From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 03 April 2011
“Netrino – Naser” signals of amplified beam from Governmental Forces stationed in Saturn's orbit, utilise neutrinos called “subelements of B’ and C’ class” and the smaller subatomic particles are called “subelements of D’, E’, ...H’ class”. Eighth class (H') neutrinos probably correspond to 6th dimension of matter rarification ships of the Governmental Andromedians, currently stationed in the orbits of Saturn.
The current post says little of netrino weaponry, so here is a mention:
White hot radiation “netrino” and the black cold radiation “anti-netrino” are neither absorbed or blocked by material obstacles of any cross-section. They pierce terrestrial mass and any other electromagnetic armor, lead, or other material. There is no defense against “netrino” and “anti-netrino”, “naser” and “nasar” radiation.
At the biological level, these radiations can cause
- break-up human “DNA”
- cancers
- instant death from cerebral and heart episodes, due to disruption of the electrochemistry of the human body.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 18 June 2016
Dear sirs of the Russian government: On 24 June 2016, the “ space research” division of G.H.Rees based in Patras, Greece, will transmit a concentrated “Neutrino-Naser” energy beam towards the Galactic Andromedian Government astrofleet orbiting Saturn. The signal will include replies from governments of planet Earth to the Galactic Government’s command relating to “cancellation-annulment” of the programmed lunar Draconian WWIII between trilateral axes of “U.S.-E-J 666” (U.S., Europe, Japan) and “R.I.C. 888” (Russia, Siitic Islam, China).
Replies received by the “Netrino-Nasar” (Neutrino Amplified Stimulated Absorption Radiation) equipment of G.H.Rees in Patras Greece from the vicinity of the Andromedian Government at Saturn are as follows:
“In case the Touranian Government of Russia should continue playing a double game , that is, apparently promoting “Christianity 888” through Touranian “leader” Ioannis Vatatzis in the role of “ Emperor of Constantinople” who will later on be ordered to change into the “Antichrist 666”, with a Christian-Dodecatheon religion so that, as leader of trilateral “US.J.E.”, to declare WWIII against “R.I.C. 888”, then following the extermination or unconditional surrender of lunar Draconian forces, when the true andromedian forces finally arrive on planet Earth, the Russian Government will be responsible and the cause for the extermination of ALL Touranian governments and ALL Touranian-Mongolian populations of planet earth by the Andromedian forces”.
Subject: Receipt of astrostrategics information from the forces of the four (4) outer planets of the solar system to the governments of Earth, all under command of mutinous space forces (666, 777, 888) in the inner planets of our solar system...
Information is transmitted by forces in the four outer planets via “heavy, slow neutrino transmitters” and received by “heavy, slow neutrino receivers” of the “space search division” of G.H.Rees in Patras, Greece.
You politicians may deliver this summary of information to your specialised university staff for further analysis, as you are incapable of doing so due to a lack of specialized knowledge. It is likely that heavy, slow neutrino transmissions are made possible through concentrated radiation neutrino-naser transmitters, since the above transmissions took place with an acute angle of transmission, arriving on Earth with a 2,000 km radius.
Research information transmitted from G.H.Rees via heavy neutrino (neutrino-naser) transmitters to planet Saturn, was received by Andromedian forces stationed there. These forces of the Galactic Government Andromedian astrofleet are notifying ALL governments of Earth:
"Any governments of planet Earth that will carry out the planned WWIII on the planet, will be annihilated without being allowed the slightest chance of survival..."
G.H.Rees’ Neutrino-Nasar receivers of the space research division of G.H.Rees in the city of Patras , Greece, received the following clarification-command:
“In case the Draconian forces ultimately agree to an unconditional surrender and a lifetime commitment of “acts of expiation” in a different solar system, according to Galactic Laws, it is forbidden that any court sentence or legal actions be taken against them for the crimes they have committed”. The same will apply to the Touranian and Mongolian governments and populations of Earth, should they also wish to commit similar “acts of expiation”, after giving up committing crimes of the Galactic Penal Code.
We present to you Geostrategic Mathematical Codes that the Chinese Masonic hyper-lodge “Hong” has elaborated and assigned to the geostrategic axles, which without exception were founded by “Hong” in order to design and conduct World War III for genociding two-thirds, namely five billion of all terrestrial races of the planet, from the pure Draconians – Yellow armies of China and of United Korea. The Geostrategic Codes were cross-verified through electronic eavesdropping via passive “Neutrino Receivers” of G.H.Rees, over masonic lodge sessions of
- Hong-Kong, of Shanghai,
- “AOA” – “Ordo Adeptis Atlantis” London, and
- the environment of the “Planetary King of Israel”, arch-Rabbi Baruch or Barowghs of “USA”.
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