Monday, 18 July 2016


Divided into Memphis Templis Misraim negative (-MTM) and Moses Templis Melhisedec positive (+MTM), which are Greek hyper-lodge(s). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 27 August 2010

Non-masonic historians proved that from pre-history until 1,700 A.MH.C. (After Mongol Hebrew Christ) all the wars in our planet were provoked by the “oracles-prophecies” and the “auguries” of the collusing pre-Christian and Christian-Judean-Islamic-Taoist-Shinto-Buddhist-Lama priesthoods.  After 1,700 A.MH.C., all the wars in our planet were provoked and ordered by the hierarchy of the “secret societies” namely Masonic hyper-lodges: “HONG” China >> “ZEN” Tibet and India >> +/- AOA London >> +/- OTO London >> ethnic hyper-lodges “MTM”, such as “+/- MTM – Greece” or “Grand Orient Greece (+)” which founded the political parties
  • “N.D.(New Democracy)”, 
  • “PA.SO.K.”(Greek Socialist Party), 
  • “K.K.E.”(Greek Communist Party), 
  • “SY.RIZ.A” (Left Wing Party), and the 
  • “Theosophical Society Greece (-)” which spawned the
    • “Epsilon Group”,
      • the “Olympians Epsilon”, 
      • the “La.O.S.” crypto-zionist ultra-right wing political party of the Turk-Albanian Mongol anti-Greek agent provocateur pseudo-Nationalist Kara-Zafferi and of the Hebrew Corrado or Conrad or Korradis, former leader of the Greek-Hebrew Secret Service: “KYP/EYP” of “N.D.”, and 
      • and maybe Golden Dawn/Xrysh Aygh (Greece) under Golden Dawn (London). 
“Terrestrial Dragonians” that is, Chinese “Dragons” were constructed through genetic engineering in honour of the “Draco Constellation” from which the Moon originated.  Their genitors are the lunar Dragonian demons [Metatron – Asmodai – “Michael” – “Gabriel”, … “Urinael” and 33,000 lunar Demons of the Asiatic Religions].  After ousting the Andromedian's White “Gods” of Zeus and the Sirian's Black “Gods” of Sirius from view, they proceeded from 9,600 B.MH.C. to deviously impersonate the ousted “Gods” with humiliating acts of villainously provoked wars (See: Achaeans Hellenes against Trojan Hellenes, and Hellenic cities against Hellenic cities).  Furthermore, subordinate scientists of the ousted ones finally mutated into “Dodecatheists”, that is Christian, Judean, Islamic, Asiatic, and Masonic priesthoods of the hierarchy: “HONG >> ZEN >> AOA + OTO >> MTM”. 
[NB  God => “Thew” => run/fly extremely fast in the sky/space, thus God is a verb!
See: “Argean – Arcadian pre-Selenes” (before the arrival of the moon) of the ancient geographer Pausanias.
See: “Comparative Mythology” of Raymond Drake, concerning arrival of the Moon.
See: “Secrets of the Moon” of the Soviet Academics Vasin and Scherbakov.
Read: Hellenic Mythology – Mito – Logy (Mitos - Ariadne’s Clew), about
  • “Perseus” in favour of the “Constellation of Andromeda” and against the “Constellation of Draco”, 
  • Herodotus Z’61, 
  • Ferekides (Apollonius Rhodius Comments D’1091), 
  • Sophocles – Euripides, 
  • Eratosthenes “Catasterismi - placings among the stars”, 
  • Yginos “Poetic Astronomy”.] 
Lunar Dragonian demons “Asmodai”, “Metatron”, “Michael”, “Gabriel” and rest created the Dragonian Yellow Chinese and Korean annihilators of White and Black races.  Following genocide of White men and the rape of White women of “Yunnan” (Hellenic Ionia, Southern China) by Chinese and Koreans of Korea and Southern China, rabid White-Yellow “Doberman” Mongol annihilators resulted: Turks, Albanians, Bulgarians, Hebrews, Saxons, Hungarians, and rest.  These Mongols attacked Hellenes and other White Andromedians, causing wars from 9,600 B.MH.C. up until today,for the 
  • ongoing break-up of the White and Black nations
  • ongoing unification and burgeoning of China and Korea
  • complete genocide of White and Black nations by China and Korea in World War III
  • absolute and terminal Dragonian world hegemony. 

[Read “Timaeus” and “Critias” of Plato about the Global civil war between Hellas and Atlantis in 9,600 B.MH.C..
See “Comparative Mythology” of the Publicist Raymond Drake for “Corruption of Atlantis by the small Yellow Masters (Chinese)”.]
All Earthly wars arise from lunar Dragonian demons – arch-Satans (“Metatron”, “Asmodai”) and their subordinate demonic Dragonian spirit-devils, through spiritual sessions and invocations of stupid Masons: Chinese, Tibetans, Hebrew-Saxons of “AOA – OTO” London, and ethnic (“Gentile”) Masonries of the “Grand Orients – MTM” of the Hierarchy: “HONG” => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM.  Provocation extends through ethnic Masonries (MTM) to Hebrew and Saxon Mongols: Presidents, Kings, Emperors, Ministers, and Generals in all countries.

The same Dragonian Chinese arch-Satans of space, arch-annihilators of White and Black nations of the planet, have falsely blamed White and Black nations for 11,600 years of war.  Through ethnic Masonries and Mongol Hebrew-Saxon governors of White and Black nations, they deviously cause degradation for alleged “guilt” and “responsibility” for war and corruption.  By this means and using the Dragonian Chinese “888” and Korean “777” warrior-miners, they attempt to completely annihilate the nations they demonise and tag “666” in the run up to World War Three “Armageddon”.  Note that for benefit of Mongol Hebrews “666” and Saxons “666”, there are false and devious displays inside the spiritual sessions of Masonic lodges, which allege that attendees are
  • God's executive annihilators of the warmongering White and Black nations, and 
  • God's final and terminal governors of Earth and global pacifist rulers of “The Kingdom of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sina/China”! 
“Yellow Space Chinese” “Archangels” of the Dragonian “God – dragon-turtle” Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Judas/pseudo-Jehovah and of the mutineer Andromedian “God” Savit/Savaoth/Cronus, incite World War III or “Armageddon” for the complete genocide of the White and Black nations, in order to punish the above mentioned nations because allegedly they “provoked all the wars of human history and the 1st and 2nd world wars”!  However, it is proven that all wars, including partial genocide of the White and Black nations, were programmed, incited, and provoked by the demonic “Gods” and “archangels”.  They use ancient and new dirty criminal priesthoods, religions, secret societies, and Masonic lodges (Hong => Zen => AOA+OTO => MTM) under the influence of subordinate demons in
  • spiritual sessions 
  • demonic invocations 
  • visions 
  • inspirations of the “Spirit of God”. 
All these for Masons, priests, and Satanic monks of Dragonian arse, while other parapsychological (read hyper-technological) Dragonian Satanical “Shows” include displays of the covertly colluding “Good Angels 888” and “Bad Demons 666” of non-existent “Satan”.  Or to better describe it, displays of the “Second – Satanic Face” of the “God of the Dragonian Peace” or Pax Dragonian or Pax Sinica or “Kingdom of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sinai/Sina/China”, namely of the space Chinese Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi.

Dragonian devils, space invader Chinese are “Gods” and “Archangels”, “Angels 888 ▲+ “, and in collusion “Demons 666▼- “.  Through the Earthly priesthoods and Masonic lodges “HONG => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM” and armies of Yellow Chinese-Koreans and White-Yellow semi-Dragonian Mongol Hebrews, Saxons, Albanians, Bulgarians, Turks, Hungarians, Finnish, Bavarians, and rest as kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers of the White and Black nations provoke their long since programmed Third World War “Armageddon” (See “John’s Revelation” IF’ (16) 16:12” of the “New Testament”):
“And the sixth (Dragonian) Angel (888, of Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Sedi/Jed/Jeid/Jude/Judas/pseudo-Jehovah/pseudo-Being) poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; (in Iraq, Syria, Turkey) and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the (Chinese) kings of the east (coming from the east) might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits (Demons 666) like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (namely, of the Dragonian Sin/Sion/pseudo-Jehovah, false-impersonating Zeus), and out of the mouth of the beast (the “neo-Byzantine Constantinople Empire” of the right wing theosophical political party “La.O.S. - 666” (People’s Orthodox Alert) and of the “Epsilon Group – 666” Christiano-Dodecatheist Sufism), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (namely of Ioannis Palaiologos Dragazis, as allegedly “Incarnation of God Dionysus - 666”, and “Emperor of La.O.S.” and of the “neo-Byzantine Empire - 666” and as “New Christ - 666” or “Anti-Christ 666”).  For they (these three spirits) are the spirits of devils, (666, namely in collusion spirits of Sin/Sion/Zion-pseudo-Jehovah) working miracles, which go forth (from Sin/Zion) unto the kings of the earth (governments) and of the whole world (of the White and Black nations), to gather them to the battle (3rd World War of “Armageddon”) of that great day of God (Dragonian sub-god) the Almighty (…only Moon-mighty and Seven Inner Planets-mighty)._ And he gathered them together (the armies and people of White and Black race) into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. (in order to annihilate them through the Chinese)”.

Understand and realise the “Jehovian” and “Savaothic” deceit of the programmed genocide of 5 billion people of White and Black races. Wake up from your religious and Masonic sleep,
  • members of religious and Masonic priesthoods of White and Black nations
  • bishops of “Orthodoxy”
  • Masonic officers of “Greek +/-MTM” of commanding councils of Greek banks
  • members of the legislature
  • judiciary, and 
  • executive power of Generals and Admirals of
    • Greek armed forces 
    • Police force, and 
    • Secret Service.
Mongols Hebrews and Saxons, and Tibetans, and Chinese of the Masonic Hierarchy “HONG => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM”,
After the arrival and beginning of power domination in our planet, Federal Galactic Forces will force sterilisation upon the terrestrial Yellow Dragonian Chinese-Koreans and White-Yellow and Black-Yellow semi-Dragonian Mongols, with purpose their final disappearance and nihilism in our planet.  Their souls will be transferred for survival to other solar systems, under limitation clauses, far away from the thirteen solar systems of Coccyx-Hyperion-Sirius.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 06 October 2012

AOA London has a “Chancellor” and “Equinox” is their bible, which is their “constitution” because they consider themselves a hyper-state and hyper-government (of the West 666).  It is the leading Western masonic hyperlodge, divided into the positive (+)Christian-socialist Astrum Argentinum (+OTO, +MTM) and the negative (–)Nazi-Buddhist Atlantean Adepts (-OTO, -MTM).  Both parties (+AOA and -AOA) collude with each other and are controlled by the lunar Draconian Common Centre.  Leadership comprises top human kabbalah magicians: 72 hyper Chief-Rabbis of White-Yellow Mongol origins serving the interests of Draconian Chinese 888 expansionism and complete planetary rule. 

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