Friday, 8 July 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog,Saturday 08 May 2010

Place of rabbinic initiation to the rank of arch rabbi: “Lodge of the Grand Oak” New York, January 1985.

Beginning Of The Recorded Speech

..Brothers, the oath of silence you gave under the penalty of death in case of violation, doesn’t have humble personal motivations or motivations of an Earthly organization, but protects our great plan of our lord Metatron Yehowehai, continuously here and 13,500 years after the arrival of Selene (moon) and Lilith in our space area.  In the rabbinical initiation you have been taught about the technique of anions and downwardly-ions from vocal vibes of the cabbala for the causation of physical hologram phenomena of materialization and dematerialization that we present to the goyim gentile of the Masonic lodges OTO and MTM as miracle actions of spirits or telepathy. 

The goyims of masonry must continue to believe in the spiritual origin of those “miracles”, because the revelation of their origin from technology, could wipe out the psychological terror we force upon them with the use of cabala.  More importantly, they must not be aware of the common origin of frequencies that cause phenomena to the Brotherhood of the Left Path and to the Brotherhood of the Right Path, from the same technology transmitters being used underchthonian (Devilish theosophical Nazi-Buddhists [mano cornuta, red & black, -, 666, ▼, 卐, LHS, SINister, anticlockwise, principle of destruction, Nephilim] ) and overchthonian (Christian-Socialist heavenly philosophicals [blue & white, +, 888, △, 卍, RHS, clockwise, principle of survival, Elohim]) by our same brothers, under the command of our sovereign master Metatron Asmodai.

The ships and crews of Zeus (of Uranus) prevailed in the conflict (with rebellious forces of Saturn).  In that point, arrived in our space area the two ships, Levanah (moon) and Lilith, under the leadership of commander Asmodai Metatron Yehowehai, our sovereign master.  Metatron asked from Zeus permission to disembark populations (to Atlantis) from Levanah (moon) and Lilith in order for their survival in planet Earth. 

The permission was authorized but only for the continent of Atlantis, that belonged to the commanding authority of the junior officer of Zeus, Poseidon, and was populated by ten Andromedian tribes of Hellenes, from an original colonisation from the Galaxy of Andromeda. The transport ships from Moon and Lilith disembarked our ancestors who soon abandoned the worship and leadership of Metatron and turned to the worship of Poseidon and Zeus, assimilated by the Hellenic Andromedian races of ten Poseidonian tribes.

This event enraged Yahweh Metatron who sunk Atlantis in the deep of the Atlantic Ocean by creating upon this continent electromagnetic low field of additional gravitational inspissation, through lunar technology.  From our Atlantian ancestors have been rescued only their colonies outside Atlantis, namely the group-of-races of Mongols, Israelites, Arabs. This event gave the occasion and the cause of total war between Zeus and Yahweh Metatron.

In the space war that followed, Metatron Yahweh enlisted the defeated by Zeus forces of Saturn and -as considered natural- all the Earthly Saturnian priesthoods.  Zeus enlisted the forces of Uranides and the corresponding Earthly priesthoods of Uranides.  The situation that followed was chaotic. 

The camp of Metatron contained overchthonian forces of Saturn, Selene, Lilith, chthonian forces of Selenians, Lilithians and underchthonian forces of Cronians that have been defeated by Zeus.  [The camp of Zeus contained overchthonian forces of planets Uranus, Jupiter, chthonian forces of Uranus, underchthonian forces of Uranides that have been defeated by Saturn.]

Until here everything is known to you by your rabbinical initiation. The additional knowledge that will be given to you in your chief rabbinical initiation concerns the dominance of the alliance of ships Metatron-Saturn because of a paradox and surprising withdrawal of ships from the alliance of Zeus-Uranus, while they were dominant in the space battle, a withdrawal partially inside the inner cavity of our planet (through the polar holes) and partially in the three outer planets Neptune (Poseidon), Pluto, Uranus, outer orbital level of planet Saturn.

Zeus informed Metatron that he withdrew victorious, in order to avoid further destruction of Earthly fauna and flora, in anticipation of reinforced galactic forces that will shorten the length of the space war.  Those ships of Zeus, launched out of bases inside the earth’s cavity and out of the three outer planets, continue till today to scout the surface of our planet escorted by ships from thirteen battle planets that have arrived in our planetary system in 1984, as representatives of the thirteen galaxies from the local group of galaxies, called by ships of our grand Andromedian opponent, Zeus.

We are being completely surrounded brothers but we will not dispirit, with the force of our sovereign master Yahweh Asmodai Metatron. 

In the time point of the sixth geopolitical force that we have founded in Rome, we replaced the twelve Olympian Gods, which we have corrupted to the eyes of the goyim, with the twelve followers (disciples) of our brother Joshua.  (Confused?  Jeshua and Joshua are interchangeable and Jeshua ben Joseph is the original Aramaic name for Jesus.  Ed.)  Thus the Hellenic dodecahedron of Zeus and the Hellenic monotheism of Phaneos were destroyed in favour of the Atlantian dodecahedron of Jeshua son of Metatron Yahweh, and in favour of Israelite, Mongolian Turanian, Arabic, dodecahedron, twelve-races, with the twelve symbolic stones and the twelve gates of upper Jerusalem of the Moon as mentioned in the Apocalypse of our brother John in the Bible, for the fulfilment of the words from prophet Zachariah, Chapter Theta, verse 13:
“I will turn your sons Zion against your sons Hellas. The sons of Zion will destroy the opposing Hellenes with sling stones in the forehead”.

Meaning with spiritual stones of religions (See religious polarity policy.) and political-economical theories we have invented against the spirit, or forehead of the head of Hellenes for their absolute aphasia and stupefaction and division.

End Of Recorded Speech

Read Also:

G.H.Rees has informed Hellenic webpages of deeper causes following their attempt at subverting its documents.  Subversion was undertaken by the evil nazi gang “Web E”, as part of the political party La.O.S. (Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos – People’s Orthodox Alarm).  Members of “Web E” include:
  • Eumolpos, 
  • Electryon, 
  • Spyropoulos of PA.SY.A., 
  • Antimetatron and others.  
“Web E” is led by George Dimitrakopoulos, as so called “Incarnation of Orion, general of the God Apollo”, who in reality is an incarnation of a Jehovah demon of “Metatron”, an evil God of Hebrews and Masons.  

G.H.Rees proved historically that from 9,600 B.M.C. (Before Mongolian Christ), that is continuously for 11,600 years till today, the spirits of the Dragonian lunar demons of Sin/Sion/Sedi/Metatron are performing pseudonym incarnations. From 300 A.M.C. (After Mongolian Christ) until today lunar Dragonian spirits divided into two colluding groups, namely “Angels of the Good little God Savaoth Sedi” and “Demons of the bad Satan/Metatron”. 

By counterfeiting the dodecatheon and spirits of the Scandinavian god “Thor” as allegedly the (corrupted) dodecatheon and spirits of “Hellenic God Zeus”, “Bad Demons” are incarnated into Satanic priesthoods of the
  • “Religions of Satan”, 
  • “Religons of Metatron”, 
  • “SS” of the Nazi Third Reich, 
  • members of the Nazi Organizations of all countries, and
  • members of Greek neo-Nazi organizations: 
  • “New Acropolis”, 
  • “Golden Dawn”, 
  • “Web E”, or 
  • “Orion” of George Dimitrakopoulos, 
  • “Epsilon” of the Greek-Hebrew writer Fourakis or Fourie, 
  • “Epsilon Olympians” of the Mason General Kalogerakis, of the crypto-Nazi political party “LA.O.S.”, and 
  • other neo-Nazi organizations. 
G.H.Rees proved that the above mentioned crooks and the crooked members of their organizations are not incarnations of spirits of the completely absent until today “Dodecatheon of Zeus”, as was falsely claimed by
  • “SS” members of the 3rd Reich, 
  • members of Parliament and the rest 
  • chief members of “La.O.S.”.  
G.H.Rees proved that all these are greedy schizophrenic powermonger incarnations; Nazis under cataleptic demon possession by Metatron, namely of the Jehovah Satan of the moon as the second face of the “Good little God” Sin/Sion/Sina/Sedi.  It is Jehovah demons that counterfeit the “Dodecatheon of Zeus” intending to drive the Andromedian White race and the friendly Sirian Black race from the Earth, along with Mongolian Yellow-Whites and Yellow-Blacks (Hebrews, Saxons, Albanians, Bulgarians, Turks, Tatars, Tsetsenians, Azerians, Hungarians, Uighurs, Laplanders, Bavarians and rest).  “Armageddon” awaits them all in the Asiatic Deserts, their annihilation by the pure-Yellow race of China, North Korea, and South Korea. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 27 August 2010

Non-masonic historians and analysts of comparative hierography proved that all ancient, new religious, and Masonic priesthoods provoked all wars of the planet though oracles and prophecies given by colluding invisible entities – spirits, namely lunar Dragonian invaders of second dimension of matter rarification.  These invisible demons falsely impersonate
  • “Gods of the Hellenic Dodecatheon”, 
  • “Christ”, 
  • “Madonna”, 
  • “holy men of all religions”, 
  • “archangels and angels”, 
  • “bad demons” of Christianity, Judaism, Islamism, 
  • the thirty-three thousand “Gods” of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, and other Asiatic religions, 
  • “demons” of Satanism, 
  • Masonic “archangels Asmodai or Asmodeus”,
  • “Metatron (or Mataron)”, etc._ (!!!) … as “Archangels of Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinai/Jedi/Sedi/Jed/Jeid/Jude/Judas/(pseudo)Jehovah/(pseudo)Being”.
Traitor Masons, receivers of the present order...  It is self-evident that the lunar Dragonian demons, after they genetically engineered terrestrial Dragonian Chinese “Dragons” in honour of the Draco constellation (constellation of the Moon’s origin) and ousted the Andromedian Whites' “Gods” of Zeus and the Sirian Blacks' “Gods” of Sirius, began to falsely impersonate from 9,600 B.MH.C all the “Gods” they had ousted.  The devious intention was to humiliate those ousted, using their names while villainously provoking civil wars and mutating Christian, Judean, Islamic, Asiatic, and Masonic priesthoods to “Dodecatheism” of the hierarchy: “Hong – Zen – AOA + OTO – MTM”.

It is also self-evident that “Asmodai”, “Metatron”, “Michael” and “Gabriel” are lunar Dragonian demons common to all current Masonries, Christian religions and the bad demonic Dragonian encounter that followed organization of English Masonry in the 17th Century.  These demonic Dragonian spirits provoked and conducted all European civil wars between Andromedian White race nations in the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, including WWI, WWII, and the escalating WWIII of the 21st Century. 

The same lunar Dragonian demons “Asmodai”, “Metatron”, “Michael”, and “Gabriel” and the rest, who created the Dragonian Yellow Chinese-Korean annihilators of the White and Black races by genocide of White men and rape of White women in “Yunnan” (Hellenic Ionia Southern China).  These horrors produced rabid White-Yellow “Doberman” Mongol annihilators: Turks, Albanians, Bulgarians, Hebrews, Saxons, Hungarians, and rest Mongols against Hellenes and other White Andromedians.  The Chinese and their Mongol cousins provoked all civil and other wars from 9,600 B.MH.C up until today for the ongoing break-up of the White and Black Nations and for the ongoing unification and burgeon of the pair: China – Korea in the atrium of the absolute and terminal Dragonian World Hegemony and of the Complete Genocide of the White and Black nations from China and Korea in World War III.  [Read “Timaeus” and “Critias” of Plato about the Global civil war between Hellas and Atlantis in 9.600 B.MH.C..  See “Comparative Mythology” of the publicist Raymond Drake for “Corruption of Atlantis by the small Yellow Masters (Chinese)”.]

Lunar Dragonian demons, space Satans, and devils are summoned through spiritual sessions and invocations by stupid Masons: Chinese, Tibetans, Hebrew-Saxons of “AOA – OTO” London, and ethnic Masonries of the ethnic (“Gentile”) “Grand Orients – MTM” of the hierarchy: “HONG” => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM.  “Metatron” and “Asmodai” use subordinate demons and Dragonian spirits to provoke all wars of the planet through ethnic Masonries and Hebrew-Saxon Mongols: Presidents, kings, emperors, ministers, and generals of all states of the planet.  These same Dragonians, space Chinese arch Satans, are arch-annihilators of the White and Black nations of the planet.  They falsely and deviously demonise the White and Black nations for 11,600 years of wars (2,000 + 9,600), while deviously breaking-up and destroying White and Black nations through their Mongol Hebrew and Saxon governors and ethnic Masonries for allegedly being “guilty” and “responsible” for interminable war and corruption.

Reptilians demonised and marked as “666” the nations they have been attempting to completely annihilate since their arrival to Earth.  To this end they plan that the Dragonian Chinese “888”, Koreans “777”, Mongol Hebrews and Saxons “666” will undertake the coming Third World War codenamed “Armageddon”.  Inside the spiritual sessions of Masonic lodges are false and devious displays of the types:
God's executive annihilators of White and Black nation warmongers; and
God's executives as final and terminal governors of the Planet and pacifist global rulers of The Kingdom of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sina/China.

After the Chinese, Koreans, and Mongol Hebrews and Saxons and rest had partially annihilated White Andromedian and the Black Sirian humanity, they continued for some 11,600 years.  Now they falsely and deviously present themselves as “The Holy ones, the Just, the from God executive punishers of the “bad” White and Black warmonger nations”.  Allegedly, they are “The pacifists from God, under Godly command for complete genocide of the White and Black nations in the 3rd World War or 'Armageddon' in order to force peace on the planet”, thereby stopping the war and corruption that the same Dragonian “Gods” and “arch-angels” themselves provoked and incited continuously.  Chief amongst these entities: Dragonian arch Satan Jedi/Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinai/Sedi/Jed/Jedi/Jeid/Jude/Judas/pseudo-Jehovah/pseudo-Being and Andromedian traitor Savit/Savaoth/Saturn/Cronus, the Masonic “arch-angels” Asmodai, Metatron, and rest, and colluding Christian “arch angels” Michael, Gabriel, etc.. 

Of course, Masons and Christian bishops have false information given by Dragonian demons “Asmodai”, “Metatron”, “Michael”, “Gabriel”, and rest.  Allegedly, after the death of your bodies, your souls will be transferred for rewards to Masonic or Christian “Heavens/Paradises” of Sin/Sion/Sinai/“Jehovah”/“Being”! 

The “God” you serve is not the “diachronic ancient of the days” or “BEING” or “I am that I am”, or in Hebrew: Ja –Ha –Va – HaJah” or “Jahveh” or “JHVH” or “Jehovah”, invariant in time, namely “The Universal Organism” Higher – Supreme (Tauto-Cosmic) God.  You really serve a wanted felon from the forces of our local galaxy, a serial murderer criminal bandit and annihilator of solar systems and planetary human races.

You really serve the galactic criminal mutineer “Sinis” of the Hellenic Mythology or Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinai/Sino/Jedi/Sedi/Jed/Jeid/Jude/Judas and his “Archangels”, “Asmodai”, “Metatron”, “Michael”, “Gabriel” and rest, all Dragonian space criminals wanted by legal Governmental-Federal Galactic forces that have trapped them within our solar system's seven inner planets: (1) Mercury (Vulcan Zone), (2) Mercury, (3) Venus, (4) Antichthon (Behind the sun.  Candidate for so-called Nibiru?), (5) Earth, (6) Mars, (7) Jupiter.  Dragonians invaded to steal metals, crystals, and raw materials.  Their flagship is the hybrid ship “Selene”/“Moon”/“Levanah” etc., accompanied by an astro-fleet of about 120 hyper-motherships stationed in the orbit of planet “Jupiter” (2002-2010, possibly later).

The motherships were observed by the observatories “Mauna – Kea” of Hawaii, USA as one-hundred-and-twenty new satellites of “Jupiter”.  Hebrew-Saxon “NASA” forbade the observatories from publishing statements and announced falsely that “It is about one-hundred-and-twenty new natural satellites of Jupiter, which arrived (in only 2 years!!!), originating from other (vague – undetermined) points of our solar system”. 

You stupid Masons and Christian bishops hope for transfer of your souls after death, into some heavenly – space “Paradise”.  This is a vain and fraudulent hope, a product of the innate fraud of the Dragonian space criminal Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi and his demonic, Satanic archangels “Asmodai”, “Metatron”, “Michael”, “Gabriel”, and other “angels” of “888” (right hand path) and his colluding demons of “666” (left hand path). 

Your souls will not be transferred to any Masonic or Christian “Paradise” or “Place of Favor”.  They will find themselves suspended in a void in a panicked horror situation with spirits of the seven inner planets dominated by Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi.

Attack against the space criminal and his criminal “archangels”, Asmodai, Metatron, Michael, Gabriel, and rest, by the Federal Galactic Forces now stationed in Saturn’s orbit is imminent.  They will arrest you, you dirty Masonic and Judeo-Christian scoundrels; black magicians of Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi and his “archangels”.  You are traitors against
  • your genitor Zeus, 
  • your Andromedian interstellar forefathers, and 
  • the legal Galactic Government or according to your terminology, “Galactic Empire”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 31 January 2013

There have been attempts to disprove and humiliate G.H.Rees by referring to them as “a dangerous group of traitors living in a fantasy world”.  Needless to say, culprits include the military alliance of the Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania (BASTR) axis with China against Greece and all the Nazi-fascist  neo-Greek  rubbish: 
  • “Epsilon”, 
  • “L.a.O.S.”,  
  • “Golden Dawn”, 
  • “Nea Acropolis”, 
  • “Naer Mataron” (Near Metatron) , 
  • “Christian-Dodecatheist-Sophists”, 
  • “anti-Metatron”, 
  • “Eymolpos”, 
  • “P.A.S.Y.A”, etc..  
An article was posted on “” on 12/1/13.  It concerned the visit of Chinese Minister of Defence, Liang-Guang-Li, to Skopje on 11 and 12/1/13 and the “signed agreement between Skopje and China for development and progress of military co-operation between China and Skopje through the mutual exchange of military attaches”.  That is, an exchange to take place after transformation of the military BASTR/Pentagon axis into BASTR/RO.K” ** and the surrounding of Greece by armies of China and Turkey.  

On account of an article by G.H.Rees in October 2012 on “ellhnkaichaos”, through which Greek Americans of US services warned the Greek:
  • Government, 
  • armed forces, 
  • police, 
  • intelligence services, that 
“the general mobilization of Turkey in October of 2012 was not aimed at attacking Syria, as was falsely announced by Ankara, but was aimed at attacking Greece!!”.  Stayros Lalas served 12 years in an American prison, bitterly betrayed by the Greek Hebrew Government of the Hebrew Mitsotakis-Venizelos- Ben Salom-Benjamin Salom (Benjamin’s peace).  Putting himself in serious danger for Greek national security, Lalas delivered “CIA” documents to Greece that revealed Turkish submarine hideaways along the coast of western Turkey.  After his discharge from prison, he was mocked by the traitorous members of “Golden Dawn”, namely Spyros Spyropoulos of “ PA.SY.A.GR”, “” and “” by order of the hideous traitor bastard Hitler Nazi and an informer for the “Greek Intelligence Service” and Greek police, Michaloliakos, leader of "Golden Dawn”.  Hebrew born Michaloliakos, Mongolian Kasidiaris, and the rest of “Golden Dawn”, want the Turkish army to invade Greece. 

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