Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Jones, Alex (Shouldice, Mark Allen)

From G.H.Rees blog of Sunday, November 6, 2011

Friends of G.H.Rees posted useful survival information for the White and Black races in Jones' forum, in order to protect and defend against the Chinese invasion and grave threat known as Armageddon.  Agents-shills-masons tried to mockup and ridicule all this vital information, then they posted fake G.H.Rees documents.  Furthermore, moderators twice erased and blocked the account of friends of G.H.Rees without prior warning!  This is not a random act by Zionist traitors opposing revelations of G.H.Rees against imminent Draconian Chinese invasion.  G.H.Rees is a threat to Hebrew-Chinese interests that seek China' global dictatorship, namely the “Kingdom of Jehovah/Jehowah/Sin/Sion/Zion/Sina/China” or "New World (Order) 888" to which all Hebrew-Masons and Gentile-Masons swear an oath in their Masonic lodges.

The above applies to both Hebrew-Chinese agents, Alex Jones and David Icke-Isaac.  They oppose friends of G.H.Rees trying to publish planetary security documents in their forums (e.g.  www.prisonplanet.com).  Given that this is dangerous towards Black and White races, G.H.Rees calls all worldwide friends to invade Icke's and Jones' forums to attack them in any way possible!

From G.H.Rees blog of Tuesday 4 December 2012


From Hellene and Chaos blog of Thursday 15 April 2010

G.H.Rees has been informed about David Icke-Isaac's book “Lunar Matrix” and his coalition with Hebrew-Saxon Alex Jones.  Treasonous Greek webpages, as “Foreign-ideas-worshippers”, have taken to publishing these fraudulent “New Hebrew Gospels”.  Thus, of Icke-Isaac and Jones may be raised up to the status of spiritual guides to neo-Greeks, who may consequently fall again like blind rats to the genocidal traps of Chinese hyper-lodge “Hong” for World War Three. 

The publication of the books and apotheosis of Icke-Isaac and Alex Jones by besotted Greek webpages is more a product of conscious treasonous selection than of intellectual deficiency and stupidity.  This parallels the intellectual deficiency and stupidity of farcical and treasonous neo-Greek webpages which try to fight against G.H.Rees. 
(Read LINK: http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.com/2010/03/concisely-causes-of-ghrees-documents.html

Long time internet-published G.H.Rees documents have already predicted and armored the brains of Hellenes against the lethal lies of David IckeIsaac, Alex Jones, and agents of the Chinese “HONG” and Judean rabbis.  Clearly, Hebrew-Saxon Alex Jones agrees with David Icke-Isaac, but without scientific evidence. 

Jones is a demonically possessed medium, namely a spiritualist-medium in alertness.  In other words, he is a technologically mind-controlled, moon-guided projectile of the lunar enemy he supposedly fights.  This enemy exerts the only para-psychological activity affecting Earth and it comes from Selene's Dragonian "Maser" radiations. 

From Hellene and Chaos blog of Sunday 7 August 2011

The source of a review of the 2011 Bilderberg Group meeting was provided by "usual suspects", Jim Tucker, Alex Jones and Russia Today (RT).  They did not mention:
  • China, NOT A WORD in the report regarding the worlds' second largest economy!  
  • The racial origins of "elites" they repetitively refer to (Hebrew-Saxon Mongolians). 
  • Global government or globalization 888 of China (Socialist/Communist Chinese Planetary dictatorship).  Instead, they reduce and simplify this to "a single and only global hyper-government”.  
According to his behaviour, Alex Jones is confirmed as a cointel pro (counter intelligence) agent whose job is to forward half-true information in order to obscure public opinion and not reveal the whole truth.  This cointel pro role is confirmed by his staff immediately locking G.H.Rees account and censoring their posts in his allegedly “freedom fighers infowariors” forum: prisonplanet.com).  As for RT, this is obviouly guided by the Russian FSB of the R.I.C axis (Shanghai Pact), something which is easily inferred by each person with a little bit of a raised awareness. 

From Hellene and Chaos blog of Sunday 5 May 2013

With the present announcement we denounce forums that have for years put several IP bans and ISP internet account ban threats against web-blogs that are friendly to G.H.Rees and its documents.  Those forums have been charged with proofs from the hellenocentric G.H.Rees that they spread lies or lies deviously mixed with truths, for purposes of disorientation.  These forums are unable to put forward defensive arguments against G.H.Rees' accusations that the forums:
  • Post documents containing lies;
  • Ban G.H.Rees documents;
  • Threaten people who post G.H.Rees documents in their forums; 
  • Cannot prove that they post the truth; and 
  • That they don’t lie as they accused G.H.Rees of doing.  

G.H.Rees documents and accusations are met by bans and threats instead of counter-arguments.  G.H.Rees names the following forums:
  • God Like Productions; 
  • Alex Jones Infowars; 
  • David Icke-Isaac; 
  • Above Top Secret.  
G.H.Rees accusations against these forums, that they contain “threads with lies” is self-proven fact.  Instead of honest responses and arguments from forum Administrators, these forums have chosen:
  • The dishonest method of silence; 
  • IP bans; 
  • Threats of ISP internet account bans against G.H.Rees documents; and 
  • Threats of ISP internet account bans against friends of G.H.Rees who post its documents in their forums. 

From Hellene and Chaos blog of Friday 3 May 2013

Labrakis, of End National Debt, grew up in America.  He is recreating and spreading unconfirmable claims there and in London, through Hebrew-Saxon propagandists like Alex Jones and David Icke-Isaac (who obey their Mongolian Sephardi chief-rabbis and Hebrew-Saxon hyper-lodge “A.O.A.” of London).  Labrakis falsely claimed that 95% of Israeli citizens:
  • Are Touranian-Mongolian Hazars from Mount Caucasus; 
  • Belong to the tribe of Askhenazi; 
  • Include the Rothschilds;
  • Like the vast majority of Hebrews worldwide, have absolutely no relation to genuine Hebrews of the Old (anti-Hellenic) Testament; and, 
  • Have absolutely no relation to Mongolian Abraham or Habra-Khan.

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