Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Jehovah's Kingdom

The planetary Chinese dictatorship to follow "Armageddon", Chinese Globalization 888. [See non-G.H.Rees website: http://www.stopcp.com/cpmindmap.php]

"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil : I the Lord do all these things." 
Isaiah 45:7.


Blog of Thursday 29 March 2012

G.H.Rees has shown that Chinese Government members appointed by the Chinese planetary tectonic hyper-lodge ‘Hong’ have as their objective the destruction by China of all other nations, financially, politically, and militarily.  Hong's objective is to establish the ‘Kingdom of Sin/Zion/Sina (China)/Jentai/Jedi/Sentai/Senti/Jed/Jeid/Jude’ as its global Chinese planetary dictatorship.  This is to follow the Chinese Armageddon, entailing complete genocide of all Whites, Blacks, White-Yellows (Hebrews, Saxons, other White Mongolians including Hebrews of Russia too) and Black-Yellow Mongolians (of Indonesia – Indochina - etc). 

Members of the Russian government, as Russian-Hebrew presidents, prime ministers and ministers are prearranged to be genocided by China, because they are 'racially impure' White-Yellow Mongolian-Hebrews resulting from intermarriage of Chinese (Yellows) and ‘Whites’.  Russians apparently considered the evidence of G.H.Rees' report as either fidgets of our imagination or a Greek deceit against the Chinese-Hebrew ‘Kingdom of the Jehovah’. 
Global Chinese Dictatorship, I

Blog of Friday 27 August 2010

Commanding councils of Greek banks and bishops of Greek “Holy Eparchies” are Freemasons who treasonously swore to “...do whatever is possible to destroy and breakup 'national families' or nation states, in order to found the 'Global Government/Kingdom of Jehovah of Sin/Zion/Sion/Sina/China' and the 'planetary hyper-state of the planetary Chinese dictatorship – Empire of Sin/Sinai/Sion/Sina/China/Jehovah', in order to allegedly stop the wars between the nations and allegedly promote International Peace or 'Pax – SINica' of Sin/Sion/Sina/China”.  This Satanic oath is Masonic, globalist, Chinese, Zionistic/Sionistic, Mongolian, anti-Hellenic, anti-pelasgian, anti-Andromedian, Savaothic, and “Jehovian”. 

Lunar Dragonian Demons “Asmodai”, “Metatron”, “Michael”, and “Gabriel” and the rest, created the Dragonian Yellow Chinese-Korean race as annihilators of the White and Black race.  The Chinese and Koreans genocided White men and raped the White women of “Yunnan” (Hellenic Ionia Southern China), gaving rise to the “Doberman” mentality of rabid hybrid annihilators, the White-Yellow Mongols: Turks, Albanians, Bulgarians, Hebrews, Saxons, Hungarians, and rest Mongols against Hellenes and the rest White Andromedians.  These Mongols provoked all wars from 9,600 B.C. [Read “Timaeus” and “Critias” of Plato about the global civil war between Hellas and Atlantis in 9,600 B.C..  See also “Comparative Mythology” by Raymond Drake for “Corruption of Atlantis by the small Yellow Masters (Chinese)”] up until today for the ongoing break-up of White and Black nations, leading to complete genocide of Whites and Blacks by China and Korea in World War III.  By this means, China and Korea unify and burgeon in the atrium of the absolute toward terminal Dragonian world hegemony.

Lunarian Dragonian demons – space Satans and devils - are invocated through spiritual sessions by stupid Masons: Chinese, Tibetans, Hebrew-Saxons of “AOA – OTO” London, and ethnic Masonries of the ethnic (“Gentile”) “Grand Orients, MTM” of the hierarchy: “Hong” > Zen > AOA + OTO > MTM.  These same arch-Satans of space, “Metatron”, “Asmodai”, etc. have provoked all the wars of the planet through subordinate demons, Dragonian spirits, ethnic Masonries, Hebrew and Saxon Mongols.  Amongst the so-called "slaves of god" are presidents, kings, emperors, ministers, and generals of all nation states of the planet.  These same Dragonian space Chinese arch-Satans, arch-annihilators of White and Black nations of the planet, falsely and deviously demonise White and Black nations for wars of the last 11.600 years.  The real blame lies with ethnic Masonries, and Mongol Hebrew and Saxon governor-administrators of White and Black nations.  They deviously break-up and destroy these nations by besmirching them as allegedly “guilty” and “responsible” for war and corruption.  This is part of an ongoing attempt to completely annihilate the demonised Black and White nations, labelled “666” in the Third World War of “Armageddon”.  Their annihilators are to be Dragonian Chinese forces labelled “888”, Koreans “777”, and devious, treasonous Mongol Hebrews “666” and Saxons “666”.  Within spiritual sessions of Masonic lodges, the Mongols falsely display as alleged “executive annihilators of warmongering White and Black nations, from God”, and as “executive final and terminal governors of the Planet and pacifist global rulers of 'The Kingdom of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sina/China',from God”.

“Archangels” of the Dragonian “Dragon God” Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Judas-pseudoJehovah and mutineer Andromedian “God” Savit/Savaoth/Cronus incite World War III “Armageddon”, which is complete genocide of White and Black nations as punishment for allegedly “provoking all wars of human history, including WW1 and WW2”.  However, it is mathematically and irrevocably proven that all the wars of human history, including partial genocide of White and Black Nations, were incited, programmed, and provoked by the “Gods” and “Archangels” through ancient and new priesthoods, religions, secret societies, and Masonic lodges (Hong > Zen > AOA+OTO > MTM).

All priesthoods are under the influence of demons subordinate to the “Gods” and “Archangels”, via demonic invocations in spiritual sessions that are really hyper-technological, parapsychological Dragonian Satanic “shows”.  In visions, mediums (Masons, priests, and Satanist Monks) receive inspirations of the “Spirit of God” from Dragonians who can also pose as “Good Angels 888” [secretly in collusion with “Bad Demons 666” of the nonexistent roleplayed “Satan”].  In other words, 888 and 666 are two sides of the same coin and the “Second – Satanic Face” of the “God of the Dragonian Peace” / Pax Dragonian / Pax SINica / “Kingdom of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sinai/Sina/China” also belongs to the space Chinese Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi of the moon. 
Global Chinese Dictatorship, II

Blog of Friday 03 September 2010

Confirmed meteorological war of “USA” and China against Russia with purpose the provocation of famine and hunger worldwide and epidemic illnesses in the Russian Federation, preparative to the foundation of the global Chinese dictatorship or “Kingdom of Jehovah”.  (Rev. 6:5-6  ...the rider with a pair of balances that rides a black horse causes starvation.)

China, as a fake “Jehovah Kingdom” or fake “Kingdom of The Being”, is planning to annihilate all populations:
  • Islamic Nations; 
  • White Russians and Mongols, namely Hebrews of Russia as “Kingdom of the North”, after previously allying with Russia and with the Islamic Nations in the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia/Islam/China) or “Shanghai Pact”; 
  • “USA”, Europe, and Japan of the “US.E.J.” axis or nations of the “Trilateral Pact”, namely the member countries of “NATO” + “SEATO” as “Kingdom of the South”.
The “HAARP” (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) system in Alaska and Northern Europe, along with satellite “masers” and “lasers” of “USA” and China, are for Meteorological War against Russia and rest countries of the planet.  They artificially produce broiling weather and storms, and are for the incediarism of forests and agricultural cultivations.  They constitute pre-emptive strikes of the Third World War, in order for countries to break-up from famine, epidemic illnesses, and lack of drinking water; prior to their annihilation by armies of China “888” and Korea “777” in the Third World War codenamed “Armageddon” [Rev. 16:12].  American traitors and China have conspiratorially designed this war and according to the “Talmud”, five billion White, Black, and Mongolian people are to be genocided in it.  Subsequently, the “Kingdom of Jehovah” will be founded in Shanghai, being a global Chinese dictatorship in which only the Yellow race will survive.

The artificial “Global Economical Crisis” was provoked deviously [and virtually?] by Hebrew Banks of “USA” such as Rockefeller in collusion with the Central Bank of China, cooperating with the European Central Bank under Hebrew Command.  Prior to the direct pause, purpose was economic, political, [command,?] and military break-up of the nations of the planet, before they are genocided by the Chinese-Korean Army in World War Three, “Armageddon”.

G.H.Rees Prytaneum made five demands to the Russian Government:
In case that Russia does not meet the demands in respect of:
  • Governments of “NATO” and “B.A.S.T.R.” axis countries; 
  • towards China; 
  • the U.N. Security Council and General Assembly; 
  • the European Committee – Government of the “European Union”; and, 
  • the International “Mass Media”; 
then G.H.Rees promulgates towards people of the Russian Federation and “C.I.S.”, asking for armed revolt of military officers, police officers and “FSB” employees, against you.  G.H.Rees would reason that you consciously and deliberately engage in the schemes of the Chinese Dragonian Masonic hyper-lodge “Hong” for genocide of five billion people: Including some one-hundred-and-forty-million humans of Russia and two-hundred-and sixty-million of the former Soviet Union [“C.I.S.”], for the “Kingdom of Jehovah”. 
Global Chinese Dictatorship, III

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