Monday, 23 May 2016

Like the Chinese-loving Rothschild-Mayer-Bauer or whatever else used to be his name before ( Khazar-Hebrew-Mongolian banking dynasty).  G.H.Rees accusation is of being chief-conspirator and sodomite, nothing but an unimportant acolyte of China: A big "player" perverted paedophile Satanic slave of China.  These are the so-called ...”bosses”, the so-believed reptilian self-propagandising fear-mongers... Wake up, people!  They are unimportant people!  This piece of information is also confirmed by Giannis Karageorgiou of G.H.Rees.  

White race leaderships of Western nations are pushed to grevious provocations by priesthoods and Western Masonic lodges, regardless of differences between religion or lodge system.  Those Priesthoods are commanded by Chinese priesthoods through White-Yellow Mongolian Priesthoods of Tibet, Bavarians, Hungarians, Turks, Finlandians, Saxon-Mongolians, Hebrew-Mongolians, part of Italians Lazio, Tatars, Hazars, Khazars, Basques, Bulgarians, and White priesthoods of racial traitor Masons (artificial Hebrews).

The eternal distorters of every truth, the Hebrews, reversed reality and whilst they were the criminal assassins of W.W.2, they presented themselves falsely as victims of the unproven “holocaust”.  Historians Forisson and Roger Garaudy (leader of the French left in his book “myths of the Israeli external policy”) revealed that:
A) There were never gas chambers.
B) The blast furnaces started to function in 1945, the last year of the war and they burnt sixty-thousand and not six-million Jews “Ashkenazi”, already dead by natural causes, like diseases and lack of food-pharmaceuticals-fuels in the isolated defeated Germany of 1945, in “forced labour camps” and not in “genocidal camps”.

G.H.Rees reveals that the Ashkenazi Jewish branch is not Hebrew-Mongolic, but pelasgian-White (Hellenic Askanians of Bithynia of Asia Minor, see Iliad b-863, o-793) from the area of Askania lake, south of Proussa.  Askanios was the son of troy’s king, Aeneas. The “Sephardi” Jews of A’ category Hitler-Mueller-Eichmann etc, were using the Ashkenazim pseudo-Jews of “B’ category”, i.e. the Hellenogenes Askanians, as slaves and as animals for slaughtering (goyim, see the 2 testaments) in the fake holocaust.  Purpose: advertisement and political exploitation of the fake Jewish holocaust, so that thereafter nations would be paralyzed and without resistance to Jewish economic crimes and wars (see Palestinians, Serbs, Iraqis etc and of the rest of the White Race) till the end of W.W.III with the devious criminal invention: “whoever blames the Jews is Hitleric anti-Semite Nazi like the Pelasgian Germans of 1940”.

Today the Sephardim falsely name as “Ashkenazim” the Mongoloid Khazar-Jews and Tatar-Jews of Eastern Europe.  Residents of the country of Israel: 95% Hellenogenes Ashkenazim workers and plain professionals, 5% Sephardim company directors (“elite” Mongol Jews descendants of Abraham or Havra-Han).  The popular-workers’ party of Israel blamed Sephardi rabbis-bankers-politicians of 1940 as theoretical and financial perpetrators of the mass transfers of Ashkenazim into German forced labour camps.

During the planned Asian trilateral counter-attack against the West, Sephardi Jews of the N.S.C. (National Security Council) - USA, via the Chinese Jews of Shanghai and Beijing “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” (see study of the French, Jean Boyer) plan annihilation of the Hellenic Askanians of Israel, numbering three-million as the “final Jewish holocaust”.  This shall provide the ethical alibi of “guiltyfying” and paralyzing Asian nations as “genocidal criminals”, so that they accept submission to the “international Jewish hyper government of the reign of God”.  But the “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” Chinese leadership plans annihilation of Sephardi Jews because their half Chinese heritage is considered to be the dominant part of their White-Yellow intermixing.  They also plan total annihilation of Saxon-Mongols of the Western Trilateral, Russians, and Islamic Mongol partners of the Asiatic Trilateral.

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