Sunday, 3 July 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 15 January 2011

Hellen and Chaos and G.H.Rees asks people to visit often the Elders of the Mayas, who are an oppressed minority in Guatemala that needs protection following their dangerous revelations against the Chinese scheme of “Armageddon”. The Chinese, Hebrews, and Saxons attempted to justify their scheme as “Causality from God-Gods Third World War and End of the World” by forging the calendars of the Mayas.

Ancient Mayas were Hellenic ex-residents of the planet Phaethon fragmented by the Dragonians into today’s asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.  (See deciphering of the ancient Hellenic Myth concerning Phaethon, in Timaeus/Critias.)  The Mayan Calendar confirms G.H.Rees reports about the return of Andromedian hyper-scientists, Hellenic star-people, whose imminent return is pre-announced as hostile by the panicked Hebrew-Saxon and Chinese suzerains of the Planet.  (See the “Pravda” article and announcements by the British Academy of Sciences – AOA and OTO.) 

Hellen and Chaos published a comment by friend "Perseas", concerning the Mayan Calendar Connection. From Central America, Guatemalan Mayan Elder, don Alejandro, speaks of vast and repetitive cycles of time...

"The Mayan calendar never has to be altered, because it is based on the stars," he points out. "This knowledge was bequeathed to the Mayas by the Abuelos, the grandfathers, who came from the stars," Don Alejandro said. He enigmatically links the origin and destiny of the Mayas with the Pleiades, who he says, were called May. According to the work of archeo-astronomer Anthony Aveni, certain Mayan sites appear to be aligned with one of the named stars in the constellation of the Pleiades, The Seven Sisters, Maia.

Mayans claim that they came here over four hundred million years ago.  This claim is supported by detailed morphological maps of the polar regions of our planet below current ice cover, a recent discovery of an ancient Earth exhibited in the National Museum of Mexico.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 19 August 2013

Readers, such as Aggeliki have posted comments to H. & C.:

"I wanted to post my question in the article about the Mayan deadline, but I cannot work it out, so I’m just posting my question here.  I have occasionally read your articles for two years.  Please correct me if I got it wrong, but didn’t you use to say that on December 21st 2012 there would be Andromedian and Draconian activity on Jupiter and that intergalactic war is upon us?" 

This blog will not follow here any discussion on this question.  My reader is referred to Hellen and Chaos' blog. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 19 January 2011

The writing of the Mayas is literally the ancient Cretan writing, “Linear A’”, which came from the big island of Hellas (Crete).  The presence of Hellenes is visible in Mayan culture: Painting, sculpture, and cloth are all Hellenic and in particular, Minoan and Mycenaean.  Mayan temples with their monolithic columns weighing 25 tonnes were not built in jungle by native farmers, because architectural and geometrical knowledge and high technology seem essential.  

Warning: There is a hoax-Mayan wannabee, the Hebrew-Saxon doom-lover Bibletard user with the name "Mayan Child" (read: pseudo-MayanChild), resident of USA.

According to the statements by Mayan Elders, the Mayas are former residents of the Dragonian-destroyed planet Phaethon (today asteroid's belt).  They originated from the Pleiades star cluster.  Their advanced star-alligned calendar knowledge came from star-child ancestors who promised to return for the inspection of Earth on 12 baktun and 13 ahau (28 October 2011). 

Read also, The Maya Today:

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 06 January 2011

The supposed date of space contact with extraterrestrial civilization brings up thoughts about the Mayan calendar, which "ends" on December 21, 2012.  Is it just a coincidence?  Most likely, SETI researchers mistake the wish for the reality: Fifty years of constant monitoring of space have not yielded any results.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 18 April 2009

The Calleman-Clow time acceleration matrix of the Mayan calendar, suggests that “the alternating sine-wave universe core energy phenomenon ceases after Oct. 28, 2011, and Earth will be set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual “Garden of Eden.”

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