Sunday, 8 May 2016

Jesus Christ [Rabbi Yechoshuah, Rabbi Yahosuva]

Hellene and Chaos blog of Friday 10 May 2013

An asteroid was somehow caused to alter its trajectory and pass 93,000 km closer to Earth.  American scientists claimed that the sharp increase in the course curvature of the main meteorite was not caused by (gravitational) “traction” by another celestial body and is therefore not a result of natural causes thus, making it an astrophysical mystery that cannot be resolved by current astrophysical and celestial engineering.

This “astrophysical mystery” was resolved by G.H.Rees in previous texts based on chapter Θ’(9) of the “Apocalypse” of the “New (Draconian) Testament” [Rev. 9:1].  It was anticipated since 98 A.D. after Rabbi Yahosuva or Jesus Christ that debris from the fragmented planet Phaethon “asteroid zone” would hit our planet.  The lunar possessed Hebrew medium “John the revelator” reported this plan from Patmos island, as it would eventually be undertaken by space-faring lunar engineers of celestial mechanics; under orders of the major criminal of our galaxy, Sin-Zion-Sina-Yahweh-Senti-Jendi-Jewd-Judah-Jed-Jade, or “father god” of Hebrew-Christianity, or “Elloch” of Judaism, or “Allaah” of Hebrew-Islamism as “god of the moon” (behold the crescent moon as symbol of Islamism).

Here is evidence for the idiotic religious faithful, Christians, Jews, and Islamists.  All worship the reptilian Draconian monster, pseudo-god and constant major space criminal of the galaxy for over eleven-and-a-half-thousand years at the expense of the White and the Black Earthy human races:
  • “Father God”, “Elloch”, “Allaah”;
  • His criminal son Jesus Christ or daemonical-by-Jehovah Rabbi Yahosuva; and 
  • Worshippers of the criminal Satanic “All Saints” of lunar Chinese-Hebrew-Christianity.  
Read from the first up to the second paragraph of A’ (1) chapter of the “Apocalypse” of the “New Testament”...

It is written: “Apocalypse of Jesus Christ which was given to him (Jesus) by God (Jesus’ “father god”), to show his (Jesus’) servants what must be done very soon. ------ Jesus sent his angel and revealed all (that must be done) to his servant, John, who testified about the word of God (father) and about Jesus Christ, by what he saw”.

Demon possessed Hebrew medium “John the revelator” is not to be blamed for his writings of the “Apocalypse”, the ones responsible are:
  • Jehovah/Sin/Zion/Sina/“father god” of Christianity/“Elloh or Ellohim” of Judaism/“Allaah” of Islamism/Jedi/Sedi/Jewd/Judah/Jed/Jade of Chinese Confucianism himself;
  • Jesus Christ namely “the son of father god”;
  • angels of “father god”;
  • the sent “holy spirit” of the angels;
  • “virgin” mother of the “son”; and,
  • each one of the “All Saints” of the lunar Draconian Chinese-Hebrew-Christianity. 
Here transcribed is Θ’(9) chapter of “John’s Apocalypse” of the “New Testament”...
“And the fifth angel (of “father god” and “son Jesus Christ”) trumpeted, and saw that a star fell on earth from the sky, and it (the star) was given the key of the well of the abyss (of the underground hollow earth). ------ And (the fallen star) opened the well of the abyss. ----- And smoke ascended from the well, like smoke from a big chimney."  

From Revelation 9:4, we have "...And they (the grasshoppers) were told… to only harm people who do not have the mark (888=Jesus) on their foreheads." Note that “888” of the Chinese Dragon is the key-number-word of J’E’S’U’S’ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ)¨ and is calculated thus: Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200) = 888.

Jesus is a Draconian creation and resident of Selene/Levan/Moon for 2000 years, from where he coordinates religious warfare.  He is probably reincarnated to hurry up the Armageddon project. 

The collision of the “star”-asteroid (of Revelation 9:1) with the Earth will produce an enormous erupting volcano at the collision point.  Vast amounts of pyroclastic volcanic smoke will be released, causing darkness on the planet for many years and killing plant life due to lack of light. 

All animals will die and famine and epidemic diseases will plague the Earth in accordance with the same Draconian schedule described in ς’ (6) chapter of the Apocalypse (Rev. 6:2-8): “Black horseman-angel of… good little Yehosuva Jesus Christ who causes the death of people by causing world famine, and sallow-yellow horseman-angel of the same… good little Christ who causes the death of people by causing world epidemic diseases”. 

For unknown reasons, lunar engineers and their Draconians bosses… good “father god”/Elloh/Allaah, and his good son Yahosuva/Jesus Christ... have have not yet “fulfilled” their program/plan/schedule/“prophecy” about striking Earth with a large asteroid or “star” from the “asteroid zone”.  The object passed by the Earth at a distance. 

Smaller meteorite “gravitational escorts” of the large meteorite arrived in Russian territory and were destroyed by Russian air defense.  Had Draconian Yahwehs and Yahosuvas/Jesus Christs of the moon succeeded in causing the large asteroid to collide with Russia, it would have indiscriminately killed all “unfaithful” and “faithful” Russian Mongol-Hebrews, White Scythians, Christians, Jews, and Islamists.

There is one defense available to earthy governments against artificially directed asteroid projectiles aimed at Earth by major Draconian space criminal Yahwehs, Jesus Christs and “All Saints”.  It is the ultra urgent undergrounding of:
  • Human populations; 
  • Specimens of wild and rural flora; 
  • Animals for reproduction wild and livestock fauna; 
  • Industry; 
  • Tanks of potable water and fuel; and, 
  • Mega-warehouses for food stuffs. 
The first measure for human mental well-being is to use constitutional and legislative frameworks for strict prohibition of criminal lunar, Draconian, Chinese, Mongol, and Hebrew originating religions, namely: 
  • Judaism; 
  • Christianity; 
  • Alevism; 
  • Freemasonry; 
  • Islamism; 
  • Sufism; and,
  • Christian-Dodekatheism of the “Epsilon” of Art. Sorras.  
These religions worship the solar system destroying Draconian space criminals, namely Yahweh/Sin/Zion/Sedi/Jedi, Yahosuvas/Jesus Christs, and the rest space criminal “All Saints”.  As criminal religions, they are used to legalise disasters and genocidal planetary destruction by “divine right”.  This is because planets are cells of the intelligent cosmic organism.

A chemical-biological-radioactive war has broken out against citizens of the West, as ordered by Chinese Masonic hyper-lodge “Hong” and colluding Hebrew-Saxon Western governments (without exception).  American tanker aircraft undertake aerial spraying of chemtrails-biotrails-radiatrails from great altitude, following a Draconian-lunar schedule that is at least two thousand years old; since the lunar Satanic medium-disciple John wrote the “Apocalypse” of
  • good little “father god”/Yahweh/Sin/Zion/Sina/Sedi/Jedi/Jewd/Judah and 
  • good little Christ of love “Jesus Christ son”/Rabbi Yahosuva of Christianity and
  • Elloh or Ellohim of Judaism and
  • Allah of Islamism.  
This schedule is currently being carried out by criminals of WW3 against humanity by
  • The Chinese, 
  • Hebrews of the two-tribe kingdom of Benjamin and Judah of Jerusalem, and 
  • Hebrew-Saxons of the ten-tribe kingdom of Samaria as generals of the American “Pentagon”.  
Prospective rulers of the Earth and annihilators of White, Black, Black-Yellow and White-Yellow Mongolian races are the pure Yellow races of China 888 and United Korea 777.  They want their global dictatorship of Jehovah/Sin/Zion/Sina (China) after 2022 and before the sheeple awaken.

“Father god” of Christianity and Jesus Christ stated via “John”, the Satanic criminal wizard-medium disciple of Jesus Christ/Rabbi Yahosuva:
And I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels
(of …good little “father” god and… good little Christ “son”):
“Go effuse (pour, spray from the sky) on Earth the flasks of God’s wrath (and behold the genocideed inhabitants of planet Phaethon). 

“And the fifth angel effused his flask* against the beast."  The beast is a suicidal Draconian construct of Freemasonry.  It is the evil Nazi Western 'Tiger' of NATO and SEATO nations, with purpose to treasonously besmirch Greece and weakly attack the Kings of the East [Rev. 16:12] - namely, the "good" Chinese 'Dragon' - thereby provoking an overwhelming counter attack.  The beast is therefore a provocateur.  It has many components:
  • Nazi "Greek" Empire 666 of fake Constantinople, 
  • Nazi “Epsilon 666”, 
  • Nazi “END 666” of Art. Sorras,
  • “emperor” and Nazi “new Christ 666” pseudo-Paleologos pseudo-Dragazis Hebrew-Saxon of the Danish court,
  • Nazi “Golden Dawn 666” 
  • secret-Nazi “ΛΑ.Ο.Σ. 666”, and
  • “Bexis—Ihor—666 ”. 
*On behalf of [i] little “father” god (Christianity)/Elloch (Judaism)/Allah (Islamism) and [ii] little Christ; both are reptilian dragon-turtle Draconians, major galactic space criminals and intruders to our solar system.  Aboard their flagship Eva/Leva/Levan/Levania/Levaniah/Moon/Selene/Star of Death, they came from the constellation of Draco in a local galaxy. 

 From Revelation 16: “The seventh angel (on behalf of little “father god” and little Jesus Christ “son”/Rabbi Yah-o-su(l)va .) effused his flask in the air… and a massive earthquake happened, unprecedented since man’s appearance on earth. -------- So massive an earthquake it was.-------- And the great city** was divided into three parts, and the cities of all nations were destroyed. ------ God (Draconian Yahweh) recalled great Babylon (Rome A’ of the Roman Empire) and offered it wine from the glass of… his wrath. ---- All islands and mountains ceased to exist (geological changes due to earthquakes of magnitude 10 on the Richter scale).

Christianity is infected by Zionism/Sionism, which Christians may resent but are manipulated by.   Furthermore, in Yah-o-su(l)va, Yah translates to "Jehovah who saves”.

**Constantinople as “second Rome” and seat of the “beast”, namely the “anti-Christ Greek empire 666 of Constantinople”.  Here again, the Greek people are sullied by treasonous "slaves of god" politicians and others. 

Christianity, I

Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hebrews and Andromedan Hellenic space "E" are enemies...
Proof: In the Old Testament, Book of Numbers, ka 6-9 “Lord” Yahweh/Sin/Sim sends snakes to punish undisciplined Jews.  Later on, the same “Lord” provides an antidote to the poison, a copper snake – savior, upon the view of which the snake-bitten Jews would be healed.  The copper snake was raised horizontally and in a cross-like position upon a vertical pole.  Moses and the copper snake are considered by the Christian priest orders as symbols of Jesus Christ.  We are supposed to think that Yahweh and Jesus are... friends of the “E” and enemies of the (constellation of the) Snake.  Enough with this genocidal mocking of Pelasgians. The intelligent reader understands: Cronean Andromedian traitors and not Uranid-Zeus Andromedians cooperate with the Draconians of the Snake Constellation (and Draco Constellation). 

As previously stated, “888” of the Chinese Dragon is the key-number-word of the word Jesus – J’E’S’U’S’ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ)¨
Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200) = 888

Christianity, II

Hellene and Chaos blog of Thursday, March 29, 2012

In order to prove that in G.H.Rees' report of 17Feb.2010 to the Russian-Hebrew government there was neither any insanity nor any deceit against the Russian-Hebrews or against the Hebrews in general.  We refer you to the book of the Hebrew Zionist organisation of the chief-rabbis Barouch of the ‘USA’, ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’, titled ‘Your Will Be Done’, Chapter IA’ (11), subtitled ‘The Latest Time’, numbered paragraphs 68-71. Barouch, your Kings, write there the following (pp 323-325 of the Greek edition) - not verbatim:
… So what makes the Kings of the North (Russia) take the final step towards self destruction?  Speaking through the evil medium ‘prophet’ Daniel, the angel of Jehovah (demon of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sentai/Tzentai) says:
‘‘News from the East and North will shake him (the ‘King of the North’ = Russia).  He will launch a furious attack to exterminate many… But there will come the end of him (of ‘King of the North’ = Russia) and there will be nobody to help him (Old Testament, Daniel, Chapter IA’ (11), verses 4-45).‘‘… (71)… The scriptures see the place of the Jehovah God approximately in the North (‘‘Psalms, OE’ (75), verses 6-7’’ and ‘‘Psalms, MH’ (48), verse 2’’).  This king of eternity and his reigning king, Jesus Christ, are symbolically characterised as ‘Kings from where the Sun rises’ or ‘Kings from the East’ (against the ‘King of the North’, Russia) (‘‘New Testament, Revelation of John, ΙΣ’ (16), verse 12’’). Jehovah talks about the calling upon of his reigning king (China 888) from the East or from where the Sun rises (‘‘Old Testament, Isaiah, MS’ (46), verses 10-11’’). So that not only the news but also the forces of destruction will come from these directions (from China) upon the ‘King of the North’ (Russia)…

See ‘‘Old Testament, Book of prophet Jekyll (Ezekiel?), Chapter ΛΗ’ (38), verses 1-23’’, and ‘‘Chapter ΛΘ’ (39), verses 1-29’’, in which the God of China, Sin/Sion/Jehovah/Tzentai/Sentai/Jude/Judas, explicitly mentions that he has programmed ‘‘complete genocide for Russians and the people of Moscow or ‘Ros’ and ‘Meshech’ of Moscow’’.  The ‘‘Chinese will drink the blood until they get drunk on blood, and that they will eat the flesh of the Russians until they get full’’ (‘‘Jekyll, ΛΘ’ (39), verses 17-20’’).  See similar programme against the Greeks and the Greek-originated Phoenicians and Palestinians, which is explicitly mentioned by the God of the Chinese, Sion/Sin/Jehuva/Sentai/Tzentai, and by Jesus Christ (chief-rabbi ‘Jehosavah’ = ‘Jehovah saves’), the ‘sitting on a donkey’s colt’ one (in the ‘‘New Testament, book of prophet Zachariah, Chapter Θ’ (9)’’).

We know that ‘KGB’ has tried to analyse this chapter of the ‘Your Will Be Done’ book of the Barouch of the USA, but the analysts of the ‘KGB’ failed to break the code of the rabbinic terminology – cryptogramme:
‘‘Kings from the East – from where the Sun rises = Chinese’’, because they were tricked by the indefinite theological identity: ‘Kings from where the Sun rises = Jehovah and Jesus Christ’ of the Barouch book ‘Your Will Be Done’, and they mistakenly considered that ‘‘this capitalistic book is against the communistic atheism of the Soviet Union’’, first published in English in 1958, that is, way before the collapse of the ‘USSD’ (USSR?) in 1990.

Where the Hebrew analysts of ‘KGB’ failed, resulting in the launch of the religious pogrom of the ‘USSR’ against the stupid and naïve ‘Jehovah witnesses’ of Russia, who were silly enough to believe that the ‘Kings from the East’ of the ‘Revelation’ is… Jehovah and… Jesus Christ against the atheist ‘USSR’.  So, where the Hebrew analysts of the ‘KGB’ failed, geostrategic analysts of G.H.Rees succeeded and warn you: ‘‘If you do not want to get genocided by the Chinese army, break the ‘Shanghai Pact’ and discontinue any commercial and defence collaboration with China now". 

Christianity, III

Hellene and Chaos blog of Friday, August 28, 2015

The number "666” was adopted as “Symbol – Flag of the Greeks” for their pursuit to the depths of Asia up to “The Red Apple Tree”, for vengeance against remaining Mongols of the B.A.S.T./R. axis that will flee there seeking refuge in Draconian China 888 = “Jesus”. This was the agenda of theosophical masonry motivated Ioannis Fourakis, arch-Priest of the “Epsilon Group”, and Karatzaferis crypto-neo-Nazi political leader of the ultra-right wing LA.O.S. party.

Pursuit of B.A.S.T.R. Mongols will follow their expected fifty per cent genocide of northern Greece.  At the time of writing (May 2016), Greece is in a state of high alert.

Upon arrival of the pseudo-Greek led NATO at the Red Apple Tree and its weak attack against China, an overwhelming counter-assault by the “R.I.C. 888” axis will follow and all Greeks will be butchered as a top priority.  Remember that 888 is the number key-word for Jesus (the punisher). 

Christianity, IV

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