End National Debt (E.N.D.) has a Facebook page, "The River Is You". There, the "incarnated Epsilon" and "incarnated spirit-forms of Apollo as Indigo Children" chat and in between are statements in the manner of: "In the following five months from February to June 2013, entirely unique and unprecedented in the line of the entire history of mankind happenings will occur, under God Apollo, from the Chthonian abodes of the Earth below and up from the approximate interplanetary space, from where respectively the spirits and dwellings in flesh under Apollo will resurface, to the exterior of our planet".
As "ascending from beneath the Earth's Chthonian-subterranean dwellings of Apollo" the "incarnated Epsilon Indigo" of E.N.D. accredit presently assembled sub-terranean Draconian "Greys", former extra-terrestrials. This is the very same manner as described by Phil Schneider, a geologist with supreme security clearance in deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B's) where mixed personnel of "Grey" extra-intraterrestrials and American government staff came into conflict.
Subterranean Greys are not ascending to the external surface of our planet as falsely spread by Draconian-demon possessed "Epsilons". Between the interior and the exterior of our planet Gaia, there exists a magma zone that is two hundred kilometres deep and boils over into volcanoes that erupt through the outer and inner surface of the Earth. In the magma zone, there exist super-heated radioactive super-heavy elemental metals in liquid form. Due to high intensity radiation, this zone is unsurpassable and fatal for all the creatures, be they flesh or "spirit" of thinner dimension.
The subterranean Grey under Draconians are to resurface from the external globular mantle of Earth to carry out orders of the supreme intergalactic criminal Sin/Sion/Sina/Jedai/Sendai/Jude/Judas of the Draconian moon. Upon exiting to the outer surface of earth they will commit war crimes while impersonating Apollo and other Andromedan pelasgian Hellenes from inside the hollow Earth. Greys will pose as the "Chthonian demonology of god Apollo", allies to "anti-Christ populations 666" ("Epsilon 666", "Indigo Children 666", "Empire of Constantinople 666" of La.O.S. 666, and "Golden Dawn 666") and proceed to weakly attack armed and unarmed civilians of Russia-Islam-China. Consequently, annihilating counter-attack against the West and NATO is inevitable.
The "above expected" material and "immaterial" other-dimensional entities of higher matter rarefication, "Apollonians" as "Epsilons", are fictional inhabitants of inexistent "Nibiru"! Both are depicted on 10 and 100 Swiss franc currancy, although the materialisation and orbit of inexistent "Nibiru" is astrophysically and astronomically impossible.
Hebrew rabbi Zechariah Sitchin's scam was that "Anunnaki were the inhabitants of Nibiru, that created mankind in order to mine gold from the subsoil of the earth, and hand it over to the Anunnaki every three thousand years, when their planet, Nibiru, is approaching earth"(!!!). Likewise, it is stated in the "holy (false) scripture" of the Si(o)no-Judeo-Christianity": "gold and silver to god alone" (Haggai 2:8?), where god is pseudo-Yahweh leader of the moon. Gold belongs to the rightful inhabitants of Earth, not to an interstellar carnival lord, fictional "Anunnaki" or inexistent "Nibiru".
Draconian genetic engineers of the moon are allegedly ascending from beneath Earth as "Apollonian chthonian Greys" and "incoming celestial Apollonian Anunnaki". They are to appear locally as allies of traitor Andromedans, namely Cronian-Saturnians that look like governmental Andromedans orbiting Saturn and Hellenes of modern Greece. This resemblance will bring about complete genocide of Earth's Hellenes and other nations of the White race in Europe, Asia, America, and Australia by armies of Russia, Islam, and China (R.I.C.). R.I.C. is to be led by Sino-Hebrews accusing Whites of allegiance with "Saturnians, Greys and celestial Anunnaki" and "criminals against populations of R.I.C.." Sino-Hebrews will add that the supreme leader empire of NATO under SEATO is Hellenic "Empire 666" of Constantinople, "La.O.S. 666", "Golden Dawn 666", and "E.N.D. 666".
The old Draconian plans are illustrated in "Revelations" of the "holy (Draconian) scripture". We cite passages from chapter 9:1-11 (KJV):
"v1 And the fifth angel sounded, and i saw a star (asteroid) fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. v2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. v3 And there came out of the smoke locusts (ufo flying machines under chthonian Grey Draconians) upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. v4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of god in their foreheads. v5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. v6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them ........ v11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon ( destroyer )."
Apollyon is a devious resounding/alliteration of the name "Apollo", in order to burden the Andromedian god Apollo and other Andromedian gods. The Andromedian dodecatheon of the supreme scientific and govenrmental gods of the planet earth arrived 9600 years before rabbi Yahoshua/Yeshus/Jesus, burden to planetary government and subsequent impediment toward the imminent landing of governmental Andromedians from around planet Saturn; natural allies of the Andromedian Greek dodecatheon. People are to be tortured for five months.
We now cite passages from Revelations 12:4-9 of the Draconian agenda:
"v4 And his tail (of the dragon, as Zeus is slandered here) drew the third part of the stars of heaven (that is the four external planets - Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto - under continuous Hellenic reign for more than 9600 years before Yahoshuva to the present day and differing from the "internal" chthonian planets), and did cast them to the Earth (that is, Zeus allegedly landed his forces consisting of crew ranging from the entirety of the four external planets as Anunnaki and Hyperboreans, read Saturnians, with null forces of the Andromedian starfleet that would incidentally arrive in our planet, as an antecedent line of the Andromedians): v7 And there was war in heaven: v9 And the great dragon (allegedly Zeus) was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan (opposer), which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
"Revelations" are obfuscating, referring to Zeus as Anunnaki and "Hyperborean" or Saturnian mutineers landing upon our planet, when it was always crew of a fake dodecatheon of pseudo-Zeus, namely Sin/Sion/Jedai; supreme luna(r)tic con artist of the moon. Sin plans to pose as Zeus and re-engage in the role of returning, defeated Andromedians. He expects White Andromedian nations of the planet to assist him without resistance, by handing over all ammunition to Earthly Draconian forces of pseudo-Zeus, the Chinese and Koreans.
Greek Andromedan G.H.Rees has revealed the entire Draconian mechanism to nations of planet Earth. Consequently, it is now unattainable.
Invaders of Earth, I
ultimate e-library of planet Earth is now available . Answers to everything ,
i.e the reason for our existence, where we are heading, and the role of “Anthrop”
(Man) on the planets!
of Alexandria’’ e-library is made up of 2DVDs containing no less than 3855
archives in 433 files!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Invaders of Earth, II
Below is an article of the above mentioned two Russian Academics Vasin and Shcherbakov, published in the Soviet journal "Sputnik" and concerning the semi-artificial nature of the Moon “hypothesis”. This is an old article. Official and unofficial Soviet scientists have for a long time had suspicions about the artificial or semi-artificial nature of Earth’s satellite.
Americans also had their problems. Just consider this. Why did American manned lunar missions stop so abruptly in 1972 and cease for four decades up to the present? Seems the Dragonian Lizards don’t want Earthlings landing on their damn titanium ship without prior permission.
An Artificial Sputnik Of The Earth?
The origin of the Moon is one of the most complicated problems of cosmogony. So far there have been basically three hypotheses under discussion:
I. That the Moon is a broken-away fragment of the Earth. This is refuted by evidence.
II. The Moon was formed independently from the same cloud of dust and gas as the Earth, and immediately became the Earth's natural satellite.
There is a big difference between the specific gravity of the Moon (3.33 grammes per cubic centimetre) and that of Earth (5.5 gr.), why? Furthermore, analysis of samples brought back by the U.S. Apollo astronauts shows that lunar rock is not of the same composition as Earth's and some is much older that the oldest on Earth.
III. The Moon came into being separately, far from Earth (perhaps even outside the Solar system). This would mean that it is unlikely to be fashioned from the same "clay" as Earth. Moon arrived in Earth's very close to circular geocentric orbit by a complex interplay of forces of gravity, although a catch of this kind is virtually impossible.
In conclusion, scientists studying the origin of the Universe today have no acceptable theory to explain how the Earth-Moon system came into being. A new explanation is required...
G.H.Rees' Hypothesis:
Moon is an artificial Earth satellite intelligently placed into orbit around Earth. Only a highly developed civilisation would be capable of such a feat.
A Noah's Ark?
If you are going to launch an artificial sputnik, then it is advisable to make it hollow. At the same time it would be naive to imagine that anyone capable of such a tremendous space project would be satisfied simply with some kind of giant empty trunk hurled into a near-Earth trajectory.
American scientists have found chromium, titanium and zirconium on the Moon. These metals are mechanically strong, anti-corrosive, and have refractory properties. A combination of them all would have resistance to heat and impacts, and could be used on Earth for lining electrical furnaces.
If a material had to be devised to protect a giant artificial satellite from the unfavourable effects of temperature, cosmic radiation, and meteorite bombardment, experts would probably use precisely these metals. Lunar rock is also an extraordinarily poor heat conductor, which has amazed astronauts. Designers of Earth's super-sputnik might want just that property.
From the engineers point of view, this spaceship of ages long past which we call the Moon is superbly constructed. There may be a good reason for its extreme longevity. It is even possible that it predates our own planet. At any rate, some pieces of lunar rock have proved older than the oldest on Earth, this applies to materials and not structures. The moon itself is 4.47 billion-years-old. Earth is 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years old.
G.H.Rees does not imagine Moon is inhabited, and probably many of its automatic devices have stopped working, too. Stabilisers have ceased functioning and the poles have shifted. Even though Moon has one aspect continually facing Earth, it is unsteady on its own axis and occasionally shows part of its reverse side which was once invisible to observers on the Earth; for example, the Selenites themselves if they made expeditions here.
In the Sino-Zionist Old Testament, a pseudo-God posing as Supreme Creator-Being threatens that he will remove Moon from Earth's orbit for vengeance toward unbelievers, after he steals all the Earth’s Gold and raw materials! (Haggai 2:8 (KJV): "The silver is mine (Sin-Zion-YHWH), and the gold is mine (Sin-Zion-YHWH)".)
There is no Creator-God ...who as a Creator can have the ethical alibi and right to destroy and manipulate whole planetary systems? Sin, the Lunar pseudo-God and universal crook teaches this madness to Earthlings in order to separate them from healthy co-existance with Nature - aka the Universal Hyper-Organism. Finally, he will use them as "Lord's servants" (Especially his genetic spawn, the Sin-ese.) for stripping the whole planet of its raw materials. Then he will destroy Earth, as he did with the lost planet Phaethon or "Maldek" (now today's asteroid belt), which was an abominable action the Universal Hierarchy Justice counts as a Universal Mass Crime: A planet is actually a living and thinking mega-cell of the Universal Organism.
Invaders of Earth, III
Chinese Invasion (2010 Scenario)
It is impossible (?) for China to invade militarily in Siberia to occupy Russian oil wells. China attempted formerly with the Soviets, but the Russians burned the Chinese army with ‘’lasers’’. The Russian army must watch cautiously for every ... impossible possibility, because everything is possible for the Dragonian Satan pseudo-god Sin-Sion-Sina-Sedi, pseudoJehovah on Earth. A Chinese invasion in India is without meaning because there are no oil wells for occupation (but it is wise for the army of India to also be cautious) and necessary Chinese aircraft carriers are not yet ready the for invasion.
China is programming two giant ‘’Pearl Harbour’’ attacks upon Japan and the United States of America. Since Russia and ‘’NATO’’ have agreed every form of cooperation, China's only logical and possible course...
The Chinese army of millions of men will make its first mass entry into states of the axis ‘’Turkey-Syria-Iran-Pakistan-China’’,
secondly, China will invade through Syria-Jordan-Iran at the Arabian peninsula to occupy oil wells in Saudi Arabia-Kuwait-Bahrain-Qatar-Oman, and
thirdly, it will invade Europe through East Thrace of Turkey-Greece-Balkans, and
fourth, a simultaneous invasion of the Chinese army against Russia from four points; namely from (1) Turkey through Armenia-Azerbaijan-Georgia as three states of ‘’C.I.S.’’ (former republics of the Soviet Union), (2) through Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan as five states of ‘’C.I.S.’’, (3) through outer Mongolia, and (4) through the Russia-China borders of eastern Siberia, from the Russian city Borzya up to the Russian Vladivostok. Military shareholders of ‘’NATO’’ must agree at once and outright for thorough briefing of governments of all ‘’C.I.S.’’ states about the forthcoming Chinese and Korean genocidal typhoon with its criminal purpose the culling of five billion Earthlings.
Invaders of Earth, IV
Eva/Leva/Levan/Levaniah/Moon/Selene/Selini/Star of Death made a first attempt to enter the orbit of the Earth at around 20,000 B.C., but failed. Its orbit risked a collision with Earth, which was stopped by Andromedian Celestials. A second attempt was successful and Selene entered Earth's orbit around 11,436 B.C. (see research by G.H.Rees, Raymond Drake, and the inscriptions in Tiahuanaco of Bolivia, etc). At this time, Earth was populated by people of the White race from the Constellation of Andromeda and people of the local indigenous Black race from Sirius.
White Race Hellenes from Andromeda came to Earth via the astro-gate of Sirius (Coccyx-Hyperion), as a scientific mission. They aiming at teaching the indigenous Black race about Ecological Harmony, Universal Natural Laws, and Astrological Laws (see the annals of the Dogon race in Mali, Africa).
Reptilian Draconians of Selene, having Asmodai Metatron and El Santai (see the Bible – Old Testament) or Sentai-Tzentai (see the Japanese and Hebrew produced film Star Wars) or Tzoudas-Judas as their premiers, asked Zeus for permission to land their population on Earth.
Xenius Zeus [translator’s comment: ‘Xenius’ is one of the adjectives accompanying Zeus, and it is rendered as ‘welcoming’, ‘friendly’, etc] was outnumbered and had not yet realised the attacking-pirating intentions of Selene. He allowed the landing, given the proviso that they would keep the population ratio at 1:108 and that the Draconians would respect the existing cultural tendency and language of the planet (Archetypical Greek). The Reptilians of Selene landed at the island complex-continent of Atlantis/Waterland, under the governance of the Andromedian Hyper-Minister of the water element, Poseidon. The first Chinese hybrid settlers were able to survive on Earth, being genetically engineered to withstand attack by Earth's microbes (biocompatibility). Under orders of the first Reptilian clergy of the Serpens constellation and guidance of Selene, the Chinese soon degenerated White Pelasgians of Atlantis and turned them in a ‘civil’ world war against their racial brothers, the Pelasgians of Europe and the pre-historic Athenian Empire (see Plato’s Timaeus and Critias). ‘Special effect’ nuclear weapons and meteorological weapons were used in this war, as mentioned in the ancient Indian texts of Vedas and Mahabharata. So, along with the World War of Earth, a space war broke out between Selene and the space executives of Zeus.
Selene utilised gravity cannons to exert overpressure on the lithospheric plates of Earth and managed to sink Atlantis and a while later, the Aegis Zone (present day Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea). Millions of White Atlantian and Athenian souls were drowned in the sea. The Pelasgic golden era of high technology and civilisation in harmony with nature soon shifted to a ‘stone age’. Civilisation went back to square one and chaos prevailed.
Moon has a partner, the flagship Lilith, a dark glossy Planet of War. Around 9,600 B.C. when Atlantis and Aegis sank, Lilith moved out-of-sight behind Moon and into a synchronous orbit with it, so that the three bodies (Earth – Moon – Lilth) formed a straight line (see Kabbalah). Since that time, Earth has been under complete control of reptilian Draconian mutineers and their treasonous Andromedian allies of Saturn.
Zeus sought to avoid a general destruction of Earth. His forces seem to have retreated: 1/3 towards the four outer planets (Saturn, Uranus, Poseidon [Neptune], Pluto);
1/3 towards the cavity of the ‘Inner Earth’ (from the opening of the North Pole); and,
1/3 left our solar system to inform the local Galactic Government at the Constellation of Andromeda about the invasion, crimes of Draconian Selene, and to ask for reinforcement.
Invaders of Earth, V
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