Monday, 31 October 2016

Terran Draconian-Cronian Hierarchy

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 06 October 2012

We "advise" all kinds of Draconian reptilian slaves, practitioners of black magic of the terran Draconian masonic hierarchy, not to waste their time and energy exercising advanced kabbalah and black magic rituals of “soul – etheric field – destruction” against us and against mr.Karageorgiou.  The lawful Governmental Andromedian inspectors of higher dimensions of matter rarefaction (from 5D up to 9D) long ago created “etheric barriers” against the Draconian 4D reptilian mutineers, pseudo-gods (Sendai –Jendai, Metatron, Asmondai, Michael, Gabriel, etc) and terran black magicians.  Thus, they are protecting all the friends of G.H.Rees. 

Know thyenemy : Terran Draconian-Cronian hierarchy of planetary Si(o)nistic masonic Sino-Mongolian (Chinese-Mongolian) Draconian-Cronian hierarchy [Levaniah (moon) and Lilith]

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 November 2009

The Grand Orient is a sub-order of Greece with virtual leader the various Grand Masters and true leader the Archrabbinia of Athens.  The double leadership – virtual and true – ensure “Grand Oak's” Lodge A.O.A. from “Lost Control” or it gives A.O.A. the capability to override the official constitution of the Lodges “about the non political and non coup d’eta action”, in order to suppress and to create revolutions at will. 

This is the case of the naïve masons Pattakos, Makarezos e.t.c who were ordered by the covert true Masonic leadership to move forward into a revolution of “programmed septennium of the Greek army Junta”.  The electronic “ears” of G.H.Rees recorded quite interesting conversations in the Athens building of arch-rabbinia about successive septenniums of the Greek regime, also involved were the embassy of Israel and the covert Masonic hierarchy that is ignored even by the Greek Grand Master. 

Members of the covert hierarchy include the misters Papandreou and Rallis or - as they are called by the Arch-rabbi of Athens - “Brother Mineiko – Zetkin” and “Brother Raul”.  Turkey’s Ikonia originating Hebrew-Mongol Kara-ali or Kara-aman-ali or Karamanlis is called by the Kahal of Archrabbinia  “Brother Amanael” meaning … all Hellenes, lets glorify Jehovah and his servant Mohammad, amen. 

…Amanael is also a member of the covert Masonic hierarchy and directly accountable to the deputy Arch-rabbi of Athens.  Nominated members of the covert Masonic leadership in Greece are automatically considered, ambassadors of U.S.A., U.S.S.R., and Great Britain.  Simultaneously, they are arch-rabbis and members of O.T.O..  [The Ambassador of U.S.S.R. Igor Andropov is called “Levites Priest Lieberman” by the Kahal of Athens, as came forward in the recordings of the “reception psalmodies” of Archrabbinia into the monitor of G.H.Rees.] 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 August 2011

Chinese hyper-bosses are looking down more and more at Hebrew-Saxon and royal (based on blood) capital holders in the West.  For the first time ever they officially sent two acolytes to the Bilderberg meeting: A vice-minister (not even a minister) and a professor of finance.  They thus confirm that all these so-called hyper-organizations, groups, committees etc are very lowly.  "Hong" hyper-lodge is the mastermind in the true Draconian hierarchy map, which G.H.Rees has been providing for many years now.

Even the shadowy (supposedly) pluripotential hyper-organisation “NSA” (National Security Agency) is very low down in the hierarchy.  It is obvious that such groups etc are just facets hiding the real, mighty Draconian superintendents.  It is an aggregation of willful slaves, they just forward and execute directives coming from Hong.  This is confirmed by Giannis Karageorgiou of G.H.Rees, who stated for us that the Bilderberg group is very low down in the Draconian hierarchy and that it is essentially a mere instrument that executes and forwards directives coming from a much higher source.  The final decisions come from "Hong", via Zen of Tibet-India, arriving for processing in London's A.O.A., then O.T.O., and on down toward lower groups in the Western hierarchy of Hebrew Masonry. 

It should be emphasised, for those who have been tricked naively (and purely) into believing that the Bilderberg group, Committee of 300, Trilateral committe, C.F.R., and suchlike groups are at the "detached" top of the pyramid of hierarchy.  Bilderbergers are "outraged", due to the publicity they receive that reveals their supposed plans.  We know that in fact this exposure is exactly what they seek, in order to conceal truth from the public. 

The leakages are controlled due to the fact that goyim have started taking notice of the Draconian masterplan behind the scenes.  The Bilderberg "Illuminati" want gain publicity as the movers and shakers of the planet, because this is the order they have received.  At the same time, they "complain" that they have become "famous".  In fact, such allegedly top-“elite” groups are very low down in the Dragonian Sino-Mongolian masonic hierarchy.  Even if each and every one of them is exterminated the "head of the Dragon" will still be alive and kicking. 

G.H.Rees calls out the naive but pure patriots of foreign nations, who... sincerely try to prevent the destructive plans of the head, but who have been tricked by the deceitful misinformation around (obsurance of the truth).  Seek and find the texts of G.H.Rees, translate them and consider them carefully, so as to understand the real hierarchy and enemy.  Thereby, make yourselves mindful aware opponents – live antibodies – against the plan of the pseudo-god, pseudo-architect of the universe Sin-Sion-Sendai.  All the groups, committees, vice-committees, etc are mere instruments, bearers of the orders of the hierarchically superior ones and they are not the superintendents deceitfully presented to the goyim. 

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