Sin-Yahweh-Sion-Sina-Jedi-Sendai-"Universal Creator God"
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 27 August 2010
Most members of the commanding councils of Greek banks and bishops of Greek “Holy Eparchies”, are Masons who gave the treasonous [Masonic – Globalist – Chinese – Zionistic – Mongolian – anti-Hellenic – anti-pelasgian – anti-Andromedian – Savaothic – “Jehovian” – Satanic] oath that
“You will do whatever is possible to destroy and breakup the “National Families” or nations and states, in order to found the “Global Government – Kingdom of Jehovah of Sin - Zion – Sion – Sina - China” and the
“Planetary hyper-state of the planetary Chinese dictatorship [Empire of Sin – Sinai - Sion – Sina - China – Jehovah”] in order to allegedly stop wars between nations [by destroying them and their people Ed..], and allegedly promote international peace or “Pax – Sinica” of Sin – Sion – Sina – China”.
“Yellow space Chinese archangels” [Demonic spirits of Freemasonry! Ed.] of the
Dragonian “God – Dragon - Dragonturtle” Sin – Sion – Sinai – Jedi – Judas – pseudo-Jehovah and the
mutineer Andromedian “God” Savit – Savaoth - Sabbaoth – Cronus,
incited World War III or “Armageddon” for complete genocide of White and Black nations as punishment for allegedly “provoking all the wars of the human history and the first and second world war”. In fact, it is irrevocably proven that all wars of human history and the already partial genocide of White and Black nations, were incited, programmed, and provoked by the above mentioned “Gods” and “archangels” through their ancient and new priesthoods, religions, secret societies and Masonic lodges (Hong => Zen => AOA+OTO => MTM).
In spiritual sessions and demonic invocations, the dirty channelling criminal priesthoods (Masons, priests, and Satanic monks of Dragonian ass) have visions, “inspirations of the “Spirit of God”. In other parapsychological Dragonian Satanic “shows”, there are displays of “Good Angels 888” and colluding “Bad Demons 666” of the nonexistent “Satan”. These are the “two Satanic faces” of the “God of Dragonian Peace”, Pax Dragonian or Pax Sinica, representatives of the “Kingdom of Jehovah – Sin – Sion – Sinai – Sina – China” and the Space Chinese Sin – Sion – Zion – Jedi.
The “God” that believers serve is not the “diachronic ancient of the Days” or “Being” or “I am that I am”, or in Hebrew: Ja –Ha –Va – HaJah” or “Jahveh” or “JHVH” or “Jehovah”, invariant in time, namely “The Universal Organism” Higher – Supreme (Tauto-Cosmic) God. The local god is a felon, a serial murderer, bandit, and annihilator of solar systems and planetary human races. He is the galactic criminal mutineer “Sinis” of Hellenic mythology or mito-logy (see myth – mitos of “Theseus against Sinis”, mitos=Ariadne’s clew), also known as Sin/Sion-Zion/Sinai/Sino/Jedi/Sedi/Jed/Jeid/Jude/Judas.
Sin's “archangels”, “Asmodai” – “Metatron” – “Michael” – “Gabriel” and rest are all Dragonian space criminals wanted by the forces of our local galaxy. Religious people choose to serve a god that is wanted and encircled within a “cage – trap” of the seven inner planets, by legal Governmental-Federal galactic police forces: (1) before Mercury (Vulcan Zone) – (2) Mercury – (3) Venus – (4) antichthon (Behind Sun) – (5) Earth – (6) Mars – (7) Jupiter.
With their hybrid flagship “Selene”/“Moon”/“Levanah” and an astro-fleet of about one-hundred-and-twenty hyper-motherships, Dragonians invaded to steal metals, crystals, and raw materials. Since 2002, they have been observed in the orbit of planet “Jupiter” by “Mauna – Kea” observatories, Hawaii – USA, from which Hebrew-Saxon “NASA” forbids published statements of the fact. For these observed new satellites of “Jupiter”, “NASA” falsely announced that “...about one-hundred-and-twenty new natural satellites of Jupiter ...arrived ...(in only two years!), originating from other (undetermined) points of our solar system”.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 February 2010
The science of Assyriology states that the Assyrian city Ur from which Abraham (Havra-Khan in Mongolian) “came out”, commanded by his Lord “Eloh or Allah”, had as a central god the God SIN of the Moon (!!!). Sin of the Moon gave his name to the Sinese (Chinese, hence the name “Sinic wall” from Sinos-Sina-China), his main racial creation. These humanoids (humo-saurian) are to serve him as genocidal tools (and miners) against the White Andromedian and Black Magnificent indigenous races. From the same root Sin – “Sion” (Zion) is produced the term China, “Down Zion” (Earthly), “Upper Zion” (heavenly Moon), and of course Zionism, which must be correctly be pronounced …Sinism.
[The Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible contains many illuminating statements on the moon (read also: Concordance To The Septuagint - Hatch & Redpath). The most illuminating for the intentions of Sin or Sion, Zion of the Moon is the fragment below: (Psalms 71,7 - Follow the link to the Greek Orthodox Church Bible ancient Greek translation of the Septuagint - aka: of the 72 of the Hebrew Sanhendrin:]
“The king of Israel will exist as long as there is Sun and will exist in generations and generations before (as a servant of) the moon … In his days will rise justice and amplitude of peace, until the Moon will be “removed” (Departure) for compensation.” (As revenge against the dissidents, namely the non Sinists-Zionists of the Lunar Sin, Psalms 71, 7 Translation of the Septuagint.)
According to the ancient Hellenic lexicon of J.Stamatakos, «Ανταναίρεσις» (the word for “Lunar departure” in the translated to English original Greek S70 Bible), means: “To remove for vengeance” (lack of obedience). A devastating geological shake-up will happen to Earth if the piratical robber-gang's spaceship Moon departs from its present Earth orbit. Such so called "vengeance penalties" will be against all the settlers of the planet, due to their disobedience to Zionism/Sinism and refusal to become “Lord’s servants”; namely stupid slaves working to concentrate the Earth’s raw materials e.g. crystals, valuable metals, and nuclear fuels into Zionist and Sinese warehouses, from where they will be carried to the moon.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 July 2010
According to the “Old Testament”, a central Mongolian Hebrew horde marched from the Mongolian city “Ur” of Chaldea Mesopotamia under its genitors Tharra [Wife Sara? Ed..] and Abraham or Habra-Ham or Khan, namely the Mongolian Han (King of the Judean Habra) of the Hebrew Mongolian Horde (Genesis 11:24-32 and 12:1-7). The Hebrew Mongolian city “Ur” of Chaldea, according to official history, had as a patron god the God Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinai of the Moon: The Galactic arch-criminal Space bandit Satan-Devil Jedi/Sedi/Jeid/Jed/Jude/Judas, Dragonian God of the Sin or Sinese or Chin or Chinese. (See: Sinic Wall from Sin – Sinos ancient Hellenic nomenclature for the Chinese.)
During the thousand year Byzantium Empire, Hebrews guided Mongolian Hordes in matters of genociding White nations. First they guided the Mongolian horde of Genghis Khan in Persia – Iran, a horde which genocided without reason six-million unarmed White Pelasgian Persian – Iranians, namely women and children. In the modern analogue, crypto-Hebrew Shiite pseudo-Muslim priests and leaders of Iran prepare methodically by recording detected Iranian White Persians who remain. In due course, these Whites will be annihilated until the last one by the Sino-Mongolian Axis “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongolia) and the pure Dragonian Sinic – Korean Axis “C.K.” (China and Korea) in the Third World War.
Criminal genocidal actions of Judeans and Hebrew-Saxon Israelites span from 5,000 years before Mongol Christ until today. They are the chosen people of Satan, Devil Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Jude/Judas.
Jedi and his people Israel, one and the same mind: Annihilators of planetary populations, and nations. He is a murderer, a bandit of planetary raw materials. Murderers and bandits are the people of Israel, as with the ships of unarmed humanitarians in 31 May 2010 outside of the territorial waters of Israel and Gaza.
The Israeli purpose purpose was a complete blockade of food and drugs to the Palestinian Hellenes of Gaza, in order for them to die and be annihilated till the last one (According to the ancient Mongolic, Zionistic, Sinistic (Chinese) program in paragraph 14 of “Deuteronomy” in the “Old Testament”.), because they are Hellenogene descendants of Cretans and genetic children of “Devil Zeus” according to “Genesis 3:14-15” and “Revelation 2:12-13” of the Satanic “Holy Scripture”.
In the first fragment, “Devil” is falsely considered to be the departed Andromedian planetary commander Zeus-Jupiter, because Hellenic priesthoods of the Hellenic city of Pergamon in Minor Asia were possessed by demons of the Dragonian Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi that were falsely impersonating the hyper-scientific commander “Gods of the Hellenic Dodecatheon”. Today Pergamon is occupied by Mongolian – Hebrew Turkey, as priesthoods had converted the sciences of Zeus into religions of black magic and the Satanism of Jedi. The world's largest religious holy Temple of Zeus was relocated, in its entirety, from Pergamon to the Berlin Museum of Germany.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 November 2009
The Draconian/Dragonian forces have crew of 1st and 2nd dimension of matter rarification, while their high leader and commander, YHWH/Yahweh belongs to the 3rd. The reptiles' high command consists of 24+3 members under the leadership of YHWH and their sensor capability is limited to 3rd dimension spotting.
[The Andromedians are the governors of 1/3rd of the Universe, the Hera part (left) of anti-matter and inspissations (tendency to materialism). The middle part is the Apollonean Mid-Sun and the right is the Zeus part of matter and rarifications (tendency to spiritualism).]
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 27 August 2010
Most members of the commanding councils of Greek banks and bishops of Greek “Holy Eparchies”, are Masons who gave the treasonous [Masonic – Globalist – Chinese – Zionistic – Mongolian – anti-Hellenic – anti-pelasgian – anti-Andromedian – Savaothic – “Jehovian” – Satanic] oath that
“You will do whatever is possible to destroy and breakup the “National Families” or nations and states, in order to found the “Global Government – Kingdom of Jehovah of Sin - Zion – Sion – Sina - China” and the
“Planetary hyper-state of the planetary Chinese dictatorship [Empire of Sin – Sinai - Sion – Sina - China – Jehovah”] in order to allegedly stop wars between nations [by destroying them and their people Ed..], and allegedly promote international peace or “Pax – Sinica” of Sin – Sion – Sina – China”.
“Yellow space Chinese archangels” [Demonic spirits of Freemasonry! Ed.] of the
Dragonian “God – Dragon - Dragonturtle” Sin – Sion – Sinai – Jedi – Judas – pseudo-Jehovah and the
mutineer Andromedian “God” Savit – Savaoth - Sabbaoth – Cronus,
incited World War III or “Armageddon” for complete genocide of White and Black nations as punishment for allegedly “provoking all the wars of the human history and the first and second world war”. In fact, it is irrevocably proven that all wars of human history and the already partial genocide of White and Black nations, were incited, programmed, and provoked by the above mentioned “Gods” and “archangels” through their ancient and new priesthoods, religions, secret societies and Masonic lodges (Hong => Zen => AOA+OTO => MTM).
In spiritual sessions and demonic invocations, the dirty channelling criminal priesthoods (Masons, priests, and Satanic monks of Dragonian ass) have visions, “inspirations of the “Spirit of God”. In other parapsychological Dragonian Satanic “shows”, there are displays of “Good Angels 888” and colluding “Bad Demons 666” of the nonexistent “Satan”. These are the “two Satanic faces” of the “God of Dragonian Peace”, Pax Dragonian or Pax Sinica, representatives of the “Kingdom of Jehovah – Sin – Sion – Sinai – Sina – China” and the Space Chinese Sin – Sion – Zion – Jedi.
The “God” that believers serve is not the “diachronic ancient of the Days” or “Being” or “I am that I am”, or in Hebrew: Ja –Ha –Va – HaJah” or “Jahveh” or “JHVH” or “Jehovah”, invariant in time, namely “The Universal Organism” Higher – Supreme (Tauto-Cosmic) God. The local god is a felon, a serial murderer, bandit, and annihilator of solar systems and planetary human races. He is the galactic criminal mutineer “Sinis” of Hellenic mythology or mito-logy (see myth – mitos of “Theseus against Sinis”, mitos=Ariadne’s clew), also known as Sin/Sion-Zion/Sinai/Sino/Jedi/Sedi/Jed/Jeid/Jude/Judas.
Sin's “archangels”, “Asmodai” – “Metatron” – “Michael” – “Gabriel” and rest are all Dragonian space criminals wanted by the forces of our local galaxy. Religious people choose to serve a god that is wanted and encircled within a “cage – trap” of the seven inner planets, by legal Governmental-Federal galactic police forces: (1) before Mercury (Vulcan Zone) – (2) Mercury – (3) Venus – (4) antichthon (Behind Sun) – (5) Earth – (6) Mars – (7) Jupiter.
With their hybrid flagship “Selene”/“Moon”/“Levanah” and an astro-fleet of about one-hundred-and-twenty hyper-motherships, Dragonians invaded to steal metals, crystals, and raw materials. Since 2002, they have been observed in the orbit of planet “Jupiter” by “Mauna – Kea” observatories, Hawaii – USA, from which Hebrew-Saxon “NASA” forbids published statements of the fact. For these observed new satellites of “Jupiter”, “NASA” falsely announced that “...about one-hundred-and-twenty new natural satellites of Jupiter ...arrived ...(in only two years!), originating from other (undetermined) points of our solar system”.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 February 2010
The science of Assyriology states that the Assyrian city Ur from which Abraham (Havra-Khan in Mongolian) “came out”, commanded by his Lord “Eloh or Allah”, had as a central god the God SIN of the Moon (!!!). Sin of the Moon gave his name to the Sinese (Chinese, hence the name “Sinic wall” from Sinos-Sina-China), his main racial creation. These humanoids (humo-saurian) are to serve him as genocidal tools (and miners) against the White Andromedian and Black Magnificent indigenous races. From the same root Sin – “Sion” (Zion) is produced the term China, “Down Zion” (Earthly), “Upper Zion” (heavenly Moon), and of course Zionism, which must be correctly be pronounced …Sinism.
[The Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible contains many illuminating statements on the moon (read also: Concordance To The Septuagint - Hatch & Redpath). The most illuminating for the intentions of Sin or Sion, Zion of the Moon is the fragment below: (Psalms 71,7 - Follow the link to the Greek Orthodox Church Bible ancient Greek translation of the Septuagint - aka: of the 72 of the Hebrew Sanhendrin:]
“The king of Israel will exist as long as there is Sun and will exist in generations and generations before (as a servant of) the moon … In his days will rise justice and amplitude of peace, until the Moon will be “removed” (Departure) for compensation.” (As revenge against the dissidents, namely the non Sinists-Zionists of the Lunar Sin, Psalms 71, 7 Translation of the Septuagint.)
According to the ancient Hellenic lexicon of J.Stamatakos, «Ανταναίρεσις» (the word for “Lunar departure” in the translated to English original Greek S70 Bible), means: “To remove for vengeance” (lack of obedience). A devastating geological shake-up will happen to Earth if the piratical robber-gang's spaceship Moon departs from its present Earth orbit. Such so called "vengeance penalties" will be against all the settlers of the planet, due to their disobedience to Zionism/Sinism and refusal to become “Lord’s servants”; namely stupid slaves working to concentrate the Earth’s raw materials e.g. crystals, valuable metals, and nuclear fuels into Zionist and Sinese warehouses, from where they will be carried to the moon.
According to the “Old Testament”, a central Mongolian Hebrew horde marched from the Mongolian city “Ur” of Chaldea Mesopotamia under its genitors Tharra [Wife Sara? Ed..] and Abraham or Habra-Ham or Khan, namely the Mongolian Han (King of the Judean Habra) of the Hebrew Mongolian Horde (Genesis 11:24-32 and 12:1-7). The Hebrew Mongolian city “Ur” of Chaldea, according to official history, had as a patron god the God Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinai of the Moon: The Galactic arch-criminal Space bandit Satan-Devil Jedi/Sedi/Jeid/Jed/Jude/Judas, Dragonian God of the Sin or Sinese or Chin or Chinese. (See: Sinic Wall from Sin – Sinos ancient Hellenic nomenclature for the Chinese.)
During the thousand year Byzantium Empire, Hebrews guided Mongolian Hordes in matters of genociding White nations. First they guided the Mongolian horde of Genghis Khan in Persia – Iran, a horde which genocided without reason six-million unarmed White Pelasgian Persian – Iranians, namely women and children. In the modern analogue, crypto-Hebrew Shiite pseudo-Muslim priests and leaders of Iran prepare methodically by recording detected Iranian White Persians who remain. In due course, these Whites will be annihilated until the last one by the Sino-Mongolian Axis “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongolia) and the pure Dragonian Sinic – Korean Axis “C.K.” (China and Korea) in the Third World War.
Criminal genocidal actions of Judeans and Hebrew-Saxon Israelites span from 5,000 years before Mongol Christ until today. They are the chosen people of Satan, Devil Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Jude/Judas.
Jedi and his people Israel, one and the same mind: Annihilators of planetary populations, and nations. He is a murderer, a bandit of planetary raw materials. Murderers and bandits are the people of Israel, as with the ships of unarmed humanitarians in 31 May 2010 outside of the territorial waters of Israel and Gaza.
The Israeli purpose purpose was a complete blockade of food and drugs to the Palestinian Hellenes of Gaza, in order for them to die and be annihilated till the last one (According to the ancient Mongolic, Zionistic, Sinistic (Chinese) program in paragraph 14 of “Deuteronomy” in the “Old Testament”.), because they are Hellenogene descendants of Cretans and genetic children of “Devil Zeus” according to “Genesis 3:14-15” and “Revelation 2:12-13” of the Satanic “Holy Scripture”.
In the first fragment, “Devil” is falsely considered to be the departed Andromedian planetary commander Zeus-Jupiter, because Hellenic priesthoods of the Hellenic city of Pergamon in Minor Asia were possessed by demons of the Dragonian Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi that were falsely impersonating the hyper-scientific commander “Gods of the Hellenic Dodecatheon”. Today Pergamon is occupied by Mongolian – Hebrew Turkey, as priesthoods had converted the sciences of Zeus into religions of black magic and the Satanism of Jedi. The world's largest religious holy Temple of Zeus was relocated, in its entirety, from Pergamon to the Berlin Museum of Germany.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 November 2009
The Draconian/Dragonian forces have crew of 1st and 2nd dimension of matter rarification, while their high leader and commander, YHWH/Yahweh belongs to the 3rd. The reptiles' high command consists of 24+3 members under the leadership of YHWH and their sensor capability is limited to 3rd dimension spotting.
[The Andromedians are the governors of 1/3rd of the Universe, the Hera part (left) of anti-matter and inspissations (tendency to materialism). The middle part is the Apollonean Mid-Sun and the right is the Zeus part of matter and rarifications (tendency to spiritualism).]
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