Monday, 23 May 2016

Karl Haushoffer

From the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Sunday 15 November 2009

Haushoffer was an elder member of the Nazi “Thoule” anti-lodge and a Jewish rabbi of Berlin, initiated in Tibet.  He was also the spiritual teacher of Hitler and the only person with the right to visit Hitler in prison before he rose to power. 

From the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Thursday 8 November 2012

Nazis in 1930-1945 and todays neo-Nazi Golden Dawn of London and Greece, are puppets of Dragonian China ..hyperlodge Hong's left hand path and its subordinate Black Brotherhood of Mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces).  That is why:
  • Karl Haushoffer, geopolitical brain of Nazism and teacher of Hitler was initiated as a Freemason of Golden Dawn Berlin - a magician invocator of 4D Draconian demonic spirits and initiate of Tamil Buddism in Tibet (Zen) and Zen of Japan (Green Dragons).  Dragonian initiated Haushoffer and todays Golden Dawn Greece doctrine was and is: Drag nach osten = Push to the East.
  • Hebrew Lincoln Von Trebits, who saved Hitler's life in 1920, was initiated as a mandarin in the highest Masonic Chinese over-lodge Hong (See book: Nazism Secret Society). 
  • One security garrison of Berlin had Tibetan Zen Monks as their members.  They were executed as "enemy spies" by the Soviets in 1945. (See Green Dragon Zen hyper-lodge obedient to HONG.)
  • Golden Dawn claims Constantinople as the next capital of the Greek NeoByzantine "Empire 666"..NATO will assist it in entrapping Greece into a new minor asia campaign push to the East-Anatolia (See historical repetition of Asia Minor destruction in 1922) now against the Shangai Pact and against China.
  • China 888 is using Nazi Golden Dawn drag nach osten 666 as its provocative, collusive Western instrument for a push to the East against China(!!!); granting China an alibi for its massive and devastating counterattack against the West in Armageddon or WWIII. 
See Doctrine of Tiger(West) and Dragon(China). Dragon waits and enorchestrates the provocation attack of Tiger. Then Dragon counterattacks and win.

From the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Tuesday 27 November 2012

Crypto-Hebrew (or Crypto-Jewish) fellow citizen traitors have committed special conscious acts of treason against your countries, they are to provoke a genocidal counterattack by R.I.C. (Russia-Islam-China, the “Shanghai Pact") as ordered by Hong, China.  Without exception, leaderships of all neo-Nazi organizations are found in all nations of the White race and Mongol races (semi-Draconian White-Yellow ) of Japan-Indochina-Tibet-etc as well within Buddhist and Hindu Religions.

These crypto-Hebrew Mongol leaderships of today’s Nazi organisations (Nazi) are a natural follow-up to the crypto-Hebrew leadership of the Third Reich, that is of the German-Hebrew theorists of Nazism, namely:
  • Karl Haushoffer; 
  • Alfred Rosenberg; 
  • Dietrich Eckhart; and,
  • Lincoln Von Trebits (Hungarian Hebrew).  
Todays crypto-Hebrew Nazi leaderships also derive from prominent German Hebrew Nazi leaders:
  • Adolf Hitler/Hisler the illegitimate child of German-Jewish Frankfurt banker Rothschild; Heinrich Himmler “Reichs-Fuhrer” (superior to Hitler in the Nazi Hierarchy!!); and “SS” leaders 
  • Goering; 
  • Borman; 
  • Muller (Fuhrer heir to Hitler); 
  • Adolf Eichmann and others.  
Predecessors of todays banksters include German-Jewish banker-funders of the Third Reich all bitterly hated by Prussian nobility:
  • Rothschild; 
  • Baum and Baum; 
  • Loeb and Loeb (Levi and Levi).  
Descendants of todays Western armed forces are doubtless related to German generals and admirals of the German army and officers of the German Intelligence Services that pre-existed the Third Reich.  Consider the Greek-born Admiral of the German Navy, Von Kanaris, leader of the German Secret Service “Abwehr” [descendant of the Greek Admiral Kanaris from the war against Turkish occupation of Greece in 1821 and the new occupation of Greece by Bavarian Turkish Mongols led by Othon (Otto-Man) Wit-Tesbach Lowenstein ..Rosenberg], who, together with the other “Wehrmacht” generals orchestrated two unsuccessful attempts to murder German-Jewish Hitler and Jewish leaders of the (Jewish) Third Reich.  As a result, Von Kanaris and the German patriot generals were murdered by German-Jewish “SS” officers of the German-Hebrew “GE.STA.PO” (Gemeine Staatliche Polizei). 

Before he was murdered by Jewish Himmler’s “SS”, Von Kanaris was aware of the Jewish descent of theorist leaders and funders of the Third Reich and had notified “Abwehr”.  Predicting his upcoming assassination, Von Kanaris delivered documents to his relatives, on the order that they should be passed on after his death to the Greek Chief General Alexandros Papagos, founder of G.H.Rees in 1947. 

Greek Nazis and fascists are being arrested as self-proven idiots shouting “Mongols keep out of Greece”.  According to the theory of Nazism, you have accepted White-Yellow Mongols as supposed members of the “White Race”.  It is known that all Nazi theorists like Sven Hedin, Karl Haushoffer, Lincoln Von Trebits etc. received their initiation in monasteries of the Mongolian (White-Yellow) anti-Hellenic Tibet, Mongolian Nepal, and Japan.  It is a fact that Hungarian–Hebrew Baron Ungern Vo Strenberg attempted to re-establish “the Gengis-Kahn EMPIRE” in far east Mongolia.  It is also a fact that all administrative buildings and Hebrew-Mongol leaders of the 3rd Reich were heavily guarded by regiments of Tibetan monks bearing SS unifroms of the Hebrew-mongol H.Himmler (much like “Nepalese Gourka special forces “guards of the Hebrew-Saxon English Mongol monarchy and lords of England). 

Even though Nazis and fascists are aware of these facts, they remain mentally blind and truly devoted to Mongolian born Tibetan Nazism.  Similarly, the ridiculous Nazi-“Epsilon” “scientist” Gkiolvas returned to Greece after a long stay in semi-Draconian Mongolian (White-Yellow) Tibet.  Like an idiotic Mongolian teacher, he proceeded to teach “Epsilons” of La.O.S. and Nazis and fascists of “Golden Dawn” and “New Acropolis” that the “only true Andromedians on the planet are Mongol White-Yellow “Dzopas of Tibet”. 

Lastly, it is well known that the leader of the “US” Nazi party commited suicide when it was revealed that he was a Mongol-Hebrew.  Conclusion: Nazism and fascism are not pelasgian born theories for the survival and progress of white civilization, but the reverse.  They are Mongolian-Hebrew born Draconian Chinese theories, anti-Andromedian and anti-Hellenic, for provoking and promoting “racial” discrimination and civil wars between nations of the White race; theories aimed at genocide, and submission of White race nations to Tibetans and other Mongols. 

G.H.Rees won't let you place armies of the White races of the West under leadership of White-Yellow Mongol Hebrew-Saxons, Japanese generals of “US.E.J.” (USA-Europe-Japan), or Mongol generals of T.I.M. (Tibet-India-Mongolia), because you will traitorously lead White militaries to slaughter by armies of R.I.C. (Russia-Islamic Countries-China) in the Asian deserts.  Subsequently, five billion people would be genocided by the armies of "R.I.C”, that is 2/3 of world population. 

You are the nazis, fascists and Jahweh-possessed “Idigo Children” under demonic possession by supposed "spirits of the dodecatheon”, supposed “pseudo-followers” of the “reincarnated god Dionysus and Apollo Tyaneus Christ 666”, that is the Mongol Hebrew-Saxon imposter of the Danish court "pseudo-Paleologos pseudo-Dragazis DAN-666" Christian-Oldenburg-Holstein-Glucksburg.  We will not allow you “Greeks” under demonic possession by Jahweh collude with traitorous La.O.S. to appoint Mongol Hebrew-Saxon pseudo-Paleologos pseudo-Dragazis DAN-666 Holstein-Glucksburg as “Emperor of the Hellenic(Greek) Christian-dodecatheon empire 666”, because Hellenism and other White nations would be genocided as supposed “Antichrist 666” under the supposedly “Christian 888” R.I.C.. 

We will not let you “sneaky wolves”, “Greek“ Nazis and fascists appoint as “Prime Minister” of “Empire666”, the Turk-Albanian provocator Mongol Karazaferri leader
of the La.O.S. Nazi party <+> so that he can bring about R.I.C.’s counterattack and genocide of five billion people.  Nor will we let you pseudo-Hellenic Nazis and fascists appoint as “Chief-General” of “Empire666” the “heir” Paul B’ Holstein-Glucksburg Mongol Hebrew-Saxon, in order to bring about R.I.C’S counterattack and genocide of five billion people in the WWIII or “Armageddon”.  From now on, disobedient, brutal orangutan Nazis and fascists of Greece and other countries, if you want to move on without regret for your racial frauds, you will keep banging your head against G.H.Rees' mental brick wall!  Proof of your Mongolian treason: Never in your writings did you denounce the anti-hellenic “B.A.S.T.R.” axis in the way it has been denounced by the Greek patriotic G.H.Rees, because your traitorous idealistic background stems from the Monguls of Mongolia “Oulan-Bator-ourgka” of the former “USSR”, Tibet, Japan-Nepal-Butan-and rest of Asian Mongols. 

From the Hellene and Chaos blog, Friday 30 July 2010

We the Historians of G.H.Rees, Roger De Garaudy the Leader of the French Left, the British Historian Irving, the British Historian Faurisson and many other historians, proved that members of the 3rd Reich: Adolf Hisler/Hitler, Heinrich Himmler leader of “S/S”, Borman, Müller, Haushoffer, Lincoln Von Trebits and the rest Nazi Leaders of the Third Reich were Hebrew-Mongolian in origin, just like the Hebrew-German Bankers that bankrolled them.  Together, they committed the false “holocaust” (holohoax) of sixty-thousand pseudo-Hebrew “Ashkenazim”, Askanians forced to Judaism; Hellenes of the Proussa Area in Asia Minor, which you disgraceful genociders rabbis falsely exaggerated to six-million by adding two zeroes to the false “Hebrew Holocaust”, under which genociding Hebrews and the “Major Israel” of “USA” murder -without being punished- the people of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and other nations of the Planet. 

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