Dragonian pure-Yellow Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinou/Sinese namely Chinese in “Genesis C – 15” are to undertake “Future annihilation of the Sperm of Zeus/Devil/Snake”. (In “John’s Revelation” Pergamos has the “throne of Satan/Devil/Snake”, although the Maximum Altar of Zeus was transferred to Berlin.) “Sperm of Zeus” refers to Greek Hellenes and White Pelasgian nations that the Dragonian pure-Yellow (Chinese) sperm of the Dragonian Moon (Levanah/Levan/Leva/Eva) automatically condemns to death. Hebrews, Saxons and the rest White-Yellow Mongols, and Black-Yellow Mongols are likewise doomed.
Mongols result from intermarriage of the Yellow Dragonian race with the hostile White Andromedian race (of Zeus) and the hostile Black Sirian race (“Cursed Ham”). These intermixed Mongolian sperms are impure “bastard” sperms with congenital schizophrenic inclination to genocide all original pure sperms; namely the pure Yellow Dragonian sperm Chinese, pure White Andromedian sperm, White Pelasgians, and pure Black Sirian sperm, Black Aboriginals.
Dragonian biologists of space lunar medicine already knew what French Biologists discovered in the nineteen thirties, namely that people originating from intermarriage of the three main races, White – Black – Yellow, have inborn schizo-intellectual (schizophrenic), schizo-emotional (luna-tic), and schizo-body (regular diseases). So, because Hebrews, Saxons, and other Mongols have inborn tensions toward unreasoned genocide of White, Black, and Yellow pure races, known as Doberman syndrome, it is certain that the Chinese will destroy White-Mongols and Black-Mongols of the semi-axis “Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols” with first annihilated being Hebrews, Judeans, and Hebrew Saxons.
The “Old Testament” of “Holy (Dragonian) Scripture” abounds with orders of the type:
“Do not intermarry with the sperm of Palestinian White Hellenes”; and,
“You will not be contaminated with the sperm of the White Palestinians Hellenes though marriage with them”.
Those orders were and are meaningless where addressed toward Mongol Israelites and Judeans , because they are already intermixed by intermarriage of White and Yellow races. Mongol Israelites and Judeans were from the beginning “contaminated” with “DNA”, “Chromosomes”, and genetic cellular memory of the “Satanic-hostile-gainsayer” White race as “Sperm of Zeus – Devil”. Therefore, the Chinese knowingly gave those orders as “violated orders of Chinese racial purity” law.
This allegedly provides a moral alibi for “genocide against the impure Judeans by the grace of the Chinese God, Jade-Jude”, along with Saxons and rest Mongols. The retroactive Chinese law of racial purity extends from when Mongols were created, but it is impossible to apply and execute due to (pre-existing, irrevocable) “contamination” of Mongols with Sperm of the White and Black “Satanic” races. By this means, the captious lunar Dragonian “Jehovah” has deviously subverted survival of Judeans and Saxons (Israelites of Samaria) in the forthcoming pure-Yellow Dragonian Chinese "Armageddon" planned by Jehovah-Sin-Sion-Zion-Sinai-Sina-China.
Intermarriage I
For the sake of the global currency of the New World Order, Hellenist hating Hebrew-Mongol George Soros didn’t calculate that maybe he and his friends can “kill” the dollar by financial crimes, but China through the supreme Hyperlodge Hong plans to kill everybody in the final phases of World War III for its Kingdom of Jehovah with strict criteria of racial purity. That would end intermarriage and co-existing of the Yellow race of China and Korea with the bastard White-Yellow products of ancient and historic White race genocides!
A total global Chinese Dragonian hegemony will no longer have diachronic, intermarried Mongolian hordes with Doberman syndrome (Read studies of French Anthropologists, 1920.) aggressively and unpredictably attack the pure-Yellow race. The Great Wall of China or Sinic Wall would no longer be required to keep the Mongols out and protect the Chinese genetic characteristics bestowed by lunar Elohim, Sin. Hebrew-Mongolian and Turanian-Mongolian genocidal hordes could then be pushed to the West, causing more chaos to White Pelasgian and Black Sirian races, as they did in former times to the powerful pelasgian Empires of Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and Metropolitan Hellas. (Turanians are speakers of Ural-Altaic languages.)
Intermarriage II
Jew-Hebrew rabbis and Saxon lords are teaching that Jews and Saxons don't belong to the White race, but to the Mongolian White-Yellow race through intermarriage. That means Jews and Saxons will belong to the Mongolian semi-axis "Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols", who will be genocided by the pure-Yellow armies of China and Korea.
Ancient texts reveal that White-Yellow intermarriage/interbreeding took place violently. Men of the White and the Black races were slaughtered and the women were raped by the Yellow race, from 11.500 b.C. until today.
Members of the Russian government, as Russian-Hebrew presidents, prime ministers and ministers are due to be genocided by China, because they are racially impure White-Yellow Mongolian-Hebrews resulting from intermarriage of Chinese and Whites. They considered the evidence reported to them, either as figments of our imagination or as a Greek deceit against the Chinese-Hebrew ‘Kingdom of the Jehovah’!
Intermarriage III
From 1644 A.D., the longstanding imperial Ming Dynasty was displaced from power in China by the imperial Tsing dynasty invading from Manchuria, NE of China. Due to some intermarriage, Tsing/Ching are apparently not pure-Yellow Draconian. This is unacceptable to pure-Yellow Draconian Chinese who do not tolerate racial fly on their sword, so they immediately began an insurgency, which lasted some time in a Shaolin monastery, before the Tsing sent an army that destroyed it. According to legend, only five Shaolin monks survived, the infamous "five seniors" that foundeed the Draconian hyper-lodge Hong.
Intermarriage IV
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