Monday, 30 May 2016

La.O.S. (Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos – People’s Orthodox Alarm)

From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Sunday 19 September 2010

Chaos will be created in Athens following expulsion and butchering of Greeks by invading armies of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania) in Northern – Western – Central – and Insular Greece.  The Government of the political party “La.O.S.” (cryptozionist right wing theosophical party: People’s Orthodox Alert) of Karatzaferis, Glucksburg, and Palaiologos Dragazis, will take over the government of the Global War.

The “Royal Party” of Greece was founded in order to replace the party “La.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert) of the Turk-Albanian agent-provocateur and traitor G. Karatzaferis.  The “La.O.S.” party, which G.H.Rees and the webpage “Hellen and Chaos” exposed for executing instructions of the Chinese “Hong” through the lodges “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” London.  “La.O.S.” and colluding “PASOK” provoked the Balkan War of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis against Greece, and the Third World War at which “La.O.S.” will have its seat within “Byzantine Empire 666 Sufism – ChristianoDodecatheism”, Constantinople.  Under the leadership of “La.O.S.” in Constantinople, “NATO” armies will assault the “Shanghai Pact” or “R.I.C.” so that Greece and the rest White Western Nations can be annihilated by overwhelming counter-attack.  Russians will meet another and final genocide from the axles “China-Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols” and “C.K.” China and Korea.


From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 January 2012

If James Stavridis understands on-time the Chinese-Hebrew provocation, then he must immediately resign as “NATO” commander and to also inform his other Greek-American colleagues not to accept any positions within “NATO” leadership.  If they do act as “NATO leaders”, then in the “R.I.C.” counter-attack against “US.E.J.” (USA – Europe – Japan) they will be charged with responsibilities of perpetration and provocation against Greece, Syria, and Iran with James Stavridis or other alternative Greek chief-General.  Asian, Russian, and Chinese armies already expect to be attacked by “NATO” under Greek leadership with a Greek Chief-General.  Political leadership of this “NATO” assault is programmed to be “Constantinople Empire 666” under:
  • Hebrew-Saxon “Emperor Palaiologos Dragazis” (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg); under, 
  • Turk-Albanian G. Karazafferi of “La.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert, ultra-rightwing political party of Greece); and under
  • Hebrew-Saxon Chief-General Paul Holstein Glucksburg. 
Those 3 persons will falsely appear in front of the Russian armies, Islamic armies, and China, as alleged Greeks.  In reality they are devious Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanian agents, provocateurs of the Third World War.  They falsely impersonate Greek Nationalists, making Greece the supposed provocateur, in order for counter-attacking armies of “R.I.C.” or “Shanghai Pact” to genocide the unarmed Greek population and all other White Western nations.

From Hellene and Chaos blog, Tuesday 7 September 2010

Regarding descent of the Russian army to the Balkans and the Russian fleet to the Aegean, DO NOT invade Turkish territory.  If you invade, you will set in motion the scheme of the Chinese “Hong” for:
  • Foundation of “Byzantine Empire 666”; under 
  • “Epsilon 666” of the “La.O.S.” party (People’s Orthodox Alert); and, 
  • The newly formed “Royal Party” of Greece in Constantinople.  
End result will be genocide of all the Russians by the axles “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongols) and “C.K.” China and Korea. 

Supplementary Note
The entire genocidal program of “Hong” is undertaking to execute the “Royal Party” of Greece which, due to the G.H.Rees revelations is unable to raise an election percentage above two per cent.  Therefore an armed coup d’etat in Greece was ordered from London, organized by Greek theosophist Masonic Generals (“Epsilons” of the Greek Army and Greek Police).  They will appoint as Prime Minister of Greece, the Hebrew-Saxon fallen successor Paul or his brother Nikolaos Holstein Glucksburg.  Colluding Greek politicians will be ejected from power, but will remain in “NATO” in order to execute the scheme of “Hong” for provocation of Balkan and World War leading to five billion dead, including all Russians and Greeks.

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