Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Indigo Children 666

In between the chats of the "incarnated Epsilon" and the "incarnated spirit-forms of Apollo as Indigo Children", in the facebook page "The River Is You" of E.N.D. (End National Debt), there are statements in the manner of: "In the following five months from February to June 2013, entirely unique and unprecedented in the line of the entire history of mankind, happenings will occur under God Apollo, from the Chthonian abodes of the earth below, and up from the approximate interplanetary space, from where respectively the spirits and dwellings in flesh under Apollo will resurface, to the exterior of our planet".

As "ascending from beneath the earth's Chthonian-subterranean dwellings of Apollo" the "incarnated Epsilon Indigo" of E.N.D. refer to Draconian-assembled "Greys" as former extra-terrestrials now sub-terranean.  This description corresponds with geologist Phil Schneider's.  He had supreme security access to subterranean bases and staff teams that included "Grey" extra-intraterrestrials, witnessing frictions and facilitations between the American government and the "greys".  [See videos concerning Phil Schneider, who was assassinated by American secret services. 

Subterranean Greys under the Draconians are to resurface from the subterranean abodes within Earth's mantle to carry out wicked orders of the supreme intergalactic criminal: Sin/Sion/Sina/Jedai/Sendai/Jude/Judas of the Draconian moon.  They will exit to the outer surface of Earth's crust, posing as "Anunnaki" celestial Apollonian allies of various Satanic groups: "Epsilon 666", "Indigo Children 666", "Empire of Constantinople 666" of L.A.O.S. 666, and "Golden Dawn 666", where they are intended to be received as "Chthonian demons of God Apollo".  The evil Greys will impersonate trapped Andromedan pelasgian Hellenes of the hollow earth, in order to disgrace honourable Hellenes of the outer crust with crimes against humanity (Implicitly rejecting that Earth is not core, mantle, and crust.  Ed.).  Chief targets are to be armed and unarmed civilians of Russia-Islam-China, whose subsequent overwhelming counter-attack is intended to entirely annihilate the alleged Western "antichrist populations 666". 
Indigo Children 666, I

G.H.Rees has programmed the biological cleansing of all Neo Greeks and “Indigo Children” possessed by lunar Draconian demons of Sin-Sion-Sina-Jude-Juda-Jehova.  Those possessed falsely impersonate long gone “Gods” of the Greek Andromedian Dodecatheon of Zeus, with the aim of provoking Hellenes (Greeks) into accepting and leading NATO against Russia-Islam-China, through the “Hellenic Empire 666” of Constantinople.  Greece is to ignite WWIII and bear all provocative war crimes and crimes against humanity to be committed by NATO against R.I.C..
Indigo Children 666, II

Hoping to make some minimal order out of the chaos of the scattered brains of the "Epsilon", "mediums" of the type of Dionysios Illarionas and the "incarnated Indigo Children" of the Facebook page "The River Is You" of E.N.D., claim that they "see the light and communicate with God Apollo". G.H.Rees considers it important to cite the following clarifications on this matter:

[G.H.Rees material is published in hellenandchaos.blogspot.co.uk .  It concerns the matter at hand, rather than Indigo Children, so will not be followed here.  Suffice to say, enemy claims of communicating with God Apollo has proved sufficient to provoke response.  Should readers be curious, they can visit the post.]
Indigo Children 666, III

G.H.Rees calls upon the self-righteous dictator-medium of the Dracos that impersonate the Twelve Gods of Zeus, namely Dionysios Illarionas, a member of the E.N.D. Facebook page “The River is You”.  He must testify and apologise publicly in writing, through the internet and especially through the “EllhnKaiChaos” blog for an oversized depiction of the Moon over the Hellenic horizon being uploaded and followed with comments of so-called “incarnated spirit-forms of Apollo”, “Indigo Children 666”.  Illarionas is already familiar with G.H.Rees' discussions that according to testimony of the Draconian Judeo-Christian “Holy Scripture” book of “Revelation”, Sin-Sion-PseudoTheBeing-PseudoJehova-Sendai-Jedai-Jade-Jed-Jude-Judas is based upon the Moon (Rev. 12:1).  It is also a basic teaching of Hinduism A’ and Buddhism is that the Moon is hostile towards people and they must avoid getting in contact with its radiation. 

G.H.Rees will not allow anyone to bring about genocide Hellenes or White Race and Black nations through provocations of Greece toward WW3, as supervised by Draconian Demons of the Moon, “Epsilon 666” and possessed “Indigo Children 666” within whom the Draconian demons are incarnated impersonations of the spirit-forms of god Apollo. 
Indigo Children 666, IV

There is no longer a time schedule given by Andromedians of Saturn as to their intervention on planet Earth.  If any time limit is announced by “Indigo Children” of E.N.D. 666 or “Epsilon 666”, it will be a “bluff” concerning arrival of “alien Saturnalian rebels” (fake Andromedians) and “Chthonic former alien Gray Draconians” (fake Apollonians of the inner Earth).  Saturnalians and Grays are forces allied to “Greek Empire 666” of Constantinople of the “Epsilon 666”, its “Indigo Children 666 of E.N.D.”, “Golden Dawn 666”, and “L.A.O.S. 666”.  These forces plan attack of “NATO”, under seemingly Greek command, against the axis of Russia-Islam-China (R.I.C.).   A massive R.I.C. counter-attack is to bring total genocide of Black and White civilians of “NATO”, with Hellenes being the first for slaughter.
Indigo Children 666, V


The level of collusion between the Hebrew-Saxon American Government and Sorras’ gang of frauds is such that it does not allow for simple explaining of the type “Does Sorras’ money exist or not, and are his bonds real or not?”.  Authenticity is of no interest to the Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon cartels of the West, which as it turns out, have received explicit orders to promote Sorras as immediate sponsor of the “666 Government at Mystras”, “Empire 666 at Constantinople”, “Epsilon 666”, ”Golden Dawn 666”, and “L.A.O.S 666”.  This is easily verified by the fact that in Sorras’ page “The River Is You” on Facebook, the only ones leaving comments were and are members and followers of “Epsilon 666”, that is the “Indigo Children 666" incarnated spirits of (pseudo-)Apollo. 

On Sorras’ Facebook page “The River Is You”, his “Epsilon 666” followers obeyed orders by writing spiritual nonsense through………lexarithms, in which they refer to Sorras as “the incarnated spirit of Apollo” and other disgusting, traitorous comments of the supposed “incarnated Indigo Children”. 

Hellenes and five billion condemned people are to perish in WWIII, brought about by Sorras’ E.N.D. if it is not exterminated in time.  In an attempt to fully disclose the treason of E.N.D against Greece and planetary security, G.H.Rees calls upon all webpages to upload the “Epsilon“ hymns to the demonically possessed Artemis Sorras
Indigo Children 666, VI


Identification with under demonic possession "Indigo Children 666"):
"Enlightened children-angels on earth-blue ray"; 
....Blue-ray....(hysterical laugh!!)....What's next in line?  An lp-cd so maybe Mr Koemtzopoulos!!;
All posts are under the name of Koemtzopoulos that is head of the Greek department of this Epsilonist bullcrap of Salusa and his name resounds in the Hebrew-Mongol Koen->Coon->Khan->Han!

Identification of the "Indigo Children" and Salusa - team of Koemtzopoulos with the theosophical Buddhist-Nazi society. We can read inside by Koemtzopoulos and Salusa (<<Galactic Federation of Light>>):
a) Extraterrestrial, olympian, and ascended masters are three categories of entities (described in detail in hellenandchaos.blogspot.co.uk);
Use of the term <<ascended master>> arises directly from terminology of the global <<theosophical society>>.
Indigo Children 666, VII

Incarnated spirits of pseudo-Apollo.  “Pseudo-followers” of the “reincarnated God Dionysus and Apollo Tyaneus Christ 666”, that is the Mongol Hebrew-Saxon imposter of the Danish court “pseudo-paleologos pseudo-Dragazis DAN-666 Christian-Oldenburg-Holstein-Glucksburg, to place the armies of the White races of the West under leadership of White-Yellow Mongols-Hebrew-Saxons-and Japanese generals of “US.E.J” (USA-Europe-Japan), and Mongol generals of T.I.M (Tibet-India-Mongolia), who will traitorously lead these White armies to take action against the armies of R.I.C. (Russia-Islam-China) in the Asian deserts. 
Indigo Children 666, VIII

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