Monday, 31 October 2016

Terran Draconian-Cronian Hierarchy

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 06 October 2012

We "advise" all kinds of Draconian reptilian slaves, practitioners of black magic of the terran Draconian masonic hierarchy, not to waste their time and energy exercising advanced kabbalah and black magic rituals of “soul – etheric field – destruction” against us and against mr.Karageorgiou.  The lawful Governmental Andromedian inspectors of higher dimensions of matter rarefaction (from 5D up to 9D) long ago created “etheric barriers” against the Draconian 4D reptilian mutineers, pseudo-gods (Sendai –Jendai, Metatron, Asmondai, Michael, Gabriel, etc) and terran black magicians.  Thus, they are protecting all the friends of G.H.Rees. 

Know thyenemy : Terran Draconian-Cronian hierarchy of planetary Si(o)nistic masonic Sino-Mongolian (Chinese-Mongolian) Draconian-Cronian hierarchy [Levaniah (moon) and Lilith]

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 November 2009

The Grand Orient is a sub-order of Greece with virtual leader the various Grand Masters and true leader the Archrabbinia of Athens.  The double leadership – virtual and true – ensure “Grand Oak's” Lodge A.O.A. from “Lost Control” or it gives A.O.A. the capability to override the official constitution of the Lodges “about the non political and non coup d’eta action”, in order to suppress and to create revolutions at will. 

This is the case of the naïve masons Pattakos, Makarezos e.t.c who were ordered by the covert true Masonic leadership to move forward into a revolution of “programmed septennium of the Greek army Junta”.  The electronic “ears” of G.H.Rees recorded quite interesting conversations in the Athens building of arch-rabbinia about successive septenniums of the Greek regime, also involved were the embassy of Israel and the covert Masonic hierarchy that is ignored even by the Greek Grand Master. 

Members of the covert hierarchy include the misters Papandreou and Rallis or - as they are called by the Arch-rabbi of Athens - “Brother Mineiko – Zetkin” and “Brother Raul”.  Turkey’s Ikonia originating Hebrew-Mongol Kara-ali or Kara-aman-ali or Karamanlis is called by the Kahal of Archrabbinia  “Brother Amanael” meaning … all Hellenes, lets glorify Jehovah and his servant Mohammad, amen. 

…Amanael is also a member of the covert Masonic hierarchy and directly accountable to the deputy Arch-rabbi of Athens.  Nominated members of the covert Masonic leadership in Greece are automatically considered, ambassadors of U.S.A., U.S.S.R., and Great Britain.  Simultaneously, they are arch-rabbis and members of O.T.O..  [The Ambassador of U.S.S.R. Igor Andropov is called “Levites Priest Lieberman” by the Kahal of Athens, as came forward in the recordings of the “reception psalmodies” of Archrabbinia into the monitor of G.H.Rees.] 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 August 2011

Chinese hyper-bosses are looking down more and more at Hebrew-Saxon and royal (based on blood) capital holders in the West.  For the first time ever they officially sent two acolytes to the Bilderberg meeting: A vice-minister (not even a minister) and a professor of finance.  They thus confirm that all these so-called hyper-organizations, groups, committees etc are very lowly.  "Hong" hyper-lodge is the mastermind in the true Draconian hierarchy map, which G.H.Rees has been providing for many years now.

Even the shadowy (supposedly) pluripotential hyper-organisation “NSA” (National Security Agency) is very low down in the hierarchy.  It is obvious that such groups etc are just facets hiding the real, mighty Draconian superintendents.  It is an aggregation of willful slaves, they just forward and execute directives coming from Hong.  This is confirmed by Giannis Karageorgiou of G.H.Rees, who stated for us that the Bilderberg group is very low down in the Draconian hierarchy and that it is essentially a mere instrument that executes and forwards directives coming from a much higher source.  The final decisions come from "Hong", via Zen of Tibet-India, arriving for processing in London's A.O.A., then O.T.O., and on down toward lower groups in the Western hierarchy of Hebrew Masonry. 

It should be emphasised, for those who have been tricked naively (and purely) into believing that the Bilderberg group, Committee of 300, Trilateral committe, C.F.R., and suchlike groups are at the "detached" top of the pyramid of hierarchy.  Bilderbergers are "outraged", due to the publicity they receive that reveals their supposed plans.  We know that in fact this exposure is exactly what they seek, in order to conceal truth from the public. 

The leakages are controlled due to the fact that goyim have started taking notice of the Draconian masterplan behind the scenes.  The Bilderberg "Illuminati" want gain publicity as the movers and shakers of the planet, because this is the order they have received.  At the same time, they "complain" that they have become "famous".  In fact, such allegedly top-“elite” groups are very low down in the Dragonian Sino-Mongolian masonic hierarchy.  Even if each and every one of them is exterminated the "head of the Dragon" will still be alive and kicking. 

G.H.Rees calls out the naive but pure patriots of foreign nations, who... sincerely try to prevent the destructive plans of the head, but who have been tricked by the deceitful misinformation around (obsurance of the truth).  Seek and find the texts of G.H.Rees, translate them and consider them carefully, so as to understand the real hierarchy and enemy.  Thereby, make yourselves mindful aware opponents – live antibodies – against the plan of the pseudo-god, pseudo-architect of the universe Sin-Sion-Sendai.  All the groups, committees, vice-committees, etc are mere instruments, bearers of the orders of the hierarchically superior ones and they are not the superintendents deceitfully presented to the goyim. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 24 December 2009

B'nai Brith:

Scottish and French doctrine is commanded by the tertiary staff of “Benen Berith” and “Olam Berith” or “Lodge of the Grand Oak” of New York, chief lodge of the “Argonauts 21” (a.k.a. A philosophical masonic lodge in Volos,Greece).  In theory the tertiary staff of Ordo Adeptis Atlantis and Benen Berith hate each other to the death, because they correspondigly have “higher leaders”, respectively Tamil – “Devil” and Yahweh “God”.  Tensions came to such a point that two world wars were made possible, in which the “bad” German leaders obeyed lodges of Ordo Adeptis Atlantis or Tamil underchthonians and the “good” allies obeyed lodges of Benen Berith or Yahweh heavenlies. 

The escape of the forces of Zeus to inner Earth via the two holes of North and South Poles, precludes the dominance of Levanians and Lilithians (Israelites – Mongols – Arabs) in this planet.  These forces of Zeus have technology for telepathetic communication with their representative (Zeus priesthoods), which they use to inform on strategic moves of the adversaries that aim to genocide Hellenic dialect Andromedians. 

Tamil under the command of his superior YHWH or Asmodai or Yehowa of the Moon sent crews of Lilith to organize underground cities in the earth’s crust to impersonate the Zeus subordinates.  Such underground cities exist beneath the pyramids in Mongolia, Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, South America etc, and natural pyramids formed by earth’s mountains.

The underground Zeus subordinate forces are falsely characterized in holy scripture as “The Devil”, and by the masonry as “Tamil Forces”.  “Tamil forces” are the religious infrastructure of Buddhism and Induism (not Hinduism), invocated by the newly founded Theosophical lodges and propagandized by the pseudo-“pro-Hellenic” organizations like the “New Acropolis” department of the Theosophical Society (Tamil). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 09 December 2009

Gefyreans were homosexual Hebrews, two with local Hellenic names of Armodios and Aristogeiton (lovers) murdered the Athenian Governor Hipparchus.  Eleusinian Priests at the same time were
  • corrupted by Gefyreans and 
  • subverted the Aristocratic regime (from Hellenic word Aristos, meaning to be ruled by the Worthy One elected through duels) with mob-ruled Democracy, and at the same time 
  • befooled the population with cabbalistic (hyper-technological) displays of non existent “Gods”.  
In fact, the “Gods” left our planet long ago, but the subterranean Cronians (Saturnians – Savaothians) and Tamil continue to appear and impersonate Zeus, Apollo, Ceres, and Pluto, by falsely implicating the names of members of the 6th Galactic Mission in corrupt actions.  The counterfeiters will be “paid“ by the 7th Galactic Mission. 

The above dishonest tactic is applied by the crews of Yahweh's Selene (Levaniah – Moon) and his subordinate (collusion player) Tamil of Lilith, ordered by Yahweh to degenerate the planet until the dissolution of the nations that the “Gods” left behind, after their departure in 16,000 B.C..  Tamil (Devil) forces still lead the instigation of wars, ecological damage, prostitution, drugs, crimes, illnesses, and economic dissolution, whereas the forces of Yahweh-Christ found organizations and religions that claim peace, restoration of morality, ecology and … eternal life with economical prosperity that will bring the little Christ (socialist). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 08 November 2012

Nazis in 1930-1945 and todays neo-Nazi Golden Dawns of London and Greece are puppets, instruments of Dragonian Chinas, hyper-lodge Hong's left hand path and its subordinate Black Brotherhood of Mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces).  That is why Karl Haushoffer geopolitical brain of Nazism and teacher of Hitler, was initiated as a Golden Dawn Berlin mason, a magician invocater of Draconian demonic 4D spirits and also initiated in the Tamil Buddhism of Tibet (Zen) and Zen of Japan (Green Dragons). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 14 December 2009

The downward pointing equilateral triangle is the emblem of all theosophical lodges.  When combined with the upward looking equilateral triangle of philosophical lodges, the Cabbalistic hexagram or Sino-Zionistic star of David is produced; hinting at the collusion of both ostensibly antagonistic sides, Yahweh and Tamil (and their Andromedian traitor ally, Cronus).  This treacherous duplicity has a higher purpose, the instigation of schizophrenic ideological paranoia and civil war within and between the White Andromedian Skylings (Uranides) and Black Sirian indigenous races. 

"And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates (in Syria); and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the (Chinese) kings of the east might be prepared."  Rev. 16: 12. 

"And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand:  and I heard the number of them."  Rev. 9:16.

"By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and, by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths."  Rev. 9:18. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 27 September 2015

Turkey’s dams have “dried” the great Tigris & Euphrates rivers in Iraq, along which 200,000,000 men of the Chinese army are due to pass in their invasion of the West to genocide two-thirds of anthropity (1/3 + rest).  This being programmed and written in the Chinese-Hebrew-Dragonian “John’s Revelations” and “Talmud”.  Furthermore “NATO” and the "USA" are already engaging in Syria. Therefore in order to completely open the geostrategic corridor it remains for them to engage Shiite Iran, which belongs to the Shanghai Pact (R.I.C. 888 axis). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 28 August 2015

Draconian Sion's final purpose is the complete dominance of his Chinese and Koreans on Earth, along with the complete genocide of White + Black races.  Greece is to be the first genocide victim of the (Chinese) Kings from the East, in the Chinese-Hebrew Armageddon (Study Talmud, and John’s Apocalypse). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 29 March 2012

Regarding "Revelation 9:18", the genocide of one-third of the population of the planet equates with 2.5 billion people of all the nations apart from the Chinese and the Koreans (7.5 billion x 1/3).  In ‘‘Revelation, ΣΤ’ (6), verses 1-8’’, the ‘‘4 horses of (the apocolypse of) God’’ of China/Sin/Sion/Sina/Jehovah/Tzentai/Sentai will genocide 1/4 of the population of the planet, that is 1,875 billion people (7.5 billion x 1/4).  See ‘‘Revelation, ΙΘ’ (19), verses 11-21" regarding ‘‘genocide of the rest of the people’’ and of all the underage and adult Russians - up to 5 billion of people, that is 625,000,000 people up to the total of 5 billion of people.  On the ‘‘killing of 2/3 of the people" in the last great war (Third World War), which is to ignite following an attack by Hebrew-Saxonic ‘NATO’ against Syria and Iran, the Hebrew ‘Bible – Talmud’ and ‘Comments by the chief-rabbi Abravanel or Abravanael on Talmud’ (in the book ‘The worst enemies of the people’ by Jean Boyer) excludes both Hebrews and Chinese from being amongst the dead. 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 07 September 2010

Greek-Hebrew and Mason ministers of “PASOK”, such as
  • Hebrew Ragousis or Ragouzzi of the treasonous scheme “Kallikratis” for commanding the destruction of Greece, and 
  • Hebrew Hanna Diamantopoulou Minister of Education of Greece (states publicly that if she doesn’t have sex with three men every day, she doesn’t feel in shape.  She recommends the same for female Greek students),
are potential criminals of war for the crimes of “B.A.S.T.R.” against Greece and as provocateurs of World War Three.  They are accused of crimes against humanity, programmed by the Hebrew “Talmud” and “John’s Revelation”; that is, Satanic criminal Chinese-born “Holy Scripture” devised by the Dragonian lunar Christianism and Jehovahism for the annihilation of five-billion people, namely two-thirds of the global population. 

Sunday, 30 October 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 20 June 2013

Chinese planetary hyperlodge ‘Hong' is plotting, through the Hebrew-Saxon hyperlodge “AOA” of London and chief Israeli rabbis of Athens, to raise “Sy.Ri.Za” to power in Greece.  Their aim is to completely dismantle Greek armed forces and police, which would ease invasion of Greece by the armies of B.A.S.T.R./P (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania-Pentagon) following a civil war and armed uprising of foreign immigrants.

All Greek officers and citizens are informed that the “incoming information division” of G.H.Rees in Athens has compiled evidence proving that closure of “ERT” (Greek public television) was ordered by Chinese “Hong” through
  • Greek-Hebrew leaders of the three-party occupational government, 
  • "Sy.Ri.Za”, and 
  • Greek-Hebrew intelligence service agent Michaloliakos, leader of the Hebrew-Nazi “Golden Dawn” (a branch of the provocative Hebrew “Golden Dawn”, part of “AOA” London).  
Chinese “Hong” was aiming at an increase in the number of votes for “Sy.Ri.Za” and decrease in votes for the rest four political parties.  The Greek-Hebrew leader of “Sy.Ri.Za” would then pass a vote of censure against Samaras' Government, thereby losing it parliamentary trust so that premature elections would be called and won by “Sy.Ri.Za”. 

The 3-party Greek-Hebrew Government of Samaras ordered dismantling of Greek armed forces at “Kysea” on 30 May 2013 and the Tsipras Government of “Sy.Ri.Za”, as already stated by the anarchist-terrorist-leftist followers of Sy.Ri.Za, would completely disarm and dismantle Greek armed forces and police.  Unarmed Greek citizens of north-central-island Greece would then be easily genocided and displaced by 450,000 armed Albanians of “UCK” and “UCC” (of “Tsamouria”) and 650,000 Islamic sword-bearing Asians from Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc..  [The people of Crete were violently displaced from their homeland by Turks, following illegal English bombing in 1974.  Ed.

There would be a simultaneous attack against Greece by allied armies of B.A.S.T.R., in which Greeks of the west up to Messolonghi and of the east up to the Magnesia province would be genocided and displaced completely.  The next plan of Chinese “Hong” would be for establishment of "Greek pseudo-Empire of constantinople 666”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog,  Tuesday 14 July 2015

Grexit was a bluff by the Hebrew SY.RI.ZA –Eurogroup! 

Germany is faced with an economic stock market crash, owing to a halt in exports to China and German subsidiaries going bust there.  Thus Germany, with two economic bombs ready to go off, is blatantly bluffing when it proposes Grexit through Schauble.  Grexit would bring about bankruptcy of German commercial banks and the central bank of Germany, creating a third economic bomb to go off there. 

Hebrew SY.RI.ZA is well aware of the above situation, but they deviously conceal it from the Greek people.  When Sy.Ri.Za returns from Brussels, they will claim that we ‘’signed a third harsh memorandum but we did save Greece from a Grexit in the process’’!

In respect of acts of treason committed by Hebrew SY.RI.ZA in collusion with the Hebrew-Saxon Eurogroup members of Brussels, G.H.Rees Prytaneum has appealed to minister of Defence P. Kammenos to collaborate with Greek militants  They seek to overthrow
  • the Government of SY.RI.ZA , and 
  • imprison the 300 degenerates of the Greek Parliament guilty of High Treason committed against the Greek state. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 11 January 2015

Jewish-born Tsipras of the Greek extreme left party "SY.RI.ZA’’, whose father has been verified as a ‘’Mossad’’ Israeli intelligence agent, is politically collaborating with Jewish-born Tremopoulos, leader of “ Ecologists” political party , and Jewish-born (75% Jewish blood) George Papandreou.  Tsipras is intent on preparing cold-war conditions and a planned military attack/invasion of Greece (Hellas) by the armies of B.A.S.T.R. (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania), with his primary objective being occupation of western Greece up to Mesologgi and eastern Greece up to Lamia.  Greek islands of the Aegean and the Ionian Sea are to be simultaneously attacked and occupied. 

The ultimate target is complete execution of WWIII plans: Complete, unconditional annihilation/genocide of
  • White Pelasgians and
  • Black pure races, and
  • White-Yellow and 
  • Black-Yellow Mongol races.  
All these races/nations are to be slaughtered by the Chinese army (888) and the unified armies of North and South Korea (777).  The planetary empire of the ‘’Kingdom of Jehova’’ and stupid ‘’Jehovah Witness traitors of Greece’’ will then be officially established; the global dictatorial government of ‘’Sin-Sion’’ of China! 

Jewish-born prime minister Samaras, of the Jewish name/gender ‘’Benaki-Choremi’’ of ‘’Zanna’’, and Jewish-born Venizelos, government vice-president and minister of external affairs, received orders from ‘’A.O.A’’ of London to deliberately promote and carry out oppression and degradation of the Greek people.  The aim was for Greek voters to turn in favour of ‘’ SY.RI.ZA’’. 

Jewish-born Tsipras has special orders from his primary financial backer George Sorros of Jewish-Skopje descent.  Sorros received Tsipras when the latter was in the U.S., so that as soon as Tsipras, the leader of "SY.RI.ZA’’, gained power he would be able to appoint 75% Jewish-born George Papandreou to vice-president and minister of external affairs of the Greek state (George’s grandmother was Jewish-Bulgarian princess ‘’Mineiko’ and his mother was Jewish-Bulgarian Margaret Tschad Tsidenbaum, a Jehovah Witness, American citizen and CIA agent!). 

Hebrew traitors of the Greek government of SY.RI.ZA, have been ordered from outside Greece to agree to a ‘’European coastguard’’ and a ‘’European navy fleet’’ in the Aegean, for interception of migrants from Turkey.  It will be ordered that ways are found and opened for landing Turkish air-navy forces upon Greek islands of the eastern Aegean and shores of mainland Greece during attacks by B.A.S.T.R. against Greece.  This will minimise every chance of the Greek navy defending the country.

Similar ways will be opened for the Israeli air force whose planes are quartered in Greece, as a result of treasons by Greek government parties SY.RI.ZA and AN.EL.  They will employ a false pretence: ‘’Israeli-Greek collaboration against the Turkish air force, in case of the latter attacking Greece". 

Under orders of the traitors of SY.RI.ZA and AN.EL, Greek police generals travelled to Israel to consent to Greece allowing a large number of Mossad and Israeli police officers into their country.  Presumably, this was an attempt to ‘’intercept jihadists in Greece’’, but the true goal will be to facilitate actions of jihad fighters and armed migrants against Greek police and citizenry.  At the same time, a planned invasion of Greece by B.A.S.T.R. is planned.

Immediate measures must be taken by Greek armed forces, including overthrow of the current traitorous government of SY.RI.ZA –AN.EL.  All ministers of the Greek government must be arrested and imprisoned (with the exception of minister Leventis) on charges of ‘’ high treason’’ and ‘’treason again the country’’, according to Greek penal code (articles134-151). 

Friday, 28 October 2016


"And the sixth (Draconian) angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates (in Syria); and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the (Chinese) kings of the east might be prepared."  Rev. 16:12.

"Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the Euphrates."  Rev. 9:14.  

"And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men."  Rev. 9:15.

"And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them."  Rev. 9:16.

"By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and, by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths."  Rev. 9:18.  

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 07 August 2012

As opposed to their attitude towards the Iranian issue, the Chinese remain intelligently silence about preparation for the attack of “NATO” against Syria, confining themselves to “not voting” for this attack at the Security Council of the “ONU” (United Nations).  Obeying the orders of “HONG”, the Chinese Government insidiously conspires with the “USA” Government to overthrow the regime of Syrian president Assad, so that Iran is finally surrounded from all directions and vulnerable to attack from every border; including the treacherous Mongolian Azerbaijan (Azeris or Khazars of Jewish religion, as the most criminal Mongolian genus of the planet) of Turkish origin.  Note that during the reign of the bloodthirsty genocidal criminal Mogul Jenkins Han, six million Persian-Iranian civilians were unnecessarily slaughtered. 

Considering the upcoming invasion of Iran by “NATO” armies, for the start of the 3rd World War.  An attempt is now being made to overthrow the regime of Syrian president Assad, who denied passage through Syria to “NATO” forces; enabling them to invade Iran through Iraq, going through the South-West borders between Iran and “NATO”-occupied Iraq.  Strategically, “NATO” considered that 
its invasion in Iraq from the region of Basra in the Persian Gulf was unsafe, and 
a route through Jordan to Iraq was considered impossible, since that would openly tangle Israel or Saudi Arabia against Iran in political and military terms.

Armed agents of American + Turkish + Israeli agencies have been going into Syria through its borders with Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon.  They destabilise the Syrian regime, financing and equipping Syrian “rebels”, and assassinating Syrian officials and reporters.

Syrian President Assad threatens to ruin the planning of the Third World War by Chinese “Hong”, Anglo-Hebrew “AOA” and “OTO”, the American-Jewish Chief Rabbis Burowgs – Baruch (actual leaders of the USA) and their American “Pentagon” puppet.  Turkish Defence was ordered to provoke a military incident within the territorial sea of Syria by flying two Turkish “Phantom/RF-4E” photo-spy aircraft there, so as to 
  • give rise to tension between Turkey and Syria, and 
  • give Turkey reason to send Turkish forces to the Turkey-Syria border.  It was the first “signal” for invasion of “NATO” and Turkish armies, from South-East Turkey to Syria.
A recent criminal act of the Korean-Chinese Secretary General of the “ONU” Ban Ki-moon, member of the Chinese over-lodge “Hong”, via Hebrew-Saxon American-Jewish general, “observer” of the ONU for Syria, Robert Mood: 
“The Assad regime of Syria is using… immeasurable military force and disproportionate violence against Syrian civilians”.  Robert Mood, completely… ignores the use of “military force” and “disproportionate violence” by Syrians hired by “NATO”, Turkey, and Israeli traitor Syrian “anti-regimes”.  They murder entire Syrian populations loyal to president Assad, in order to occupy the Syrian city Aleppo and neighborhoods of Damascus.  It is through such obnoxious Hebrew-Mason lackeys and provocateur “generals” that world wars are incited.


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 06 May 2016

Paranoid President Erdogan of Turkey has ordered the Turkish military high command to draw up plans to turn the bluff “Turkish invasion of Syria” (for the disorientation of the Greek armed forces) into a real invasion.  His aims include activating activate article 5 of the “NATO pact”, so that the armies of “NATO” are required to attack against the government forces of Assad; as allies in "collective defense" of Turkey against Syrian attacks! 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 22 April 2012

We don’t yet have a solution to the WWIII or “Armageddon” problem and world stability (sustainability) and planetary security is still at great risk.  The colluding USA/Israel/NATO - Chinese created factions are preparing to attack Syria, Iran, and the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey - Romania) that is preparing to invade bankrupted Greece.  These actions will ignite the response of the Chinese-created “Shanghai Pact” (Russia – Islam – China) and the Sino-Zionistic motivated Draconian Armageddon (See: “John’s New Testament Revelations” about the Draco program of human annihilation). 

Moreover, we don’t yet have a solution to the diachronic Chinese annihilators, the nation of the dragon [ Notes:
  • The Draconian nation was created by Lunar genetic engineers, Draconian extraterrestrials (orionids/greys and reptilians).  
  • In Chinese Mythology, the first Chinese came to Earth from the Moon inside sui-sing “bright spheres” ufo ships.  
  • The Moon itself came from the constellations of Draco and Boötes.  
  • Observe the subtle depiction of the moon on the Chinese flag and in Chinese lunar calendars e.g. lunar new year, dragon worship, dragon holidays, dragon rituals, reptilian/saurian slit eyes, etc.].  
Federal Andromedians in Saturn's orbits have stated that if the Chinese hyper-lodge Hong ignites “Armageddon”, all remaining Chinese will be annihilated by the Andromedian Starfleet that will finally invade to earth to terminate the Draconians (in all parallel universal dimensions of matter-energy rarification: 3rd, 4th).  Even in the case of peace, the diachronic 13,500 years of genocides by the Chinese and mongols have to be responded to, by Nemesis/Erinys/Adrasteia universal judges.  In conclusion, the Chinese and Armageddon problems are not yet solved, nor is the Andromedian-Draconian war or Draconian occupation of Earth. 
Stavridis, James, George (and Greek successors)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 January 2012

Admiral James George Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (retired 2013).  Image from Wikipedia. 
This post of G.H.Rees'geostrategics analyst, Yannis Karageorgiou, and the web blog “Hellen and Chaos” is to the chief general/commander of “NATO”, Admiral James Stavridis.  Its theme concerns bluff statements and denials of James Stavridis after questions he received regarding whether “NATO” has plans ready for assaulting Syria and Iran.  According to G.H.Rees, the statements James Stavridis was ordered to make are self-evident diplomatic and in military lies. 

The main reason James Stavridis was appointed as a Greek-American leader of “NATO” at this special moment is that we have the preface of the assault of “NATO” against Syria, Iran, and against the rest “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) axis or “Shanghai Pact”.  This is the same reason why in the interview rooms of every press conference given to the international media before the American invasion of Iraq, the then Greek director of “CIA” George Tenet (Georgios Tenetidis) and alleged Greek (in reality Hebrew) Negreponte were always sat behind the American chief-general appointed to execute the assault against Iraq and the “USA” Secretary of State, Black Mongol Colin Powell.  Asian nations and their armies would see that any assault by the Americans and “NATO” against the “R.I.C.” axis was perpetrated by two alleged Greek snitches, Tenetidis and  Negreponte.

If James Stavridis understands on-time this Chinese-Hebrew provocation, then he must immediately resign his position as “NATO” commander and inform his Greek-American colleagues to also refuse any position of “NATO” leadership at this special moment.  If Greek-Americans do act as “NATO leaders”, then in the “R.I.C.” counter-attack against the “US.E.J.” axis (USA – Europe – Japan), Greece will be deemed responsible for perpetration and provocation of the preliminary phases against Syria and Iran under Greek chief-general James Stavridis or some other Greek chief-General.

Informed Asian, Russian, and the Chinese armies will assault Greek led “NATO” and its programmed political leadership, “Constantinople Empire 666”, following a “NATO” attack under
  • Hebrew-Saxon “Emperor Palaiologos Dragazis” (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg), 
  • Turk-Albanian G. Karazafferi of “LA.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert, ultra-rightwing political party of Greece), and 
  • Hebrew-Saxon Chief-General Paul Holstein Glucksburg. 
Those three persons will falsely appear in front of the Russian, Islamic, and Chinese armies, as alleged Greeks, although in reality are Hebrew-Saxons and Turk-Albanian agent provocateurs of the Third World War.  They deviously and falsely impersonate Greeks Nationalist, in order to
  • provoke counter-attacking armies of “R.I.C.” or “Shanghai Pact” into prioritizing genocide of unarmed Greeks and 
  • for Greece itself to be sufficient pretext as provocateur, for the genocide of all White nations of the West by armies of “R.I.C.”. 
G.H.Rees advises James Stavridis to open the International Web-blog and the corresponding Greek Web-blog of Mr. Apostolos Papanakos and official G.H.Rees web-page.  It is hoped that eventually he or his replacement will understand what is going on, on Earth right now.

James Stavridis made statements, under pressure from the Defense Ministry of “USA” and Pentagon, that allegedly there are no plans for “NATO” to assault Iran and Syria.  Those statements were lies and are bluffs with political tendentiousness and for the “eyes of the world. 

 If Greek Chief-General James Stavridis leads a suicidal “NATO” assault against the countries of “R.I.C.” axis, such as the Islamic countries Syria and Iraq, then there will be a pretext to genocides, first of Greece, then of Europe, and lastly of American and Greek-Americans like Stavridis.  The massive counter-attack by two-hundred-thousand-thousand (200,000,000) men of the Chinese army is described in “John’s Revelation” (Rev.9:16) as an allegedly assured, god-driven, causality event.

Satanist monks of “Mount Athos” Khalkidhiki Greece are implicated in this alleged causality action, namely genocide of two-thirds of the global population by the Chinese army.  As agents of “Neo-Byzantine Sufism Empire 666”, they stand accused by G.H.Rees of giving full priority to the genocides.

The Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian gang of the American Pentagon appointed the Greek-American general, James Stavridis as leader of “NATO” (  The purpose for this Greek Chief-General from Asia Minor was to order a general assault by “NATO” against the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania - Skopje – Turkey – Romania).  After the invasion of “B.A.S.T.R.” against Greece, “NATO” would have good reasons to devastate the “B.A.S.T.R.” armies and deliver Constantinople to Greek Domination under the Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian troika of “LA.O.S.” Dragazis-Glucksburg-Karazafferi.  Under the leadership of “LA.O.S.”, “NATO” would attack the “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) in order for the counter-attacking “R.I.C.” to genocide unarmed populations of India, Europe, and “USA”, in a colossal planet-wide Chinese-Hebrew “Purim”.  Provocation by “LA.O.S.” and “NATO” serves to ignite World War III or “Armageddon”, intended for total genocide of White and Black races by Yellow Chinese and White-Yellow Mongols.  The Mongols, including Hebrews, would finally be annihilated by the Chinese and Koreans, thereby destroying two-thirds of the global population. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 22 April 2012

Should a true Federal Andromedian landing occur on Earth, we would most probably observe true hyper-ships and hyper-crews (“Gods”) and not blue-beam Draconian pseudo-Eleusis triple laser holograms.  Prior to this liberation from the Draconian imprisonment, we would have a forewarning from G.H.Rees.  But currently, the only unofficial statement that we have from G.H.Rees is that our Draconian imprisonment is not yet over, although Federal Andromedians in Saturn’s orbit are still forcing an extremely tight military quarantine against the Draconian occupied “inner solar system”. 

Federal Andromedians are negotiating with the Draco Overlord, Sin-Sion-Zion-YHWH.  Sion is threatening to destroy Earth with Armageddon and the entire solar system, if a sudden Andromedian invasion was to occur.  People still have to be alert and ready to prevent a false-flag pseudo-Eleusis of “Andromedian” ships and crews, since it will in reality be the Cronian mutineer faction of Andromedians (allied to the Draconians). 

Cronians could pose as true Federal Andromedians (Spacefaring Hellenes currently in Saturn’s orbit).  They also impersonate and defame the returned “Dodecatheon of Zeus” (now stationed in Inner Earth + Saturn’s orbit).  Pseudo-Andromedians will deviously try to ignite sino-Zionistic Armageddon through a weak, traitor-undermined invasion (drag nach osten) up to the territories of China (“Red Apple Tree”) by White race nations.  Such provocation will result in a massive counter-attack by armies of Draconian China and the Shanghai Pact (Russia – Islam – China).  The bankrupted West will be completely devastated, with Greece being the first annihilated country.  Greece is financially annihilated and betrayed from “inside the walls” by Greek-Hebrews and masonic traitor politicians. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 18 April 2012

NATO's Greek-American James Stavridis was appointed as a puppet Chief-General, by arch-Masons and arch-Rabbi Hebrew-Saxons of “USA” and London.  He is under orders from the USA, which is ready to attack Iran if it closes the Straits of Hormuz - through which passes about one-third of global oil production.  Therefore, G.H.Rees accused Stavridis of blatantly lying when he said that “NATO” has no plans ready for attacking Iran. 

With the Greek-American James Stavridis as supposed leader of European NATO, it would appear that Greeks were under the carpet instigators (Grand lie!!!) of any attack against Iran.  Consequently, given that Iranian missiles could easily reach American/NATO bases in Crete and other targets in Greece, Greece could expect a counter-strike from Iran.  Knowing this, any patriotic Greek Chief-General should resign, to spare Greece and fellow Greeks from destruction in a lunatic conflict that serves the multi-named Draco Overlord of the Moon - the annihilating pseudo-god, Sin/Sinai/Zion/Sedi/Jedi. 

Monday, 24 October 2016

Soul Traps

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 08 July 2010

G.H.Rees has revealed through netrino-naser technology that the reincarnation process here on Earth is performed using advanced Dragonian-Cronian technology in the "second" dimension of matter rarification (invisible to our eyes) and "soul traps"-"luna parks", which are devices/platforms scattered around earth on geostationary orbits.  Luna parks capture the souls of the dead (decarnated) that travel upwards, lured to the trap with "sounds and lights of party and joy" that the trap-device uses. 

Captured souls are carried to the moon where they are processed and programmed through hypnotism and an electroshock procedure to erase soul's memory, after that they usually send the soul back to earth to incarnate to another body. That is the so called "Dragonian lunar policy of entrapped reincarnation", used to produce "telecontrolled zombies" and to rule earthlings with "limited memory", in order to produce: "Lord's servants" aka: lunar slaves  or slaves of god. 

Another main objective of this policy is to entrap and to not allow the souls of earthlings to escape local space and fly to far outer space to notify defensive "antibody" centres of the Universal Organism (Universal Hierarchy Judges) about the sickness of our planet.  That is, to report about
  • genocides against White Andromedian and Black Sirian races by the Yellow Dragonian and semi-Dragonian Mongolian races,
  • acts against nature and 
  • crimes of the local Lizard-Lord-"Gods" in our Solar System (7 inner planets) and Earth. 
The local criminal Lizard-Lord-"Gods" are literally terrified that human decarnated beings (souls) will escape from their orbital trap matrix and notify the outer antibody white-corpuscle (defensive) centres of the Universal Organism.  If this were to happen, the Draconians would have no slaves to serve them. A considerable number of notified White-Corpuscle Hero-Fighters and Judges have arrived in our solar system, in order to eliminate, annihilate, and punish the cancerous apostate "Gods" and their subordinates in Earth for crimes against Universal Natural Law and the Law of the Galactic Government. 

The biological analogue in our scale is cancer that rapidly spreads without pain or symptoms, except in its final lethal phases.  That is happening!  Inside the infected solar system cell,
  • cancerous cells, their 
  • chemical reactions, and 
  • "chemical traps" 
are blocking the chemical compounds ("souls") responsible for escaping to notify antibodies (white corpuscles) and nervous system/pain sense-system of the organism.  Therefore, the cancer spreads wildly without the organism knowing about it until the terminal lethal phases of the disease, whereupon it is usually too late to do anything about it: The whole organism dies. 

In the universal natural way of things, the soul keeps its ancient memory intact.  It can also incarnate wherever and whenever it wishes, out of free will.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 27 August 2010

Masons and Christian bishops have false information from the Dragonian demons “Asmodai” – “Metatron” – “Michael” – and “Gabriel” – and rest.  Allegedly, after the death of your bodies, your souls will be transferred for reward to Masonic or Christian “Heavens – Paradises” of Sin – Sion – Sinai – “Jehovah” or “Being”! 

Not only will your souls not be transferred to any Masonic or Christian “Paradise” or “Place of Favor”, but they will find themselves suspended in the void in a panicked horror situation with dominating spirits of Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi of the seven inner planets.  The space criminal and his criminal “archangels”, Asmodai, Metatron, Michael, Gabriel, and rest are to be attacked by Federal Galactic Forces now stationed in Saturn’s orbit.  Due for arrest are:
  • Black magicians of Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi, 
  • “archangels”, 
  • traitors toward Zeus (genitor of Masons and bishops) and Andromedian interstellar forefathers, the legal Galactic Government/“Galactic Empire”. 
“Zoological Gardens" built for traitors will contain dirty treasonous souls, displayed as examples to avoid for some trillion Earth years in the 200 billion solar systems of our galaxy.  Then you traitors will realise what horror really is.  Every day you will attempt to suicide in a “second death”, but this will not be allowed until you have been humiliated in all the Zoological Gardens of the Galaxy. 

Traitor, Masons, bishops and others...
Report to your Mongol Hebrews, Saxons, Tibetans, and Chinese of the Masonic Hierarchy “HONG => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM”, that following the forthcoming arrival of Federal Galactic Forces in our planet and the beginning of their power domination, they will force sterilization upon
  • terrestrial Yellow Dragonian Chinese and Koreans, and 
  • semi-Dragonian White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongols.  
The purpose is to cause their final disappearance from our planet and the transfer of their surviving souls, under limitation clauses, to other solar systems far away from the thirteen solar systems of Coccyx/Hyperion/Sirius. 

Report also, traitors, to your Dragonian and semi-Dragonian Masonic superiors that if they exercise even the minimum war resistance or disobedience to Federal Galactic Forces, they and their people will be entirely annihilated in both A’ and B’ Dimensions.  This includes the soul level, with synoptic procedures of “second death”. 

Friday, 21 October 2016

Sorros, George (not Sorras)

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 11 January 2015

Jewish-born Tsipras has special orders from his primary financial backer George Sorros, of Jewish-Skopje descent, who actually received Tsipras when the latter was in the U.S..  As soon as Tsipras comes into power, being leader of "SY.RI.ZA’’, he will be able to appoint 75% Jewish-born George Papandreou to the position of vice-president and minister of external affairs of the Greek state (Papandreou’s grandmother was Jewish-Bulgarian princess ‘’Mineiko’’.  His mother was also a Jewish-Bulgarian, Margaret Tschad Tsidenbaum, a Jehova Witness as well as an American citizen and CIA agent!). 
Slaves of God

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 23 February 2012

The reptilians are a clan of mutineer thieves, pirates who act as a cancer against the Universal Organism.  Initially, millions of years ago, they rebelled against universal law and order and the Galactic Government/Federation.  Ever since, they have been wandering the universe like pirates, using initial planetary populations as slaves (‘Slaves of God’) for taking precious raw materials and crystals of each planet to its surface.  Then, the reptilians steal them, genocide the slaves, and destroy the planets [translator’s addition: by exploding them].  Finally, they head off to another solar system, to repeat their hideous cancerous crimes. 

Reptilians establish religions and then masonic networks of the mind – false reality – new world orders, pyramid-like systems of overmastering the mass people so as to control the ‘Slaves of God’.  In case the system consists of populations  loyal to the Galactic Government (e.g. the White Andromedian race), they usually manufacture - by means of genetic engineering of reptilian DNA - hybrid beings that look like the current Draconian Chinese who live on our planet nowadays.  They then integrate their Draconian spawn into any disobedient populations, gradually genociding and overriding them. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog,  Tuesday 27 November  2012

Nazism is based upon eight conscious criminal frauds.  The fifth fraud was the claim that:
“Gypsies (of Indian descent) do not belong in the White Race”.  

“Gypsies” and “Gyftoi” are descendants of the last Indian classes, the “paries”, who fled India as refusal to be enslaved by 
  • the first class of high “Brahma” priests of Hinduism-Buddhism 
  • remaining classes of the “Maharadjah” 
  • military officers
  • landowners.  
With the exception of a small number of coloured indigenous Aboriginal
Minorities of the “Constellation of Sirius”, Indians and gypsies are descendants of the White Andromedian pelasgic race from the “Constellation of Andromeda”.  This is proven by the analysis of the pre-historic Indian epic called “Mahabharata” and other ancient Indian manuscripts. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 01 November 2011

Colonel Gaddafi of Libya was the only leader in the Arab world to apologise for the role of Arab states in the slave trade and the imprisonment of Africans (of the Black Race).  This brought the wrath of treacherous Arab leaders because Gaddafi exposed their hypocrisy and servility towards foreign capital.  He thus become a thorn in the side of collusive Arab Leaders, resulting in his isolation from the rest of the Arab world. 

The death of Qaddafi was worthwhile because among other things, he sought to see the African race
  • freed from the shackles of global economic terrorism 
  • with human rights 
  • independent 
  • educated 
  • having welfare and infrastructure. 
As natural hosts of Earth, native inhabitants of the constellation Sirius and our solar system, Africans must have their rights that were taken by force.  The Chinese and Hebrew-Saxons plan complete misery and genocide of the Black race and total destruction of the African continent, since they mine all its rich natural resources.  Hence, it is perfectly reasonable for Gaddafi to be considered a terrorist.  He is a terrorist toward these plans of the international community, which hypocritically plots genocide and kills Gaddafi without a word about the inhuman murder of civilians in Libya by Hebrew-Saxons and NATO under Chinese orders. 

Gaddafi did the opposite of the Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon genocidal killers.  He was unpredictable, a man who made them panic because they are accustomed to face creatures without bravery, tributary slaves (like members of the Hebrew-Greek government and members of other Hebrew-Saxon Western governments. 

[The Chinese and their Mongol servants were bemused by Gaddafi: "Who was that Gaddafi who wanted to free our slaves, our little negros?  We fight to destroy Africa, but instead of settling the red carpet, he resists and rouses against us?  What kind of uncooperative things are these people?  They built hospitals, roads, schools, irrigation and water supply networks, and gave money to whom?  The Libyans?  What kind of leader does that?  What the hell is he doing?  We go to their countries to
  • lend them money, 
  • build with our own construction companies 
  • ultimately lead them into bankruptcy, as we did in Greece and elsewhere in order to
    • earn part of the loan we disbursed, and
    • seize these projects as collateral loan guarantees e.g. Greece, European states, U.S.A and banana republics in South America! 
How would we lend to him if he has already built infrastructures?  Look, what good is "resistance" to the global master China-Sin-Sion-Sina.  We have loan contracts ready to develop Libya's new infrastructures from scratch and have ordered NATO to demolish the existing originals to their foundations!"]  Gaddafi. .. what have you done, giving practical examples of liberation from the chains of Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon slavery to all people of the planet! 

Excerpt from an article written in February, Raelyan Allan of Rumor Mill News entitled Libya - The Faction Two - The Monarchy - The paedophile Trade New Order Things (666-888-777/1-777/2) - Ancient technology
Before Gunther Russbacher was indirectly killed by the government, he said that Gaddafi wasn't as his enemies made him appear in the West, although he didn't cooperate with the Fed., the Jewish Rockefeller-owned Federal Reserve of USA and their global conspiracy for the enslavement of humanity.  The Federal Reserve is not part of the government of the USA, but of a global empire that rapes and pillages sovereign states (beginning with the USA), killing their leaders (see Kennedy).  [Russbacher said Colonel Gaddafy (according to Gunther, that is the correct way to spell his name) placed Faction Two to guard seven pyramids in the sand in Libya, to keep people of the Federal Reserve away from technology and treasures located inside - things beyond our comprehension.] 

The reason Gaddafi was “burned” lies in his brave statement of independence against the genocidal Dragonian Chinese and Western Hebrew-Saxon bandits.  Gaddafi was a leadership figure for the African continent, “African Union”, and Islamic Sunnite States of Africa, but “NATO” and the Chinese force them toward eternal slavery (See Chinese-Hebrew-Dragonian “Bible”, where Ham = “The African Race” and the Black Race, “Cursed by the pseudo-God-Yahweh” to be eternal slaves of Iapheth and of Sem, aka the White and Yellow races) for the exploitation of African raw materials, oil, and natural gas, etc.. 

In his statement of December of 2010, Gaddafi didn’t mention or attack Russians, but they betrayed Libya.  Gaddafi did however attack the French and British for arbitrarily violating international law, by converting the “no fly zone” into a brutal aerial bombardment of Libya.  Through war crimes against Islam and the Arab world, they were attempting to provoke the Third World War.  The apathetic Russian Government tolerated this, a treason by Medvedev who criminally withheld his “veto” in the “United Nations” security council.


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 27 March 2011

Obama: "It would be much easier to be President of China!"
Mister Putin, you finally plan to bow and worship the Chinese Overlord as Obama did, namely in the way of the Black slaves? By doing this bow, this disgraceful act of slavery, President Obama showed that he didn’t abolish the collective complex and trauma of Black slaves (Ham) towards their White Masters (Iapheth) and now finally extends it towards the Yellow Masters (Sem/Sin/Sinai/Zion). 

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Sitchin, Zechariah

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 20 November 2009

No scientist has ever written about a “10th planet” beyond the “9th planet” Pluto, which modern astronomy does not know, assume, or suspect the presence of.  Speculations about such a "10th planet" were artificially propagated in written-books by “theosophical” Hebrew-Saxon Masonic lodges after 1976.  The books were about the “12th planet Nibiru” and signed, but not created, by the Hebrew agent Zecharia Sitchin.  If we do not count the unofficial “Hephaistos” (known in Hebrew-Saxon astronomy as "vulcan zone") and the exploded “Phaethon” (known as "asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars") as “10th and 11th planets respectively, then Nibiru becomes the “10th planet”. 

In the para-mythology of Zecharia Sitchin: “From the 10th or '12th planet Nibiru' beyond Pluto, will come to Earth the 'good Dragonians', 'Nephelim' escorted by the (pseudo-Olympian) 'Dodecatheon of Zeus', in order to lead the armies of the Western Trilateral Pact to a winning campaign against the Shangai Pact in order to neutralize the negative vibrations of the countries of the Shangai Pact”.  Therefore, Kalogerakis led Hellenes into a war against the Eastern Shangai Pact (Russia – Islamic Nations – China).  But the counterattacking Dragonian Yellows of China (Sin-Sinos-Sina meaning "the destructor") were protected by Dragonian pseudo-Olympians, resulting in defeat and genocide for Kalogerakis. 

Zecharia Sitchin presents the orbit of “planet Nibiru” as being vertical to the level of the planets orbiting the sun and passing very close to the orbit of Earth.  There are no such planetary orbits in any solar system, for reasons of astrophysics not to be analyzed here, although such “vertical” orbits are ONLY orbits of Comets.  Therefore we have a colossal Hebrew-Saxon fraud in which a comet might be presented as “Planet Nibiru”.  Furthermore, it will not be the first time that closure of a comet has been used by the Dragonians to create mass hysteria about world ending armageddonology in the “Armageddon” of stupid or conscious traitor Kalogerakis. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 15 February 2013

There are supposed to be material and "immaterial" entities of higher matter rarefaction dimensions [There are believed to be about ten different dimensions that have different degrees of 'solidity', referred to as matter rarefaction.  Ed.], referred to as "Apollonians" under "epsilon" terminology and depicted on the new 10 and 100 Swiss franc currency.  They are fictional inhabitants of the inexistent Nibiru with its astrophysically and astronomically impossible orbit. 

Hebrew rabbi Zechariah sitchin claimed that "the Anunnaki were the inhabitants of Nibiru, that created mankind in order to mine gold from the subsoil of the Earth, and hand it over to the Anunnaki every three thousand years, when their planet, Nibiru,  is approaching earth".  It is stated in the "holy (false) scripture" of the Si(o)no -- Judeo --- Christianity: "gold and silver to god alone" (god being pseudo-Yahweh leader of the moon), stating the plan to smuggle gold belonging rightfully to the inhabitants of Earth.  Yahweh is to pose as an interstellar lord of the non-existent "Anunnaki" of the inexistent "Nibiru", when in fact he is the genocidal supreme Draconian intergalactic criminal against galactic mankind known as Sin/Sion/Sendai. 
Sirius (Hyperion in Hellenic)
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 06 July 2010

"Dolphin" is an ancient Hellenic word and comes from the root Delphinus or Delphi (Delphi oracle in Greece) and means a "women's womb" or a "matrix".  It is a metaphorical term that means actually a "civilization matrix" - "civilization genitors" and "civilizers", that is the reason for the existence of space faring Hellenes from Andromeda.

Study the chronicles of the wonderful Black indigenous race, Dogon of Mali (Africa) and their ancient deep contact with "Delphinus" - "Dolphins" of Sirius - an advanced extraterrestrial civilization who tought them the "Nomos".  The Hellenes - Delphinus (Dolphins) - civilizers from Andromeda, came to earth via the star-gate of Sirius as a scientific mission and taught the Dogon the natural laws of astronomy (scientific information about the star system of Sirius and our solar system) and ecological harmony.

The Star system of Sirius contains the most dense stars in the galaxy, forming the coccygeal area of the Universal Organism and acting as one side of the dipole of the Triune Universe and its "Inspissations - Rarifications".

This star system is vital to survival of the Universal Organism through its energy and orbital balance.  Our entire solar system is actually a "planet" that rotates around the thirteenth principle, the hyper-sun of the solar system of Sirius known as "Hyperion" (Hyper-Sun) by ancient pelasgian Hellenes - Andromedans.  If the star system balance of Sirius or our star system was threatened through planetary destruction by the Dragonian-Orionid-Cronian mutineer alliance, then the existence of the whole Universal Organism and intelligent beings of the Universe will be at grave danger.  Planetary "Armageddon" (destruction) and the genocide of all terran races (except the pure-Yellow Sinic Terran-Dragonian race) in World War III, must be stopped at all costs.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 13 September 2013

The correct course of a spacecraft leaving earth for outer space , ( i.e outside our solar system) is as follows:
A) Approaching the middle of the distance between sun and sun-antisun.
B) A solid neutron spherical cell encompasses the two suns.  Assume a course that coincides with the axis running through the suns and the poles of the cell.
C) Exit the south pole opening of the solid neutron cell.
D) Map out a route to the “north” pole of the solid neutron cell (mantle) that encompasses the twin suns of Sirius.
E) Enter the Sirius system through the “north” pole of its solid neutron cell.
F) Exit the solid neutron cell of thirteen solar systems through the south pole or “opening” of Sirius and then through the south pole or opening of the above solid neutron cell.
G) and so on and so forth…….

The solid neutron mantles of our solar system, sun of Sirius, etc, are transparently polarized “solid” gases or matter of higher dimensions.  To Earthlings they are known as “solid Tesla gas fractals“.  Any spacecraft attempting to pierce through any transparent astral neutron matter mantle, is equal to an aircraft attempting to enter “the hollow earth”, not through the openings at the poles but by vertically rushing at the outer surface of the earth.  This is simply bound to crash.  Since 1998, G.H.Rees has known how an interstellar starship can travel all the way to Sirius and even further, flying through the repeated polar openings of the solid neutron mantles of solar and hyper-solar systems.  NASA is bound to lose its silly tiny craft. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 25 November 2009

Dragonian lunar ships and crews will appear on Earth, pretending to be ships and crews of the non-existent planet "Nibiru" of the non-existent "Galactic Federation of Light". They will be falsely impersonating real Pleiadians and the existent astro-fleet of Andromeda constellation and Sirius now orbiting planet Saturn. The fleet has been observed from the "Mauna Kea" observatories of Hawai-USA and "JPL" (Jet Propulsion Lab.) of Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon "NASA", which has falsely announced the ships as "new natural satellites of Saturn.

The analysis of ancient Greek-Indian-Mayan-etc. texts has proved that the White human race came from the Andromeda constellation through Sirius. The Black race is indigenous to our planet and Sirius, and the Yellow Chinese and Korean race came from the "Dragon constellation" as crews of their Dragonian flagship Levan and other ships of theirs (archives of Raymond Drake and other researchers of ethnology).

The same ancient texts reveal a mutual emnity shared by the White Andromedian and Black Sirian races against the Yellow Dragonian race.  The reason for these enmities is continuous-incessant genociding of Earthly White and Black races by the Yellow Dragonian race, since 11,500 B.C.. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 14 November 2011

According to information from the elders of the present day Dogon tribe in Mali, Africa, Greeks coming from Sirius gave them the scientific laws. (Translator’s addition: ‘Laws’ is ‘Nomoi’ and ‘Law’ is ‘Nomos’ in Greek.  The Dogon tribe even nowadays calls this creed ‘Nomos’.)

It is impossible for metropolitan Andromeda, as the area of origin of Greeks and the White race, to abandon the region of our solar system and the wider constellation of Sirius to the reign of the Draconians.  What is more, Dogon elders mention that the denser star of the universe is in the solar system of Sirius.  This area is the coccyx of the spine of the universe and one of its electromagnetic poles.  Our Pelasgian ancestors of metropolitan Andromeda cannot and must not abandon this region to the reign of the Draconians, mainly for reasons of universal security. 

Arrival of interstellar extraterrestrials to Earth will essentially comprise Cronians (Saturnians – Savaothians) and Lunar Dragonians of Sin – Sion – Sedi (El Shaddai).  They are not genuine Andromedians and Hellenes.

The United Nations has as its General Secretary, the Chinese-Korean Ban Ki-Moon, a Dragonian initiated into hyper-lodge “Hong” of China.  He is therefore a lethal enemy of genuine Andromedians, Pleiadians and Hellenes, who arrived through Sirius to the orbit of planet Saturn and potentially await the expiry of some ultimatum prior to their assault against the forces of Sin – Sion – Zion – Jedi deployed to the orbits of Jupiter. 

When the secondary and genuine wave of the Galactic Federal Forces of Andromeda arrive, G.H.Rees and its forces look forward to Earth's oppressors running for cover.  Currently, the Andromedians have forced a tight multi-dimensional military quarantine, which denies exit/escape from our solar system of the cancerous Dragonians and their Allies. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 16 August 2010

Our Sun is located in the “Coccyx” or “final bone of the vertebral column” of the Universal Organism.  It has maximum universal density of metallic planets in the solar system of Sirius.  Sirius is the solar sun, namely the central thirteenth principle, biological senior over twelve planetary suns (Ions in Hellenic, or Ionians, or Yunnan), one of which is the sun of our solar system (Ion in Hellenic, or IAFON). 

Requests can be made to the Universal Organism, for "bodyguarding":
"Request towards the local Universal Hierarchy, through intelligent cell Gaia, through intelligent cell of local Sun, through intelligent cell of hyper-Sun Hyperion/Sirius, through local galaxy as intelligent mega-cell. 
I am named ………… I live in the city …………… in the longitude – latitude ………… of the country …………… etc...." [See original post.  Ed.] 

After making the request towards the Local Universal Hierarchy, through Gaia, the local Sun, Hyperion/Sirius, and the local galaxy, await just satisfaction in accordance with Universal Laws.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 03 March 2013

The pirate ship Levan will leave behind a completely annihilated planet and a destroyed solar system (see destruction of planet Phaethon by the Dragons of the past, today’s asteroid belt) when it “departs” to another solar system.  According to G.H.Rees information, the destination will be the Sirius-Hyperion-Coccyx solar system.  From there, the entire galactic Andromedian government and the whole universe will be blackmailed with electromagnetic death.  This is possible because Sirius is the most dense area universe and its negative electrical pole.  Therefore, the Galactic Government has imposed an extremely tight military quarantine across our solar system in the vicinity of planet Saturn, so that no Draconian leaves this area either alive or…..dead (that is, as a demon-spirit of thinner matter rarification).

Andromedian Hellenic space heroes (of Hollow Earth and at the orbits of Saturn) contacted patriotic G.H.Rees, thirty years ago, through neutrino-naser advanced technology and through the solar logos.  Pre-historically, metropolitan Greece (Hellas) became an eternal sacred place, as did mount Olympus.  They were the seat of the dominant powers [Uranides-Dias (Zeus] dynasty, Varuna “solar gods”) and Pelasgian empire civilisers on planet Gaia, showing utmost respect towards the indigenous Black “Sirian” race, of the constellation of “Argo” (a known ancient Greek constellation containing Sirius and the local solar system among others). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 19 August 2016

The ultimate goal of the Draconian-Cronian Alliance mutineers is to completely take over the solar system of Sirius, which is one of the two electromagnetic poles of the universe (universal organism).  From there, they would blackmail all cosmic civilisations by planting nuclear bombs within the Sirius system. 
Sirius (Hyperion in Hellenic)
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 06 July 2010

"Dolphin" is an ancient Hellenic word and comes from the root Delphinus or Delphi (Delphi oracle in Greece) and means a "women's womb" or a "matrix".  It is a metaphorical term that means actually a "civilization matrix" - "civilization genitors" and "civilizers", that is the reason for the existence of space faring Hellenes from Andromeda. 

Study the chronicles of the wonderful Black indigenous race, Dogon of Mali (Africa) and their ancient deep contact with "Delphinus" - "Dolphins" of Sirius - an advanced extraterrestrial civilization who tought them the "Nomos".  The Hellenes - Delphinus (Dolphins) - civilizers from Andromeda, came to earth via the star-gate of Sirius as a scientific mission and taught the Dogon the natural laws of astronomy (scientific information about the star system of Sirius and our solar system) and ecological harmony. 

The Star system of Sirius contains the most dense stars in the galaxy, forming the coccygeal area of the Universal Organism and acting as one side of the dipole of the Triune Universe and its "Inspissations - Rarifications". 

This star system is vital to survival of the Universal Organism through its energy and orbital balance.  Our entire solar system is actually a "planet" that rotates around the thirteenth principle, the hyper-sun of the solar system of Sirius known as "Hyperion" (Hyper-Sun) by ancient pelasgian Hellenes - Andromedans.  If the star system balance of Sirius or our star system was threatened through planetary destruction by the Dragonian-Orionid-Cronian mutineer alliance, then the existence of the whole Universal Organism and intelligent beings of the Universe will be at grave danger.  Planetary "Armageddon" (destruction) and the genocide of all terran races (except the pure-Yellow Sinic Terran-Dragonian race) in World War III, must be stopped at all costs.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 13 September 2013

The correct course of a spacecraft leaving earth for outer space , ( i.e outside our solar system) is as follows:
A) Approaching the middle of the distance between sun and sun-antisun. 
B) A solid neutron spherical cell encompasses the two suns.  Assume a course that coincides with the axis running through the suns and the poles of the cell. 
C) Exit the south pole opening of the solid neutron cell.
D) Map out a route to the “north” pole of the solid neutron cell (mantle) that encompasses the twin suns of Sirius. 
E) Enter the Sirius system through the “north” pole of its solid neutron cell. 
F) Exit the solid neutron cell of thirteen solar systems through the south pole or “opening” of Sirius and then through the south pole or opening of the above solid neutron cell. 
G) and so on and so forth…….

The solid neutron mantles of our solar system, sun of Sirius, etc, are transparently polarized “solid” gases or matter of higher dimensions.  To Earthlings they are known as “solid Tesla gas fractals“.  Any spacecraft attempting to pierce through any transparent astral neutron matter mantle, is equal to an aircraft attempting to enter “the hollow earth”, not through the openings at the poles but by vertically rushing at the outer surface of the earth.  This is simply bound to crash.  Since 1998, G.H.Rees has known how an interstellar starship can travel all the way to Sirius and even further, flying through the repeated polar openings of the solid neutron mantles of solar and hyper-solar systems.  NASA is bound to lose its silly tiny craft. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 25 November 2009

Dragonian lunar ships and crews will appear on Earth, pretending to be ships and crews of the non-existent planet "Nibiru" of the non-existent "Galactic Federation of Light". They will be falsely impersonating real Pleiadians and the existent astro-fleet of Andromeda constellation and Sirius now orbiting planet Saturn. The fleet has been observed from the "Mauna Kea" observatories of Hawai-USA and "JPL" (Jet Propulsion Lab.) of Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon "NASA", which has falsely announced the ships as "new natural satellites of Saturn.

The analysis of ancient Greek-Indian-Mayan-etc. texts has proved that the White human race came from the Andromeda constellation through Sirius. The Black race is indigenous to our planet and Sirius, and the Yellow Chinese and Korean race came from the "Dragon constellation" as crews of their Dragonian flagship Levan and other ships of theirs (archives of Raymond Drake and other researchers of ethnology).

The same ancient texts reveal a mutual emnity shared by the White Andromedian and Black Sirian races against the Yellow Dragonian race.  The reason for these enmities is continuous-incessant genociding of Earthly White and Black races by the Yellow Dragonian race, since 11,500 B.C.. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 14 November 2011

According to information from the elders of the present day Dogon tribe in Mali, Africa, Greeks coming from Sirius gave them the scientific laws. (Translator’s addition: ‘Laws’ is ‘Nomoi’ and ‘Law’ is ‘Nomos’ in Greek.  The Dogon tribe even nowadays calls this creed ‘Nomos’.)

It is impossible for metropolitan Andromeda, as the area of origin of Greeks and the White race, to abandon the region of our solar system and the wider constellation of Sirius to the reign of the Draconians.  What is more, Dogon elders mention that the denser star of the universe is in the solar system of Sirius.  This area is the coccyx of the spine of the universe and one of its electromagnetic poles.  Our Pelasgian ancestors of metropolitan Andromeda cannot and must not abandon this region to the reign of the Draconians, mainly for reasons of universal security. 

Arrival of interstellar extraterrestrials to Earth will essentially comprise Cronians (Saturnians – Savaothians) and Lunar Dragonians of Sin – Sion – Sedi (El Shaddai).  They are not genuine Andromedians and Hellenes. 

The United Nations has as its General Secretary, the Chinese-Korean Ban Ki-Moon, a Dragonian initiated into hyper-lodge “Hong” of China.  He is therefore a lethal enemy of genuine Andromedians, Pleiadians and Hellenes, who arrived through Sirius to the orbit of planet Saturn and potentially await the expiry of some ultimatum prior to their assault against the forces of Sin – Sion – Zion – Jedi deployed to the orbits of Jupiter. 

When the secondary and genuine wave of the Galactic Federal Forces of Andromeda arrive, G.H.Rees and its forces look forward to Earth's oppressors running for cover.  Currently, the Andromedians have forced a tight multi-dimensional military quarantine, which denies exit/escape from our solar system of the cancerous Dragonians and their Allies. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 16 August 2010

Our Sun is located in the “Coccyx” or “final bone of the vertebral column” of the Universal Organism.  It has maximum universal density of metallic planets in the solar system of Sirius.  Sirius is the solar sun, namely the central thirteenth principle, biological senior over twelve planetary suns (Ions in Hellenic, or Ionians, or Yunnan), one of which is the sun of our solar system (Ion in Hellenic, or IAFON). 

Requests can be made to the Universal Organism, for "bodyguarding": 
"Request towards the local Universal Hierarchy, through intelligent cell Gaia, through intelligent cell of local Sun, through intelligent cell of hyper-Sun Hyperion/Sirius, through local galaxy as intelligent mega-cell. 
I am named ………… I live in the city …………… in the longitude – latitude ………… of the country …………… etc...." [See original post.  Ed.] 

After making the request towards the Local Universal Hierarchy, through Gaia, the local Sun, Hyperion/Sirius, and the local galaxy, await just satisfaction in accordance with Universal Laws.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 03 March 2013

The pirate ship Levan will leave behind a completely annihilated planet and a destroyed solar system (see destruction of planet Phaethon by the Dragons of the past, today’s asteroid belt) when it “departs” to another solar system.  According to G.H.Rees information, the destination will be the Sirius-Hyperion-Coccyx solar system.  From there, the entire galactic Andromedian government and the whole universe will be blackmailed with electromagnetic death.  This is possible because Sirius is the most dense area universe and its negative electrical pole.  Therefore, the Galactic Government has imposed an extremely tight military quarantine across our solar system in the vicinity of planet Saturn, so that no Draconian leaves this area either alive or…..dead (that is, as a demon-spirit of thinner matter rarification). 

Andromedian Hellenic space heroes (of Hollow Earth and at the orbits of Saturn) contacted patriotic G.H.Rees, thirty years ago, through neutrino-naser advanced technology and through the solar logos.  Pre-historically, metropolitan Greece (Hellas) became an eternal sacred place, as did mount Olympus.  They were the seat of the dominant powers [Uranides-Dias (Zeus] dynasty, Varuna “solar gods”) and Pelasgian empire civilisers on planet Gaia, showing utmost respect towards the indigenous Black “Sirian” race, of the constellation of “Argo” (a known ancient Greek constellation containing Sirius and the local solar system among others). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 19 August 2016

The ultimate goal of the Draconian-Cronian Alliance mutineers is to completely take over the solar system of Sirius, which is one of the two electromagnetic poles of the universe (universal organism).  From there, they would blackmail all cosmic civilisations by planting nuclear bombs within the Sirius system. 

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Sinic Wall

The Chinese-Japanese conflict in 1945 is named the "Sino"-Japanese war! Sino derives from the word Sion/Zion. The real name of the Great Wall of China is the Sinic Wall; sinic also derives from Sion/Zion. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 21 March 2010

The Chinese were considered enemies of White-Yellow Mongolian hordes that sometimes attacked them (because of schizoid-racial anthropological Doberman Syndrome, read studies of French Anthropologists, 1920).  Hence, China constructed the Great Sinic Wall to
  • protect the genetic spawn of the lunar elohim Sin (the Chinese), and 
  • divert the Hebrew-Mongolian and touranian-Mongolian genociders toward the West, where they would corrupt and destroy White Pelasgian and Black Sirian Races; as they did in ancient times to the former powerful Pelasgian Empires of Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and Metropolitan Hellas. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 February 2010

The highest point of the wall is apparently at 888 metres[Wikipedia reports that Wangjinglou, one of Jinshanling's 67 watchtowers, is 980 m (3,220 ft) above sea level.  888 is the number-keyword for Jesus (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ), adopted by Freemasonry's Mongolian Christian-Socialist White Brotherhood, of Zen hyper-lodge in Tibet-India:
Jesus (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ) = Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200) = 888.  Ed..] 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 October 2011

The purely Draconian reptilian Yellow imperial dynasties of Han and Ming were annoyed by harassment and attacks of their "children", the White-Yellow Mongols.  So the Chinese built what later became the trademark of 'Chinese culture'(=oxymoron), i.e. the Grand Great Wall, with a maximum point of a tower erected-not random, the "888 steps" above sea level!

There was a photo of a sign with the inscription "Only the most excellent men can climb up to this point - 888 feet")... bobcanada/1002269917/in/set- 72157601204668763

The Great Wall was built with criminal genocidal purpose.  Whether or not Mongolian 'Doberman wolf' attacks against their genitor bosses of the Chinese Han and Ming Dynasty can be stopped or mitigated, the Mongol hordes were forced toward the West ie promoting the Dragon against the Western Tiger with disastrous results, as recorded in history (Mongolian super-genocides of Greeks in Egypt and Palestine, etc., etc. by: Genghis Khan, Attila, Tamerlane, or Abraham Habra-Han, Joshua of Navi). 

Wednesday, 12 October 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 19 July 2011

Throughout history, the Sines/Chinese Draconians have been and still are a race that has not offered anything to our planet (Gaia/Demeter). As history shows, their favourite "hobby" has always been to destroy, genocide, and annihilate. They have always been full of predispositions, superstitions and dark.

To protect themselves against the forays of Mongolian hordes the Sines/Chinese built the Great Wall, a huge stronghold of 8,851 km. Construction of this colossal stucture took the lives of many Sines/Chinese Draconians, enslaved by their own leaders. The Great Wall was implemented not in order to bring about culture, but in order to destroy culture. It made the schizophrenic White Mongloians turn towards the West, whereupon they undertook to genocide whatever they happened to come across.

Everyone should know the pre-history of Andromedian pelasgians and the Sines/Chinese Draconians, for purposes of comparing and contrasting them. 

Let's stroll around the central streets of all the big cities and smaller towns of our countries, to see what role the Sines/Chinese have herein.  Let's go and see the villages of the provinces.  What do we realise?

We realise is that on central streets in our countries there are Sinese/Chinese stores and shopping centres; in every provincial town and many villages too.  Who goes to buy from them?  Mongols, the reason being that they are cheap stores, very cheap, and the household budget of their customers have shrunk markedly. 

Every time you go to the Chinese stores, you pay them to build the graves they are preparing for you (note: if they do not eat you for lunch, which makes more sense for them because they think that it is a pity for all that meat to get wasted).  The Chinese take the money you pay them, send it to Sina/China and use it to make bullets, weapons, missiles, armoured vehicles, airplanes, for your genocide until the last one as they did in the past.

You may think, "Oh, come on, what are you talking about?  That the Sines/Chinese will come and kill us?"  Like hell will they tell you
"We are coming with with an army of 200,000,000 men (Rev. 9:16), many already waiting inside your countries.  We want to kill you.  Will you allow us to do that?" 

Doesn't the ortho-dox ortho-mined church prophesise this, in John's apocalypse (Rev. 9)?  Don't you have a holy mountain in Egypt called Sina/China?  Is it not taught in church schools that China will impose the correct Christianism by means of violence to the anti-Christian West?  Isn't the departure of the moon mentioned in the oa' psalm (old testament - septuagint)?  Who wrote these texts?  Not us!  Perhaps our imagination too stretched, it is up to you to decide.

But we are asking you people, what have the Chinese done for all of you?  Do they buy your clothes, shoes, toys, books, notepads, pens, computers, air conditioners, utensils, dvd's, decoration products?  No!  No!  No!  No!  No!  No!  No, they do not!  Why not?

They sell to get money and then mostly buy from each other.  They buy fruit with your money.  They buy cars with your money.  The Chinese do not bring money to our countries, they only take and send it to the People's "Republic" of Sina/China. 

At present, the world's superpower is China.  The USA has debt in excess of 19.6 trillion dollars and depends on Sina/China to pay salaries, pensions, and for infrastructure.
Whatever money it needs is provided by the central bank of Sina/China, which has collected all the money of the world.  But how is this happening???

Chinese workers have salaries around 800 yuan per month, about 80 euros per month.  It was only this year that the Sinese got a 20% raise from their "leaders", so their salary is now 100 euros per month.  Sinese work not 8 hours as you may think but 10 or 12 or 15 hours per day like dogs and their officers consider them replacable.

The PRC (People's Republic of China) say the population numbers more than 1.2 billion, but considering their mentality the number is more likely over 1,5 bn..  The work force of Sina/China was 800,000,000 in 2004 and is increasing by 12,000,000 per year.  How, on 100 euros per month?  Unpatriotic big companies worldwide take advantage of this and have products made in China (just look in your home). 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 21 March 2010

In ancient Hellenic language (Read “Lexicon of Ancient Hellenic Language” from I. Stamatakos) the Chinese were named “Sines” (hence the name Great Sinic Wall) from “Sinos” = Chinese (Page 1206).  In the term “Sinis” the translation is: Destructor, Annihilator, Thief, Robber, Baneful (Page 892).

The natural attribute of the Sinese or Chinese as annihilators and terminator genociders of White Hellenes or Iones.  This is proved by the fact that while Southern China is still named “Yunnan” namely Ionia, there are no more Iones (namely Hellenes) there because they were all annihilated by the Chinese. 
German archaeological missions were deported without explanation from China, when they proved the existence of twelve ancient Hellenic cities inside China.  The Chinese Government ordered the cities covered with hills of dirt, upon which were planted fast growing trees.

Today, traitor “Greek” Politicians visit China and instead of demanding disclosure and excavation of the existing Hellenic antiquities, they kiss the ass of the Sinese annihilators who killed a billion ancient Hellenes and Pelasgians from Asiatic Upper Ionia.  This they do in order to gain free houses and survival in China after world war three. 

The slaughtered Ionians are disrespected by today's Greek politicians, emetic traitor Maoists, Chinese-friendly Greek communists and the more emetic Greek industrialist/business people.  They wish to establish companies in China and allow the Chinese to invade Greece without control, later naming the Chinese “Saviors of the Greek Economy” and “Strategic Partners of Greece”!  It is not difficult to anticipate what will follow such an invasion by the Sines-Sinese-Chinese, who are the genetic spawn of the murderous lunar Dragonian elohim, Sin. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 04 October 2011

As G.H.Rees and the blog "Hellen & Chaos" have shown, between 9600 B.C. (when Greek gods departed and Atlantis was sunk) and approximately 5,000 B.C., the Draconian Chinese Sine terminator bandits completely cleared Asia of earlier indigenous inhabitants; Greek Pelasgian Ionians of Yunnan.  (Today, Southern China is still called "Yunnan" and Mongols Turks call Greece "Yunnanistan", ie the State of the Yunnans/Ionians/Greeks.  There's not a single Greek there any longer, because all were massacred)  The Draconian Chinese genocidal hordes, with orders of their master lunar uranium Tzeint-Jedi-Sendai, genocided all the Yunnans of Asia and raped Greek women; thereby generating schizophrenic White-Yellow hybrid Mongol children.

French anthropologists in 1920 discovered the schizoid phenomenon known as "Dobermann" syndrome, exhibited by White-Yellow semi-Draconian Mongolian genociders who continued the work of pure-Yellow Draconians.  Instead of genociding pure-Yellows, the Mongols turned Westward, annihilating Whites and Blacks.  However, sometimes the rabid Mongolians attacked to the east against their bosses and generators; the pure-Yellow Draconian Chinese!