From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 14 November 2009
G.H.Rees made a thorough investigation of the downing of Colombia, using their team
of scientists and extremely advanced scientific instruments. The following conclusion was reached:
The space shuttle Columbia was destroyed by a weapon of maser clockwise radiation with an induction shot from Andromedian galactic starfleet ships of higher dimensions of matter rarification which have as their base the orbit of planet Saturn. (Subsequently and as response to the Zionist/Sionist obsession for military assault against pelasgian Iraq and preparation of Asia for ignition of World War III [e.g. Rev. 16:12], the A' Minor War Ultimatum of September 2002 will be materialised - entailing electromagnetic, geological, meteorological, and biological war.)
Galactic Starfleet ships of higher dimensions created hologramatic conditions for antimatter implosion. They focused three clockwise radiation masers to a point near Colombia.
The space shuttle Columbia was destroyed by a weapon of maser clockwise radiation with an induction shot from Andromedian galactic starfleet ships of higher dimensions of matter rarification which have as their base the orbit of planet Saturn. (Subsequently and as response to the Zionist/Sionist obsession for military assault against pelasgian Iraq and preparation of Asia for ignition of World War III [e.g. Rev. 16:12], the A' Minor War Ultimatum of September 2002 will be materialised - entailing electromagnetic, geological, meteorological, and biological war.)
Galactic Starfleet ships of higher dimensions created hologramatic conditions for antimatter implosion. They focused three clockwise radiation masers to a point near Colombia.
November 2003... Solar solar winds produced
against Zionist/Sionist weapon systems and those of
“Selene” and “Lilith”, thereby beginning materialisation of the B’
Major War Ultimatum of October 2003 for electromagnetic, geological, meteorological, and biological war. This in response to the Zionist/Sionist obsession with igniting World War III through devious disarmament
of Greece and assault of the Dragonian military axles B.A.S.T.R. (Bulgaria
– Albania – Skopje – Turkey - Romania) against Greece.
The solar winds are produced by using the masers of higher dimension Galactic Starfleet ships. Multiple counter-clockwise radiations are focused over the solar surface, accelerating the external layer of nuclear fusion reactions.
Zionists/Sionists should take heed. You simply cannot build any defense against MaserTechnology that can activate solar activity. Secondly, your blackmail is useless and void because the incoming Galactic Starfleet are prepared to sacrifice both White and Black race hostages if needed. You will then be exterminated to relieve the major universal cell Gaia, the solar system, and the Universal Organism of your cancerous and criminal presence.
Zionists/Sionists should take heed. You simply cannot build any defense against MaserTechnology that can activate solar activity. Secondly, your blackmail is useless and void because the incoming Galactic Starfleet are prepared to sacrifice both White and Black race hostages if needed. You will then be exterminated to relieve the major universal cell Gaia, the solar system, and the Universal Organism of your cancerous and criminal presence.
Regarding reported major Andromedian victory. The article allegedly comes from Andromedean contactees using “medium” like methods such as “automatic writing” or
“dream states” (mind control). Federal Andromedian forces now stationed in
Saturn’s orbit do NOT use these methods. Such “mind – mood – body control” is used by the ruthless
Draconian/Cronian faction through lunar link/lap/maser psychotronic technology and lunar supercomputers of extremely advanced technology (“Technological
Magic”). According to the true Andromedian Federal signal transmitted to
G.H.Rees via purely technological
methods of
amplified beam netrino-naser (neutrino) telecommunications.
Report of a major Andromedian victory came from...
(Now unavailable, Saturday 03 July 2016!)
There is a “gentle” way of
breaking the atom (fission) that is valid not only for the radioactive materials,
but even also for the lighter metals, such as lithium and beryllium.
This is achieved with microwave-beam amplifiers (masers) of
ultra-high frequency and able to coordinate with the rotating
frequencies of electrons and anti-electrons, around nuclei.
This causes the orbits of the contra-rotating sub-atomic
particles to collapse, with final result the triple breaking of the spherical cloak
from the inside, from the 3 nucleons (proton, anti-proton,
minor-neutron); not from the outside, with a shot of a grand-neutron
or other “fissionable” material.
Note that materials of military buildings, ground vehicles, marine ships, aircrafts etc, are all fissile. G.H.Rees
has forwarded the relevant technology for atomic fission MASER guns to
the Hellenes of the homogeny, other-nationalities, and anti-Zionists
outside of Hellas.
American military satellites are armed with laser+maser (Microwave Amplified Stimulated Emission Radiation) weapons. Lasers destroy aircraft by melting components. Masers destroy navigation, electronic and electrical equipment of aircraft. If the masers transmit an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) signal, they can cause a static electricity overcharge within the fuselage, leading to eventual failure of all equipment inside the aircraft and death by electrocution of passengers. In case president Putin’s aircraft is identified by the ‘’ECHELON’’ network of the ‘’NSA’’, it could be downed by an American satellite.
Regarding President Putin's planned visit to ‘’Holy Mountain’’: If possible see that president Putin does not spend the night at the Russian monastery in the ‘’Holy Mountain’’. Instead, he should spend his night elsewhere, for fear that the Russian monastery has been targeted by ‘’maser’’ satellites of ‘’NASA’’. G.H.Rees offers basic defence technology equipment against ‘’MASERs’’ and ‘’ heavy neutrinos’’, but their representative’s deteriorating health prevents him from visiting the Russian embassy in Athens.
Reference: MASER-MASAR directed-energy technology weapons of G.H.Rees (note: This is the simplified version of the netrino-naser strategic supremacy technology of G.H.Rees)...
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 03 September 2010
Subject of post is the confirmed instigation of technological Zionist/Sionist meteorological war by USA and China against Russia, with purposes:
- provocation of famine and hunger worldwide (Rev. 6:5-6);
- provocation of epidemic illnesses in the Russian Federation;
- preparation for the global Chinese dictatorship aka Kingdom of Jehovah or New World Order 888.
American Satellite “MASERs” of “HAARP” are to be used for the provocation of extreme high barometric drought in Southern Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc. (Rev.16:8-9). Again and right after, for the provocation of extreme barometric low, namely storms in Northwestern Russia (“Arkhangelsk” of St. Petersburg, Volgograd, etc.).
Information about the involvement of “HAARP” as amplifier of the above mentioned satellite radiations of American and Chinese “MASERS” against Russia, was confirmed in July and August of 2010 by Greeks and rest European military personnel of “USA”, and members of the “USA” Intelligence Services.
Position a parallel network of orgone emission and orgone absorption (Wilhelm Reich technology) for the creation of high barometric and low barometric pressures. With them you will intercept the storms and broiling weather provoked by “HAARP” of “USA” and absorption “MASER” satellites of “USA” and China.
You have lawful interest and duty emanating from International Law, to destroy the central installation of the “HAARP” system in Alaska and its peripheral installations in NATO countries of Northern Europe, even if a massive nuclear Russian assault is judged necessary. You have the same lawful interest and duty before the Russian people who elevated you as Governors of Russia for their biological and national security, to destroy all military and political satellites (“lasers” and “masers” of “USA”, other NATO countries and China). There exists no survival for the Russian people with the “HAARP” system and with “maser” and “laser” satellites of “USA”, “NATO” and China today unleashing meteorological and tomorrow geological warfare of earthquakes, marine tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, through clockwise radiation of geological inspissations namely geological implosions.
We warn you that the American “HAARP” system in coordination with the American and Chinese satellite “masers”, is able to reverse the cyclic torque of marine currents, from counter-clockwise to clockwise and vice versa. This would cause total catastrophe to the Russian fishery and a complete change of the Russian climate, due to change of the marine winds towards Russia from the direction of the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific, and the Northern Arctic Ocean.
Immediate destruction of American and North-European “HAARP” systems is vital to survival of Russian, European, and American people destined for annihilation by the Chinese Army that cooperates with treasonous Hebrew-Saxon American Generals of “NATO” Brussels and the Pentagon.
For the interception of storms from low barometric pressure of “HAARP”, such as those that struck northwestern Russia after 10 August 2010, you must reverse the method given for intercepting broiling weather from high barometric pressure of the American “HAARP” and by “maser” satellites of “USA” and China. You must use erect emission “masers” of counter-clockwise radiation with rear reflective parabolic elements (“link”) for producing rectilinear radiation. Same wise, you must use absorption “masers” of clockwise radiation, in reverse position and with disassembled the rear reflective parabolic element “link” of rectilinear radiation production.
Under penalty of a massive nuclear assault against “NATO” and China, Russia must demand from “NATO” and especially the “USA” and China, a direct pause of use of the “HAARP” system in Alaska and in Northern Europe. There must be pause in the use of satellite “masers” and “lasers” of “USA” and China for meteorological war, artificially causing:
- Broiling weather;
- Storms;
- Incediarism of forests and agricultural cultivations of Russia and other countries.
- famine
- epidemic illnesses, and
- lack of drinking water
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