Saturday, 16 July 2016

Moon [/Eva/Leva-Levan/Levanah/Levaniah/Luna/Selene/Selini/Star of Death,etc.]

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 24 December 2009

In “special initiations” above the 18th degree, forces that eminate from Levan (moon) or Levanhiah are characterised
  • as Asmodai
  • as Metatron 
  • with nomenclatures that end with –IEL 
  • generally as “Tetragrammaton YHWH, equilateral upward looking triangle”. 
For Masons with only an MTM initiation, know that Levanhiah is not a natural satellite of Earth, but an artificial planet.  It is a ship originating from the constellation E’ Bootes and Hercules [Elsewhere in H&C's blog, Draco and Bootes?  Ed..].  For those of you with an OTO initiation, know that obscured behind Levan (moon) and in a synchronus orbit with moon lies the sister ship of same size, “Lilith”.

The ships “Levan” and “Lilith” came into the solar system in 11,500 B.C. [Elsewhere in H&C's blog, first attempted and aborted orbit was 20,000 B.C.?  Ed..] and entered earth's orbit around 11,432 BC with same linear velocities.  In 9,600 B.C. Lilith accelerated and stabilized its angular velocity with the moon, in order that the three bodies, Lilith-Levan-Earth lay continusly in a straight line (see “Cabbala”). 

Planet earth was in a high cultural level, following colonization by the centre of a local galaxy in cooperation with the central Andromeda galaxy and eleven others within the local group, “KNOZ”.  The new colonisers from “Levan” and “Lilith” were accepted as “guests under terms” by the thirteen membership (and not twelve membership) staff of Zeus.  [A temporary planet commander was in place, anticipating replacement by somebody a local galaxy because of the the leader of planet Saturn had rebelled against the solar system leader headquartered on planet Uranus.]

The area of Atlantis was given to the settlers from “Levan” and “Lilith” under terms of keeping the population ratio to 1:108 with the already present population of the planet
respecting the pre-existing cultural trend and
respecting the language of the planet (archetypal Hellenic), since the official cultural trend and language characterise the local group of galaxies. (See: Demystification of Hesiod’s Theogony.)

Governors of “Levan” and “Lilith” accepted the terms and discharged populations from E’Bootes to Atlantis (Water-land), from 11,000 B.C. to 10,500 B.C, using transport ships.  Immediately, they violated the terms and genocided local Hellenes by sinking Atlantis with lunar hypergravity technology.  Informed of this intention by lunar staff, the invaders started to depart and colonise
  • eastern coasts of the American continent (Esperia), 
  • eastern coasts of Siberia,
  • eastern coasts of China, and
  • western coasts of Africa and Europe (Basque).   
Simultaneously, they undertook
  • systematic genocide of local Hellenic-dialect nationalities. 
  • the sinking of the Hellenic-dialect Dravidian Aegis [which today lies in the Mediterranean Sea], again using hyper-gravity technology.  
  • attack against the galactic fleet of Zeus, using Selene and Lilith, and
  • occupation of the six inner planets.  
 Three out of twelve planets in our solar system were destroyed because the enemy believed Zeus' forces were based there.  Finally the fleet of Zeus divided into three parts:
  • One departed to existing bases within the inner cavity of Earth, 
  • another third departed to the three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), and 
  • the last third escaped our solar system to inform the local Galaxy centre of the crimes of Asmodai and Tamil, respective governors of Levan and Lilith. 
The final conflict and sinking of Atlantis and Aegis is dated at 9,600 B.C. by the lodge of the Grand Oak, the approximate time at which Lilith stabilised its angular velocity.  It’s probably the actual date because it is cross-referenced by the ancient manuscripts of Plato's “Timaios and Kritias”.

Forces of Zeus that escaped to the inner cavity of Earth via the two holes of north and south poles, preclude dominance of Levanians and Lilithians (Israelites, Mongols, Arabs) in this planet.  The escapees use telepathetic communication technology to inform Zeus priesthoods of strategic enemy moves made toward genocide of Andromedians of Hellenic dialects.  [Elsewhere in the H&C blog, it is stated that the inner cavity inhabitants are driven mad by enemy counter-measures.  Ed..]

False religions [via the Religious Polarity Policy of Freemasonry (Ed..)] are used in genociding adversaries:
  • Israelites – Christianity teaches that “the woman (organization) of God stands on Levan (moon)” (Based on the moon), meaning that is having as a “central base the moon” (See: “John’s apocalypse” Bible, IB’1 i.e. Rev. 12:1);
  • Arabs – Mohammedanism teaches that God (Allah or Al Yah or Al Yahweh) lives in the moon;
  • Mongols – Buddhism teaches that God lives in the center of the earth under Mongolia, Tibet, as a projection "Ta-Han – Tso –Han" of the … universal logos, and that from there will come the “ruler of the world”.   

Concerning A-O-A initiation...
Lunar installations literally “drove crazy” the American astronauts when they landed. Crews of “Apollo” sent reports of “ships and installations of unknown origin”, and a “second moon” (Lilith) behind the first moon. 

The Judaic priesthood is called Levanio or Levitico, meaning “Lunar Priesthood”.  In the Hellenistic attribution of the bible, the term Iera-Selene (Holy Moon) or Jerusalem is preferred.  The Levanio wrote there, in John’s Apocalypse C’12 (Rev.21:2) that a new Holy Levan (moon, New Jerusalem) “lands” upon Earth to “settle among people”.

This message was ingeniously and deviously re-served to us through “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”.  In the specific movie by Hebrew director Steven Spielberg, the flag of the Earthlings is white with a black triangle (▲) that has its base downwards and its top upwards, exactly the same as the triangle of the tetragrammaton of YHWH used by Masonic lodges.  On the contrary, right before the appearance of the monstrous mothership, the visitors sent three minor scout ships that stabilised in the air and created a triangle with its base upwards and its top downwards (▼).  By combining the two triangles, the cabbalist sixpointed “Star of Solomon” (✡) is formed - the official flag of Israel.

Readers may refer to a fraction of the Orphic comments by Proklos, No.9, Timaion 41, 283, 11 Erman Diels: (translation)...
“He created (Saturn?) another infinite (spherical) earth, which the Gods named Selene(moon) and the human Minin. It has many mountains, many cities, many megara”.

From Hellen and Chaos, blog, Sunday 14 March 2010

Draconian lunarians are more properly referred to as Dragonians from the Dragon Asterism and multiple dimensions.  David Icke-Isaac spoke clearly about their “Moon Matrix” deriving from the hybrid planet-ship, Moon-Levan-Selene, which is a Dragonian base for psychotronic and space war and for manipulating humanity.  Having been defeated in multiple fronts, Rabbis are now forced to gradually reveal such truths to the wider public, so they use their Hebrew agent-writer-“prophet” to continue the game of distortion, disorientation and disinformation towards his global audience.  Icke spread disinformation for the alleged change-transition of entities between dimensions (a thing that is physically impossible, as has been scientifically proved by G.H.Rees) and offers up various useless cracked-barrel philosophies, although he writes correctly about a “Moon Matrix”. 

Supplementary (but not exhaustive) notes

Radiography  of the inside of the moon...
[H&C blog, Th23Feb2012 & Tu19Feb2013]  A ‘geoplastised’ former natural planetary body from  the constellation of Draco and Bootes.  Now a flagship (‘Star of Death’ hybrid ‘void’ ship of titanium and zirgon/zirconium) controlled by reptilians in two (light separated) dimensions. 
FIRST arrived in our solar system with Lilith around 20,000 bDC (Before Draconian Christ).  Andromedian Celestials terminated this orbit of Ea-rth.  Second attempt was successful, around 11,436 bDC.  Moon, as an originating place of Evil Apostate Dragonian Spirits (See Spirits of Metatron - Asmodai etc.) for demonic trance - catalepsy of special Ea-rthling marionettes, such as political leaders, religious leaders, mediums, magicians, astrologers, prophets, actors, musicians, economic leaders, scientists, and rest.

Turkey and China flags each show a crescent moon and stars, using a blood red background to represent the ongoing war and genocide of blacks and whites. 
A basic teaching of Hinduism and Buddhism is that “the Moon is hostile towards us, and that we must avoid getting in contact with its radiation.

On the Moon:
Duncan Lunan;
Vasin and Scherbakov;
Don Wilson's "Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon";
Hindu prehistory about Space Wars between Solar and Lunar Gods;
American Astronauts from the “Apollo” Program;
Raymond Drake.

On "Lunar departure":
The Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible (Psalms 71(72), 5-7];
Concordance to the Septuagint (Hatch and Redpath); and,
Greek Orthodox Church Bible, ancient Greek translation of the Septuagint.

According to the Ancient Hellenic lexicon of J.Stamatakos, «Ανταναίρεσις» (the word for “Lunar departure” in the translated to English original Greek S70 Bible text), means: “To remove for vengeance” (Lack of obedience) - a  devastating geological shake-up that will happen to Earth if the piratical robber-gang spaceship Moon departs from Earth’s orbit.

Moon vs Earth:  There is a big difference between the specific gravity of the Moon (3.33 grammes per cubic centimetre) and that of the Earth (5.5 gr.)?  Furthermore, analysis of samples brought back by the U.S. Apollo astronauts showed that lunar rock is not of the same composition as the Earth's [H&C blog, Mo12Apr2010].
“The Dragonian Chinese Moon as a Flagship of the Dragonian Starfleet of the Dragonian Invader Sin – Sion – Sina – Jedi – Sedi – Jude – Judas – PseudoYahweh or PseudoBeing, which Invades – Steals and Destructs Suns and Solar Systems and genocides other-races Planetary Civilizations in order to Gain Energy and Raw – Valuable Materials for his criminal Starfleet”, and about:
“The Dragonian Chinese Moon which plans to abandon our Solar System (Read in the Dragonian “Holy Scriptures” about the “Departure of the Moon”, and Read LINK: ) in order to invade to the Solar System of “Sirius A” as an area of “coccygeal Maximum Densities” as a Negative Electronic Pole of the Universe or Universal Organism or Panas (from the Hellenic Orphic word Sym-pan meaning “The sum of all”), in order to blackmail with electromagnetic death all the civilizations of the Universe.”

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