From the blog of Hellene and Chaos Thursday 26 April 2012
Almost one month ago G.H.Rees undertook to bring about a political, financial and defence agreement between Greece and Russia. This initiative exploited the connection of Mr Vasilis Leventis, leader of the Enosis Kentroon / Centrals Union, with the Russian Government.
Mr Vasilis Leventis did not act fast enough and thus G.H.Rees' initiative was covered and pocketed by Georgios Karatzaferis, the Nazi fascist Turk-Albanian Masonic leader of political party La.O.S. and agent of the Intelligence Service of London. Karatzaferis is an associate of the official Nazistic political party of Greece, Golden Dawn. He exchanged MP candidates under the table with animal doctor Zournatzis of Golden Dawn of Larisa, Greece, who ran in elections for an MP position with La.O.S..
Karatzaferis, ordered by the Intelligence Service of London, was informed about initiatives of G.H.Rees towards the connection of Mr Vasilis Leventis of the Enosis Kentroon / Centrals Union and the Russian Government in order to re-establish political, financial and defence agreements between Greece and Russia. He insidiously met the member of the Russian Duma/Parliament, Mr Ivan Savidis who is of Greek origin, in order for Georgios Karatzaferis to deceitfully present La.O.S. as a political party bearing G.H.Rees' hopes of re-established agreements.
Georgios Karatzaferis:
- Crypto-Nazi;
- Crypto-Fasist;
- Associate of Golden Dawn;
- Leader of La.O.S..
G.H.Rees asks Mr Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation and its government to meet Mr Vasilis Leventis - leader of the political party of Enosis Kentroon / Centrals Union. Also to order the Greek-Russian MP of the Russian Duma/Parliament, Mr Ivan Savidis, leaders of his political party and associates, to discontinue any relations with Georgios Karatzaferis of the Nazi political party La.O.S. of Greece.
G.H.Rees would firstly like Mr Ivan Savidis to never again meet Georgios Karatzaferis. Secondly, please order Mr Ivan Savidis to publicise to on his websites and to his Facebook profile a written statement in Greek and in English, stating that he does not accept any collaboration with the crypto-Nazist and crypto-Fasist Georgios Karatzaferis.
From the blog of Hellene and Chaos Sunday 19 September 2010
Chaos will be created in Athens from millions of expelled and butchered Greeks by the invasion of “B.A.S.T.R.” armies (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania) into Northern – Western – Central – and Insular Greece. The political party “La.O.S.” (crypto-Zionist right wing theosophical party: People’s Orthodox Alert) led by Karatzaferis, Glucksburg, and Palaiologos Dragazis, will become the government of WW3 “New Byzantine Empire”, from Greece.
We inform Greek People that “Epsilons” have bought survival houses around Mystras – Peloponnese and the intended Governmental Buildings of “LA.O.S.” in Mystras. They are not committed to political alarm drills of siren systems in Northern Greece, because the region of Southern Hellenic Epirus, Macedonia, (the Islands of the Aegean) and especially Western Thrace, will receive the first blow from “B.A.S.T.R.”. Those regions require siren system tests and modernisations.
Tests are done in Peloponnese, which will never receive an assault by “B.A.S.T.R.”, but may receive one from Greek forces. Here, G.H.Rees speaks of a Greek army that may seek to eliminate the Karatzaferis Government of “LA.O.S.”, of Paul Glucksburg, and of pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazis Yohann Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg. That is, Hebrew-Saxon Greek forces that will attack, not against the population of Peloponnese, but against the treasonous Government of the Turk-Albanian agent provocateur Kara – Zafferi. This assault must foil the second step in the total destruction of Greece, which will be transfer of the Greek Government to Constantinople for further treasonous actions: The entire 'Greek “Monkey” Empire 666 – Constantinople' is to suicidally attack Russia-Islam-China, provoking an overwhelming counter-attack leading to complete genocide of the West with first victims worldwide Hellenism.
Hebrew and Mason traitor politicians of Athens have moved an extremely valuable mechanized infantry brigade from Evros to Tripoli – Peloponnese, where it will be coordinated with the pre-existing Brigade (the 5th Division of Tripoli) for the military security and protection of the Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanian Government of Karatzaferis-Glucksburg-Palaiologos Dragazis in Mystras – Peloponnese. Thus, the gang dedicated to complete destruction of Greece now has a "Greek" bodyguard strengthened by heavy Leopard battle tanks and minimally armored M-113 dwarf APCs (armored personnel carriers).
The patriotic orthodox Christian journalist Konstantinides pointed out the matter of this treason in his TV-station broadcast of “Astra” in Volos. Upon hearing about the retirement of an extremely valuable mechanized brigade with battle tanks and dwarfed “APCs” being transferred to Tripoli Peloponnese, he asked his public if anybody knew of a chance that Peloponnese would receive armed assault from Turkish – Bulgarian – Albanian or any other forces. Of course the question was rhetorical and ironic, because not one from the armies of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis is about to attack against Peloponnese (Southern Greece).
G.H.Rees notified the Tripoli Division's General, its two Brigadiers and other officers and soldiers therein to destroy and bring down the Governmental Palaces built by the treasonous Government of Athens in Mystras. The "Greek" Government comprises Karatzaferis of “La.O.S.”, Glucksburg and Palaiologos Dragazis, to which the traitor Hebrew Democracy President of Ioannina Karolos is programmed to deliver Governance from “PASOK” to the coup d’etat Government of “La.O.S.”, which will carry the title – bluff: “Government of National Salvation”.
G.H.Rees again asked all the staff of the two Brigades of the 5th Division in Tripoli to assault and to bring down, using their own inside measures, all the Governmental Palaces of the coup d’etat Government Karatzaferis – Glucksburg – Palaiologos Dragazis in Mystras of Peloponnese. If they do not act likewise, Mystras of Peloponnese will be the first focus of high-treason against Hellenes, leading to their total genocide through transfer of the entire Karatzaferis Government from Mystras to Constantinople. It will then lead NATO suicidally against the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia-Islam-China), intending complete genocide of worldwide Hellenism by overwhelming counter-attack by “R.I.C.”.
For the third time, G.H.Rees pleads to all officers and soldiers of the 5th Division Tripoli, to assault with all their means available and to bring down the Buildings and the Pseudo-Parliaments of the coup d’etat Government of Karatzaferis of “La.O.S.”, Glucksburg, and Pseudo-Palaiologos Pseudo-Dragazis Yohann Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg; all Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanians provocateurs against Greece. If you don’t bring down those Governmental Buildings of “La.O.S.”, then this coup d’etat Government is about to be transferred to Constantinople as NATO reverses its politics from anti-Greece to pro-Greece and allegedly against “B.A.S.T.R”. From Constantinople, the coup d’etat Government of the “Epsilons” will assault “R.I.C.”, in order to bring complete destruction to White nations of the West, with first annihilated victims being worldwide Hellenism.
In 05.09.2010 we are informed that Hebrew economist Bob Chapman (SEE LINK: ) is spreading in the Internet news from a foreign Embassy in Athens Greece, about an expected coup d’etat of Military Officers in Greece...
In the same promulgation, Chapman announced the joyful marriage of Hebrew-Saxon Prince Nikolaos Holstein Glucksburg and foundation of the “Royal Party” in Greece that will replace the “La.O.S.” party (People’s Orthodox Alert) of Turkish-Albanian agent-provocateur-traitor, G. Karatzaferis. G.H.Rees and the webpage “Hellen and Chaos” exposed plans of “La.O.S.” colluding with “PASOK” for provocation of a Balkan War by Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania (BASTR) against Greece, under instructions of the Chinese “Hong” through hyper-lodges “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” London toward provocation of a Third World War. “La.O.S.” will form part of “Byzantine Empire 666 Sufism – ChristianoDodecatheism” in Constantinople, under which “NATO” will attack the “Shanghai Pact” aka “R.I.C.” in order for Greece and other White Western nations to be annihilated by the counter-attacking “R.I.C.”, with a final genocide for Russians by the axles “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China-Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols) and “C.K.” (China and Korea).
Taken from the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Monday 2 July 2012
Schizophrenic scambags and night thugs of the Golden Dawn (translator’s elaboration: Golden Dawn is the Nazist political party of Greece), downplayed the whole game that chief-rabbis Barouch of New York had crossed out for Greece. They have been handed the torch from the (politically) dead La.O.S. party of Karatzaferis (translator’s elaboration: Karatzaferis is the president of La.O.S., a Greek right wing political party whose alleged ideological underpinning is somewhere between the political parties of the New Democracy and the Golden Dawn) that G.H.Rees annihilated ethically and politically, by revealing truths about treasonous machinations for provoking BASTR/Bulgaria-Albania-Skopie-Turkey-Romania against Greece so that the scoundrel Karatzaferis would become prime minister of Constantinople Empire 666. Greece is facing the worst scenario because enemy agent Karatzaferis' role has been undertaken by the psychotic Michaloliakos (translator’s elaboration: Michaloliakos is the president of ‘Golden Dawn’).
From the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Tuesday 23 February 2010
In 17.02.2010 and local time 09:00 in the morning, the representative of G.H.Rees delivered five envelopes to five members of the Russian Embassy in Athens. These were to the:
- Ambassador;
- Military Attache;
- Commercial Attache;
- Intellectual Attache; and,
- Security Service of the Embassy for the Russian Intelligence Service “FSB”.
The envelopes also included evidence for ignition of World War Three by leaders of “La.O.S.”:
- Turk-albanian George Karatzaferis;
- Pseudo-Paleologos Dragazis; and,
- Paul Glucksburg fallen successor of the Greek throne.
G.H.Rees calls all governments, especially of Islam and Russia, to send agents of their secret services to immediately annihilate traitor-provocateurs of the:
- Greek “Epsilon”;
- Parliament Members;
- Members of “La.O.S.”; and,
- Leaders of “La.O.S.”, George Karatzaferis, Pseudo-Paleologos Dragazis, Paul Glucksburg, residents of London and the Danish court.
All the above are conspiring suicidally under the Masonic orders of “Hong” China and “NSA”-USA, toward World War Three and their final genocide by the Chinese and Korean armies. Read G.H.REES documents in the following WebPages:
From the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Sunday 27 September 2015
European states, like the “USA”, transferred their main industries to China. This resulted in imports from China vastly exceeding production and export towards China. As a result, currency has poured into China with the trade surplus. This is especially the case with Greece, which treasonous Greek-Hebrews, Mongols (Karatzaferis as former parliament member of “New Democracy”), and philo-Chinese Mason “Politicians” devalued. Greece doesn’t produce anything except gang-tourism such as Mykonos whorehouses, dying “retired workers”, dying unemployed masses, and degenerate “Agricultural Tourism” of Greek farming production converted to inns of …Chinese tourists.
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