Tuesday, 31 May 2016


From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Friday 3 September 2010

From Greeks and rest Europeans of “NASA”, the American Army, and American Intelligence Services, it is confirmed that there are orbiting military satellites armed with carbon dioxide (CO2) “lasers” with a beam diameter of 1.20 meters. These weapons of “USA” are for the incendiarism of forests in Russia, and Western countries, including America. [NB "USA" refers to the Masonic ruling powers of America (Amerika).]  

Saxon chief officers of the American army leaked the information towards Greek and European officers of “USA”.  A long time ago treasonous Hebrew and Saxon generals of the Pentagon delivered the entire American technology of carbon dioxide (CO2) satellite “lasers” to the Chinese army.  The lasers are effective from space, against military and industrial installations, and civil and agricultural areas. 

From controversialist Hebrew-Saxons of “USA” and rest countries, mainly of England, we are being informed that Hebrew rabbis and their corresponding Saxon Lords are justifying use of satellite “lasers” and “masers” for incendiarism of forests and agricultural cultivations against Russia and other nations by “USA” and China.  Once again, enemy instructions appear in “John’s Revelation of the New Testament”: 
  • Verse 8:7 about “Fire which drops from the heaven and burns the forests and the grains”; 
  • Verses 16:8-9 about “broiling weather which will burn people and plants”; and, 
  • Verses 6:5-8 about “hunger and epidemic illnesses” which now threaten Russia, due to the polluted drinking waters from unburied bodies of humans and animals. 
International law dictates that the central installation of the “HAARP” system (High Frequency Active Auroral Research) and its peripheral installations are destroyed.  A massive nuclear assault by Russia may be judged necessary.  Russia has the same lawful interest and duty toward its people, to work for their biological and national security.  
, to destruct all the Military and Political Satellites “lasers” and “masers” of “USA”, and of the Rest NATO countries, and of China, because There is no survival possible for Russian people while the “HAARP” system and satellite “masers” and “lasers” of “USA”, “NATO”, and China are operative.  Today, through clockwise radiation of geological inspissations (geological implosions), they are unleashing meteorological war and tomorrow they will provoke geological warfare: 
  • Earthquakes; 
  • Marine Tsunamis; and 
  • Volcanic explosions.  
The Dragonian's basic book of “Holy Scripture” orders programmed genocide of terrestrial Christians, Islamists, and Judeans, namely in “John’s Revelation” chapters 8:7 and 6:5-8.  Right after the incendiarism of trees and grain with fire coming from heaven through “NATO” and Chinese “laser” and “maser” technology, “the Angels of the lunar Dragonian pseudo-God Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Sedi (El Shaddai)/Jeid/Jude/Judas/pseudo-Jehovah/pseudo-Being will provoke famine to all countries except China with the angel of God upon a black horse.”

The direct pause of use of 
“HAARP” in Alaska and Northern Europe and satellite “masers” and “lasers” of “USA” and China are for meteorological war against Russia and against the rest countries of the planet.  As weapons, they can deliver pre-emptive blows in warfare, causing artificially broiled weather, storms, and the incediarism of forests and agricultural cultivations.  Countries could be broken-up by famine, epidemic diseases, and lack of drinking water, before complete annihilation by the Chinese army “888” and Korean army “777” in the Third World War.  This “Armageddon” is conspiratorially designed by China and “USA” of America with purpose, according to the “Talmud”, being genocide of five billion Whites, Blacks, and Mongolian people.  Only the Yellow race is to survive and found its “Kingdom of Jehovah”; the global Chinese dictatorship government based in Shanghai. 

From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Sunday 10 February 2013

Should there be a “red NIBIRU” in our immediate interstellar space, it would be the result of a hologram projected by triad Draconian lasers installed on the surface of the moon or on the surface of the seven internal planets.  Pseudo-Jehova of the galaxy rules these planets.  He is the space mega-fraud criminal “Sin/Sion/Sina/Sedi/Jedi/Jade/Jude/Juda.

From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Monday 10 October 2011

Minnesota Rep. and presidential candidate Michele Bachmann talked foreign policy, during an interview on the Laura Ingraham Show.  Specifically, she zeroed in on China, saying the country has attacked American satellites with lasers.

“I’m not sharing something I shouldn’t,” said Bachmann, “but China has blinded United States’ satellites with their lasers.  They’ve also supplied arms to the Taliban, and they’ve helped North Korea deliver missiles to Iran and Pakistan … And they’ve assisted Iran with their nuclear program.”

But Bachmann didn’t stop there. She doubled down on her criticisms by saying that China has also been engaged in industrial espionage against the West." 
This is how the media prepares you mentally to get killed by China. 

From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Friday 3 December 2010

It is difficult for China to invade militarily in Siberia for occupation of Russian oil wells.  An earlier attempt against the USSR failed when Russians burned the Chinese army with ‘’lasers’’!  Nevertheless, it is wise for the Russian army to be cautious, because on Earth everything is possible for the Dragonian Satan Pseudogod Sin/Sion/Sina/Sedi/pseudo-Jehovah.  At this moment a Chinese invasion in India is without meaning because India has no oil wells for occupation, but it is wise for the India army to also be cautious. 

Monday, 30 May 2016

La.O.S. (Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos – People’s Orthodox Alarm)

From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Sunday 19 September 2010

Chaos will be created in Athens following expulsion and butchering of Greeks by invading armies of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania) in Northern – Western – Central – and Insular Greece.  The Government of the political party “La.O.S.” (cryptozionist right wing theosophical party: People’s Orthodox Alert) of Karatzaferis, Glucksburg, and Palaiologos Dragazis, will take over the government of the Global War.

The “Royal Party” of Greece was founded in order to replace the party “La.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert) of the Turk-Albanian agent-provocateur and traitor G. Karatzaferis.  The “La.O.S.” party, which G.H.Rees and the webpage “Hellen and Chaos” exposed for executing instructions of the Chinese “Hong” through the lodges “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” London.  “La.O.S.” and colluding “PASOK” provoked the Balkan War of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis against Greece, and the Third World War at which “La.O.S.” will have its seat within “Byzantine Empire 666 Sufism – ChristianoDodecatheism”, Constantinople.  Under the leadership of “La.O.S.” in Constantinople, “NATO” armies will assault the “Shanghai Pact” or “R.I.C.” so that Greece and the rest White Western Nations can be annihilated by overwhelming counter-attack.  Russians will meet another and final genocide from the axles “China-Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols” and “C.K.” China and Korea.


From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 January 2012

If James Stavridis understands on-time the Chinese-Hebrew provocation, then he must immediately resign as “NATO” commander and to also inform his other Greek-American colleagues not to accept any positions within “NATO” leadership.  If they do act as “NATO leaders”, then in the “R.I.C.” counter-attack against “US.E.J.” (USA – Europe – Japan) they will be charged with responsibilities of perpetration and provocation against Greece, Syria, and Iran with James Stavridis or other alternative Greek chief-General.  Asian, Russian, and Chinese armies already expect to be attacked by “NATO” under Greek leadership with a Greek Chief-General.  Political leadership of this “NATO” assault is programmed to be “Constantinople Empire 666” under:
  • Hebrew-Saxon “Emperor Palaiologos Dragazis” (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg); under, 
  • Turk-Albanian G. Karazafferi of “La.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert, ultra-rightwing political party of Greece); and under
  • Hebrew-Saxon Chief-General Paul Holstein Glucksburg. 
Those 3 persons will falsely appear in front of the Russian armies, Islamic armies, and China, as alleged Greeks.  In reality they are devious Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanian agents, provocateurs of the Third World War.  They falsely impersonate Greek Nationalists, making Greece the supposed provocateur, in order for counter-attacking armies of “R.I.C.” or “Shanghai Pact” to genocide the unarmed Greek population and all other White Western nations.

From Hellene and Chaos blog, Tuesday 7 September 2010

Regarding descent of the Russian army to the Balkans and the Russian fleet to the Aegean, DO NOT invade Turkish territory.  If you invade, you will set in motion the scheme of the Chinese “Hong” for:
  • Foundation of “Byzantine Empire 666”; under 
  • “Epsilon 666” of the “La.O.S.” party (People’s Orthodox Alert); and, 
  • The newly formed “Royal Party” of Greece in Constantinople.  
End result will be genocide of all the Russians by the axles “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongols) and “C.K.” China and Korea. 

Supplementary Note
The entire genocidal program of “Hong” is undertaking to execute the “Royal Party” of Greece which, due to the G.H.Rees revelations is unable to raise an election percentage above two per cent.  Therefore an armed coup d’etat in Greece was ordered from London, organized by Greek theosophist Masonic Generals (“Epsilons” of the Greek Army and Greek Police).  They will appoint as Prime Minister of Greece, the Hebrew-Saxon fallen successor Paul or his brother Nikolaos Holstein Glucksburg.  Colluding Greek politicians will be ejected from power, but will remain in “NATO” in order to execute the scheme of “Hong” for provocation of Balkan and World War leading to five billion dead, including all Russians and Greeks.

From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 4 October 2011

"The religious sect of Hong unfolds, not only in the eighteen provinces of China, but to the Chinese colonies that are scattered throughout all the area of Central Asia.  In reality, this sect controlled both internal and external policy of China, from 1912 onwards, ie from the time when the Sun-Yat-sen proclaimed the Republic-Sun Yan-sen: 1866-1925, first president of the Chinese Republic and founder of the Kuo-Min-Tang...

...secret societies of the West is (are) in fact, simply extensions branches of secret societies in the Far East: the Hong, the Golden Flower, the Trinity ... and other more secret yet. "
Secret Society of Nazism, by Verner Gerson, Page 291. 

The socialist Kuo-Min-Tang was founded by the leader of Hong, Soon-Jan-sen or Sun Wen (1868-1925).  You see the photo here: http://en. Wikipedia.org / WIKI / Kuomintang. Kuo-Min-Tang (political movement of Hong) originally belonged and Mao Zedong and may later have ruptured, creating a left-communist Kuo-Min-Tang and a right-nationalist Kuo-Min-Tang which supposedly was defeated.  Mao Tse Toung was initially head of propaganda for Kuo-Min-Tang, a position held by Goebbels in the Nazi Party of Germany! 

Sunday, 29 May 2016


From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 17 July 2012

KKE is the Communist Party of Greece and PAME (Workers Fighting Front) is part of it.   Accomplished fact of instigation from “KKE” towards foreign immigrants of Greece, through the media “sky – tv”, to form “task forces” together with “Pame” (A “KKE” organization.) for abuse of “Golden Dawn” (ultra right wing “neo-Nazi” party of Greece) members and to destroy their offices and the houses.  This instigation – call of “KKE” towards foreigners and illegal immigrants within Greece, is a treasonous act against Greek National Security.  Essentially, it instigates foreign immigrants into a formation of armed gangs that will murder Greek citizens and commit armed revolt against the Greek state in cooperation with “PAME” of “KKE” and “Anarchist” groups of Greece.

Various treasonous groups within Greece have commented duplicitously, as if they were innocent.  In fact, misappropriations total 1.1 trillion Euro of debt and external debt of 400 billion Euro, so that Greece will have no police or armed forces and can be easily slaughtered by armies of ‘’B.A.S.T.R.’’, ‘’R.I.C.’’, and four-hundred-and-fifty-thousand armed Albanians within Greece.  So the traitors forestall their flight from the country with what was stolen before they are lynched.  One group, KKE called people to be cautious and distrustful of mass media transmissions, to be alert and judge what is happening according to who is taking advantage, whom are advantaged by provocative actions and the tone of terror and fear that some are creating.  The statement of ‘’KKE’’ is very close to the truth, but the Hebrew Mailis – Ismailis of ‘’KKE’’ is assiduously concealing the Hebrew ‘’C.I.C.G.’’ and arch-rabbinae of Athens as designers and commanders of provocations from outside.

G.H.Rees calls Greek citizens to KILL ON THE SPOT members of “KKE – PAME” and cooperating illegal immigrants, when they commit: 
  • Acts of violence against Greek citizens, members of “Golden Dawn” or others; or
  • Destroy offices or houses of “Golden Dawn” or other Greeks.
Likewise to Greek armed forces and Greek Security forces: Do not arrest cooperating communists of “PAME” with illegal immigrants.  Kill them at any violent episodes, since they have together treasonously planned to provoke them. 

Enough with this treasonous party, “KKE”.  It has betrayed and harmed Greece since KKE's foundation by Greek-Hebrew Abraham Benaroya, with leaders the Greek-Hebrews Kolozov, Papariga, Maelis or Ismaelis or Ismael. 

The moment that the Greek-Hebrew “KKE” chooses to declare an armed revolt of foreign immigrants against the Greek State is not random, but is coordinated with the designed plan of the American “Pentagon” for a simultaneous assault by the armies of the “B.A.S.T./R.” axis (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey/Romania) against Greece.  Albanians in Greek prisons stated that: “We the Albanians are waiting for the assault of Turkey against Greece, and afterwards we will fuck the Greeks, from inside Greece.”

By treasonously calling toward foreign immigrants in Greece, “KKE” essentially calls four-hundred-and-fifty-thousand Albanians of Greece, of “UCK” and “UCC” (“Chamourias” of Southern Epirus), and the six-hundred-thousand sword-bearing Islamists of Asiatic countries who live in Greece, to proceed to an Armed Revolt against Greece.  The objective is murder of Greek officers and civilians and their families under the pretext: “Assault against members and offices of “Golden Dawn” exactly when prepared armies of the “B.A.S.T./R.” axis simultaneously invade Greece up to Lamia and Messologi, in order to genocide Greeks of Northern – Central – and Insular Greece.  Treasonous cooperation is to come from:
  • The communist “KKE”; 
  • Greek left wing “SYRIZA” of the Greek-Hebrew Alavanos – Levi; 
  • Greek left wing “DHM.AR.” party of the Mason Kouvelis; 
  • Armed revolt of foreign immigrants inside Greece; and 
  • The “Anarchists” of Hebrew Abraham Lesperoglou.
 “KKE” began its historic treasonous action against Greece by sending letters to the Greeks of Minor Asia, writing: “Throw your arms and go back” (1920 – 22).  The treason continued through:
  • Twice signing a “give away” - “annexation” of Greek Macedonia to the “Soviet Democracy of the Bulgarian Slavo-Macedonia of “Perry”; 
  • Co-signing of Bulgarian gangs of “KKB”, “NOF”, and “SNOF” (agreements of “New Petritsi”, etc); 
  • The civil war and butchering of Greece in 1946 – 49; 
  • Subversion and destruction of Greek Industry; and finally,
  • Provocation of armed revolt of foreign immigrants within Greece for genocide from inside, in coordination* with a genocide of Greece from outside by armies of the “B.A.S.T./R.” axis, where Turkey has co-signed three “defensive” (Read: Offensive) “bilateral agreements” with Albania – Skopje – Bulgaria, against Greece.
*The “coordination” is a bluff regarding “KKE's” alleged “anti-Americanism”, proving that the governmental Zionistic/Sionistic philo-Chinese Judaism of “USA” is completely coordinated and agreed with Judaic command that oversees all communist parties of all countries.  Example... the harlot Papariga, President of “KKE”, is so ”anti-American” that her child was sent to be educated in the “American College” of Athens! 

Finally, G.H.Rees calls for Greek justice to outlaw the “KKE” communist party and the “Golden Dawn” party with its provocateur “Nazism 666” that is fixed as a precursor to “Constantinople Empire 666” and the subsequent “Third World War”.  Armageddon is administered by Hebrew-Saxon lords of “Black” Masonic hyper-lodges “AOA”, “OTO”, and “Golden Dawn” of London. 

“Justice” is dishonestly violated, it has allowed participation by ruling political parties in parliamentary elections.  “KKE” states (with “SYRIZA” and “DHM.AR”) that it intends to rule Greece with a “dictatorship of the proletarians” and “Golden Dawn” intends a “dictatorship of the hyper-humans”. 

The treason of “KKE” is proved.  G.H.Rees members “role-playing” as members of the communist party report that “KKE” has “set-up machine-gun nests in Perissos” because it plans to convert its buildings and offices into headquarters and shelters for armed communists and armed foreign immigrants against Greek police and armed forces.  These treasonous headquarters will cooperate with armies of the “B.A.S.T./R.” axis, for the American Pentagon planned invasion of Greece. 

From Hellene and Chaos' blog of Thursday 11 November 2010

KKE has called people to be cautious and distrustful of transmissions by mass media, also to be alert and judge what is happening according to who is taking advantage, whom are suited by provocative actions and the tone of terror and fear that some are creating.  This statement of ‘’KKE’’ is very close to the truth, but the Hebrew Mailis – Ismailis of ‘’KKE’’ is assiduously concealing the Hebrew ‘’C.I.C.G.’’ and archi rabineia of Athens as designers of the provocation with outside commands.

From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Thursday 12 November 2015

There may be a close relation between Turkish air-navy drills, in the vicinity of the island of Skyros and the islands of the eastern Aegean, and the internal crisis currently going on within the extreme left Government of SYRIZA in Greece on account of: 
  • Minister Panousis’ revelations of other SYRIZA ministers accused of taking part in acts of terrorism; and 
  • Minister Filis’ intentionally provocative comments against the Pontus genocide committed by the Turkish army.
The Hebrew Prime Minister of Greece Chiprah (Tsipras) has been given orders to deviously bring about the fall of the Government of SYRIZA, together with announcing a new round of parliamentary elections with the intent of: ‘’eliminating all terrorist factions and anti-Hellenes, unpatriotic executives such as Filis from SYRIZA’’.  This is aimed at causing utter chaos and non-existence in the political leadership of Greek armed forces, meaning complete inability to defend Greece against imminent invasion by Turkey and other countries of the B.A.S.T.R axis. 

Using laser beams fired from an American satellite, the American Pentagon has deviously masterplanned the intentional downing of a Turkish military aircraft taking part in a military drill.  This was to be blamed on the Greek air force and treated as an act of war by Turkey, that is, a CASUS BELLI situation against Greece.  The Turkish navy is in the area and ready to change its status into that of an air-navy invasion of the eastern and western Greek shoreline.

All members of the Greek parliament, KKE, and Golden Dawn should immediately be arrested because they are guilty of keeping silent about the unfolding situations they all know of.  ALL parliament members should be charged with ‘’High Treason’’ and ‘’Treason against their country’’, according to Greek constitution (penal code 134-151), which imposes the death penalty on anyone who ‘’faced with imminent war, is traitorously dismantling the Greek armed forces (see recent sale of Greek military equipment to other nations some of whom are hostile toward Greece), whilst simultaneously reinforcing the enemy’s armed forces‘’.

From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Sunday 27 September 2015

For those who does not know, (unlike traitor “Theologians” and “Priests” of Christianity) the Chinese-Hebrew “Holy (genocidal) Scriptures” in the “Old Testament” book “Deuteronomy Ch.15’ 6, Ch.28’ 12-13” orders the Chinese (Jadeans – Jade), Judeans (Jude), and Israelite Saxon Mongols:
“You will give loans to the (White and Black) nations but you will not borrow from these Nations.  Because the Borrower is a slave to the Lender” (See “Old Testament”, “Proverbs” Ch.22’ 7). 

In order to be “Lord’s Servants” to the Chinese, the “Orthodox Church” of Greece is about to sell the “National Bank” to the “Central Bank of China”, in collusion with traitor Masons (Artificial Hebrews) and Greek-Hebrew politicians of the “Greek Government”. 
Colluding with them is the “opposition” of “PASOK”, “KKE”,  “Synaspismos”, and ultra right wing (“Nazi”) provocateur party “La.O.S.” (“People’s Orthodox Alert”, founded by the “Greek” Theosophical Society namely negative M.T.M., as ordered by negative A.O.A. London – Golden Dawn London, as ordered by the Supreme Masonic hyper-lodge “Hong” China).

From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Thursday, January 31, 2013

Without exception, Hebrews or Masons are leaders of the political parties of “New Democracy”, P.A.S.O.K, DHMAR, SYRIZA, KKE, and “Golden Dawn“.  They are attempting to drag Greece into civil war on the basis of the so-called “Lagarde list”.  Then, with a destroyed economy and armed forces completely dismantled by its politicians, Greece will be genocided by the new-fangled axis of ”KI/BASTR/P” (China + Bulgaria, Albania, Skopje, Turkey, Romania + Pentagon) all the way up to Lamia (central Greece).  Supposedly feeling remorse, Hebrew-Saxon “NATO” will subsequently hand over the countries of “BASTR/P” to Greece, as “magic” of the “global Greek Empire 666” of Constantinople that has been programmed to lead the armies of “NATO” against "Russia-Islam-China” in W.W.III. 

Monday, 23 May 2016

Like the Chinese-loving Rothschild-Mayer-Bauer or whatever else used to be his name before ( Khazar-Hebrew-Mongolian banking dynasty).  G.H.Rees accusation is of being chief-conspirator and sodomite, nothing but an unimportant acolyte of China: A big "player" perverted paedophile Satanic slave of China.  These are the so-called ...”bosses”, the so-believed reptilian self-propagandising fear-mongers... Wake up, people!  They are unimportant people!  This piece of information is also confirmed by Giannis Karageorgiou of G.H.Rees.  

White race leaderships of Western nations are pushed to grevious provocations by priesthoods and Western Masonic lodges, regardless of differences between religion or lodge system.  Those Priesthoods are commanded by Chinese priesthoods through White-Yellow Mongolian Priesthoods of Tibet, Bavarians, Hungarians, Turks, Finlandians, Saxon-Mongolians, Hebrew-Mongolians, part of Italians Lazio, Tatars, Hazars, Khazars, Basques, Bulgarians, and White priesthoods of racial traitor Masons (artificial Hebrews).

The eternal distorters of every truth, the Hebrews, reversed reality and whilst they were the criminal assassins of W.W.2, they presented themselves falsely as victims of the unproven “holocaust”.  Historians Forisson and Roger Garaudy (leader of the French left in his book “myths of the Israeli external policy”) revealed that:
A) There were never gas chambers.
B) The blast furnaces started to function in 1945, the last year of the war and they burnt sixty-thousand and not six-million Jews “Ashkenazi”, already dead by natural causes, like diseases and lack of food-pharmaceuticals-fuels in the isolated defeated Germany of 1945, in “forced labour camps” and not in “genocidal camps”.

G.H.Rees reveals that the Ashkenazi Jewish branch is not Hebrew-Mongolic, but pelasgian-White (Hellenic Askanians of Bithynia of Asia Minor, see Iliad b-863, o-793) from the area of Askania lake, south of Proussa.  Askanios was the son of troy’s king, Aeneas. The “Sephardi” Jews of A’ category Hitler-Mueller-Eichmann etc, were using the Ashkenazim pseudo-Jews of “B’ category”, i.e. the Hellenogenes Askanians, as slaves and as animals for slaughtering (goyim, see the 2 testaments) in the fake holocaust.  Purpose: advertisement and political exploitation of the fake Jewish holocaust, so that thereafter nations would be paralyzed and without resistance to Jewish economic crimes and wars (see Palestinians, Serbs, Iraqis etc and of the rest of the White Race) till the end of W.W.III with the devious criminal invention: “whoever blames the Jews is Hitleric anti-Semite Nazi like the Pelasgian Germans of 1940”.

Today the Sephardim falsely name as “Ashkenazim” the Mongoloid Khazar-Jews and Tatar-Jews of Eastern Europe.  Residents of the country of Israel: 95% Hellenogenes Ashkenazim workers and plain professionals, 5% Sephardim company directors (“elite” Mongol Jews descendants of Abraham or Havra-Han).  The popular-workers’ party of Israel blamed Sephardi rabbis-bankers-politicians of 1940 as theoretical and financial perpetrators of the mass transfers of Ashkenazim into German forced labour camps.

During the planned Asian trilateral counter-attack against the West, Sephardi Jews of the N.S.C. (National Security Council) - USA, via the Chinese Jews of Shanghai and Beijing “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” (see study of the French, Jean Boyer) plan annihilation of the Hellenic Askanians of Israel, numbering three-million as the “final Jewish holocaust”.  This shall provide the ethical alibi of “guiltyfying” and paralyzing Asian nations as “genocidal criminals”, so that they accept submission to the “international Jewish hyper government of the reign of God”.  But the “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” Chinese leadership plans annihilation of Sephardi Jews because their half Chinese heritage is considered to be the dominant part of their White-Yellow intermixing.  They also plan total annihilation of Saxon-Mongols of the Western Trilateral, Russians, and Islamic Mongol partners of the Asiatic Trilateral.

From Hellene and Chaos, Friday, November 23, 2012

Twice the pride double the fall Dana Horochowski:  You do not know the personal sacrifices G.H.Rees has been through and you have the nerve to call us psy op agents?  We gave everything, everything we had to protect the planet from disaster and you from your laptop, and your "youtube account" and your cosy chair with knowledge taken from us, you are judging us?  You twist and mix us with impostors like Kavassilas whom we first debunked for being a cointelpro Lunatic Draconian agent of deceit, with Morning Sky and with many politicians.
Karl Haushoffer

From the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Sunday 15 November 2009

Haushoffer was an elder member of the Nazi “Thoule” anti-lodge and a Jewish rabbi of Berlin, initiated in Tibet.  He was also the spiritual teacher of Hitler and the only person with the right to visit Hitler in prison before he rose to power. 

From the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Thursday 8 November 2012

Nazis in 1930-1945 and todays neo-Nazi Golden Dawn of London and Greece, are puppets of Dragonian China ..hyperlodge Hong's left hand path and its subordinate Black Brotherhood of Mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces).  That is why:
  • Karl Haushoffer, geopolitical brain of Nazism and teacher of Hitler was initiated as a Freemason of Golden Dawn Berlin - a magician invocator of 4D Draconian demonic spirits and initiate of Tamil Buddism in Tibet (Zen) and Zen of Japan (Green Dragons).  Dragonian initiated Haushoffer and todays Golden Dawn Greece doctrine was and is: Drag nach osten = Push to the East.
  • Hebrew Lincoln Von Trebits, who saved Hitler's life in 1920, was initiated as a mandarin in the highest Masonic Chinese over-lodge Hong (See book: Nazism Secret Society). 
  • One security garrison of Berlin had Tibetan Zen Monks as their members.  They were executed as "enemy spies" by the Soviets in 1945. (See Green Dragon Zen hyper-lodge obedient to HONG.)
  • Golden Dawn claims Constantinople as the next capital of the Greek NeoByzantine "Empire 666"..NATO will assist it in entrapping Greece into a new minor asia campaign push to the East-Anatolia (See historical repetition of Asia Minor destruction in 1922) now against the Shangai Pact and against China.
  • China 888 is using Nazi Golden Dawn drag nach osten 666 as its provocative, collusive Western instrument for a push to the East against China(!!!); granting China an alibi for its massive and devastating counterattack against the West in Armageddon or WWIII. 
See Doctrine of Tiger(West) and Dragon(China). Dragon waits and enorchestrates the provocation attack of Tiger. Then Dragon counterattacks and win.

From the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Tuesday 27 November 2012

Crypto-Hebrew (or Crypto-Jewish) fellow citizen traitors have committed special conscious acts of treason against your countries, they are to provoke a genocidal counterattack by R.I.C. (Russia-Islam-China, the “Shanghai Pact") as ordered by Hong, China.  Without exception, leaderships of all neo-Nazi organizations are found in all nations of the White race and Mongol races (semi-Draconian White-Yellow ) of Japan-Indochina-Tibet-etc as well within Buddhist and Hindu Religions.

These crypto-Hebrew Mongol leaderships of today’s Nazi organisations (Nazi) are a natural follow-up to the crypto-Hebrew leadership of the Third Reich, that is of the German-Hebrew theorists of Nazism, namely:
  • Karl Haushoffer; 
  • Alfred Rosenberg; 
  • Dietrich Eckhart; and,
  • Lincoln Von Trebits (Hungarian Hebrew).  
Todays crypto-Hebrew Nazi leaderships also derive from prominent German Hebrew Nazi leaders:
  • Adolf Hitler/Hisler the illegitimate child of German-Jewish Frankfurt banker Rothschild; Heinrich Himmler “Reichs-Fuhrer” (superior to Hitler in the Nazi Hierarchy!!); and “SS” leaders 
  • Goering; 
  • Borman; 
  • Muller (Fuhrer heir to Hitler); 
  • Adolf Eichmann and others.  
Predecessors of todays banksters include German-Jewish banker-funders of the Third Reich all bitterly hated by Prussian nobility:
  • Rothschild; 
  • Baum and Baum; 
  • Loeb and Loeb (Levi and Levi).  
Descendants of todays Western armed forces are doubtless related to German generals and admirals of the German army and officers of the German Intelligence Services that pre-existed the Third Reich.  Consider the Greek-born Admiral of the German Navy, Von Kanaris, leader of the German Secret Service “Abwehr” [descendant of the Greek Admiral Kanaris from the war against Turkish occupation of Greece in 1821 and the new occupation of Greece by Bavarian Turkish Mongols led by Othon (Otto-Man) Wit-Tesbach Lowenstein ..Rosenberg], who, together with the other “Wehrmacht” generals orchestrated two unsuccessful attempts to murder German-Jewish Hitler and Jewish leaders of the (Jewish) Third Reich.  As a result, Von Kanaris and the German patriot generals were murdered by German-Jewish “SS” officers of the German-Hebrew “GE.STA.PO” (Gemeine Staatliche Polizei). 

Before he was murdered by Jewish Himmler’s “SS”, Von Kanaris was aware of the Jewish descent of theorist leaders and funders of the Third Reich and had notified “Abwehr”.  Predicting his upcoming assassination, Von Kanaris delivered documents to his relatives, on the order that they should be passed on after his death to the Greek Chief General Alexandros Papagos, founder of G.H.Rees in 1947. 

Greek Nazis and fascists are being arrested as self-proven idiots shouting “Mongols keep out of Greece”.  According to the theory of Nazism, you have accepted White-Yellow Mongols as supposed members of the “White Race”.  It is known that all Nazi theorists like Sven Hedin, Karl Haushoffer, Lincoln Von Trebits etc. received their initiation in monasteries of the Mongolian (White-Yellow) anti-Hellenic Tibet, Mongolian Nepal, and Japan.  It is a fact that Hungarian–Hebrew Baron Ungern Vo Strenberg attempted to re-establish “the Gengis-Kahn EMPIRE” in far east Mongolia.  It is also a fact that all administrative buildings and Hebrew-Mongol leaders of the 3rd Reich were heavily guarded by regiments of Tibetan monks bearing SS unifroms of the Hebrew-mongol H.Himmler (much like “Nepalese Gourka special forces “guards of the Hebrew-Saxon English Mongol monarchy and lords of England). 

Even though Nazis and fascists are aware of these facts, they remain mentally blind and truly devoted to Mongolian born Tibetan Nazism.  Similarly, the ridiculous Nazi-“Epsilon” “scientist” Gkiolvas returned to Greece after a long stay in semi-Draconian Mongolian (White-Yellow) Tibet.  Like an idiotic Mongolian teacher, he proceeded to teach “Epsilons” of La.O.S. and Nazis and fascists of “Golden Dawn” and “New Acropolis” that the “only true Andromedians on the planet are Mongol White-Yellow “Dzopas of Tibet”. 

Lastly, it is well known that the leader of the “US” Nazi party commited suicide when it was revealed that he was a Mongol-Hebrew.  Conclusion: Nazism and fascism are not pelasgian born theories for the survival and progress of white civilization, but the reverse.  They are Mongolian-Hebrew born Draconian Chinese theories, anti-Andromedian and anti-Hellenic, for provoking and promoting “racial” discrimination and civil wars between nations of the White race; theories aimed at genocide, and submission of White race nations to Tibetans and other Mongols. 

G.H.Rees won't let you place armies of the White races of the West under leadership of White-Yellow Mongol Hebrew-Saxons, Japanese generals of “US.E.J.” (USA-Europe-Japan), or Mongol generals of T.I.M. (Tibet-India-Mongolia), because you will traitorously lead White militaries to slaughter by armies of R.I.C. (Russia-Islamic Countries-China) in the Asian deserts.  Subsequently, five billion people would be genocided by the armies of "R.I.C”, that is 2/3 of world population. 

You are the nazis, fascists and Jahweh-possessed “Idigo Children” under demonic possession by supposed "spirits of the dodecatheon”, supposed “pseudo-followers” of the “reincarnated god Dionysus and Apollo Tyaneus Christ 666”, that is the Mongol Hebrew-Saxon imposter of the Danish court "pseudo-Paleologos pseudo-Dragazis DAN-666" Christian-Oldenburg-Holstein-Glucksburg.  We will not allow you “Greeks” under demonic possession by Jahweh collude with traitorous La.O.S. to appoint Mongol Hebrew-Saxon pseudo-Paleologos pseudo-Dragazis DAN-666 Holstein-Glucksburg as “Emperor of the Hellenic(Greek) Christian-dodecatheon empire 666”, because Hellenism and other White nations would be genocided as supposed “Antichrist 666” under the supposedly “Christian 888” R.I.C.. 

We will not let you “sneaky wolves”, “Greek“ Nazis and fascists appoint as “Prime Minister” of “Empire666”, the Turk-Albanian provocator Mongol Karazaferri leader
of the La.O.S. Nazi party <+> so that he can bring about R.I.C.’s counterattack and genocide of five billion people.  Nor will we let you pseudo-Hellenic Nazis and fascists appoint as “Chief-General” of “Empire666” the “heir” Paul B’ Holstein-Glucksburg Mongol Hebrew-Saxon, in order to bring about R.I.C’S counterattack and genocide of five billion people in the WWIII or “Armageddon”.  From now on, disobedient, brutal orangutan Nazis and fascists of Greece and other countries, if you want to move on without regret for your racial frauds, you will keep banging your head against G.H.Rees' mental brick wall!  Proof of your Mongolian treason: Never in your writings did you denounce the anti-hellenic “B.A.S.T.R.” axis in the way it has been denounced by the Greek patriotic G.H.Rees, because your traitorous idealistic background stems from the Monguls of Mongolia “Oulan-Bator-ourgka” of the former “USSR”, Tibet, Japan-Nepal-Butan-and rest of Asian Mongols. 

From the Hellene and Chaos blog, Friday 30 July 2010

We the Historians of G.H.Rees, Roger De Garaudy the Leader of the French Left, the British Historian Irving, the British Historian Faurisson and many other historians, proved that members of the 3rd Reich: Adolf Hisler/Hitler, Heinrich Himmler leader of “S/S”, Borman, Müller, Haushoffer, Lincoln Von Trebits and the rest Nazi Leaders of the Third Reich were Hebrew-Mongolian in origin, just like the Hebrew-German Bankers that bankrolled them.  Together, they committed the false “holocaust” (holohoax) of sixty-thousand pseudo-Hebrew “Ashkenazim”, Askanians forced to Judaism; Hellenes of the Proussa Area in Asia Minor, which you disgraceful genociders rabbis falsely exaggerated to six-million by adding two zeroes to the false “Hebrew Holocaust”, under which genociding Hebrews and the “Major Israel” of “USA” murder -without being punished- the people of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and other nations of the Planet. 

Sunday, 22 May 2016


From the blog of Hellene and Chaos Thursday 26 April 2012

Almost one month ago G.H.Rees undertook to bring about a political, financial and defence agreement between Greece and Russia.  This initiative exploited the connection of Mr Vasilis Leventis, leader of the Enosis Kentroon / Centrals Union, with the Russian Government.

Mr Vasilis Leventis did not act fast enough and thus G.H.Rees' initiative was covered and pocketed by Georgios Karatzaferis, the Nazi fascist Turk-Albanian Masonic leader of political party La.O.S. and agent of the Intelligence Service of London.  Karatzaferis is an associate of the official Nazistic political party of Greece, Golden Dawn.  He exchanged MP candidates under the table with animal doctor Zournatzis of Golden Dawn of Larisa, Greece, who ran in elections for an MP position with La.O.S.. 

Karatzaferis, ordered by the Intelligence Service of London, was informed about initiatives of G.H.Rees towards the connection of Mr Vasilis Leventis of the Enosis Kentroon / Centrals Union and the Russian Government in order to re-establish political, financial and defence agreements between Greece and Russia.  He insidiously met the member of the Russian Duma/Parliament, Mr Ivan Savidis who is of Greek origin, in order for Georgios Karatzaferis to deceitfully present La.O.S. as a political party bearing G.H.Rees' hopes of re-established agreements.

Georgios Karatzaferis:
  • Crypto-Nazi; 
  • Crypto-Fasist; 
  • Associate of Golden Dawn; 
  • Leader of La.O.S..  
Systematically and deceitfully, over the years 2009-April 2012, Karatzaferis pursued his course regarding Greek-Russian collaboration. He was aware of the discussions that took place between the homosexual corrupted Prime Minister of Greece, Georgios Papandreou-Mineiko-Chant-Chidenbaum and the leaders of the Russian state, Mr Dimitri Medmedev and Mr Vladimir Putin. Karatzaferis was also aware that the two Russian leaders ‘deported’ Papandreou from the Russian Federation for making fun of them and that Papandreou turned down a Russian low-interest loan for Greece, enabling it to avoid occupation by the Troika (International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank, and governing committee of the European Union).

G.H.Rees asks Mr Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation and its government to meet Mr Vasilis Leventis - leader of the political party of Enosis Kentroon / Centrals Union.  Also to order the Greek-Russian MP of the Russian Duma/Parliament, Mr Ivan Savidis, leaders of his political party and associates, to discontinue any relations with Georgios Karatzaferis of the Nazi political party La.O.S. of Greece.

G.H.Rees would firstly like Mr Ivan Savidis to never again meet Georgios Karatzaferis. Secondly, please order Mr Ivan Savidis to publicise to on his websites and to his Facebook profile a written statement in Greek and in English, stating that he does not accept any collaboration with the crypto-Nazist and crypto-Fasist Georgios Karatzaferis.


From the blog of Hellene and Chaos Sunday 19 September 2010

Chaos will be created in Athens from millions of expelled and butchered Greeks by the invasion of “B.A.S.T.R.” armies (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania) into Northern – Western – Central – and Insular Greece.  The political party “La.O.S.” (crypto-Zionist right wing theosophical party: People’s Orthodox Alert) led by Karatzaferis, Glucksburg, and Palaiologos Dragazis, will become the government of WW3 “New Byzantine Empire”, from Greece.

We inform Greek People that “Epsilons” have bought survival houses around Mystras – Peloponnese and the intended Governmental Buildings of “LA.O.S.” in Mystras.  They are not committed to political alarm drills of siren systems in Northern Greece, because the region of Southern Hellenic Epirus, Macedonia, (the Islands of the Aegean) and especially Western Thrace, will receive the first blow from “B.A.S.T.R.”.  Those regions require siren system tests and modernisations.

Tests are done in Peloponnese, which will never receive an assault by “B.A.S.T.R.”, but may receive one from Greek forces.  Here, G.H.Rees speaks of a Greek army that may seek to eliminate the Karatzaferis Government of “LA.O.S.”, of Paul Glucksburg, and of pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazis Yohann Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg.  That is, Hebrew-Saxon Greek forces that will attack, not against the population of Peloponnese, but against the treasonous Government of the Turk-Albanian agent provocateur Kara – Zafferi.  This assault must foil the second step in the total destruction of Greece, which will be transfer of the Greek Government to Constantinople for further treasonous actions: The entire 'Greek “Monkey” Empire 666 – Constantinople' is to suicidally attack Russia-Islam-China, provoking an overwhelming counter-attack leading to complete genocide of the West with first victims worldwide Hellenism.

Hebrew and Mason traitor politicians of Athens have moved an extremely valuable mechanized infantry brigade from Evros to Tripoli – Peloponnese, where it will be coordinated with the pre-existing Brigade (the 5th Division of Tripoli) for the military security and protection of the Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanian Government of Karatzaferis-Glucksburg-Palaiologos Dragazis in Mystras – Peloponnese.  Thus, the gang dedicated to complete destruction of Greece now has a "Greek" bodyguard strengthened by heavy Leopard battle tanks and minimally armored M-113 dwarf APCs (armored personnel carriers). 

The patriotic orthodox Christian journalist Konstantinides pointed out the matter of this treason in his TV-station broadcast of “Astra” in Volos.  Upon hearing about the retirement of an extremely valuable mechanized brigade with battle tanks and dwarfed “APCs” being transferred to Tripoli Peloponnese, he asked his public if anybody knew of a chance that Peloponnese would receive armed assault from Turkish – Bulgarian – Albanian or any other forces.  Of course the question was rhetorical and ironic, because not one from the armies of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis is about to attack against Peloponnese (Southern Greece).

G.H.Rees notified the Tripoli Division's General, its two Brigadiers and other officers and soldiers therein to destroy and bring down the Governmental Palaces built by the treasonous Government of Athens in Mystras.  The "Greek" Government comprises Karatzaferis of “La.O.S.”, Glucksburg and Palaiologos Dragazis, to which the traitor Hebrew Democracy President of Ioannina Karolos is programmed to deliver Governance from “PASOK” to the coup d’etat Government of “La.O.S.”, which will carry the title – bluff: “Government of National Salvation”. 

G.H.Rees again asked all the staff of the two Brigades of the 5th Division in Tripoli to assault and to bring down, using their own inside measures, all the Governmental Palaces of the coup d’etat Government Karatzaferis – Glucksburg – Palaiologos Dragazis in Mystras of Peloponnese.  If they do not act likewise, Mystras of Peloponnese will be the first focus of high-treason against Hellenes, leading to their total genocide through transfer of the entire Karatzaferis Government from Mystras to Constantinople.  It will then lead NATO suicidally against the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia-Islam-China), intending complete genocide of worldwide Hellenism by overwhelming counter-attack by “R.I.C.”.

For the third time, G.H.Rees pleads to all officers and soldiers of the 5th Division Tripoli, to assault with all their means available and to bring down the Buildings and the Pseudo-Parliaments of the coup d’etat Government of Karatzaferis of “La.O.S.”, Glucksburg, and Pseudo-Palaiologos Pseudo-Dragazis Yohann Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg; all Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanians provocateurs against Greece. If you don’t bring down those Governmental Buildings of “La.O.S.”, then this coup d’etat Government is about to be transferred to Constantinople as NATO reverses its politics from anti-Greece to pro-Greece and allegedly against “B.A.S.T.R”. From Constantinople, the coup d’etat Government of the “Epsilons” will assault “R.I.C.”, in order to bring complete destruction to White nations of the West, with first annihilated victims being worldwide Hellenism.

In 05.09.2010 we are informed that Hebrew economist Bob Chapman (SEE LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRWSzuzW0Qk ) is spreading in the Internet news from a foreign Embassy in Athens Greece, about an expected coup d’etat of Military Officers in Greece...

In the same promulgation, Chapman announced the joyful marriage of Hebrew-Saxon Prince Nikolaos Holstein Glucksburg and foundation of the “Royal Party” in Greece that will replace the “La.O.S.” party (People’s Orthodox Alert) of Turkish-Albanian agent-provocateur-traitor, G. Karatzaferis. G.H.Rees and the webpage “Hellen and Chaos” exposed plans of “La.O.S.” colluding with “PASOK” for provocation of a Balkan War by Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania (BASTR) against Greece, under instructions of the Chinese “Hong” through hyper-lodges “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” London toward provocation of a Third World War. “La.O.S.” will form part of “Byzantine Empire 666 Sufism – ChristianoDodecatheism” in Constantinople, under which “NATO” will attack the “Shanghai Pact” aka “R.I.C.” in order for Greece and other White Western nations to be annihilated by the counter-attacking “R.I.C.”, with a final genocide for Russians by the axles “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China-Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols) and “C.K.” (China and Korea).

Taken from the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Monday 2 July  2012

Schizophrenic scambags and night thugs of the Golden Dawn (translator’s elaboration: Golden Dawn is the Nazist political party of Greece), downplayed the whole game that chief-rabbis Barouch of New York had crossed out for Greece.  They have been handed the torch from the (politically) dead La.O.S. party of Karatzaferis (translator’s elaboration: Karatzaferis is the president of La.O.S., a Greek right wing political party whose alleged ideological underpinning is somewhere between the political parties of the New Democracy and the Golden Dawn) that G.H.Rees annihilated ethically and politically, by revealing truths about treasonous machinations for provoking BASTR/Bulgaria-Albania-Skopie-Turkey-Romania against Greece so that the scoundrel Karatzaferis would become prime minister of Constantinople Empire 666.  Greece is facing the worst scenario because enemy agent Karatzaferis' role has been undertaken by the psychotic Michaloliakos (translator’s elaboration: Michaloliakos is the president of ‘Golden Dawn’).

From the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Tuesday 23 February 2010

In 17.02.2010 and local time 09:00 in the morning, the representative of G.H.Rees delivered five envelopes to five members of the Russian Embassy in Athens.  These were to the:
  • Ambassador; 
  • Military Attache; 
  • Commercial Attache; 
  • Intellectual Attache; and,
  • Security Service of the Embassy for the Russian Intelligence Service “FSB”.
Enclosed documents included evidence of collusion and conspiracy by all Greek political parties, especially Hebrew-Greek Papandreou – Mineiko of “PASOK” and the Turk-Albanian George Karatzaferis of “La.O.S. 666” of the Hellenic “Epsilon Group” with leaders of “B.A.S.T./R.”.  They coordinate the “NSA”-USA conspiracy of the “Intelligence Service”-London, aimed at destruction of the Greek army by armies of “B.A.S.T./R.”.

The envelopes also included evidence for ignition of World War Three by leaders of “La.O.S.”:
  • Turk-albanian George Karatzaferis; 
  • Pseudo-Paleologos Dragazis; and, 
  • Paul Glucksburg fallen successor of the Greek throne.  
Respectively, these Hebrew-Saxons aspired to the positions of Prime minister, Emperor, and Commander-in-Chief of the “Hellenic Empire 666” of the “Epsilon Group” of “La.O.S.”, with Constantinople as their base.  They would be positioned by the “NSA”-USA as typical leaders of “NATO” and “SEATO”, namely armies of “US.E.J.” (USA-Europe-Japan) and “T.I.M.” (Tibet-India-Mongolia) intent upon military attack against “R.I.C.” (Russia-Islam–China) for their refusal to fit “Epsilon 666” subcutaneous microchips of “La.O.S.” into their citizens.  Additional motivation is refusal of “R.I.C” to defer obediently to economic, political, and military rule by “Epsilons” of “Empire 666”.  “R.I.C.” is programmed to respond with a complete genocide of India and White populations of “US.E.J.”. 

G.H.Rees calls all governments, especially of Islam and Russia, to send agents of their secret services to immediately annihilate traitor-provocateurs of the:
  • Greek “Epsilon”; 
  • Parliament Members; 
  • Members of “La.O.S.”; and, 
  • Leaders of “La.O.S.”, George Karatzaferis, Pseudo-Paleologos Dragazis, Paul Glucksburg, residents of London and the Danish court. 
All the above are conspiring suicidally under the Masonic orders of “Hong” China and “NSA”-USA, toward World War Three and their final genocide by the Chinese and Korean armies. Read G.H.REES documents in the following WebPages: 

From the blog of Hellene and Chaos, Sunday 27 September 2015

European states, like the “USA”, transferred their main industries to China.  This resulted in imports from China vastly exceeding production and export towards China.  As a result, currency has poured into China with the trade surplus.  This is especially the case with Greece, which treasonous Greek-Hebrews, Mongols (Karatzaferis as former parliament member of “New Democracy”), and philo-Chinese Mason “Politicians” devalued.  Greece doesn’t produce anything except gang-tourism such as Mykonos whorehouses, dying “retired workers”, dying unemployed masses, and degenerate “Agricultural Tourism” of Greek farming production converted to inns of …Chinese tourists. 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Karakoram Highway

From the Hellen and Chaos blog of Thursday 9 June 2011

 The so-called "Ninth Wonder of the World".  Thirteen hundred kilometers (= 810 miles) long this colossal construction project connects China with Pakistan.  It passes through the Karakoram mountain range and the Khunjerab Pass, reaching an altitude close to 5 km. 

China and Pakistan began the project in 1956 and completed it in 1986.  The route cost the lives of eight-hundred-and-ten Pakistanis and eighty-two Chinese and follows the trail of the Silk Road.  Due to the fact that it crosses through Kashmir, this highway is considered of huge strategic importance worldwide. 

On June 30th 2006, an agreement was signed between China and Pakistan to recondition the Karakoram Highway:
  • Asphalt on the Chinese side was to be extended onto the Pakistani side; 
  • Its width was to be increased from between ten meters and thirty meters; And, 
  • It will be substantially reinforced to withstand heavy vehicles and extreme weather conditions. 
Consequently, the transport potential of the huge highway will be tripled!  At the same time the highway will be connected through the Gwadar-Dalbandin railway to Gwadar port, located in Balochistan, Pakistan.  The railway is financially and technically supported by China and which reaches up to Rawalpindi.

The KKH is best traveled in the spring or early autumn.  Harsh winter snows can shut the highway down for extended periods and heavy monsoon rains around July and August may cause occasional landslides that can block the road for hours or more.  The border crossing between China and Pakistan at Khunjerab Pass is only open between May 1 and December 31.

Karakoram Highway In China
The road's strategic military importance is important.  Pakistan and China have both fought Himalayan wars with India, with whom they are traditionally not on friendly terms.  China got into trouble for selling to Pakistan, silkworm missiles that came via the Karakoram Highway, whose bridges are made for heavy military equipment and tanks.[Source: John McCarry, National Geographic March 1994] 
Karageorgiou, Giannis

G.H.Rees’ representative, National And Planetary Security General, Civilian Division of G.H.Rees.

From the Hellene and Chaos blog of Saturday 6 October 2012

G.H.Rees eponymous representative, Mr. Giannis Karageorgiou's home was allegedly wrecked by Hebrew-agents of KYP/EYP (Greek-Hebrew and masonic controlled Intelligence Service of Greece) on the allegation that Karageorgiou was funded by “KYP/EYP”.  This, instead of eliminating the filthy 300 traitors in the Greek-Hebrew Parliament, who are guilty of high treason.  They have numerous villas with swimming pools and luxuries bought with stolen money from Greek taxpayers taxed until death, committed dozens of national security treasons, underbids, and scandals.

By attacking the poor-isolated, authentic patriot-fighter Mr.Karageorgiou with claims that he is allegedly funded by “KYP/EYP”, you sons of a harlot cover up and protect the traitors!  Those traitors are socialists of PASOK+ND.  Establishment thieves, traitors and KYP/EYP agents that spread dirty propaganda in order to cause disorientation and black-out among neo-Greeks by throwing ink in their faces like an octopus!

Let it be known that visits to allied G.H.Rees web-blogs are increasing rapidly, meaning that our documents and those of G.H.Rees are spreading like deluge in Greece and abroad.   You will be destroyed by the people’s just wrath and by the Divine Justice – Nemesis you disgraceful cancerous traitors.  Wait at your earphone for developments!

Instead of trusting, cooperating closely, officially, and essentially with G.H.Rees and Giannis Karageorgiou, you Hebrew-Russian and freemason traitor politicians have sent as your representatives the “Mata Hari” Annia Chapman, the Boufo – Boufesis (Learn what Boufos means in Greek) and other similar agents of disorientation.  We know that you Hebrew-Russian traitors cooperate closely with Draconian China in order to prepare the grounds for their annihilation-genocide “Armageddon” agenda.  On the other hand we see Karageorgiou compiling documents day & night, spitting blood to the limits of over-exhaustion in order to foil the genocide of Russians and to raise high the honoured Russian Flag!  You thankless and stupid Russo-Hebrew leaders, all of you who still are obedient slaves to China. 

Above you can see Mr. Giannis Karageorgiou himself on the far right of the photo. He has the awakened, sharp “Glance of the Eagle” (Compare with the hypnotized “Glance of the Cow” typical of Draconian lunar-possessed mediums, traitors, and enemies of G.H.Rees; like filthy Spiros Spiropoulos of PA-SY-A).  This photo is from the meeting of G.H.Rees friends, summer 2011 in the house of Giannis Karageourgiou - Volos, Greece. 

From the Hellene and Chaos blog of Tuesday 27 December 2011

Giannis Karageorgiou, spokesperson of G.H.Rees, to the Member of the Parliament/Duma of Russia and President of the Hellenogenous of Russia, Mr Ivan Savvidis.

The message of the spokesperson of G.H.Rees, Mr Giannis Karageorgiou, to the Member of the Russian Duma/Parliament, Mr Ivan Savvidis continued after the first part of the message was stopped by a perfidious cut off… [the line is cut off] 

A third attempt at the phone call was made, since in the previous attempt too the land line was cut off.  Cut offs occurred both in Greece and at the same time to the telephone land line and internet line of the owner of the official website of G.H.Rees Hellene and Chaos, Mr Apostolos Papanakos, in Germany.  [How can that be?!]  Again the line was cut and a fourth attempt made. 

Readers may be curious as to what is going on here.  Click on the link for a great deal more information. 

From the Hellene and Chaos blog oFriday 5 July 2013

All remaining conscious intelligent Hellenes are called upon to help G.H.Rees continue its mental war against the resident evil, through its representative Mr Giannis Karageorgiou.  The genocidal Chinese-Hebrew plans against White and Black races must be completely prevented and ended or delayed, while there is still time.  This must provide extra time and room for the inbound Andromedian Government armada, currently orbiting Saturn, to take action and crush the Draconian cancerous cell when they least expect it! 

Below are three bank accounts for any donations.  You are requested to include your name when donating and to declare: “Donation to G.H.Rees and Giannis Karageorgiou”.

IBAN: GR27 0140 3610 3610 0210 1133 011

IBAN: GR400 380 109 00000000 16 455 637

IBAN ACCOUNT : GR610 380 805 00000000 14068 490

Please always mention: DONATION

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Jones, Alex (Shouldice, Mark Allen)

From G.H.Rees blog of Sunday, November 6, 2011

Friends of G.H.Rees posted useful survival information for the White and Black races in Jones' forum, in order to protect and defend against the Chinese invasion and grave threat known as Armageddon.  Agents-shills-masons tried to mockup and ridicule all this vital information, then they posted fake G.H.Rees documents.  Furthermore, moderators twice erased and blocked the account of friends of G.H.Rees without prior warning!  This is not a random act by Zionist traitors opposing revelations of G.H.Rees against imminent Draconian Chinese invasion.  G.H.Rees is a threat to Hebrew-Chinese interests that seek China' global dictatorship, namely the “Kingdom of Jehovah/Jehowah/Sin/Sion/Zion/Sina/China” or "New World (Order) 888" to which all Hebrew-Masons and Gentile-Masons swear an oath in their Masonic lodges.

The above applies to both Hebrew-Chinese agents, Alex Jones and David Icke-Isaac.  They oppose friends of G.H.Rees trying to publish planetary security documents in their forums (e.g.  www.prisonplanet.com).  Given that this is dangerous towards Black and White races, G.H.Rees calls all worldwide friends to invade Icke's and Jones' forums to attack them in any way possible!

From G.H.Rees blog of Tuesday 4 December 2012


From Hellene and Chaos blog of Thursday 15 April 2010

G.H.Rees has been informed about David Icke-Isaac's book “Lunar Matrix” and his coalition with Hebrew-Saxon Alex Jones.  Treasonous Greek webpages, as “Foreign-ideas-worshippers”, have taken to publishing these fraudulent “New Hebrew Gospels”.  Thus, of Icke-Isaac and Jones may be raised up to the status of spiritual guides to neo-Greeks, who may consequently fall again like blind rats to the genocidal traps of Chinese hyper-lodge “Hong” for World War Three. 

The publication of the books and apotheosis of Icke-Isaac and Alex Jones by besotted Greek webpages is more a product of conscious treasonous selection than of intellectual deficiency and stupidity.  This parallels the intellectual deficiency and stupidity of farcical and treasonous neo-Greek webpages which try to fight against G.H.Rees. 
(Read LINK: http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.com/2010/03/concisely-causes-of-ghrees-documents.html

Long time internet-published G.H.Rees documents have already predicted and armored the brains of Hellenes against the lethal lies of David IckeIsaac, Alex Jones, and agents of the Chinese “HONG” and Judean rabbis.  Clearly, Hebrew-Saxon Alex Jones agrees with David Icke-Isaac, but without scientific evidence. 

Jones is a demonically possessed medium, namely a spiritualist-medium in alertness.  In other words, he is a technologically mind-controlled, moon-guided projectile of the lunar enemy he supposedly fights.  This enemy exerts the only para-psychological activity affecting Earth and it comes from Selene's Dragonian "Maser" radiations. 

From Hellene and Chaos blog of Sunday 7 August 2011

The source of a review of the 2011 Bilderberg Group meeting was provided by "usual suspects", Jim Tucker, Alex Jones and Russia Today (RT).  They did not mention:
  • China, NOT A WORD in the report regarding the worlds' second largest economy!  
  • The racial origins of "elites" they repetitively refer to (Hebrew-Saxon Mongolians). 
  • Global government or globalization 888 of China (Socialist/Communist Chinese Planetary dictatorship).  Instead, they reduce and simplify this to "a single and only global hyper-government”.  
According to his behaviour, Alex Jones is confirmed as a cointel pro (counter intelligence) agent whose job is to forward half-true information in order to obscure public opinion and not reveal the whole truth.  This cointel pro role is confirmed by his staff immediately locking G.H.Rees account and censoring their posts in his allegedly “freedom fighers infowariors” forum: prisonplanet.com).  As for RT, this is obviouly guided by the Russian FSB of the R.I.C axis (Shanghai Pact), something which is easily inferred by each person with a little bit of a raised awareness. 

From Hellene and Chaos blog of Sunday 5 May 2013

With the present announcement we denounce forums that have for years put several IP bans and ISP internet account ban threats against web-blogs that are friendly to G.H.Rees and its documents.  Those forums have been charged with proofs from the hellenocentric G.H.Rees that they spread lies or lies deviously mixed with truths, for purposes of disorientation.  These forums are unable to put forward defensive arguments against G.H.Rees' accusations that the forums:
  • Post documents containing lies;
  • Ban G.H.Rees documents;
  • Threaten people who post G.H.Rees documents in their forums; 
  • Cannot prove that they post the truth; and 
  • That they don’t lie as they accused G.H.Rees of doing.  

G.H.Rees documents and accusations are met by bans and threats instead of counter-arguments.  G.H.Rees names the following forums:
  • God Like Productions; 
  • Alex Jones Infowars; 
  • David Icke-Isaac; 
  • Above Top Secret.  
G.H.Rees accusations against these forums, that they contain “threads with lies” is self-proven fact.  Instead of honest responses and arguments from forum Administrators, these forums have chosen:
  • The dishonest method of silence; 
  • IP bans; 
  • Threats of ISP internet account bans against G.H.Rees documents; and 
  • Threats of ISP internet account bans against friends of G.H.Rees who post its documents in their forums. 

From Hellene and Chaos blog of Friday 3 May 2013

Labrakis, of End National Debt, grew up in America.  He is recreating and spreading unconfirmable claims there and in London, through Hebrew-Saxon propagandists like Alex Jones and David Icke-Isaac (who obey their Mongolian Sephardi chief-rabbis and Hebrew-Saxon hyper-lodge “A.O.A.” of London).  Labrakis falsely claimed that 95% of Israeli citizens:
  • Are Touranian-Mongolian Hazars from Mount Caucasus; 
  • Belong to the tribe of Askhenazi; 
  • Include the Rothschilds;
  • Like the vast majority of Hebrews worldwide, have absolutely no relation to genuine Hebrews of the Old (anti-Hellenic) Testament; and, 
  • Have absolutely no relation to Mongolian Abraham or Habra-Khan.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Jobs, Steve

Hellene and Chaos blog of Friday 14 October 2011

Jobs was praised as a visionary (The Excessive Glorification of Steve Jobs).  He got the Macintosh products, then manufactured in America by American workers and fared them to China and the notorious Foxconn factory with its daily suicides.  At Foxconn, employee-slaves worked thirty six hour consecutive shifts and were subjected to threats and beatings.  Now that factory manufactures for Mac., Lenovo, Hp, Sony-Syon, etc..  Research Foxconn in the web and learn about Chinese labour. 

Jobs had very close relations with all the mystical theory and practice (magick) of reptilian Chinese and their genetic relatives.  Back in 1980, he was thought of as just another guy, although he had a model of personal computer that was far more advanced than others of the time.  The PC failed due to high cost and Jobs left Macintosh as a loser.

Before that, Jobs may have travelled to Tibet, since he was fascinated with Buddhism.  Upon his return to America he went directly to the Los Altos Zen Center in California (which is worth researching) where he was incarcerated.  After becoming a Zen Buddhist with teacher Roshi Kokun Chino (what a coincidence, chino refers to reptilians), Jobs became known as Techno Buddhist.  He bought the graphic part of Lucas Arts and created Pixar, perhaps the most successful company of animation movies, with films that have been fully impressed into the subconscious of children (Toy Story, Nemo, etc).

In 1996, Jobs returned to Mac., very different to when he left.  He was now an adept versed in Tibetan black magick and no longer the wayward fat american.  From then on, Jobs wore the same clothes; a black turtleneck (Cronus notation) with sports specific jeans.  He was ready to become a little god, complete with fanatical disciples that mimicked his style of dress and power to influence and monitor the lives of millions through his devices.  According to some, Jobs passed into history as the "greatest visionary" of the century, but many questions remain:
  • What was he taught in Tibet; 
  • Into what was he initiated; 
  • Why did he return as a messiah to Mac; 
  • Why was his teacher a great mystic; 
  • Why did he wear a particular, permanent clothing "outfit"; 
  • What was agreed and given in return for his unexpected success after initial failure; and,
  • What was the deal with the "you know who"...?

It was announced in mid-2010 that Macintosh was planning to withdraw from China and settle in North America.  Eighteen months on and one year after a liver transplant, Jobs was apparently dead!  Could the Triads or branches of «HONG» have murdered him? Note that the the network of transplants is controlled by Asians, so the organ was either unsafe if indeed they "killed him" or a special arrangement to withdraw him from publicity.
Theosophical Steve Jobs?

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


Hellene and Chaos blog of Sunday 15 November 2009

Hitler was the son of Jew Baron Rothschild (Frankfurt Rothschild’s) with his Jewish maidservant! Jew Hisler/Hitlers’s father adopted son of Jew Rothschild.

Hitler’s father lived as a custom’s officer in a village with a Hebrew name, Braunau.  It had a Jewish majority living there, Satanists, mediums and magickians… famous throughout Germany and Austria.

From Braunau, a vicious history was to evolve.  To explain it, “rabbinical historic psychoanalysis” is a necessary evil, so that the ex-chosen people of “Yahweh” might find the why of their downfall: The survival of the (hyper)rich “sephardim” bankers and annihilation of the poor “Ashkenazim” in the Jewish holocaust.

Roger Garaudy's wrote a book entitled “Basic Myths of Israeli Foreign Policy” that considered this holohoax.  It was forbidden in France, because it exposed Hebrew-Saxons of USA, Britain, Holland, Denmark, Germany and other nations, as “Crooks and Diachronic Assassins of Nations”. 

Confirming Roger Garaudy, historian Faurisson in his book “Jewish Holocaust, lie and truth” proved that furnaces in labour camps were for those who died of natural causes and that it was impossible to incinerate six million Hebrews.  Faurisson proved that the Germans kept the Hebrews for forced labour in German industry during the war, as they also did for prisoners of other ethnicities. 

As WW2 ended in 1945, the mortality rate of prisoners rose dramatically due a general lack of food, drugs and heating, since Germany had been defeated on all fronts.  The gas chambers existed only in fabricated schematics drawn and displayed by Hebrews.  

To the writings of Faurisson and Garaudy, G.H.Rees adds that only Hebrew “Ashkenazim” were subjected to forced labour because they were Jewish Hellenes from As(h)kania, Asia Minor; today’s Western Turkey.  Ashkenazim lived in chambers of many people, while the real Hebrew “Sephardim” lived in small private apartments and did no forced labour e.g. Prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir and the President of the European Economic Community, Simon Veil. 

In all of Germany, some sixty thousand Hellenogene “Ashkenazim” perished in the camps, not the six million for whom Hebrews consistently refuse to publicise names.  Population details from European cities would of course show that the missing ninety-nine per cent…never existed!  Anyway, the World Encyclopaedia of 1934 put the entire European population of Jews at three-and-a-half million. 
Sephardim and Ashkenazim, I

Hellene and Chaos blog of Tuesday 27 September 2011

Following the discovery at CERN that there are speeds in excess of light speeds, such as for finer particles like neutrinos (See http://ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com/2011/09/blog-post_5701.html).  Thus refuted are the useless and deceptive theories of Albert Einstein (Ashkenazi Jew-Germany, probably pseudo-Askanian Khazars, Mongols, like the Rothschilds), namely the General Theory of Relativity and Special Theory of Relativity, because both are based on deliberate deceit that the speed of light is supposedly the speed limit in the universe.  However, the forces of nature had long been consolidated by ancient Greek super-scientists and are restored today by G.H.Rees and divine super-scientists and mathematicians.

G.H.Rees states that the speed of light is variable (This "light barrier" is analogous to frequency or the density of aether.) and the universe was created by the slow condensation of aether and not via any Big Bang.  Greek university professors of physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics perpetrate the Masonic and Jewish lies of modern pseudo-scientific astrophysics, nuclear physics, and cosmology of Chinese Jews and Saxons.  Einstein relativity theory declares aether necessary! 

Sephardim and Ashkenazim, II


Hellene and Chaos blog of Tuesday 15 December 2015

Treasonous Turkish-Hebrew Prime Minister of Greece, Jewish Chiprah (Tsipras) has agreed with the  German-Hebrew government  (Merkel is a German Jew and former chief of the ‘’Communist Youth Party’’ of East Germany) on deployment of a German war fleet to the eastern Aegean.  This, under the pretence of "order restoration along the Greek-Skopje border’’.  If you do not already know, newly arrived migrants are in the area.  Their true purpose is for Turkey to annexe the Greek isles of the eastern Aegean, inevitably leading to war between Turkey and Greece. 

A German-Dutch-Austrian battalion comprising 600 men will have been stationed within Greek territory, with purpose to exert violence on the migrants for which Greek police are to be blamed.  This is planned to provoke an armed uprising of the Islamic population within Greece, leading to Western Macedonia being turned into an autonomous territory, like Kossovo. 

German military were not allowed by passing a law voted for by a minimum of 151 ministers, as ordered by code 27 of the Greek constitution pertaining to ‘’foreign military forces passing through or being stationed inside Greece’’.  Nor were the three invalid, fraudulent memoranda signed by Greece and drawn up with the German Government authorised by any law with the European Commission or European Parliament.  G.H.Rees tells us that consequently:
  • Over ten thousand Greek citizens have committed suicide; 
  • A vast majority of Greek citizens receive psychiatric help; 
  • Children pass out due to hunger and malnutrition in schools; 
  • Nearly 1/3 of able-bodied working Greeks are almost below the poverty line; 
  • Young Greeks have departed Greece in search of work; 
  • Greek enterprises and farmers are faced with destruction; 
  • A low birth rate amongst Greeks is leading to passive genocide, demise of the Greek state by deaths illness etc..
The above effects against Greeks constitute ‘’crimes of an economic war’’, ‘’crimes against humanity’’, and ‘’holocaust crimes’’ committed by Jewish Prime Ministers George Papandreou, Samaras-Ben-Hiram-Zanna, Chiprah, and their Jewish and Masonic ministers. These crimes must therefore be punished according to Jewish law, that is the Moses law of ‘’a life for a life’’.  Based on this, G.H.Rees calls all Greeks to an armed uprising and to impose the death penalty on Jews and masons.  In case Greek militants, police officers and citizens do not impose the above fair death penalties on the Jews and masons of the legislative-judicial-executive authorities in Greece, according to code’’ 120’’ of the Greek constitution, the military section of GHRees will take over and carry out the above penalties.
Sephardim and Ashkenazim, III

Hellene and Chaos blog of Tuesday 16 February 2010

Ashkenazi Jews are not Hebrew-Mongolic, but Pelasgian-Whites from the area of Askania lake (Hellenic Askanians of Bithynia of Asia Minor, see Iliad b-863, o-793), south of Proussa. Askanios was the son of Troy’s king, Aeneas.

“Sephardi” Jews of A’ category like Hitler-Mueller-Eichmann etc, were sacrificing the pseudo-Jews of “B’ category”, i.e. the Hellenogenes Ashkenazim-Askanians, as slaves and animals for slaughter (goym/goyim, see the 2 Testaments) in the fake holocaust.  Purpose: Advertising and politically exploiting the fake Jewish holocaust, so that nations are paralysed and without resistance to Jewish economic crimes (see “crisis”) and wars (see Palestinians, Serbs, Iraqis etc and of the rest of the White Race) up to the end of WW3.

Sephardi Jews add the devious criminal invention: “whoever accuses the Jews is Hitleric and anti-Semite Nazi like the Pelasgian Germans of 1940”.  Today, the Sephardim falsely name as “Ashkenazim” the Mongoloid Khazar Jews and Tatar Jews of Eastern Europe. 

Residents of Israel are ninety-five per cent Hellenogenes Ashkenazim workers and plain professionals, five per cent Sephardim company directors (“elite” Mongol Jew descendants of Abraham or Havra-Han). The popular-workers’ party of Israel has blamed rabbinical Sephardim bankers and politicians of 1940 as theoretical and financial perpetrators of mass transfers of Ashkenazim into the German forced labour camps.

Sephardim and Askenazim, IV

Hellene and Chaos blog of Saturday 21 November 2009

Hebrew-Mongol Elamites in Abraham's time invaded India.  They destroyed the Pelasgian population and formed Israel's supposed enemies - Semitic Arabs, who will assist in genociding the non-Semitic Pelasgian Arabs of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Palestine. 
An Overview

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Jesus Christ [Rabbi Yechoshuah, Rabbi Yahosuva]

Hellene and Chaos blog of Friday 10 May 2013

An asteroid was somehow caused to alter its trajectory and pass 93,000 km closer to Earth.  American scientists claimed that the sharp increase in the course curvature of the main meteorite was not caused by (gravitational) “traction” by another celestial body and is therefore not a result of natural causes thus, making it an astrophysical mystery that cannot be resolved by current astrophysical and celestial engineering.

This “astrophysical mystery” was resolved by G.H.Rees in previous texts based on chapter Θ’(9) of the “Apocalypse” of the “New (Draconian) Testament” [Rev. 9:1].  It was anticipated since 98 A.D. after Rabbi Yahosuva or Jesus Christ that debris from the fragmented planet Phaethon “asteroid zone” would hit our planet.  The lunar possessed Hebrew medium “John the revelator” reported this plan from Patmos island, as it would eventually be undertaken by space-faring lunar engineers of celestial mechanics; under orders of the major criminal of our galaxy, Sin-Zion-Sina-Yahweh-Senti-Jendi-Jewd-Judah-Jed-Jade, or “father god” of Hebrew-Christianity, or “Elloch” of Judaism, or “Allaah” of Hebrew-Islamism as “god of the moon” (behold the crescent moon as symbol of Islamism).

Here is evidence for the idiotic religious faithful, Christians, Jews, and Islamists.  All worship the reptilian Draconian monster, pseudo-god and constant major space criminal of the galaxy for over eleven-and-a-half-thousand years at the expense of the White and the Black Earthy human races:
  • “Father God”, “Elloch”, “Allaah”;
  • His criminal son Jesus Christ or daemonical-by-Jehovah Rabbi Yahosuva; and 
  • Worshippers of the criminal Satanic “All Saints” of lunar Chinese-Hebrew-Christianity.  
Read from the first up to the second paragraph of A’ (1) chapter of the “Apocalypse” of the “New Testament”...

It is written: “Apocalypse of Jesus Christ which was given to him (Jesus) by God (Jesus’ “father god”), to show his (Jesus’) servants what must be done very soon. ------ Jesus sent his angel and revealed all (that must be done) to his servant, John, who testified about the word of God (father) and about Jesus Christ, by what he saw”.

Demon possessed Hebrew medium “John the revelator” is not to be blamed for his writings of the “Apocalypse”, the ones responsible are:
  • Jehovah/Sin/Zion/Sina/“father god” of Christianity/“Elloh or Ellohim” of Judaism/“Allaah” of Islamism/Jedi/Sedi/Jewd/Judah/Jed/Jade of Chinese Confucianism himself;
  • Jesus Christ namely “the son of father god”;
  • angels of “father god”;
  • the sent “holy spirit” of the angels;
  • “virgin” mother of the “son”; and,
  • each one of the “All Saints” of the lunar Draconian Chinese-Hebrew-Christianity. 
Here transcribed is Θ’(9) chapter of “John’s Apocalypse” of the “New Testament”...
“And the fifth angel (of “father god” and “son Jesus Christ”) trumpeted, and saw that a star fell on earth from the sky, and it (the star) was given the key of the well of the abyss (of the underground hollow earth). ------ And (the fallen star) opened the well of the abyss. ----- And smoke ascended from the well, like smoke from a big chimney."  

From Revelation 9:4, we have "...And they (the grasshoppers) were told… to only harm people who do not have the mark (888=Jesus) on their foreheads." Note that “888” of the Chinese Dragon is the key-number-word of J’E’S’U’S’ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ)¨ and is calculated thus: Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200) = 888.

Jesus is a Draconian creation and resident of Selene/Levan/Moon for 2000 years, from where he coordinates religious warfare.  He is probably reincarnated to hurry up the Armageddon project. 

The collision of the “star”-asteroid (of Revelation 9:1) with the Earth will produce an enormous erupting volcano at the collision point.  Vast amounts of pyroclastic volcanic smoke will be released, causing darkness on the planet for many years and killing plant life due to lack of light. 

All animals will die and famine and epidemic diseases will plague the Earth in accordance with the same Draconian schedule described in ς’ (6) chapter of the Apocalypse (Rev. 6:2-8): “Black horseman-angel of… good little Yehosuva Jesus Christ who causes the death of people by causing world famine, and sallow-yellow horseman-angel of the same… good little Christ who causes the death of people by causing world epidemic diseases”. 

For unknown reasons, lunar engineers and their Draconians bosses… good “father god”/Elloh/Allaah, and his good son Yahosuva/Jesus Christ... have have not yet “fulfilled” their program/plan/schedule/“prophecy” about striking Earth with a large asteroid or “star” from the “asteroid zone”.  The object passed by the Earth at a distance. 

Smaller meteorite “gravitational escorts” of the large meteorite arrived in Russian territory and were destroyed by Russian air defense.  Had Draconian Yahwehs and Yahosuvas/Jesus Christs of the moon succeeded in causing the large asteroid to collide with Russia, it would have indiscriminately killed all “unfaithful” and “faithful” Russian Mongol-Hebrews, White Scythians, Christians, Jews, and Islamists.

There is one defense available to earthy governments against artificially directed asteroid projectiles aimed at Earth by major Draconian space criminal Yahwehs, Jesus Christs and “All Saints”.  It is the ultra urgent undergrounding of:
  • Human populations; 
  • Specimens of wild and rural flora; 
  • Animals for reproduction wild and livestock fauna; 
  • Industry; 
  • Tanks of potable water and fuel; and, 
  • Mega-warehouses for food stuffs. 
The first measure for human mental well-being is to use constitutional and legislative frameworks for strict prohibition of criminal lunar, Draconian, Chinese, Mongol, and Hebrew originating religions, namely: 
  • Judaism; 
  • Christianity; 
  • Alevism; 
  • Freemasonry; 
  • Islamism; 
  • Sufism; and,
  • Christian-Dodekatheism of the “Epsilon” of Art. Sorras.  
These religions worship the solar system destroying Draconian space criminals, namely Yahweh/Sin/Zion/Sedi/Jedi, Yahosuvas/Jesus Christs, and the rest space criminal “All Saints”.  As criminal religions, they are used to legalise disasters and genocidal planetary destruction by “divine right”.  This is because planets are cells of the intelligent cosmic organism.

A chemical-biological-radioactive war has broken out against citizens of the West, as ordered by Chinese Masonic hyper-lodge “Hong” and colluding Hebrew-Saxon Western governments (without exception).  American tanker aircraft undertake aerial spraying of chemtrails-biotrails-radiatrails from great altitude, following a Draconian-lunar schedule that is at least two thousand years old; since the lunar Satanic medium-disciple John wrote the “Apocalypse” of
  • good little “father god”/Yahweh/Sin/Zion/Sina/Sedi/Jedi/Jewd/Judah and 
  • good little Christ of love “Jesus Christ son”/Rabbi Yahosuva of Christianity and
  • Elloh or Ellohim of Judaism and
  • Allah of Islamism.  
This schedule is currently being carried out by criminals of WW3 against humanity by
  • The Chinese, 
  • Hebrews of the two-tribe kingdom of Benjamin and Judah of Jerusalem, and 
  • Hebrew-Saxons of the ten-tribe kingdom of Samaria as generals of the American “Pentagon”.  
Prospective rulers of the Earth and annihilators of White, Black, Black-Yellow and White-Yellow Mongolian races are the pure Yellow races of China 888 and United Korea 777.  They want their global dictatorship of Jehovah/Sin/Zion/Sina (China) after 2022 and before the sheeple awaken.

“Father god” of Christianity and Jesus Christ stated via “John”, the Satanic criminal wizard-medium disciple of Jesus Christ/Rabbi Yahosuva:
And I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels
(of …good little “father” god and… good little Christ “son”):
“Go effuse (pour, spray from the sky) on Earth the flasks of God’s wrath (and behold the genocideed inhabitants of planet Phaethon). 

“And the fifth angel effused his flask* against the beast."  The beast is a suicidal Draconian construct of Freemasonry.  It is the evil Nazi Western 'Tiger' of NATO and SEATO nations, with purpose to treasonously besmirch Greece and weakly attack the Kings of the East [Rev. 16:12] - namely, the "good" Chinese 'Dragon' - thereby provoking an overwhelming counter attack.  The beast is therefore a provocateur.  It has many components:
  • Nazi "Greek" Empire 666 of fake Constantinople, 
  • Nazi “Epsilon 666”, 
  • Nazi “END 666” of Art. Sorras,
  • “emperor” and Nazi “new Christ 666” pseudo-Paleologos pseudo-Dragazis Hebrew-Saxon of the Danish court,
  • Nazi “Golden Dawn 666” 
  • secret-Nazi “ΛΑ.Ο.Σ. 666”, and
  • “Bexis—Ihor—666 ”. 
*On behalf of [i] little “father” god (Christianity)/Elloch (Judaism)/Allah (Islamism) and [ii] little Christ; both are reptilian dragon-turtle Draconians, major galactic space criminals and intruders to our solar system.  Aboard their flagship Eva/Leva/Levan/Levania/Levaniah/Moon/Selene/Star of Death, they came from the constellation of Draco in a local galaxy. 

 From Revelation 16: “The seventh angel (on behalf of little “father god” and little Jesus Christ “son”/Rabbi Yah-o-su(l)va .) effused his flask in the air… and a massive earthquake happened, unprecedented since man’s appearance on earth. -------- So massive an earthquake it was.-------- And the great city** was divided into three parts, and the cities of all nations were destroyed. ------ God (Draconian Yahweh) recalled great Babylon (Rome A’ of the Roman Empire) and offered it wine from the glass of… his wrath. ---- All islands and mountains ceased to exist (geological changes due to earthquakes of magnitude 10 on the Richter scale).

Christianity is infected by Zionism/Sionism, which Christians may resent but are manipulated by.   Furthermore, in Yah-o-su(l)va, Yah translates to "Jehovah who saves”.

**Constantinople as “second Rome” and seat of the “beast”, namely the “anti-Christ Greek empire 666 of Constantinople”.  Here again, the Greek people are sullied by treasonous "slaves of god" politicians and others. 

Christianity, I

Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hebrews and Andromedan Hellenic space "E" are enemies...
Proof: In the Old Testament, Book of Numbers, ka 6-9 “Lord” Yahweh/Sin/Sim sends snakes to punish undisciplined Jews.  Later on, the same “Lord” provides an antidote to the poison, a copper snake – savior, upon the view of which the snake-bitten Jews would be healed.  The copper snake was raised horizontally and in a cross-like position upon a vertical pole.  Moses and the copper snake are considered by the Christian priest orders as symbols of Jesus Christ.  We are supposed to think that Yahweh and Jesus are... friends of the “E” and enemies of the (constellation of the) Snake.  Enough with this genocidal mocking of Pelasgians. The intelligent reader understands: Cronean Andromedian traitors and not Uranid-Zeus Andromedians cooperate with the Draconians of the Snake Constellation (and Draco Constellation). 

As previously stated, “888” of the Chinese Dragon is the key-number-word of the word Jesus – J’E’S’U’S’ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ)¨
Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200) = 888

Christianity, II

Hellene and Chaos blog of Thursday, March 29, 2012

In order to prove that in G.H.Rees' report of 17Feb.2010 to the Russian-Hebrew government there was neither any insanity nor any deceit against the Russian-Hebrews or against the Hebrews in general.  We refer you to the book of the Hebrew Zionist organisation of the chief-rabbis Barouch of the ‘USA’, ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’, titled ‘Your Will Be Done’, Chapter IA’ (11), subtitled ‘The Latest Time’, numbered paragraphs 68-71. Barouch, your Kings, write there the following (pp 323-325 of the Greek edition) - not verbatim:
… So what makes the Kings of the North (Russia) take the final step towards self destruction?  Speaking through the evil medium ‘prophet’ Daniel, the angel of Jehovah (demon of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sentai/Tzentai) says:
‘‘News from the East and North will shake him (the ‘King of the North’ = Russia).  He will launch a furious attack to exterminate many… But there will come the end of him (of ‘King of the North’ = Russia) and there will be nobody to help him (Old Testament, Daniel, Chapter IA’ (11), verses 4-45).‘‘… (71)… The scriptures see the place of the Jehovah God approximately in the North (‘‘Psalms, OE’ (75), verses 6-7’’ and ‘‘Psalms, MH’ (48), verse 2’’).  This king of eternity and his reigning king, Jesus Christ, are symbolically characterised as ‘Kings from where the Sun rises’ or ‘Kings from the East’ (against the ‘King of the North’, Russia) (‘‘New Testament, Revelation of John, ΙΣ’ (16), verse 12’’). Jehovah talks about the calling upon of his reigning king (China 888) from the East or from where the Sun rises (‘‘Old Testament, Isaiah, MS’ (46), verses 10-11’’). So that not only the news but also the forces of destruction will come from these directions (from China) upon the ‘King of the North’ (Russia)…

See ‘‘Old Testament, Book of prophet Jekyll (Ezekiel?), Chapter ΛΗ’ (38), verses 1-23’’, and ‘‘Chapter ΛΘ’ (39), verses 1-29’’, in which the God of China, Sin/Sion/Jehovah/Tzentai/Sentai/Jude/Judas, explicitly mentions that he has programmed ‘‘complete genocide for Russians and the people of Moscow or ‘Ros’ and ‘Meshech’ of Moscow’’.  The ‘‘Chinese will drink the blood until they get drunk on blood, and that they will eat the flesh of the Russians until they get full’’ (‘‘Jekyll, ΛΘ’ (39), verses 17-20’’).  See similar programme against the Greeks and the Greek-originated Phoenicians and Palestinians, which is explicitly mentioned by the God of the Chinese, Sion/Sin/Jehuva/Sentai/Tzentai, and by Jesus Christ (chief-rabbi ‘Jehosavah’ = ‘Jehovah saves’), the ‘sitting on a donkey’s colt’ one (in the ‘‘New Testament, book of prophet Zachariah, Chapter Θ’ (9)’’).

We know that ‘KGB’ has tried to analyse this chapter of the ‘Your Will Be Done’ book of the Barouch of the USA, but the analysts of the ‘KGB’ failed to break the code of the rabbinic terminology – cryptogramme:
‘‘Kings from the East – from where the Sun rises = Chinese’’, because they were tricked by the indefinite theological identity: ‘Kings from where the Sun rises = Jehovah and Jesus Christ’ of the Barouch book ‘Your Will Be Done’, and they mistakenly considered that ‘‘this capitalistic book is against the communistic atheism of the Soviet Union’’, first published in English in 1958, that is, way before the collapse of the ‘USSD’ (USSR?) in 1990.

Where the Hebrew analysts of ‘KGB’ failed, resulting in the launch of the religious pogrom of the ‘USSR’ against the stupid and naïve ‘Jehovah witnesses’ of Russia, who were silly enough to believe that the ‘Kings from the East’ of the ‘Revelation’ is… Jehovah and… Jesus Christ against the atheist ‘USSR’.  So, where the Hebrew analysts of the ‘KGB’ failed, geostrategic analysts of G.H.Rees succeeded and warn you: ‘‘If you do not want to get genocided by the Chinese army, break the ‘Shanghai Pact’ and discontinue any commercial and defence collaboration with China now". 

Christianity, III

Hellene and Chaos blog of Friday, August 28, 2015

The number "666” was adopted as “Symbol – Flag of the Greeks” for their pursuit to the depths of Asia up to “The Red Apple Tree”, for vengeance against remaining Mongols of the B.A.S.T./R. axis that will flee there seeking refuge in Draconian China 888 = “Jesus”. This was the agenda of theosophical masonry motivated Ioannis Fourakis, arch-Priest of the “Epsilon Group”, and Karatzaferis crypto-neo-Nazi political leader of the ultra-right wing LA.O.S. party.

Pursuit of B.A.S.T.R. Mongols will follow their expected fifty per cent genocide of northern Greece.  At the time of writing (May 2016), Greece is in a state of high alert.

Upon arrival of the pseudo-Greek led NATO at the Red Apple Tree and its weak attack against China, an overwhelming counter-assault by the “R.I.C. 888” axis will follow and all Greeks will be butchered as a top priority.  Remember that 888 is the number key-word for Jesus (the punisher). 

Christianity, IV