Wednesday, 27 April 2016


As part of the jihad state of ‘’ISIL’’, the armies of the Mongolian Islamic axis of B.A.S.T.R. (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania) are to wage imminent war of against Greece: A planned massacre of Greeks in W.Thrace, Macedonia, S.Ipirus, Thessaly, W.Central Greece up to Mesologgi, Ionian islands, and Aegean islands.  There is difficulty cancelling the above mentioned national catastrophe by G.H.Rees' ‘’first-class mental war’’ due to acts of treason and lack of support from neo-Greeks. 

There is a recent informal ‘’pact’’ between USA-Syria-Iran against the Islamic jihad state of ‘’ISIL’’.  Geostrategic analysts refer to the ‘’pact’’ as ‘’utterly insane’’, but they are not familiar with Chinese-Hebrew behind-the-scenes conspiracy.  They are however well aware that the Jihad movement was funded and supported by USA-Turkey-Israel-Saudi Arabia.

Up on close inspection, one can see that sporadic aerial bombardment by the U.S air force against jihadi sounitic (sunni) targets are not aimed at their destruction, but rather the eventual strengthening of fanaticism.  Subsequently, Baghdad is to be taken and a ‘’Semitic Chalifate’’ established, from where jihad or ‘’Holy War’’ will be declared against two enemies: 
1…. ‘’Christian crusaders’’ (USA+NATO Europe); and, 
2…..‘’siites’’ (shiite islamists), that is pseudo Hebrews,  governments of Iran-Iraq-Pakistan, and ‘’siites’’ through the non-Hebrew government of Syrian president Assad (despite the fact that 80% of Syrians are ‘’sounites’’). 
This insane and chaotic situation was invented by Jewish-Saxon rabbis, English lords, and Hebrew-Saxon university lecturers of USA and England; members of Hebrew-Saxon masonic lodges of ‘’AOA’’ London, ‘’OTO’’ London, and the ‘’NSA’’ hyper-Government of America.  All are commanded by ‘’Hong’’ of China, whose primary role is the provocation and outbreak of WW III between USA-Europe-Japan or 666 and Russia-Islamic ‘’Shiite’’ States-China or 888. 

According to the above planning of WWIII, no Islamic ‘’Sounitic’’ state will take part in this war , such as ‘’ISIL’’ jihadists, Saudi Arabia, Turkey (Chanafite school of ‘’Sounitic’’ Islam), and others.  They will already have dissolved via military counterattack by ‘’Siitic’’ governments, states, and non-Islamic forces such as the USA and others.  In order to justify their total demise by counterattacking ‘’Siitic’’ forces ( Iran-Iraq-Syria) as well as non-Islamic forces such as USA and others, the sounitic forces must be funded, supported, and fanaticized in order for them to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity; so says ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’ and ‘’OTO’’ of London , and ‘’NSA’’ of America.

The sounitic state of the jihadists of ‘’ISIS’’ is nearing completion of its crimes through the upcoming ‘’Baghdad massacre’’.  It was programmed by ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’, ‘’OTO’’, and ‘’NSA’’ that sounitic Turkey completes the crimes after the invasion and slaughter of half the population of Greece by armies of Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania; as masterplanned by the American Pentagon and ordered by the ‘’NSA’’. 

Once all of the above crimes of sounitic states ISIS-TURKEY-SAUDI ARABIA-QATAR-etc. have been committed, ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’, ‘’OTO’’ of London , ‘’NSA’’ of USA , the Hebrew government of Moscow, China and the pseudo-Hebrew governments of siitic Islamic states (IRAN etc.) will destroy by military assault
  • ALL non-sounitic Islamic states of the planet, 
  • sounitic states ISIS-Turkey–Saudi Arabia-Qatar-etc. and 
  • ALL national sounitic Arab regimes.
When this takes place, the Russian military and NATO (USA + Europe) will unite as allies in Eastern Thrace for the extermination of the Turkish army, the Turkish state and other countries of BASTR (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania).  Territories lost to Greece during its war with BASTR will eventually be returned, in an attempt to promote the ‘’Greek Empire of Constantinople 666’’. 

As leader of NATO/SEATO under Hong, this ‘’empire’’ will weakly attack Russia-Islam-China (Islam being only Siitic/Shia/Shiite Islamic states), and so that an overwhelming counterattack will genocide innocent civilians of USA-Europe-Japan on the basis of ‘’genocide by the Satanic anti-Christ nations 666” of the West.  Greece is marked as first up for genocide in this Holy War,  as the "seat and creator of the anti-Christ religion of Christian-dodecatheon 666 ‘EPSILONS’". 

In past documents and texts, G.H.Rees predicted deportation of all Islamists from Europe and USA, which would result in the cessation of Islamic oil exports to Europe and the US.  Western economies would collapse on account of an energy shortage, provoking military invasion of Islamic nations by Europe and USA for the capture and occupation of Islamic oil wells/refineries.

Sounitic Islam regards the ‘’Koran’’ as the only authentic texts in which ‘’Mohammad’’ wrote in his last excerpt that: ‘’There is only one God and his prophet is Mohhammad, after whom there will be no other prophet-Messiah’’.  To manipulate Islam, Hebrew rabbis removed this excerpt from the ‘’Koran’’, thereby founding crypto-Hebrew Siitism/Shiitism that prophesises the coming of a second prophet-Messiah of Islam.  They would change nationally broken-up pieces of Sounitic Islam into an international ultra-nation, for establishing ‘’International Sionistic/Zion, hyper-world government’’. 

There is now proof that this Hebrew plot was and is nothing more than rabbi nonsense, because what is feverishly being prepared is a ‘’global Sino-Chinese government’’ that has masterminded genocide of ALL Hebrews and ALL Saxons of the planet.  This on the grounds of targets being ‘’non-yellow, that is, White-Yellow Mongols’’.  Korea ( 777) is ‘’sponsor’’ of the transition from 666 (New World Order-West) to 888 (New World of China and the ultimate, inevitable Chinese dominance of the planet).
Islam, I

Islam, II

In 17.02.2010 G.H.Rees' representative delivered to the Russian Embassy of Athens a report of geopolicy, geostrategy, and geoeconomics, in which it is proved that if Russia does not foil the planned military assault of Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania against Greece and does not immediately drive China from the Shanghai Pact of the R.I.C. axis (Russia-Islamic nations-China), then World War III will ignite.  Russians, Whites, Blacks, and Mongols will be genocided by the Chinese and North Koreans, just as planned by masonic hyper-lodge “Hong” of China against all other nations of the Planet.

In 25.03.2010, Mr. Konstantin Sivkov - first vice-president of the Russian Geopolitics Academy - responded publicly and negatively.  He theorised that ignition of World War III is inevitable between two geostrategic coalitions, namely USA-Europe-Japan of “NATO – SEATO” and Russia-Islamic Nations-China of the Shanghai Pact.

G.H.Rees considers this response through Mr. Konstantin Sivkov to be suicidal for Russian civilians and the global public.  The planet has known one global cultural crisis, caused by several disproportions, including differences between
  • the free market with its power of money (of the West, “US.E.J.” i.e. USA-Europe-Japan) and 
  • the spiritual roots of Christian orthodox-Islamic-Buddhist religions of the Shanghai Pact/“R.I.C.”/Russia-Islamic Nations-China with its various civilizations (read the prototype English document of Mr. Sivkov). 
G.H.Rees Geopolitics Department notes that today, nations exhausting available resources in production and consumption are no longer in the West or “US.E.J.”.  They are of the developed Islamic Nations and Russia through oil overproduction, and China through over-production of goods, namely the three members of “R.I.C.” of the Eastern Shanghai Pact.  Also, today's rich industrial developed countries and their expanding multinational companies are not of the West or “US.E.J.”, but are developed Islamic Nations and China, namely two members of “R.I.C.”. 

Today, countries motivated by the power of money and free markets are no longer in the bankrupt West/“US.E.J.”, but are developed Islamic Nations (Saudi Arabia-Abu Dhabi-Dubai etc.) and China, again, two members of “R.I.C.”.  They buy entire debts of Western countries and colossal Western companies, for example:
  • The central bank of China has bought the entire public debt of USA and various western companies with last one VOLVO.
  • The Arabic Emirates have bought Olympic Airlines, the Greek shipyards, and various Western companies.
It is necessary that China is expelled from the “R.I.C.” axis/Shanghai Pact and Tibet from Tibet-India-Mongolia since it is an ally of “US.E.J.”.  Following the expulsions, “US.E.J” should merge with “R.I.” (Russia-Islamic Nations) and “I.M.” (India-Mongolia) to create the hyper-axis “R.I.-US.E.J.-I.M.” under Russian command and against the axis “C.K.” (China-Korea).  These changes would cease the modus operandi of Chinese hyper-lodge “Hong” for economic, political, military, national dissolution and genocide of all nations and countries of Earth by China and North Korea.

Christian Russians worshipping the Chinese-progenitor god Sin/Sion/Zion are identifiably defeatist in the face of annihilation, promised in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 of the “Old Testament”, against the “Rus” of Russia and “Mesheh” of Moscow.  There cannot be sincere mutual-cultural support between them and the evidently aggressive, warmongering, genocidal Islamic Nations component of “jihad – Holy War” within “R.I.C.”.  Again, the second coalition “R.I.C.” is comprised by countries of:
  • Orthodox Christian religion (Russia), 
  • Islamic religion, and 
  • other civilizations (China).  
Christianity through neo-Platonism and Islam via influence of ancient Hellenic writings from Alexandria Library are giving dominion of the spiritual over the material good.  G.H.Rees accepts this, but only in regard to Russia and the Islamic Nations, not China, claiming that it is falsely rumoured Chinese are “Spiritual People”.  History has proved they are by nature unforthcoming genociders without human intellectualism and feelings.  (Read Links: , ,  

Arabic sunni priesthoods and royal sunni dynasties such as Saudi Arabia, Arabic Emirates, and rest, refuse to unite with the “R.I.C.” axis.  Unlike Islamic countries commanded by crypto-Hebrew shiite priesthoods, they prefer to keep a calm philo-Western stance in favour of “US.E.J..  

Sunni/Sunnite Islamic countries don’t join politically and militarily with “R.I.C.” in order to accelerate conduct toward the “inevitable” Third World War.  Greece and the rest Western nations of “NATO” will be annihilated by Russia-Islamic Shiite Nations-China, because Hebrew-Saxon generals of the “USA” Pentagon are conspiring toward defeat of American and NATO armies by “R.I.C.”.
Islam, III

The eternal distorters of every truth, the Hebrews, reversed reality and whilst they were the criminal assassins of WW2, they falsely presented themselves as victims of the non-existant, unproven “Holocaust” - the so-called Holohoax.  Historians Forisson and Roger Garaudy (leader of the French left in his book “Myths of the Israeli External Policy”) revealed that:
  • A)  There never were gas chambers. 
  • B)  The blast furnaces started to function in 1945, the last year of the war and they burnt 60.000 and not 6,000,000 “Ashkenazi” Jews that were already dead by natural causes in “forced labour camps” and not in “genocidal camps”.  
  • C)   Pastor James Wickstrom, PhD informed us that the World Encyclopaedia of 1934 put the entire European Jewish population at 3.5 million, which means that Jews must have been actively seeking homes in the concentration camps.
During the Asian (R.I.C.) counter-attack of WW3 against the West, Sephardi Jews of the U.S. National Security Council via the Chinese Jews of Shanghai and Beijing (“Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” - see study of the French Jean Boyer) plan to annihilate three million Hellenic Askanians of Israel as the “final Jewish holocaust”.  This will enable them to “guiltyfy” and paralyse Asian nations as “genocidal criminals”, so that they accept submission to the “international Jewish hyper-government of the reign of God”.  But “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao”, as today’s leaders of China, plan annihilation of Sephardi Jews because they are half Chinese White-Yellows. 
Islam, IV

For those cognizant of the Assyrian-Babylon religion we remind that the term Ilou or Eli in Aramaic, or El or Eloha or Elohim in Hebrew, or Ilah or Allah in Arabic, represents not a particular god but the idea of divine in its absolute and general meaning.  It is attributed to the lunar god Sin in whom the adjectives “Ruler God”, “The Ruler of Gods of Heaven and Earth”, “King of Gods”, “God of Gods”, “Lunar Master”, “The Architect of Everything, He who holds the Heavens” (N.B.  The Architect was a character in the Matrix film of 1999 - Ed..) were adapted.

The symbol of the god Sin or Sim is the moon, as displayed upon the flags of many Islamic nations.  The primary place of worship toward Sin is the city of Ur, Chaldea from whence came Abraham … according to the Scriptures, “Berrosus Cosmogony”. 
Islam, V

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