Hellene and Chaos blog of Sunday 15 November 2009
Hitler was the son of Jew Baron Rothschild (Frankfurt Rothschild’s) with his Jewish maidservant! Jew Hisler/Hitlers’s father adopted son of Jew Rothschild.
Hitler’s father lived as a custom’s officer in a village with a Hebrew name, Braunau. It had a Jewish majority living there, Satanists, mediums and magickians… famous throughout Germany and Austria.
From Braunau, a vicious history was to evolve. To explain it, “rabbinical historic psychoanalysis” is a necessary evil, so that the ex-chosen people of “Yahweh” might find the why of their downfall: The survival of the (hyper)rich “sephardim” bankers and annihilation of the poor “Ashkenazim” in the Jewish holocaust.
Roger Garaudy's wrote a book entitled “Basic Myths of Israeli Foreign Policy” that considered this holohoax. It was forbidden in France, because it exposed Hebrew-Saxons of USA, Britain, Holland, Denmark, Germany and other nations, as “Crooks and Diachronic Assassins of Nations”.
Confirming Roger Garaudy, historian Faurisson in his book “Jewish Holocaust, lie and truth” proved that furnaces in labour camps were for those who died of natural causes and that it was impossible to incinerate six million Hebrews. Faurisson proved that the Germans kept the Hebrews for forced labour in German industry during the war, as they also did for prisoners of other ethnicities.
As WW2 ended in 1945, the mortality rate of prisoners rose dramatically due a general lack of food, drugs and heating, since Germany had been defeated on all fronts. The gas chambers existed only in fabricated schematics drawn and displayed by Hebrews.
To the writings of Faurisson and Garaudy, G.H.Rees adds that only Hebrew “Ashkenazim” were subjected to forced labour because they were Jewish Hellenes from As(h)kania, Asia Minor; today’s Western Turkey. Ashkenazim lived in chambers of many people, while the real Hebrew “Sephardim” lived in small private apartments and did no forced labour e.g. Prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir and the President of the European Economic Community, Simon Veil.
In all of Germany, some sixty thousand Hellenogene “Ashkenazim” perished in the camps, not the six million for whom Hebrews consistently refuse to publicise names. Population details from European cities would of course show that the missing ninety-nine per cent…never existed! Anyway, the World Encyclopaedia of 1934 put the entire European population of Jews at three-and-a-half million.
Sephardim and Ashkenazim, I
Hellene and Chaos blog of Tuesday 27 September 2011
Following the discovery at CERN that there are speeds in excess of light speeds, such as for finer particles like neutrinos (See http://ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com/2011/09/blog-post_5701.html). Thus refuted are the useless and deceptive theories of Albert Einstein (Ashkenazi Jew-Germany, probably pseudo-Askanian Khazars, Mongols, like the Rothschilds), namely the General Theory of Relativity and Special Theory of Relativity, because both are based on deliberate deceit that the speed of light is supposedly the speed limit in the universe. However, the forces of nature had long been consolidated by ancient Greek super-scientists and are restored today by G.H.Rees and divine super-scientists and mathematicians.
G.H.Rees states that the speed of light is variable (This "light barrier" is analogous to frequency or the density of aether.) and the universe was created by the slow condensation of aether and not via any Big Bang. Greek university professors of physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics perpetrate the Masonic and Jewish lies of modern pseudo-scientific astrophysics, nuclear physics, and cosmology of Chinese Jews and Saxons. Einstein relativity theory declares aether necessary!
Sephardim and Ashkenazim, II
Hellene and Chaos blog of Tuesday 15 December 2015
Treasonous Turkish-Hebrew Prime Minister of Greece, Jewish Chiprah (Tsipras) has agreed with the German-Hebrew government (Merkel is a German Jew and former chief of the ‘’Communist Youth Party’’ of East Germany) on deployment of a German war fleet to the eastern Aegean. This, under the pretence of "order restoration along the Greek-Skopje border’’. If you do not already know, newly arrived migrants are in the area. Their true purpose is for Turkey to annexe the Greek isles of the eastern Aegean, inevitably leading to war between Turkey and Greece.
A German-Dutch-Austrian battalion comprising 600 men will have been stationed within Greek territory, with purpose to exert violence on the migrants for which Greek police are to be blamed. This is planned to provoke an armed uprising of the Islamic population within Greece, leading to Western Macedonia being turned into an autonomous territory, like Kossovo.
German military were not allowed by passing a law voted for by a minimum of 151 ministers, as ordered by code 27 of the Greek constitution pertaining to ‘’foreign military forces passing through or being stationed inside Greece’’. Nor were the three invalid, fraudulent memoranda signed by Greece and drawn up with the German Government authorised by any law with the European Commission or European Parliament. G.H.Rees tells us that consequently:
- Over ten thousand Greek citizens have committed suicide;
- A vast majority of Greek citizens receive psychiatric help;
- Children pass out due to hunger and malnutrition in schools;
- Nearly 1/3 of able-bodied working Greeks are almost below the poverty line;
- Young Greeks have departed Greece in search of work;
- Greek enterprises and farmers are faced with destruction;
- A low birth rate amongst Greeks is leading to passive genocide, demise of the Greek state by deaths illness etc..
Sephardim and Ashkenazim, III
Hellene and Chaos blog of Tuesday 16 February 2010
Ashkenazi Jews are not Hebrew-Mongolic, but Pelasgian-Whites from the area of Askania lake (Hellenic Askanians of Bithynia of Asia Minor, see Iliad b-863, o-793), south of Proussa. Askanios was the son of Troy’s king, Aeneas.
“Sephardi” Jews of A’ category like Hitler-Mueller-Eichmann etc, were sacrificing the pseudo-Jews of “B’ category”, i.e. the Hellenogenes Ashkenazim-Askanians, as slaves and animals for slaughter (goym/goyim, see the 2 Testaments) in the fake holocaust. Purpose: Advertising and politically exploiting the fake Jewish holocaust, so that nations are paralysed and without resistance to Jewish economic crimes (see “crisis”) and wars (see Palestinians, Serbs, Iraqis etc and of the rest of the White Race) up to the end of WW3.
Sephardi Jews add the devious criminal invention: “whoever accuses the Jews is Hitleric and anti-Semite Nazi like the Pelasgian Germans of 1940”. Today, the Sephardim falsely name as “Ashkenazim” the Mongoloid Khazar Jews and Tatar Jews of Eastern Europe.
Residents of Israel are ninety-five per cent Hellenogenes Ashkenazim workers and plain professionals, five per cent Sephardim company directors (“elite” Mongol Jew descendants of Abraham or Havra-Han). The popular-workers’ party of Israel has blamed rabbinical Sephardim bankers and politicians of 1940 as theoretical and financial perpetrators of mass transfers of Ashkenazim into the German forced labour camps.
Sephardim and Askenazim, IV
Hellene and Chaos blog of Saturday 21 November 2009
An Overview
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