From Hellen and Chaos', Wednesday 16 January 2013
There is or was a six part series on YouTube concerning mind control, part 1.
Imagine for a moment that you inhabit a holographic world as depicted in The Matrix film, 1999; an environment that interacts with you like a video game and is regulated by a super-computer. In trusting your limited perceptions, you might conclude that such a world was real - especially if your memories had been erased prior to being born into it.
Consider that you are not completely in the game, some part of you is outside and somehow plugged into the computer. The problem is that you are so immersed in the experience of "life inside", with all its hypnotic sensations that you have no comprehension of an outside.
Regardless, it seems that some agency must be operating the computer and its programming, but toward what end could such a "game" be a means and is it good or bad for people? This scenario reminds me of Descartes' evil demon, which can have me thinking its thoughts and having me believe that they are mine!
Who or what might be taken to be god, the computer, its programmers and engineers, some aloof corporate bosses, a government, an entire world? Perhaps if our world was enabled by another world, we could call it god, but why not propose another beyond it... and so on?
If anything is real to us, we should wonder what is real. The Matrix film broached the subject...
Morpheus: "What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."
Does the evil demon regulate brain interpretations? Notice that the brain is just another part of the computer's game world hologram and is therefore vulnerable to its programmers and engineers.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 11 April 2011
Allegedly, Andromedean contactees communicate with medium like methods such as “automatic writing” (mind control). Such communication methods are not used by the true Federal Andromedian forces now stationed in Saturn’s orbits. They are instead used by the ruthless Draconian-Cronian faction with mind control manipulators through link/lap/maser psychotronic technology.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 22 April 2012
Information that comes from “medium” like communication methods such as “dream states” are “mind control” methods of “mind – mood – body control”, utilising extremely advanced lunar super-computer technology (“Technological Magic”). This is according to the true Andromedian Federal signal transmitted to G.H.Rees via pure technological methods of amplified beam netrino-naser neutrino telecommunications.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 06 November 2011
David Icke started his career by consulting mediums and psychics under demonic possession (channeling). He became a traitor Draconian agent in continuous demonic possession, hearing voices in his head that ordered him to undertake certain actions. As G.H.Rees revealed, Draconian psychotronic methods can cause voices inside a victim’s head and control their pituitary gland. All mediums and psychics are Draconian magicians and agents of the moon.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 22 August 2010
Infomation concerning the hyper-anthropoid form of the Universal Organism has been published worldwide for the first time in the face of thirteen-and-a-half thousand years of ruthless Dragonian mind control propaganda.
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