Monday, 18 July 2016

Mount Sion

(See also "Gold" posting.) 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 February 2010

Gold has disappeared from the treasuries of all states, the “Bank of Greece”, and from “Fort Knox” of USA, to Switzerland for "safekeeping"!  Hellenes and non-Hellenic residents of the area near the city of Sion (Zion) and Mount Sion, were eye-witnesses to powerful sources of light shone frequently at night from the top of Mount Sion towards nowhere.  [Mount Sion is filled with caves and treasuries of Swiss banks.]  The unexplained lights reported in common mainstream ufology magazines may correlate with disappearance of Earth’s valuable metals and reports by Swiss people of  “Encounters of the Third Kind” in Mount Sion. 

[There is heavy implication of a gold heist, therefore the doctrine of “Ανταναιρέσεως – Departure of the Moon” is mentioned.  It is a basic mystical doctrine of the “Holy Mount Athos” of Chalkidiki Greece, concerning the aftermath of a “Second Coming”.  So, G.H.Rees suggests that people choose a side, either with the Universal Hierarchy prosecutor or with the accused Eloh/Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah in front of the Galactic and Universal Justice – Nemesis.] 

G.H.Rees revealed in old signals that Gold has disappeared from countries-states and is concentrated in Switzerland's “Mount Sion” (Zion), along with the Zionist's central banks like Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements.  The area also called “Basel” or “Kingdom” (God’s Kingdom).  It is a base of Zionist sessions.  Now -after the gold disappearance- there is talk of fake gold bars, with purpose the ignition of World War Three or “Armageddon” between the Shanghai Pact and the Western Trilateral Pact! 

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