Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Sirius (Hyperion in Hellenic)
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 06 July 2010

"Dolphin" is an ancient Hellenic word and comes from the root Delphinus or Delphi (Delphi oracle in Greece) and means a "women's womb" or a "matrix".  It is a metaphorical term that means actually a "civilization matrix" - "civilization genitors" and "civilizers", that is the reason for the existence of space faring Hellenes from Andromeda.

Study the chronicles of the wonderful Black indigenous race, Dogon of Mali (Africa) and their ancient deep contact with "Delphinus" - "Dolphins" of Sirius - an advanced extraterrestrial civilization who tought them the "Nomos".  The Hellenes - Delphinus (Dolphins) - civilizers from Andromeda, came to earth via the star-gate of Sirius as a scientific mission and taught the Dogon the natural laws of astronomy (scientific information about the star system of Sirius and our solar system) and ecological harmony.

The Star system of Sirius contains the most dense stars in the galaxy, forming the coccygeal area of the Universal Organism and acting as one side of the dipole of the Triune Universe and its "Inspissations - Rarifications".

This star system is vital to survival of the Universal Organism through its energy and orbital balance.  Our entire solar system is actually a "planet" that rotates around the thirteenth principle, the hyper-sun of the solar system of Sirius known as "Hyperion" (Hyper-Sun) by ancient pelasgian Hellenes - Andromedans.  If the star system balance of Sirius or our star system was threatened through planetary destruction by the Dragonian-Orionid-Cronian mutineer alliance, then the existence of the whole Universal Organism and intelligent beings of the Universe will be at grave danger.  Planetary "Armageddon" (destruction) and the genocide of all terran races (except the pure-Yellow Sinic Terran-Dragonian race) in World War III, must be stopped at all costs.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 13 September 2013

The correct course of a spacecraft leaving earth for outer space , ( i.e outside our solar system) is as follows:
A) Approaching the middle of the distance between sun and sun-antisun.
B) A solid neutron spherical cell encompasses the two suns.  Assume a course that coincides with the axis running through the suns and the poles of the cell.
C) Exit the south pole opening of the solid neutron cell.
D) Map out a route to the “north” pole of the solid neutron cell (mantle) that encompasses the twin suns of Sirius.
E) Enter the Sirius system through the “north” pole of its solid neutron cell.
F) Exit the solid neutron cell of thirteen solar systems through the south pole or “opening” of Sirius and then through the south pole or opening of the above solid neutron cell.
G) and so on and so forth…….

The solid neutron mantles of our solar system, sun of Sirius, etc, are transparently polarized “solid” gases or matter of higher dimensions.  To Earthlings they are known as “solid Tesla gas fractals“.  Any spacecraft attempting to pierce through any transparent astral neutron matter mantle, is equal to an aircraft attempting to enter “the hollow earth”, not through the openings at the poles but by vertically rushing at the outer surface of the earth.  This is simply bound to crash.  Since 1998, G.H.Rees has known how an interstellar starship can travel all the way to Sirius and even further, flying through the repeated polar openings of the solid neutron mantles of solar and hyper-solar systems.  NASA is bound to lose its silly tiny craft. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 25 November 2009

Dragonian lunar ships and crews will appear on Earth, pretending to be ships and crews of the non-existent planet "Nibiru" of the non-existent "Galactic Federation of Light". They will be falsely impersonating real Pleiadians and the existent astro-fleet of Andromeda constellation and Sirius now orbiting planet Saturn. The fleet has been observed from the "Mauna Kea" observatories of Hawai-USA and "JPL" (Jet Propulsion Lab.) of Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon "NASA", which has falsely announced the ships as "new natural satellites of Saturn.

The analysis of ancient Greek-Indian-Mayan-etc. texts has proved that the White human race came from the Andromeda constellation through Sirius. The Black race is indigenous to our planet and Sirius, and the Yellow Chinese and Korean race came from the "Dragon constellation" as crews of their Dragonian flagship Levan and other ships of theirs (archives of Raymond Drake and other researchers of ethnology).

The same ancient texts reveal a mutual emnity shared by the White Andromedian and Black Sirian races against the Yellow Dragonian race.  The reason for these enmities is continuous-incessant genociding of Earthly White and Black races by the Yellow Dragonian race, since 11,500 B.C.. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 14 November 2011

According to information from the elders of the present day Dogon tribe in Mali, Africa, Greeks coming from Sirius gave them the scientific laws. (Translator’s addition: ‘Laws’ is ‘Nomoi’ and ‘Law’ is ‘Nomos’ in Greek.  The Dogon tribe even nowadays calls this creed ‘Nomos’.)

It is impossible for metropolitan Andromeda, as the area of origin of Greeks and the White race, to abandon the region of our solar system and the wider constellation of Sirius to the reign of the Draconians.  What is more, Dogon elders mention that the denser star of the universe is in the solar system of Sirius.  This area is the coccyx of the spine of the universe and one of its electromagnetic poles.  Our Pelasgian ancestors of metropolitan Andromeda cannot and must not abandon this region to the reign of the Draconians, mainly for reasons of universal security. 

Arrival of interstellar extraterrestrials to Earth will essentially comprise Cronians (Saturnians – Savaothians) and Lunar Dragonians of Sin – Sion – Sedi (El Shaddai).  They are not genuine Andromedians and Hellenes.

The United Nations has as its General Secretary, the Chinese-Korean Ban Ki-Moon, a Dragonian initiated into hyper-lodge “Hong” of China.  He is therefore a lethal enemy of genuine Andromedians, Pleiadians and Hellenes, who arrived through Sirius to the orbit of planet Saturn and potentially await the expiry of some ultimatum prior to their assault against the forces of Sin – Sion – Zion – Jedi deployed to the orbits of Jupiter. 

When the secondary and genuine wave of the Galactic Federal Forces of Andromeda arrive, G.H.Rees and its forces look forward to Earth's oppressors running for cover.  Currently, the Andromedians have forced a tight multi-dimensional military quarantine, which denies exit/escape from our solar system of the cancerous Dragonians and their Allies. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 16 August 2010

Our Sun is located in the “Coccyx” or “final bone of the vertebral column” of the Universal Organism.  It has maximum universal density of metallic planets in the solar system of Sirius.  Sirius is the solar sun, namely the central thirteenth principle, biological senior over twelve planetary suns (Ions in Hellenic, or Ionians, or Yunnan), one of which is the sun of our solar system (Ion in Hellenic, or IAFON). 

Requests can be made to the Universal Organism, for "bodyguarding":
"Request towards the local Universal Hierarchy, through intelligent cell Gaia, through intelligent cell of local Sun, through intelligent cell of hyper-Sun Hyperion/Sirius, through local galaxy as intelligent mega-cell. 
I am named ………… I live in the city …………… in the longitude – latitude ………… of the country …………… etc...." [See original post.  Ed.] 

After making the request towards the Local Universal Hierarchy, through Gaia, the local Sun, Hyperion/Sirius, and the local galaxy, await just satisfaction in accordance with Universal Laws.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 03 March 2013

The pirate ship Levan will leave behind a completely annihilated planet and a destroyed solar system (see destruction of planet Phaethon by the Dragons of the past, today’s asteroid belt) when it “departs” to another solar system.  According to G.H.Rees information, the destination will be the Sirius-Hyperion-Coccyx solar system.  From there, the entire galactic Andromedian government and the whole universe will be blackmailed with electromagnetic death.  This is possible because Sirius is the most dense area universe and its negative electrical pole.  Therefore, the Galactic Government has imposed an extremely tight military quarantine across our solar system in the vicinity of planet Saturn, so that no Draconian leaves this area either alive or…..dead (that is, as a demon-spirit of thinner matter rarification).

Andromedian Hellenic space heroes (of Hollow Earth and at the orbits of Saturn) contacted patriotic G.H.Rees, thirty years ago, through neutrino-naser advanced technology and through the solar logos.  Pre-historically, metropolitan Greece (Hellas) became an eternal sacred place, as did mount Olympus.  They were the seat of the dominant powers [Uranides-Dias (Zeus] dynasty, Varuna “solar gods”) and Pelasgian empire civilisers on planet Gaia, showing utmost respect towards the indigenous Black “Sirian” race, of the constellation of “Argo” (a known ancient Greek constellation containing Sirius and the local solar system among others). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 19 August 2016

The ultimate goal of the Draconian-Cronian Alliance mutineers is to completely take over the solar system of Sirius, which is one of the two electromagnetic poles of the universe (universal organism).  From there, they would blackmail all cosmic civilisations by planting nuclear bombs within the Sirius system. 

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