From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 November 2009
The Yellow race made its appearence on the planet as a cross-breed between Vrills (Grays) and traitor Saturnian Croneans (Andromedians) in 4,000BC (exactly when the scripts say that Adam appeared on Earth). [If this is true, what did the Draconians disembark to Atlantis, some 13,500 years ago? Ed..] After a massive genociding campaign launched by Ur of Mongolia (today's Ulan Bator) in 2,200BC with seven Mongolian hordes, they are now preparing for their judgement day (Armageddon) through the world wars, especially WW3.
The reason for huge technological advancement over the past century is because the Galactic Government astrofleet has returned with massive reinforcements, since Zeus' scientific force was ejected from our solar system. Draconian control of Saturn was recently lost to the fleet and now Draco war planets are stationed outside the asteroid belt, appearing as the newly discovered "irregular satellites" of Jupiter. Also, look into the Mars project, where they are now building defensive lines with the US military, claiming they are expeciting a threat from outer space.
YHWH and his forces managed to set up an elementary government system on Earth, around 5,619 B.C.. The Pelasgian memories of the Universal codenames Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena etc were from there on replaced with the 12 Gods that were played by officers of the Cronus-Savvaoth army. After extensive genetic experiments, the Draconians initiated their assimilation plan. Cross breeding the Vrill (short, big headed, big black eyed, weak bodied aliens) with the Cronean Andromedians, producing an entirely new species: the Yellow race. The new species disembarked in the steppes of Mongolia/Siberia in 4,000BC (when religions speak of the appearence of Adam and Eve). In 2,200BC the huge campaign of invasion began, entailing the seven Mongolian hordes:
1st Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under the name of Ixos and Elamites they invaded south, into what is now China, killing all Pelasgian (White) males and massively raping females. To protect their territories from counter attacks, they began constructing the Great Wall and then overran Assyria and Babylon.
2nd Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Named Japanese, they invaded the island of Aenus (island of Ionian colonists), today’s Japan and genocided the Ionian tribes. Only experts in fishing and boat building from coastal areas were kept alive, as slaves. (See also Unit 731.)
3rd Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Falsely naming themselves Dories after the ancient Hellenic tribe of Dories, they invaded the Balkan Peninsula. Their Hebrew agents infiltrated Sparta's priestly orders. The horde then invaded the Italian Peninsula and genocided the Hellenic tribes of Etrusk Sabines and Latins of Troad and Sicily . There they founded the city of Rome.
4th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Huns led by Attila or ATL (meaning ATLantean), they established themselves in eastern Hellas (today’s Turkey), Bulgaria, Bavaria and partly in Romania. They slaughtered all native European tribes.
5th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Urges (from Ur) / Hungars (Hungarians) led by Jenkins (Ghengis) Han/Khan/Kon/Koen they captured today’s Hungary, Finland, Leetonia, Estonia and other ex USSR lands. They genocided the native Pelasgians, especially the Russ and Thubals, today’s Byelorussians. Also, they descended to the Balkans and destroyed the Scythes.
6th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
The Seljuk, they empowered the Turkish Mongols of the 4th horde. Some took over the area of today’s Albania, where they genocided the Hellenic tribe of Illyrians.
7th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under the Tamerlane, they attempted to invade Europe but were cut off by the Mongols of the 4th and the 6th hordes, so they turned east and attacked today’s China with the help of the Mongol Manchu.
Descendants of the 5th horde, known as Saxons headed west, entering today’s Britain and continued the Atlantean expansion project by genociding Pelasgian tribes there. They met strong resistance in the northern highlands of Scotland and in the island of Ireland. Ever since that time, the Saxons have waged wars against those two territories.
G.H.Rees emphasises that Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic hordes:
- Possess an inborn inclination to genocide all three pure races (Doberman Syndrome).
- Extend a brotherly ethnological doctrine of support to fellow Mongols, such as Mongol Turks toward Bavarians, Hungarians, and Hebrew-Saxon lords of England.
- Are organised - White-Yellow Judeans are of the two-race kingdom of Judas/Jude/Jedi and Benjamin of Jerusalem with headquarters at Basel, Switzerland. Hebrew-Saxons of the ten-race kingdom of Samaria have headquarters in London, England.
- Are semi-Dragonians resulting from the machinations of the Draconian-Cronean Alliance, producing the "Chosen One People" of Sin/Sion/Zion/Chin/YHWH for the task of infiltration and genocide of the White-Andromedian-Pelasgian and Black-Indigenοus Races. In fact, his people are the Sinese.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 18 November 2009
The abominable Tibetan Mongol horde, transferred into the Hebrew Mosaic religion and then the crypto-Hebrew Christian religion.
Under the invention of the extra-universal logos, every intellectual-charlatan can claim that he has written books of the type “holy scripture”, “quran” etc under “divine inspiration”. Unfortunately, we are dealing with completely psychopathic “gods” that like to inflict upon “mortals” the madness of the “terrorist's unexplained mysterious god” of the extra-universal logos, who demands worship, temples, way of life by oaths, religions, and other abominations, with purpose the ascesis of un-natural power.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 July 2010
According to your “Old Testament”, your central Mongolian Hebrew horde marched from the Mongolian city “Ur” of Chaldea Mesopotamia under your genitors Tharra and Abraham (King of the Judean Habra) of the Hebrew Mongolian horde (Genesis 11:24-32, and Genesis 12:1-7). Your genitor's Mongolian city “Ur” of Chaldea had as a patron god the god Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinai of the Moon, namely the galactic arch-criminal space bandit also known as Satan/Devil/Jedi/Sedi/Jeid/Jed/Jude/Judas - the Dragonian God of the Sin/Sinese or Chin/Chinese.
Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic hordes
- corrupted Hellenic Dorians, Trojans;
- blackmailed with destructive iniquitous toll gates the passage of the Hellenic shipping towards Hellispondos; and finally,
- ordered the kidnapping of the King of Greece' wife of a prince of Troy, in order to provoke assault by western Hellenism in order to destroy eastern Hellenism, namely Trojans, Phrygians, and Heteans (today the Italians, the French, and the Germans). Accordingly, all moved mandatorily in Western Europe, leaving behind them free ground for invasion by Mongolian hordes of Seljuq Turks originating from modern Chinese Turkestan.
First they guided Genghis Khan into Persia/Iran, a horde that genocided without reason six million unarmed White Pelasgian Persians/Iranians, including women and children. Today, crypto-Hebrew Shiite pseudo-Muslim priests and leaders of Iran methodically detect and record any remaining White Persian Iranians, so that they can be annihilated by the Sino-Mongolian Axis “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China, Japan, Tibet, Hebrews, Saxons, Mongolia) and the pure Dragonian Sinic – Korean Axis (China and Korea) in the Third World War.
Hebrews of Byzantium guided the Mongolian horde of the Petsenegian Bulgarians in order to settle in the Hellenic “Moesia”, currently Bulgaria, and to genocide the resident Hellenic populations of Northern, Eastern, and Western Romilia. Bulgarians genocided Hellenic Macedonia and Thrace, 1941-1945.
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