Stavridis, James, George (and Greek successors)
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 January 2012
This post of G.H.Rees'geostrategics analyst, Yannis Karageorgiou, and the web blog “Hellen and Chaos” is to the chief general/commander of “NATO”, Admiral James Stavridis. Its theme concerns bluff statements and denials of James Stavridis after questions he received regarding whether “NATO” has plans ready for assaulting Syria and Iran. According to G.H.Rees, the statements James Stavridis was ordered to make are self-evident diplomatic and in military lies.
The main reason James Stavridis was appointed as a Greek-American leader of “NATO” at this special moment is that we have the preface of the assault of “NATO” against Syria, Iran, and against the rest “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) axis or “Shanghai Pact”. This is the same reason why in the interview rooms of every press conference given to the international media before the American invasion of Iraq, the then Greek director of “CIA” George Tenet (Georgios Tenetidis) and alleged Greek (in reality Hebrew) Negreponte were always sat behind the American chief-general appointed to execute the assault against Iraq and the “USA” Secretary of State, Black Mongol Colin Powell. Asian nations and their armies would see that any assault by the Americans and “NATO” against the “R.I.C.” axis was perpetrated by two alleged Greek snitches, Tenetidis and Negreponte.
If James Stavridis understands on-time this Chinese-Hebrew provocation, then he must immediately resign his position as “NATO” commander and inform his Greek-American colleagues to also refuse any position of “NATO” leadership at this special moment. If Greek-Americans do act as “NATO leaders”, then in the “R.I.C.” counter-attack against the “US.E.J.” axis (USA – Europe – Japan), Greece will be deemed responsible for perpetration and provocation of the preliminary phases against Syria and Iran under Greek chief-general James Stavridis or some other Greek chief-General.
Informed Asian, Russian, and the Chinese armies will assault Greek led “NATO” and its programmed political leadership, “Constantinople Empire 666”, following a “NATO” attack under
James Stavridis made statements, under pressure from the Defense Ministry of “USA” and Pentagon, that allegedly there are no plans for “NATO” to assault Iran and Syria. Those statements were lies and are bluffs with political tendentiousness and for the “eyes of the world.
If Greek Chief-General James Stavridis leads a suicidal “NATO” assault against the countries of “R.I.C.” axis, such as the Islamic countries Syria and Iraq, then there will be a pretext to genocides, first of Greece, then of Europe, and lastly of American and Greek-Americans like Stavridis. The massive counter-attack by two-hundred-thousand-thousand (200,000,000) men of the Chinese army is described in “John’s Revelation” (Rev.9:16) as an allegedly assured, god-driven, causality event.
Satanist monks of “Mount Athos” Khalkidhiki Greece are implicated in this alleged causality action, namely genocide of two-thirds of the global population by the Chinese army. As agents of “Neo-Byzantine Sufism Empire 666”, they stand accused by G.H.Rees of giving full priority to the genocides.
The Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian gang of the American Pentagon appointed the Greek-American general, James Stavridis as leader of “NATO” ( The purpose for this Greek Chief-General from Asia Minor was to order a general assault by “NATO” against the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania - Skopje – Turkey – Romania). After the invasion of “B.A.S.T.R.” against Greece, “NATO” would have good reasons to devastate the “B.A.S.T.R.” armies and deliver Constantinople to Greek Domination under the Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian troika of “LA.O.S.” Dragazis-Glucksburg-Karazafferi. Under the leadership of “LA.O.S.”, “NATO” would attack the “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) in order for the counter-attacking “R.I.C.” to genocide unarmed populations of India, Europe, and “USA”, in a colossal planet-wide Chinese-Hebrew “Purim”. Provocation by “LA.O.S.” and “NATO” serves to ignite World War III or “Armageddon”, intended for total genocide of White and Black races by Yellow Chinese and White-Yellow Mongols. The Mongols, including Hebrews, would finally be annihilated by the Chinese and Koreans, thereby destroying two-thirds of the global population.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 22 April 2012
Should a true Federal Andromedian landing occur on Earth, we would most probably observe true hyper-ships and hyper-crews (“Gods”) and not blue-beam Draconian pseudo-Eleusis triple laser holograms. Prior to this liberation from the Draconian imprisonment, we would have a forewarning from G.H.Rees. But currently, the only unofficial statement that we have from G.H.Rees is that our Draconian imprisonment is not yet over, although Federal Andromedians in Saturn’s orbit are still forcing an extremely tight military quarantine against the Draconian occupied “inner solar system”.
Federal Andromedians are negotiating with the Draco Overlord, Sin-Sion-Zion-YHWH. Sion is threatening to destroy Earth with Armageddon and the entire solar system, if a sudden Andromedian invasion was to occur. People still have to be alert and ready to prevent a false-flag pseudo-Eleusis of “Andromedian” ships and crews, since it will in reality be the Cronian mutineer faction of Andromedians (allied to the Draconians).
Cronians could pose as true Federal Andromedians (Spacefaring Hellenes currently in Saturn’s orbit). They also impersonate and defame the returned “Dodecatheon of Zeus” (now stationed in Inner Earth + Saturn’s orbit). Pseudo-Andromedians will deviously try to ignite sino-Zionistic Armageddon through a weak, traitor-undermined invasion (drag nach osten) up to the territories of China (“Red Apple Tree”) by White race nations. Such provocation will result in a massive counter-attack by armies of Draconian China and the Shanghai Pact (Russia – Islam – China). The bankrupted West will be completely devastated, with Greece being the first annihilated country. Greece is financially annihilated and betrayed from “inside the walls” by Greek-Hebrews and masonic traitor politicians.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 18 April 2012
NATO's Greek-American James Stavridis was appointed as a puppet Chief-General, by arch-Masons and arch-Rabbi Hebrew-Saxons of “USA” and London. He is under orders from the USA, which is ready to attack Iran if it closes the Straits of Hormuz - through which passes about one-third of global oil production. Therefore, G.H.Rees accused Stavridis of blatantly lying when he said that “NATO” has no plans ready for attacking Iran.
With the Greek-American James Stavridis as supposed leader of European NATO, it would appear that Greeks were under the carpet instigators (Grand lie!!!) of any attack against Iran. Consequently, given that Iranian missiles could easily reach American/NATO bases in Crete and other targets in Greece, Greece could expect a counter-strike from Iran. Knowing this, any patriotic Greek Chief-General should resign, to spare Greece and fellow Greeks from destruction in a lunatic conflict that serves the multi-named Draco Overlord of the Moon - the annihilating pseudo-god, Sin/Sinai/Zion/Sedi/Jedi.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 January 2012
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Admiral James George Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (retired 2013). Image from Wikipedia. |
The main reason James Stavridis was appointed as a Greek-American leader of “NATO” at this special moment is that we have the preface of the assault of “NATO” against Syria, Iran, and against the rest “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) axis or “Shanghai Pact”. This is the same reason why in the interview rooms of every press conference given to the international media before the American invasion of Iraq, the then Greek director of “CIA” George Tenet (Georgios Tenetidis) and alleged Greek (in reality Hebrew) Negreponte were always sat behind the American chief-general appointed to execute the assault against Iraq and the “USA” Secretary of State, Black Mongol Colin Powell. Asian nations and their armies would see that any assault by the Americans and “NATO” against the “R.I.C.” axis was perpetrated by two alleged Greek snitches, Tenetidis and Negreponte.
If James Stavridis understands on-time this Chinese-Hebrew provocation, then he must immediately resign his position as “NATO” commander and inform his Greek-American colleagues to also refuse any position of “NATO” leadership at this special moment. If Greek-Americans do act as “NATO leaders”, then in the “R.I.C.” counter-attack against the “US.E.J.” axis (USA – Europe – Japan), Greece will be deemed responsible for perpetration and provocation of the preliminary phases against Syria and Iran under Greek chief-general James Stavridis or some other Greek chief-General.
Informed Asian, Russian, and the Chinese armies will assault Greek led “NATO” and its programmed political leadership, “Constantinople Empire 666”, following a “NATO” attack under
- Hebrew-Saxon “Emperor Palaiologos Dragazis” (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg),
- Turk-Albanian G. Karazafferi of “LA.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert, ultra-rightwing political party of Greece), and
- Hebrew-Saxon Chief-General Paul Holstein Glucksburg.
- provoke counter-attacking armies of “R.I.C.” or “Shanghai Pact” into prioritizing genocide of unarmed Greeks and
- for Greece itself to be sufficient pretext as provocateur, for the genocide of all White nations of the West by armies of “R.I.C.”.
James Stavridis made statements, under pressure from the Defense Ministry of “USA” and Pentagon, that allegedly there are no plans for “NATO” to assault Iran and Syria. Those statements were lies and are bluffs with political tendentiousness and for the “eyes of the world.
If Greek Chief-General James Stavridis leads a suicidal “NATO” assault against the countries of “R.I.C.” axis, such as the Islamic countries Syria and Iraq, then there will be a pretext to genocides, first of Greece, then of Europe, and lastly of American and Greek-Americans like Stavridis. The massive counter-attack by two-hundred-thousand-thousand (200,000,000) men of the Chinese army is described in “John’s Revelation” (Rev.9:16) as an allegedly assured, god-driven, causality event.
Satanist monks of “Mount Athos” Khalkidhiki Greece are implicated in this alleged causality action, namely genocide of two-thirds of the global population by the Chinese army. As agents of “Neo-Byzantine Sufism Empire 666”, they stand accused by G.H.Rees of giving full priority to the genocides.
The Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian gang of the American Pentagon appointed the Greek-American general, James Stavridis as leader of “NATO” ( The purpose for this Greek Chief-General from Asia Minor was to order a general assault by “NATO” against the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania - Skopje – Turkey – Romania). After the invasion of “B.A.S.T.R.” against Greece, “NATO” would have good reasons to devastate the “B.A.S.T.R.” armies and deliver Constantinople to Greek Domination under the Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian troika of “LA.O.S.” Dragazis-Glucksburg-Karazafferi. Under the leadership of “LA.O.S.”, “NATO” would attack the “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) in order for the counter-attacking “R.I.C.” to genocide unarmed populations of India, Europe, and “USA”, in a colossal planet-wide Chinese-Hebrew “Purim”. Provocation by “LA.O.S.” and “NATO” serves to ignite World War III or “Armageddon”, intended for total genocide of White and Black races by Yellow Chinese and White-Yellow Mongols. The Mongols, including Hebrews, would finally be annihilated by the Chinese and Koreans, thereby destroying two-thirds of the global population.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 22 April 2012
Should a true Federal Andromedian landing occur on Earth, we would most probably observe true hyper-ships and hyper-crews (“Gods”) and not blue-beam Draconian pseudo-Eleusis triple laser holograms. Prior to this liberation from the Draconian imprisonment, we would have a forewarning from G.H.Rees. But currently, the only unofficial statement that we have from G.H.Rees is that our Draconian imprisonment is not yet over, although Federal Andromedians in Saturn’s orbit are still forcing an extremely tight military quarantine against the Draconian occupied “inner solar system”.
Federal Andromedians are negotiating with the Draco Overlord, Sin-Sion-Zion-YHWH. Sion is threatening to destroy Earth with Armageddon and the entire solar system, if a sudden Andromedian invasion was to occur. People still have to be alert and ready to prevent a false-flag pseudo-Eleusis of “Andromedian” ships and crews, since it will in reality be the Cronian mutineer faction of Andromedians (allied to the Draconians).
Cronians could pose as true Federal Andromedians (Spacefaring Hellenes currently in Saturn’s orbit). They also impersonate and defame the returned “Dodecatheon of Zeus” (now stationed in Inner Earth + Saturn’s orbit). Pseudo-Andromedians will deviously try to ignite sino-Zionistic Armageddon through a weak, traitor-undermined invasion (drag nach osten) up to the territories of China (“Red Apple Tree”) by White race nations. Such provocation will result in a massive counter-attack by armies of Draconian China and the Shanghai Pact (Russia – Islam – China). The bankrupted West will be completely devastated, with Greece being the first annihilated country. Greece is financially annihilated and betrayed from “inside the walls” by Greek-Hebrews and masonic traitor politicians.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 18 April 2012
NATO's Greek-American James Stavridis was appointed as a puppet Chief-General, by arch-Masons and arch-Rabbi Hebrew-Saxons of “USA” and London. He is under orders from the USA, which is ready to attack Iran if it closes the Straits of Hormuz - through which passes about one-third of global oil production. Therefore, G.H.Rees accused Stavridis of blatantly lying when he said that “NATO” has no plans ready for attacking Iran.
With the Greek-American James Stavridis as supposed leader of European NATO, it would appear that Greeks were under the carpet instigators (Grand lie!!!) of any attack against Iran. Consequently, given that Iranian missiles could easily reach American/NATO bases in Crete and other targets in Greece, Greece could expect a counter-strike from Iran. Knowing this, any patriotic Greek Chief-General should resign, to spare Greece and fellow Greeks from destruction in a lunatic conflict that serves the multi-named Draco Overlord of the Moon - the annihilating pseudo-god, Sin/Sinai/Zion/Sedi/Jedi.
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