Sunday 2 October 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 09 June 2011

Message to David Icke forum, fixed (pseudo-)skeptics:

Search for Sauromates or Savromates or Sauromats or Sarmats tribes!  The ancient Asian Mongol invading hordes, first in Scythia and later on in mainland Europe.  Ancient Hellenic pelasgian White indigenous tribes and the historian Herodotus called them "Sauromates", which in ancient Hellenic means: "People with eyes of the lizard" (learn Ancient Greek and you will find everything e.g. Saura=lizard, mates=mati=eye!).  Except for their reptilian appearance they had massive reptilian-snake-Draco symbols and drawings in their shields and armor.  These were the real Draconians (with reptilian dna).

Icke is misleading you by emphasizing Europe-USA (Western Axis) and hiding the true Draconians on earth, a.k.a. the "nation of the Dragon" the Chinese genitors of the sauromates, with massive rituals, symbols and worship in honour of reptilian Dragons (Dragonturtles, etc) and of the Dragonian spaceship Moon (Chinese Lunar New Year, Chinese Lunar Mid-Autumn Festivals, etc).  Even their flag has the crescent moon (formed by four small stars), being essentially the same as the flag of Touranian Mongolian Turkey. 

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