagship Lilith (dark glossy Planet of War), which around 9,600 B.C. ( or b.D.C. = before Draconian Christ) when Atlantis and Aegis sank, moved behind Senene in a Selene-synchronous orbit, so that the three bodies of the Earth – Selene – Lilth are in a straight line (see Kabbalah).
C) Around 118 much smaller ships made of titanium.

To make things worse, the mutineer supporters of the rebel Andromedian-Cronian Saturn managed to escape from Tartara, their prison.  They arranged an unholy alliance with the Draconians of Selene against the Celestials of Zeus.  After that, major monotheistic religions referred to El Sentai with Saturn-Sabbaoth as a single ‘Universal Creator God’ (Big Draconian hoax for Selenian religious contol): Master Yahweh/YHWH (Sentai in Mongolian-Hebrew or Tzentai-Tzent-Jade in Chinese) and as Master Sabbaoth (Saturn). 

After that point, the Earth came under the complete control of the Reptilian Draconian mutineers and their allies, the treasonous Andromedian mutineers of Saturn (Sabaoth).

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 04 June 2016

Raiding by bandit spaceships of the mutinous constellation of Draco took place twenty-thousand Earth years ago, led by the supposedly invincible, multinamed war planet Levan-Levanhiah or Selene-Moon.  Twenty-thousand years ago, this flagship of the Draconian astrofleet made its first unsuccessful attempt to orbit planet earth.  Its second attempt was successful, some thirteen-and-a-half thousand years ago. 

Due to the abnormal, unnatural increased mass concentration of the Moon+Earth “duo”, our planet is constantly going into a shrinking, spiraling orbit towards the sun.  Instead, it should have the normal expanding orbit of all heavenly bodies in the universe.  This shrinking orbit will eventually cause earth to crash into our sun. 

Friday, 23 September 2016

Religious Polarity Policy

A favourite technique of Freemasons is to sew discord for purposes of dividing their enemies against each other and thereby weakening them.  Nowhere have they been more successful than in causing and sponsoring religious wars through polarising religions against each other; a process that requires highly placed, controlled clergy. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 14 December 2009

Χ.Α.Ν. (YMCA) is a non-governmental organization and Christian movement.  It is present in more than one-hundred-and-ten countries and was founded in 1844, London England.

Although presented as “Christians”, they have a theosophical comparative new age gnostic infrastructure, coordinated with M.R.A. 666 (Mundana Religio Adunata or Global Unified Religion or Maitreya Religion of Gaia Worship), which is a great cornerstone for the religious polarity policy of Hong and A.O.A. between the axles
  • US.E.J. (USA – Europe – Japan), 
  • intermediate T.I.M. (Tibet – India – Mongolia external), and 
  • orthodox 777+888 R.I.C. (Russia – Islamic Nations – Sin,Sion,Zion,China + Korea), 
for the instigation of jihad - a holy third world war, Armageddon.  That is also the reason why X.A.N. choose new age patriarch Bartholomew for the position of honorary president.  He is also a major player of religious polarity policy with the primary role of converting the orthodox Christianism of Greece and Greeks into the new age M.R.A. Maitreya 666 Gaia worship religion, through Sufism and a bizarre mix of christianity and pagan dodecatheonism. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 09 February 2012

The powers of Freemasonry's theosophicals, 666 and philosophicals, 888 are to be equalised, so that they could completely annihilate each other at Armageddon.  As Satan and God followers respectively, they are religiously polarised against each other. 

Religious Polarity Policy is backed by a retroactively effective and impossible Old Testament order of "Racial Purity" to the Judeans and Samarians, namely that they never be contaminated with the sperm of the White race - of course, as Yellow-White Mongols they were from the start!  Breach of Sin's rediculous demand will excuse genocide of the Judeans and Sumarians. 

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Religion (See also "Israelites, three branches" and "A.MH.C.")

Pat Robertson praying, his hands in the familiar mana cornuta, international sign of Satan.
(Taken from Eustace Mullins)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 02 July 2011

Hellen and Chaos decided to join pseudo-Greeks in mock praise of their genocidal false god, the Chinese Dragon - Jade of the Moon.  The emperor god, Jade of Taoism 666, is the supreme god of the ancient Chinese emperors and China! 

Hallelujah to the Chinese Emperors who genocided the Greeks - Yavanas - Yunan, as the Jewish-Mongol Giscard d’Estaing confessed.  Long live the Hebrew-Mongols like d’Estaing who keep on genociding Greeks guided by the new “Chinese Emperors”.

Long live the Chinese Emperors and their mandarin wise men.  They founded Christianity, China’s prehistoric religion from which Judaism and Islam originates, the weapon of mental annihilation and Greek population reduction.

Long live the pseudo-Greek Emperors of Byzantium, for it was they who applied d’Estaing’s Chinese imperial tool, Christianity, to genocide the Greeks of the mainland.  They brought the Mongol hordes in and around the Greek mainland in return for their Christianizing. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 14 December 2009

Χ.Α.Ν. (YMCA) is a non-governmental organization, a Christian movement present in more than one-hundred-and-ten countries.  It was founded in 1844 in London, England. 

Although presented as “Christians”, the YMCA has a theosophical comparative new age gnostic infrastructure (See: Zeitgeist).  It is coordinated with M.R.A. 666 (Mundana Religio Adunata or Global Unified Religion or Maitreya Religion of Gaia Worship), a great cornerstone for the religious polarity policy of Hong and A.O.A. between
  • New Age M.R.A. 666 axles US.E.J. (USA – Europe – Japan), the
  • in-between new age axis T.I.M. (Tibet – India – Mongolia external) and the 
  • orthodox 777+888 R.I.C. axis (Russia – Islamic Nations – Sin/Sion/Zion/China + Korea) 
for the instigation of jihad a holy 3rd world war or Armageddon.

Notice the emblem of X.A.N., the downward pointing equilateral triangle.  The same emblem can be found in theosophical black magic rituals, in England! 

Theosophy and parallel Rosicrucian organizations (black masonry) are the highest Masonic infrastructure of all Satanic sects and neo-gnostic religions and political movements such as Nazism.  All originate from Dragonian Chinese secret societies and Zen's Tibetan-Indian White and Black Brotherhood monasteries.

During a black theosophical ritual, an English priestess of black magic holds red candles between the symbols of a downward pointing equilateral triangle and the Egyptian ANKH “T” or the “Cross of Life”.

The downward pointing equilateral triangle is emblematic of all theosophical lodges.  When combined with the upward pointing equilateral triangle of philosophical lodges, the cabbalistic hexagram or Sino-Zionistic Star of David is produced (△+▽=✡), which represents the collusion of Yahweh – Tamil (and Andromedian traitor Cronus).  Their higher purpose is the instigation of schizophrenic ideological paranoia and civil war within and between Andromedian Whites (Skyling Uranides) and indigenous Sirian Blacks. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 09 December 2009

Here explained are the etymologies of the Hellenic words “Theós” (god) and “Thriskeia” (religion).  All today religions, without exception, corrupted and abused those two concepts under the instructions of Yahweh and Tamil. 

The Hebrew-Mongolian establishment reduced the word to “therapwn” which means “a voluntary servant” of a King or a Priest.  In Hellas of 30.000 B.C., “religion” meant “Saltation learning of the Sciences of the Gods”. 

We override the falsified etymologies and give the true etymology, “thew” means “run”, “fly”, “cruise”.  The word “Theós” in its first use, referred to “runners and flyers with ships-chariots of Gods”.  “Theontes" being "Gods with extreme speeds” through technology.)

For the Hellenic Trwskein (religion) the “scientific examination of the higher” makes accepted the existence of “Gods” who “théoyn” or run without technology.  Those natural theontes (Gods) are determined as “Logos” (Words) such as planetary, solar, galactic logos etc..  (By contrast, there are the Théontes (Gods) that use ship technology.)  Natural Théontes cannot choose course, but move in orbits determined by natural laws.

The Universal Logos as a supreme intelligent being contains within its Organism or Universe, all the partial “Natural Théontes (Gods)” = planets – solar systems – galaxies – nebula etc.  Although it is the Supreme Being, it is not a “God” because it doesn’t “Théei”, meaning it doesn’t run or move to any direction.  Outside of its barriers exists only inert dodecahedral space without kinetic energy or pressure of radiation in any direction of the Universe.

The Hebrew-Mongolian establishment, by naming “God” as the Supreme Being, undermined God down to the level of “Gods” or “running” stellar inspissations, its body having organs for its functions.  This explanation is analogous to naming a human “corpuscle” or “microbe”, by reducing the container down to the content.

The same humiliation of the Supreme Being was attempted by the Judean-Christian religion, which without shame teaches that the “only son of the One God, Christ, was incarnated into the womb of an earthling”.  If the Supreme Being/Universe … had a Son, the Son would also be a Universe, with the same dimensions as the parent Universe.  Anyway, the Son Universe must exist outside of the body/space of Father Universe   So, the Son Universe must zero its Mass of Matter, scattered across trillions of light years, and reduce its size to that of a human spermatozoon before exiting from one opening of the Father Universe in order to reach the pudenda of miss Mary.  Paranoid priesthoods have preached about Gods that enter and exit pudenda, which has undermined Hellenes into a people who worship pudenda and spermatozoan of Gods.

The crews of Yahweh Selene (Levaniah – Moon) and his colluding subordinate, Tamil of Lilith,  were ordered by Yahweh to degenerate the Earth until the dissolution of its nations that left behind the “Gods”, after their departure in 16.000 B.C..  Devilish Tamil forces have ever since led the instigation of wars, ecological damage, prostitution, drugs, crime, illness, and economic dissolution, whereas the forces of Yahweh-Christ found organizations and religions that claim peace, restoration of morality, ecology, and eternal life with economic prosperity brought by the little Christ (socialist).  Perfect theatrical entertainment for the goyim! 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 11 May 2012

Carriers of Williams syndrome exhibit the behaviour of countryless fanatical anti-racists and anti-nationalists.  A result of DNA abnormalities and not a particular religion.

In order for crimes against Hellenism, humanity and in general the Universal Organism to take place, there are creeds of ‘’victims’’ who do not resist and who believe in their genociders.  There are also established creeds of ‘’victimisers’’.  Followers of these two creeds are entitled to ‘’inherit the Kingdom of God’’, conquering and annihilating infidel followers of other religions to the degree of genocide. 

Of course, all the religions of the world are Satanic constructs.  However, Satanism is more sincere than Christianity, which is the most insidious, dangerous, and crypto-Satanic of all.  Ousting Satan through the door and allowing him to enter via the window.  Christianity talks of ‘’godification’’ and ‘’resurrection’’, but actually leads to the demolition of individuals and societies. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 16 August 2010

All Earth's religions of the external surface were formed by tele-energy and Lunar emissions with Lilith's collusion.  Since 10,000 B.C.. until today, these enemies have falsely impersonated the forces of Zeus.  After this time, the “Religion of Zeus” of classical Greece was entirely mutated from the absolute original Throskein. 

There is a principle of conduct for people to live by, the so-called Universal Criterion of Proposition - Denial, which says: "...Live until self-sacrifice in order to take care of the Universal Organism's physical functions, of which you are a micro-organism.  Do not live in order to have as a supreme purpose your individual survival and the creation of your individual vital space". 

We do not have to analyze why the Criterion is making useless the present dogmas of ALL religions.  Exposing them as imperfect, unfinished, insufficient, contradictory, and completely contrariwise to the natural functions of the supreme God, namely of the Universal Intelligent Living Organism (Pan/Panas).

The above mentioned full Criterion of 60 neo-Greek (translated to English) Words, is the whole Holy Scripture for conscious humans, as Members or Micro-Organisms of the Universal Organism.  They should therefore abolish and recant as useless and contrary, all the Terran Religions and “Holy Scriptures” of lunar influence.

The Criterion requires heroic self-sacrifice as a way of life in favor of the
  • family of the house, 
  • family of the city, 
  • family of the race, 
  • family of fauna and flora, namely Zoology and Phytology of the Planet, 
  • integrity of the Intelligent Cell Gaia of our Planet from criminal actions, such as
    • mining of raw materials,
    • nuclear explosions,
    • poison of the surface and underground water resources,
    • burning and destruction of forests as skin of the planet,
  • the honor of the Supreme Zenos or Zeus, namely of the Supreme Universal Living (Zen) Universal Organism.  This honour is brutalized by the counterfeiters, the false impersonator “gods” of all religions, who without exception appear as annihilators, flesh eaters, blood drinkers, and bandits.  As false “universal gods”, they have brought lies, injustice, and blame to the honour and way of conduct of the true Universal God. 

Individuals of the Universal Organism can request assistance from within it.  A non-justifiable request is that which has as a primary purpose some personal gain, such as enrichment, glory, satisfaction of passions etc..  For example, entities of the local Universal Hierarchy do not guard Mr. Toulatos, “Leader of (the fake) Christiano-Dodecatheist Religion of Zeus”. 

Further reading:
Restored etymologies of the Hellenic words “Theós”(God) and “Thriskeia”(Religion)


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 19 June 2011

Concerning collusion between Elohim and Nephilim...

Between pages 225 – 235 of the book “Hollow Earth” (by Pantelis Yannoulakis) there are thirteen paragraphs.  Only some of them are true.  Where the name “Nephilim” is written, it should be replaced with a phrase: “In collusion Elohim and Nephilim of the Moon”, since above eighteenth degree in Freemasonry they collude. 

Their purpose is the genocide of the Pelasgian (White) nations (and of the Black Race) under the diachronic accusation of thousand years that “While they have known God, they made an alliance with the Devil 666”, etc..  (Another lie is that Armageddon is a massive White+Black race genocide scheme of Christ vs Antichrist.)  Lunarian Nephilim distorted pre-lunar Andromedian science into the completely paranoid “dodecatheon religion” of ancient Greece, wherein the pre-lunar science academies were distorted to holy oracles of spiritualism, channeling, and enchantment of stoned priests and priestess mediums.

Lunaroids decided to force their “Religion of Judeo-Christianity”, simply ordering the Lunaroid (2D) Nephelim to stop presenting to the Hellenic holy oracles [by role-playing and defaming the Zeus Dodecatheon].  Thus, the remains of the Hellenic galactic Andromedian civilization on Earth (external surface) collapsed, due to treason from the inside.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 19 August 2016

The city of ‘’Astana’’ in Kazakhstan was programmed by the five mutineers (Members of fifty-two solar systems of four constellations with forces from rebellious Cronian-Andromedian Saturn.) to become the second centre of “Anti-Christ 666” (Empire 666/New World Order 666) after Constantinople.  The city of “Astana” will be the centre of the ‘’Touranian’’, that is Russian-Mongolian empire of suicidal idiot Dugin, counsellor of president Putin.

It has been programmed that in the third phase of WWIII, the ‘’Christian‘’ axis of Korea 777-China 888 will meet the pan-Touranian, pan-Mongolian axis of ‘’Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongolia" with its mixed religion of “Samanism 666’’ (white and black magic) and Christianity.  The Touranian-Mongolian axis 666 of “J.T.H.S.M’’ will be genocided in this religious war.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 25 July 2016

The White race (pelasgians code named Hellenes; a therapeutic civilising Andromedian race) was present in the northern parts of Earth for 3.5 million years (as written in the chronicles of the Dogon race of Mali africa, who were the first to have established contact with them).  Following reptilian disembarkation to Atlantis, the first signs of religion began to emerge, beginning with worship of Seth, the serpent god.  The Draconians, along with their integrated allies, managed to convert the pelasgians against their own kind in Europe, Hesperia (modern day America), and Asia.  In 9,700 B.C., they secretly started to assemble advanced technology and military troops, in order to massively invade neighbouring continents and enforce their new world order. 

YHWH and his forces managed to set up a basic system of Planetary Government in 5,619 B.C..  Pelasgian memories of the universal functions of Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena etc., were impersonated from that moment on and converted into the dodecatheon by officers of the military troops of rebel-traitor Kronos (of Saturn)-Savvaoth.  Following that, and after a number of extensive genetic experiments, the Draconians commenced their master plan of integrating remaining populations.  By cross-breeding the Vrill (short, big-headed, big black-eyed, skinny aliens) with Cronian Andromedians, they created a completely new species: the Yellow race.  This new species disembarked on the arid barren territories of Mongolia/Siberia in 4.000 B.C. (when religions speak of the coming of Adam and Eve). 

Monday, 19 September 2016

References (by title)

Proklos (Proclus) No.9
Apocrypha of Enoch, The.
Arcadians, The” by historian-geographer Pausanias. 
Book: Roger Garaudy's “Basic Myths of Israeli Foreign Policy”. 
Book: Faurisson's “Jewish Holocaust, lie and truth”. 
Plato, Kritias 108.
Book: Verner Gerson “Nazism: Secret Society” about the “DECLINE/ACCESSION” doctrine of the Masonic hyperlodge +/-A.O.A London: recommended by G.H.Rees. 
Plato, Timaios 24.
Timaion 41, 283, 11 Erman Diels translation. 
Book: Hebrew Zionist organisation of the chief-rabbis Barouch of the ‘USA’, ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’, titled ‘Your Will Be Done’, Chapter IA’ (11), subtitled ‘The Latest Time’, numbered paragraphs 68-71.
Red Jews/Red Shield/Shield of Hong

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 October 2011

Member of Hong and apparently Tiandihui was the infamous communist super-criminal Mao Tse Toung or Mao Zedong, who killed without over forty million of his "own" Chinese to enforce the Red «Hong» Chinese communist dictatorship.  The socialist Kuo-Min-Tang (political movement Hong) was founded by the then obvious leader of Hong, Soon-Jan-sen, or Sun Wen (1868-1925).  Kuo-Min-Tang supposedly ruptured, creating a left-communist Kuo-Min-Tang and a defeated right-nationalist Kuo-Min-Tang.  In fact Hong drove the global geostrategic shift to impose communism in the Eastern block and throughout communist rule in China, where the dictatorial central "communists" have held an official position until today.

This party is called the China Zhi Gong Party,, with strong international connections in the U.S. and around the world!  Since then the Chinese are called "Red Chinese" i.e. the Chinese of Hong.  Hence, the flag of China (hides a hidden crescent moon and) is mainly red, like the flag of the communist Soviet Union and China's ally, Mongolian Turkey (with a crescent moon)!  Also, "Red Jews" constitute a "red shield" or "Shield of Hong".  They are Hazaro-Mongolian international bankers, super-rich criminal usurers, like Rothschild, who played an important role in assisting the Soviet and Chinese communist revolutions.  Ask yourself, Dear Reader, what the Chinese would do to you if they do not even care for their own race or the planet they destroy ecologically in the name of 'development'.  The Chinese care about nothing but establishing their planetary dictatorship! 

But why is the flag of "Red Jew" Mongol Rothschild Israel two interlaced triangles?  In summary, this is alludes to the collusion of right and left hand paths or Ankara and Sambala (Zen hyper-lodge's White & Black brotherhoods of Tibet-India)  For Hong to effectively run Western Freemasonry and dismantle White and Black Western nations, existing lodges are divided:
  • Positive, 888, philosophical lodges following the right hand path or point-up triangle of "good god".  
  • Negative, 666, theosophical Nazi lodges following the left hand path or point-down triangle of "evil satan".  
Of course, these are two sides of the same Draconian coin administered by hyper-lodge Hong, which is capable of reversing the colluding "opposite" poles: Inherently good to bad and evil to good.  Hence, the opposites of Hong are notionally different arms of the same body, directed by the head that is Draconian Hong under the ultimate Draconian Moon.  As Heracletus said, "the opposites are the same". 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 30 September 2012

Some limited infotainment for my reader:
The American Dream, Part 1,
The American Dream, Part 2

The entertaining video is at first glance good enough to painfully awaken Americans, Greek-Americans, and neo-Greeks from their sleep in which they consider the “FED” and “Bank of Greece” to be state-owned!  On deeper analysis, the video shows only the international banking cartel: The Rothschild octopus (Red Shield) as allegedly the hyper-dominator of the planet.

In fact, China is encircling the entire planet without major obstacles and unfortunately, the activists do not mention this.  The Mongol-hebrew Rothschild (Khazars) are just goons, lackey's of China 888.  With their Mongol Hebrew-Saxon accomplices who are also obedient to China, they conquered the White nations of the West.  Now, this Hebrew-Mongol collective “son” plans to gradually deliver the baton of power, wealth and global authority to the genocidal Dragonian Chinese “Fathers”.  [Currently, China pressures the Mongolian hordes against the West for denudation, assimilation and finally enslavement of the White Andromedian race “Tiger” the Black Sirian Race.]  The Chinese will then finally annihilate all non pure-Yellow races, especially because Mongols potentially threaten the Central Command of Chinese overlodge Hong over the entire Planet and China.  For example study the reason for construction of the Sinic Great Wall. 


“Red Shield” refers to red Khazar-Hebrew Mongols that serve red communist China and overlodge Hong/Hung.  Hong/Hung translates as red, the color for recognition of totalitarian dictatorship power and the blood of the goyim.  Overlodge Hong is essentially the historical continuation and modern form of the first pure Dragonian Chinese emperors and their Mandarins of the Ming Dynasties who painted their eyebrows red. 

Saturday, 17 September 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 20 November 2012

Gentlemen of the governments of Russia – " U.S.A. " – " E.U. ",

G.H.Rees has arbitrarily named your last geopolitics and geostrategic Russian – Atlantic pact as " R.A.T.I.O. ", namely "Russian – Atlantic – Treaty of International Organization".  The military alliance of Moscow, Washington D.C., and Brussels against China and North Korea is an alliance resulting from your awakening by G.H.Rees texts and "Ellhnandchaos" blog ( about the intentions and plans of China for the violent break-up of your states and establishment of planetary Chinese dictatorship.

We congratulate you for your decisions that lead to the informal establishment of "R.A.T.I.O.", but we are not satisfied with the slow progress and contradictory equivocations.  We have become suspicious that the establishment of "R.A.T.I.O." is a systematic geostrategic and geopolitics bluff with which you are attempting to
  • paralyze the geopolitics and geostrategic departments of of G.H.Rees, and 
  • anaesthetize and to paralyze the reactions of the readers of the internet against the above oncoming planetary Chinese dictatorship or "Kingship of Jehovah" and
    • genocide of five billion humans of White, Black, and Mongolian races by the armies of
      • "B.A.S.T.R." ( Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania ),
      • "R.I.C." ( Russia – Islam – China ),
      • "C.J.T.H.S.M." ( China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrew – Saxons – Mongols ) and finally,
      • "C.K." (China – Korea ). 
G.H.Rees wishes you to verify that you will
  • establish within the countries of "R.A.T.I.O." and underdeveloped countries of Asia and Africa, industries with potency of production which will balance and substitute fully all the industrial products exported from China to all the other states of the planet.
  • cease any trade or other transaction between "R.A.T.I.O." nations and
    • China,
    • the axis "TU.S.I.PA.C." ( Turkey – Syria – Iran – Pakistan – China ), especially Turkey, and
      • expressly forbid your defence industries from exporting weapons or military technology to China, Turkey, or the novel axis "TU.S.I.PA.C.", except where there are
        • guarantees that some member of the axis "TU.S.I.PA.C." has disengaged from it and from China's plans against the West. 

Russia wants to understand what is the NATO “European Antiballistic Shield”
Comment: The antiballistic system is a Westerner diplomatic invitation toward Russia, for the formation of the common novel axis “RATIO” against China & “TU.S.I.PA.C.”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 03 December 2010

Subject: Proposals of the Geostrategic Analysis Department of G.H.Rees Greece towards the Russian Government for the acceleration of the co-administration procedures of ‘’NATO’’ by American, European, and Russian politicians and military officers and the conversion of today’s criminal ‘’NATO’’ to ‘’RATIO’’ (Russian – Atlantic Treaty International Organization) or ‘’Eu.R.Asi.Af.Am.’’ (Europe – Russia – Asia – Africa – America). 

Honorable gentlemen, politicians and military officers:

A new council of ‘’NATO’’, ‘’U.S.A.’’ – Russia – and the states of Europe will covenant that the armies of the new ‘’NATO’’ (‘’RATIO’’ or ‘’EU.R.ASI.AF.AM.’’) will on absolutely no account invade Chinese land, whether justifiable or unjustifiable.  The armies of the new ‘’NATO’’ will not invade China to
  • ‘’liberate the Turks Uyghur’’, or 
  • ‘’liberate Tibet from China’’, or 
  • ‘’liberate the Inner Mongolia from China’’, or 
  • ‘’protect the human rights in China’’, or 
  • ‘’protect the minorities of China’’, or 
  • for any other rickety or true account.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Race (and Race War)

Race war is the nub of Hellen and Chaos, namely the process of turning Earth into an exclusively Chinese and Korean populated planet - Jehovah's Kingdom.  In a limited way, I have dared broach the subject here, believing that Hell and Chaos (this blog) covers the rest in other posts. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 27 September 2015
There are historical and religious proofs from the Draconian's “Holy” Bible which conceals Chinese geostrategics under a mask of theology.  It shows that under the strict criterion of Dragonian Chinese racial purity, China will butcher
  • the White race pseudo-Hebrew Ashkenazim (Askanians) of Israel (90% of Israel's population)
  • Mongol-Hebrew leaders (Sephardim, Khazars, Saxons Lords of “AOA”, Baruch arch-Rabbis “Kings of the Jews”of Benen Berith, Rothschild, etc) and 
  • all other White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongols of the planet after deviously using them for the complete extermination of White and Black races. 
Dragonian pure yellow Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinou/Sinese indicated in “Genesis C – 15”, his intention for “Future annihilation of the Sperm of Zeus – Devil – Snake” (note: See parallel statement in “John’s Revelation” about Pergamos as the “throne of Satan – Devil - Snake”, from where the Maximum Altar of Zeus was transferred to Berlin).  “Sperm of Zeus” refers to Greeks - Hellenes and other White Pelasgian nations condemned to be genocided by the Dragonian pure Yellow sperm of the Dragonian Moon (Levanah - Levan – Leva - Eva), namely the Chinese.  

There have been intermarriages between the pure-Yellow Dragonian race, the hostile White Andromedian race of Zeus (also labelled “Satanic” because Satan means “the gainsayer” in the Hebrew Language), and with the hostile Black Sirian race (“Cursed Ham”).  This intermixed Mongolian sperm is impure “bastard” Mongolian sperm that produces a schizophrenic inclination to genocide original pure sperms/races.  In other words, White-Yellow Mongols like Hebrews and Saxons and Mongolian Black-Yellows are automatically inclined to genocide the pure 
  • Yellow Dragonian Chinese sperm, 
  • White Andromedian sperm (Whites Pelasgians), and 
  • Black Sirian sperm, namely Black Aboriginals.
Of course, Dragonian biologists of space lunar medicine already knew what French biologists discovered in the 1930's, that people originating from intermarriage of the three main races, Whites, Blacks, and Yellows, are inborn 
  • schizo-intellectual (schizophrenic), 
  • schizo-emotion (Luna-tic),
  • schizo-body (regular diseases), and 
  • with an tendancy to murder their pure race genitors.
So, because Hebrews, Saxons and other Mongols not only have inborn tensions to genocide without reason the White and the Black races, but have the same toward the pure-Yellow Chinese (“Doberman syndrome”).  Therefore it is certain that the Chinese will genocide all White and Black Mongols of the semi-axis “Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongolians”, with the first annihilated being Hebrews, Judeans, and Hebrew-Saxons.
The “Old Testament” books of the “Holy (Dragonian) Scripture” are abound with orders of the type:
  • “Do not intermarry with the sperm of the Palestinian White Hellenes”, and 
  • “You will not be contaminated with the sperm of the White Palestinians Hellenes through marriage with them”. 
Those orders were and are without meaning if addressed towards Mongol Israelites and Judeans (Jadeans of the deity Jude-Jade, supreme Chinese “Emperor Jade”) because they result from intermarriage between White and Yellow races.  Since their inception, they were already intermixed and “contaminated” with “DNA”, “Chromosomes”, and genetic cellular memory of the “Satanic – hostile – gainsayer” White race - “sperm of Zeus, the Devil”.  Therefore, orders against inter-breeding were always to be used as “violated Chinese orders on racial purity” in order to justify a moral alibi “by the grace of the Chinese God Jade-Jude” for genocide of impure Judeans, Saxons, and other Mongols.  Violation of the law of “racial purity” has retroactive effect to the time of the creation of Mongols, since they alway had pre-existing, irrevocable “contamination” with sperm of the “Satanic” White and Black races.  Thus, the captious Lunar Dragonian “Jehovah” has deviously subverted the survival of Judeans and Saxons (Israelites of Samaria) in the forthcoming genocide by the pure Yellow Dragonian Chinese of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinai/Sina/China. 

In 1840, Hebrew-Saxon Mongols invaded China to sell opium-heroin to the Chinese, the invasion ended with a temporary occupation of Beijing that year.  To take revenge, China will annihilate the Mongolian Judeans and Israelites/Saxons, along with all other Mongolians of the planet (in the Chinese “Armageddon”). 

This expected genocide of Hebrew Judeans, Hebrew-Saxons, and rest Mongols by the Chinese, is represented as "genocide of the 'Son/Jesus Christ' by the 'Father/Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinai/Sina/China' and the 'Father/Saturn/Savaoth'".  It is proved imminent by “very bad signs” in popular expression, including that the “Central Bank” of “USA”, property of the Rockefeller private Hebrew international bankers, sold public debt and mortgages of the “USA” to the “Central Bank of China”.  Also sold was mortgaged real estate, public buildings, governmental buildings, and public land of the American public domain. 

If China demands from the International Monetary Fund, payout of the above mentioned American public debt in any metal or products, the American Government will not be able to pay and will have to allow China to confiscate
  • American governmental buildings, 
  • the White House, 
  • American ministries, 
  • American common benefit services, 
  • buildings of the
    • American police, 
    • American secret services, and
    • American military bases. 
In case “USA” refuses to deliver the above mentioned public properties for confiscation by Chinese “Court Criers”, China gains the legal right under international law to declare war against “USA”.  Such war would devastate “USA”, leading to it being genocided by more advanced Russian war technology; also delivered to the Chinese:
  • “S-400” air-defense systems, 
  • 850 km/h subsonic torpedoes, 
  • superior aircraft - “Sukhoi-27” up to “Sukhoi-47”, 
  • antigravity and ion engine aircraft (pseudo-UFO or “cosmospheres”) capable of exiting the atmosphere, etc..

Friday, 9 September 2016

Rabbis Burowgs (Baruch)

Jewish Chief Rabbis of "USA".

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 07 August 2012

The third world war is designed by the masonic over-lodge “Hong” of China, the Jewish-Saxon masonic overlodges “AOA” + “OTO” of London, and by the Jewish chief rabbis Burowgs (Baruch) of “USA”. 

Your excellencies and officers of armed forces of all countries on the planet...

  • Greek Americans of American agencies, 
  • Greek Russians of Russian agencies and Russian military forces, 
  • dissident military officers of former Soviet Republics of the Eastern USSR (now members of the Pact of Shanghai) via Greeks in Uzbekistan etc, 
  • masonic objectors both inactive (sleepers) and active in the USA-England-Greece and other countries, 
  • Jewish and Saxon objectors, university instructors as members of the American “NSA” “National Security Agency” as main executive body of the 3rd World War, 
  • prostitutes of Shanghai, China whose “customers” are loquacious Chinese generals and politicians, via Greek seamen gone through the harbor of Shanghai and 
  • sources that are not to be named in this telegram for security and survival of those people, 
the department of “Incoming Information” of G.H.Rees has collected and processed information to do with the outburst, conduct, and final purpose of World War Three, planned by the Chinese masonic planet over-lodge “Hong” of China and carried out by
  • masonic over-lodges of the West, “AOA” and “OTO” of London in cooperation with the 
  • “planetary kings” of the Jews, chief rabbis Burowgs – Baruch, 
  • chiefs of the American Pentagon, 
  • “NSA”, and 
  • American government's of masonic-puppet straw-men politicians of the “USA”, “Democrats” and “Republicans”. 
World war three is planned by
  • Chinese “Hong”, 
  • Hebrew-Saxon “AOA” and “OTO” of London, 
  • chief rabbi “kings” Burowgs – Baruch of the “USA” (MTM), 
  • the collusive crypto-Jewish Shiite Iranian priesthood, and 
  • collusive crypto-Jewish government regime of Iran [remember the crypto-Jewish President of Iran: agent provocateur Ahmadinejad, who conspired with the Burroughs – Baruch chief rabbis of the USA for the slaughter of Iranian-Persian people by the Hebrew-Saxon “NATO” and China]. 
The inception of WWIII will happen in Iran, so as to give China the geostrategic alibi to attack “NATO” for the total genocide and slaughter of the armies and civilians of the countries members of “NATO”. (Readers will be aware of Greek Government involvement with "NWO 666" and so this claim on Iran seems less likely now, in September 2016.  Ed..)  Behold the public threats of Chinese generals to the mass media that: “If “NATO” conducts military attack against Iran, this will give the Chinese army and the armies of the “Pact of Shanghai” or "R.I.C." axis (Russia-Shiite Islam-China) reason to attack the armies of “NATO” and this will be the occasion for the Third World War.”

Considering the overthrow of the regime of Syrian President Assad who threatens to ruin the planning of Chinese “Hong”, the American “Pentagon” [as puppet of Burowgs – Baruch] ordered Turkish defence to provoke a military incident within the territorial sea of Syria by flying two photo-spy “Phantom/RF-4E” Turkish aircraft there.  Tensions will be raised between Turkey and Syria, giving Turkey reason to simultaneously send forces to the borders of Turkey and Syria; the first “signal” for invasion by “NATO” and Turkish armies, from South-East Turkey to Syria.

Concerning Filipe Resler (Philipp Rösler), he is:
  • Vice-chancellor of Germany
  • Chinese of Vietnam
  • member of the Chinese over-lodge “HONG”
  • adopted by the German-Jewish Reslers of Germany. 
As a representative of “Hong”, Resler is to drag all European countries via blackmail and the EU of Brussels (through Hebrew-Mongol leaders: Baroso or Baruch and Van-Robai, also called “lizard”) to world war.  The intention is for USA-European countries-Japan against Russia-Islam-China, so that the latter eliminates armies and civilians of the West and India. 

Israel made a criminal statement against Syria.  Obeying orders of chief rabbis Baruch of the “USA”, Israel made up non-existent planning and intentions of the Syrian regime “to hand over the chemical weapons of Syria to the Palestinians against Israel”.  The plan was to create a false occasion for Israeli and “NATO” armies to invade Syria, from the Golan Heights. 

A criminal act of the Hebrew-Saxon “USA” against Syria: the “USA” sent the aircraft carrier “Eisenhower” and its accompanying ships into the territorial sea of Syria, provoking war due to substantial embargo of Syria by sea.  That is a siege of Syria by criminal planners of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd World Wars, the Jewish chief rabbis Baruch of the “USA” that answers and serves Chinese “HONG”.

Meanwhile, the Russian-Jewish government of Moscow is “intentionally and insidiously sleeping”, confining itself to pacts with the American-Jewish of Washington for protection of the Russian base in Syrian Tartus from expected bombings by “NATO” from “air exclusion zones” in Syria, as demanded by the collusive Mongolian genocide criminal, Turkey.  Behold, the exception of the Russian base in Tartus (Ancient Greek Tartissos) from the air exclusion and bombing against Syria by “NATO”. 

G.H.Rees argues that death by starvation and cold faces tens of millions of Europeans in WWIII, unless the patriot civilian-police officers and military men of Western countries destroy Chinese-obedient Hebrew-Saxon “NATO”.  Unless they immediately overthrow and kill the
  • members of governments of their countries 
  • their masonic generals 
  • their bankers 
who are all Hebrew-Saxons or artificial Hebrew-Saxons i.e. Masons enslaved by Chinese “Hong”, via “AOA” and “OTO” over-lodges of London and chief rabbis Baruch of “USA”. 

Thursday, 8 September 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 November 2009

The top of the pyramidal hierarchy of occupying reptilian forces is located in Levan (the original Draconian name of our moon), the flagship of the Draconian fleet.  It's headquarters is operated by a 24+3 council, of which YHWH (Yahweh) is the ultimate leader.  Hidden behind Levan is Lilith (legends speak of that name as "the mother of demons"), the secondary flagship, ruled by Tamil, known to the scripts as Velzevul, Lucifer, Satan, and Devil.  Two sides of the same coin: The NWO logo is a pyramid with its topcut-off, the lower pyramid is the rule structure down here on Earth (Gaia) and the top part is the hierarchy council in Levan that sees all of us down here. 

N.W.O. dragonian logo:
(the original has a reptilian eye)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 06 December 2012

All but a few "alternative researchers" have shown the Illuminati at the top of the pyramid.  Only G.H.Rees pointed out that the infamous Hong hyper-lodge is at the top of the hierarchy. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 23 February 2012

The Reptilians are a clan of mutineers and thieves who act as a cancer against the Universal Organism.  Initially, millions of years ago, they rebelled against the Universal Law and Order and the Galactic Government/Federation.  Ever since, they have been wandering the Universe like pirates, using initial populations as slave miners (‘Slaves of God’) to remove raw materials and crystals onto the surface of each planet from where they are stolen.  Then, the reptilians genocide their slaves, destroy the planet [translator’s addition: by exploding them], and finally head off to another solar system in order to repeat their hideous crimes and to spread their cancer. 

The reptilian modus operandi is to establish religions and then masonic networks of the mind, false reality, and new world order pyramid-like systems for overmastering the mass people and control the ‘Slaves of God’.  Where populations are loyal to the Galactic Government (e.g. the White Andromedian race), reptilians usually manufacture hybrid beings by means of genetically engineering their DNA.  The results are similar in appearance to the current Draconian Chinese who live on our planet nowadays.  The Draconian hybrids are then integrated into the disobedient populations, gradually genociding and overriding them. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 October 2011

The highest emblem of HONG is the red pyramidal triangular imperial seal.  Here it is shown with five flags representing the five elder monks, Shaolin 'psychics'.  According to legend they were the original founders of hyper-lodge Hong in the form we know of it today. 
The "triads" have been in charge of Earth since antiquity.  Western Freemasonry has its pyramidal management and the triangle of lunar Yahweh ('the eye in triangle') in all masonic lodges, Christian churches, and Jewish synagogues. 

So here is what the "three" means and what the triangle of Western Freemasonry and the Christian churches and rabbinical means...  Put bluntly, it means that Western masons and rabbis give their asses to Chinese Han and Ming emperors and the triangular, pyramidal imperial seal.  They also give their asses to the successors, modern Chinese Ming emperors of the highest Draconian hyper-lodge, Hong, with its highest emblem - the triangular Chinese imperial seal .... or ... Chinese imperial eye in triangle. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 01 November 2011

Excerpt from an article written in February, Raelyan Allan of Rumor Mill News entitled Libya - The Faction Two - The Monarchy - The pedophile Trade New Order Things (666-888-777/1-777/2) - Ancient technology... 

Gunther Russbacher, before he was actually killed indirectly by the government, said that Gaddafi wasn't as he was made to appear by the West for not playing along with the FED (Federal Reserve of USA), its Jewish owners (Rockefeller), and the global conspiracy for the enslavement of humanity.  The Federal Reserve is not part of the government, but part of a global empire that rapes and pillages sovereign states (beginning with the USA), kills their leaders (e.g. Kennedy) and steals everything of value. 

Colonel Gaddafy (according to Gunther that is the correct way to name him.)  said there are seven pyramids in the sand in Libya.  Gaddafy placed Faction Two to guard the pyramids and keep the people of the Federal Reserve away from the technology and the treasures located inside. Things beyond our comprehension. 

Agents of the Crown of England worked overtime to make impossible the economic/political/social change that Faction Two prepares for in April/March 2011.  They believe that secrets of the objects in the buried pyramids will help them defeat the team that destroys them.  We believe that
  • Mainstream media will never tell us the truth about Gaddafy.
  • The City of London is behind the riots.
  • Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood both work for the City of London.
  • The City of London is about to collapse.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 16 January 2013

Mind Control

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 11 April 2012

The article info is allegedly coming from Andromedean contactees that communicate with medium like methods such as “automatic writing” (mind control), but these are not communication methods that true Federal Andromedian forces use.  Instead, ruthless methods of mind control are used by the Draconian/Cronian faction, through Link/Lap/MASER (Microwave Amplification by Stimulation Emission of Radiation) psychotronic technology. 

Humans on Earth have “Dreams”.  G.H.Rees asserts that this is a clear indication of Draconian imprisonment.  “Dreams”, “dream states”, “astral projection”, “lucid dreaming”, and “visions”, etc, all result from manipulated holographic triple link/lap/MASER psychotronic emissions.  The Draconian-Cronian Alliance uses this technology for remotely controlling "zombiefied" terrestrial humans as “Lord’s servants” / “Lunar servants”, with the purpose of serving of lunar geostrategics that will end with (blackmail against the Federal Andromedians) and annihilation of all
  • White Andromedian, 
  • Black indigenous Sirians, and 
  • Mongolians (including Hebrews).  
In other words, annihilation of two-thirds of all people in the Sino-Zionistic motivated Armageddon (See: John’s genocidal Revelations telling of the Draco program).  Afterwards, Earth’s valuable raw materials will be completely removed to the Draconian flagship, the Moon, for use by space bandit pseudo-god Sin-Sion-Zion-Sedi-Jedi-YHWH, the Draco overlord

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 22 April 2012

Information is allegedly coming from Andromedean contactees that communicate with “medium” like methods such as “automatic writing” or “dream states” (mind control).  True Federal Andromedian forces now stationed in Saturn’s orbits have transmitted to G.H.Rees via pure technological methods* that they do NOT use such methods.  The Draconian-Cronian faction does, employing extremely advanced ruthless “mind – mood – body control” manipulators for technological magic: Lunar supercomputers and link/lap/MASER psychotronics. 
*Amplified netrino-NASER beam, namely neutrino telecommunications.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 06 November 2011

David Icke-Isaac started his career by hearing voices in his head which ordered him to do certain actions.  He initially consultied mediums and psychics, all of whom use demonic possession, channeling. As G.H.Rees has revealed, the Draconians are using psychotronic methods which can cause voices inside a victim’s head.  This includes mind control technology that controls the pituitary gland of mediums and psychics, all Draconian agents of the Moon. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 22 February 2013

There is a rabble of pseudo-Andromedians abroad, all fakes like:
  • “The Galactic Federation of Light” with branches in Greece under Greek-Hebrew Koemtzopoulos, 
  • pseudo-Apollonian “Ilarions” of E.N.D. and 
  • others who also continue to receive and transmit hypnotizing and provocative Draconian messages whilst in a zombie-medium state, possessed by Draconian psychotronic technology and invisible reptilian demons of B’ dimension. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 14 March 2010

After the Draconians (more properly referred as Dragonians from the Dragon Asterism) and multiple dimensions, Icke speaks clearly about a “Moon Matrix” as their base for the manipulation of humanity and of the hybrid ship Moon-Levan-Selene being a planet of psychotronic and space war.  Just like G.H.Rees post with John Lear and his so-called “disclosures” of 2007 (copy-pasted from the G.H.Rees disclosures over the past 30 years), we now have Icke acting likewise. The rabbis have been defeated in multiple fronts and are now forced to gradually reveal truths to the broad public and so they use their Hebrew agent-writer-“prophet” of theirs to continue the game of distortion, disorientation, and disinformation towards his thousands faithful followers across the globe.  Icke-Isaac spread disinformation on the alleged change-transition of entities between dimensions (a thing that is physically impossible as has been proved scientifically by G.H.Rees).  Now, although he correctly writes about a “MOON MATRIX”, he mixes it with various useless cracked-barrel furry philosophies to avoid certain other disclosures. 

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Psychogonic Cube

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 19 January 2010

Pythagoras found out that “All beings came from the Psychogonic Cube, of 6 units sides", namely 6*6*6 or 666!

The “Psychogonic Cube” is a fraud of Pythagoras, because during the pre-lunar Hellenic (Unified) science era, it was known that all beings are psycho-born, namely self-created from the dodecahedral etheric hives of pentagonal sides, and not from cubes of tetragonal sides.  All beings derive from three transmuted per kind dodecahedrals (1. Head – 2. Chest (Solar Plexus) – and 3. Belly).  Since every dodecahedral has six axles of reference, it was a fact for pre-lunars that for all beings the axles of reference (Cartesian Axles) were 6+6+6 (-2) = 16; the three dodecahedrals have one axis in common.  So the fraud of Pythagoras disregarded the lack of 18 by 2, and converted the 6+6+6 to 6*6*6 in order to produce one scientific lie and enabling harmonisation with the numero-word of “IAPETOS”(Hellenes) = 666 and "Lateinos" (Romans) = 666.  Thereby, the Satanic Political Beast of New Testament, John 1C 11-18 is identified directly as Rome A and indirectly as Hellas. 
Powell, Colin

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 January 2012

In interview rooms given over to the international media before and concerning the American invasion of Iraq, the then Greek director of “CIA” George Tenet (Georgios Tenetidis) and the alleged Greek (in reality, Hebrew) Negreponte were always seen sat continuously in every media conference behind the American chief-general and “USA” Secretary of State, Black-mongol Colin Powell.  G.H.Rees has this same preface to the assault of “NATO” against Syria, Iran, and the rest “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China) or “Shanghai Pact”: Asian nations and their armies are to see that behind all this assault by the Americans and “NATO” against the “R.I.C.” axis, are two Greek perpetrators and snitches, namely Tenetidis and the fake Greek, Negreponte.  Greek-American James Stavridis is informed that the main reason he was appointed as leader of “NATO”, is also to implicate Hellenes. 

Colin Powell and George Tenet (behind left) at the UN presentation, 2003 - Preface of American-Iraq War.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 08 May 2010

Two ships, Levanah (moon) and Lilith, arrived in our solar system under the leadership of commander Asmodai Metatron Yehowehai.  Metatron asked Zeus for permission to disembark populations from Levanah (moon) and Lilith for reasons of survival.  Permission was authorized and restricted to the continent of Atlantis, populated with ten Andromedian tribes of Hellenes from an original colonization from Andromeda and under the commanding authority of Poseidon, a junior officer to Zeus.  Transport ships from Moon and Lilith disembarked, whereupon worship and leadership of Metatron was soon abandoned in favour of Poseidon and Zeus.  Individuals were also assimilated by the resident ten Poseidonian tribes of Hellenic Andromedian races. 

Certain historical truths are known through rabbinical initiation.  Additional knowledge is given upon chief rabbinical initiation, concerning dominance of the ships of Metatron-Saturn in a resulting space battle.  Paradoxically and surprisingly, ships from the alliance of Zeus-Uranus withdrew while they were dominant, partially to the
  • inner cavity of our planet (through the polar holes) and 
  • outer planets Neptune (Poseidon), Pluto, Uranus, and outer orbital levels of Saturn.
A strategic need came for overchthonian Cronians, Selenians, and Lilithians to pose as the overchthonian hostile forces of Neptune (Poseidon), Pluto, and Uranus.  This enabled blame to be shifted from the diabolical space forces, as is revealed in the Biblical Revelations: “The Dragon that is dragging with his tail the third of the stars”, which are actually the three outer out of the nine planets of our solar system.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 25 July 2016

The intergalactic government of Andromeda is a defensive race of exquisite intellect (the most advanced kind in our part of the universe).  It master-planned a mission named "Perseus" to strike directly at the heart of the rebellion before it arrived in our solar system (”the reverse of “star wars” motion picture”).  Following the success of this fleet, various star systems began to liberate themselves from Draconian influence.  However, one last starfleet managed to escape to our solar system, consisting of one-hundred-and-eighteen war planets and two mega-starship flagships, namely Levan (moon) and Lilith.  Having reached stable orbits around Earth in 11.500 B.C., they pleaded for permission to land their populations for survival reasons.  This was granted by the headqaurters of Dias (Zeus) under certain terms and conditions, namely to disembark only onto the land of Poseidon, the continent of Atlantis.  Disembarkation lasted from 11.000 B.C to 10.500 B.C.. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 23 February 2012

Initially, Xenius Zeus [translator’s comment: ‘Xenius’ is one of the adjectives accompanying Zeus, and it is rendered as ‘welcoming’, ‘friendly’, etc] was outnumbered and had not realised the attacking-pirating intentions of Selene.  He therefore allowed the disembarkation, given the proviso that they would keep the ratio of the population at 1:108 and that they would respect the then already existing cultural tendency and language of the planet (Archetypical Greek).  The Reptilians of Selene landed to the island complex-continent of Atlantis (aka Waterland, under governance of the Andromedian hyper-minister of the water element, Poseidon).  The first Chinese hybrid settlers able to survive on Earth were genetically engineered to withstand attack by the microbes of Earth (biocompatibility).  Under orders of the first reptilian clergy of the Serpens constellation guided by Selene, White Pelasgians of Atlantis were soon degenerated by the invaders and turned against their racial brothers in a ‘civil’ world war: Pelasgians of Europe versus the pre-historic Athenian Empire (see Plato’s Timaeus and Critias).  Nuclear weapons of ‘special effect’ were used, along with weapons of meteorological war, as mentioned in the ancient Indian texts of Vedas and Mahabharata
To avoid a general destruction of the Earth in a space war, the ships of Zeus seemed to have retreated:
  • 1/3 towards the four inner planets (Typo! Read outer planets, Saturn, Uranus, Poseidon aka Neptune, and Pluto),
  • 1/3 towards the cavity of the ‘Inner Earth’ (e.g. from the opening of the North Pole), and
  • 1/3 left our solar system to
    • inform the local galactic government at the constellation of Andromeda about the invasion and crimes of Draconian Selene and
    • ask for reinforcement. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 20 November 2010

The Atlantean religion of the “Guanche” – “Berbers” has a supreme deity, the mythical titan “Atlas” or “Ater” or “Achaman” or “Ataman”, meaning “He who holds on his shoulders the entire world – heavens” and therefore, one quarter of personal names of the “Guanches” began with the Atlantean root “At”.  In the language of the “Guanches – Berbers”, water is matched with the Atlantean root “Atl” (Atlantis = Water-land of Poseidon, the Andromedian supervisor of planetary water reservoirs.  See also the neo-Greek verb: Potizo). 
In their traditions Guanches reported that they came from a great island-continent that was sunk in a catastrophy, from which their ancestors were rescued by climbing to the highlands of the great Canary Islands' volcano, El Teide.  They were made permanently afraid beyond normal measure of tectonic events (earthquakes and volcanoes) and avoided sailing upon the open seas or leaving their island.  Consequently, they were isolated for thousands of years, which kept their Atlantean ancient traditions almost intact (fossilized civilization).  

For example, every year a group of virgin priestesses (under the name: Harimagada) were self-sacrificed, by dropping into the sea as a sacrifice and entreaty towards the gods, in order for their island not to be sunk.  They also had triple concentric circles and symbols in their cultural styles, exactly like the Atlantean architectural tradition described by Plato.  Finally, they constructed step pyramids like those of Central America.  The “Guanche” – “Berbers” were brutally genocided by the Spanish invaders.