Sunday, 2 October 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 13 October 2013

There is a big Jewish Star of David (hexagon) on the north pole of the planet saturn, which is a 3d cube, vortex. The Jews seem to worship Saturn as their god, that black monolith or cube which even all the Islamic nations seem to worship.  So if the Andromedians in Saturn's orbit now rule that planet, why does the Jewish hexagonal 3d cube remain on its north-pole?  Is that cube-device on Saturn our actual time-matrix in which we all are entrapped?  Is Chronos/Kronos/Father Time/Saturn the one who creates time and everything within it out of his cube-device on saturn?  So is in reality the New World Order the new golden age of Saturn coming back to life?

The hexagon on Saturn is believed to be a natural phenomenon and nothing to do with Draconian technologies here on earth, such as the link/lap/maser mind controlling radiations of the Moon - which telecontrols the terran population.  It probably has to do with the geometry of dodecahedral ether - the fundamental template for all life (described elsewhere in hellenandchaos.blogspot) - note that snow flakes also have hexagonal shapes. 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 24 April 2014

Ultra urgent matter of astrostrategics and planetary security…
Panicking Hebrew Mongols  of NASA and the wider Hebrew-Saxon ruled worlwide establishment are again rushing to prevent amateur and highly esteemed professional astronomers, as G.H.Rees, from finding out about Saturn’s new “ moon”.  So, they intentionally spread lies about it forming in the outer ring of the planet!  
“Scientists” at NASA  are really trying very hard indeed to prove to the world just how pathetic and ridiculous they have become.  As you very well know by now, after reading G.H.Rees' texts and articles, Saturn is under full command of the intergalactic Andromedian Hellenic astrofleet that comprises hundreds of mega-starship motherships of several kilometres long all across the rings of Saturn.  They have assumed defense positions against the Draconian astrofleet that controls the vicinity of the inner planets from Jupiter toward Earth.  
Stop hiding the truth from the world as humans deserve to know the truth.  How is it possible to be saying that a new “moon” is being formed around Saturn when this “moon” looks cigar-shaped?  According to natural laws of the universe, any new moon being formed will more or less be in the shape of a sphere.  NASA’s utter confusion and panic is such that they are rushing to gag/silence astronomers across the globe, in case someone decides to publicly announce that these are not moons but starships several hundred kilometres long!  

NASA's images from Cassini may reveal birth of a noon to Saturn (Apr. 14, 2014)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 23 February 2012

Selene came to our solar system around 20,000 b.D.C. [translator’s explanation: ‘BDC’ stands for ‘before Draconian Christ’], when there was a lawful Andromedian Government in the solar system, the Dynasty of the Celestials or Varuna Dynasty (see the ancient Indian texts of the Indian White Dravidians).  ‘Celestials/Ouranideis/Ουρανιδείς’ means ‘People who have come from the Sky’, Sky people.

The Dynasty of the Celestials consisted mainly of Zeus (Father Zeus – Diaus Pitar in Sanskrit) and the clan of Saturn.  When Selene entered our solar system, there was already a ‘civil’ space war taking place between the clans of Zeus and Saturn [see ancient Greek myths, Hesiod’s Theogenia, Clash of the Titans, etc] (‘Civil’ is here in inverted commas, as it does not refer to a war between powers of the same city or society but actually of the same race).  Zeus achieved a temporary victory against the mutineer Saturn-Sabaoth, confining his allies to places that look like jails, such as Underworld Tartara.  The mutineers supporters of Saturn managed to escape from Tartara and soon arranged an unholy collusion with the Draconians of Selene against the Celestials of Zeus. Soon after, Earth came under the complete control of the reptilian Draconians and their allies, the Andromedian treasonous mutineers of Saturn (Sabaoth).

Subsequently, there was a space war.  Metatron Yahweh enlisted the defeated by Zeus forces of Saturn and - as considered natural - all the Earthly Saturnian priesthoods.  That is:
  • Overchthonian forces of Saturn, Selene, Lilith.  
  • Chthonian forces of Selenians and Lilithians.  
  • Underchthonian forces of Cronians, formerly defeated by Zeus.
Zeus enlisted the forces of Uranides [Of Uranus.  Ed.] and the corresponding Earthly priesthoods of Uranides.  The situation that followed was chaotic.

Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 08 May 2010

Whatever the outcome of the next real Star War, earthling goyim will be convinced, largely by Hollywood, that the Galactic Government will be a diabolical fascist force of demons and diabolical U.F.O.’s; an evil empire that attacks earth (Star-Wars movie).  In fact,  ships of Saturn and Selene will attack earth.  If defeated, they will make friends with earthlings to prevent the Galactic Federation from disembarking crews to Earth.  Through their weapon systems and holography, the Draconian-Cronian Alliance will also covertly destroy and confuse Earthlings, blaming the Fascist Devil of corruption; the Galactic Government. 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 19 May 2010

Information about the new satellites of Saturn and of Jupiter does not originate from original research by G.H.Rees. 

Concerning the orbits of Saturn, “JPL” and Greek Newspapers - such as the Magazine “Epsilon Phenomena” of the Free Press newspaper (Eleytheros Typos) have reported that there are “eighty” new satellites and that their number will increase dramatically in the near future.  G.H.Rees later intercepted data from “NASA”, which put the number at “three-hundred-and-sixty” War Planets (Moons!) gathered in Saturn’s orbits. 

The tactic of the Andromedian space fleet and G.H.Rees is the continuous cancellation of the enemy’s subprograms up to the point when they will be unable to start any subprogram and surrender without a fight to the Andromedian space fleet.  This is the desired but uncertain outcome, because when the enemy realizes their failure in geopolitics and in geostrategics they may slide over all pretexts and subprograms and commit “suicide”, like a bank robber who realizes they have “lost the game” with the police and then starts to massively kill hostages inside the bank.

Some associates outside of the “Hellen & Chaos” blog ask “Why didn’t the Andromedians in orbit around Saturn intervene on our planet in 2012?”.  In reply, they are asked by G.H.Rees, what actions they have undertaken alone or with two other Hellenes to found an armed overthrow & death penalty team against the enemy’s agents.  Note that the Andromedians of Saturn, apart from being celestial “engineers”, are a military force that arrived in our solar system to kill unrepentant lunar Draconians as well as their agents on Earth. 

If those asking still haven’t founded such armed teams to kill the enemy’s agents on Earth, then their questions are questions of moribund people who will be killed either by the Draconian Chinese on our planet because they belong to the White race or by the coming Andromedians of Saturn because they are traitors, professionally warless and “hustlers” stealing the sacrifices of other belligerent and combatant Hellenes like the members of G.H.Rees and associates of the blog “Hellen & Chaos”.  Therefore, there is no longer a time limit given by the Andromedians of Saturn as to the time point of their intervention on planet Earth.  [Except that the Draconians are aiming at igniting World War Three in 2023!  Ed..] 

If Andromedians reach Mars and become visible through optical telescopes, nobody will be able to prove they came from near Saturn or that they are Andromedian Ships.  However, people will begin to see them around Mars or closer, within the seven (originally eight) inner planets.  The eighth planet is the fragmented Phaethon or Maldek, (today's asteroid belt) which lies inside the camp of the Dragonian Sin-Yahweh of the Moon. 

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