Monday, 3 October 2016

Sepharadim/Separrati/"Elite"/Pawns of the Dragon

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 16 February 2010

The eternal distorters of every truth, the Hebrews, reversed reality and whilst they were the criminal assassins of World War Two, they presented themselves falsely as victims of the non-existent, unproven “holocaust”. The Historians Forisson and Roger Garaudy (leader of the French left in his book “myths of the Israeli external policy”) revealed that:
A) There never were gas chambers.
B) The blast furnaces started to function in 1945, the last year of the war and they burnt 60,000 and not 6,000,000 “Ashkenazi” Jews, already dead by natural causes. 
The deaths resulted from diseases and lack of food, pharmaceuticals, and fuels in the “forced labour camps” of the isolated and defeated Germany, in 1945, and not in “genocidal camps”. 

G.H.Rees reveals that the Ashkenazi Jewish branch is not Hebrew Mongol, but Pelasgian-White.  They are in fact pseudo-Jews of B’ category, Hellenic Askanians of Bithynia of Asia Minor (See Iliad b-863, o-793.); coming from the area of Askania lake, south of Proussa.  Askanios was the son of Troy’s king, Aeneas. 

The “Sephardim”, Jews of A’ category like Hitler, Mueller, Eichmann etc, were using the Ashkenazim-Askanians Hellenogenes of B’ category as slaves and animals for slaughter (goym/goyim, see the Bible) in the fake holocaust.  Purpose:
Advertisement and political exploitation of the fake Jewish holocaust, with the intention that nations would be paralyzed and without resistance to the Jewish crimes of economy (see “crisis”), and war (see Palestinians, Serbs, Iraqis etc and of the rest of the White Race) up until the end of world war three.  Having made Whites guilty for a fake holocaust, Sephardi Jews developed a criminal strapline: “whoever blames the Jews is a Hitleric anti-Semite Nazi like the pelasgian Germans of 1940”.  Today the Sephardim falsely name Mongoloid Khazar-Jews and Tatar-Jews of Eastern Europe as “Ashkenazim”. 

Residents of the country of Israel: 95% Hellenogenes Ashkenazim workers and plain professionals, 5% Sephardim company directors (“elite” Mongol Jews descendants of Abraham or Havra-Han).  The Popular Workers’ party of Israel blamed Sephardim rabbis, bankers, and politicians of 1940 as theoretical and financial perpetrators of the mass transfers of Ashkenazim into the German forced labour camps. 

Following weak Western provocative attacks against the Shanghai Pact and during the Asian trilateral counter-attack, Sephardi Jews of the N.S.C. (National Security Council - USA) via the Chinese Jews of Shanghai and Beijing “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” (see study of the French Jean Boyer) plan (for Asian nations) to annihilate the Hellenic Askanians of Israel in the “final Jewish holocaust”.  This will “guiltyfy” and paralyze Asian nations as “genocidal criminals” willing to accept submission to the “international Jewish hyper government of the reign of God”. 

Today’s Chinese leaders, “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao”, also plan annihilation of Sephardi Jews.  This is because the former demand racial purity, therefore, the Chinese plan total annihilation of Saxon Mongols of the Western Trilateral pact, Russians and Islamic Mongol partners of the Asiatic Trilateral (Shanghai Pact). 

Sephardi Jews are the biggest war criminals of history, around:
1220 BC they genocided two million first-born Egyptian children. 
1180 BC they genocided eight million Hellenic of Palestinians (Hananeans, Hetteans, Amoreans, Ferezeans, Hebeans, Iebusians, Ammons, Philistines)  See the books “Exodus” – “Levitic” – “Numbers” – “Deuteronomion” – “Jesus of Navi” – “Old Testament”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 15 November 2009

G.H.Rees points out that only “Ashkenazim” were used as forced labour in WW2.  Previously they were from the area As(h)kania, Minor Asia (Today’s Western Turkey), Hellenes forced into Jewry.  While captives of the Germans in world war two, they lived in chambers of many people, while the real Hebrew “Sephardim” lived in small private apartments and were not subjected to forced labor. 

“Sephardi” prisoners included the prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir and the President of the European Economic Community, Simon Veil.  The greatest proof of their “Holocaust” forgery of six million people is that the Hebrews consistently refuse to publicise the names of the so called dead, were this to happen, municipality lists of European cities would show the "dead" never lived! 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 27 September 2015

See below the historical proofs and religious proofs from your “Holy” Scriptures (Holy Bible = Chinese geostrategics concealed under theology mask).  It shows that the genocider harlot Dragonian China under its strict criterion of racial purity will butcher
  • White race pseudo-Hebrew Ashkenazim of Israel (Askanians, 90% of the population of disposable Israel). 
  • Mongol Hebrew leaders (Sephardim, Khazars, Saxons Lords of “AOA”, Baruch arch-Rabbis “Kings of the Jews”of Benen Berith [B'nai Brith], Rothschild, etc).  
  • All the White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongols of the planet, after deviously using all of you for the complete extermination of Whites and Blacks (Greek)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 03 May 2013

Labrakis of the Greek End National Debt gang, spreads propaganda across America and London.  His outlets include Hebrew-Saxon frauds like Alex Jones and David Icke-Isaac, who follow the lines and texts of their Sephardi Mongolian chief-rabbis and Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon hyperlodge “A.O.A” of London. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 09 February 2012

Everybody must stop obeying the Dragonian possessed Sephardim (Separati – “Elite”) Mongol Hebrew arch-rabbis Baruch and Benen Berith (B'nai Brith), New York (“Kings of the Jews”).  They are traitors conspirators in collusion with the Chinese Mandarins of hyper-lodge “HONG” of Shanghai and the Chinese-Hebrews of hyper-lodge “Tiao – Kiu – Kiaou” of Shanghai, with purpose the final and total genocide of five billion people in “Armageddon”.  This Chinese annihilation will begin with a massive economic, political, military invasion of the West and assault by the crypto-Zionist Shiite leadership of Iran (R.I.C. axis).


  1. do you know that china's population is less than 800 million also china is not pure han [pure han are a minority compared to korea japan]......also china's real size is only 5.9 million sq km.....the world population currently is less than 6 billion

    1. Thank you for the comment, mythra81. According to Wikipedia's Demographics of China (, the population of China was nearly 1.4 billion in 2015 and the total area of the country is 9.65 million square kilometres. Worldometers ( states that the world population stands at over 7,458,000,000.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
