Wednesday, 12 October 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 19 July 2011

Throughout history, the Sines/Chinese Draconians have been and still are a race that has not offered anything to our planet (Gaia/Demeter). As history shows, their favourite "hobby" has always been to destroy, genocide, and annihilate. They have always been full of predispositions, superstitions and dark.

To protect themselves against the forays of Mongolian hordes the Sines/Chinese built the Great Wall, a huge stronghold of 8,851 km. Construction of this colossal stucture took the lives of many Sines/Chinese Draconians, enslaved by their own leaders. The Great Wall was implemented not in order to bring about culture, but in order to destroy culture. It made the schizophrenic White Mongloians turn towards the West, whereupon they undertook to genocide whatever they happened to come across.

Everyone should know the pre-history of Andromedian pelasgians and the Sines/Chinese Draconians, for purposes of comparing and contrasting them. 

Let's stroll around the central streets of all the big cities and smaller towns of our countries, to see what role the Sines/Chinese have herein.  Let's go and see the villages of the provinces.  What do we realise?

We realise is that on central streets in our countries there are Sinese/Chinese stores and shopping centres; in every provincial town and many villages too.  Who goes to buy from them?  Mongols, the reason being that they are cheap stores, very cheap, and the household budget of their customers have shrunk markedly. 

Every time you go to the Chinese stores, you pay them to build the graves they are preparing for you (note: if they do not eat you for lunch, which makes more sense for them because they think that it is a pity for all that meat to get wasted).  The Chinese take the money you pay them, send it to Sina/China and use it to make bullets, weapons, missiles, armoured vehicles, airplanes, for your genocide until the last one as they did in the past.

You may think, "Oh, come on, what are you talking about?  That the Sines/Chinese will come and kill us?"  Like hell will they tell you
"We are coming with with an army of 200,000,000 men (Rev. 9:16), many already waiting inside your countries.  We want to kill you.  Will you allow us to do that?" 

Doesn't the ortho-dox ortho-mined church prophesise this, in John's apocalypse (Rev. 9)?  Don't you have a holy mountain in Egypt called Sina/China?  Is it not taught in church schools that China will impose the correct Christianism by means of violence to the anti-Christian West?  Isn't the departure of the moon mentioned in the oa' psalm (old testament - septuagint)?  Who wrote these texts?  Not us!  Perhaps our imagination too stretched, it is up to you to decide.

But we are asking you people, what have the Chinese done for all of you?  Do they buy your clothes, shoes, toys, books, notepads, pens, computers, air conditioners, utensils, dvd's, decoration products?  No!  No!  No!  No!  No!  No!  No, they do not!  Why not?

They sell to get money and then mostly buy from each other.  They buy fruit with your money.  They buy cars with your money.  The Chinese do not bring money to our countries, they only take and send it to the People's "Republic" of Sina/China. 

At present, the world's superpower is China.  The USA has debt in excess of 19.6 trillion dollars and depends on Sina/China to pay salaries, pensions, and for infrastructure.
Whatever money it needs is provided by the central bank of Sina/China, which has collected all the money of the world.  But how is this happening???

Chinese workers have salaries around 800 yuan per month, about 80 euros per month.  It was only this year that the Sinese got a 20% raise from their "leaders", so their salary is now 100 euros per month.  Sinese work not 8 hours as you may think but 10 or 12 or 15 hours per day like dogs and their officers consider them replacable.

The PRC (People's Republic of China) say the population numbers more than 1.2 billion, but considering their mentality the number is more likely over 1,5 bn..  The work force of Sina/China was 800,000,000 in 2004 and is increasing by 12,000,000 per year.  How, on 100 euros per month?  Unpatriotic big companies worldwide take advantage of this and have products made in China (just look in your home). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 21 March 2010

In ancient Hellenic language (Read “Lexicon of Ancient Hellenic Language” from I. Stamatakos) the Chinese were named “Sines” (hence the name Great Sinic Wall) from “Sinos” = Chinese (Page 1206).  In the term “Sinis” the translation is: Destructor, Annihilator, Thief, Robber, Baneful (Page 892).

The natural attribute of the Sinese or Chinese as annihilators and terminator genociders of White Hellenes or Iones.  This is proved by the fact that while Southern China is still named “Yunnan” namely Ionia, there are no more Iones (namely Hellenes) there because they were all annihilated by the Chinese. 
German archaeological missions were deported without explanation from China, when they proved the existence of twelve ancient Hellenic cities inside China.  The Chinese Government ordered the cities covered with hills of dirt, upon which were planted fast growing trees.

Today, traitor “Greek” Politicians visit China and instead of demanding disclosure and excavation of the existing Hellenic antiquities, they kiss the ass of the Sinese annihilators who killed a billion ancient Hellenes and Pelasgians from Asiatic Upper Ionia.  This they do in order to gain free houses and survival in China after world war three. 

The slaughtered Ionians are disrespected by today's Greek politicians, emetic traitor Maoists, Chinese-friendly Greek communists and the more emetic Greek industrialist/business people.  They wish to establish companies in China and allow the Chinese to invade Greece without control, later naming the Chinese “Saviors of the Greek Economy” and “Strategic Partners of Greece”!  It is not difficult to anticipate what will follow such an invasion by the Sines-Sinese-Chinese, who are the genetic spawn of the murderous lunar Dragonian elohim, Sin. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 04 October 2011

As G.H.Rees and the blog "Hellen & Chaos" have shown, between 9600 B.C. (when Greek gods departed and Atlantis was sunk) and approximately 5,000 B.C., the Draconian Chinese Sine terminator bandits completely cleared Asia of earlier indigenous inhabitants; Greek Pelasgian Ionians of Yunnan.  (Today, Southern China is still called "Yunnan" and Mongols Turks call Greece "Yunnanistan", ie the State of the Yunnans/Ionians/Greeks.  There's not a single Greek there any longer, because all were massacred)  The Draconian Chinese genocidal hordes, with orders of their master lunar uranium Tzeint-Jedi-Sendai, genocided all the Yunnans of Asia and raped Greek women; thereby generating schizophrenic White-Yellow hybrid Mongol children.

French anthropologists in 1920 discovered the schizoid phenomenon known as "Dobermann" syndrome, exhibited by White-Yellow semi-Draconian Mongolian genociders who continued the work of pure-Yellow Draconians.  Instead of genociding pure-Yellows, the Mongols turned Westward, annihilating Whites and Blacks.  However, sometimes the rabid Mongolians attacked to the east against their bosses and generators; the pure-Yellow Draconian Chinese! 

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