Friday, 29 July 2016

ONU (United Nations)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 22 March 2016

G.H.Rees calls upon the governments of U.N member states (ONU) to permanently and irrevocably expel Turkey and Qatar from the U.N..  As has already been proven, these two criminal nations have funded, supplied, recruited, and are hosting criminal ‘’ISIS’’ terrorists and are mainly to blame for ‘’ISIS’’ terrorist attacks in European countries. 

These criminal countries are also dragging ALL U.N member states (ONU) to their ultimate genocide by the Chinese and Korean armies in WWIII, after 2023.  An intermediate war of the armies of B.A.S.T.R. (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania) against Greece is intended for 2016. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 07 August 2012

The Chinese are intelligently silent about preparation for the attack of “NATO” against Syria, confining themselves to “not voting” for this attack at the Security Council of the “ONU”.  The Chinese government obeys orders from “Hong” and insidiously conspires with the “USA” government for overthrow of the regime of Syrian President Assad, so that Iran is finally surrounded from all directions and attacked from every border, i.e. by treacherous Mongolian and of Turkish origin Azerbaijan (Azeris or Khazars of Jewish religion (Judaism.  Ed..), as the most criminal Mongolian genus of the planet).  Note that during the reign of the bloodthirsty murderous criminal Mogul Jenkins Han, six million Persian-Iranian civilians were unnecessarily slaughtered. 

Korean Secretary General of the “ONU” Ban Ki-moon is a member of the Chinese over-lodge “Hong”.  (Note that Koreans are part of the Yellow Chinese race.)  Informed by the Hebrew-Saxon American-Jewish General “observer” of the ONU for Syria, Robert Mood, his most recent criminal act is stating that “The Assad regime of Syria is using… immeasurable military force and disproportionate violence against Syrian civilians”. 

General Robert Mood, completely… ignored
  • the murder of entire Syrian populations loyal to president Assad, in order to occupy the Syrian city of Aleppo and neighbourhoods of Damascus. 
  • the use of “military force” and “disproportionate violence” by
    • Syrians hired by “NATO”, 
    • Turkish and Israeli traitor Syrian “anti-regimes”. 
It is by such obnoxious Hebrew-Masons and provocateur “generals” that world wars are incited.  

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 03 August 2012

To all governments, officers of armed forces, officers of police corps, officers of the intelligence services, citizens of all countries of “ONU”, and forums of all countries, directly and through the embassies of all countries in Athens – Greece – Hellas.

Signal Two
Greek-Americans of American Intelligence Services informed that: The “CIA-USA” Department of Operational Planning of was ordered to elaborate a scheme of assassinations against American, English, and Israeli athletes in the Olympic Games of London.  The “CIA” and the Hebrew-American “Mass Media” were to falsely present the murders as acts of Syrian and Persian philo-Governmental organizations, in order to justify a “NATO” military assault against Syria and Iran.  In fact, the assassinations were ordered by the Chief-Rabbi-lodge of the Hebrew Chief-Rabbis Barouch of “USA” through “NSA-USA”.  

Signal Three
On 1/8/2012 the Greek Newspaper “Kathimerini” publicized Greek Government intentions for the abolition of police security for Greek Members of Parliament.  This could expose the “SY.RIZ.A.” party (Left wing political party of Greece) to assassinations from anti-Hellenic foreign services Propaganda would charge “Right Wing” and “Ultra-Right Wing” organizations with the crimes, leading to Greek-Hebrews ordering leaders of the subparties of “SY.RIZ.A.” to proclaim armed revolt by 
  • followers of “SY.RIZ.A.”, 
  • anarchists, and 
  • foreign armed immigrants in Greece (450,000 Albanians of “UCK + UCC” and 600,000 Islamists)
The Greek Army and Police would be forced to suppress this revolt by use arms, thereby giving pretext to the armies of “B.A.S.T./R.” (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey / Romania) at the Greek border for invasion into Northern, Central, Western, Insular Greece.  There, the armies intend to genocide half of all Greeks.  Greek-Americans of American Intelligence Services assure that the provocative assassinations were designed by the “CIA”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 22 April 2011

Honorable Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Ministers of the Member States of “ONU” United Nations,

On April 7th 2011
  • the Chinese Government made an announcement that radioactivity originating from Fukushima, Japan, was located in three Chinese provinces.
  • the Government of South Korea announced that in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, there were rainfalls contaminated with radioactivity originating from Fukushima, Japan, i.e. Iodine-131 (131I), Caesium-134 (134Cs), Caesium-137(137Cs), and other radio-isotopes.
  • the South Korean Government announced that schools in the southern part of the country be ordered shut. 
The announcement by the Chinese Government on April 7th 2011 about “Locating of radioactivity originating from Fukushima, Japan, in three Provinces of China” is false. 

“NASA”s satellites detected nuclear radiation, ranging from ten times up to ninety-five times above the maximum allowed limits.  This occurred in eighteen and not three industrial Provinces of China, where products are produced for export to other nations.  

Thursday, 28 July 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 03 September 2010

Counter-measures to meteorological warfare

Firstly, storms are being created by “HAARP” (High frequency Active Auroral Research Project) of “USA” and absorption “MASER” satellites of “USA” and China.  Secondly, broiling weather is provoked by “HAARP” and emission “MASER” satellites of “USA” and China. 

The technology of Wilhelm Reich can be used for intercepting these weather effects that can seriously damage food crops.  Position a parallel network of orgone emitters and absorbers for the creation of high barometric and low barometric pressures.  Crops should also be fully protected by “MASERS”. 

Wednesday, 27 July 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 03 April 2011

“Netrino – Naser” signals of amplified beam from Governmental Forces stationed in Saturn's orbit, utilise neutrinos called “subelements of B’ and C’ class” and the smaller subatomic particles are called “subelements of D’, E’, ...H’ class”.  Eighth class (H') neutrinos probably correspond to 6th dimension of matter rarification ships of the Governmental Andromedians, currently stationed in the orbits of Saturn. 

The current post says little of netrino weaponry, so here is a mention:
White hot radiation “netrino” and the black cold radiation “anti-netrino” are neither absorbed or blocked by material obstacles of any cross-section.  They pierce terrestrial mass and any other electromagnetic armor, lead, or other material.  There is no defense against “netrino” and “anti-netrino”, “naser” and “nasar” radiation. 

At the biological level, these radiations can cause
  • break-up human “DNA” 
  • cancers 
  • instant death from cerebral and heart episodes, due to disruption of the electrochemistry of the human body.
In respect of electrical and electronic installations and instrumentation, these radiations disrupt electron “spin” [angular momentum], causing the internal structure of conductors to break-up.  Electric and electronic circuitry shorts and due to thermal energy, melts. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 18 June 2016

Dear sirs of the Russian government: On 24 June 2016, the “ space research” division of G.H.Rees based in Patras, Greece, will transmit a concentrated “Neutrino-Naser” energy beam towards the Galactic Andromedian Government astrofleet orbiting Saturn.  The signal will include replies from governments of planet Earth to the Galactic Government’s command relating to “cancellation-annulment” of the programmed lunar Draconian WWIII between trilateral axes of “U.S.-E-J 666” (U.S., Europe, Japan) and “R.I.C. 888” (Russia, Siitic Islam, China). 

Replies received by the “Netrino-Nasar” (Neutrino Amplified Stimulated Absorption Radiation) equipment of G.H.Rees in Patras Greece from the vicinity of the Andromedian Government at Saturn are as follows:
“In case the Touranian Government of Russia should continue playing a double game , that is, apparently promoting “Christianity 888” through Touranian “leader” Ioannis Vatatzis in the role of “ Emperor of Constantinople” who will later on be ordered to change into the “Antichrist 666”, with a Christian-Dodecatheon religion so that, as leader of trilateral “US.J.E.”, to declare WWIII against “R.I.C. 888”, then following the extermination or unconditional surrender of lunar Draconian forces, when the true andromedian forces finally arrive on planet Earth, the Russian Government will be responsible and the cause for the extermination of ALL Touranian governments and ALL Touranian-Mongolian populations of planet earth by the Andromedian forces”.

Subject: Receipt of astrostrategics information from the forces of the four (4) outer planets of the solar system to the governments of Earth, all under command of mutinous space forces (666, 777, 888) in the inner planets of our solar system...


Information is transmitted by forces in the four outer planets via “heavy, slow neutrino transmitters” and received by “heavy, slow neutrino receivers” of the “space search division” of G.H.Rees in Patras, Greece. 

You politicians may deliver this summary of information to your specialised university staff for further analysis, as you are incapable of doing so due to a lack of specialized knowledge.  It is likely that heavy, slow neutrino transmissions are made possible through concentrated radiation neutrino-naser transmitters, since the above transmissions took place with an acute angle of transmission, arriving on Earth with a 2,000 km radius.  

Research information transmitted from G.H.Rees via heavy neutrino (neutrino-naser) transmitters to planet Saturn, was received by Andromedian forces stationed there.  These forces of the Galactic Government Andromedian astrofleet are notifying ALL governments of Earth:
"Any governments of planet Earth that will carry out the planned WWIII on the planet, will be annihilated without being allowed the slightest chance of survival..."

G.H.Rees’ Neutrino-Nasar receivers of the space research division of G.H.Rees in the city of Patras , Greece, received the following clarification-command:
“In case the Draconian forces ultimately agree to an unconditional surrender and a lifetime commitment of “acts of expiation” in a different solar system, according to Galactic Laws, it is forbidden that any court sentence or legal actions be taken against them for the crimes they have committed”.  The same will apply to the Touranian and Mongolian governments and populations of Earth, should they also wish to commit similar “acts of expiation”, after giving up committing crimes of the Galactic Penal Code.

We present to you Geostrategic Mathematical Codes that the Chinese Masonic hyper-lodge “Hong” has elaborated and assigned to the geostrategic axles, which without exception were founded by “Hong” in order to design and conduct World War III for genociding two-thirds, namely five billion of all terrestrial races of the planet, from the pure Draconians – Yellow armies of China and of United Korea.  The Geostrategic Codes were cross-verified through electronic eavesdropping via passive “Neutrino Receivers” of G.H.Rees, over masonic lodge sessions of
  • Hong-Kong, of Shanghai, 
  • “AOA” – “Ordo Adeptis Atlantis” London, and 
  • the environment of the “Planetary King of Israel”, arch-Rabbi Baruch or Barowghs of “USA”.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016


A central, fictional character invented by Sin. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 12 April 2010

G.H.Rees' hypothesis: The Moon is an artificial satellite of Earth, put into orbit by some intelligent beings unknown to ourselves.

A Noah's Ark? If you are going to launch an artificial sputnik, then it is advisable to make it hollow. At the same time it would be naive to imagine that anyone capable of such a tremendous space project would be satisfied simply with some kind of giant empty trunk hurled into a near-Earth trajectory. 

It is more likely that what we have here is a very ancient spaceship, the interior of which was filled with fuel for the engines, materials and appliances for repair work, navigation, instruments, observation equipment and all manner of machinery... in other words, everything necessary to enable this "caravelle of the Universe" to serve as a kind of Noah's Ark of intelligence, perhaps even as the home of a whole civilisation envisaging a prolonged existence (thousands of millions of years) and long wanderings through space (thousands of millions of miles). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 30 October 2011

Considering the irrevocable and deterministic historical observation that when there is an ongoing deterministic economic invasion, there follows a political “Rösler - Germany” type invasion followed by military invasion of the type (
  • 300,000 Chinese army today in Mexico, 
  • 200.000 Chinese Army today in Canada, 
  • 700.000 Chinese Army today in Panama Canal, 
  • 700.000 Chinese Army today in Nigeria, 
and several millions of Chinese Army scattered in other countries of the Planet, under the pretext of protection of energy sources (Natural Gas – Oil) and trade from the “Evil colonialists” – USA & European Union. 

Of course those “evil colonialists” are shaming themselves by obediently undertaking acts of colonialism against African, Asiatic, and South American countries as ordered from China, in an act of collusion today between the Chinese Government and the Hebrew-Saxon Western nations.  Already G.H.Rees has proved that the end of this collusion will be for China to order the armies of the West i.e. “NATO” to provocatively attack against China.  Thus, China will gain the moral and religious alibi for religious war (Jihad) against the “Evil West 666”, unleashing a massive counterattack with 200,000,000 Chinese soldiers (See: John’s Revelation 9:16) and other armies of China’s allies like the R.I.C. axis (Russia – Shiite Islam – China) or “Pact of Shanghai” against the West.  Consequently, the  White Race and then the Black Race will be genocided.  [The Black race is labelled the “cursed race of Ham” in the dirty Hebrew-Chinese “Holy Scripture”… (see: Book of Genesis – Old Testament), with the clownish and pseudo-historical excuse that while allegedly drunk from wine, the son (Black race) Ham mocked his non-existent father, Noah!] 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 10 October 2011

It has been argued that "the Bible says the Chosen People will multiply well; currently two out of five people in the world are Chinese.  Also the Great Wall is the original "Wailing Wall" where the Chinese cried after the Mongolians tore down their wall.  So yes, the real Jewish people are the Chinese!  Plus, the first emperor recited the Biblical passage on the creation of the heavens, word for word.  Chinese written characters also depict the Great Flood and Noah/Giglamesh..."

Nine-Eleven (9/11)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 03 May 2010

Subject: “Terrorist” Attack 11/9/2001 against non-combatant citizens of New York USA.  A Hebrew-Saxon purim (provocateur act) for the ignition of World War III, "US.E.J" (USA-Europe-Japan) vs "R.I.C." (Russia-Islam-China).  G.H.Rees concluded that:

1)  The whole operation was invented and organized by the shadow hyper-government “NSA” or “National Security Agency” of USA, without the knowledge of the American Government, FBI, CIA, DIA and the rest American services, with purpose the creation of causing World War III. 

2)  The “NSA” staff is only comprised of Hebrew and Saxon university professors and same-ancestry high authority officials of USA.

3)  The “NSA” ordered its Israelii echelon leadership of Mossad, in complete ignorance of the lower hierarchy of Mossad, to complete the planning of the operation of 9/11 and then transfer its execution to the secret service of Pakistan that is manned by Hebrew Pakistanis, under the then fake-Islamic Hebrew-Pakistani junta government.  [Related to this matter is a response by Rabbi Abe Finklestein to Pastor James Wickstrom, PhD...
PW:  "No Jews in the twin towers!  Three thousand Jews were not at work when they fell."
RF: "Ariel and some of the boys in the Mossad, they got together, wired up the buildings and took them down... The buildings were getting old and it was time to bring them down. This way, we make some shekels..."] 

4)  The “P.I.A.” or I.S.I. “broke” the whole operation into five parts, which were transferred to Islamic organizations within five countries, making it impossible to track the “NSA” as original planner and commander, and safely track the “Islamists” as executors.

As an allied country, activation of Article 5 of the “NATO agreement” can force participation of Hellas (Greece) in the military attack of US.E.J. and T.I.M. (Tibet - India - Mongolia) against the colluding R.I.C..  “NSA” planning of the military attack was conducted under the typical commander-in-chief Paul Glucksburg or the alternative “King” “Palaiologos Dragazis”. 

Should the Hellenic military participate in this campaign by US.E.J. against R.I.C, then Hellas and Israel, of Hellenistic Ashkanians or Ashkenazim, will be genocided as a priority by the counterattack of R.I.C., through Nuclear-Chemical-Biological War.  Hebrew “Professors” and “Sephardi” rabbi’s of NSA planned WWIII in cooperation with the Hebrew Chinese “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” of Shanghai, China.  They intend to move there before US.E.J. is genocided by R.I.C., then to govern the planet as the “international Sino-zionistic hyper government”.

The Hebrew-Saxon “NSA” of USA is not a maker of decisions but an executive branch of the “Draconian Empire”, which originated the Yellow race of Sin or Zion-Sion or Sina, known as “Sines” or Sinese-Chinese.

Monday, 25 July 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 10 February 2013

Comment 1. The red star Nibiru or goddess Nemesis has arrived. 

G.H.Rees' first reply (not verbatim): Following the publication of vertical and horizontal cross sections of the local heliosphere by G.H.Rees department of astrophysics, referred to in the accompanying  “ellhnkaichaos” webpage.  Unmanned American space vehicles, Voyagers 1 and 2, attempted to penetrate the outer cell of our local heliosphere beyond the orbit of Pluto and finally exit into free interstellar space.  [Our solar system is like a bubble or cell that contains the planets, here referred to as a heliosphere.  Ed..] 

Due to the stagnation and immobilization of the space craft beyond the orbit of Pluto and following publication of the above scientific announcement in “ellhnkaichaos”, the Hebrew Saxon fraud of “the red planet Nibiru” was blown to pieces both theoretically and experimentally.  In other words, it was proved that the outer boundary of our planetary/solar system prevents exit and entry.  This applies to the utterly non-existent planet Nibiru or Nemesis, the laughable American space vehicles and any other of matter of our own rarefaction—“dimension”.  [As I understand the subject, the various dimensions of reality are characterised by different densities of the matter they contain, so-called matter rarefication.  Entities e.g. demons, dominate some dimensions and oversee others, like ours.  The function of CERN is for Freemasons to open portals to other dimensions!  Ed..] 

Deviously false announcements by America and Russia pertaining to supposed arrival of “Nibiru” are contradicted by American space vehicle mishaps at the boundaries of our solar system beyond the orbit of Pluto.  Voyagers 1 and 2 got stuck and became immobilized inside the “solid transparent void of electromagnetically polarized interstellar matter of 1st and 2nd matter rarefaction –dimension” of our local heliosphere.  Should a “red Nibiru” appear within our immediate interstellar space, it would be a hologram projected by Draconian lasers installed on the surface of the moon or the seven internal planets ruled by the space mega-fraud criminal pseudo-Jehova or Sin/Sion/Sina/Sedi/Jedi/Jade/Jude/Juda.


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 13 January 2013

Planet “ Nibiru” does not exist.  Nor is it about to invade our solar system from a neighbouring solar system, as stated by the Hebrew-Saxon frauds of “AOA” and “OTO” hyperlodges of London under order of “Hong” and “Zen”.  It is written their books, promoted in Greece by the degenerate “Greek Theosophic society” traitors, as mother of “Krinaetoi”, “Soufist”, and “Epsilon” masonic lodges.

There is no "Nibiru" because there is no neighbouring sun of a neighbouring clockwise matter solar system like ours.  According to astronomy, the closest sun and its solar system lie at a distance of four light years (A-Centauri) and in the universe, there are no suns capable of keeping a planet like Nibiru in a four light year anthelios so it could bash Pluto.

It is also impossible for a planet …..”Nibiru” to originate in a counter-clockwise anthelios (anti-sun) orbit, since “counter-clockwise-turning matter” is antimatter for the “clockwise-turning matter” of our own solar system.  As soon as the supposed “Nibiru” left its counter-clockwise turning orbit and approached the clockwise turning orbit of Pluto, it would disintegrate in a huge nuclear explosion of (clockwise turning) matter and (counter-clockwise turning) anti–matter.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 20 November 2009

Enemy Draconian writing...

On page 109 of the book “Return of the Gods” by ex-General Gerasimos Kalogerakis, is written:
“…no planet of our solar system is our mother ship or home world.  We the “Olympians Epsilon” live in your solar system beyond the orbit of Pluto, in a world your scientists name as Planet-X”. 

G.H.Rees affirms in the post, that for three reasons, this is a fraudulent statement of the Draconian pseudo-Olympians. 

The orbit of “planet Nibiru” as presented by Zacharia Sitchin is vertical to the level of the planets orbiting the sun.  Moreover, it passes very close to the orbit of Earth.  There are no such planetary orbits“Vertical” orbits belong exclusively to comets, therefore we have another Hebrew-Saxonic fraud in which a comet may falsely be presented as “Planet Nibiru”!  It would not be the first time in which a comet is used by Dragonians to create mass hysteria about the end of the world or “Armageddon”.  According to G.H.Rees, Kalogerakis is a traitor.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 24 January 2010The so called "Vulcan zone" stretches from the surface of the sun roughly up to the orbit of planet Mercury.  G.H.Rees advanced scientific group has identified at least one planet or planetary remnant inside the vulcan zone, named “Hephaestus” in honour of the God of (Nuclear) Fire due to close proximity to the Sun.

G.H.Rees affirms that there is a planet, which is at all times "gravitationally locked" in the exact opposite position of Earth (hence the name anti-Chthon, meaning anti-Earth from ancient Hellenic scientists and the Pythagoreans).  We cannot see it from Earth because the sun is in the way.  A hidden objective of space missions is to pinpoint the hidden anti-Chthon between the orbits of Mercury and Venus without revealing it to the public, in order to maintain the fraud of the non-existent "10th, X or 12th" planet Nibiru, which is destined for a special terror purpose in the “Armageddon” or WWIII scheme of Sin/Sion/Zion/Sedi/Jedi/Yahweh and his subordinates on Earth.

Propaganda on Nibiru sometimes says it is to be "expected" from outside our solar system's known boundaries; coming from a bizarre vertical planetary orbit that only ever applies to comets.  In any solar system in the universe the planetary harmonics-orbits are twelve (iso-dodecahedron etheric principle of matter of a counterclockwise rotating sun).  We have nine known planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), one exploded by the Dragonians (Phaethon, now the asteroid belt), one in the vulcan zone (Hephaestus), and one anti-Chthon behind the Sun; totalling twelve harmonics.  There is no harmonic left to accommodate planet Nibiru

Friday, 22 July 2016

Nephilim (Devils/Demons)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 19 June 2011

Espouse the principle of genocide (destruction), which White Pelasgians follow! 

Reptilian Dragonian lunarians created a bipolar invention that divides their forces into Elohim and Nephilim that collude toward destruction of the human race.  Elohim are pose as angels and are signified with a "triangle" △ pointing at heaven.  Nephilim are signified by a "triangle" ▼ that points toward hell.  They don't need to pose, as they really are devils/demons/fallen angels.  [The invention is to create religions that draw half of humans toward following either elohim (888) or nephilim (666), with the idea - religious polarity policy - that people will undertake religious wars to the point of mutual annihilation.  Although few Westerners are Satanists or Luciferians, Western power is held and manipulated by Masonic leaderships of 666.  Ed..]  On an international scale,  White pelasgians live under the genocidal followers of Nephilim and, because they are perceived as evil, the Chinese followers of Elohim have an alibi for annihilating them through Armageddon (Rev. 9:14-18).

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 February 2010

Once upon a time, a gang of thieves and murderers invaded a bank (our solar system) to rob it (of raw materials).  They began to kill the employees of the bank (the Black race) and visiting clients (the White race), in order to fill their bags with money (with raw materials) unhindered and avoid intervention ofby the police (of governmental galactic forces).  But the police came before all the money was put into bags, and so the robbers (Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi/Sedi, El Sedi or Elohim Sedi, of the Hebrew’s agent D.Liakopoulos, etc) couldn’t escape the bank.  The gang began to threaten to kill all the hostages (Earthlings - with chemtrails and biological-radiological warfare through underground nuclear explosions caused by CERN of Switzerland creating matter voids, etc..).  Indeed, the gang did kill many hostages (over 13,500 years of wars and genocides that they provoked). 

Primary doctrine of Islam-Koran is that God-Allah (Eloh or Elohim in Hebrew) lives in the Moon.  The medium between the moon and Muhammad was the Hebrew Uarak or Barak, astrologer and teacher of Muhammad. 

All Islamic nations display the crescent Moon in their flags indicating that they obey only to the moon, which orders them to murder non-believers and non-muslims in continuation of Old Testament massacres against Hellenes or Palesatonians/Palestinians/or Philistines.  Hebrew and Arab butchers of Judaism and Islam are supposedly rewarded through the Arabian and Hebrew-Talmudic “paradise” with its pilafs, nymphets, and rest located according to their doctrines in the moon. 

For those cognizant of the Assyrian-Babylon religion, remember that the term
  • ilou or eli in Aramaic, or 
  • el or eloha or elohim in Hebrew, or 
  • ilah or allah in Arabic, 
represents not a particular god but the idea of divine in its absolute and general meaning. It is attributed to the lunar god Sin, in whom they were adapted the adjectives
  • “Ruler God”, 
  • “The Ruler of Gods of Heaven and Earth”, 
  • “King of Gods”, 
  • “God of Gods”, 
  • “Lunar Master”, 
  • “The Architect of Everything, He who holds the Heavens”. 
The symbol of the god Sin or Sim was the Moon, with primary place of worship the city of Ur of Chaldea from which Abraham came … according to the “Berrosus Cosmogony”.


 From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 19 February 2013

Commands are broadcast toward Earth from Levan, included are:
“Upper Levania will rule through Lower Levania”,
”Upper Koon Salem will rule through Lower Koon Salem”,
“Upper Lama Rabbi will rule through Lower Lama Rabbi”,
“Upper Jerusalem will rule through Lower Jerusalem”,
“Upper Lama Rabbi Al Ardi Koon Salem and Lower Lama Rabbi Al Ardi Koon Salem”, “Upper Lama Rabbi Al Ardi Koon Sion and Lower Lama Rabbi Al Ardi Koon Sion”,
“Upper Jesus Yeho-Suva Levania and Lower Jesus Yeho-Souva Levania”,
“Upper Eloha Koon Salem and Lower Eloha Koon Salem”,
“Upper Elohim Koon Sion and Lower Elohim Koon Sion”,
“Lama Rabbi Al Ardi Koon Salem etc.”,
“Lama Rabbi Al Ardi Dinien Tab Uresalem”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 11 March 2011

On Greek TV, Dimosthenis Liakopoulos wrongly promotes “Sendai” or “El Sendai” or “Elohim Shaddai” as the supreme god of humanity and Hellenes!  He is a Theosophical Rosicrucian “Epsilon 666” agent for the Hebrew’s and member of the “Lily and Eagle” lodge! 

Genocidal Hebrews

Blood-drinkers and human-eaters, whose “Old Testament” prophets have a rabid hatred of Hellenes, being Satanic mediums and black magicians of the Hebrew's space Chinese hyper-criminal Dragonian God Sin/Sion/Sinai/Zion/Jedi/Jude/Judas that forced you to continuously genocide Hellenic coastal cities of Palestine: Gaza, Akkaron, Ioppe, Azotus, Ascalon, and the Phoenician cities Tyre and Sidon.  Today, the Hebrew genocidal crimes against Palestinian Gaza, is ordered by rabid man-beast genocidal Hebrew prophets – mediums – black magicians of the Dragonian Sin/Sion/Sinai/Zion/Jedi/Jude/Judas, against Hellenic Gaza. 

In the Old Testament book “Joshua of Navi” chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, research the genetic slaughter, general slaughter, and genocide unleashed by this arch-butcher of Hellenic Cretan Palestinians and their city states, namely:
Ashdoth (Today’s Hebrew port Ashdot, where Hebrew bandits captured the fleet carrying humanitarian aid in favor of Gaza, 31 May 2010), Debirias, Eglonos, Gai, Gaza, Gesenia, Gezerias, Hebron, Jarmuthia, Jericho, Jerusalem, Kadis, Lahis, Livnas, Makkedonos, and rest cities. 
In “Joshua of Navi” 15:47 you Hebrews write that “Gaza and the towns and the villages of Gaza, up to the torrent of Egypt (Nile River) and the grand sea (Mediterranean Sea) will be the domination limit of the Hebrews”. 
In “Joshua of Navi” 13:1-6 between others you write that “The Gaza people, must be annihilated by the Hebrews”, say the lord Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Jude/Judas or Elohim or Eloh or Allah.  So then, worship Elloh – Allah you Islamists of Palestine and other Islamic nations.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016


National Socialist (Na) + Zionist (Zi) = NaZi. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 27 November 2012

Fellow citizen traitors of Golden Dawn enact special conscious acts of treason, through provocation of genocidal counterattack by R.I.C. (Russia-[Shiite] Islam-China or the Shanghai Pact).  They are commited by crypto-Hebrew (or crypto-Jewish) leaderships of ALL neo-Nazi organizations without exception, found in all nations of the White and semi-Draconian White-Yellow Mongol race (Japan-Indochina-Tibet-etc) as well as Buddhist and Hindu Religions.  

These crypto-Hebrew Mongol leaderships of today’s Nazi organisations are a natural follow-up to the crypto-Hebrew leadership of the Third Reich, that is of German-Hebrew theorists of Nazism, namely 
Karl Haushoffer, 
Alferd Rosenberg, 
Dietrich Eckhart, and 
Lincoln Von Trebits (Hungarian Hebrew),
other prominent German Hebrew Nazi leaders i.e. 
Adolf Hitler-Hisler (illegitimate child of German-Jewish Frankfurt banker Rothschild), 
Heinrich Himmler “Reichs-Fuhrer” (superior to Hitler in the Nazi Hierarchy!!), and 
“SS” leaders
Muller (Fuhrer heir to Hitler), 
Adolf Eichmann, and 
German-Jewish banker-funders of the Third Reich,
Baum und Baum, 
Loeb und Loeb (Levi and Levi) and 
others bitterly hated by Prussian noblemen, German Generals, Admirals, and Generals of the “Wermacht” air force.  These included officers of the German Army and Intelligence Services that preceded the Third Reich... 
For example, the Greek-born admiral of the German navy and leader of the German secret service “Abwehr”, Von Kanaris (descendant of Greek Admiral Kanaris of the war against the Turkish occupation of Greece in 1821 and the new occupation of Greece by Bavarian-Turkish Mongols that followed the new Bavarian occupation led by Othon [Otto-Man] Wit-Tesback Lowenstein….. Rosenberg).  He, together with the other “Wehrmacht” generals orchestrated two unsuccessful attempts to murder German-Jewish Hitler and the Jewish leaders of the Jewish Third Reich.  
Von Kanaris and other patriotic German generals were consequently murdered by German-Jewish “SS” officers of the German-Hebrew “Ge.Sta.Po.” (Gemeine Staatliche Polizei).  Having anticipated his murder by Jewish H. Himmler’s “SS”, Von Kanaris notified “Abwehr” of the Jewish theorists, leaders, and funders of the Jewish Third Reich.  He delivered documents to his relatives, on the order that they should be passed on after his death to the Greek Chief General Alexandros Papagos, founder of G.H.Rees in 1947 and through whom G.H.Rees got hold of them.  

There are conscious criminal frauds within (Jewish) Nazism theory, which is under the command of hyper-lodges: “Hong” in China, ”Zen” in Tibet and Japan, and “AOA” and “OTO” in London.  The criminal structure of (Mongol-Jewish) Nazism is defended in eight conscious frauds, through Nazi counterlodges “Thoule”, ”Annehnerbe”, ”Golden- Morgenrote” (“Golden Dawn”) and others. 

The fourth fraud states that “Slavs (Scythian pelasgian White Russians-Balkanians-Ukrainians-Georgians-Belorussians, etc.) do not belong in the White race.
This sickening racial hatred of the Hebrew Mongol leaders of the Third Reich, with their disgusting semitic moustaches against the White pelasgian Scythians or “Slavs” is fully revealed in the writings of anti-pelasgian medium/prophet/black magician of the moon, Jahweh.  See Holy (satanic) Bible, Ezekiel, chapters LH(38) and Lθ’(39), Jahweh's program for genocide of Gog and Magog (northern pelasgian Scythian Russians) and the “Messeh” (pelasgian scythians of Moscow or Meseh).
You stupid Nazis are under the influence of lunar Draconian Jahweh and Andromedian traitor Savvaoth, in order to
  • firstly spread civil strife and bring about civil pelasgic genocide [A’WW].  Then later, similar between
  • White Pelasgian Scythians or "Slavs" and the White branch of pelasgian Goths or Germans or neo-Goths (Hettaians) [B”WW].  Then in the Third World War 
  • White pelasgian Americans-Europeans–Indians of the US-Europe-Japan pact and ΘΙΜ(?), and the White pelasgians of the Islamic nations and the Russians of the R.I.C pact.
Hurry up and immediately break up your Nazi gangs who are acting treasonly against international unity and security of the White Andromedian pelasgic race.  Failure to do so will result in our breaking you up with the use of stabilised nitric mercury. 

The seventh fraud states: “The Mongols of Mongolia Russia-China,Tibet, and Japan are Aryan Atlanteans of the White Race”!  You Greek Nazis and fascists are being arrested as self-proven idiots, absolutely schizophrenic!  Although you are (supposedly) shouting “Mongols-Albanians-Bulgarians-Turks-and others keep out of Greece”, hypocritically and according to the theory of Nazism, you have accepted the White-Yellow Mongols of Mongolia-Tibet-Japan-Nepal-etc. as supposedly “White”. 

It is known that all Nazi Theorists like Sven Hedin, Karl Haushoffer, Lincoln Von Trebits etc. received their initiation in monasteries of the Mongolian, anti-Hellenic White-Yellow Tibet as well as Mongolian Nepal and Japan likewise.  It is a fact that Hungarian–Hebrew Baron Ungern Vo(n?) Strenberg attempted to re-establish “the Gengis-Kahn Empire” in far east Mongolia.  It is also a fact that all administrative buildings and Hebrew-Mongol  leaders of the Third Reich were heavily guarded by regiments of Tibetan monks bearing SS unifroms of the Hebrew-mongol  H.Himmler (much like “Nepalese Gourka special forces“, guards of Hebrew-Saxon English Mongol Kings and lords of England).  Despite knowing these facts, there is a certain mental blindness and devotion to Mongolian–born Tibetan Nazism.  

This is similar to the “Scientist” Nazi-“Epsilon” Gkiolvas.  After a long stay in the Mongolian White-Yellow semi-Draconian Tibet, he returned to Greece like an idiotic Mongolian teacher and taught the “Epsilons” of La.O.S., and Nazis and Fascists of “Golden Dawn” and “New Acropolis” that the “only true Andromedians on the planet are the Mongol White-Yellow “Dzopas of Tibet”.  

Confusion between White and White-Yellow was revealed to the leader of the “US” Nazi party.  He commited suicide upon discovering that he was a Mongol-Hebrew. 

Conclusion: Nazism and Fascism are not pelasgian–born theories for the survival and progress of White civilization.  They are Mongolian Hebrew and Draconian Chinese born, being fundamentally anti-Andromedian and anti-Hellenic, serving to provoke and promote “racial” discrimination and “racial” civil wars between nations of the White race.  The inherent intent is for White race nations to submit to Tibetans and other Mongols, with sole purpose the genociding of those White nations. 

The Eighth Fraud states that “The planet will be governed by the white Aryan Chinese,as the 6th subrace of the 6th atlantian race”!

This was first written by Russian Hebrew Blavatsky, who was initiated into “Theosophic” Masonry in India and it has been copied by the Argentinian Hebrew Livraga, founder of the “New Acropolis”.  It appears in the writings of the “Nea Acropolis” Nazi organization and constitutes geopolitical theory for “Golden Dawn”, “La.O.S.”, and “EPSILONS“ of La.O.S..  Thus, we can easily account for the “position” of the (theosophical) “High priest of the Epsilons” I. Foyrakis, who claims that “The Chinese will play a vital role in history”.  Now we can easily see why Nazi theorist Hungarian Jew Lincoln Von Trebits, not only received his initiation in the monasteries of Tibet, but also in the planetary hyperlodge “Hong” of China.  According to the book entitled “Nazism, a secret society”, while dancing away with his Hebrew-Chinese “brothers” “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” used to shout out “Long live the Ming emperors, down with the Tsigk (Tsing?  Ed..) emperors of China”. 

Clearly, Nazis of all countries are defending semi-Draconian White-Yellow Mongols of Mongolia, of former USSR, Japan and Tibet, and same race Mongol Hebrews and Saxons, along with the pure Yellow Draconian Chinese warmongers!  In practice, Nazis are servants of Draconian Jahweh and semi-Draconian White-Yellow Mongolian Hebrews, their theoretical enemies!  Draconian Sin/Zion/Sina(Chinese-China)/Jed/Jedi/Jud/Jahweh is creator of the Draconian Chinese and “god” of all Mongols; of Mongolia of “USSR”-Japan-Tibet-Nepal and enemy Hebrews. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 07 November 2012

A must watch video on the occult origins of Nazism: Nazis - The Occult Conspiracy.

Jewish rabbi Rosenberg is recognized by all Nazis as “the greatest theoretician of Nazism”! 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 October 2011

Hebrew-Hungarian Lincoln Von Trebits visited Japan, Tibet, and especially in China where he participated in rituals of hyper-lodge Hong (see book "Nazism: Secret Society", by Verner Gerson) under the rubric: "Long live the Ming, down with Tsing", which he yelled. Later, he conveyed the theories and programs of Hong into Nazi Germany. With instructions that came through the collusive theosophical Golden Dawn lodge of London, the White race was divided into pieces. White Europeans turned against White immigrant Gypsies or "Roma" from India and White pelasgian Scythians of Russia. Catastrophically, the Whites of Europe turned against other sections of the White race, as covertly directed by Freemasonry.

Monday, 18 July 2016


Divided into Memphis Templis Misraim negative (-MTM) and Moses Templis Melhisedec positive (+MTM), which are Greek hyper-lodge(s). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 27 August 2010

Non-masonic historians proved that from pre-history until 1,700 A.MH.C. (After Mongol Hebrew Christ) all the wars in our planet were provoked by the “oracles-prophecies” and the “auguries” of the collusing pre-Christian and Christian-Judean-Islamic-Taoist-Shinto-Buddhist-Lama priesthoods.  After 1,700 A.MH.C., all the wars in our planet were provoked and ordered by the hierarchy of the “secret societies” namely Masonic hyper-lodges: “HONG” China >> “ZEN” Tibet and India >> +/- AOA London >> +/- OTO London >> ethnic hyper-lodges “MTM”, such as “+/- MTM – Greece” or “Grand Orient Greece (+)” which founded the political parties
  • “N.D.(New Democracy)”, 
  • “PA.SO.K.”(Greek Socialist Party), 
  • “K.K.E.”(Greek Communist Party), 
  • “SY.RIZ.A” (Left Wing Party), and the 
  • “Theosophical Society Greece (-)” which spawned the
    • “Epsilon Group”,
      • the “Olympians Epsilon”, 
      • the “La.O.S.” crypto-zionist ultra-right wing political party of the Turk-Albanian Mongol anti-Greek agent provocateur pseudo-Nationalist Kara-Zafferi and of the Hebrew Corrado or Conrad or Korradis, former leader of the Greek-Hebrew Secret Service: “KYP/EYP” of “N.D.”, and 
      • and maybe Golden Dawn/Xrysh Aygh (Greece) under Golden Dawn (London). 
“Terrestrial Dragonians” that is, Chinese “Dragons” were constructed through genetic engineering in honour of the “Draco Constellation” from which the Moon originated.  Their genitors are the lunar Dragonian demons [Metatron – Asmodai – “Michael” – “Gabriel”, … “Urinael” and 33,000 lunar Demons of the Asiatic Religions].  After ousting the Andromedian's White “Gods” of Zeus and the Sirian's Black “Gods” of Sirius from view, they proceeded from 9,600 B.MH.C. to deviously impersonate the ousted “Gods” with humiliating acts of villainously provoked wars (See: Achaeans Hellenes against Trojan Hellenes, and Hellenic cities against Hellenic cities).  Furthermore, subordinate scientists of the ousted ones finally mutated into “Dodecatheists”, that is Christian, Judean, Islamic, Asiatic, and Masonic priesthoods of the hierarchy: “HONG >> ZEN >> AOA + OTO >> MTM”. 
[NB  God => “Thew” => run/fly extremely fast in the sky/space, thus God is a verb!
See: “Argean – Arcadian pre-Selenes” (before the arrival of the moon) of the ancient geographer Pausanias.
See: “Comparative Mythology” of Raymond Drake, concerning arrival of the Moon.
See: “Secrets of the Moon” of the Soviet Academics Vasin and Scherbakov.
Read: Hellenic Mythology – Mito – Logy (Mitos - Ariadne’s Clew), about
  • “Perseus” in favour of the “Constellation of Andromeda” and against the “Constellation of Draco”, 
  • Herodotus Z’61, 
  • Ferekides (Apollonius Rhodius Comments D’1091), 
  • Sophocles – Euripides, 
  • Eratosthenes “Catasterismi - placings among the stars”, 
  • Yginos “Poetic Astronomy”.] 
Lunar Dragonian demons “Asmodai”, “Metatron”, “Michael”, “Gabriel” and rest created the Dragonian Yellow Chinese and Korean annihilators of White and Black races.  Following genocide of White men and the rape of White women of “Yunnan” (Hellenic Ionia, Southern China) by Chinese and Koreans of Korea and Southern China, rabid White-Yellow “Doberman” Mongol annihilators resulted: Turks, Albanians, Bulgarians, Hebrews, Saxons, Hungarians, and rest.  These Mongols attacked Hellenes and other White Andromedians, causing wars from 9,600 B.MH.C. up until today,for the 
  • ongoing break-up of the White and Black nations
  • ongoing unification and burgeoning of China and Korea
  • complete genocide of White and Black nations by China and Korea in World War III
  • absolute and terminal Dragonian world hegemony. 

[Read “Timaeus” and “Critias” of Plato about the Global civil war between Hellas and Atlantis in 9,600 B.MH.C..
See “Comparative Mythology” of the Publicist Raymond Drake for “Corruption of Atlantis by the small Yellow Masters (Chinese)”.]
All Earthly wars arise from lunar Dragonian demons – arch-Satans (“Metatron”, “Asmodai”) and their subordinate demonic Dragonian spirit-devils, through spiritual sessions and invocations of stupid Masons: Chinese, Tibetans, Hebrew-Saxons of “AOA – OTO” London, and ethnic (“Gentile”) Masonries of the “Grand Orients – MTM” of the Hierarchy: “HONG” => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM.  Provocation extends through ethnic Masonries (MTM) to Hebrew and Saxon Mongols: Presidents, Kings, Emperors, Ministers, and Generals in all countries.

The same Dragonian Chinese arch-Satans of space, arch-annihilators of White and Black nations of the planet, have falsely blamed White and Black nations for 11,600 years of war.  Through ethnic Masonries and Mongol Hebrew-Saxon governors of White and Black nations, they deviously cause degradation for alleged “guilt” and “responsibility” for war and corruption.  By this means and using the Dragonian Chinese “888” and Korean “777” warrior-miners, they attempt to completely annihilate the nations they demonise and tag “666” in the run up to World War Three “Armageddon”.  Note that for benefit of Mongol Hebrews “666” and Saxons “666”, there are false and devious displays inside the spiritual sessions of Masonic lodges, which allege that attendees are
  • God's executive annihilators of the warmongering White and Black nations, and 
  • God's final and terminal governors of Earth and global pacifist rulers of “The Kingdom of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sina/China”! 
“Yellow Space Chinese” “Archangels” of the Dragonian “God – dragon-turtle” Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Judas/pseudo-Jehovah and of the mutineer Andromedian “God” Savit/Savaoth/Cronus, incite World War III or “Armageddon” for the complete genocide of the White and Black nations, in order to punish the above mentioned nations because allegedly they “provoked all the wars of human history and the 1st and 2nd world wars”!  However, it is proven that all wars, including partial genocide of the White and Black nations, were programmed, incited, and provoked by the demonic “Gods” and “archangels”.  They use ancient and new dirty criminal priesthoods, religions, secret societies, and Masonic lodges (Hong => Zen => AOA+OTO => MTM) under the influence of subordinate demons in
  • spiritual sessions 
  • demonic invocations 
  • visions 
  • inspirations of the “Spirit of God”. 
All these for Masons, priests, and Satanic monks of Dragonian arse, while other parapsychological (read hyper-technological) Dragonian Satanical “Shows” include displays of the covertly colluding “Good Angels 888” and “Bad Demons 666” of non-existent “Satan”.  Or to better describe it, displays of the “Second – Satanic Face” of the “God of the Dragonian Peace” or Pax Dragonian or Pax Sinica or “Kingdom of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sinai/Sina/China”, namely of the space Chinese Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi.

Dragonian devils, space invader Chinese are “Gods” and “Archangels”, “Angels 888 ▲+ “, and in collusion “Demons 666▼- “.  Through the Earthly priesthoods and Masonic lodges “HONG => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM” and armies of Yellow Chinese-Koreans and White-Yellow semi-Dragonian Mongol Hebrews, Saxons, Albanians, Bulgarians, Turks, Hungarians, Finnish, Bavarians, and rest as kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers of the White and Black nations provoke their long since programmed Third World War “Armageddon” (See “John’s Revelation” IF’ (16) 16:12” of the “New Testament”):
“And the sixth (Dragonian) Angel (888, of Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Sedi/Jed/Jeid/Jude/Judas/pseudo-Jehovah/pseudo-Being) poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; (in Iraq, Syria, Turkey) and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the (Chinese) kings of the east (coming from the east) might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits (Demons 666) like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (namely, of the Dragonian Sin/Sion/pseudo-Jehovah, false-impersonating Zeus), and out of the mouth of the beast (the “neo-Byzantine Constantinople Empire” of the right wing theosophical political party “La.O.S. - 666” (People’s Orthodox Alert) and of the “Epsilon Group – 666” Christiano-Dodecatheist Sufism), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (namely of Ioannis Palaiologos Dragazis, as allegedly “Incarnation of God Dionysus - 666”, and “Emperor of La.O.S.” and of the “neo-Byzantine Empire - 666” and as “New Christ - 666” or “Anti-Christ 666”).  For they (these three spirits) are the spirits of devils, (666, namely in collusion spirits of Sin/Sion/Zion-pseudo-Jehovah) working miracles, which go forth (from Sin/Zion) unto the kings of the earth (governments) and of the whole world (of the White and Black nations), to gather them to the battle (3rd World War of “Armageddon”) of that great day of God (Dragonian sub-god) the Almighty (…only Moon-mighty and Seven Inner Planets-mighty)._ And he gathered them together (the armies and people of White and Black race) into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. (in order to annihilate them through the Chinese)”.

Understand and realise the “Jehovian” and “Savaothic” deceit of the programmed genocide of 5 billion people of White and Black races. Wake up from your religious and Masonic sleep,
  • members of religious and Masonic priesthoods of White and Black nations
  • bishops of “Orthodoxy”
  • Masonic officers of “Greek +/-MTM” of commanding councils of Greek banks
  • members of the legislature
  • judiciary, and 
  • executive power of Generals and Admirals of
    • Greek armed forces 
    • Police force, and 
    • Secret Service.
Mongols Hebrews and Saxons, and Tibetans, and Chinese of the Masonic Hierarchy “HONG => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM”,
After the arrival and beginning of power domination in our planet, Federal Galactic Forces will force sterilisation upon the terrestrial Yellow Dragonian Chinese-Koreans and White-Yellow and Black-Yellow semi-Dragonian Mongols, with purpose their final disappearance and nihilism in our planet.  Their souls will be transferred for survival to other solar systems, under limitation clauses, far away from the thirteen solar systems of Coccyx-Hyperion-Sirius.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 06 October 2012

AOA London has a “Chancellor” and “Equinox” is their bible, which is their “constitution” because they consider themselves a hyper-state and hyper-government (of the West 666).  It is the leading Western masonic hyperlodge, divided into the positive (+)Christian-socialist Astrum Argentinum (+OTO, +MTM) and the negative (–)Nazi-Buddhist Atlantean Adepts (-OTO, -MTM).  Both parties (+AOA and -AOA) collude with each other and are controlled by the lunar Draconian Common Centre.  Leadership comprises top human kabbalah magicians: 72 hyper Chief-Rabbis of White-Yellow Mongol origins serving the interests of Draconian Chinese 888 expansionism and complete planetary rule. 
Mount Sion

(See also "Gold" posting.) 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 February 2010

Gold has disappeared from the treasuries of all states, the “Bank of Greece”, and from “Fort Knox” of USA, to Switzerland for "safekeeping"!  Hellenes and non-Hellenic residents of the area near the city of Sion (Zion) and Mount Sion, were eye-witnesses to powerful sources of light shone frequently at night from the top of Mount Sion towards nowhere.  [Mount Sion is filled with caves and treasuries of Swiss banks.]  The unexplained lights reported in common mainstream ufology magazines may correlate with disappearance of Earth’s valuable metals and reports by Swiss people of  “Encounters of the Third Kind” in Mount Sion. 

[There is heavy implication of a gold heist, therefore the doctrine of “Ανταναιρέσεως – Departure of the Moon” is mentioned.  It is a basic mystical doctrine of the “Holy Mount Athos” of Chalkidiki Greece, concerning the aftermath of a “Second Coming”.  So, G.H.Rees suggests that people choose a side, either with the Universal Hierarchy prosecutor or with the accused Eloh/Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah in front of the Galactic and Universal Justice – Nemesis.] 

G.H.Rees revealed in old signals that Gold has disappeared from countries-states and is concentrated in Switzerland's “Mount Sion” (Zion), along with the Zionist's central banks like Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements.  The area also called “Basel” or “Kingdom” (God’s Kingdom).  It is a base of Zionist sessions.  Now -after the gold disappearance- there is talk of fake gold bars, with purpose the ignition of World War Three or “Armageddon” between the Shanghai Pact and the Western Trilateral Pact! 

Sunday, 17 July 2016


Image from

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 06 December 2011

Israeli officers of Mossad, G.H.Rees considers you to be genetic descendants of the Askanion (Hebrew Ashkenazi) from the geographic area Askania-Prussia of Hellenic Troy in Asia Minor.

U.S. arch-rabbis Barouch, behaving as planetary kings of all Hebrews, are in cohorts with hyper-lodge ‘Hong’ and the Chinese government.  They have brought forward planned ignition of WWIII via a NATO-Israeli attack on Persia-Iran.  Officers of Israeli intelligence agencies (and Persia-Iran) have the historical duty to ensure survival, therefore you must diffuse aggression by NATO and Israel against Iran-Persia.  G.H.Rees calls on Mossad to formulate an Israeli government that will send a final warning to NATO with the following text: "Whichever army member of NATO, dares to attack Iran-Persia resulting in the destruction of Israel by the Arab armies, and as pretense towards the ignition of WWIII, then this NATO member army will be massacred by the I.D.F.". 

It should be noted that ex-commanders of the Israeli secret service Mossad (we assume that they are Hellenogene Askhenazim Askanians pseudo-Judeans) awakened by G.H.Rees documents, are opposing the rabbinical priesthood establishment inside Israel and USA “big Israel”.  They stated publicly that a war with Iran would be stupid, devastating for Iran and world stability. 

Did you see that, neo-Greeks?  Officers of Mossad are going against the Draconian Chinese and rabbinical Hebrew-Mongolian schemes for World War III (“Armageddon”).  At the same time, Greeks like the geopolitics (monkey) analyst (of NATO) Drougos and the rest are dropping oil in the fire! 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 11 January 2015

Jewish-born Tsipras of extreme left party of ‘’SY.RI.ZA’’, Greece, whose father has been verified as a ‘’Mossad’’ Israeli intelligence agent, is politically collaborating with Jewish-born Tremopoulos, leader of the “ecologists” political party, and Jewish-born (75% Jewish blood) George Papandreou.  They intend to prepare cold-war conditions and a planned military attack/invasion by the armies of B.A.S.T.R. (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania) against Greece (Hellas).  Their primary objectives are
  • total invasion and occupation of western Greece up to Mesologgi and eastern Greece up to Lamia,
  • simultaneous attack and occupation of the Greek islands of the Aegean and Ionian sea,
  • complete execution of WWIII plans aimed at unconditional annihilation of White (pelasgian), Black, White-Yellow, and Black-Yellow races by the Chinese (888) and unified north and south Korean armies (777).  The planetary ‘’Kingdom of Jehova’’ of ‘’stupid Jehova Witnesses, traitors of Greece’’, will therby be officially established; the global dictatorship of ‘’Sin-Sion’’ of China. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 03 May 2010

The “National Security Agency” of USA ordered its Israeli echelon of NSA that leads Israeli Mossad, in complete ignorance of the lower hierarchy of Mossad, to complete planning of "9/11" and to transfer its execution to the sister secret service of Pakistan that is staffed by Hebrew Pakistanis under the Hebrew-Pakistani junta government, which falsely poses as Islamic. 

Under orders of the traitors of SY.RI.ZA, AN.EL, the Greek police Generals travelled to Israel in order to consent to allow a large number of Mossad and Israeli police officers to enter Greece, presumably in an attempt to ‘’ intercept the jihadists in Greece’’.  Their true goal will be to enable jihad fighters and armed migrants within Greece, against the Greek police and citizens, and assisting with the planned invasion of Greece by Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania (BASTR).  During his last visit to Israel, traitorous agreements were signed by Turkish-Hebrew prime minister Chiprah (Tsipras), allowing Israeli police, air force, and Mossad officers inside Greece.

Pakistan is governed by Hebrew-Pakistani Shiite pseudo-Islamists, and Iran is governed by Hebrew-Iranian Shiite pseudo-Islamists.  Both cooperate totally with the Israeli Mossad and arch rabbis Barouch of USA, toward realising World War III through provocative, hysterical Iranian and Pakistani screams against the state of Israel. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 10 July 2011

Concerning Cyprus... 
Cyprus was not betrayed by Papadopoulos, but by the traitor shadow(Zionist)-dictator Greek-Hebrew Yovanovits-Ioannides.  He had a mossad agent as close relative, named Alzarakis or Al Lazar, and managed to overthrow Papadopoulos in 1973 with the American-Zionist staged Polytechneio Revolts.  
This followed because Markezinis and Papadopoulos had said one month before, a second brave heroic "NO" to US+NATO offers of military help and requests for air-corridors through Greece towards Israel in the staged Yom Kippur war.  Such a "Negative" response averted escalation to Armageddon 1973-1975.  If NATO had been engaged in favor of Israel, then it surely would also engage, thereby involving the Warsaw Pact in favor of Arabs and leading to World War III in 1975 as was prophesized (planned/programmed) by the sinozionistic headquarters of "Jehovah's Witnesses" - Olam Berith - Benen Berith.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 July 2010

Israeli “Mossad” Greece, terrified by revelations of G.H.Rees against the annihilator Israel, closed the Greek Webpage, which published relevant G.H.Rees documents.  This means that the life of its owner Yannis Romeos is in danger, as is the life of Apostolis Papanakos owner of the analogue Webpage, and the life of G.H.Rees representative Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis in Volos, Greece. 

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Moon [/Eva/Leva-Levan/Levanah/Levaniah/Luna/Selene/Selini/Star of Death,etc.]

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 24 December 2009

In “special initiations” above the 18th degree, forces that eminate from Levan (moon) or Levanhiah are characterised
  • as Asmodai
  • as Metatron 
  • with nomenclatures that end with –IEL 
  • generally as “Tetragrammaton YHWH, equilateral upward looking triangle”. 
For Masons with only an MTM initiation, know that Levanhiah is not a natural satellite of Earth, but an artificial planet.  It is a ship originating from the constellation E’ Bootes and Hercules [Elsewhere in H&C's blog, Draco and Bootes?  Ed..].  For those of you with an OTO initiation, know that obscured behind Levan (moon) and in a synchronus orbit with moon lies the sister ship of same size, “Lilith”.

The ships “Levan” and “Lilith” came into the solar system in 11,500 B.C. [Elsewhere in H&C's blog, first attempted and aborted orbit was 20,000 B.C.?  Ed..] and entered earth's orbit around 11,432 BC with same linear velocities.  In 9,600 B.C. Lilith accelerated and stabilized its angular velocity with the moon, in order that the three bodies, Lilith-Levan-Earth lay continusly in a straight line (see “Cabbala”). 

Planet earth was in a high cultural level, following colonization by the centre of a local galaxy in cooperation with the central Andromeda galaxy and eleven others within the local group, “KNOZ”.  The new colonisers from “Levan” and “Lilith” were accepted as “guests under terms” by the thirteen membership (and not twelve membership) staff of Zeus.  [A temporary planet commander was in place, anticipating replacement by somebody a local galaxy because of the the leader of planet Saturn had rebelled against the solar system leader headquartered on planet Uranus.]

The area of Atlantis was given to the settlers from “Levan” and “Lilith” under terms of keeping the population ratio to 1:108 with the already present population of the planet
respecting the pre-existing cultural trend and
respecting the language of the planet (archetypal Hellenic), since the official cultural trend and language characterise the local group of galaxies. (See: Demystification of Hesiod’s Theogony.)

Governors of “Levan” and “Lilith” accepted the terms and discharged populations from E’Bootes to Atlantis (Water-land), from 11,000 B.C. to 10,500 B.C, using transport ships.  Immediately, they violated the terms and genocided local Hellenes by sinking Atlantis with lunar hypergravity technology.  Informed of this intention by lunar staff, the invaders started to depart and colonise
  • eastern coasts of the American continent (Esperia), 
  • eastern coasts of Siberia,
  • eastern coasts of China, and
  • western coasts of Africa and Europe (Basque).   
Simultaneously, they undertook
  • systematic genocide of local Hellenic-dialect nationalities. 
  • the sinking of the Hellenic-dialect Dravidian Aegis [which today lies in the Mediterranean Sea], again using hyper-gravity technology.  
  • attack against the galactic fleet of Zeus, using Selene and Lilith, and
  • occupation of the six inner planets.  
 Three out of twelve planets in our solar system were destroyed because the enemy believed Zeus' forces were based there.  Finally the fleet of Zeus divided into three parts:
  • One departed to existing bases within the inner cavity of Earth, 
  • another third departed to the three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), and 
  • the last third escaped our solar system to inform the local Galaxy centre of the crimes of Asmodai and Tamil, respective governors of Levan and Lilith. 
The final conflict and sinking of Atlantis and Aegis is dated at 9,600 B.C. by the lodge of the Grand Oak, the approximate time at which Lilith stabilised its angular velocity.  It’s probably the actual date because it is cross-referenced by the ancient manuscripts of Plato's “Timaios and Kritias”.

Forces of Zeus that escaped to the inner cavity of Earth via the two holes of north and south poles, preclude dominance of Levanians and Lilithians (Israelites, Mongols, Arabs) in this planet.  The escapees use telepathetic communication technology to inform Zeus priesthoods of strategic enemy moves made toward genocide of Andromedians of Hellenic dialects.  [Elsewhere in the H&C blog, it is stated that the inner cavity inhabitants are driven mad by enemy counter-measures.  Ed..]

False religions [via the Religious Polarity Policy of Freemasonry (Ed..)] are used in genociding adversaries:
  • Israelites – Christianity teaches that “the woman (organization) of God stands on Levan (moon)” (Based on the moon), meaning that is having as a “central base the moon” (See: “John’s apocalypse” Bible, IB’1 i.e. Rev. 12:1);
  • Arabs – Mohammedanism teaches that God (Allah or Al Yah or Al Yahweh) lives in the moon;
  • Mongols – Buddhism teaches that God lives in the center of the earth under Mongolia, Tibet, as a projection "Ta-Han – Tso –Han" of the … universal logos, and that from there will come the “ruler of the world”.   

Concerning A-O-A initiation...
Lunar installations literally “drove crazy” the American astronauts when they landed. Crews of “Apollo” sent reports of “ships and installations of unknown origin”, and a “second moon” (Lilith) behind the first moon. 

The Judaic priesthood is called Levanio or Levitico, meaning “Lunar Priesthood”.  In the Hellenistic attribution of the bible, the term Iera-Selene (Holy Moon) or Jerusalem is preferred.  The Levanio wrote there, in John’s Apocalypse C’12 (Rev.21:2) that a new Holy Levan (moon, New Jerusalem) “lands” upon Earth to “settle among people”.

This message was ingeniously and deviously re-served to us through “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”.  In the specific movie by Hebrew director Steven Spielberg, the flag of the Earthlings is white with a black triangle (▲) that has its base downwards and its top upwards, exactly the same as the triangle of the tetragrammaton of YHWH used by Masonic lodges.  On the contrary, right before the appearance of the monstrous mothership, the visitors sent three minor scout ships that stabilised in the air and created a triangle with its base upwards and its top downwards (▼).  By combining the two triangles, the cabbalist sixpointed “Star of Solomon” (✡) is formed - the official flag of Israel.

Readers may refer to a fraction of the Orphic comments by Proklos, No.9, Timaion 41, 283, 11 Erman Diels: (translation)...
“He created (Saturn?) another infinite (spherical) earth, which the Gods named Selene(moon) and the human Minin. It has many mountains, many cities, many megara”.

From Hellen and Chaos, blog, Sunday 14 March 2010

Draconian lunarians are more properly referred to as Dragonians from the Dragon Asterism and multiple dimensions.  David Icke-Isaac spoke clearly about their “Moon Matrix” deriving from the hybrid planet-ship, Moon-Levan-Selene, which is a Dragonian base for psychotronic and space war and for manipulating humanity.  Having been defeated in multiple fronts, Rabbis are now forced to gradually reveal such truths to the wider public, so they use their Hebrew agent-writer-“prophet” to continue the game of distortion, disorientation and disinformation towards his global audience.  Icke spread disinformation for the alleged change-transition of entities between dimensions (a thing that is physically impossible, as has been scientifically proved by G.H.Rees) and offers up various useless cracked-barrel philosophies, although he writes correctly about a “Moon Matrix”. 

Supplementary (but not exhaustive) notes

Radiography  of the inside of the moon...
[H&C blog, Th23Feb2012 & Tu19Feb2013]  A ‘geoplastised’ former natural planetary body from  the constellation of Draco and Bootes.  Now a flagship (‘Star of Death’ hybrid ‘void’ ship of titanium and zirgon/zirconium) controlled by reptilians in two (light separated) dimensions. 
FIRST arrived in our solar system with Lilith around 20,000 bDC (Before Draconian Christ).  Andromedian Celestials terminated this orbit of Ea-rth.  Second attempt was successful, around 11,436 bDC.  Moon, as an originating place of Evil Apostate Dragonian Spirits (See Spirits of Metatron - Asmodai etc.) for demonic trance - catalepsy of special Ea-rthling marionettes, such as political leaders, religious leaders, mediums, magicians, astrologers, prophets, actors, musicians, economic leaders, scientists, and rest.

Turkey and China flags each show a crescent moon and stars, using a blood red background to represent the ongoing war and genocide of blacks and whites. 
A basic teaching of Hinduism and Buddhism is that “the Moon is hostile towards us, and that we must avoid getting in contact with its radiation.

On the Moon:
Duncan Lunan;
Vasin and Scherbakov;
Don Wilson's "Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon";
Hindu prehistory about Space Wars between Solar and Lunar Gods;
American Astronauts from the “Apollo” Program;
Raymond Drake.

On "Lunar departure":
The Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible (Psalms 71(72), 5-7];
Concordance to the Septuagint (Hatch and Redpath); and,
Greek Orthodox Church Bible, ancient Greek translation of the Septuagint.

According to the Ancient Hellenic lexicon of J.Stamatakos, «Ανταναίρεσις» (the word for “Lunar departure” in the translated to English original Greek S70 Bible text), means: “To remove for vengeance” (Lack of obedience) - a  devastating geological shake-up that will happen to Earth if the piratical robber-gang spaceship Moon departs from Earth’s orbit.

Moon vs Earth:  There is a big difference between the specific gravity of the Moon (3.33 grammes per cubic centimetre) and that of the Earth (5.5 gr.)?  Furthermore, analysis of samples brought back by the U.S. Apollo astronauts showed that lunar rock is not of the same composition as the Earth's [H&C blog, Mo12Apr2010].
“The Dragonian Chinese Moon as a Flagship of the Dragonian Starfleet of the Dragonian Invader Sin – Sion – Sina – Jedi – Sedi – Jude – Judas – PseudoYahweh or PseudoBeing, which Invades – Steals and Destructs Suns and Solar Systems and genocides other-races Planetary Civilizations in order to Gain Energy and Raw – Valuable Materials for his criminal Starfleet”, and about:
“The Dragonian Chinese Moon which plans to abandon our Solar System (Read in the Dragonian “Holy Scriptures” about the “Departure of the Moon”, and Read LINK: ) in order to invade to the Solar System of “Sirius A” as an area of “coccygeal Maximum Densities” as a Negative Electronic Pole of the Universe or Universal Organism or Panas (from the Hellenic Orphic word Sym-pan meaning “The sum of all”), in order to blackmail with electromagnetic death all the civilizations of the Universe.”

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Mongol Hordes

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 November 2009

The Yellow race made its appearence on the planet as a cross-breed between Vrills (Grays) and traitor Saturnian Croneans (Andromedians) in 4,000BC (exactly when the scripts say that Adam appeared on Earth).  [If this is true, what did the Draconians disembark to Atlantis, some 13,500 years ago? Ed..]  After a massive genociding campaign launched by Ur of Mongolia (today's Ulan Bator) in 2,200BC with seven Mongolian hordes, they are now preparing for their judgement day (Armageddon) through the world wars, especially WW3.

The reason for huge technological advancement over the past century is because the Galactic Government astrofleet has returned with massive reinforcements, since Zeus' scientific force was ejected from our solar system. Draconian control of Saturn was recently lost to the fleet and now Draco war planets are stationed outside the asteroid belt, appearing as the newly discovered "irregular satellites" of Jupiter.  Also, look into the Mars project, where they are now building defensive lines with the US military, claiming they are expeciting a threat from outer space.

YHWH and his forces managed to set up an elementary government system on Earth, around 5,619 B.C..  The Pelasgian memories of the Universal codenames Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena etc were from there on replaced with the 12 Gods that were played by officers of the Cronus-Savvaoth army.  After extensive genetic experiments, the Draconians initiated their assimilation plan.  Cross breeding the Vrill (short, big headed, big black eyed, weak bodied aliens) with the Cronean Andromedians, producing an entirely new species: the Yellow race.  The new species disembarked in the steppes of Mongolia/Siberia in 4,000BC (when religions speak of the appearence of Adam and Eve). In 2,200BC the huge campaign of invasion began, entailing the seven Mongolian hordes: 

1st Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under the name of Ixos and Elamites they invaded south, into what is now China, killing all Pelasgian (White) males and massively raping females. To protect their territories from counter attacks, they began constructing the Great Wall and then overran Assyria and Babylon.

2nd Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Named Japanese, they invaded the island of Aenus (island of Ionian colonists), today’s Japan and genocided the Ionian tribes.  Only experts in fishing and boat building from coastal areas were kept alive, as slaves.  (See also Unit 731.)

3rd Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Falsely naming themselves Dories after the ancient Hellenic tribe of Dories, they invaded the Balkan Peninsula.  Their Hebrew agents infiltrated Sparta's priestly orders.  The horde then invaded the Italian Peninsula and genocided the Hellenic tribes of Etrusk Sabines and Latins of Troad and Sicily . There they founded the city of Rome. 

4th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Huns led by Attila or ATL (meaning ATLantean), they established themselves in eastern Hellas (today’s Turkey), Bulgaria, Bavaria and partly in Romania.  They slaughtered all native European tribes.

5th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Urges (from Ur) / Hungars (Hungarians) led by Jenkins (Ghengis) Han/Khan/Kon/Koen they captured today’s Hungary, Finland, Leetonia, Estonia and other ex USSR lands.  They genocided the native Pelasgians, especially the Russ and Thubals, today’s Byelorussians. Also, they descended to the Balkans and destroyed the Scythes. 

6th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
The Seljuk, they empowered the Turkish Mongols of the 4th horde.  Some took over the area of today’s Albania, where they genocided the Hellenic tribe of Illyrians.

7th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under the Tamerlane, they attempted to invade Europe but were cut off by the Mongols of the 4th and the 6th hordes, so they turned east and attacked today’s China with the help of the Mongol Manchu. 

Descendants of the 5th horde, known as Saxons headed west, entering today’s Britain and continued the Atlantean expansion project by genociding Pelasgian tribes there.  They met strong resistance in the northern highlands of Scotland and in the island of Ireland.  Ever since that time, the Saxons have waged wars against those two territories.

G.H.Rees emphasises that Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic hordes:
  • Possess an inborn inclination to genocide all three pure races (Doberman Syndrome). 
  • Extend a brotherly ethnological doctrine of support to fellow Mongols, such as Mongol Turks toward Bavarians, Hungarians, and Hebrew-Saxon lords of England.  
  • Are organised - White-Yellow Judeans are of the two-race kingdom of Judas/Jude/Jedi and Benjamin of Jerusalem with headquarters at Basel, Switzerland.  Hebrew-Saxons of the ten-race kingdom of Samaria have headquarters in London, England.
  • Are semi-Dragonians resulting from the machinations of the Draconian-Cronean Alliance, producing the "Chosen One People" of Sin/Sion/Zion/Chin/YHWH for the task of infiltration and genocide of the White-Andromedian-Pelasgian and Black-Indigenοus Races.  In fact, his people are the Sinese. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 18 November 2009

The abominable Tibetan Mongol horde, transferred into the Hebrew Mosaic religion and then the crypto-Hebrew Christian religion.

Under the invention of the extra-universal logos, every intellectual-charlatan can claim that he has written books of the type “holy scripture”, “quran” etc under “divine inspiration”.  Unfortunately, we are dealing with completely psychopathic “gods” that like to inflict upon “mortals” the madness of the “terrorist's unexplained mysterious god” of the extra-universal logos, who demands worship, temples, way of life by oaths, religions, and other abominations, with purpose the ascesis of un-natural power. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 July 2010

According to your “Old Testament”, your central Mongolian Hebrew horde marched from the Mongolian city “Ur” of Chaldea Mesopotamia under your genitors Tharra and Abraham (King of the Judean Habra) of the Hebrew Mongolian horde (Genesis 11:24-32, and Genesis 12:1-7).  Your genitor's Mongolian city “Ur” of Chaldea had as a patron god the god Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinai of the Moon, namely the galactic arch-criminal space bandit also known as Satan/Devil/Jedi/Sedi/Jeid/Jed/Jude/Judas - the Dragonian God of the Sin/Sinese or Chin/Chinese. 

Turanian Hebrew-Mongolic hordes
  • corrupted Hellenic Dorians, Trojans;
  • blackmailed with destructive iniquitous toll gates the passage of the Hellenic shipping towards Hellispondos; and finally,
  • ordered the kidnapping of the King of Greece' wife of a prince of Troy, in order to provoke assault by western Hellenism in order to destroy eastern Hellenism, namely Trojans, Phrygians, and Heteans (today the Italians, the French, and the Germans).  Accordingly, all moved mandatorily in Western Europe, leaving behind them free ground for invasion by Mongolian hordes of Seljuq Turks originating from modern Chinese Turkestan. 
During the thousand year Byzantium Empire, Hebrews of Byzantium were guiding Mongolian hordes toward white nations for genocide:
First they guided Genghis Khan into Persia/Iran, a horde that genocided without reason six million unarmed White Pelasgian Persians/Iranians, including women and children.  Today, crypto-Hebrew Shiite pseudo-Muslim priests and leaders of Iran methodically detect and record any remaining White Persian Iranians, so that they can be annihilated by the Sino-Mongolian Axis “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China, Japan, Tibet, Hebrews, Saxons, Mongolia) and the pure Dragonian Sinic – Korean Axis (China and Korea) in the Third World War.

Hebrews of Byzantium guided the Mongolian horde of the Petsenegian Bulgarians in order to settle in the Hellenic “Moesia”, currently Bulgaria, and to genocide the resident Hellenic populations of Northern, Eastern, and Western Romilia.  Bulgarians genocided Hellenic Macedonia and Thrace, 1941-1945. 

Monday, 11 July 2016

Mind Control

From Hellen and Chaos', Wednesday 16 January 2013

There is or was a six part series on YouTube concerning mind control, part 1

Imagine for a moment that you inhabit a holographic world as depicted in The Matrix film, 1999; an environment that interacts with you like a video game and is regulated by a super-computer.  In trusting your limited perceptions, you might conclude that such a world was real - especially if your memories had been erased prior to being born into it. 

Consider that you are not completely in the game, some part of you is outside and somehow plugged into the computer.  The problem is that you are so immersed in the experience of "life inside", with all its hypnotic sensations that you have no comprehension of an outside. 

Regardless, it seems that some agency must be operating the computer and its programming, but toward what end could such a "game" be a means and is it good or bad for people?  This scenario reminds me of Descartes' evil demon, which can have me thinking its thoughts and having me believe that they are mine!

Who or what might be taken to be god, the computer, its programmers and engineers, some aloof corporate bosses, a government, an entire world?  Perhaps if our world was enabled by another world, we could call it god, but why not propose another beyond it... and so on? 

If anything is real to us, we should wonder what is real.  The Matrix film broached the subject...
Morpheus"What is real? How do you define 'real'?  If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."  
Does the evil demon regulate brain interpretations?  Notice that the brain is just another part of the computer's game world hologram and is therefore vulnerable to its programmers and engineers. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 11 April 2011

Allegedly, Andromedean contactees communicate with medium like methods such as “automatic writing” (mind control).  Such communication methods are not used by the true Federal Andromedian forces now stationed in Saturn’s orbits.  They are instead used by the ruthless Draconian-Cronian faction with mind control manipulators through link/lap/maser psychotronic technology. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 22 April 2012

Information that comes from “medium” like communication methods such as “dream states” are “mind control” methods of “mind – mood – body control”, utilising extremely advanced lunar super-computer technology (“Technological Magic”).  This is according to the true Andromedian Federal signal transmitted to G.H.Rees via pure technological methods of amplified beam netrino-naser neutrino telecommunications.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 06 November 2011

David Icke started his career by consulting mediums and psychics under demonic possession (channeling).  He became a traitor Draconian agent in continuous demonic possession, hearing voices in his head that ordered him to undertake certain actions.  As G.H.Rees revealed, Draconian psychotronic methods can cause voices inside a victim’s head and control their pituitary gland.  All mediums and psychics are Draconian magicians and agents of the moon.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 22 August 2010

Infomation concerning the hyper-anthropoid form of the Universal Organism has been published worldwide for the first time in the face of thirteen-and-a-half thousand years of ruthless Dragonian mind control propaganda.